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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Guadalupe National High School
Guadalupe, Esperanza Agusan del Sur

I. OBJECTIVES: at the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

a. identify the exponent of scientific notation;

b. express the importance of scientific notation; and
c. write numbers in scientific notation and vice versa.


Reference: Integrated Mathematics, Julieta G. Bernabe, Pp. 103-105,
Elementary Algebra, Julieta G. Bernabe, Pp. 97-99
Mathematics Pathways, Siegfried Haeniech, Pp. 92-93
Materials: chalks, Charts and cardboards
Values integration: Cooperation
Strategies: Deductive method, Collaborative learning approach, Inquiry
approach and Questioning


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of attendance
4. Setting of class standard
5. Review
Last meeting we have discussed about
Significant figures, right?
Before moving on to our next topic, let’s have
first a review about Significant figures.

Now in this example 6.9301 how many There are 5 significant figures.
Significant figures are there?
Very good!

Look at this another example.

1006, how many significant figures are there? There are 4 significant figures.

Another example:
0.0461, how many significant figures are There are 3 significant figures.

Very good!
Any questions/clarifications about our None, ma’am.
previous lesson?

B. Developmental activities
1. Motivation
This time, we will have a game called “Pera o
Are you familiar with that game? Yes, ma’am!
Very good!
But before that, I have here a ball and all you
have to do is to sing leron-leron sinta.
Whoever holds it will be the one to play our
game, and will get a chance to win 1,000,000
pesos cash.
Am I understood? Yes, ma’am!
Are you ready? Yes, ma’am!

Congratulations! you are the luckiest person

who will get a chance to win 1,000,000 pesos

Please come here in front.

These are your choices, we have bayong A and

Now please select a bayong:
A or B
(inside our bayong, there is a 1,000,000
pesos prize).
He chose bayong __,
Are you ready?
Here is 10, 000 pesos (Pera o bayong). Bayong!
I will add 50, 000 pesos to make it
60, 000 pesos (Pera o bayong). Bayong!
Are you sure? Yes, ma’am.

Now let us see what’s inside our bayong.

Congratulations! Here is your prize.

Thank you so much for your cooperation.

Let us continue our discussion. Please go back
to your proper seats.

Look at the numbers in front, let’s read the

numbers that we have in letter A & B.
A- 0.11 000 000
B- 1 000 000

What do you notice with the numbers? There are lot of zeros ma’am.

Have you ever experienced solving a very Yes/no, Ma’am.

large/small numbers?

What was your feeling when It was really hard.

calculating/solving those numbers?

Do you want to know how to solve/convert a Yes, ma’am

very large/small numbers into simple form?

Do you have any idea how to convert a very

large/small numbers into simple form?

When we convert a very large/small numbers

into simple form, we use the Scientific

2. Presentation of the lesson

This morning we are going to discuss
about Scientific notation.

These are the objectives for today. (Reading of objectives)

Everybody read! a. identify the exponent of scientific
b. express the importance of scientific
c. write numbers in scientific notation
3. Lesson proper and vice versa.
What is Scientific notation?

Who wants to read the definition of Scientific

(The student will read the definition of
scientific notation)

Scientific notation is a method of

representing very large or very small numbers
in the form:
M x 10n
M Coefficient
a number between 1 and 10
n exponent
a nonzero integer
10 base

When we convert numbers into scientific

notation we have rules to be followed.

Who wants to read the first rule? RULE 1: Move the decimal point to the
position such that the number must be
between 1 and 10.
What are those numbers between 1 and 10? Those are 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10, as well as 1.1,
1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 9.9, and so on.
Very good!

Who will read the second rule? RULE 2: If the decimal point is move to the
right, the exponent is negative.
How about the last rule? RULE 3: If the decimal point is move to the
left, the exponent is positive.
Thank you.
Look at these numbers that we have in front in
letter (A – B).
A- 0.11 000 000
B- 1 000 000
Which of these two given numbers is
less than one? In the letter A.
Very good!
Which is a whole number or greater than 1?
Very good! In the letter B.

Now let us first convert number in letter A.

In rule no. 1, stated that we have to move the

decimal point to the position such that the
number must be between 1 and 10.
A. 0.11 000 000
Where would the decimal go to make the
number be between 1 and 10?

Let us count.
A. 0.11 000 000 1.1000000 or 1.1

We move the decimal point how many places? 1 (one).

Since, we move the decimal point 1 place to negative 1
the right, what will be now our exponent?
Very good!

A. 0.11 000 000 1.1 x 10 -1

Let us now proceed to letter B.
B. 1 000 000
Look at the number in letter B, have you seen No, ma’am.
a decimal point?

Remember, if you do not see a decimal point

in a number, it is understood that a decimal
point is to be at the end of the number.

Where would be our decimal point now?

Where would the decimal go to make the

number be between 1 and 10?

B. 1 000 000 1
The decimal was moved how many places? 6 places.

Since, we move the decimal point 6 places to positive 6.

the left.
Our exponent now is what?

B. 1 000 000 1 x 10 6

This is now our scientific notation form from a

large/small numbers.

Do you have any questions?

Another example:
1. Convert 0.000 092 into Scientific 0.000 000 092 9.2 x 10 -5
2. Convert 1 800 000 into Scientific 1 800 000 1.8 x 10 6
(The teacher will call two students to answer
on the board)
Who wants to answer on the board?
Explain your janswer to your classmates.
1. 0.000 092
Is he/she answer correct?
Let us check his/her answer.
Let us clap our hands to ____.

Always remember that if a number is less than

1, it is understood that the exponent is
2. 1 800 000

Is he/she answer correct?

Always remember that if a number is whole

number, it is understood that the exponent is

Since you already know how to convert

numbers into scientific notation. Let us now
do the reverse, I will give you the scientific
notation form and you will give me the
decimal notation form/number.

Can you do it?

Express 8.7 x 104 in decimal notation.

Is anyone can answer this on the board?

First we have to look for the exponent.

Since the exponent is positive 4, we move the

decimal point 4 places to the right to make it a
whole number.

We make a little loops to count off the spaces.

Then after that we put 0 on the loops. The
zeros that we will add are based on the

8.7 x 104 87000.

This is now our decimal notation form from

scientific notation.

Another example:
Express 2.7 x 10-5 in decimal notation 2.7 x 10-5 0 .000 027

Who wants to answer this on the board?

Can you explain it to your classmates, how did
you get that number from decimal notation
into Scientific notation.

Is he/she answer correct?

Let us check his/her answer.
Let us clap our hands to ___.

Any questions or clarifications about our


4. Application
This time, we will have a quiz bowl. But before
that I will group you first into 2, you are going
to use cardboard for your answers. All you
have to do is to express the following numbers
into scientific and decimal notation. I have
here 2 categories, each category has five given
numbers in scientific and decimal notation
form, each of it has 10-50 points, it depends
the level of difficulty. I will only give you 30
seconds to answer each number.
Am I understood?
Before we start, please raise your cardboards, Yes,ma’am.
chalks and eraser.
Are you ready?

1. 10 points CATEGORY # 2:
320 000  3.2 x 105 1. 10 points
2. 20 points 4.01 x 102  401
1.3 x 10-4  0.00 013 2. 20 points
3. 30 points 930 000 000  9.3 x 1010
0.000 000 751  7.51 x 10-7 3. 30 points
4. 40 points 0.000 000 036  3.6 x 10-8
0.000 000 687  6.87 x 10-7 4. 40 points
5 . 50 points 4.36 10-4  0. 000 436
6.14 x 10-5  0.0 000 614 5. 50 points
9.2 x 106  9 200 000
(The teacher will declared the winner)

5. Generalization

How important is the use of Scientific notation

in our real life? Scientific notation is important because help
us to express a very large/small numbers into
Very good! simple form.


In a ¼ sheet of paper. Express the following

numbers in scientific and decimal notation.
1. 680 000 000
2. 6.78 x 108
3. 5.31 x 10-6
4. 0.000 000 613
5. 5. 6.5 x 10-3


Choose a partner, each pair must create your own word problems using real-life
numbers expressed in scientific notation. You can have them explore various Web sites
containing statistical information or look through newspapers to find the numbers.

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