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Schedule Test 1
Time: 50
Roll # _____ Name: ______________ Marks: 30 Date:04-05-20
Q.No.1 Encircle the correct option 6
i. How many elements are present in 5 th period of periodic table?
a) 32 b 8 c) 18 d) 28
ii. Which one of the following metal gives an amphoteric oxide?
a) Ca b) Fe c) Cu d) Zn
iii. The oxide of Beryllium are:
a) Acidic b) Basic c) Amphoteric d) None
iv. A gas which burn with blue flame is:
a) CO2 b) NO c) CO d) N2
v. Among group VA elements,the most electronegative is:
a) Sb b) N c) P d) As
vi. Laughing gas is chemically:
a) NO b) NO2 c) N2O d) N2O4
Q.No.2 Write short answers 16
i. Define electron affinity.Give its trend In periodic table.
ii. Why diamond is non conductor and graphite is fairly a good conductor?
iii. Prove with chemical reaction that ZnO behave as amphoteric oxide.
iv. Write any two resembalance of hydrogen with alkali metals.
v. Write any four important uses of sulphuric acid.
vi. Write any four properties to compare oxygen with sulphur.
vii. SO3 is dissolved in sulphuric acid but not in water.
viii. Write four uses of nitric acid.
Q.No.3 a) How sulphuric acid is manufactured by contact process on industrial 4
b) What is Mendleev’s periodic table? Discuss improvement in Mendleev’s 4
periodic table.

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