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5/29/2020. The Right Diet!

In approaching this topic, I had difficulty in deciding which passage to pick. Some
people are sensitive when the word “diet” is mentioned. Now throughout scripture, from
the early pages of the Pentateuch, through the last book of the bible, scripture is filled
with admonition after admonition about reading, studying and applying God's word.
(As Christians we all know that the Bible is the only manual for everything in our
In the beginning, God spoke, and the world was created. God's word is so
powerful that it can make something out of nothing. In the Garden of Eden, it was a
violation of God's word which led to the fall of humanity. –The New Testament book of
Mark chapter 7 v19 (NLT) we find its focus solely on the heart. Dietary laws seem to be a
thing of the past as all food is given the stamp of approval in our Biblical eating plan.
“Food doesn’t go into your heart, but only passes through the stomach and then goes
into the sewer.” (By saying this, he declared that every kind of food is acceptable in
God’s eyes.)
Here we see how our outward behavior matter most as they reflect the condition
of our inner self. Jesus puts trust before dietary laws when He tells us “do not worry
about what you will eat or drink” (Matthew 6:25).
We find further instruction to: “Be self-controlled (1 Peter 5:8); Discipline our
bodies (1 Corinthians 9:27); “Take no provision for the flesh” (Romans 13:14); “Glorify
God in ALL we do” (1 Corinthians 10:31); And, “treat our bodies as the temple of the Holy
Spirit” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).
–In Genesis 9:3, we read about how God gave us plants and meat to eat. In the
book of Daniel 1:11-16, we’re told how Daniel requested to eat only vegetables and was a
better man for it.
–Within the Old Testament law, it is clear God cared about what His people ate
as He provided explicit instructions about which foods to avoid and which foods to eat.
When Israel made its covenant with God, God gave instructions on the food they were
to eat. God told them to be diligent to do all He had told them, and to teach His law to
their children. Now,
The Food contradictions are everywhere. What is “right” to eat changes faster
than ordinary fashion trends do. Today, eat this and this. Tomorrow, eat that and that…
The diet industry has trained us to look for clear, one-size-fits-all instructions.
But, what and how we eat to feel our best is so individualized, it’s nearly impossible to
come up with a set of cut and dry rules.
At the same time if you've ever been on a diet you know that the things which are
best for you have a tendency to taste the worst and the things which are bad for you
have a tendency to taste the best. Furthermore, the things which are bad for you seem
to be everywhere and are readily available, while the things which are good for you are
not as easy to come by and have seem to cost you more. For example: Hamburgers
and fries?

Everywhere, on each street corner. Low calorie sandwiches? You have to ‘hunt’
for those. In first Timothy chapter 4 v4 says “For everything created by God is
good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving”

If you are in the market for a diet, there are many to choose from: Atkins, South
Beach, Vegan, Vegetarian, Mediterranean—the list goes on and on. I believe some
diets might be helpful if used in conjunction with a healthier lifestyle. But many of them
overpromise and underdeliver. As one doctor said, “The answer isn’t a crash diet. It’s
permanently adopting healthy eating habits.” (Myself, I believe in the Self Control
Diet). (Read Galatians 6:22-23, for the fruit of the spirit.)
The six chapter of Matthew v11 says, “Give us today our daily bread.” Jesus
teaches us to ask God for our daily food—not more, not less. In our culture today,
though, we are often tempted to think more about food “whenever I want it” than the
food we need to live one day at a time in our service for God.
John chapter 6 vs 57-58 says, 57 Just as the living Father sent me and I live
because of the Father, so the one who feeds on me will live because of me. 58 This is the
bread that came down from heaven. Your ancestors ate manna and died, but whoever
feeds on this bread will live forever.”
There are many similarities to these truths in the spiritual realm. The things which
are bad for you spiritually, which are bad for your soul, as sure as a Big Mac is bad for
your body, if you eat it every day, these things seem to be everywhere. They are on
television, online, on the radio, at the water cooler and in the break room at your office.
As sure as a Krispy Kreme doughnut appeals to you when you're on a diet, these things
appeal to your fleshly appetites. And yet they are not good for you. In order to avoid
those things which will be toxic to your spiritual health, and to take in those things which
will make you a stronger and healthier Christian--you must be intentional. You must
be disciplined.
When it comes to spiritual nutrition, there is no lack of available diets either. But
only one spiritual diet works; only one provides the nutritional ingredient we need for a
healthy walk of faith. The living Father sent His Son, Jesus, in order to find and save His
lost ones. Now everyone who turns to Jesus in faith and depends on him for spiritual
food connects to the life-giving strength of God the Father.
You want to be spiritually healthy? Do you feel exhausted and disappointed
after going through a number of spiritual diets? Do you lack energy for your daily
walk with God?
Turn to Jesus, and He will replenish your strength. Remember that every day we
need some time alone to read His Word, conversing with Him in prayer, and reflecting
on His love. Let Jesus become your source of spiritual nutrition, and he will never
disappoint you. He is the one who supplies spiritual health, inner strength, and life
everlasting. Jesus gave His own body to save us. And we are encouraged to be good
stewards of our physical body as well as our soul, for we belong to God both physically
and spiritually.
Our genetics influence whether we are tall or short, thin or stocky. Regardless of
how we are genetically wired, it’s part of our calling to maintain healthy eating habits,
moderation, and exercise. There isn’t a perfect size or waistline for all believers. But
God does want us to be as healthy as possible, as we serve Him and our neighbor.

When Jesus was tempted in the desert, he rebuked the devil and said that man
shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds forth from the mouth of
God. “It is the Word of God that produces faith and leads us to salvation for faith
comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.”
Nothing is as important in the spiritual growth of a believer as is the regular
intake of Scripture. Bread is wonderful and nourishing, but it cannot feed our souls. Only
Jesus, broken for us, can do that. Whatever you eat today, remember the one who
gives you new life.
Prayer: Father, you have given each, a beautiful manual to live the life that you
chose from the beginning. We praise you for sending your Son, our only source of
spiritual health. Keep feeding us in our walk of faith! Our Father, your Son gave up his
own body to save us. Give us wisdom and dedication to take good care of our bodies,
because we know they belong to you. Lord, thank you for sending your Son to die for us,
and make us worthy of his cross! I pray this in Jesus name. Amen!

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