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^8niT»x*« «Kp«riB to tho Mdieal grcKXpB of tho occupgrlng farces, and

there was also liaison with the Surgeon 6eneral*s and the fovy's
Ixrrestigating graapB*
■ :;•■ /•'•■'

'V:.;. The Meaifttil Dlrisioa was all redeplc^red to the Ihiited States in
Deoedder and settled down in January at GraTelly Point to write its
report, dradnslly personnel were released, Pidilio Health Officers
going to their work nalaiy in lashiiHfton, so that they were
still avnilable for eonsnltation. Brig. General Thonpson nas able

to use Bone Public Health Service clerical facilities to expedite 'i

his report mcark* The report eoneists of sosw 300 pages of narrative
with 50 inges of appendices, is soneeriiat siwllar in content to the
luropean Report "for purposes of comparison, end is divided up as
r. foUowst I Introduction, by Brig. General Thoapson; U Medical
Ihoilities and Personnel in Japan, by Major Terryj HI Mature of
Air Raid Oasualties, by Majors Terry and laukey; Vt Hotifiable
Diseases, by Major laukey; T General Morbidity, by Major lankeyi

Lv I*. YI Tuberculosis, by Lt. Cdonol Plinnj VII Venereal Diseases,

by Lt. Colonel Plinnj VUI Industital Hygiene, by Lt. Colonel
Vlinnj H Pood and lutrition, by Ma?>rs Goodhart and Rugoj X
Environmental Sanitation, by Colonel Tabett; and II Medical
Supplies, by I*t. Colonel Hilton. ^
In certain places the report is even more eodiatistive and

oomplete thui ^be Genmui report, more time having been spout in
C. one panoe by the Division and greater cooperation having been
\i * 2/ Copy in HBSBS files. 207

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