How I Braved Anu Aunty and Co Founded A Million

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How I Braved Anu Aunty and Co-Founded a Million

Dollar Company

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A top quality ebook as well as the typeface used was interesting to see. It usually fails to charge an
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(Dr . Isa bell Wiz a DDS)

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Rupa & Co. Paperback. Book Condition: new. BRAND NEW, How I Braved Anu Aunty and Co-Founded a Million
Dollar Company, Varun Agarwal, But when the formidable Anu Aunty enters his life, his languorous existence
spirals out of control. She tries steering the course of Varun's destiny by scheming to bring him on 'track'. His
mother turns on the Bollywood histrionics and drags him to a counsellor. Feeling cornered, Varun hatches a
strategy to hoodwink the canny aunty at her own game. But as the chase heats up, who will have the last word?
Will Anu Aunty thwart his plans to found a million dollar company Or will he succeed Along the way, Varun
learns his best business lessons from kitty parties and the ubiquitous Indian aunty. Hilarious, informative and
filled with nuggets of everyday wisdom, this page-turner will inspire budding entrepreneurs not to give up on
their dreams.

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