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DISCLAIMER: All names mentioned herein are purely fictional, except when the name

references a real person, and any similarities they may have with names of real persons
are purely coincidental.

ANTE-SCRIPT: The situation posed before you is fictional which may occur in a
workplace and is not intended to offend you.


CHOTE CORPORATION employs 200 personnel that includes second level managers
and supervisors. It has a President and Chief Executive Officer occupied by the same
person, Jace Beleren. Its Board of Directors has empowered the President to make any
administrative decisions including the discipline of its employees.

The President’s Office has received numerous complaints, both verbal and formal, about
a certain supervisor, all of which are from female employees. The two formal
complaints allege the following about Mr. Will Kenrith (Will), the supervisor:

1. From his secretary, Chandra Nalaar: each day of work, Will rates how she wears,
ten being the highest, and even her make up at times. When she was first
assigned at the office of Will, she enjoyed these ratings he makes. Over time,
these comments became increasingly sexual for her, and this made her
uncomfortable. Whenever Will is around or close to her, she feels awkward and
could no longer concentrate on her work becoming unproductive when he is
around. Chandra often eagerly awaits the end of her working hours so that she
may feel relief that she’s not in his presence anymore.

2. From a member of Will’s saff, Liliana Vess: When Will enters the office, he makes
sexual comments and innuendoes like there’s no tomorrow. Specifically, Will
often notes how fair her skin is especially her legs that, according to Will, looks
delicious (sometimes with a lipbite gesture). He even makes remarks with sexual
overtones about the sexual orientation of Nicol Bolas, a male employee, often
noting that since Nicol has had no sexual or romantic relationship with the
opposite sex, he might either be a male homosexual or an actual female posing
as a male or a hermaphrodite. He also remarks that another male employee
might be impotent or is not good in bed, hinting that he already had sex with
their partners. Liliana also states that she and her co-workers often rush their
work so that they won’t stay within his presence longer than they need to, but
even that he says that they might be rushing to their partners to have sex. She
finds this offensive because Will has no business with her personal life.

The Human Resources Department Officer has conducted the investigation and pretty
much confirms what was stated by the two female employees, noting in the report that
the office emits an aura of discomfort which becomes apparent when the staff is
observed (everyone is silent in their own work space while Will Kenrith is present). It is
to be noted however, that Will Kenrith’s division always complies with the deadline,
even being the most punctual of all offices, and that Will Kenrith almost looks like Tom
Cruise in his thirties.a

Jace Beleren now comes to you, as head of the Legal Department, on the appropriate
action regarding the complaints against Will Kenrith.

1. With the above information, determine and execute the appropriate action of
Management on the Complaints against Will Kenrith, and on his response, if any.
Take careful notice of the form and contents of your action. You may assume
any date as necessary.
2. You can make the appropriate pieces of evidence to support your action. You
inject additional information that do not deviate from the basic information
3. Submit your actions to the person whom you have chosen to work with through
mail, e-mail, or any other means of communication, copy furnished this e-mail
4. Deadline of submission of outputs: April 3, 2020. We will discuss when classes

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