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VOISEY’S BAY – Magmatic Ni

Labrador, Canada

Anaktalak Bay, as viewed from Old Joe

General Characteristics
• Proterozoic troctolites and gabbros (Nain Plutonic Suite).
• Pyrrhotite, pentlandite, chalcopyrite, cubanite
• 5 distinct ore environments
• Ni, Cu, Co, PGE

General Geology
The deposit is associated with the 1334 Ma Voisey’s Bay intrusion which transects the
east-dipping 1850 Ma collisional boundary between interbanded garnet-sillimanite and
sulphide-bearing graphitic quartzo-feldspathic gneisses of the Proterozoic Churchill
Province, collectively know as the Tasiuyak gneiss to the west and quartzo-feldspathic
gneisses of the Archean Nain Province to the east (Ryan et al., 1995, and Li and
Naldrett, 1999 [below]).

From Li and Naldrett, 1999

The geological setting of Voisey’s Bay Intrusion, containing the 4 western ore
environments (troctolites and gabbros), is shown above (A). Three of these occur in
the 2.5km-long Feeder Olivine Gabbro (FOG), of which 2 are in the Reidbrook Zone,
and one in the Discovery Hill Zone :
• Of the massive sulphides, that farthest west, is the small Reidbrook Zone
(~100m x 50m) [formerly known as the “Far West” zone]
• Discovery Hill has the Mini Ovoid (~300m x 50-100m), and the Ovoid (350m by
600m) which is the richest body

The 5th distinct ore environment is the upper magma chamber of the Eastern Deeps (B)
-an area of troctolites and gabbros ~3km x 2 km that constitutes the remainder of the
mafic to ultramafic intrusion.

Surface Geochemical Criteria

Regional lake sediment surveys indicate modest Ni enrichment down-ice from Voisey’s
Bay, decreasing to background over a distance of ~12 km (Figure below). Five lakes up
to 12 km due east of the deposit contain locally elevated Ni values (29-40 ppm), but
these values are <95th percentile for all of Labrador. The Cu and Co values are even
less pronounced. To compensate for variations in local background, the observed Ni
values were divided by the interpolated regional values to give residual ratios. This
process gave Ni values >99th percentile for 20 km to the east.

From Davenport et al., 1997


Lithogeochemistry and Elemental Zoning

A probable good source of data (not readily available) is Lightfoot, P.C. and Naldrett,
A.J. 1999 (short course notes).

S values range from 0.01 – 6.47%, and Se from 0.01 – 10 ppm. S/Se ratios cover a
wide range in outcrop (350 – 57,000 x 106), whereas from core, with one exception, the
range is 30 – 350.

No information

S isotopes
δ34S from –17 to + 18.3o/oo(vcdt) (average –1.4o/oo) in pyrrhotite and Tasiuyak gneisses
(Ripley et al., 2002)

Pb isotopes
No information

O isotopes
• δ18Osmow in plagioclase in the breccia matrix is < 6.6 ‰ (~ = magmas of mantle
• Country rock paragneiss has δ18 O values of 8 to14 ‰.
• In the west part of the deposit, where xenolith digestion has been less intense,
plagioclase and corundum-rich cores of xenoliths exhibit elevated δ18 O values of
10.5 to12.5 ‰.
• In the east part of the deposit, where xenolith digestion is more advanced, cores
show much lower δ18O values of 6.2 to7.5 ‰ (Mariga et al., 2002).
• gamma Os for the magma chamber is ~3500.

C isotopes
δ13Cpdb –18.3 to –24.8o/oo in mineralised and unmineralized parts of the Voisey’s Bay

Re/Os isotopes
Os/188Os range from 2.2 – 4.8. At the Ovoid they are 3.8 – 4.
Re/188Os range from 50-150. At the Ovoid they are 105-115.
Data are consistent with a basaltic or troctolitic parent magma (Lambert et al., 1999)

Fluid Inclusions
No information
Gaps in Knowledge
Very little information on the analysis of surficial materials. No concise details on
lithogeochemistry have been found.

Geochemical Footprint
• Orebodies ~100m x 50m, ~300m x 50-100m, and the Ovoid (350m by
600m) which is the richest body. Eastern Deeps - an area of troctolites and
gabbros is ~3km x 2
• Subtle lake sediment Ni anomaly for ~20 km down-ice (to east).

Exploration medium Yes/No Details

Soils – conventional N
Soils – selective extraction N
Regolith N
Drainage sediments Y Lake sed. Ni for 20 km
Glacial sediments N
Surface waters N
Formation waters N
Organic samples N
Gases N
Hydrocarbons N
Lithogeochemistry Y Sparse information
Alteration halo N
Fluid inclusions N
Isotopes Y δ34S –17 to + 18.3o/oo(vcdt) (ave. –1.4o/oo)
δ18Osmow in plagioclase is < 6.6 ‰
paragneiss has δ18 O values of 8 to14 ‰.
δ13Cpdb –18.3 to –24.8o/oo
Os/188Os 2.2 – 4.8.
Re/188Os range from 50-150
Other N

Davenport, P.H., Friske, P.W.B. & Beaumier, M., 1997. The application of lake
sediment geochemistry to mineral exploration: Recent advances and examples
from Canada. In Proceedings of Exploration ’97: Fourth decennial international
conference on mineral exploration (Ed. A.G.Gubins), 261-270.

Lambert, D.D., Foster, J.G., Frick, L.R. & Ripley, E.M., 19999. Re-Os isotope
geochemistry of magmatic sulfide ore systems. SEG Review in Economic
Geologogy, 12, 29-57.

Li, C. & Naldrett, A. J., 1999. The geology and petrology of the Voisey's Bay intrusion:
Reaction of olivine with trapped sulphide and silicate liquids: Lithos 47, 1-31.
Li, C., Lightfoot, P. C., Amelin, Y. & Naldrett, A.J., 2000, Contrasting petrological and
geochemical relationships in the Voisey's Bay and Mushuau intrusions, Labrador:
Implications for ore genesis: Economic Geology 95, 771-800.

Lightfoot, P.C. & Naldrett, A.J. 1999.Geological and geochemical relationships in the
Voisey’s Bay Intrusion, Nain Plutonic Suite, Labrador, Canada. In: Dynamic
Processes in Magmatic Ore Deposits and their Application in Mineral Exploration.
Geological Association of Canada, Short Course Notes, vol. 13, 1999

Mariga, J., Ripley, E.M., & Li, C., 2002. Oxygen isotopic studies of the assimilation of
paragneiss xenoliths at the Voisey’s Bay Cu-Ni-Co deposit, Labrador. Abstract
of Paper #52-5, GSA Annual Meeting, Denver, Oct.

Naldrett, A.J., Keats, H., Sparkes, K. & Moore, R., 1996. Geology of the Voisey’s Bay
Ni-Cu-Co deposit, Labrador, Canada. Explor. Mining Geol., vo.5, No.2, 169-179.

Ripley, E.M., Li, C., & Shin, D., 2002. Paragneiss assimilation in the genesis of
magmatic Ni-Cu-Co sulfide mineralization at Voisey’s Bay, Labrador: δ34S, δ13C,
and Se/S evidence. Econ. Geol., 97, 1307-1318.

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