Online Dating: Related

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There are two main channels of romantic interest for adults.

there are the people you meet at a bar, at a party, or through
an online dating site. In these scenarios, the mutual attraction and
interest is often instant: you immediately ask each other out, or hook
up, or date, or whatever.
Related: How to Have the ‘Define the Relationship’ Talk—
Minus the Awkwardness
Then there are the times when you meet people and mutual
attraction is not assured. Your new co-worker, a friend’s roommate,
your roommate’s sister, the guy who works at the coffee shop next
door. Do they like you? You have no idea. But what you’re left with
is what in high school parlance is referred to as a crush. Because of
whatever complications, you don’t feel like you can just ask this
person out. But you’ve got it for them, and you’ve got it bad.
As adults, we’re beyond doodling in notepads and feverishly writing
diary entries — but we can still get a little weird about our crushes.

Related: And the Single Most Confusing Text From a Man Is…

I asked a group of female friends to brainstorm how, exactly, they
behave towards someone on whom they have a secret crush.
Nobody does all of these things at once, but chances are, if you’ve
ever had a crush, a couple of these bullet points will sound pretty
familiar. (You could call some of these behaviors “creepy.” I prefer
the adjectives “diligent” and “enthusiastic.”)
“Life would be so much easier if you could just be like, ‘YO. I’m in
love with you,’ with no consequence,” one contributor said via
GChat. Preach.

So, here you go. A no-holds-barred list of the things we do when

we’re secretly in love with you.
“I laugh really hard when you’re within ear shot, and make
sure I look super engaged with who ever I’m talking to.”
“I send you a link to an article about something we talked
about once, in passing.”
“I get really dressed up when I know I’m going to see you
and then act surprised/dismissive when you say I look nice.
(‘Really? Huh. I just came from work…’)”
“I listen to songs I think you’d like on Spotify and hope you
see them on my Facebook feed.”
Related: What Your Taste In Music Says About You On a Date
“I all of the sudden get buddy-buddy with your friends.”
“I tweet about things that aren’t directly about you, but that I
know will interest you.”
“I never leave the bar before you do — I don’t care how
early I have to work the next morning.”
“I live in fear that you will somehow learn how often I visit
your Facebook page.”
Related: Is Your Facebook Page Ready for Love?
“I text you something random or ‘funny’ my coworker
did, just to start the conversation.”
“I go out of my way to not seem jealous of other women, going
so far as to force you to say tell another girl how pretty she
“I change my GChat status to something I want you to see.”
“I find out everything I can about you and then pretend to be
surprised when you tell me something about yourself in
“I stand in the same circle as you but avoid eye contact and
only talk to the person standing next to you.”
“If we’re sitting at a table, booth, or bench, I will sit closer to
you than to the person on my other side. I will make sure our
arms accidentally graze each other.”
“I take advantage of every possible opportunity to “@” you on
Related: How to Flirt on Twitter in 4 Easy Steps
“I go out of my way to walk by you on the way to the bar.”
“I spend parties standing in your line of sight.”
“I dress inappropriately for events because you
complimented that outfit another time. (‘Aren’t you cold?’
‘… no.’)”
“I google anyone I found out you dated/hooked-up with/were
interested in, just to see how I measure up.”
Related: How to Make Yourself Attractive to Anyone: 5 Tips That Really Work
“I make up a ‘work question’ that we need to have
coffee/lunch/drinks to discuss, because I’d really like your
professional opinion on the matter. (Ideally, I’d also like to
make out.)”
“I have Skype, gchat, and Facebook chat always up just in
case you sign into one of the three messaging platforms.”
“I invite you to a party I’m throwing. And then quickly
invite 100 other people so you won’t suspect I singled you
” I will remember a random fact or opinion you expressed a
year ago, even when you don’t.”
Related: Does He Like You? 20 Ways to Tell
“I Google myself so I know what comes up in case you
randomly decide to google me.”
“I bring up a movie/concert/activity that I think you would
like, in the hopes that you will express interest and that I can
then casually say, ‘Oh, do you want to come with?'”
“I reply all to a group email that you’re in just so my name
comes up in your inbox to refresh your memory that I exist. I
will labor over this reply for at least an hour before hitting

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