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10 Points and the Benefits of BIM http://blog.synchroltd.


m arketing@


Here is my ten point interpretation of BIM...

1. Most importantly, BIM is not a technology. It is a process. This is possibly the most important
aspect to understand. BIM applies to all aspects of the construction of a building, from the design, the
estimating, the supply chain, the delivery of goods during the build, the build process, the resource
allocation, the productivity requirements to meet targets and on in to the post-handover phase
through Facilities and Asset Management.

2. Aspects of BIM are enabled through various technology platforms. There are several providers of
technology which supports architectural tools plus the addition of intelligent information against the
model. Examples include Autodesk Revit, Graphisoft ArchiCAD 17, 12d Model and Synchro

3. BIM has several implementation levels:Level 0: CAD using drawings, lines, arcs, text, etc.

Level 1: 2D & 3D using models, objects plus file based collaboration

Level 2: BIMs plus file based collaboration and library management for models
and objects and
Level 3: iBIM, Lifestyle Management, common dictionaries, data and processes

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10 Points and the Benefits of BIM

underpinned by integrated and interoperable data through web services

Level 2 BIM is often seen as the minimum standard to achieve. These levels are also split in to A and
B, e.g. 2A and 2B which denotes the directionality of information sharing, i.e. one-way or multi-way.
Here are two diagrams explaining the differences:

Figure 2 -Adapted from CRC for Construction Innovation 2009,p.13

 Figure 3 -Source:M ark Brew and M ervyn Richards

4. Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) and COBie are standards used to share information. IFCs
describe building and construction industry data. It is a platform neutral, open file format developed by
buildingSMART to facilitate interoperability in the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC)
industry. COBie is a data format for the publication of a subset of building model information focused
on delivering building information and not geometric modelling. It is closely associated with BIM and is
typically exchanged using XML. These formats enable BIM interoperability and all BIM software is

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10 Points and the Benefits of BIM

able to consume this information. Most are able to write it, enabling the sharing of information, even
at Level 2 BIM to be easily achieved. External software such as Safe Software Feature Manipulation
Engine (FME) is able to transform from IFC and COBie to other formats. This represents the
beginnings of full integration possibilities between BIM and GIS.

5. BIM is so much more than just a detailed 3D model of a building. The concept is most easily
explained by the term build 4 times which means build three times in the model and once on the
ground. The accuracy of the model combined with animations and fly-throughs allow contractors to
access the design layout before the build takes place and make alterations. This means that when
the build takes place, there are fewer errors and far less rework needed. This moves the construction
procurement process from design and build to design build by bringing the construction team in to the
design process rather than them simply having to respond to a tender for construction after the
design has been completed.

6. Parametric Modelling is a key principle of BIM. Essentially this means that everything in the model
is connected to everything else. If you move the location of a wall, the elements attached to the wall
also move. If you change the volume of a floor, the quantities of material needed to lay the floor alter.
If you move ducting in the ceiling, all aspects associated with the ducting update and conflicts are
highlighted. This is also true for BIMs that have been developed independently and brought together
in a collaborative BIM environment. This allows organisations who may be controlling different
elements of the build to benefit from one another as aspects of the model are altered through the
process. Change once, benefit many times.

7. The 'D' elements of BIM relate to the information associated with the model.

4D relates to scheduling information; when will an element be built. With this

information you can enable just-in-time (JIT) delivery of materials to site. This in
turn has an impact on transportation, making it more efficient, and reduces
storage issues as materials are delivered and immediately installed.
5D relates to the estimating and cost aspects of the building. Each element within
the building model has a cost associated with it. This allows for detailed analysis
to be done regarding budgets. It also allows the delivery team to make accurate
predictions regarding how much needs to be done at any given time in order to
meet the construction targets.
6D covers the sustainability targets for a building allowing information such as
energy use, sustainability from a materials and management point of view to be
understood and Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) tracking
to be performed.
7D is the "as-built" BIM model which is important as part of the handover process
to the building owner. This model is a fundamental part of the ROI for BIM as it
provide accurate Facilities Management (FM) and Asset Management (AM). Each

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10 Points and the Benefits of BIM

part within the building will have a lifespan and in the event of replacement, the
easy identification of parts ensures that these processes may be performed

The outcomes from having this information are impressing detail regarding all aspects of the
construction project. By the very nature of the BIM model, this information is already there, you
simply have to ask for the output you need whether that is a financial plan or a resource plan.

Figure 4 -the levels ofBIM from bim porn.tum

8. BIM enables new procurement processes to take place which deliver certainty to all parties
involved. A typical process might look like this:

The design and construction teams are selected

The design work is done and is reviewed by the construction team and other
subject matter experts. This review identifies areas of rework.
This process iterates 2 more times, the result is the best possible design.
Generic objects may have been used for materials and/or equipment; these may
now be replaced by specific models conforming to the IFC classes with known
materials, costs and supply chain information associated with them. In this way,
the full cost of the building, the suppliers and supply chain costs of materials and
the installation methodology is known by everyone involved.
The work can now start on site using the BIM to direct the build. Technology
assists in the build by presenting the BIM information in the field as construction
takes place. JIT delivery of materials keeps building efficient.

9. Governments around the world are now realising the benefits of BIM, especially for large
construction funded with public money, and are beginning to mandate the use of BIM for these

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10 Points and the Benefits of BIM

projects. When has that ever happened for GIS? The effect of this is to seed the industry to change.
The reality is that the industry is moving this way anyway as they have already recognised the
advantage of using BIM. The issue has been the slow adoption of the client to realise the benefits of
the BIM approach – to the point that some are still rejecting the final as-built BIM model, considering it
an unnecessary cost rather than realising that it will reduce the AM/FM costs of running the building.
Given that government is often the client, it would appear that this is actually an internal issue
between government agencies or even roles with the same government agency that needs to be
resolved as quickly as possible.

The UK have appointed a "Head of BIM" within the Cabinet Office. David Philp's role is to accelerate
the adoption of BIM and mandate its use.
10. The result of BIM is impressive ROI figures:

Figure 5 -Taken from BluEnt

20% reduction in build costs (buy 4,getone free!)

33% reduction is costs over the lifetim e ofthe building
47% to 65% reduction in conflicts and re-w ork during
44% to 59% increase in the overallprojectquality
35% to 43% reduction in risk,better predictability ofoutcom es
34% to 40% better perform ing com pleted infrastructure
32% to 38% im provem entin review and approvalcycles

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10 Points and the Benefits of BIM

Figure 6 -Taken from U K G overnm entCabinetO ffi ce BIM Strategy Paper

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10 Points and the Benefits of BIM

Figure 7 -the Benefits ofBIM taken from geospatialw orld August2013

Exerted from N eilCalvert's poston w w w



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10 Points and the Benefits of BIM


Reply to Herman Oogink

H erm an O ogink 17/12/2013,11:39:51 PM

G ood article.Itgives a clear sum m ary ofw hatBIM m eans.

Reply to Herman Oogink

H erm an O ogink 17/12/2013,11:39:52 PM

G ood article.Itgives a clear sum m ary ofw hatBIM m eans.

Reply to Philippe M.
Philippe M .18/12/2013,3:42:35 PM

Very interesting and fullinform ation for BIM

Reply to Bim training

Bim training 21/7/2015,2:05:48 PM

BIM has m any m ore benefits and itis the future ofconstruction industry.Thanks for
sharing an aw esom e know ledge w ith readers.Keep Sharing


PRAD EEP RAJ20/9/2015,7:19:40 PM

BIM helps in alotother than cost,tim e,clash.Ithelps m aintaining good relationship

betw een fellow designers,w hich is the costliestofall.

Reply to humza chowdhry

hum za chow dhry 17/12/2015,10:20:25 AM

very interesting and helpfularticle.keep itup.

8 of 11 25/02/2016 19:39
10 Points and the Benefits of BIM

thank you so m uch......

Reply to Benjamin Femi-Francis

Benjam in Fem i-Francis 13/1/2016,4:30:30 PM

Iam really sorry to dis-approved your firstparagraph statem entthatsays
M ostim portantly,BIM is nota technology.Itis a process.
Yes,a process ofsocialscience in technology
Ido notknow the perspective area you're focusing your discussion to be precise
This is a socialscience program under technology,so can you re-address this phrase
w ell.Itm ightlook confusing to som e researchers,students and other curious learners.

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10 Points and the Benefits of BIM

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11 of 11 25/02/2016 19:39

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