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BLOCK 4 – Notes 1
The Rise of Human Resource

Topic Break down

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Learning Objective

Reading List – Willian CH4, Northouse, PG.. (2013). Leadership: Theory and Practice. London:
Sage. Chapter 1: Introduction.

1. Learning outcomes
Describe the emergence of human resource management approaches

Key elements
An historical account of where the HRM department came from.

 The material for this can be found at the beginning of the chapter and also in the
section 'the emergence of HRM.'

2. Learning outcomes
Discuss the possible contribution of HRM to firm performance

Key elements
A critical analysis of whether HRM can be seen as strategic

 The chapter lays out evidence for and against. It might be useful to make some slides
which compare the fors and againsts and encourage students to draw conclusions.

3. Learning outcomes
Evaluate key leadership theories, including LMX and Transformational Leadership

Key elements
Leadership theories

 There are obviously lots of leadership theories out there, but you should focus
attention on the ones covered in the chapter because these are the main ones which
will be examined.
 I think that the Northouse book I ask students to read the first chapter of is
excellent, and if you want more meat on the bones to teach the individual theories,
this is a really good place to find content.

4. Learning outcomes
Discuss the psychological contract and the impact it has on our understanding of work

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Key elements
The Psychological contract

 I have made the coverage much lighter on this topic and removed the need to read a
specific paper.
 Activity 5.2 is quite a nice one to throw out to the room in the lecture: 'We know a
great deal about how a breach of psychological contract impacts an employee. But in
what ways is it likely to impact the employer?'

1. Compile a list of evidence for and against HRM being a strategic initiative.

2. Find an article that talks about leadership

3. Run through the evidence for and against HRM being a strategic initiative

4. How leadership theory might be used by managers to improve their own work and
that of others.

how the psychological contract research might be used by managers to improve their
understanding of their workers - how does it relate to scientific management, Hawthorne
Studies, trade unions, principle-agent theory and the HR approach?

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