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Petri Messenger
June, 2020
1. Driveway/lawn visits: I will bring my lawn
chair & we can sit out & chat on a
beautiful day.
2. Wednesday evening outdoor worship
Have Lawn Chair
services. This is something that has been
Will Gather
done in the past, bring your lawn chair to
the parsonage/church lawn, & I’ll bring my
guitar & Bible.
3. Other things that can be done safely
outdoors, maintaining 6’ distances, & no
My sister is the secretary at her church. So we close contact.
often talk about some of the innovative/creative
things her Pastor is doing, & I share some of mine Many of us are anxious to see one another again.
with her. Then when I visit her & attend worship But out of love & compassion for the members of
at her church, Pastor Bob & I talk about the ideas St. Petri, I will not take any unwise chances with
we have stolen (filched, absconded with, your lives or your health.
borrowed, etc.) from each other & how they are If this is something in which you are interested,
working. In these times of Social Distancing & please contact me (Cell # 515.598.6635) by call or
Isolation, one of the issues Pastors struggle with is text, or the St. Petri church office. Looking
not being able to meet with parishioners face to forward to seeing you soon, even from a distance.
face. - Pastor Scot McCluskey
Pastor Bob is doing what he calls, “Have Lawn ------------------------------------------------------------
Chair Will Travel.” The idea is simple, he meets CONGRATULATIONS, JACOB
with members outside on their driveways, or in ON YOUR HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION!
their yards. He brings his lawn chair & thermos of
coffee & they chat, talking about anything &
everything. I am reminded that Jesus did much of
his ministry outdoors among the people. Matthew
5:1-2a “When Jesus saw the crowds, he went up
the mountain; and after he sat down, his disciples
came to him. 2Then he began to speak,”
Certain conditions outdoors help to make it less
likely that you would catch the COVID-19 virus.
These include sunlight, hotter temperatures, & the
wind. So, keeping an appropriate distance
outdoors is one option for small group gatherings
Jacob Van Brocklin is the son of Craig
in these uncertain times.
and Paula Van Brocklin, of Story City.
Some things I am planning to do (as long as the
He will major in Agricultural Systems
weather cooperates):
Technology at Iowa State University.
St. Petri Messenger 2

Hospitalized in May THANK YOU to all

Klinton Patterson who helped deliver
- (Darlene Patterson’s son) Meals on Wheels
Jamie Lee in May!
- (Sister of Brandie Gossel) Many hands make
Kay Munsen light work!
Heartland Senior Citizens Center
Recuperating in May
Betty Grinde Mark Helland
In Memoriam
Randy Ritland (Karen Munson’s Brother)
Evans Odhiambo (relative of Gossel’s)
Paul Manly (Callie Henrich’s Dad)
Margaret Fevold (John Fevold’s Mother)
Prayers of Ongoing Concern:
Jim Beyer (Friend of Brenda Carr),
Scott Rosene (Shirley Stakey’s nephew),
Olive Sampson, Maxine Lekwa, Charlotte Hill, June 6: Duaine Bostwick, John Satre
John Satre, Kay Disbrowe, June 8: Grant Brown II, Marilyn Lekwa
Juli Tostlebe (Daughter-in-law of Ted & Marilyn), June 9: Pilialoha Kailiawa, Julianne Schwartz
Luke Baade (Judith Schnurstein great nephew), June 10: Zachery Anderson
Prayers for those not near to us: June 11: Barry Muhlenburg
Patrick and Jacqueline Bencke, June 13: Zach Healy, Pat Murken, Daniel Olson
ELCA Missionaries, Japan June 15: Kevin Patterson
Soldiers, Peace Workers, and Humanitarian Aid June 16: Jane Bauman
Workers June 18: Levi Keech
June 19: Pua Kailiawa
----------------------------------------------------------- June 20: Saint Brown
THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! June 21: Eric Anderson, Christian Chelsvig
June 24: Scott Schmitz, Alex Muhlenburg
Dear members of St. Petri Lutheran Church, June 25: Elaine Olson, Tyler Rivers
Thank you for your support of Lutheran Campus June 26: Kay Anderson
Ministry! We appreciate it now more than ever. June 27: Garrett Healy
This semester has been full of changes for us. In June 28: Bella Muhlenburg
addition to adapting to an online format due to June 30: Owen Patterson
the pandemic, we moved into our new space at
the start of March. IT’s beautiful and we hope to
be able to resume in-person services there in the
fall. In the meantime LCM remains a crucial
source of support for students in these stressful
and anxiety-filled times. Your continued
financial and spiritual support allows us to
continue to provide these invaluable service and
for that we are deeply grateful.
With love and gratitude, The Students of LCM
Friday, June 14th
St. Petri Messenger 3

St. Petri’s
will be
June 28th.

WELCA Report
There will be no WELCA activities in the
month of June due to COVID-19. VBS will happen on the Tuesdays in June
via Zoom.
You can choose one of
SCANDINAVIAN DAYS IS the sessions to attend VBS
Morning 10:00 - 11:30 a.m.
THERE WILL BE NO ST. PETRI Afternoon 3:00 - 4:30 p.m.
WELCA BAKE SALE. Evening 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Scot McCluskey is inviting you to a scheduled
Zoom meeting.
Topic: St. Petri VBS 2020
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
Join Zoom Meeting
June 20, 2020 9tb1JicGExdTU3bzRtNGR5dEg3QT09
The Zoom ID and Password are:
Meeting ID: 824 6980 7601
Password: VBS2020
One tap mobile
---------------------------------------------------- +13017158592,,82469807601#,,1#,051121# US
+13126266799,,82469807601#,,1#,051121# US
Dial by your location
+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 824 6980 7601
Password: 051121
Find your local number:
Sunday, June 21, 2020
St. Petri Messenger 4

----------------------------------------------------------- Creating Her Community

St. Petri Office Hours Paulynn had a dream of what she wanted in life: lots
Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. of friends, a job she loved, a healthy lifestyle, and a
(except Tuesday afternoon) sense of community.
----------------------------------------------------------- But it was difficult for Paulynn to leave the
apartment she shared with her dad, Lee. Though Lee
had dedicated his life to serving as his daughter’s
Lutheran Services in Iowa June 2020 primary caregiver, they didn’t have reliable
transportation that could accommodate her
wheelchair. And Paulynn’s risk of seizures meant
HAPPY she always needed to be accompanied by her dad.
FATHER’S DAY! Despite the obstacles, Lee was determined to give
At Lutheran his daughter the life she dreamed of. He enrolled her
Services in Iowa in LSI’s Services for People with Disabilities.
(LSI), we strive to Fifteen years later, Paulynn’s dream has become a
build up and reality.
empower Iowa kids Through LSI, Paulynn’s team provides
and families. For us, transportation that allows her to travel to and from
Father’s Day is a her apartment with ease. While Paulynn is out, Lee
time to celebrate all is able to take a well-deserved break from his
the fathers and male caregiving role.
role models we see With support from LSI, Paulynn is able to give back
every day. to her community. Each week, she helps package
Through our Early meals for individuals in need. She has created a
Childhood Services, young men are learning to community of her own through her volunteer work.
become dads. They’re becoming confident and And for every moment, her LSI team is there to
active in their child’s life, and they are creating support her.
loving, bright futures for their families. “We’re very grateful for LSI,” Lee says. “They’ve
Many Iowa children entering foster care need a been really great supporting my daughter.”
positive male role model in their lives. And through
LSI Foster Care and Adoption, our licensed foster --------------------------------------------------------------------
dads are there to help guide them.
This is only possible through your support of LSI! If
you would like to make a gift, please contact Deb St. Petri Evangelical
Whitford, LSI director of philanthropy and church Lutheran Church
relations, at or 563- Approved Council
676-2065. Meeting Minutes
Thank you for responding to the love of Jesus Christ (Virtual Meeting)
through compassionate service!
April 5, 2020 10:45 a.m.
Our Mission: Lutheran Services in Iowa responds to
the love of Jesus Christ through compassionate  Meeting called to order at 11:02am by
service. LSI is an affiliated social ministry partner of President Abby Patterson
the Iowa congregations of the ELCA (Evangelical o In attendance: Abby Patterson, Donna
Lutheran Church in America) and a member of LSA Guard, Rick Stover, Pastor Scot
(Lutheran Services in America). We proudly serve McCluskey, Brandie Gossel, John Hinz,
people of all ages, abilities, religions, sexes, gender Kendra Braucher, Carmen Peter
identities, national origins, ethnicities, races, and o The Council shared highs and lows
sexual orientations. Learn more at and o Opening prayer led by Abby Patterson
St. Petri Messenger 5

 Meeting Minutes, presented by Willow  We will just hold one service, no

Hill early morning service
o Motion to approve as written by John  Generally we think things are
Hinz, Carmen seconded going well and we are very
o No discussion, all approved and thankful for the Pattersons and
meeting minutes were accepted. Pat Murken who have been
 Financial Report, presented by Rick handling the live streams and
Stover audio as well as Megan
o Considering the current situation, Gustafson, Larry Reisetter, and
the financial report is doing well as all who have been in to help put
people are still giving the services on.
o We still continue to receive the  During “sharing of the peace”
majority of our income via checks in we’d like more of a pause from
the offering plates vs online giving Pastor so people can type in and
o People are mailing checks in, and we share the peace online
can make an announcement during o Feedback for current staff work,
service next week to remind people online offerings
to continue to give  Brandie reports that she’s staying
o Rick and Veronica are counting busy doing some deep cleaning
money now as the people who such as waxing the floors and
normally count are practicing social polishing the wood
distancing  Veronica is still coming in and
o Rick and Ver are meeting next week her workload has not decreased
to discuss tax requirements  Discussion about how things may
o Rick will change some money from change if Iowa is under a “stay in
Special Causes to Benevolence place” order from Governor
($100) due to a mistake in entering Reynolds
o Organ Repair also seems low and  Abby will discuss with the
Rick will talk with Veronica about Synod about where churches
making sure money is allocated fall in “essential services”
appropriately  Pastor is working mostly
o Motion to accept Treasurer’s Report from home other than
as given by Carmen, seconded by worship services
Brandie  ELCA information related to
o No discussion, all approved, and the government support for
treasurer’s report was accepted as churches
presented  Pastor sent out information
 NEW BUSINESS via email
o Transfer of Pastor Scott Johnson and  It appears that we do not
family First Lutheran Church in qualify for the support and
Fremont, Nebraska will continue as is for the
 Donna made the motion, John time
seconded.  Abby would like to have a
 No discussion, all approved and financial lawyer to look at
the motion passed this for us and will forward
o Brainstorm ideas for online Easter the information to Tom
service Wynia, Kim Finley, or Clark
 Discussion of some music Grinde
St. Petri Messenger 6

o OLD BUSINESS have it set up as a

 Call committee meeting will be “closed group.”
happening Tuesday via Zoom 7-  We have had some feedback
9pm appreciating phone calls and the
 Pastor Brackett at the synod online service
sent out an email with this  If we come across anyone he
information should contact let him know.
o COMMITTEE  We will continue to use email and
 Not many reports to be given as Zoom for decisions that need to
church activities are mostly on be made
hold.  Adjournment at 11:43am
 Property & Trustees will  Lord’s Prayer
reschedule projects for the future
Submitted, Willow Hill Secretary
 Carmen reported that we need a
new schedule for lectors as of
June 1 in hopes that we will be
gathering by then. She will send
the information out
 Brandie asked if we should send
an email to youth that we will see RIVERSIDE LUTHERAN BIBLE CAMP
them next fall considering Greetings from Riverside!
schools being closed Ever since we announced the cancellation of
our regular summer programs for 2020 almost
 Pastor suggested asking if
a month ago, our entire team has been working
the High Schoolers would
tirelessly to create new opportunities for you to
want to meet via Zoom. The
connect with Riverside this summer! We want
middle schoolers may have
to continue to provide a Christ-centered and
too many to do a Zoom
life changing environment for people to
meeting but we will try to
encounter the living God, even if that is from
think of something for them
home or in some much smaller groups onsite.
as well.
Below you will find several ways you can
 Kendra said there is a way
continue to be involved with Riverside during
to have a larger group and
the summer months. You can always head over
the administrator controls
to our website ( for all
who is able to talk to the
of the details. Be sure to follow us on social
group to control the amount
media (Facebook and Instagram) to stay up to
of noise which may be a
date on ways for you to connect with us. We are
great solution to meeting
posting several times a week with
with the Middle Schoolers
opportunities for you and your family to
experience the Spirit filled fun of camp! We
 Pastor is spending time on the
would also like to say a huge thank you to all of
phone and on Zoom
you who have generously contributed to the
 Started a Bible study group on
ministry of Riverside during this time with
Facebook to help connect people
prayers, donations of registration fees,
and have some directive study
contributions above and beyond your normal
during this time
giving, and volunteering. We are so grateful for
 Since the material is
the body of Christ! Thank you!
copyrighted he has to
St. Petri Messenger 7


AT THE RANCH June 28-30
We are so pumped to be providing riding We are so excited to announce that we will be
lessons for youth this summer! We are offering family camp from home this summer!
already filling up fast, so if your child wants to This is perfect for families who were planning
have weekly lessons at Riverside, be sure to on coming to family camp this summer, or for
email our Equine Director, Hilary at any families with kids of all ages (but especially for those families with kids in
elementary or younger who may be
We’re also offering Lil' Cowpoke days thru
disappointed that they don't get to come to a
the summer for 4-8 year olds in smaller
week of camp at Riverside this summer) to
groups. This allows younger kids the opport-
still experience the fun and faith development
unity to ride a horse, play games, & enjoy
they would have had at Riverside.
lunch around the fire!
We will provide a schedule for you & your
family to enjoy at home starting on Sunday
evening & ending Tuesday night. You will
have access to virtual chapel worship & skits,
Deadline for registering is June 1.
virtual campfire, Bible studies, & activities to to get signed up today!
enjoy together as a family! We will send you a
Here's the perfect opportunity to keep your
detailed schedule with instructions for how
camper connected to Riverside this summer!
to bring Riverside to your home! The parents
Introducing, the RIVERSIDE SWAG BAG
will even still get time to hear from our
What is the Riverside Swag Bag, you ask? It's
awesome speakers, Kyle & Laura Fever, in the
a monthly gift sent to your child in June, July,
evening after the kids go to bed, with small
and August that includes a(n)...
group time afterwards to discuss with other
couples over video chat.
-Apparel/swag item(s) from the Riverside
We think this is perfect for families who may
camp store
have been hesitant to try out family camp in
the past, or for families who had an alpha
camper who is disappointed they didn't get to
come to Riverside for camp this summer. This
-Candy Bar
half week of family camp at home will be $50.
All of this will be shipped once a month for
Depending on how things progress with
three months over the summer for just $75
COVID-19, there is also an opportunity for
total, which includes the cost of shipping!
you to have an awesome cabin leader come to
And as an added perk for August, the apparel
your home for family camp! We can't wait for
item will be a one-of-a-kind commemorative
you to grow closer to Jesus & each other as a
Riverside 2020 t-shirt. This t-shirt will never
family through family camp at home!
appear in our camp store. It's exclusive for
And while we know our youth campers would There are so many ways that you can be
love a Swag Bag every month, if you're an involved at Riverside during this time. Your
adult (past staff, former camper, Riveside family can come stay at a cabin for a get-away,
enthusiast, etc.) you can sign up too! It's not go canoeing, volunteer for a day or afternoon...
just for the kids. We’re always looking for people to help keep
camp looking great, too! We look forward to
serving you. In Christ, The Riverside Team
St. Petri Messenger 8

The Maker of all human beings (GOD) is No matter how big or small the SIN defect is,
recalling all units manufactured, regardless of Jesus will replace it with:
make or year, due to a serious defect in the 1. Love
primary and central component of the heart. 2. Joy
This is due to a malfunction in the original 3. Peace
prototype units code named Adam and Eve, 4. Patience
resulting in the reproduction of the same defect 5. Kindness
in all subsequent 6. Goodness
units. This defect has been technically termed 7. Faithfulness
'Sub-sequential Internal Non-Morality,' or more 8. Gentleness
commonly known as S.I.N., as it is primarily 9. Self control
Please see the operating manual, the B.I.B.L.E.
Some of the symptoms include: (Believers' Instructions Before Leaving Earth)
1. Loss of direction for further details on the use of these fixes.
2. Foul vocal emissions
3. Amnesia of origin WARNING: Continuing to operate the human
4. Lack of peace and joy being unit without correction voids any
5. Selfish or violent behavior manufacturer warranties, exposing the unit to
6. Depression or confusion in the mental dangers and problems too numerous to list and
component will result in the human unit being
7. Fearfulness permanently impounded. For free emergency
8. Idolatry service, call on Jesus.
9. Rebellion
DANGER: The human being units not
The Manufacturer, who is neither liable nor at responding to this recall action will have to be
fault for this defect, is providing factory- scrapped in the furnace. The SIN defect will not
authorized repair and service free of charge to be permitted to enter Heaven so as to prevent
correct this defect. contamination of that facility.
The Repair Technician, Jesus, has most Thank you for your attention!
generously offered to bear the entire burden of
the staggering cost of these repairs. There is no GOD
additional fee required. P. S. Please assist where possible by notifying
others of this important recall notice, and you
The number to call for repair in all areas is: may contact the Father any time by 'Knee mail'.
P-R-A-Y-E-R. Because He Lives!
Once connected, please upload your burden of
SIN through the REPENTANCE procedure. Next,
download ATONEMENT from the Repair
Technician, Jesus, into the heart component.
4 St. Petri Messenger

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