Worksheet - Pulrals

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It’s ID card.
a n
Count nouns have singular (- one thing) and
plural a student. (= two or more things) forms.
There are ten students here. Use a or an before singular count nouns
only. When the singular noun begins with a consonant sound, use a.
When the singular noun begins with a vowel sound, use an.

Most plural nouns are formed by adding s:

For nouns ending in a vowel + y add s:
dut For nouns ending in a consonant +
y, drop the y and add /es:
dictionary dictionaries
For nouns ending in a vowel + o add s:
radio radios
dnt For nouns ending in a consonant +
o, photo photos potato potatoes
add s with some nouns and es with others:
For nouns ending in the ch, sh, ss, or x
add es: class classes
For nouns ending in f or fe, change it to ve + s: knife -+ knives leaf -+ leaves

In your notebook, complete the sentences with the words below. With a
partner, practice saying them aloud without looking at your book. Remember to
use a or an for singular words.
1. It’s 2. They’re
backpack city gift card notebook teach
knife credit card student pen umbre
ID lla
potato dictionary key photo wallet
cell phone email laptop student watch

Complete the sentences with the singular or plural form of the noun in
parentheses. Then ask and answer the questions with a partner.

1. What’s in your backpack?

There’s (cell phone) , (laptop) , and
(bus pass)
2. What’s in your wallet†
There’s (student ID) , two (photo) , and two
(credit card)
3. What’s on your desk‘7
There are three (pen) (notebook) , and two


A} Change each nf the singular noons below into plural nnuns.

1. Book: 3. Day:
2. Table: 4. Car:

B) Change eacli of the singular nouns below into pluxal nouns.

1. 4. Quiz:
2. Fox: S. Class:
3. Glass: 6. Bus:

C) Change each of the singular nouns belnw into plural nouns.

1. Baby: 4. Party:
2. Body: 5. DIC OH :
3. 6. City:

D) Change each of the singular nouns below into plural nouns.

i. calf:
2. Hook: 5. Tlñel:
3. Elf: 6. Loaf:

E) Change each of the singular nouns below into plural nouns.

1. Tooth: 4. Person:
2. Child: S. Foot:
3. Man: 6. Mouse:

F) Change each of the singular nnuns below into plural nouns

1. Potato: 7. Deer:
2. Goose: 8. Ox:
3. 9.
Tomato: Mosquito:
4. House: 10. Sheep:
S. Cherry: 11. Hero:
6. Moose: 12. Box:

G) Change the following sentences tn singular.

1. Paws are to cats as feet are to humans:
2. Keys are to dOoEs as passwords nxe to computers:
3. Girk nre to joys as women nre to men:
4. Geese are to flocks as dogs are to packs:

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