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Dynamic Properties and Influence of Clay Mineralogy

Types on the Cyclic Strength of Mine Tailings

Africa M. Geremew, M.ASCE1; and Ernest K. Yanful, M.ASCE2
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Abstract: A series of stress-controlled and undrained cyclic triaxial tests were conducted on mine tailings to investigate their dynamic prop-
erties and the influence of clay mineral types on their cyclic strength. The tests were performed on specimens with a cyclic shear stress ratio
ranging from 0.10 to 0.40 under the same confining pressure. It was observed that the axial strain, excess pore water pressure, and damping ratio
increase with the number of loading cycles, whereas the effective stress and dynamic shear modulus decrease with increasing number of loading
cycles. The effect of void ratio on shear modulus was significant in the small strain range, and thereafter, the effect was not significant among
the tailings studied. It was also observed that the cyclic strength of the tailings varies with the type of dominant clay mineral present in them.
Tailings containing montmorillonite showed higher resistance to cyclic loading than those containing kaolinite. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)
GM.1943-5622.0000227. © 2013 American Society of Civil Engineers.
CE Database subject headings: Mining; Tailing; Cyclic tests; Triaxial tests; Pore water; Water pressure; Plasticity; Clays.
Author keywords: Mine tailings; Cyclic triaxial tests; Cyclic strength; Excess pore water pressure; Plasticity index.

Introduction Yamamuro and Lade (1998), silty sand deposits with significant silt
content liquefied much more easily than clean sand. In their liq-
The mining industry produces large quantities of mine tailings every uefaction study of silty soils, Braja et al. (1999) verified that the
day. Depending on the minerals present in the parent rock, tailings cyclic strength of silty soils increased with an increase in plasticity.
could adversely affect the environment if they are not disposed of However, the most comprehensive and standard approach for
properly. One of the most common methods of tailings disposal is the estimation of the liquefaction resistance of soils is the method
transporting them in slurry pipes to suitable disposal ponds retained proposed by Youd et al. (2001). Liu and Carter (2003) studied the
by tailings dams. The main problem with such tailings deposits is the behavior of natural clay and proposed a constitutive model that
possibility of liquefaction (or cyclic failure) and the consequent assumed that both hardening and destructuring are dependent on
failure of the retaining dams during cyclic loading. In the case of an plastic volumetric deformation. The model prediction is based on the
earthquake, shock waves will be generated in the impounded tail- initial stress state, stress history, voids ratio, and a measure of the
ings. Repeated shocks can cause tailings to liquefy and waves to form current soil structure and could be used for reconstituted soils. Mro’z
in the impoundment and increase the risk of overtopping of the dam. et al. (2003) provide a three-dimensional (3D) elastoplastic consti-
A number of studies have been conducted to evaluate the cyclic tutive model capable of simulating static liquefaction. Wijewickreme
resistance of soils, sediments, and tailings (Ishihara et al. 1980; et al. (2005) studied the response of three types of fine-grained mine
Alarcon-Guzman et al. 1988; Koester 1994; Yamamuro and Lade tailings using constant volume cyclic direct simple shear tests to
1998; Braja et al. 1999; Thevanayagam et al. 2000; Polito and Martin simulate cyclic loading caused by an earthquake. James et al. (2007)
2001; Youd et al. 2001; Bouckovalas et al. 2003; Wijewickreme investigated the liquefaction resistance of mine tailings and the sta-
et al. 2005; Hyde et al. 2006; Leon et al. 2006; Bouferra et al. 2007; bility of impoundments.
James et al. 2007; Idriss and Boulanger 2008). Ishihara et al. (1980) Unlike the case with natural soils and sediments, the cyclic
have shown that fine-grained tailings with a plasticity index of strength and dynamic properties of mine tailings have not been
15–20% have a smaller cyclic strength than those that exhibit studied extensively. Moreover, apart from the physical destruction
nonplastic behavior. Koester (1994) showed that the degree of and human catastrophe, mine tailings liquefaction can impart serious
liquefaction increases with an increase in fines content for a given environmental damage, such as the release of stored tailings and
void ratio up to 25–30% fines; with further increase in fines, the associated contaminants, and in some cases, the impact is irrevers-
degree of liquefaction decreases. In the study conducted by ible. Therefore, one of the objectives of the current study is to in-
vestigate the dynamic properties of mine tailings deposits under
Geotechnical Engineer and Researcher, Dept. of Civil and Environ- cyclic loading using cyclic triaxial testing.
mental Engineering, Univ. of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada N6A There is a general consensus that cohesive soil deposits can fail
5B9 (corresponding author). E-mail:; amgeremew@gmail because of cyclic loading. Accordingly, a number of researchers
.com have established liquefaction susceptibility criteria that account for
Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Univ. of West- the percentage of clay-sized particles, percentage of clay minerals in
ern Ontario, London, ON, Canada N6A 5B9. E-mail:
the soil, and Atterberg limits (Wang 1979; Koester 1992; Seed et al.
Note. This manuscript was submitted on November 7, 2011; approved
on May 16, 2012; published online on May 19, 2012. Discussion period 2003; Boulanger and Idriss 2004, 2006, 2007; Bray and Sancio
open until January 1, 2014; separate discussions must be submitted for 2006). Boulanger and Idriss (2004, 2006, 2007) reported that fine-
individual papers. This paper is part of the International Journal of grained soils that show cohesive behavior lose significant shear
Geomechanics, Vol. 13, No. 4, August 1, 2013. ©ASCE, ISSN 1532- strength because of cyclic loading even though the effective stress
3641/2013/4-441–453/$25.00. may not be zero. Azam (2011) investigated large strain behavior of


Int. J. Geomech., 2013, 13(4): 441-453

polymer-amended laterite tailings slurries to understand the settl- Physical and Mineralogical Properties of Tailings
ing properties and found out that sedimentation was dominated by
A series of laboratory tests was carried out using standard tests to
physicochemical interaction. On the other hand, fine-grained soils
obtain the basic physical properties of the tailings. The particle size
that do not show cohesive behavior liquefy, and the effective stress
distributions of the tailings were measured using the standard sieve
reaches zero.
and hydrometer analysis. The specific gravity and Atterberg limits
Depending on the type of ore, milling process, and depositional
tests were also performed based on ASTM D4318 (Braja 2002). The
method, mine tailings could contain significant amount of clay
most commonly used GeoNor fall cone apparatus, Model G-200,
minerals. Yanful and Catalan (2002) and Mian and Yanful (2003)
was used to estimate the liquid and plastic limits (Norwegian
reported 10% clay-sized particles in Heath Steele Upper Cell
Geotechnical Institute 2005). The mineralogy of the tailings was
tailings. Some of the dominant clay minerals in the tailings were
characterized using X-ray diffraction analysis.
kaolinite and smectite. Mine tailings from the Falconbridge New
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Tailings Area contained approximately 23% clay (, 2 mm), and

illite was one of the major clay minerals present in the tailings. Description of Cyclic Triaxial Testing Apparatus
Premier Gold tailings were reported to contain illite as one of the The cyclic triaxial testing equipment used in this study was a general-
main clay minerals, and clay-sized particles were 7% (Samad and purpose automated triaxial testing system (Model No. 12492 and
Yanful 2005; Mian and Yanful 2007). Qiu and Sego (2001) studied Serial No. 118885-2; Wykeham Farrance, Hertfordshire, U.K.) with
the geotechnical behavior of coal wash tailings and found that various transducers. There were 10 transducers: WF 17070 dis-
they contained 22.5% clay-sized particles. These reported studies placement transducers (vertical actuator, on specimen radial and two
show that tailings could contain clay minerals, notably kaolinite, on specimen axial displacement transducers), pressure transducers
illite, and smectite up to 25% clay-sized particles. Therefore, a (cell pressure, back pressure, pore and midheight pore water pressure
second objective of the current study was to understand the effect transducers), a volume change transducer, and a load cell transducer.
of clay mineral types on the cyclic resistance of mine tailings. The loading system consisted of a load frame and hydraulic actuator
Specifically, one of the aims of the study was to determine whether capable of performing stress and strain–controlled triaxial tests with
silty sand or sandy silt (nonplastic) tailings behave like natural a frequency between 0.01 and 10 Hz. The frame was large enough for
sands during cyclic loading and whether this behavior would testing specimens of size between 70 and 100 mm in diameter and 140
change as the clay mineral content and mineralogy change. The and 200 mm in height, with confining stresses up to 2,000 kPa
present work is one of the very few studies that have addressed this (Wykeham Farrance 2008).
question. The ultimate goal is to determine whether the suscep-
tibility of mine tailings to liquefaction induced failure is influenced
by clay mineralogy. Cyclic Triaxial Experiments
Specimen Preparation
Materials and Methods Air-dried specimens of tailings were prepared using the tamping
procedure of ASTM D5311-92 (ASTM 1996b). The specimens were
70 mm in diameter and 140 mm in height. A thin rubber membrane
Specimen Description (less than 1 mm in thickness) and a porous stone covered with a filter
paper were mounted on the base of the cyclic triaxial apparatus and
The tailings specimens used in the current study were obtained
supported by a split mold. Predetermined quantities of air-dried
from three mining sites all located in Ontario, Canada: Mattabi near
tailings were spread carefully and sequentially in five layers into
Ignace; Shebandowan located approximately 90 km west of Thun-
the mold. Each layer was densified by tamping with a wooden rod that
der Bay; and Musselwhite, located on the southern shore of Lake
had a thick hard rubber membrane at its base. To obtain uniform
Opapimiskan, 480 km north of Thunder Bay. Kaolinite, a 1:1 layer
density in the entire height of the specimen, the number of regular
clay mineral, obtained from United Clay Inc., and bentonite
hand tamping for the bottom layer was kept to half that of the top layer.
(montmorillonite) from Wyoming were also used in the study.
For the intermediate layers, the number of hand tamping varied
Mattabi is a closed base metal mine developed through open pit
linearly between the bottom and top layers. To densify the top layer of
and underground development. “The Mattabi deposit, a typical
the specimens, a light surcharge was introduced on the top of the
zoned, copper-zinc massive sulfide ore body, is situated conform-
specimens to facilitate the tamping. The top of the specimen was then
ably in a steeply dipping, moderately metamorphosed, and slightly
covered with filter paper, and a porous stone was placed on top of the
deformed Archean felsic volcanic pile. The footwall beneath the
filter paper. Using this technique, the tailings specimens with different
massive zone includes rhyolite agglomerate and poorly sorted lapilli
target initial void ratios were prepared.
tuff. Dolomite is a minor constituent of all rock types and forms
After the specimens were prepared, a small vacuum pressure
approximately 10 percent of the lapilli tuff” (Franklin et al. 1975).
was applied to the specimens to reduce disturbance during the re-
Musselwhite is a gold mine developed dominantly through un-
moval of split mold and triaxial cell installation. The specimens were
derground mining procedure. “The stratigraphy in the immediate
saturated, consolidated, and cyclically loaded using the built-in
mine vicinity is dominated by mafic volcanics, chemical sediments
hydraulic actuator system of the cyclic triaxial testing equipment.
and felsic volcanics. External to the supracrustal sequences is a series
of undifferentiated gneisses and granitoids. The milling facility uses
two-stage crushing to reduce ore to minus 19 mm and conventional Saturation and Consolidation
two-stage rod-ball grinding to further reduce ore to 80% passing 106 It is necessary to saturate a specimen before shearing to obtain an
microns” (Goldcorp 2011). Shebandowan is a nickel ore mine. “The accurate measurement of pore water pressure in the tailings speci-
orebody is spatially associated with a peridotite lens, a major fault mens. Saturation is achieved by applying a back pressure sufficient
zone, and the contact between the Shebandowan Lake Stock and to dissolve any residual air in the specimen. As a means of main-
neighbouring metavolcanic rocks. Part of the orebody is a breccia taining a small effective confining pressure on the specimen, the
with fragments of peridotite, metavolcanics, and quartz diorite in back pressure was simultaneously increased while the cell pressure
a sulphide matrix” (Morin 1973). was increased. The Advanced Cyclic Triaxial Testing System software


Int. J. Geomech., 2013, 13(4): 441-453

calculates the degree of saturation by means of Skempton’s B-value, axial strain, cell pressure, pore water pressure, and other parame-
resulting from an undrained isotropic pressure increment. In the ters were monitored using a built-in data acquisition system.
current study, following ASTM D5311-92, air-dried specimens with
different void ratios were saturated with deaired water by increasing
Scanning Electron Microscopy
the back pressure gradually while maintaining the effective con-
fining pressure at 10–15 kPa, which is typically used. This process Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) studies were carried out to
was continued until the Skempton’s pore pressure parameter, B-value, investigate the role of clay mineral types on the cyclic strength of
exceeded 0.95. mine tailings. Using the same specimen preparation techniques as
Following saturation, the specimens must be consolidated to those used in the cyclic triaxial experiments, specimens of mine
bring them to a state of effective stress required to carry out a cyclic tailings with different target initial void ratios were prepared, satu-
shear test [U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) 1980]. The most rated, and consolidated. After consolidation, the specimens were cut
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widely recognized consolidation approach in triaxial testing is to into pieces lengthwise. From these pieces, subspecimens were col-
consolidate the specimens isotropically for horizontal soil deposits lected, and SEM studies were conducted. The SEM machine used
and anisotropically for sloping ground surfaces. The strength ratio in the study was a Hitachi S-4500 field emission SEM with a Quartz
of isotropically and Ko consolidated specimens to similar vertical XOne EDX system at Surface Science Western, University of
effective stress varied between 0.75 and 1.0 (Lambe and Whitman Western Ontario. High-resolution images of the surface that showed
1969). Campanella and Vaid (1974) analyzed the failure envelopes the microstructure of the mine tailings specimens were produced.
for Ko and isotropically consolidated specimens in triaxial cell and
found that the Ko triaxial envelope located slightly lower. The
differences could be in the initial consolidation histories or stress Results and Discussion
changes during shear. In the current study, the specimens were
consolidated isotropically because tailings are horizontally depo-
Physical and Mineralogical Properties of the Tailings
sited in actual field disposal in tailings ponds. The cell pressure for
the specimens was adjusted to be between 100 and 150 kPa, and The particle size distributions of the tailings specimens are shown in
a target mean normal effective stress between 50 and 70 kPa was Fig. 1. The figure shows that the percentage of clay-sized particles
obtained. Data obtained from this stage were used to determine the (, 2 mm) in the tailings were less than 5% except for Musselwhite–
specimen dimensions during the consolidation and at the start of the 5% kaolinite and Musselwhite–5% bentonite mixes. Table 1 shows
cyclic shear test. the basic physical characteristics of the tailings. Mattabi, She-
bandowan, and Musselwhite tailings were dark, brown, and light
brown in color, respectively, and none of them had an odor. As per
Cyclic Triaxial Testing the product specification, 95% of the kaolinite and more than 85%
Stress-controlled cyclic triaxial tests were carried out on isotropi- of the Wyoming bentonite were finer than 2 mm.
cally consolidated tailings specimens under undrained conditions to The results of the X-ray diffraction analysis indicated that the
investigate the response of mine tailings to cyclic loading as per the main components of the Mattabi tailings were feldspar, quartz, py-
ASTM D5311-92 procedure (ASTM 1996b). Following consoli- rite, pyrrhotite, and the clay minerals illite and chlorite. The major
dation, constant cyclic axial stresses of varying magnitudes were minerals present in the Shebandowan tailings were quartz, feldspar,
applied to the specimens using the built-in hydraulic actuator. The pyrite, pyrrhotite, illite, and chlorite. It was also found that quartz,
frequency of the applied constant cyclic load was 1 Hz with sinu- feldspar, pyrite, illite, and chlorite were the main minerals present
soidal wave. The effective confining pressure in all of the tests was in Musselwhite tailings. According to the product data provided
between 50 and 70 kPa. Pore water pressure ratio, double amplitude by United Clay Inc., the kaolinite added to the tailings contained

Fig. 1. Particle size distributions of the tailings


Int. J. Geomech., 2013, 13(4): 441-453

Table 1. Basic Physical Characteristics and Cyclic Strength of Mine Tailings
Percentage of fines Consistency index CSR
Specimen description ,2 mm (%) ,5 mm (%) Gs LL (%) PL (%) PI (%) ec CRR20 CRR10
Mattabi mine tailings (MAT) 0.60 0.441 0.517
0.65 0.345 0.387
0.70 0.312 0.349
2.56 3.20 3.29 20.1 7.5 12.6 0.80 0.250 0.289
0.85 0.195 0.223
0.92 0.141 0.157
Shebandowan East Cell mine 0.70 0.305 0.319
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tailings (SEBEC) 0.75 0.267 0.295

1.29 1.29 3.22 12.0 11.0 1.0 0.80 0.207 0.221
1.00 0.144 0.160
Musselwhite mine tailings (MW) 0.85 0.262 0.303
0.90 0.208 0.226
2.02 5.96 3.32 24.48 20.13 4.3 0.70 0.344 0.389
0.95 0.173 0.196
Musselwhite–5% kaolinite 6.52 0.82 0.170 0.181
mix (MW-5K) 10.40 3.2 20.7 15.2 5.5 0.77 0.186 0.200
Musselwhite–5% bentonite 6.88 0.99 0.158 0.183
mix (MW-5B) 8.00 3.23 29.5 21.3 8.2 0.78 0.274 0.306
Note: Gs 5 specific gravity; PL 5 plastic limit; ec 5 void ratio after consolidation; CRR20 5 CRR that corresponds to 20 cycles required to produce 5% double
amplitude axial strain; CRR10 5 CRR that corresponds to 10 cycles required to produce 5% double amplitude axial strain.

SiO2 ð45:7%Þ, Al2 O3 ð37:4%Þ, Fe2 O3 ð0:80%Þ, Na2 O ð0:05%Þ, sd

CSR ¼ (1)
and K2 O ð0:33%Þ and had a specific surface of 24:25 m2 =g. 2s9c
The product data provided by WYO-BEN Inc. also showed
that the bentonite additive was composed of SiO2 ð60:34%Þ, where sd 5 cyclic deviator stress (kPa), and s9c 5 effective con-
Al2 O3 ð19:28%Þ, Fe2 O3 ð3:48%Þ, Na2 O ð2:34%Þ, TiO2 ð0:22%Þ, solidation pressure (kPa).
CaO ð0:38%Þ, MgO ð1:67%Þ, K2 O ð0:10%Þ, H2 O ð7:75%Þ, Loss From laboratory cyclic triaxial tests, Thammathiwat and Chim-oye
On Ignition (4.37%), and others (0.07%) and had a specific surface (2004) verified that, for a given cyclic shear stress ratio, the variation in
of 800 m2 =g. the excess pore water pressure during cyclic loadings shows nearly
similar trends for different effective confining pressure. In the current
study, it was observed that the loading cycle that gave 5% double
Stress-Controlled Cyclic Triaxial Test amplitude axial strain was comparable to the loading cycle that gave
It is common in cyclic strength studies of soils to express the de- a pore pressure ratio of unity. Indeed, there were slight variations
veloped cyclic shear stress caused by the applied cyclic loading between the two; the variations were different for different types of
by plotting the nondimensional cyclic stress ratio (CSR) against tailings. As explained by Boulanger and Idriss (2006, 2007), this could
the number of loading cycles (N) to failure. The most commonly be dependent on the frequency of loading, the plasticity index, and the
adopted failure criterion for isotropically consolidated specimens is type and amount of clay minerals present in the tailings.
the CSR that corresponds to the number of loading cycles required to Presently, the Youd et al. (2001) procedure is the recommended
achieve a 100% pore pressure ratio or 5% double amplitude axial approach for the estimation of the cyclic resistance of soils. Ishihara
strain, which is a stage where the gradually developed pore water (1993) specified the cyclic resistance of a given soil from the plot of
pressure reaches the initially applied effective confining stress CSR versus number of cycles required to produce 5% double
(Perlea 2000). amplitude axial strain (N5% ) as the CSR corresponding to 20 cycles.
In the current study, for the sake of consistency and within the In the current study, for comparison purposes, the cyclic resistance
limits of the precision of pore pressure transducers under high- ratios that correspond to 10 cycles (CRR10) and 20 cycles (CRR20)
frequency cyclic loading, failure was assumed to occur when were determined from the established relationship between CSR and
the double amplitude axial strain reached 5%. The tests were N5% (Table 2; Fig. 3). Table 2 and Fig. 3 show the cyclic triaxial test
terminated when the pore pressure ratio reached unity, as lique- results for Shebandowan East Cell mine tailings and Mattabi tail-
faction failure would prevail when the effective stress reached ings, respectively.
zero. Typical plots showing the variations of double amplitude There is a general understanding that the simple shear test better
axial strain, pore pressure ratio, total pore water pressure, and simulates the in situ stress conditions before and during the appli-
effective stress with the number of loading cycles for She- cation of cyclic loading. In the current study, cyclic triaxial testing
bandowan East Cell tailings are presented in Figs. 2(a and b). The was used because a simple shear device was not available. Indeed,
results show that as the number of cycles increases, the excess pore a correction to the results of cyclic triaxial tests was applied to
water pressure increases and, at the initiation of liquefaction, account for the stress path effects based on the relationship [Eq. (2)]
reaches a value approximately equal to the confining pressure, recommended by Idriss and Boulanger (2008)
a stage at which the effective stress becomes negligible. The
loading cycles corresponding to 5% double amplitude axial strain  
1 þ 2ðKo ÞDSS
were determined from these plots to obtain the corresponding CRRDSS ¼ CRRTRX (2)
applied CSR 3


Int. J. Geomech., 2013, 13(4): 441-453

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Fig. 2. (a) Typical variations of double amplitude axial strain and pore pressure ratio with the number of loading cycle for Shebandowan East Cell
tailings specimen (SEBEC-10); (b) typical variations of cell pressure, total pore water pressure, effective stress, and pore pressure ratio with the number
of loading cycle for Shebandowan East Cell tailings specimen (SEBEC-10)

where CRRDSS 5 cyclic resistance ratio obtained using cyclic direct terms of a factor of safety. The factor of safety against liquefaction
simple shear device, CRRTRX 5 cyclic resistance ratio obtained for each layer is defined as the ratio of the available cyclic soil
using cyclic triaxial device, and ðKo ÞDSS 5 coefficient of earth resistance to liquefaction (CRR) and the developed cyclic stresses
pressure at rest in a cyclic direct simple shear device. For the current required to cause soil liquefaction [CSR; Eq. (4)]. The CRR can
study, as explained in the Specimen Preparation section, the tailings be estimated from the results of in situ standard penetration test
specimens were normally consolidated. For such normally con- (SPT) or cone penetration test (CPT) tests based on the simplified
solidated tailings and natural sediments, the value of ðKo ÞDSS can be procedure of Youd et al. (2001). The CSR generated by the design
taken between 0.45 and 0.50. Hence, Eq. (2) reduces to cyclic loading (such as earthquake) can be determined from
ground response analysis. For instance, the CSR developed be-
CRRDSS ¼ ð0:63 2 0:67ÞCRRTRX (3) cause of an earthquake in the field (for horizontal soil deposits)
is given by Eq. (5) (Seed and Idriss 1971). For an accurate esti-
mation of the developed CSR, ground response analysis should
Evaluation of Liquefaction Susceptibility Using
be carried out. Ground response analysis helps to determine
Available Methods
the earthquake-induced shear stresses for a given design ground
A number of methods have been developed to determine the liq- acceleration (amax )
uefaction potential of soil deposits (Seed et al. 1975; Department of
Defense 1997). The most commonly adopted simplified approach is Fs ¼ CRR (4)
the method proposed by Seed et al. (1975), which is expressed in CSR


Int. J. Geomech., 2013, 13(4): 441-453

Table 2. Cyclic Triaxial Test Results for Shebandowan East Cell Mine Tailings
Cyclic triaxial test results CSR
Specimens description ec CSR NInti (%) N5% (%) ec CRR20 CRR10
SEBEC-06 0.718 0.333 31 16
SEBEC-07 0.707 0.277 25 25 0.7 0.305 0.319
SEBEC-11 0.686 0.214 4,169 4,145
SEBEC-01 0.75 0.305 19 15
SEBEC-03 0.746 0.140 2,081 2,081 0.75 0.267 0.295
SEBEC-04 0.745 0.217 46 40
SEBEC-10 0.733 0.166 485 484
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SEBEC-02 0.8 0.208 59 31

SEBEC-05 0.782 0.231 18 13 0.8 0.207 0.221
SEBEC-08 0.775 0.178 24 24
SEBEC-09 0.799 0.163 323 295
SEBEC-12 1.06 0.113 49 46
SEBEC-13 0.98 0.073 3,257 3,189 1.0 0.144 0.160
SEBEC-14 1.075 0.098 108 108
SEBEC-15 1.007 0.179 11 17
Note: ec 5 void ratio after consolidation; NInti 5 number of loading cycle requited to reach initial liquefaction; N5% 5 number of cycles required to produce 5%
double amplitude axial strain; CRR20 5 CRR that corresponds to 20 cycles required to produce 5% double amplitude axial strain; CRR10 5 CRR that
corresponds to 10 cycles required to produce 5% double amplitude axial strain.

Fig. 3. Variation of CSR versus number of cycles required to produce 5% double amplitude axial strain for Mattabi tailings specimens

amax s0 for the evaluation of the liquefaction potential of fine-grained soils.

CSR ¼ 0:65 rd (5) Some of the common criteria are the Chinese criterion (Wang 1979),
g s90
the modified Chinese criterion (Finn 1991, 1993; Perlea et al. 1999),
where g 5 acceleration from gravity, amax 5 peak horizontal ac- and the cyclic mobility criterion (Bray et al. 2004).
celeration expressed (g), s0 5 initial total overburden stress on the Bray et al. (2004) proposed an empirical cyclic mobility criterion
soil layer (kPa), s90 5 initial static effective overburden stress on the based on their laboratory work and on observations from the Kocaeli
soil layer under consideration (kPa), rd 5 stress reduction factor earthquake in Turkey. The criterion states that a soil deposit with
varying from a value of 1 at ground surface to a value of 0.9 at a depth a water content (Wc ) greater than or equal to 85% of the liquid limit
of about 9.15 m (rd 5 1 2 0:015z), and z 5 depth below the ground (LL) and plasticity index (PI) less than or equal to 12% is susceptible
surface (Seed and Idriss 1971). to cyclic mobility under the application of cyclic loading. It also
The response of soils to shear and deformation is dependent on states that a soil deposit is moderately susceptible to cyclic mobility
the intensity, duration, and frequency of cyclic loading. It is also if the water content to liquid limit ratio ranges between 0.80 and 0.85
influenced by a number of factors including mineralogy, grain size/ (0:80 , Wc =LL , 0:85) and plasticity index is between 12 and 20
shape, plasticity, particle arrangement (fabric), microstructure, (12 , PI , 20).
packing density, initial stress conditions, and age (Prakash and Puri In the current study, the most widely used cyclic mobility crite-
1982; Sandoval 1989; Guo and Prakash 1999). The current practice rion formulated by Bray et al. (2004) was used to evaluate the liq-
sometimes uses empirical criteria based on only simple soil indexes uefaction susceptibility of mine tailings. As shown in Fig. 4, the


Int. J. Geomech., 2013, 13(4): 441-453

results showed that all of the tailings fall in the potentially liquefiable connecting the extreme points of the hysteresis loop is the dynamic
zone, which agreed with the experimental results. However, ex- Young’s modulus E. The axial shear strain, the shear modulus, and
perimental studies for specimens falling on the boundary zone the damping ratio are given by Eqs. (6)–(8)
(i.e., to be tested) should be carried out to provide a conclusive case
for the adaptability of the empirical cyclic mobility criterion pro- g ¼ ð1 þ yÞɛ (6)
posed by Bray et al. (2004).
G¼ (7)
Dynamic Shear Modulus of Tailings 2ð1 þ yÞ
When a stress-controlled cyclic triaxial test is performed on a soil
specimen, a typical hysteresis loop as shown in Fig. 5 will develop AL
D¼ (8)
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(ASTM 1996a; Sitharam et al. 2004). The slope of the secant line ð4pAT Þ

Fig. 4. Bray et al. (2004) empirical criteria for liquefaction susceptibility

Fig. 5. Typical hysteresis loop for cyclic triaxial test (after Sitharam et al. 2004)


Int. J. Geomech., 2013, 13(4): 441-453

where g 5 shear strain, G 5 secant shear modulus, n 5 Poisson’s strain reaches 2% and above for the tested Mattabi mine tailings
ratio, AL 5 area enclosed by the hysteresis loop, and AT 5 area of the specimens), approximately the same values of shear modulus were
shaded triangle (Fig. 5). For saturated undrained specimens, the obtained irrespective of the initial void ratio of the specimens. From
Poisson’s ratio is taken as 0.5 and for dry specimens it is taken as 0.4 Fig. 7, it is also observed that Mattabi tailings specimens with lower
(Silver and Park 1975; Rollins et al. 1998). Fig. 6 shows the typical void ratio exhibit higher shear modulus for a shear strain range of
cyclic initial, intermediate, and final hysteresis loop for Mattabi 1.5% and lower. Fig. 8 shows that the effect of void ratio on damping
tailings specimen 05. ratio is not significant for a shear strain range .2%. Indeed, in the
The effect of void ratio on the dynamic properties of saturated shear strain range of 0.1–1.5%, the damping ratio increases with an
mine tailings was investigated for an effective confining pressure of increase in shear strain; low void ratio specimens exhibit slightly
50– 70 kPa and at a loading frequency of 1 Hz. The stiffness of the lower damping ratio.
tailings was degraded because of the increase in pore water pressure The shear modulus and damping ratio from the current study have
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as the number of loading cycles increased (Fig. 7). It is evident from been compared with data from Sithharam et al. (2004) (Figs. 9 and
Fig. 7 (typical figure for Mattabi tailings specimens) that the dy- 10). Fig. 9 shows that the shear modulus decreases with increasing
namic shear modulus of the tailings decreases with an increase in shear strain, showing higher resistance for specimens with higher
shear strains for the range of shear strain tested (e.g., 0.1–2% for relative density. For example, specimens with relative density of 70%
Mattabi tailings). Eventually, at large shear strain (when the shear show higher cyclic strength compared with Mattabi specimens having

Fig. 6. Typical hysteresis loop for cyclic triaxial test for Mattabi tailings specimen (MAT-05)

Fig. 7. Dynamic secant shear modulus versus shear strain for two typical specimens of Mattabi tailings


Int. J. Geomech., 2013, 13(4): 441-453

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Fig. 8. Damping ratio versus shear strain for three typical specimens of Mattabi tailings

Fig. 9. Dynamic secant shear modulus versus shear strain for two typical specimens of Mattabi tailings and published data

void ratios of 0.647 and 0.857. Fig. 10 exhibits that the damping ratio increase in the cyclic shear strength of the tailings. For a similar void
decreases with decreasing shear strain for both Sithharam et al. (2004) ratio and effective confining stress, the tailings-bentonite mix
and Mattabi specimens data. It is also observed that at low shear strain showed higher resistance to cyclic loading than the tailings-kaolinite
level (,0:3%), the damping ratio is significantly lower for Mattabi mix for the same proportion of tailings and clay minerals (Fig. 12;
tailings specimens compared with the data of Sithharam et al. (2004). Table 1).
In general, the observed variation in the shear modulus and damping Cyclic triaxial tests on 85% Musselwhite tailings and 15% ben-
ratio between the current study and the published data by Sithharam tonite mix showed that excess pore water pressure was not developed,
et al. (2004) could be because of the variation in the frequency of although the double amplitude axial strain was much more than 5%
cyclic loading, grain size and shape, particle arrangement, micro- for different void ratios. A typical result for this investigation is shown
structure, and packing density. in Fig. 11. This is because of the fact that, at this clay mineral content
(that is, 15% bentonite or montmorillonite), Musselwhite tailings have
developed cohesive structure. The nature of the developed cohesive
Role of Clay Mineral Types on the Cyclic Strength of
structure of the tailings could be seen in the SEM photomicrographs
Mine Tailings
for Musselwhite tailings (Fig. 13) with Musselwhite and 15% ben-
In the current study, as shown in Fig. 11, introducing 15% (by tonite mix (Fig. 14). The bentonite amended tailings show cohesive
weight) of bentonite clay to Musselwhite tailings typically led to an structure in which particles are cemented together.


Int. J. Geomech., 2013, 13(4): 441-453

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Fig. 10. Damping ratio versus shear strain for three typical specimens of Mattabi tailings and published data

Fig. 11. Typical variations of cell pressure, total pore water pressure, pore pressure ratio, and effective stress with the number of loading cycle for
Musselwhite tailings and 15% Bentonite mix (MW-15B-03)

The introduction of 5% kaolinite clay to Musselwhite tailings Musselwhite tailings with Fig. 15 SEM results of Musselwhite
slightly increased the total clay size content of the mix to approxi- tailings with 5% kaolinite mix.
mately 6.52% but significantly reduced the cyclic resistance of the When 5% Wyoming bentonite (i.e., montmorillonite clay) clay
tailings (Table 1). This is because of the fact that the introduced 5% was added to Musselwhite tailings, the total clay size content of the
kaolinite clay did not result in the development of a cohesive mix increased to 6.88%, and the cyclic resistance of the tailings
structure in the tailings but instead produced weak partial cemen- decreased slightly as shown in Table 1. As explained in the case of
tation of the tailings particles at their joints (through aggregation of Musselwhite–5% kaolinite mix, this mix (Musselwhite and 5%
the introduced clay). This resulted in a significant increase in pore bentonite mix) also did not develop a cohesive structure, but instead,
water pressure at a lower number of loading cycles when a cyclic the tailings particles were partially cemented at their joints as shown
load was applied. The developed partial cementation by the ag- in the SEM photomicrographs in Fig. 16. In this microfabric, the clay
gregated clay at the joints of the tailings particles were observed as particles show a tendency of aggregation at the surface and contact
shown in the SEM results of Musselwhite and 5% kaolinite mix points (joints) of the sand-sized tailings particles, resulting in sig-
(Fig. 15). The aggregated clays at the joints of the tailings particles nificant pore spaces (Fig. 16). Such low strength contact joints can
can easily be identified by comparing Fig. 13 SEM results of easily be destroyed during cyclic loading and trigger liquefaction.


Int. J. Geomech., 2013, 13(4): 441-453


0.45 MW-5K-CRR20 MW-5K-CRR10

0.40 MW-CRR20 MW-CRR10

Cyclic Strength Ratio (CRR)



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0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1

Void ratio (e)

Fig. 12. Variation of void ratio (e) versus cyclic resistance ratio (CRR10, CRR20) for Musselwhite tailings specimens

Fig. 13. Microfabric of Musselwhite tailings: SEM, magnification Fig. 14. Microfabric of Musselwhite tailings and 15% bentonite mix:
3500 SEM, magnification 315,000

The rate of reduction in the cyclic resistance of the Musselwhite–5% size distribution of the Musselwhite tailings consisted of 52%
bentonite mix was much lower than that of the Musselwhite–5% silt, 45% sand, and 3% clay. Thus, the sandy silt tailings behaved
kaolinite mix. This difference is because of the fact that montmo- similarly to natural silt in terms of cyclic resistance and bonding with
rillonite (i.e., Wyoming bentonite) has a large surface area to weight clay minerals. These findings have important implications in the
ratio (approximately 800 m2 =g in a dispersed state) compared with management of Mattabi and Musselwhite tailings. The results
kaolinite (which is about 15 m2 =g) (Mitchell and Soga 2005). suggest that the two tailings (silty sand and sandy silt, respectively)
Bentonite has a high liquid limit of 500% or higher, which imparts are potential liquefiable, but the liquefaction resistance can be can be
high plasticity and provides a better resistance to liquefaction improved by the addition of plastic clay (up to 15% bentonite by
(Mitchell and Soga 2005). These results are consistent with those of weight).
Beroya et al. (2009), who showed that silt-montmorillonite mixtures
had a higher cyclic strength than silt-illite mixtures and much higher Summary and Conclusions
strength than that of silt-kaolinite mixtures containing the same
amount of clay mineral. Beroya et al. (2009) attributed the differ- In the current study, a series of stress-controlled isotropic and un-
ences in cyclic strength to the differing adhesive bond strength each drained cyclic triaxial tests were carried out on mine tailings to
clay mineral developed with the silt particles. In general, the results examine their dynamic properties and the influence of clay mineral
from the current study and those published by other researchers show types on their cyclic strength. In addition, SEM studies and standard
that the resistance of mine tailings for cyclic loading varies with the laboratory experimental testing were carried out. On the basis of the
type of dominant clay mineral present in the tailings. The particle results of the study, the following conclusions are drawn:


Int. J. Geomech., 2013, 13(4): 441-453

• Mine tailings susceptible to liquefaction tended to have an open
microfabric where clay aggregates at the sand-sized tailings
particle contact points served as low strength joints. The micro-
fabric of tailings that were resistant to liquefaction appeared to be
compact, with the clay producing a matrix that prevented sand-
sized tailings from liquefying.
• The resistance of mine tailings to cyclic loading varied with the
type of dominant clay mineral present in the tailings; mine
tailings containing 15% bentonite (montmorillonite clay) pro-
duced higher resistance to cyclic loading than tailings-kaolinite
clay mixes.
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The work described in this paper was supported with funding from
the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
(NSERC) under an Individual Discovery Grant awarded to Dr. E. K.
Fig. 15. Microfabric of Musselwhite tailings and 5% kaolinite mix:
SEM, magnification 315,000

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