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1. Who is the narrator in the story? Describe him and his life.
 The narrator in the story is the man reminisced when he was young who lived together
with his aunt and his uncle in an old house full of books at the North Richmond Street.
The narrator is quite fun of reading books and he had playful activities and exploration
together with his friends, of the surrounding street and cottages. He has a youthful desire
for Mangan’s sister and strong interest in her and his delight seeing her when she comes
out onto the street to go to her brother.
2. Why is the narrator reluctant to go to the bazaar?
 The narrator is reluctant to go to the bazaar because it conjures up images of the exotic of
something different or of another place. However for the narrator the effects of the bazaar
are not what he had expected. Also as he is travelling to the bazaar, rather than it being a
sense of an adventure for the narrator it appears to be a struggle. This in turn would
suggest a desire (particularly for the narrator) to escape from his surroundings.

3. What is the narrator’s feelings towards Mangans’s sister? Why is he reluctant to

buy anything for her?

 The narrator’s feelings’ towards Mangan’s sister is infatuation. He is reluctant to buy

anything for her because of he wants to impress and could possibly express his feelings.

4. What are the activities taking place at Araby? How these activities affect the main
character in the story?

 The activities taken place at Araby when he knew about that the bazaar was about to
close and he approaches one stall that is still open; but buys nothing as he feels unwanted
and neglected. He does not buy anything for Mangan’s sister. He stands disillusioned in
the deserted bazaar as the lights go out. These activities affect the main character through
great disappointment that wouldn’t lead him to find anything and consider himself to
have been foolish, driven by vanity.

5. What values and attributes do the characters reflect? What do these values say
about the place?

 The values and attributes do the characters reflect is by romanticizing his infatuation to
Mangan’s sister. The great obsession of the character that he can win his love to the girl.
These values will show about the place what is going through especially poverty and
expectation; they will experience deep frustration, knowing that you cannot drive
whatever your wants without purpose, you need to know what could be the possible
circumstances you will take and understand situation in different angles of how life and
experiences contributes.

It was over 8 years when I encountered difficulties and failures due to

decision making. I always thought to myself that everything will have to go beyond
the flow of life without knowing the consequences of my actions. I have many vices
and I always get drunk and smoke when I was 22 years old; hang-out with friends
together with our girlfriends. My worst experiences were taking marijuana and
rugby together with my friends, having premarital sex with my girlfriends and
engage to abortion. My income will not sustain my daily needs; I always prefer to
have wants than needs.

I worked in a hospitality industry, and still I can’t manage my vices and life. I
decided to separate ways to my friends. I always make myself busy every time they
will invite me and have the chance to hang-out with them, I learn how to refuse and
be matured especially when there is an illegal act to do. After two years I promoted
as a Front office Clerk and months after I became an Over-all Supervisor. I used and
valued my money, and spending it for a great investment and enrolled WMSU;
taking up Bachelor of Secondary Education Course. I always believe that whatever
how bad your failures are, if you will have the courage and perseverance to change,
and determined to take the risk and sacrifice whatever the possible reasons for you
to fail; look and experience life with positivity; you will definitely shine in your own

1. What does the lottery mean to the townspeople in the story? Do they all
agree to it?
The lottery means the townspeople tradition during harvest it is a sacrificial will
offerings as an exchange of good harvest. The people in town agreed willingly
to the traditions.
2. Why do the townspeople continue to conduct the lottery?
The townspeople continued to conduct the lottery for it’s their tradition to be
followed annually as their offerings to their gods to secure good harvest. Their
beliefs will greatly adhere to what culture they are in.
3. When and where is the story set? What is the significance of the setting?
The story is set hundred years ago in June 27 in a small town. The significance
of the setting in the story is perfectly normal looking town with quite disturbing
and horrific stoning because of the old aged tradition primarily its town.
4. What is the significance of the following characters:
 Old Man Warner – the oldest person in the village that shows tradition is not
broken, be it good or bad and seventy seven times in a lottery.
 Mr. Graves – he represents that the tradition continues from one season to
the next uninterrupted.
 Mrs. Hutchinson – Tessie’s husband. Bill first draws the market paper, but
he picks a blank paper during the second drawing. He is fully willing to
show everyone that his wife Tessie was drawn the marked paper is the only
voice against the lottery.
 Mrs. Delacroix – a villager. She coaxes Mrs. Dunbar to hurry up as the
killing begins.
 Mr. Summers- the man who conducts the lottery. Mr. Summers prepares the
slips of paper that go into the black box and calls the names of the people
who draw the papers. The children owner of a coal company, he is one of the
village leaders.

5. What does the story reveal about human nature? What could be the major
theme of the story?
The story reveals that human nature and its existence to every culture is important
but the implication of such tradition will determine the morale of a person. Thus, it
adds confusion to every person depending on its practiced how they exercised
offerings and its great value or adherence either its political or spiritual views. In
this case, the vulnerability of the people living inside the town will greatly affects
individual opinions and thoughts since it practiced traditionally.
The theme informed citizens about the civilization relating to superstitions,
violence and execution of rituals are inappropriate, faith that doesn’t connected to
our society we are living. It is just that we need to accept that change is constant. In
governing a certain town, we should know the importance of traditions and culture
that would not harm anybody and democratizing rights of the people to have
orderliness and harmony.

1. What problems do D
2. ella and Jim have to face during Christmas eve?
Della and Jim have a problem during Christmas, eve they want to buy a gift but
they both don’t have money.
3. What is the meaning of the following statement in the sixth paragraph of the
story: "She stood by the window and looked out dully at a grey cat walking a
grey fence in a grey backyard."
The meaning of the statement of the word (grey) is having undesirable feelings
like hopeless and disappointment thru her current situation that she wasn’t able to
buy a gift.
4. O. Henry refers to the Queen of Sheba and King Solomon in Paragraph 8. Who
are they? Why are they mentioned in the story?
O. Henry was using hyperbole to describe how Della and Jim valued their family
treasures; her long hair and gold watch. The reference to the Queen of Sheba and
King Solomon come from the story in the old testament about how the fabulously
wealthy King Solomon of Israel. It mentioned on the story for they are also great
resemblance of humanity and benevolence.
5. The narrator mentions three times the chops that Della and Jim will be having
for dinner. Are the chops significant in any way?
The narrator mentions three times the chops that Della and Jim will having for
dinner and refers to the supper entrée chops. The chops are the gifts to King
Solomon given by Queen Sheba those are spices, gold and jewels. Life is made up
of sobs, sniffles and smiles.
6. What is the central theme of the story?
The central theme of the story is love; the only emotions that the relationship can
needs and offer. No measurement, boundaries even it will leads to death.

1. Who is Marc Girondin? What kind of life does he have?

Marc Girondin is the main character of the story. He was clerk in Montreal City
Hall at engineering department. He memorizes different roads and other passage
ways, he is not satisfied with his life and felt boring especially in his job.
2. Why are his (Marc) files so important to him?
His files are important to him because it is his job to take care those. It signifies
also his dedication to his work as a clerk.
3. Why does Marc not report finding the card to his superiors?
Marc Girondin did not report the card to his superiors because he wants to know
first the street that got mislaid. He was curious about the street that he knows every
street except the Green Bottle Street.
4. What kind of a place is Green Bottle Street? What is unusual about it?
The either side of a cobbled pavement were three small houses, six in all, each with
a diminutive garden in front, spaced off by low iron palings of a kind that has
disappeared except in the oldest quarters. The houses looked extremely neat and
well kept and the cobbles appeared to have been recently watered and swept.
Windowless brick walls of ancient warehouses encircled the six homes and joined
at the farther end of the street. With the sun shining on the stones and garden plots,
and the blue sky overhead, the street gave him a momentary sense of well-being
and peace. It was completely charming, a scene from a print of fifty years ago. It is
unusual in a sense where it exactly like in a green bottle shape.

5. How does the author develop the character of Marc Girondin in the early stages
of the story? Why is this important to the ending of the story?
The main character of the story Marc Girondin; whose existence is quiet not
interesting specifically in his daily routine of his work. But when he knew about
Green Bottle Street he knew that there’s a difference between living his life in the
other dimension; simple yet convenience nature is preserved. He chooses to tear
the card and let the street forgotten forever for he finally found his happiness, soul
that made his life change for the better; where peace is really exist.

1. What does the first paragraph reveal about Montresor and Fortunato's
The first paragraph reveals about Montressor and Fortunato’s relationship as
friends in front of other people but both of them hate each other. Montressor was
planned to murder Fortunato as a revenge for insulting him.

2. What preparations does Montresor make for his revenge?

The preparations made for Montressor in making revenge to Fortunato is to murder
him during the carnival season without any person noticed his careful executions
of his plan, while Fortunato who seemed to enjoy the festivity. He told his servants
that he will be out of town and not to their duty in his palazzo. He invited to taste
Amontillado wine to know the truth and shackled while intoxicated and buried
3. What is Montresor's motive for his revenge? Do you think that Montresor's
revenge described in the story is justified? Why or why not?
The motive for his revenge is being insulted by Fortunato. I think that
Montressor’s revenge described in the story was not justified because it was not
clearly stated how he was insulted and based on the story; Fortunato was his great
competitor; the story was all about jealousy, arrogance and greediness are
exercised. It remains unjustifiable due to unreasonable revenge that leads to a
crime of passion or interest.
4. What is the atmosphere of the story? How does E.A Poe create such an
The atmosphere of the story is curiosity and eerie feeling. He creates an
atmosphere with curiosity because the character did not clearly stated how he was
insulted. Eerily feeling in a sense of how he is being murdered by the antagonist.
The author cited plans how he plan and murdered the protagonist.
5. What does the sentence in the last paragraph of the story - "For the half of a
century no mortal has disturbed them." - mean?
The last paragraph stated that Montressor made a crime without even noticed him
of the crime committed, punished or jailed or nothing bothered him for 50 years
with that he become a silent murderer.

1. Which of the following descriptions best apply to this story – tragic, comic,
ironic, or pathetic? Give reasons for your choice.
The story A Piece of String is a tragic kind of story where the main character,
Maitre Hauchecome falsely accused of stealing. He did not proved himself
innocent where nobody believed in him due to his bad reputation in the past.
2. Is Maitre Hauchecorne responsible for his misery? Why or Why not?
Maitre Hauchecorne was responsible for his misery because of his pride, he would
not better hide the string in front of his enemy and perhaps he would not falsely
accused of stealing pocketbooks and 500 francs. It only added to his past
experience that held his own execution of conviction. Sometimes pride would lead
us to destruction, anger and death and we cannot control our feelings and emotions
every time we tend to experience negative thoughts in our mind.
3. What does this story have to say about judging other people? What is the
author's view on human nature?
We people has our own nature; simply directive what we see and what we hear;
and giving judgment without confirming truth and false accusation. The view point
of the author on human nature is simply judgment without trial. We are fond of
making stories since we believe in gossips, hearsays without looking two sides of
the story. Sometimes personal interest should be the main motive to create chaos,
conviction any actions that can harm a person’s background. And sometimes
people are very happy seeing downfall thru revenge.
4. If you were Maitre Hauchecorne? What would you do to redeem your
If I would be Maitre Hauchecorne I would never redeem my reputation. It’s their
will of judgment not from God, and I’d rather die with dignity; dignity that would
have clean conscience that I myself did not steal anything. They can judge me of
what I am in the past, we people still have a story to tell to anyone that’s why we
are entitled with inhumanely behaviors.
5. What is the significance of the piece of string in the story? Does it symbolize
The significance of the piece of string in the story is resemblance of his
reputation. It is the main reason why he was convicted to an act he never did. It
symbolizes death for it caused him to a worthless reputation and miserable

1. What is Pahom's great dream?

Pahom’s great dream was to acquire plenty of lands and he wouldn’t fear the devil.
The devil overhears this and decides to test him.
2. How does Pahom acquire his first parcel of land? How does his perception of
owning a land change?
Pahom becomes dissatisfied and begins desiring better land. He almost clinches a
deal in which he can obtain 1300 acres from a man who is in debt. Then he hears
about more lush land. Through a traveling peasant from the land of the Bashkirs,
Pahom learns of lush land of the Bashkirs. The peasant comes along and entices
Pahom with a desire for the lush Bashkir land. Pahom becomes more selfish as the
story progresses. He decides to travel to the Bashkir land. He finds that the land is
lush and desirable. Pahom stikes up with a deal with the Bashkirs. He can have all
the land he can walk around in one day for a thousand rubles. Pahom agrees to the
deal. He starts his day on top of a little hill. The deal is he has to make it back to
the starting point by sundown. Pahom tries to encircle more land than he can get
around in one day. By sundown, he is running to the starting point. He makes it
back to the starting point but collapses and dies at sundown. His servant buries
him. Pahom only needs six feet of land. His perception changed of owning the land
after he’d dream about the devil himself.
3. Which is the most suspenseful and climactic part of the story? Do you know of
any other story where the main character has to work against time to save
himself/herself? Write a brief account of that story.
He looked towards the hillock and at the sun. He was still far from his goal, and the
sun was already near the rim. Pahom walked on and on; it was very hard walking,
but he went quicker and quicker. He pressed on, but was still far from the place. He
began running, threw away his coat, his boots, his flask, and his cap, and kept only
the spade which he used as a support. "What shall I do," he thought again, "I have
grasped too much, andnruined the whole affair. I can't get there before the sun
sets." And this fear made him still more breathless. Pahom went on running, his
soaking shirt and trousers stuck to him, and his mouth was parched. His breast was
working like a blacksmith's bellows, his heart was beating like a hammer, and his
legs were giving way as if they did not belong to him. Pahom was seized with
terror lest he should die of the strain. Though afraid of death, he could not stop.
"After having run all that way they will call me a fool if I stop now," thought he.
And he ran on and on, and drew near and heard the Bashkirs yelling and shouting
to him, and their cries inflamed his heart still more. He gathered his last strength
and ran on. The sun was close to the rim, and cloaked in mist looked large, and red
as blood. Now, yes now, it was about to set! The sun was quite low, but he was
also quite near his aim. Pahom could already see the people on the hillock waving
their arms to hurry him up. He could see the fox-fur cap on the ground, and the
money on it, and the Chief sitting on the ground holding his sides. And Pahom
remembered his dream.
He was fighting for his life due to his great ambition. He was experiencing great
battle just to reach what he wants and was more than expected.
4. What role does the devil play in Pahom's life? What probably is Tolstoy's aim
in including the devil in the story?
This significance of the devil on Pahom’s life is by leading him to great greediness.
He always wanted to have a land and seeking for another greatness that leads him
to a great danger.
5. What is the significance of the title of the story? Can you find another story
where greed causes the downfall of the main character?
The significance of the title of the story added to the question how much land does
a man need? It answers what would be the exact wealth should a man should
acquire and does it really necessary for a person to be wealthy? We all know that
too much is not good, we learn to less appreciate material things. Being wealthy is
not the measurement of what/how the society important you are. But living with
contentment and appreciation will make life more valuable.


1. Describe the physical environment of the village before and after the dead
man's arrival.
Before the dead man’s arrival the village was made up of only twenty-odd
wooden houses that had stone courtyards with no flowers and which were
spread about on the end of a desert like cape. There was so little land that
mothers always went about with the fear that the wind would carry off their
children and the few dead that the years had caused among them had to be
thrown off the cliffs. But the sea was calm and bountiful and all the men fitted
into seven boats. So when they found the drowned man they simply had to look
at one another to see that they were all there.
2. What effect does the drowned man have on the people of the village? Why
do the women name the drowned man Esteban? What is the men's attitude
towards the drowned man?
The drowned man by was fascinated by the people of the village and they
named it Esteban because of the compassionate old woman. The men in the
village are secretly compared to Esteban where the attitudes of the men were in
contrast to the women who fantasize the drowned man.
3. What is the significance of the drowned man's funeral? How does his
presence transform the village and the villagers?
The significance of the drowned man’s funeral is like being compassionate of
the drowned man and passion and interests that admires and unleash their
femininity in every woman in the village.
4. Is the story realistic or fantastic? Explain your answer.
The story is realistic because we people are socially inclined with the feelings
and emotion that would result to a relationship. This would be the feeling of
admiration between both opposite sexes and it will be most presumptuous
attitude in a relationship.
5. What does the story remind you? Can you say it is similar to the coming of
Christ to the pagan world?
Yes, it is quite similar to the coming of Christ to the Pagan World for the
attitude of the people with great admiration and worship that changes the
villagers views.


1. Who is Marcovaldo? Why does he want to discover the cat's secret society?
What intriguing things does he find?
Marcovaldo is poor factory worker in a shop; he would always do fancy stuffs like
smoking, lying during in his idle time. In him he wants to discover cat’s secret
Feline society because it is clearly said that cats are great companion. He always
thought with curiosity how cats are made friends to him and relationship of cats to
humans and intriguing partly to social concept.
2. Describe the cats' city. Compare it with the city of people.
The city of cats and humans lie one on the other yet they are different city in the
sense they are animals. The city of people and are with the same city of cats where
balconies, lawns, streets and squares are the same ground literally for animals and
3. How did the people in the neighborhood view the cats and Lady Marquise?
The peoples in the neighborhood view Lady Marquise as “Queen of Cats” where
living cats are the people in her place/garden.
4. What does Lady Marquise's garden represent? What do the cats represent?
Lady Marquise’s garden represents the society called “Feline Society” and cats
representing the people living in the society.
5. What are Calvino's comments on modern life in this story? What do you
think he wants the readers to realize about modern life?
The story talks about the modern society where we are living in. The dynamic
change that brought society with advanced technology and contributes rapid
change to the society. The author addressed it to readers that we need to adapt
those changes to be more aware socially and; develop these changes to live
conveniently with satisfaction that brought by technology. We would never seclude
our views that humans are much more intelligent as the rational beings living
inside the community. In the modern concept of life we humans are the influence
of change and made disaster thru change.
1. What news about her husband does Louise hear?
Louise heard the news about his husband’s death.

2. How is Louise's reaction to the news about her husband? Is it an expected

reaction from a wife?
Upon hearing the news from the other women Louise wept. It is an unexpected
reaction from a wife. Wives are very emotional it seems like world falls and
heart melts defining true emotions about grief and agony.
3. How would you describe Louise's reaction upon seeing that her husband is
still alive?
Louise reaction was very strange and knew, her pulses beat fast and felt like she
was hanged catching air to breathe knowing that her husband walked through
4. When Louise dies at the end of the story, what does the line ‘-of joy that
kills’ mean?
The “joy that kills’ literally means she was overjoyed that’s why she died.
5. Does Louise really die ‘-of joy that kills’? Explain your answer.
Louise did not die not only for joy she felt but the freedom that she wants was
stolen from her.
1. Define essay.
 An essay is, generally, a piece of writing that gives the author's own argument — but the
definition is vague, overlapping with those of a paper, an article, a pamphlet, and a short
story. Essays have traditionally been sub-classified as formal and informal. The word
essay derives from the French verb essayer, ‘to try’ or ‘to attempt’. The first author to
describe his works as essays was the Frenchman Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592).
2. What is the three-poled frame of reference of an essay according to Aldous Huxley?
 In the Preface to Collected Essays, Aldous Huxley maps out the three-poled frame of
reference, which include the personal (autobiographical), the concrete-particular
(objective-factual), and the abstract-universal.
 He elaborates that the personal is when the writer relies on autobiography in order to
“look at the world through the keyhole of anecdote and description” (Huxley, 88). The
concrete-particular is when the writer is able to set forth, pass judgement upon, and draw
“general conclusions from relevant data,” which layout a platform for the depiction of
different themes rather than speak about themselves (Huxley, 88). And finally, the
abstract-universal is when the writer relies on “the world of high abstractions” as opposed
to being personal or mention facts in experiences (Huxley, 89).
3. Types of Essay then define each.
Distinguishing between types of essays is simply a matter of determining the writer’s goal. Does the
writer want to tell about a personal experience, describe something, explain an issue, or convince the
reader to accept a certain viewpoint? The four major types of essays address these purposes:
 Narrative Essays: Telling a Story
In a narrative essay, the writer tells a story about a real-life experience. While
telling a story may sound easy to do, the narrative essay challenges students to
think and write about themselves. When writing a narrative essay, writers should
try to involve the reader by making the story as vivid as possible. The fact that
narrative essays are usually written in the first person helps engage the reader. “I”
sentences give readers a feeling of being part of the story. A well-crafted narrative
essay will also build towards drawing a conclusion or making a personal
 Descriptive Essays: Painting a Picture
A cousin of the narrative essay, a descriptive essay paints a picture with words. A
writer might describe a person, place, object, or even memory of special
significance. However, this type of essay is not description for description’s sake.
The descriptive essay strives to communicate a deeper meaning through the
description. In a descriptive essay, the writer should show, not tell, through the
use of colorful words and sensory details. The best descriptive essays appeal to
the reader’s emotions, with a result that is highly evocative.
 Expository Essays: Just the Facts
The expository essay is an informative piece of writing that presents a balanced
analysis of a topic. In an expository essay, the writer explains or defines a topic,
using facts, statistics, and examples. Expository writing encompasses a wide
range of essay variations, such as the comparison and contrast essay, the cause
and effect essay, and the “how to” or process essay. Because expository essays
are based on facts and not personal feelings, writers don’t reveal their emotions or
write in the first person.
 Persuasive Essays: Convince Me
While like an expository essay in its presentation of facts, the goal of the
persuasive essay is to convince the reader to accept the writer’s point of view or
recommendation. The writer must build a case using facts and logic, as well as
examples, expert opinion, and sound reasoning. The writer should present all
sides of the argument, but must be able to communicate clearly and without
equivocation why a certain position is correct.
(Alexander Solzhenitsyn)

1. Why does the author consider ‘’World Literature” as ”The One Great Heart”?

 He calls world literature "one great heart" because it concerns itself with the cares and
misfortunes of all people.
2. Share one argument presented by the author. Do you agree or disagree?

 I agree with the author’s side. We have heard some people say, “I cannot live without the
Bible”; Thomas Jefferson said, “I cannot live without books”; Mark Twain and others
observed that those who do not read good books have no advantage over people who
cannot read at all.
 In his essay, “The One Great Heart,” Solzhenitsyn wrote, “My friends! Let us try to be
helpful, if we are worth anything.” He believed that even though we are “torn by
differences,” we can find ways to help each other, not tear each other down.
 Solzhenitsyn also taught us that people can “help the world in its red-hot hour” by
understanding it through the gift of literature and by “going into battle to right a number
of wrongs.”
 Finally, Solzhenitsyn stated that it is writers who are the chief tie that binds nations and
people to each other.
3. What is the theme of the essay? Explain your answer.

 The theme of the essay is Political. Political theme because on his speech or essays by
encouraging people the vividness of world literature against the law or politics.
4. Explain the meaning of the Russian proverb,”One World of Truth Outweighs the World”
based on how it is presented I the essay.

 "One word of truth outweighs the whole world" is a proverb that draws deep from the
well of Christian anthropology and cosmology. Solzhenitsyn, like the simple peasants
from whom he drew this wisdom, grasped that the most powerful agent of change in the
world is a word spoken in truth. The proverb captured the insight from Holy Scripture.
 In the opening pages of Genesis we read that God created the world by speaking it into
existence. Unlike the polytheistic religions where the world is created by conflict among
the gods (thus barring any ontological distinction between Creator and created), or the
eastern religions where the material creation is merely differentiated and impersonal
energy, the God of Abraham stands outside of space and time and creates apart from His
creation through a spoken word.
 God said "Let there be light" and out of nothing light appeared. He separated the land
from the sea, created the sun and the stars, and all the other events of the creation by the
same spoken word. Only man is created differently. Man becomes a living soul when
God breathed into the dust of the ground that was already spoken into existence.
 Later, after the world that God spoke into existence fell through the disobedience of
Adam, God begins the work of restoring His creation anew. Again God speaks, first
through the word of the prophet, then through the word of the apostle. The first spoke of
the coming of the Christ, the second reveals Him through the preaching of the Gospel.
5. How can World Literature help promote unity among the people of the world?

 Life is manifested in the form of literature. Without literature, life ceases to exist. It is an
embodiment of words based on human tragedies, desires, and feelings. It cultivates wonders,
inspires a generation, and feeds information. Even though it is dynamic, endless, and multi-
dimensional, literature contributes significant purposes to the world we live in.

1. According to Camus, what is the role of a writer?

 The writer’s role is not free from difficult duties. By definition he cannot put himself
today in the service of those who make history; he is at the service of those who
suffer it. Otherwise, he will be alone and deprived of his art. Not all the armies of
tyranny with their millions of men will free him from his isolation, even and
particularly if he falls into step with them. But the silence of an unknown prisoner,
abandoned to humiliations at the other end of the world, is enough to draw the writer
out of his exile, at least whenever, in the midst of the privileges of freedom, he
manages not to forget that silence, and to transmit it in order to make it resound by
means of his art.
2. How does Camus describe a ”true artist”?
 He has no other claims but those which he shares with his comrades in arms:
vulnerable but obstinate, unjust but impassioned for justice, doing his work without
shame or pride in view of everybody, not ceasing to be divided between sorrow and
beauty, and devoted finally to drawing from his double existence the creations that he
obstinately tries to erect in the destructive movement of history.
3. How can literature be a weapon to fight for truth?
 Literature is the foundation of humanity’s cultures, beliefs, and traditions. It serves as
a reflection of reality, a product of art, and a window to an ideology. Everything that
happens within a society can be written, recorded in, and learned from a piece of
literature. Whether it be poetry or prose, literature provides insight, knowledge or
wisdom, and emotion towards the person who partakes it entirely.
4. How does his experience in life shape his views on being a writer?
 His experience in life shape his views on being a writer by putting those experiences
and ideals to preserve what is in his heart and conquer nobility of a writer.
(Virginia Woolf)

1. According to Wolf, if Shakespeare had a sister what kind of education would she
have? Would she have the same privilege as a man?
 If Shakespeare had a sister, she wouldn’t have the same privilege because of gender
issues before or male domination. She cannot have the education because their role is
to bear a child only. They don’t have the right to join any kinds of job were men
usually do before because men are superior sex.
2. What kind of life awaited women in Shakespeare's time?
 Women during Shakespeare's time, women were allowed to marry from the age of 12
in Shakespeare's time, but often only women from wealthy families would marry so
young. In the play Romeo and Juliet, Juliet is 13, but her mother says by that age she
was already married with a child.
3. Based on Woolf’s essay, how were women treated during Shakespeare’s time?
 On Woolf’s essay, women were treated during Shakespeare’s time by letting women
to marry at young age particularly for those women came from wealthy families.
(Blaise Pascal)

1. What makes man inferior to the Universe?

 Because a man in nature is nothing compared to the infinite, and everything compared
to the nothing, a midpoint between nothing and everything, infinitely removed from
understanding the extremes: the end of things and their principle are hopelessly
hidden from him in an impenetrable secret.
2. Why should man know his limits and strengths?
 It's not unusual for people to compare themselves with others around them, and to
feel superior or inferior towards them based on their strengths and their weaknesses
or limitations.
 The thing is, every individual is different and we all function differently based on our
personalities. It is important to know yourself and your capacities.
 Your strengths are things you can leverage on things you can use to push yourself
 On the other hand, your weaknesses are not your downfall. These are areas you need
to improve on. It is not something you lack. It is something you need to develop and
 In order to leverage your strengths and improve on your weaknesses.
3. What advice does the author give to man?
 Pascal builds his argument in "Man and the Universe" out of a series of paradoxes,
seemingly contradictory truths. In writing, "Man and the Universe," Pascal reflected
his views on what is our place in the world as human beings. Pascal's writing shows a
harmony between mathematical certainty and moral truths in support of his argument.
In his "Pensees" or "Thoughts," Pascal hoped to integrate scientific progress with the
notion of humankind's fallen state. Many suggest that Pascal is the "master of
paradox." A paradox is an idea or situation that appears to contradict itself but that is
nevertheless true. The purpose of a paradox is to provoke fresh thought and draw the
reader's attention. An example of a paradox is the statement, "Less is more." In
addressing his point of view of the universe, Pascal wrote, "I will picture to him not
only the visible universe, but the conceivable immensity of nature, in the compass of
this abbreviation of an atom." Pascal reduces the apparently infinitely great and large
to its actual small position. Pascal uses this paradox to show the universe and its great
magnitude compared to an atom.
4. What is the central theme of the essay? How is this theme developed/ expounded by
the writer?
 The central theme of the essay is Human Nature. This theme will centralize the nature
of a man as part of this world or universe. It expounded the capabilities of a man
compared to the universe.
4 3 2 1

TITLE PAGE Students includes Student includes a Student includes a Student does not
the page with title page without a title without a name include a title page
student's name, portfolio name and the teacher's
teacher's name name
clearly listed and a
name for their

TABLE OF Student includes a Student includes a Student includes a Student includes a

CONTENTS table of contents table of contents with table of contents with table of contents
- All literary two of the ff: one of the ff: with no pieces
pieces - All literary - All literary listed and no
ordered pieces pieces number pages.
from the ordered from ordered from
beginning the beginning the beginning
to end to end to end
- All pieces - All pieces - All pieces
listed listed listed
- All pieces - All pieces - All pieces
numbered/ numbered/ numbered/
with with number with number
number page page

CONTENT Consistent evidence Consistent evidence Evidence of: Little evidence of:
of: of: - Some authors - No
- Authors and - Authors and and title of authors
title of title of pieces pieces found found in
pieces found in the in the the
found in the portfolio portfolio portfolio
portfolio - Most - Most - Few
- All questions questions questions
questions answered answered answered
answered substantially substantially substantia
substantiall - 1 to 3 - Some lly
y question was question was - Many
- No question left left question
was left unanswered unanswered was left
unanswered or poorly or poorly unanswer
or poorly answered answered ed or
answered poorly

ORGANIZATIO Portfolio is Portfolio is well Portfolio is fairly well Portfolio shows

N completely and organized. A reader organized. A reader some attempt of
neatly organized. A has little difficulty may have difficulty organization. A
reader can easily reading and understanding and reader has
read and understand understanding things. reading things. difficulty reading
things. and finding things.

MECHANICS There are no errors There are few errors Errors in spelling, Error in spelling,
in spelling, in spelling, punctuation or punctuation or
punctuation or punctuation or grammar are evident grammar are
grammar. grammar numerous

EFFORT PUT The student took the The student worked The student put a The student rushed
INTO PROJECT time and worked hard for most of the small effort into the through ad did not
hard on the project time project work hard

OVERALL The portfolio The portfolio helps to The portfolio does The portfolio does
IMPACT demonstrates well demonstrate most of little to demonstrate not demonstrate
the student's skills, the student's skills, the student's skills, the student's skills,
abilities, and abilities, and abilities, and abilities, and
knowledge of the knowledge knowledge knowledge

Signature of Instructor

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