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‫الرحمن الرحيم‬
ِ ‫بِسم هللا‬

‫ والصالة والسالم على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين‬،‫الحمد هلل رب العالمين‬

This booklet provides Quranic verses and Ahadith with reference to the end times
before Qiyamah. It is useful information for all those who are interested to know about






Islamic literature is full of minor and major signs that will appear before Qiyamah.
When we look at the minor signs prophesied in Ahadith, we realize that more or less,
all minor signs have already appeared in our life times.

ُ ‫ساعَةَ أَن تَأْتِيَ ُهم بَ ْغتَةً ۖ َفقَ ْد جَا َء أَش َْرا‬

It is in Quran - ‫طهَا ۚ َفأ َ ان ٰى لَ ُه ْم إِذَا جَا َء ْت ُه ْم‬ ُ ‫َف َه ْل يَن‬
‫ظ ُرونَ إِ اَّل ال ا‬
‫[ ِذ ْك َراهُ ْم‬Are they waiting for anything except the Hour (Qiyamah), to come
to them suddenly? But its Signs have already come!" (Mohammad - 18)

It is in Quran - ُُ‫ق ا ْلقَ َمر‬ َ ‫ساعَةُ َوان‬

‫ش ا‬ ِ َ‫[ ا ْقتَ َرب‬The Hour has come near, and the
‫ت ال ا‬
moon has split (in two)]. (Qamar - 1)

All our Ulema agree that minor signs about Qiyamah mentioned in Ahadith have
already appeared in the world; except the appearance of Imam Mahdi (‫ )عليه السال م‬which
is considered a bridge between the minor and major signs.

It is in Hadith - The Prophet (‫ )صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم‬said : The Earth will be
filled with injustice and corruption. At that time, a man (Imam Mahdi ‫عليه‬
‫ )السال م‬from among my progeny will rise and will rule for seven or nine
years and will fill the Earth with Justice and Equity. (Musnad Ahmad,
Vol. 3, P. 27).

It is in Hadith - Abu Sa'id al-Khudri (‫ )رضئ هللا تعالی عنہ‬reported that the
Apostle of Allah (‫ )صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم‬said : "At the end of the time of my
Ummah, Mahdi (‫ )عليه السال م‬will appear. Allah will grant him rain, the
Earth will bring forth its fruits, he will give a lot of money, cattle will
increase and the Ummah will become great. He will rule for seven or eight
years. (Mustadrak al-Hakim, 4/557-58 - He described Isnad of the Hadith
as Sahih. Ad-Dhahbi agreed with him.

Imam Mahdi (‫ )عليه السال م‬is prophesied to appear in the Grand Mosque in Makkah. He
will live for 7 or 9 years from the time of his appearance. During these 7 years, the
appearance of Dajjal and the descent of Prophet Isa (‫ )عليه السال م‬is also scheduled.

In his second coming, Prophet Isa (‫ )عليه السال م‬will live for 30 or 40 years in the world,
during which the appearance and end of Yajooj and Majooj (Gog and Magog) is also

With the above sequence of events, several major signs will appear in about 40 to 50
years from the appearance of Imam Mahdi (‫)عليه السال م‬.

Ahadith also inform us that there will be a turbulent world scenario prelude to the
appearance of Imam Mahdi (‫)عليه السال م‬. During this period, emergence of an evil tyrant
"Sufyani" is expected. Sufyani, who will emerge before the appearance
of Imam Mahdi (‫ )عليه السال م‬will be involved in merciless killing of Muslims, creating
anarchy and destruction in the world.

Some people are of the opinion that we are living in a period that is prelude to the
appearance of Imam Mahdi (‫)عليه السال م‬. In addition, there are many speculative theories
circulating on Internet and social media in this context. Also, there are claims and
counter claims of fake Mahdis in the world.


Following are some important minor signs that indicate that humanity has witnessed
more or less all minor signs of Qiyamah and we are heading to the era of major signs.

(i) All nations will gather and team up against Muslims as the predators
gather and team up against their preys. Even though Muslims will be in
great numbers but they will be as powerless as the foam of the water on
the surface of the river. (Abu Dawood, Book 37, Hadith # 4297)

(ii) Undeserving and dishonest people will become Leaders of

Muslims. (Bukhari, Vol 8, Book 76, Hadith # 503)

(iii) Muslim rulers will not follow the guidance (of Quran) and tradition of
the Sunnah. Some of them will have hearts of devils in their human
body) (Tirmidhi 2653 and Ibn Majah 4048)

(iv) People will seek knowledge from misguided scholars. (Musnad

Ahmad Hadith 21-334 & 335)

(v) Religious ignorance will spread, truthful knowledge will vanish and
there will be killing of (innocent) people in large numbers. (Bukhari,
Volume 9, Book 88, Hadith # 184)

(vi) Muslims will get divided into 73 different sects (and hundreds of
subgroups). All groups will be in Hell except one group who are on the
right path of Islam. (Abu Dawood, Ibn Majah, Ahmad, Tirmidhi)

(vii) Among Muslims, there will be some people (and scholars) who will
lead people according to principles other than Prophet's ( ‫صلى هللا عليه و آله‬
‫ )وسلم‬Sunnah. There will be some others (scholars) who will invite people
to the doors of Hell and whoever accepts their invitation, he will be
thrown in Hell. These misguided people will be from within the Muslim
community (Salafis, Deobandis, Ammanis, Shias, etc.). Muslims should
stick to their chief who is on the right path of Islam. If they do not find a
Chief or the righteous group, they should "Keep away from all those
different sects (and their sub groups), even if they had to bite (eat) the root
of a tree, till they meet Allah (‫ع َّز َو َج َّل‬
َ ). (Bukhari Book # 56, Hadith # 803
and Muslim Book # 20, Hadith # 4553).

(viii) In the end times, a man will commence his morning as

a believer but will become a disbeliever by the evening or will be a
believer in the evening, and morning he will become a disbeliever. He will
sell his religion for some petty worldly gains. (Muslim, Book of faith, #
118; Tirmidhi, Book al-Fitan # 2195; Ahmed, Vol 2, p 390).

(ix) There will be prevalence of tribulation (fitnah) everywhere. Taqwa

will disappear and fear of God will vanish from people's hearts. (Sahih
Muslim, Book 1, Hadith # 213)

(x) The liar will be believed, the truthful will be considered a liar and the
honest will be treated as a traitor. (Sunan At-Tirmidhi # 2209)

(xi) Time will pass rapidly, a year will look like a month, a month will
look like a week and a week will look like a day. Good deeds will
decrease, miserliness will increase, afflictions will strike and there will be
massacres of innocent people. (Bukhari, Vol 8, Hadith # 63; Tirmidhi)

(xii) There will be widespread Riba (dealings in interest), Zina (adultery)

and drinking of alcohol. (Sahih Muslim Book 41, Hadith # 7015)

(xiii) There will be increase in the number of women over men. (Sahih
Bukhari Volume 1, Book 3, Hadith # 81)

(xiv) People will compete in the construction of very tall buildings. (Sahih
Bukhari Vol. 9, Book 88, Hadith # 237)


Following are some major signs before the end of this World.

(i) Appearance of Imam Mahdi (‫)عليه السال م‬

(ii) Appearance of Dajjal

(iii) Second Coming of Isa (‫)عليه السال م‬

(iv) Yajooj & Majooj (Gog & Magog)

(v) Other Happenings until the first trumpet is blown.

It is in Hadith - Narrated Hudhaifa bin Usaid Ghifari (‫ )رضئ هللا تعالی عنه‬:
"Allah's Apostle (‫ )صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم‬came to us all of a sudden, as we
were busy in a discussion. He said, 'What are you discussing?' They (the
Companions) said, 'We are discussing the Last Hour.' Thereupon he said,
'It will not come until you see ten signs before it.' And he made a mention
of (i) smoke, (ii) Dajjal, (iii) the Beast, (iv) Rising of the Sun from the West,
(v) the descent of Isa Ibn Maryam (‫)عليه السال م‬, (vi) Yajooj and Majooj (Gog
and Magog), and (vii) Landslides in three places, One in the East, (viii)
One in the West, and (ix) One in Arabia; at the end of which a (x)
Fire would burn forth from Yemen and drive people to the place of their
Assembly". (Muslim).

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