2019-2020 Junior Fieldwork Certification Reflective Journal Template

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Pre-Med Junior Fieldwork/ Certification Reflective Journal:  

Anthony Guzman 
A/B Day:  
B day 
Advisory Teacher:  
Mrs. Keeble 
Which of the following can you reflect on for this journal:  
● Fieldwork, CPR, or Mental Health Certification? (Specify which in the box below) 
Mi Futuro Conference  
1. What is the public health function the organization/agency addresses?  
(Assessment, Policy Development, Assurance) 
- Healthcare providers' life work is to establish a long and good life for you and our 
community. To assure you have equal access to opportunities presented at Mi 
Futuro, they provide you with a professional level conference and waive the $150 
cost of your attendance. I attend at no-cost. As a respectful partnership.  
2. What preconceived ideas (personal bias) did you have about the location or 
I personally think that the Mi Futuro workshops were really fun and interesting. Each 
workshop went over ideas on public health and mental heath wellness. These two topics 
are very serious and it is important that organizations like this introduce the topic to 
teenagers because they are the future.  
Closely Read your Surroundings:  
Reflect on the following observations you made during your experience::  
● sensory details 
● signs posted 
● languages you hear 
● text used  
● presenters  
● colors of the offices and uniforms.  
● does the location have a certain smell? 

● what sounds do you hear?  

What can you remember of your observations from your fieldwork/ certification based on 
any of the above “close reading” ideas?  
Observations:: The main idea behind Mi Futuro is just to spread awareness about public 
healthcare. At the conference there were multiple stations set up with different 
organizations that are in contact with Mi Futuro. Mostly english was spoken, however 
spanish was used as well. The conference took place at SSU where the scenery is 
amazing and the atmosphere is friendly.  
Consider your Responses:  
Reflect on your emotional and physical reactions during the experience.  
Observations:: I was excited when we got to interact with different stations and get an idea 
of what the medical field might be like.  
Were you left with questions/ concerns after your experience?  
- general questions of interest 
- relating to your potential career choices 
- public health-related issues and challenges they see as important to consider.  
Observations:: no futher questions.  
Summary Reflection   
Reflect on specific highlights or observations from the day. What was a lesson (big or small) 
you took away from your experience? Consider lessons that presented themselves in both 
positive and negative ways.  
Reflection:: One lesson I happened to really enjoy was the interaction with different 
healthcare professionals. One station focused on the proper delivery of a baby. They 
used mannequins as a simulation and showed us the proper technique to use and how 
to approach any unexpected situations. The lesson I thought was disappointing was 
when we were split into small groups and were lectured. I feel that hands on learning is 
much more important than lectures.  
How did the experience meet, exceed, or fall short of your expectations? Explain and 
include specific details (to the best of your ability) to help support your answer. 

Reflection:: This experience to me exceeded my expectations, due to the fact that we 
were actually able to do hands -on learning. When I had signed up I was told it would 
be a conference and lectures, but the fact that we were able to slightly experience 
what those in the medical field experience was very impactful.  
What connection can be made between what you ​saw​ or ​experienced​ and the functions of 
Public Health?  
Some suggestions are: 
- the role of public health within this career path 
- public health needs or challenges within the field you observed 
- thoughts on how to address these needs 
Reflection:: At the Mi Futuro conference they explained the importance of mental 
health wellness. They believe it is important to be physically and emotionally healthy 
to succeed in future careers.  
Lastly, given our current circumstances with the Covid19 virus, how do you see your 
fieldwork or certification applicable?  
Reflection:: Covid-19 has caused social distancing within quarantine. Throughout this 
time away from others that make you happy it is important to stay mentally and 
physically healthy. For many students this can be a stressful time because they are 
counting on this school year for college preperation.  

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