From The AGM S Desk. All Cabal Grimoires by Somnus Dreadwood Are Available in Paperback On Amazon.

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From the AGM’s Desk Useful Information

We’ve sent out quite a few newsletters Black Corps Ascendancy Official Site
and posted different articles on our blog, but we
felt it would be nice to begin offering a quarterly Make sure you’re getting your Maergzjirah-related
publication to our Black Court Legionnaires information and items from us. We’ve had frauds
which would cover some different topics regarding and would-be splinter groups pop up and we have
the Maergzjiran Cabal, spiritual practices and worked tirelessly to remove them so you get the
lore, issues that effect individuals on this path, real info and relics you’re looking for.
and other topics we felt relevant. This isn’t an
exhaustive edition as it is merely intended to give The Cabal YouTube Channel
you some light reading material, perhaps thought Search for and subscribe to the Black Corps
provoking, but ultimately to give you some Ascendancy channel for new videos discussion,
further insight into the Maergzjiran mindset. ritual music, and instruction.
Hence, after much consideration, it has been
named “Vedat”, Russian meaning “to know”. Black Court Legion (FB)
Why Russian? That’ll become clear in the first Search for us if you are genuinely seeking to join
article; third paragraph to be exact. the Maergzjiran Cabal and would like to begin
For this volume, I have penned the learning more from some of our Ascended.
different articles herein during a time of reflection
and self-focused training. In the future, I’m sure Exclusive limited relics are available once
others will contribute to the bulk of this work. again on the Black Corps site under the Vault.
And since this is meant to grant helpful insight Also, check the Vault for links to Imperator
and perspective, we do accept topic requests. Just Raszarith’s personal services, and Royal
drop us a line through our site, or let us know Pinnacle’s orgone pyramids, skulls, and more.
directly if you have a more personal method of
contact, and we’ll consider it. All Cabal grimoires by Somnus Dreadwood
Lastly, this first volume is coming out are available in paperback on Amazon.
during an important time in the Cabal’s modern
history. Oathbreakers and apostates alike have Ivan Tregub/Ber
finally felt the guilt of their actions and have been
coming out about their lies and the regretable Composer of Slavic and Norse inspired folk
reasons for their betrayal to the Blighted, the ambient. Great for meditation, study, & ritual.
Cabal, and its members. We have no desire to
gloat, but rather to further dispel misinformation. Season of the Witch
It is always unwise to get information from a October 26th - November 6th. The zenith
biased source, especially when the orginate source is October 31st, the same as Samhain for
is ready to give you the information to you seek. our traditional Pagan breathren out there.
Read on and enjoy!
Origin & Heritage of the Maergzjiran Cabal

In 1436, Sybastien Drujziya survived the massacre of his tribe in Hungary by the Vatican witch
hunters. This is written in further detail in various publications such as The Black Scriptures, so we
needn’t go over it again. The point of interest here is that this originated in the Hungarian countryside,
and we see from the onset the closeness to Eastern European witchcraft and sorcery as the pact was made
between Sybastien and Cernobog, the Slavic Black God. As I have grown in age and wisdom, and through
the introspection and reflection that comes with walking this type of path, I began to wonder where it all
started, which led me further down the canals of history, winding back through centuries.

It is simply enough to understand that we carry a great level of pride in our path; the works we
commit to, our oaths and bonds of loyalty, the spirits and deities we honor, and the goals which we have
placed for ourselves individually and as a brotherhood to accomplish. Cultural pride has been something
innate since I was young. However, I also realized that Hungarians are not Slavic, which prompted me to
look further. What I discovered was that as I have discussed in previous articles, the Drujziya (modern
English spelling), the chosen tribe name of our nomadic blood and spiritual ancestors eventually settled
in Veszprem, Hungary. Eventually. Studying historical accounts and geneaology reports, there is clear
evidence of these migrants having come from Ukraine. Going further, it became obvious that at some point,
their ancestors emigrated from Russia. In fact, we can even see where this name is derived from:

Druzhina, druzyna, or družyna (Slovak and Czech: družina; Russian and Ukrainian: дружи́на,
druzhýna literally a “fellowship”) in the medieval history of Kievan Rus’ and Poland was a retinue in service of
a Slavic chieftain, also called knyaz. The name is derived from the Slavic word drug (друг) with the meaning
of “companion, friend”.

The first tribesmen were a fellowship; friends and companions. This made sense to me now: a
Slavic deity forging a pact with a Hungarian, and non-truly Slavic individual. But what is to be said of this?
Sybastien’s heritage was in his blood! His ancestors who were long forgotten to the darkness of the past
due to toil, war, and death bred that Slavic blood into him. Heritage—unlike genetic traits—does not grow
thinner with generations, or cultural immersion. In fact, it deepens.
If you look at the deities and spirits noted in the tomes, you see many of which are of Slavic and
Roman descent. This is because there were many individuals of these cultural backgrounds in the early
years of the tribe’s formation. The Drujziya represented a sanctuary from the Christian and Muslim zealots
who would have gladly slain them as heretics and witches. Just as the early colonizers of the new American
settlement sought to offer a shelter free of prejudice for people from all walks of life, the Drujziya tribe
sought to do the same for those who ran from the militant Judeo-Christian-Islamic armies that terrorized
Europe, the Middle East, and Africa through the Crusades and Ottoman occupation. In revolt to the
Christianization throughout European nations, those of the Old Ways brought their deities and magicks to
protect their new family. This merged the heritage of many into a new spiritual legacy without diluting any
of them individually or bastardizing them into some new spirituality. Instead, the gods were servced in the
same ways according to tradition, festivals and feasts were held in their honor, and all prospered through the
understanding of such traditions. This created a new culture for the tribe which grew as they listened to the
spirits further to deepen their connection.
Culture is an interesting thing. It evolves like all things do based on the stimuli it faces. Adaption
is part of necessity or dominance. When desperation strikes, innovation is often the product of such hard
times. However, when a nation is conquered, it must accept new laws, languages, religions, and customs.
Heritage doesn’t care for any of these things because it is the expression of the spirit of our ancestors, and if
we are resonant with that spirit and its voice, we will always be guided to what is pure and of the higher self.
It will lead us to the same strength that our ancestors had; the same wisdom, and oneness with their gods.
In most countries today we are living in a culture of weakness. This weakness has been created
through the systematic and manipulative tactics of politicians, social engineers, and mass marketing groups
who are focused on forming a society of highly agreeable drones who no longer value tradition and heritage
because one’s legacy has been given the name and face of racism, bigotry, sexism, discrimination, and hate,
not because it actually is any of those things, but through the clever tampering of a culture’s definitions,
perspective, and control of information. History is written by the victors, and we’ve seen many wars fought
and supported through propoganda, because the people would never have supported such actions if they were
given the truth. Often, for the few to pursue their agenda, the masses must be controlled, usually through
such ideas as patriotism, equal opportunity, the “greater good”, and love. Because of the fear of being
labeled, and the stigma which will ruin one who bears a negative label, most individuals are willing to accept
this type of cultural evolution even though it only worsens the overall situation. In this, not just a few people,
but entire groups of people, and even entire societies lose their identity. And for what?
Now more than ever, you are seeing a revolt around the world. African, Nordic, and Slavic folk are
taking a stand for their heritage. They are exhuming lost arts and crafts, they are forming their tribes, and
standing in defiance to the global erasure of identity. They’re speaking with their ancestors and asking for
their guidance. They’re casting off the shackles that bound them to the ways of the conquerer, and vesting
themselves with the attire of their ancient kin, taking to nature to commune with the universe, and they’re
erecting monuments to their gods; giving them new dominion and a home once again. Understand that to
have pride in your heritage does not make you a racist or even a supremacist. It doesn’t matter if you’re like
me, holding pride in his Slavic ancestry or like my Brother, Raszarith who is proud of his African ancestry.
Just as we honor the native spirits of our heritage, we work together and honor those who all fall under the
canopy of the Maergzjiran tradition. Heritage is to be honored and preserved, not reviled and abolished.
Your ancestors reside with you, just as theirs did within them, and as their gods do through the generations
of veneration. Take pride in the link of the chain you represent so that the chain of your ancestry and heritage
is never broken.

Why Are the Blighted Lords Considered “Blighted”?

Given the legacy we have preserved for so long and as openly as we have done so, I feel it is necessary
to discuss a topic that is often asked, but rarely understood: “Who are the Blighted Lords, and why do you
serve something that is a ‘blighted’ being?”

Such a name carries a dreadful connotation. Blighted—that is—to have a severely detrimental effect
on something, doesn’t sound like the type of title you would want. And so it was that our ancestors, in their
pride, hailed those anceint gods and goddesses of the dark realm as “Blighted Lords and Ladies” due to
their severe and detrimental effect they had on a world built on a corrupt system of kings and popes that had
dominated soceity with their false light doctrines and hateful campaign to wipe out the ways of old. They
are strong, determined, undefeatable, unfathomable, and unyielding in their loyalty to those who speak their
names with reverance, and who gratefully employ their wisdom.

Astrael is a force of psychic power and knowing. She destabalizes the worldly desire to be consumed
with the mass market lies and ignorance of media, complacency, and denial of truth. She promotes awareness
of self, one’s environment, others, the world, and the lands beyond our temporal understanding.
Belnara is the Lord of Night and calls us not to fear the unknown or what lies in the darkness.
He is a blight to the perpetuated idea that all that is dark is wicked, sinister, untrustworthy, or malevolent.
Instead, he encourages us to seek the unknown, take solace in the dark where neon lights, television, phone,
and computer screens don’t blind us, and where we can listen to the voice of nature and our inner self.
Cernobog, as I will discuss in more detail later is a force of power that is uncompromising in his
pursuit of supremacy. He shatters the foundation of societal and religious indoctrination, he encourages
strength of self over submission to others and the herd mindset. He brings down the blinding light of the
“acceptable” and invites us as Belnara does, into the dark where we may rest, find shelter, rejuvenate, and
realign ourself and our efforts.
Dranimarsh is a Lord of Plagues, which sounds quite malignant, but he is a blight to modern society
by encouraging us to step back from the pharmacy counter and deny dangerous drugs which harm more
than they heal, to find natural ways to cure our ails, to build our immunity and independence from synthetic
compounds and processed food and drink, and purify our bodies. Yes, he can spread disease and infirmities,
but he is a mighty healer as well capable of ridding oneself of such illnesses, even those with no modern cure
known to man.
Eldraath has been likened to such strong female energies as Lilith, Venus, and Athena, but she is her
own entity. She embraces the human condition and knows it better than most other spirits, and certainly
all mortal folk. In today’s society we are witnessing an all-out war on gender and sexuality, and while in
Eldraath’s realm there is something to suit everyone’s individual tastes, she encourages us to embrace our
sexuality, natural gender and sexual roles, she promotes love and companionship, but also teaches us to
cherish traditional relationships and the natural roles men and women are wired to perform, not destroy them.
Hananjur represents pain, war, suffering, and in its purity, similarly to Buddhism, he teaches us to
embrace these things as inevitable parts of life, and to use them to grow in strength, determination, self-
reliance, mental toughness and planning. He also encourages us to step away from the modern belief that
everyone and everything must be accepted and embraced. To Hananjur, that which conflicts with one’s
safety and securtiy must be challenged. He pushes us to gain insight and learn, but if there is no choice left
but to fight, then fight with everything you have. Never submit to being conquered.
Illkeserod is the light of wisdom; Sophia. All that passes with the sands of time in this world and
elsewhere between the stars she is aware of. As I said before, we live in a digital age where media and politics
rules the day for most adults, and video games, phones, and social media have consumed the youth. How
much of what you know is genuine truth? Or was this just what you were taught to believe? Illkeserod
pushes us to accept nothing that isn’t proven to be true. She exalts us when we seek greater meaning, when
we read between the lines, and discover what is real. What a destructive force in today’s world of social
indoctrination and zombification.
Kaziel is what the church would call the fallen angel and rebel against the heavens. Indeed. Perhaps
one of his greatest blessings and what makes him a blight to this world is that he is vigilant, and outright
militant in his hatred for the hoodwinking, manipulation, lies, and abuse of religion and clerics in power.
He encourages us all to take a stand for truth, purity of spirituality, and to fight back against the socio-
political and religious agenda that has had the world locked and dominated for ages.
Zazazel is an interesting figure in this discussion as he is the Lord of the Eternal Grave. Sure,
during Halloween kids run to the store to dress up as zombies and vampires among other horrors. But
to be a destabalizing force in modern society, his approach is vastly different. Zazazel shows us how to
embrace death gracefully, to appreciate a life well lived, to honor our ancestors, to call them and speak with
them when we need guidance, and to seek to create a legacy that will immortalize us in death. As the pirate
saying goes, “dead men tell no tales” so speak to them when you need truth and wisdom. This is a far cry
from modern belief that necromancy is inherently evil, the work of fantasy, or simply impossible.
Nykarleth—like Belnara and Cernobog—is a being of darkness and shadow, but while she is closely
associated and related to the fey, she is a powerful force that works in the deep crevices of the subconscious
mind; the shadow. Contrary to the modern era of ego, self-entitlement, everyone gets a medal, and all paths
and choices are perfect, Nykarleth stands to correct this. She is a blight to this way of thinking because she
will force us to face our failures and faults, to heal from traumatic experience and abuse, to break free of the
delusions and psychosis we’ve fallen under the spell of. She demands everyone accept accountability for all
that they do. Through her, one can truly heal internally and become a better and stronger individual for it.
Illivryn, long believed a deity of fiction is anything but. She is one of the more viciously militant
Blighted spirits due to her desire to achieve and maintain supremacy for herself and her kin. Like Nykarleth,
she sees weakness and ego as something to be crushed, and therefore teaches, challenges, and even demands
that we rise to the occassion, grow in strength, and become something more than we ever could have imagined.
Only through training one’s mind, body, and spirit can they truly develop, so Illivryn will do everything in
her power to test our resolve so that we become unstoppable and therefore, uncontrolled, unconquered, and
unquestionably superior in all that we do. And to be such without needing social validation, group approval,
or a medal to prove anything. She believes that one’s actions and merits must speak, as the person who
must speak is truly weak. Do what you must and all around will witness the force of nature you’ve become.
Senerron represents something more fierce and primal in our animalistic nature. Humans are
animals in their many ways, are they not? Therefore, Senerron teaches us to obey instinct and become less
reliant on the other tools to grant us strength. We must cultivate our own strength so that we can live our
lives according to our goals and needs. Too often we become comfortable with modern ammenities and
the luxuries of technology. If something catastrophic were to happen, most people would die or resort to
barbarism to survive. Those who listen to Senerron’s guidance learn to become an apex predator, a provider
to self and kin, to hunt, protect, and secure that which is precious. By obeying our natural instinct, we may
grow, rather than hinder our development and be forever stunted due to overreliance on external devices.
Lastly, Xath’kyrzian is a great overlord in the cosmic structure and is aligned in perfect balance with
the extremes of all things; light and dark, warmth and cold, the elements, the virtues and vices of being; he
is the incarnation of oneness with one’s environment. Again, we see a push from this great spirit to develop
a sense of oneness and balance in your environment and within yourself. Pulling too far one way or the
other can create weakness, so by nurturing your many aspects of want, desire, need, ambition, likes, dislikes,
tastes, and talents, you can be a more complete person. He encourages us to examine ourselves daily and
not only responsibly account for who and what we have become, but to then make the changes requisite to
become who and what we must—not want—but absolutely must become.

The Blighted Lords and Ladies represent a counter to the weakness and dependencies of modern
living. If you haven’t recognized the intangible pariah of social mentality, it is time to reflect on these things
and see where you too have been blindfolded, and perhaps even gagged by its influence. In the Maergzjiran
Cabal, we talk about “becoming blighted” and this is not just to mean that we seek to become like our
Lords and Ladies, but to become a blight to modern society as they are by bettering ourselves and making
ourselves independent. If you rely more on technology, the government, other people than you do yourself,
then you must improve yourself and your situation. There is no shame whatsoever in recognizing this, and
in fact it is praiseworthy to become aware of this and strive to do better for you and yours.
Cernobog: Destroyer of Chains

Over the years, the Left Hand Path, and witchcraft in general has been met with increasing fear of
what has been Christianized as evil and devilry. While there is certain to be veneration and worship toward
demons, malevolent spirits, Satan, and other mighty beings branded with the stigma of evil, we know this is
generally quite false, and that this is only perpetuated by the monotheistic religions which do not, and refuse
to understand the true nature of such paths, practices, and spirits. One of the more mysterious forces to be
termed as a being of wickedness and evil is none other than Cernobog, the Black God. While there is much
scholarly debate about his origins, identity, purpose, and role in spirituality, we recognize that the Old Ways
were mostly taught through oral tradition, therefore, such a force in the cosmos would also be venerated,
or even appeased in hushed whispers. It would come as no surprise that missionaries into Eastern Europe
would try to vilify this deity, and align him with the Christian Devil.

Cernobog, the predominant force among the Blighted Lords; he is more than a deity veiled in
darkness and mystery. He is an otherworldly force of nature that cannot be stopped, just as seasons cannot
be stopped from changing, nor can time be stopped from passing. In Slavic lore, he came from a realm of
darkness: Niwa, and with him came others not of this world to bring about the forces of darkness, shadow,
night, and destruction. So it is said, yet in Slavic witchcraft, good and evil are relatively subjective terms,
and an evil act is considered a good or just act when it serves a positive end. Cernobog has, and will remain
a force of carnage for all that stands before him in opposition. This is why in ancient times and even today,
to call upon Cernobog is to invite strength to your cause and devastation upon your enemy. He breaks the
chains of circumstance, illusion, the works of others; their sorcery and ill intent, and bad fortune. As he
breaks chains, he challenges us to rise to the occassion and seize power, to gain renown, to overcome our
opposition so that the only chain left in place is our unbreakable bond of loyalty and devotion to him.

Slavic Seal Maergzjiran Seal

Even as we look upon his Slavic sigil versus the Maergzjiran sigil, we see a similar shape and form.
It is preserved, yet expanded upon for use in specific rites which use this inspired seal at its core. To be a
god which backs down to none, cannot be killed or defeated—at best for his enemies, he can only be kept
at bay for short periods of time—it is no wonder why Cernobog is honored among people who have faced
off against an oppressive, misguided, ill-informed, ignorant, and hateful society that is quick to judge and
condemn, if not worse. He is a blight to the world of megachurch pastors, rich and corrupt societal and
religious leaders, and is a champion to those who fight on despite the odds or resistance. He is often
depicted as either a dark shadowy being or an old man with a staff. In Maergzjiran tradition, he is seen as
a darker-skinned man with long hair and beard in distressed, ancient armor carrying a large iron scepter.
This depiction is close to how most Slavic warrior deities like Perun were detailed, yet we see the shadowy
aspect creeping through as well in the dark colors and skin tone. His staff is replaced with a scepter; both
a bludgeoning weapon and an instrument of his kingly power and authority. And this is how Sybastien had
recorded seeing the Black God when he came to forge their pact.
Rituals dedicated to the Black God are often met with incredible strength of self which is in great
contrast to works of desperation. Instead, the sorcerer meets Cernobog at the crossroads as a warrior
unto his mighty teacher seeking guidance and wisdom. Entering into Vaerkurian rites as they are called in
Maergzjiran tradition directs the individual to approach as one who is certain of his victory despite what he
faces, and calls upon Cernobog’s devastating force to help carry his works through the realms which the
sorcerer cannot access. One invokes the Black God’s fervor and intensity; his relentless pursuit and inability
to surrender. Underneath every rite of Cernobog’s, the sorcerer is actually invoking that otherworldly
and godlike force which cannot be contained long in a human vessel. It is then directed as though one is
bolstered by the living avatar dwelling within of temporal host; driving through the veil toward his or her
intended goal. As the energy leaves them throughout the ritual, Cernobog gathers that part of himself and
the sorcerer’s intention and cleaves his way through the veil and planting it firmly where it must be without
fail. As I have mentioned, he cannot be stopped or defeated; he can hardly be slowed, and he can never be
thwarted in any way. It is this bit of wisdom that should secure the utmost faith within the sorcerer toward
Cernobog. Results come quickly and often with a herald of unseasonal or unexpected storms, or other
natural phenomena.
What I have come to realize most about Cernobog is that despite his often abrasive demeanor and
crushing energy, he often acts more like a father figure trying to raise the strongest children he can; warriors
of legend in the age of men. This is a very humbling experience to call upon his wisdom and strength in your
time of need and to see how it all manifests when you do as he directs. Yes, the world will come rushing at
you with every mode of resistance that makes up one of the many chains on your life, but he will show you
how to destroy the chains one by one. He will grant you foresight and great fortitude to endure when the
battle is long and arduous. He will show you how to fight more effectively, and empower your workings;
both of hand and spirit so that with impossible speed, you will be freed of all of the bindings that have
restrained you from establishing and maintaining your personal freedom.
Remember though, and remember always, that Cernobog’s assistance does not come without a
price. He will always demand respect, loyalty, and commitment to uphold your part; to soldify your link
in the Great Chain. He is a ferocious and unparalleled god; an unstoppable force of nature and godly
constitution, which is why he makes such an incredible teacher and ally. However, he is a nightmare to all
who would stand against, dishonor, or disrespect him. Standing beside Cernobog for but a single instance
when you need him will show you why he is the Destroyer of Chains, the Great Liberator, and the God of
Destruction. As is said often in reference to Cernobog, though in curse or with negative connotation, we
can say with honor, praise, and reverence: Do zla boga! Slava Chernobog!
Dualism & the Eternal Battle

Dualism. We see this theme in viritually every pantheon throughout history: a force of nature at
constant odds with its opposite aspect. We saw this in Egypt with Ra and Apep fighting with the solar and lunar
cycles, Set and Osiris doing battle regularly as well. In Slavic culture, Veles and Perun fight constantly, just as
Cernobog combats Belobog. In Christianity, Satan and Jehovah are set as the forces in dual nature of being.
However, while early cultures relied on the spirits and gods to represent much of what they did not understand
in the natural and supernatural worlds, they did also have a much closer connection to them than we do today.
To some degree, they needed someone or something to represent the balance they had to manage to survive,
but that was not the fullness of truth. They knew that eventually, like all things, there is an eventual end. Men
die, kingdoms fall, stars burn out, so too one god will eventually overcome his adversary.
The gods did and still do have much sway over the course of worldly events and the fate of people.
Those who deny the gods, or are ignorant to their work will never understand the nature of this concept. They
will pass through life focused only on the cosmetic and mundane. However, those who are attuned to the
spiritual currents will recognize where one spirit or deity is at work and either gaining ground or losing it.
Deities—like any military force—gain strength through the soliders in their army. In this instance, their faithful
disciples and devotees beside the spirits under their command. While there are zealots and militant disciples
of the pantheons of light and holiness, the spirit of those who walk the path of the Old Ways; those who have
descended from oppressed and persecuted ancestors, those who have fought to preserve their beliefs and way of
life will always be made of stronger heart and soul. As I mentioned with heritage, it is an ancestral power that
will emblazon your resolve and offer much guidance and strength, especially when you need it most.
Balance is an essential part of life and managing its many rigors and trials, but your heart and soul
belong somewhere. Are you destined for Niwa, the Duat, Hell, Valhalla, Maergzjirah, somewhere else?
Then if so, you represent one or more gods who stand in opposition to another. It then becomes survival of
your soul and identity to fight beside and for your god in the battle so that they, and you do not lose. I’m
not saying burn down a church during Sunday service. I’m expressing that to preserve your god’s works and
way of life they have made possible for you, you need to assist them in whatever manner they inspire you.
Often times we grow accustomed to being able to stand before an altar and make request and request,
offering modest sacrifices and reciting prayers, but in all of this, while we may be showing our respect and
gratitude, we rarely take the opportunity to offer service back to our gods. The next time you come with
a request, or even just to spend time in meditation, remember to let your god(dess) know that you truly
appreciate them, and would like to assist them as they direct. Think of how often we go out of our way to
help others at home, work, school, even on the street. How good does it feel when someone recognizes
your good will and offers to repay it? Even if you choose not to accept the offer, the consideration means
a great deal. Now imagine a god who answers the call to thousands, tens and hundreds of thousands, even
millions. How many people offer to return the favor? Most people believe they are too insignificant to
make a difference, but even if you cannot do a god’s work, the consideration will be recognized, appreciated,
and returned in kind.
Axis of Good & Evil

This topic has been covered throughout the ages by philosphers and psychologists from virtually
every background. However, I believe we live in a day and age of reversed values and backward thinking.
What is considered progressive has become nothing more than hate toward traditional values and ways of
life. A broad spectrum of information has been tailored to erase what should be common knowledge by
anyone with a formal education, and to dispel truth in favor of special interest initiatives.
In ancient times, men and women served specific roles based on their biological creation: men
were hunters, laborers, soldiers. Women tended to home life, nurturing children, and tending to the sick.
Both sexes served in positions of spiritual significance and in both community and even political leadership
as medicine men and women, priests and priestesses, and king and queen. The patriarchal push of Judeo-
Christian-Islamic religion took what was to be a break in the gender roles, and mostly eliminated a woman’s
ability to function as more than a second class citizen, whereas more ancient tribes and societies held a
better balance, and created a sense of urgency and loyalty in its people to serve their roles with due diligence
for the betterment of their people.
Fast forward to more recent centuries and you see that there has been a need for revolt and reform
due to a complete breakdown of value toward societies’ people. Power becomes a curse to most everyone
who is blessed by it. The individual no longer has to watch their step or consider their actions when others
will cover for them or take payment for silence. They can launch wars to pursue their own selfish desires,
and subject their people to atrocities so that they may steal away a little more comfort for themselves.
Corrupt rulers have always been met by revolutionaries, but what happens when a society turns in on
itself? Here, we observe people at war with one another because of differing beliefs while the bureaucrats
watch the implosion, knowing they and their friends who control resource monopolies will undoubtedly
capitalize. This capitalization results in marketing and pandering to those sensitive toward one side which
is more advantageous to the heads of state. The opponents to these ideas are quickly stomped out with civil
injunctions and new laws passed behind closed doors; their voices effectively silenced.
Like all things, they pass in cycles. During the “Roaring 20’s” in the United States, we saw a sexual
revolution where flappers became the symbol of personal expression and freedom. This was followed by
the return to traditional home values during the 1940’s and 50’s, mostly due to American nationalism that
sparked because of World War II. In recent decades we’ve seen a considerable amount of social change
which has created not only loss in sense of identity as I explained in relation to heritage, but a loss of sense
in general. In North America, Europe, Southeast Asia, and now even in the Middle East, you are seeing
the promotion of initiatives that make absolutely no sense for the good of people. Instead, they target the
anomaly; the individual, a splinter group, or subclass of people. It doesn’t just work to help them find a
level of equality, but pushes beyond that so that they’re made to be “special” and given special treatment,
and because of their plight, those who question or disagree are quickly labeled with some considerable
negativeity to make an example out of them, forcibly alienating them, and in the process subconsciously
recruiting anyone who doesn’t want to be the odd man out. There is an old commercial from the early
2000’s for the Samuel Adams Brewery where some businessmen are having a business meal, and they all
order water, except for their boss, who orders a “Sam Adams”, which then causes the rest of the men to
change their drink order. This is the herd mentality of the sheeple.
I realize I’m going to “trigger” people with this, but consider the LGBTQ movement. People from
ancient times through today were homosexual, bisexual, or simply curious. Many cultures held no stigma
with experimenting with the same sex so no one thought much of it. You partied, you played, you passed
out, and when the dawn came, you went back to your work. In modern days, if you’re anything other than
heterosexual, you’re essentially given a badge of honor, a pat on the back, and a special door is opened
for you since you can cry that someone is discriminating. Suddenly, since we’ve made such endeavors to
make individuals from that community feel accepted, its become trendy to “identify” or hag out when many
of these people would have never thought about it. The movement is being pushed in everything from
subliminal advertising to children’s cartoons. Perhaps you’re saying “Its about time!” or maybe you’re
saying, “This is disgusting!” Either way, you’re on a side in the argument, and this is where the main focus
of this article comes in.
Its no secret that I am a very passionate person, and it should be easily recognized in how I tend
to family and friends, my work and studies, my Brothers and Sisters, the Blighted Lords and Ladies. I
care deeply for all of them and would be beside myself if something were to happen to any of them. I’m
sure you are also of a similar mindset in that if someone were to approach you and yours with the intent to
harm, you wouldn’t just shrug your shoulders and let them have their way. You’d fight to protect yourself,
to protect those you love, and you would do everything in your power to stop this assailant from doing what
they sought to accomplish by targeting you. That’s commendable! But why fight? What drives you? Is
it fear? If so, is it the fear of losing your life or the life of someone you love? Is it because you know it is
wrong of this person and they’re breaking the laws which your respect? Regardless of how you look at it,
hatred doesn’t just happen for no reason in sane people. Hatred is most often the product of a deep love
and appreciation for someone or something. Does the man love his son? Yes, which is why he hates the
cancer that is slowly killing him. What about the father who killed the man who molested his daughter on
the courthouse steps? His hatred was bred from the love of his child. Now comes the moral issue. Is that
same father a bad person for killing in the name of vengeance? Personally, I don’t think so. In war, we kill
thousands and those soldiers are hailed as heroes, so what of someone who kills in defense of life or virtue?
Yes, he broke a law, but is he deep down a bad person? This could be argued and many people have hard
lines in their personal code. Some—like myself—could argue that this man should be exonerated and we
need to apply harsher punishments toward child predators by reforming our legal system.
So much is incredibly subjective. and yet in a global culture that is pushing more than ever for
acceptance, love, and live and let live, they seem to forget the anger and retaliation that comes from loving
so deeply and that which is precious being trampled and spat upon. Even the most zen-minded monk would
need to stop and refocus; even reprogram the natural inclination to respond with violence if his temple were
burned down by an arsonist, or his family attacked. We should be acknowledging our true self and embracing,
as I mentioned Lady Senerron promotes. Ultimately, we don’t have to approve of, or embrace the thoughts,
actions and feelings of others, but everyone must recognize natural response, and respect that when you deny
and control; manipulate and drive that which threatens someone and their values, you will inevitably invite
their hate which is also born of their personal love and respect.
The Final Martyr

For centuries and beyond, in this and other worlds, from all backgrounds, nations, religions, and
causes, men and women have sworn oaths and made pacts for all manner of reasons. This is one of the prime
foundations in the Maergzjiran Cabal: an oath. This is no ordinary oath, as it calls one to reflect on their
true self, their path, the gods they work with, and their goals for this life and the next. Should the individual
feel so moved, they make their pact by swearing an oath to the Blighted and what the Blighted have guided
for generations: the Cabal. They swear an extensive oath which mostly covers matters of common sense
and decency, but also to recognize that some things are in place for a reason, and while they may not make
immediate sense, or seem relevant, they have an important place in structure and for the overall well being
of the many individuals who too have sworn the oath. The die being cast, a new future unfolds before them.
As I have written in the past about the shadow, ego, and primal self, and as I mentioned what makes
Nykarleth a blight to the modern world, the individual is held to honor their oath and to constantly examine
self, environment, and plan accordingly for the future. Discipline is requisite for everyone who makes any
type of contract. Even in a mundane work setting, you’ve agreed to work for payment, but you must be
disciplined enough to follow through with your work duties, else you have broken the terms of your contract
and can be fired. In relationships, we must discipline ourselves so that we are mindful of our partner and
their feelings, needs, and wellbeing. If we lack discipline and reflection, we can fall into complacency and
disloyalty. Fulfilling a spiritual oath is not unlike this in any way. All the rituals, manifested spells and
requests, and divine intervention in the world won’t mean a thing if the person lacks the discipline to account
for the role they play in all of this.
When discipline, reflection, and accountability breaks down, the person loses touch with the other
side of the oath. They lose touch with the reasons why they agreed to those terms, and why they’re even on
the path in the first place. The ego inflates, the shadow distorts, and the person begins to change opposite to
the powerful changes that would normally take place through disciplining their mind, focusing their efforts
and energies, and making the internal adjustments required to evolve. The product of this detachment from
grounded self-awareness is often an ugly sight to behold. The person you once knew becomes a vicious,
spiteful, disrespectful, volatile, and toxic individual who will look for any excuse or reason to validate the new
flawed perspective they’ve developed by losing control of their inner faculties. This becomes all the more
apparent in individuals who have suffered trauma or abuse. The trigger reaction manifests often times due
to emotional memory that creates a series of automatic responses and altered personality layers that present
themselves whenever they’re confronted with something they find uncomfortable or destabalizing to their
weak foundation. The constant looking for reasons to validate quickly turn to considerable malice, where
the personal lashes out, taking actions that cannot be met with anything but having to cut them out of your
life, your circle, and sever ties. The oath, and all that comes with it for better or worse has been broken.
You go on about your life, yet they won’t with theirs. Somewhere in their mind, they’ve programmed
themselves to blame you or someone else for their failure, and so you become the catalyst they turn to when
they need to blame the reasons for their further misery and decline on something. In the Cabal, this is
when people go rogue, and become oathbreakers; apostates. They try to get even over perceived slights and
delusions created through lack of accountability and self-reflection. When this too eventually cannot silence
the maddening screams in their head, they go one step further and blame the gods; the Blighted for either
not coming through on what they feel they were entitled to, or for not punishing you for their current state.
They desecrate the very things that once brought them empowerment, meaning, solace, and purpose.
In their inevitable descent into a deepening isolation and depression, these individuals will look
for any stimuli imaginable to make the pain stop. The pain itself comes from denying their higher self,
the shadow knowing this is wrong and should not be, the retribution from the gods and people they
lashed out at and sought to hurt. The pain evolves and becomes clearer and all encompassing. Usually,
this is when people will turn to drugs and alcohol to bring them a state of euphoria. They will whore
themselves out in search of a connection; companionship, intimacy, meaning, something more than just
the somatic and banausic. They will reach out to anyone or anything they think can make it stop and even
lie to themselves and others to create a false reality they can hide behind which says on the surface they’re
happier, content, fulfilled, and in a better way. The final act of this downward spiral usually displays itself by
blaspheming against the very things that tried to help and support them. In this instance, they essentially
martyr themselves by blaspheming against their gods. Not only have they now betrayed their oath, but
they’ve defiled and destroyed that which is precious to them.
Make no mistake, the gods are completely solid in their self-awareness. They know with absolute
certainty who and what they are. They set their will into motion knowing a concrete desired end result. They
reach out to mortals who resonante with them, as they can help them to become as they are, or to a lesser
extent, something of an extension of themselves. The gods do not wrack themselves with indecision, or
uncertainty. They are absolute beings with eternal foresight, but mortals are constantly changing variables due
to our lack of self-awareness and extreme lack of discipline to maintaining self. Therefore, the path the gods
lay before is easily and often spat upon or lost track of due to our inability to maintain focus, perspective, and
the maturity to follow through. This lack of self control leads the individual down a path of misery, regret,
and unimaginable suffering. Everything I’ve just detailed isn’t even accounting for the full retribution for
betrayal which often includes the individual being cursed by the gods and tormented as punishment.
Eventually, as all things move in their respective cycles, regret settles in, and when it does, it hits
hard like a meteor crashing into the planet. Regret this deep often leads to some very serious self-awareness
and a long period of reflection. Much needed as once the individual is broken, they can finally shed the
false realities and pull away the many masks they wear. Now at last they can see the truth of their ways.
This acceptance is monumental for not only healing one’s wounds, but also in reconcilling with those they
have hurt, from old friends to the gods. As I noted in my discourse on spiritual warfare, if they’re willing
to change for the better and make ammends, its up to you if you choose to forgive and give another chance.
The gods have their own individual criteria for taking back someone who broke their promise, and often it
is a series of tests and sacrifices made to prove their humility and intent. As for us, we could choose to do
the same or lay down arms and welcome them back, but naturally time will tell if the individual is disciplined
enough to fulfill their word in rectitude, or if they’ll revert to the same complacency, narcissistic tendencies,
or if they’re just placating. On this path, we seek to be akin to our gods, and while they may forgive, they
never forget. You cannot control the actions of others, and should you see this implosion begin, it is often
best to step back and remove yourself so that you do not become the foci for their madness.
Season of the Witch

Its that time of year again. Samhain; Halloween is just around the corner and that means so too is
it the Season of the Witch. During this time historically our Pagan ancestors would feast, play games, honor
the gods, and invite their ancestral spirits back to enjoy some quality time with their families, and partake
in the festivities. This basic sense of harvest, celebration, and spiritual openness has variations based on
region, community, folk beliefs, the deities honored, and the wishes of the people. However, it has always
been a time to honor your ancestral spirits and the gods you serve.
In the Maergzjiran Cabal, we have long recognized how thin the veil between worlds becomes during
this time as we head toward the pinnacle of October 31st. The thinning of the veil makes it an opportune
time to work your rituals, commune with the spirits, divine and gaze for insight, clairvoyance, and the
attainment of higher wisdom. It is also the perfect time to reaffirm your oaths to kith and kin, your gods,
and tighten the knots in the ties that bind you to your path. We do this through oration, written petitions
which are buried or burned, and through sacrifice of self. Typically, we hold a formal gathering of our
brethren, the Imperators, Masters, Ascended, and Elders. Together, we drink with and to the Blighted and
our spiritual ancestors, we feast, help one another, perform the foundational rites, and swear our pact over
the husk of the prior year’s petition. This brings us closer to our higher, true self, and to those who have
come before and lead us through guidance in dreams, signs, and even more directly by forcible invocation.
As I have discussed quite a bit throughout this volume, it is very important to honor tradition
and your heritage, so you are greatly encouraged to ensure that you take time this Season of the Witch to
perform your rites, spend some time in nature, remove yourself from phones, tv’s and computers to be with
the elements, the spirits, and your thoughts in peace. The celebratory time for the Maergzjiran Cabal is
October 26th - November 6th, giving us a week before and after the zenith to do as we must, spend as much
time as we need to clear ourselves and reconnect.
Perhaps you come from a different background and the idea of dressing up, feasting with and for ghosts,
and trick or treating is odd or prohibited. Even so, you are still urged to remove yourself from technology and
distractions of the modern world in lieu of some much needed time in nature. Not only is nature of beautiful
and awe inspiring place to be, there are also some great health benefits involved with taking a stroll through
a park or forest, hiking, or rowing down a quiet river. One of the very first benefits is the removal from
mind-numbing stimuli. A cool breeze, smells of leaves and trees after the rain, and silence broken only by the
calls of birds, frogs, and crickets has been shown to lower blood pressure, improve productivity, awareness,
and mood, while also reducing stress. Also, negative ions are great for repairing the body. Negative ions
are abundant in forests, by bodies of water such as waterfalls, along ocean surf, and elsewhere after it rains.
Negative ions are just negatively charged ions which help repair the body by eliminating free radicals, they
bolster the immune system, regulate blood pressure and digestive health, help with relaxing the brain and
improve sleep quality, purify your blood, enhance cellular rejuvenation, and balance metabolism. Negative
ions also alleviate allergies by routing allergens from our bodies, and also kick seratonin production into high
gear, making us feel tranquil and at peace; effectively fighting depression and lethargy.
Our ancestors knew that to be attuned to nature without infringing on what nature does best would
result in peace of mind, and overall improved health. Couple this with folk faith and living in harmony
with nature, or better yet, working in a harmonious way beside the fey, animals, and elemental spirits and
you have the recipe for being an incredibly healthy and well-balanced individual. Nature’s bounty reveals the
cure to all ails, no matter how minute or life-threatening. Our ancestors knew this well, and prompted us
to continue to respect nature and her ways of providing for us. This—along with honoring the pact made
between Sybastien and Cernobog—lays the groundwork for us to reaffirm our pact at the zenith of the
Season of the Witch, falling at the midnight cusp of October 31st and November 1st.
Regardless of your path, you are still encouraged to take some time and pay your respects to the
living spirit that flows through the current of this world. Go camping, meditate near a stream or against the
base of a tree, go for a walk in a nature trail after work while you allow yourself to embrace your oneness with
the elements around you. If you feel so inclined, stop and leave an offering for the animals or spirits, give
them your thanks, stop to take in the bountiful reward of removing yourself from technology and society.
And as for my brethren, I encourage you to do the same, stopping to reaffirm your pact at the final hour
after performing your foundational workings along the way. The trees and flowers feel your presence, the
birds will stop and observe, and the spirits will meet you at the crossroads.
Rejuvenate, revel, and return from Season of the Witch renewed in your strength, clarity, and
purpose. Take that with you into everything you do. I understand that we work and have to immerse
ourselves in the cosmopolitan lifestyle, but when you clock out, nature and her spirits will be waiting to
welcome you home to relax. I hope that you and yours have a most wonderful and memorable Season of
the Witch. Hail, hail!
In Morana’s Wake

As Season of the Witch passes, like Samhain, we say goodbye to the autumnal harvest season and
begin preparing for winter. If you’re lucky enough to live in an area that is prone to being assaulted with
blistering cold, blizzards, and mountainous snowfall, then you’re all the more blessed to have the presence
of Morana in your own backyard. In Slavic lore, Morana was the goddess of winter, death, trickery, and
the Underworld. She often works beside another Underworld deity, Veles is antagonizing the god, Perun
who is life, sky, and storms. She has also been considered the creator of the legendary Baba Yaga as
either true creator, or simply taking on her form as an alternate avatar. In contrast to the old hag, we see
Morana becoming Marinka, a vicious, youthful girl. Regardless of the form she took, Morana was always a
harbinger of dark, cold, toilsome times. However, in Maergzjiran lore, we see her as an extremely powerful
deity due to how she can intercede in our lives.
Like we have discussed elsewhere, the Blighted Lords are known for their main dominion, but they
are also capable of the exact opposite. Cernobog, for instance, can smash the barriers before you, grant you
great strength, liberate you from bindings, and lead you to victory. Alternatively, he is capable of breaking
an opponent’s will, binding them, crushing their ambition and depleting them of their fortitude. Morana is
able to do much the same. However, we seek to exalt her firstly as she is an incredible spirit who commands
great respect. If Morana is likened to winter, death, the underworld, and trickery, then how might she be
able to command the opposite? She can help protect you in the dangers of winter, help you with safe travel
through storms and icy conditions, she can preserve and stay what might other wise harm, she can offer wise
counsel about deceptions and works in play against you which may be subtle or extensively laid out. Further,
with her command of the winter elements, those can be drawn upon to great success in deep freezing one’s
enemies dead in their tracks.
Since we perform this working during winter, we immerse ourselves in the cold winds, deep snow, and
discomfort of being caught in a harsh snow storm. What if you don’t live somewhere with a winter season?
Perform it where it is dark such as deep in a forest, planting your petition beneath a rock, in a cave, during one
of the coldest times of the year. Its also recommend to take a cold shower beforehand to invoke the feeling.
Similar to the Shinto practice of misogi, or waterfall meditation, meditate beneath a cold shower, reflecting
on the work you’re about to commit to, and let that carry through. You can also carry something natural such
as a stone or crystal native to an environment which is currently in the throes of the winter season.

Morana’s Frigid Touch

In this wintery working, we will be taking our ritual outside in the midst of Morana’s tempest and
casting an enemy into her grasp to halt their workings. This can be done in relation to anyone who is doing
something that you need halted; in your neighborhood, at work, school, a competing business, or spiritually
in works of malicious ritual, etc.
You will need: Paper and pen, a hand shovel (optional), an object for making an impression in the
ground, a small bottle of hot water, red string, an offering for Morana (a floral bundle, food, drink, etc.)
This is very simple and straightforward. Gather your supplies and go into the wintery domain before
you. It is recommended that you go deep into the forest, but work where you won’t be disturbed if you can’t
journey out further into nature. When you have located a place to work where you won’t be disturbed, sit
and meditate on the work you seek to complete with Morana’s help. Allow the cold to penetrate your flesh,
sinking into your spirit. Move the snow away from the ground and use the hot water to thaw the frozen
ground if it cannot be moved. Use the shovel to dig a small, but deep
hole. As you gaze in, really allow your intent to deepen and become
sharp with focused intent. Write your petition, but do not be rushed.
Allow the cold to dull your senses so that all you can focus on is the
words being written. This should contain a detailed account of what
you require done to the individual. When finished, fold the petition up
and tie it closed with red string or yarn, then place it within the hole and
cover it back up. Place the offering beside the hole and move the snow
Slavic Seal of Morana
back and pack it down over the top of the tiny pit. From here, draw her
seal into the snow. Offer your own words to Morana, explaining once more what this person has done to
you, and what you need stopped. To close, speak, “Lady Morana, lay your frozen hands over mine, lay your
frigid gaze upon my request, and may your chilling presence freeze [name of enemy] in all of their works
against me. Slava, slava, slava Morana!”
The good Lady of Winter has a wonderful way of quickly seizing hold of someone and essentially
bringing their work to a complete halt. The individual is silenced, blinded, cut off from their support and
resources so that they cannot pursue their efforts against you. Their minds are blasted with a sudden fear
and looming dread which make them uneasy, and often giving them nightmares of revenge and death when
they focus on you. Know this, her frigid touch can be held in place long after the winter has passed.
On the first day of spring, retrieve the conduit from the ground, and take a small vessel filled with
water and place the remnants of the conduit within it. This can be followed up with the same process as
before, except when finished, place the vessel in your freezer until winter to rebury. Make her sigil over the
freezer door, and leave some type of offering for her at the dinner table. This is folk magick with a modern
twist, and will not only deliver the same results, but pay respect to the goddess of winter.
God of the Infinite Darkness

Akraeoth. The name is relatively unknown in most circles of mysticism. However, in the
Maergzjiran tradition, we know Akraeoth as the very god source of all things. As was discussed in our video
on Akraeoth’s origin and that of the Blighted, we recognize Akraeoth as being the absolute, undisputed
source of all things. From the darkness he gave form to the emptiness with his breath of life and will for
these creations to function independently. He created worlds and planes, the stars, rivers, mountains, and
seas. He created the beasts of the land, those of the sky, and watery depths. He created lesser and mighty
beings in tendem. Akraeoth gave them direction. Revolt was laid before him by rogue offspring which he
had created with this counterpart, Zirosay. This rebellion resulted in the seizing of a few modest realms
from Akraeoth’s grasp, and so we understand the reason why the veil over this realm is so heavy, so as to cut
off our own psychic, spiritual, and magickal talents, and sever our tie to the spirits.
Akraeoth utilized a multitude of names to confound his adversaries and created cults which would
honor him and fight against the oppressive false light to liberate his progeny and faithful. This is why today
you see the “Devil” and his many names and titles across the world. He is not by any means an inherently
evil deity as often claimed as he is the original source; a force of nature and pure divinity. He simply is.
His rule is just and balanced, the duties and laws of his way are imposed on all creation, and that which
defies his mandate has set itself apart from him, resulting in Akraeoth and his kin casting aside your voice
and request, they lend no hand and turn away.
As I mentioned, Akraeoth is not a name people had known. In fact, it was the name known only
among the Maergzjiran Cabal’s elders and their closest allies of great spiritual power. A great rite was
performed in which the new elders and other source-forged individuals who were greatly blessed by the
Allfather would swear an oath greater and more heavily charged with duty than the Disciple’s pact. This as
I said was reserved for the few hand selected sorcers, and this is where they first heard the name “Akraeoth”
whispered in their ear. A true name of the greatest deity to ever exist by and far, before all others. He is
hailed as the Dark Progenitor, the God of the Infinite Darkness, the Lord of Eternal Nightfall, the Unseen,
the Inexorable, Akraeoth demands absolute loyalty and devotion to his path, and in the Maergzjiran Cabal,
through the Blighted we honor this. Due to the legacy of such incredible loyalty and sacrifice of self for the
good of the Blighted, Akraeoth has blessed many individuals quite directly and for good reason.
However, no sooner does the Cabal openly speak Akraeoth’s name, there are a number of YouTube
sorcerers and ego-driven charlatans who begin talking about how they have had one-on-one experiences
with Akraeoth by calling upon him with invocations given “by him” in dreams and deep meditation. They
describe “secret” sigils and names for him as well. These are all incredibly false. Akraeoth is the name to
which he bestowed upon our ancestors’ ears and communicated through the Blighted Lords and Ladies. Just
as he chose to build his cults under names as Satan, Shaitan, Demogorgon, and Akephalos, he spoke his
name as Akraeoth to our ancestors. However, as Vrykanus has explained, this is a true name of the original
creator, and should be spoken and treated with the utmost respect, for his name alone is power and is both
a shield and sword for he who weaponizes it, and exalts his breathren with it. So it is, that we have come to
recognize with absolute certainty that Akraeoth does not come to all, or even the elite, but to those whom
he trusts and sees the incredible extent of their loyalty and devotion to him, the Blighted, and restoring the
world to his originally created form of perfection. He does not answer the call by those whom he has not
blessed through the Blighted. He does not offer himself to those who have not sworn that greater pact
known only to elders and the chosen vanguard of the Blighted. There is no amount of petitioning that will
ever cause him to reveal himself except to those who are branded by his mark. Other spirits who hear you
will come before, (and often be mistaken as Akraeoth either an avatar or his messenger) but these spirits are
there to see what could possibly be so incredible that a mortal would call upon Akraeoth himself.
Mortals do not seem to realize how foolish and presumptuous it is to call directly on Akraeoth
either, as the self-entitlement syndrome often lulls the mortal mind into believing it is not only capable,
but is owed the presence of anything—including the very creator—because they’re “sorcerers”. Just as you
can’t pick up the phone and call the president, or even to a lesser degree, demand on a whim to speak to
the company CEO, you definitely aren’t going to be able to call directly upon Akraeoth. The Blighted
Lords are his emissaries, as well as living incarnations of his many aspects. If a sorcerer can’t even work
respectfully and diligently with the Blighted, then in what world does one believe they could work with
Akraeoth and be found even deserving of the opportunity?
Should you ever receive his mark and his blessing, then you will know that to work with Akraeoth
is to bend any person, circumstance, situation, and even fate to your command. This is why some of us
fully ascend and receive unity with our transcendent aspect; to become an elder, and eventually capture our
apotheosis. Remaining true and loyal, resonant with the Blighted and fulfilling our oaths vigilantly earns us
a sharper awareness and the ability to understand the higher truth and guidance of the Blighted and Akraeoth
through heightened spiritual sensitivity.
When it comes to Akraeoth, there is only what is and what is not. There is no speculation, no
educated guess, no hypothetical; there is Akraeoth, and what is devoid of his presence. To hear his name
for the first time in the whispers of the Ancient Elder’s rite, to feel his incredible presence observing with
pride and acceptance is something held close to the heart and never sullied with utterances of delusion, bias
projection of what you want to be. No, there is Akraeoth and then there is no need for more. Keep this
in mind when you hear people speaking of knowing something of Akraeoth, or claim to have been able to
summon him, or received some secret sigil or words of power. Its all ego. Earn the right to receive the
Ancient Elder’s charge, and swear your oath unto him, and then you will know all about The Inexorable
One in all that his dark grace and majesty reveals before you. For those who like to throw our grand hail,
“Adulas Akraeoth!” without truly understanding what it means, know that this can be understood simply
as, “all from Akraeoth” or “all that is glorious hails from Akraeoth”. Now that you know about him and
his stance, his presence, and his way, remain humble before him and receive the blessings granted to you
through his heralds and the Blighted.

Adulas Akraeoth!

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