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Half Yearly Exam (2018-19)

Subject –Science
Class – VI

A. Write the Correct answer

1. Which modified part of a plant, sweet potato is?

a) Root B) Fruit C) Leaf d) Stem.

2. Common Salt is_ _____in water?

a) Salable b) Insoluble C) Immiscible.

3. Iodine is used the test the presence of____ _ in food?

a) Proteins b) fats c) starch d) Vitamins.

4. Synthetic fabrics are obtained from ___?

a) Plants b) animals c) chemicals

5. The structural unit of living beings is called____?

A) Sells b) imolecells c) organs

6. Kwashiorkor is caused due to lack of _____?

a) Proteins b) fats c) minerals d) water

7. The height of a jute plants is _____?

A) 2-4 feet b) 5-6 feet c) 8-10feet

8. Which joint allows movement in all direction?

a) Ball and socket joint b) hang joint c) gliding joint

9. Biotic environment includes?

A) Soil and water b) clip c) plants and animals

10. Burning of a candle in an example of _____?

A) Physical change b) chemical change c) both a & b.

B. Fill in the blanks.

1.__is the mixing of solute into solvent.
2. The process of producing young ones is called____.
3. Fish use its ___for breathing.
4. The exchange of gases in plants takes plate through____.
5.___have back bone.

Cowrie’s one word answer.

1. Long Winter sleep.

2. The male reproductive part of the blower.
3. Organism that prepare their own food.
4. Materials that have shiny surface.
5. Soil in which cotton grows.
D. Write a short answer.

1. Why do we need clothes?

2. Differentiate between soluble and insoluble materials.
3. Why do animals move?
4. What is Chlorophyll? What is it’s important for plants.
5. What is skull? What are its functions?
6. Write short note on aquatic habitat.
7. Define Distillation.
8. What are minerals?
9. How do scavengers help the environment?
10. Explain winnowing.
11. What is respiration?
12. Write the main function of the following.
a) Root b) Leaf.
13. Write short note on hibernation?
Draw the Diagram of food chain.

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