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BSCE 1D Wednesday/Friday 3:00-4:30pm/4:00-5:30pm


Globalization is the spread of information, technology,

goods and culture. In some term, Globalization describe the inter
connectiveness of one another through out the globe despite of
the differences. As globalization became known there are
advantages and disadvantages of it that affect the lives of every
living species.

Globalization helped lots of people and even still helping

us nowadays but there are advantages and disadvantages of it. The
one of advantage of it is it has the potential to make this world
a better place to live in and solve some of the deep-seated
problems like unemployment and poverty while the disadvantages is
that it has made the rich richer while making the non-rich
poorer. It is good and even wonderful for managers, owners and
investors, but hell on workers and nature.

In considering globalization from the health and disease

angle, it has impacted on spreading of infectious diseases, as
regards the ability to prevent, control and stop these diseases,
worldwide and especially in developing countries such as our
country, Philippines. One of the ways by which this has occurred
is the enhancement of technological capacities worldwide, leading
to increased emissions and a resuls to global warming.

While browsing in the internet I came to visit a site

tackling about poverty. I conclude that the issue like hunger and
illness like the coronavirus are both causes and effect of
poverty. In other words, poor health, lack of something to eat,
child abuse, or violence fires up a cycle of poverty in which so
many people end up being trap for a lifetime.

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