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André Martins nº 3
Miguel Neto nº 17
Paulo Torres nº 18
Tiago Freitas nº 21
12º I

CULTURE - the ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a particular

people or society.

RACE - a group, especially of people,
with particular similar physical characteristics, who
are considered as belonging to the same type, or the fact of belonging to
such a group:

ETHNICITY -  large group of people who have the same national, racial,

or cultural origins, or the state of belonging to such a group:

PREJUDICE - The quality or condition of judging someone or a group of

people before you meet them, usually using stereotypes.

TRIBE - a social division in a traditional society consisting of families or

communities linked by social, economic, religious, or blood ties, with a
common culture and dialect, typically having a recognized leader.

DIFFERENT CULTURES – the ideas, customs, and social behavior of a

particular people or society.

INDIGENOUS - naturally existing in
a place or country rather than arriving from another place:

RACISM - prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against

someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is
PREJUDICE - The quality or condition of judging someone or a group of
people before you meet them, usually using stereotypes

XENOPHOBIA - dislike of or prejudice against people from other


Neste trabalho pretendemos apresentar diferentes etnias e culturas e

formas de viver de cada ser humano, relembrando sempre que somos
todos iguais.
There are approximately 370 million Indigenous people in the world,
belonging to 5,000 different groups, in 90 countries
worldwide. Indigenous people live in every region of the world, but about
70% of them live in Asia.
There is a “International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples”,
celebrated on 9 August every year.
As quoted in the Article 2 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
“Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this
Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex,
language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin,
property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made
on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the
country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be
independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of
sovereignty.”. This article reminds us that everyone is different but she
should never discriminate someone or think that someone is less than us
based on any of the circumstances mentioned above.
People have different aspects and different races, however what really
distinguishes them is their CULTURES.
The culture of people can identify itself by different aspects, such as:
● Clothing
● Religion
● Traditions and costumes
● Language
● Habitation
● Alimentation
● Art

Cheongsham, China
Cheongsham is the most popular traditional costume in China.

The cheongsam is a body-hugging one-piece Chinese dress for women. 

Changshan, China
In traditional Chinese dress, a changshan is the male equivalent of the women’s
Kimono, Japan
The kimono is the traditional dress of Japan, and it is worn nowadays on formal
occasions. It is sometimes accused of being an impractical form of dress, but it has
the advantage of giving the wearer a graceful and elegant deportment.

Sari, India
Sari is another one of the traditional clothing for Indian women. It is a 6-meter cloth
that is wrapped to form a skirt and draped over the shoulder. Usually, it is
accompanied by a stitched blouse called choli.
Dhoti Kurta, India

Dhoti Kurta is a piece of cloth, usually 5 yards long, that is tied around the waist and

Poncho, Peru
Por conta de sua grande altitude, o Peru é um país ventoso. Para arrebatar o vento e o frio, a
população peruana passou a utilizar o poncho, uma roupa feita de lã de lhama ou alpaca. O
tecido é como um quadrado, que cai pelo ombro, e que conta uma abertura no centro. Costuma
ser bem colorido, com temas e figuras geométricas e geralmente acompanha a utilização do
chullo, uma espécie de gorro com um pompom no alto e duas partes que cobrem as orelhas

Flamenca, Spain

 flamenca Essa é a vestimenta das famosas dançarinas de Flamenco, fenômeno musical que

geralmente ocorre em festas na - ou sobre a - Andaluzia, a região sul da Espanha. Seu corte é
comprido, até os tornozelos, e conta com muitos (muitos!) babados nas mangas e na barra.
Frequentemente, é acompanhado por um xale e as mulheres sempre utilizam sapatos de salto
alto e cabelo em coque (iStock/iStock)

As shown in the map above, the largest religion in the world is Christianity, dominant
in America, Europe, North Asia, South Africa and Oceania. It has around 2.4 billion
The second biggest religion is Islam, with 1.65 billion followers.
The smallest religion is Judaism, with 14.5 million followers.

At the moment, the most spoken native languages in the world are:
1. Chinese, with 1.3 billion native speakers
2. Spanish, with 460 million native speakers
3. English, with 379 million native speakers
4. Hindi, with 341 million native speakers
5. Arabic, with 315 million native speakers
However, this list changes if we order it the languages by the total number of
1. English, with 1.132 billion speakers
2. Mandarin, with 1.117 billion speakers
3. Hindi, with 650 million speakers
4. Spanish, with 534 million speakers
5. French, with 280 million speakers
Croissant - France

Italy – PIZZa
United States of America - Hamburger

Sushi – Japan
La Tomatina – Spain
La Tomatina is one of the parties that happen in the city of Buñol, Valencia, on the
last Wednesday of August. In that party, tomatos are thrown between the

Throwing cinnamon to those still single at 25 – Denmark

In Denmark being unmarried on your 25th birthday gives people social license to pelt
you with cinnamon. It’s interesting because it motivates you to look for a partner
before you turn 25.
Carnaval – Brazil
Carnaval is Brazil’s most popular party and it’s a worldwide phenomenon.

Famadihana: dancing with the dead – Madagascar

Also called the turning of the bones, this festival honors the dead and celebrates
family ties. The living families dance with their dead ancestors to show them respect.
They even give out gifts for the dead.
Traditions matter
Some traditions may sound bizarre or strange, yet people hold them close to their
hearts and still practice the age-old rituals to this day. Because it’s part of their
culture and history, it shapes and defines them. In fact, this is what sets one
community of humans apart from the other. It is due to their deep-rooted beliefs that
these unique customs and rituals are still alive, and tie us to the unseen world of the
past. To witness these amazing rituals, make sure you plan your visits accordingly
and see at least one of them with your own eyes.
Culture is what define us. We may have different aspects, different skin colours, etc,
but we are equal as human beings. What marks the real difference between
everyone is the culture they are in. Culture is the identity of people, ethnicity or even
a nation.
It is our job to respect every culture

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