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Experiences of environmental performance evaluation in the cement industry.

Data quality of environmental performance indicators as a limiting factor for
Benchmarking and Rating

Article  in  Journal of Cleaner Production · November 2003

DOI: 10.1016/S0959-6526(02)00126-9

50 168

6 authors, including:

B. von Bahr Erik Stoltenberg-Hansson

RISE Research Institutes of Sweden Intelmat Stoltenberg-Hansson


Bengt Steen
Chalmers University of Technology


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Establishing the Swedish national LCA database SPINE@CPM View project

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Journal of Cleaner Production 11 (2003) 713–725

Experiences of environmental performance evaluation in the

cement industry. Data quality of environmental performance
indicators as a limiting factor for Benchmarking and Rating
B. von Bahr a,∗, O.J. Hanssen b, M. Vold b, G. Pott c, E. Stoltenberg-Hansson d, B. Steen a
CPM—Centre for Environmental Assessment of Product and Material Systems, Environmental Systems Analysis, Chalmers University of
Technology, S-412 96 Göteborg, Sweden
Østfold Research Foundation, Box 276, N-1601, Fredrikstad, Norway
Cementa AB, Box 102, S-620 30 Slite, Sweden
Norcem AS, R&D, Box 38, N-3950 Brevik, Norway

Received 3 April 2001; received in revised form 14 April 2002; accepted 20 September 2002


Although ISO 14031 gives guidelines for environmental performance evaluation, there is limited experience of applying the
standard in the area of benchmarking and external rating, especially when limitations of data quality are considered. This paper
evaluates the importance of the data quality of operational performance indicators (OPIs, in this case emission factors) as a limiting
factor for benchmarking and external rating between six cement plants in Sweden, Norway and Finland for three types of emissions,
dust, NOx and SO2. Monthly emission factors for 1993–1999 were collected for these plants and a quality assurance process was
undertaken to eliminate factors that decreased comparability. The data were tested against six hypotheses concerning different
aspects of the variation of the emission factors. One of the findings was that there is no sharp limit when the quality of emission
factors is high enough to make it possible to compare, since quality is a qualitative conception in itself. Instead, organisations using
emission factors should strive to adapt a system with quality assurance of emission factors, resulting in widely accpeted emission
factors suitable for comparison between plants. This is achieved with a sector specific methodology which can handle irrelevant
differences and reflects real differences in environmental performance.
 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Environmental Performance Evaluation, EPE; Cement production; Data quality; Environmental Performance Indicators, EPI; Operational
Performance Indicators, OPI; ISO 14 031; Comparability; Benchmarking; Emission factor

1. Introduction 앫 document continuous improvement according to ISO

14001 [6]
During the last decade, there has been an increasingly 앫 benchmark EP internally and externally for various
intensive interest in assessing, measuring and docu- stakeholders
menting the environmental performance (EP) of industry 앫 document improvements of EP from investments in
[1–4]. Tyteca [5] points out that “there is an increasing the production
need for tools that would allow for proper and objective 앫 prove compliance with emission permits, voluntary
quantification or measurement of the performance of agreements etc.
firms with respect to the environment.” There are several
objectives of the measurements, among the most The international standard for environmental perform-
important being the possibility to: ance evaluation (EPE), ISO 14030 [7] proposes a meth-
odology to measure EP in terms of definitions, working
structure (“plan-do-check-act”-system), and different

Corresponding author. Tel.: +00-46-31-772-21-81; fax: +00-46- types of quantitative indicators such as environmental
31-772-21-72. performance indicators (EPI), management performance
E-mail address: (B. von Bahr). indicators (MPI), operational performance indicators

0959-6526/03/$ - see front matter  2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
714 B. von Bahr et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 11 (2003) 713–725

(OPI) etc. However, the ISO standard is quite new and converted to clinker. Finally, the clinker is ground in a
there is limited experiences of applying the standard in cement mill with the addition of approximately 5% of
different sectors of industry. Jasch [8] has described the gypsum to achieve the desired cement quality. The
standard in general terms and has also pointed out the cement is now ready and is stored in cement silos ready
importance of system boundaries. A recently finished to be sold and used.
project within the EP area is an EU project called MEPI,
Measuring Environmental Performance of Industry [3]. 2.2. Calculation of emission factors
The principal objectives of MEPI were to develop, col-
lect and apply EPIs. The problem situation in MEPI is An emission factor is the ratio between the emissions
similar to that of this study, but this study deals with the caused by producing a certain unit, within a given time
cement industry which was excluded in the MEPI-study. period, and the produced unit, e.g. 2.2 kg NOx/ton
In spite of the importance of data quality in relation to clinker. The numerator expresses the amount of emission
EPIs, there is limited experience of this factor. The qual- and the denominator expresses the produced unit. The
ity aspects need to be better investigated, in order for measurement procedure used to achieve the emissions is
the EPIs to fulfil their functions according to the aims dependent on the type of emission. In this study, NOx
mentioned in the beginning of the article. and SO2 emissions are measured in the flue gas, while
Since EP has to be quantified to be comparable, differ- dust is measured both in the flue gas and at some other
ent kinds of indicators are used, as mentioned above. points of emission. To estimate the emission for a certain
OPIs are “a type of EPI that provide information about period, the concentration (X, measured in the flue gas)
the environmental performance of the organisations is multiplied by the flow in the flue gas (Y), for a certain
operations”, according to ISO 14031 [7]. Some of these time period (Z), according to Eq. (1).

冋 册 冋册
OPIs are identical to life cycle inventory data (LCI-data).
LCI is one of the steps in life cycle assessment (LCA). mg m3
X ∗Y ∗Z[h] ⫽ XYZ[mg]. (1)
OPIs in this paper are expressed as emission factors nm3 h
(EF), i.e. X kg emitted substance/functional unit. It is
also of interest to see the connections between the EPE For the same time period, the produced clinker has to
and LCA and how these can be reciprocally beneficial. be determined. This is done by weighing the raw meal
This paper is the result of a joint Nordic project, Nor- fed to the kiln during the period, and multiplying by a
dEPE, which aims to increase the understanding and use factor (depending on quality of raw meal), since CO2 is
of EPE. This paper reflects one of the subprojects, released during the calcining process.
regarding the statistical properties of emission factors
(EFs) in the Nordic cement industry. The goal of the 2.3. Data material in the study
subproject was to investigate whether, and if so how,
deficiencies in the data quality of EFs are a limiting fac- The reasons for choosing the cement industry was that
tor for the use of EFs as OPIs, especially concerning good data were available for various emissions over a
benchmarking and rating. The study was carried out with long period of time (from 1993 and ahead) from different
the cement industry as an example. production units. The six production plants in the study
are situated in Norway (1 plant), Finland (2 plants) and
Sweden (3 plants). The sizes of the plants vary and their
2. Background average production of clinker is between 20,000 metric
tons/month to 150,000 metric tons/month.
2.1. The cement production process There are many types of emissions in the cement
industry which could have been included, e.g. EFs of
A short description of cement production is provided CO2, SO2, NOx, dust and heavy metals. Other quantitat-
to improve the reader’s understanding of this process, ive measures of EP can also be included, such as use of
see Fig. 1. The main raw materials for cement production natural resources, energy, fossil fuels, water etc. All the
are limestone and marl. The stones are quarried, crushed emission types mentioned have earlier been included in
and ground to a raw meal. Before the raw meal is fed LCA studies for cement [10]. There are also some direct
into the kiln, it passes a cyclone tower with a precalcin- production aspects such as noise and vibrations which
ator, where the temperature rises to approximately 950 can be included. A selection process ended up with three
°C (not all cement plants are equipped with a emission factors: dust, NOx and SO2. These were the
precalcinator). During this calcining process, CaCO3 emission factors for which the statistical material was
thermally decomposes to CaO and CO2, and the latter the best for these emission types, i.e. continuously
leaves the system. In the rotating kiln, the material reported data over a long period of time at each pro-
moves slowly towards the burner in the end of the kiln, duction plant. If a global EP assessment framework is
where the temperature is 1450 °C, and the material is to be compiled for the cement industry more emission
B. von Bahr et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 11 (2003) 713–725 715

Fig. 1. The cement production process. Source: [9].

factors or indicators certainly have to be included than 2.4. Quality assurance

in this study. This is for example valid for CO2, an
important but omitted emission factor in this study. It The important quality assurance process was carried
was omitted since the data material was not suitable for out in three steps. A questionnaire was sent to all the
a statistical assessment, since a majority of the plants plants about the measurement methodology. Another
studied gave the CO2-emission factor as a ratio of the questionnaire concerned changes within the plant during
production of clinker for the studied period. The investi- the period (technology changes and permission levels
gated data material is shown in Table 1. etc). Finally, there was a dialogue between the analyst
The EFs used are monthly average values, i.e. the total and the data provider at each plant in the beginning of
amount of the emission during a month is divided by the analysis, where the outliers in the statistical material
the production for the same month. It would be possible were checked and mistakes adjusted. The three steps are
to work with a higher resolution, e.g. 24-h EFs. The described in detail below.
selection of monthly EFs seemed us to be a good The first step, on measurement methodology, was
compromise between sufficient resolution and the intended to make the information about EFs more com-
amount of data acceptable to handle in the analyses. The parable. It is important to increase the knowledge about
measurement uncertainties for the EFs are estimated to the background of the emission data. This was achieved
+/-2.2 % for NOx, +/-3.6% for SO2 and +/-8% for dust, by sending out an inquiry to each plant, which consisted
according to Swedish standard measurement procedures of detailed questions about measurement methodology.
in the cement industry [11,12]. However, the variability Dust, for example, is generated at various places at the
of the EFs is greater than the measurement uncertainties. production site, and it is important for comparability to
The collection of monthly EFs for this project for 1993– be aware of how the measurement programme for each
1999 began in the spring of 1999 and was completed for emission is designed.
the last year in the beginning of 2000. A contact person The second step was to identify all changes that
at each plant received a template, filled it in and occurred during the study period, and which could
returned it. influence the EFs of a cement production plant. Possible
changes were categorised in eight groups numbered I–
VIII and a questionnaire was sent to the plants to register
Table 1 the changes in the groups:
The available data material for the study

Substance Number of Number of Number of Number of 앫 Changes in emission permits from authorities (I).
plants years EFs missing 앫 Changes or investments in Air Pollution Control Sys-
values tems (II).
앫 Changes in measurement methodology or measure-
Dust 6 7 461 43 ment systems (III).
NOx 5 7 384 36
SO2 3 7 206 46
앫 Introduction of quality management systems (ISO
9000) (IV).
716 B. von Bahr et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 11 (2003) 713–725

앫 Introduction of environmental management systems It is also of interest to see how changes in the pro-
(ISO 14000 / EMAS) (IV). duction conditions influence the mean values and SDs
앫 Change of fuels (V). of the EFs, and whether there is correlation between the
앫 Changes of raw material or raw material compo- EFs and the monthly production of clinker. To enable
sition (VI). LCA simulation [13–15], it of interest to study whether
앫 Changes in production control or production pro- the EFs can be represented by some distribution [16].
cesses (VII). Therefore, the EFs were tested against the normal distri-
앫 Other changes that may be important for EFs (VIII). bution. The hypothesis (see below) about significant dif-
ferences between plants was tested using multiple com-
The third and final step of the quality assurance pro- parison methods. Different multiple comparison methods
cess was to eliminate mistakes in EFs. In the beginning were used depending on the variance of the EFs. If the
of the analysis, there were some statistical outliers that variances were proven equal (according to a certain
seemed to be incorrect. Data that seemed statistically limit) the Bonferroni [17] test was used and if they were
incorrect were checked with the data provider at each proven unequal, the method of Tamhane [17] was used.
plant to minimise the risk of misinterpretation of data.
3.1. Hypotheses
3. Methodology
In order to explore whether the current data quality
of the EFs is high enough to prove differences between
To explore the importance of data quality for OPIs in
plants, some hypotheses were formulated. Several other
benchmarking, some hypotheses (see next section) were
questions regarding the SD, NSD, effects on the EF of
formulated and tested. The hypotheses relate to questions
changes in the plants, etc. were also studied to under-
about average values, standard deviations (SD), normal-
stand the characteristics of EFs:
ised standard deviations (NSD), correlation between
technical or other changes (improvements) in the plant
and the EFs, regression analyses between EFs and pro- 1.
duction and, finally, whether the EFs can be represented 1.1. Average annual EFs from all the studied cement
by some kind of distribution. plants have been reduced significantly from
In this case, the OPI according to ISO 140 30 [7] are 1993–1999.
expressed as EFs for dust, NOx and SO2. Usually these 1.2. There are significant differences between the EFs
are expressed as the annual average EF for a plant, e.g. from different plants over the period 1993–1999.
2.5 kg NOx/ton clinker (which is converted to cement 2. Standard deviations for dust, NOx (as NO2) and SO2
through the grinding process). To compare two such EFs for each plant have been reduced over the period
values with the aim of discerning significant changes is 1993–1999.
not appropriate, since the variation during a year can be 3.
considerable. For example, if the second year has a lower 3.1. Normalised standard deviations in the EFs of the
average EF but a larger SD, it is possible that no cement plants are not higher than 30% of the
improvement has taken place. A statistical test that average value.
includes the SD can provide a basis for a better statement 3.2. Normalised standard deviation in average annual
about a significant change. A significant change in this EFs from all cement plants have been reduced
context means a statistically proven change, with a cer- from 1993–1999.
tain probability. A common rule of thumb in statistics 4. Improvements implemented in technology, process
is to consider a probability of 95%. If nothing else is development and management systems in the plants
stated, that significance level is assumed in this article. have caused significant changes for relevant EFs
The SD can also be used to characterize the variation and/or NSD in EFs.
of the EF over time. Two production sites may have the 5. There is no correlation between EFs and monthly pro-
same average for an EF, but with different SDs, indicat- duction of clinker in the cement plants from 1993-
ing that the production at one site is more stable than 1999.
the other. Another issue is the variation of the SD over 6. Annual EFs from the cement plants can be rep-
time and whether the SD changes significantly owing, resented by a normal distribution (based on monthly
for instance, to technical changes at the plant or changes EFs).
in the management systems. To make SDs comparable
(when the mean values differ greatly), they can be nor- The number 30% in in hypothese 3a is chosen just to
malised (NSD), i.e. the SD values are divided by the give a reference point for the amplitude of variation. It
mean values, which makes the SDs independent of the would have been possible to choose a lower or higher
levels of the mean values. value.
B. von Bahr et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 11 (2003) 713–725 717

4. Results of the hypotheses

(Hypothesis 1:a) Average annual EFs from all the

studied cement plants have been reduced significantly
from 1993 to 1999.b) There are significant differences
between the EFs from different plants over the period
1993 to 1999.
a) This hypothesis is true, since, for dust, there is a
significant reduction of 50% when 1999 is compared
with 1993, see Fig. 2a. If period 1 (1993–1995) is com-
pared with period 2 (1996–1999), the significant
reduction is 31%. The significant reduction between per-
iod 1 and period 2 depends on stepwise significant
reductions within the periods—in this case two signifi-
cant reductions in period 2, between 1996/1997 and
between 1998/1999, see Fig. 3. No significant reduction
took place in period 1. For NOx, the hypothesis is also
true if a comparison is made between period 1 and per-
iod 2, where a significant reduction of 19% occurred due
to significant reductions between 1996 and 1997 in per-
iod 2, see Fig. 4. However, if 1993 is compared to 1999 Fig. 3. Dust, EF, all plants together for each year. There were sig-
a nonsignificant reduction of 22% occured due to a large nificant reductions between 1996 and 1997 and between 1998 and
spread of the mean values in 1999. For SO2, the hypoth- 1999. The horizontal line indicates the median value. The box rep-
resents 50% (from 25th to 75th percentile) of the EFs and the
esis is true, since there is a significant reduction of 39%
top/bottom horisontal line represents the largest/smallest emission fac-
when 1999 is compared with 1993, see Fig. 2 c. If period tor that is not an “outlier” or an “extreme”. Circles are outliers that
1 is compared to period 2, there is a nonsignificant represent EFs with more than 1.5 box-length from the 75th percentile
reduction of only 2%. The low reduction between the (top of box) (25th percentile on the bottom side). Extremes are EFs
periods depends on that only one of the plants had great more than three box-lengths from the 75th percentile (top of box) (25th
percentile on the bottom side).
reduction in period 2, see Fig. 5 (the outliers disappear
between 1998/1999) and Fig. 2 c.
b) The question about significant differences between
plants is answered in two ways. First, the whole period
is considered, and second, a comparison is made
between the first year (1993) and the last year (1999).

Fig. 2. a–i. Development of average, SD and NSD of emission factors for dust, NOx and SO2 for all plants and each plant during the whole
718 B. von Bahr et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 11 (2003) 713–725

Fig. 4. NOx, EF, all plants together for each year. 1997 and 1998 had
significantly lower emission factors than 1993 and 1994.

Fig. 5. SO2, EF, all plants together for each year. There was one
significant change during the period, between 1998 and 1999.

Dust for the whole period is shown in Fig. 6 a. A mul-

tiple comparison according to Tamhane (unequal
variances) showed that there were significant differences
between all plants, except plants 5 and 6, for the whole
period. For NOx, the same analysis method showed sig-
nificant differences at the 0.005 level (Fig. 7 a) for all
plants except between plants 1 and 5. Fig. 8 shows the Fig. 6. a,b,c. Multiple comparison between plants for dust, all years,
1993 and 1999.
SO2 variation for the whole period. There are two groups
of EFs in this diagram, one with an EF of approximately
B. von Bahr et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 11 (2003) 713–725 719

Fig. 8. Multiple comparison between plants for SO2 for the whole

3 kg SO2/ton clinker and the rest of the plants form the

other group below 0.5 kg SO2/ton clinker.
Secondly, a comparison was made between 1993 and
1999 for the three different emissions. For dust in 1993
(Fig. 6 b), three different groups of plants can be dis-
tinguished. Plant 2, 5 and 6 have the lowest EFs, accord-
ing to the analysis. Plant 1 is somewhat higher, and the
group with the highest EFs consists of plants 3 and 4.
When 1999 (Fig. 6 c) is compared with 1993 the EFs
are much lower and also in a more narrow range. It
makes almost no sense to try to separate them, but site
4 has slightly higher EFs according to the analysis. Fig.
7 b and c show NOx for 1993 and 1999. 1993 has three
groups on different levels for the EFs. For the last year
the spread is wider and each plant has its own “unique”
level of EF. For SO2, the EFs of site one decreases dur-
ing 1998 down to the level of the other plants for 1999,
see Fig. 8.
(Hypothesis 2.) Standard deviations for dust, NOx (as
NO2) and SO2 EFs for each plant have been reduced
over the period 1993–1999.
The results are different for the three types of emis-
sions. For dust (Fig. 2 d), each plant has a lower SD,
and the SD for the whole material is also lower. The
opposite is valid for NOx (Fig. 2e). There is no reduction
of SD for any plant, and the SD for the whole material
rises steadily owing to a divergent material. Finally for
SO2 (Fig. 2 f), although there is no reduction for any
plant, the SD of the whole material decreases since the
Fig. 7. a,b,c. Multiple comparison between plants for NOx, all years, material is more homogenous at the end of the studied
1993 and 1999. period. One conclusion is that a decreasing SD for the
whole material is a good indicator showing that the
whole population is much more homogenous in terms of
720 B. von Bahr et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 11 (2003) 713–725

the mean emission level. This cannot be seen from the terms, since the dataset of potential explanations of
individual plants’ SD lines. environmental performance changes is too small to allow
(Hypothesis 3a.) Normalised standard deviations in for such analysis.
the EFs of the cement plants are not higher than 30% The conclusion is that technological changes (II) are
of the average value. the most important means of reducing dust emissions. It
The hypothesis is false for dust according to Fig. 2 g, is also clear that a more stable production process will
where many of the NSDs of the EFs are above the 30% reduce the normalised standard deviation of the EF
line. For NOx the hypothesis is true since a majority of (plant E).
the values are below the 30% line according to Fig. 2 Changes in NOx (see Table 3), are also attributable to
h. For SO2 the hypothesis is true according to Fig. 2 i, technology, but it seems as if measurement procedures
since a majority of the EFs are below the 30% line. and the degree of attention paid to measurements and
(Hypothesis 3b.) Normalised standard deviation in process optimisation also had an influence on the EFs.
average annual EFs from all cement plants have been Two of the changes are from that group, III (changes in
reduced from 1993 to 1999. measurement methodology and measurement systems).
There are different results for NOx and dust. Dust There are also two significant changes of type II
NSD is (Fig. 2 g) reduced during the end of the whole (cleaning equipment) and two significant changes owing
period, but NOx (Fig. 2 h) NSD is increasing. If the to changes in production processes (IV).
results of the individual plants is compared, no clear The conclusion for NOx is that technological changes
trend can be seen for NOx and dust NSD values. For (II) are important, but so is improved attention to the
SO2 (Fig. 2 i), the NSD for each plant is increasing, but NOx-value (continuous measurements etc.), which leads
the development for the whole material is decreasing, to better process control.
owing to a more homogenous data material. For SO2 (see Table 4), the only significant change
(Hypothesis 4.) Implemented improvement in tech- occurred after introduction of a wet scrubber.
nology, process development and management systems The conclusion for SO2 is that only technological
in the plants have caused significant changes for relevant changes (raw material composition, cleaning equipe-
EFs and/or NSD in EFs. ment, etc.) influence the EF of SO2. One significant
Not surprisingly, improvements in technology are the change occurred for plant A during the period.
main cause of significant reductions of the EFs. For dust (Hypothesis 5.) There is no correlation between EFs
(see Table 2), the majority of the changes of EFs are and monthly production of clinker in the cement plants
attributable to improvements of filters and introduction from 1993–1999.
of a wet scrubber (type II). In Tables 2–4 a modification The general conclusion is that the hypothesis is false,
within brackets indicates that the modification is a but the correlation is very weak. The regression coef-
doubtful explanation of the significant change of the ficient is negative (the EF decreases with higher
EFs. Unfortunately, it is not possible to translate the production) for dust and NOx but not for SO2. (Fig. 9
various influences of explanatory factors into statistical a,b,c, Figs. 10–11). The EF is approximately 29% lower

Table 2
Dust. Summary of significant changes of EFs and registered system modifications, that may influence EFs. The first row indicates changes between
years. The different categories (I–VIII) are listed in section 2.4. A ↑ indicates a statistically significant increase of the EF and a ↓ indicates the
opposite. Significant changes in NSD are marked in italics

Year / Plant 93–94 94–95 95–96 96–97 97–98 98–99

All ↓ See plant C and D ↓ See plant A and B

A – – I: New lower – – ↓ II: New wet
permission from 1/1-96 scrubber installed and
II: Modification of modification of filter
B ↑ IV: (ISO 9002) – – – – ↓ IV: (ISO 14001) II:
Improvement of
C ↓? ↓ IV: (ISO – ↓ II: Improvement of – –
9002) filters
D – – – ↓ II: Improvement of – –
E ↓ VII: More stable kiln – – – – –
F – – – – – –
B. von Bahr et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 11 (2003) 713–725 721

Table 3
Summary of significant changes in NOx, and factors that might influence these changes. The first row indicates changes between years. See
explanation in text to Table 2 above. (SNCR=Selective Non Catalytic Reduction of nitrogen dioxide)

Year / Plant 93–94 94–95 95–96 96–97 97–98 98–99

All – – – – – –
A ↓ III: “internal ↑ V+(IV): – I: New permission – –
control” alternative fuels level ↓ II: SNCR
(ISO 9000)
C – ↓ III+VII: – – – ↑ VII: Changed
Mineralised clinker production pattern
and continuous and ordinary clinker
D – – – ↓ III+VII: Changed – –
clinker quality and
E – – – ↓ II: SNCR – –
F – – – – – ↑ III: Continuous

Table 4 (Hypothesis 6.) Annual EFs from the cement plants

Summary of significant changes for SO2. The first row indicates can be represented by a normal distribution (based on
changes between years. See explanation in text to Table 2 above
monthly EFs).
Year / 93–94 94–95 95–96 96–97 97–98 98–99 An important assumption in analysis of variance and
Plant other classical statistical procedures, is that the within-
group data are normally distributed [17]. The test of nor-
All – – – – – ↓ See plant mality in this study was done with a one-sample Kolom-
A ogorov–Smirnov test [17]. Normality was investigated
A – – – – – ↓ II: Wet for each plant each year, i.e. each normality test was
installed done on 12 EFs. Normality for both EFs and the 10-log
C – – – – – – EFs were investigated. The results of the test are shown
D – – – – – – in Table 5. It should be stressed that there is not a sharp
limit between yes or no about normal distributions.
A summary for hypotheses one, two and three is that
for the EFs of all plants together, dust and SO2 are more
for dust when the production is around 150 000 homogenous at the end of the period, while NOx is more
ton/month compared to a production of 25 000 divergent. The mean values decreased significantly for
ton/month. For NOx, the corresponding figure is 53%. all three, but not for consecutive years. SD and NSD
For SO2, the regression coefficient is close to zero, since show a large degree of co-variation, since the NSD is
the EF of SO2 is mostly dependent on the content of controlled mostly by the SD, which varied much more
sulphur in the raw material. The conclusion is that the than the mean level. The summary for hypothesis four
hypothesis is false for dust and NOx for the whole data is that the technology at the plant has the highest influ-
material and for the individual plants. For SO2, the ence on the EFs. For NOx another important factor is
hypothesis is true. how the plant is running. The EF for SO2 is also contin-
Even if the correlation is weak it is obvious that gent on the raw material. The influence of quality and
months with high production in all cases have low EFs, environmental management systems seems negligible.
especially for dust and NOx. The explanation is that low Hypothesis five indicates that there is a correlation
production during a month can be an indicator of between the emission factor and the production. Hypoth-
unstable production conditions. This causes a high EF esis six indicates that the assumption about normality
since starts and stops of the kiln causes relatively higher is acceptable.
emissions and gives the cleaning equipment bad working
conditions, due to poor conditioning of the flue gas. An 5. Discussion
additional explanation for the lower EFs connected to
5.1. Limitations in benchmarking of emission factors
higher production is that these measurements come from
in industry owing to data quality
bigger plants, which have had relatively more resources
to install cleaning equipment compared to the smaller The main subject of this paper is the data quality
plants in the study. aspects of OPIs as a possible limiting factor for bench-
722 B. von Bahr et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 11 (2003) 713–725

Fig. 10. Regression analysis for NOx.

Fig. 11. Regression analysis for SO2.

Table 5
Tests of normality with the Kolmogorov–Smirnov method. A case
means one plant during one year, i.e. each normality test is based on
12 values

Emission Dust NOx SO2

“Operator” un-transf. 10-log un-transf. 10- un- 10-

log transf. log
Fig. 9. a,b,c. Regression analyses for dust. 9a shows the whole period % of cases 50 75 50 50 40 50
while 9b and 9c show period 1 (1993–1995) and period 2 (1996– with
1999) respectively. normality
B. von Bahr et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 11 (2003) 713–725 723

marking and rating between industrial plants and compa- plants were established to meet the requirements for
nies. reporting and control of the authorities. Is it then accept-
Since quality is a qualitative conception in itself there able just to take the figures from existing environmental
is no sharp limit when the quality of emission factors is reporting and use them for EPE? Perhaps, but not
high enough to make it possible to compare. The chal- always. The fundamental difference between environ-
lenge for organisations is to achieve widely accpted, mental reporting to authorities and EPE reporting is that
quality assured, relevant, reliable and comparable EFs, the former focuses in most cases on being under a certain
which all stakeholders accept as a base for comparison. limit, while the latter focuses on a more absolute value
This study shows, for three specific types of emissions, of the EP. Further, the requirements on environmental
that there are significant differences in emission factors: reporting to the authorities may differ from country to
country or even between counties in the same country,
앫 among a group of cement plants over time which makes the comparability of the EFs lower. So the
앫 within each specific plant over time answer to question number two above is that if the
앫 at each company within a given time period internal control had not been as good as in the cement
industry, differences in EP could have been lost, or dif-
The analysis is based on three data sets of very good ferences found would be unreliable.
quality and with low levels of inherent uncertainty (e.g.
measurement uncertainty), both owing to long term 5.2. Comparison of emission factors over time
internal programmes in the Nordic cement industry, and
to external reviews during the project work. The chal-
This study has mainly focused on comparability
lenging questions concerning the quality aspects of EFs
between plants, but there are also some difficulties in
as a basis for internal benchmarking and external rating
comparing data within a plant. Since major changes
are thus if the differences listed above would have been
which can influence measurements, are often made at
significant whether:
plants, the comparability may not be perfect for data that
are several years old compared with newly generated
1. the external quality review in the project not had been
data. There can be changes of various kinds, e.g. modi-
undertaken or,
fications of production lines, different product types and
2. there were data from a sector with less internal control
qualities, improvements in measurement equipment, etc.
than is the case in the cement industry.
Another important factor is changes of personnel that are
responsible for documenting the measurements. In this
The external quality review in this study aimed at get-
study the data quality is better for the later years than
ting comparable data for the three types of emissions.
for the earlier years, but the data quality is sufficiently
That process would enable a sound decision irrespective
good over all the years to make comparisons possible.
of whether the differences in EFs were real or due to
measurement uncertainties and/or bias. Bias in the
cement production sector may include differences in 5.3. The improvement of cement production in
how to estimate possible extra emissions during pro- perspective
duction disturbances or different ways of calculating,
measuring or estimating the flow of flue gas. An What can be said in general of the EP of the cement
important requirement for comparison studies in general industry? There is no doubt that the EFs are lower
is also that correct system boundaries have been applied towards the end of the period than in the beginning. But
for each of the plants studied. The external quality pro- several industrial sectors experienced similar curves dur-
cess in this study eliminated several outliers in the data ing the studied period, including the pulp and paper
material, which caused false deterioration of the EFs. industry [18] and the wastewater industry [19]. Bench-
Measurement uncertainties seemed to be of minor marking should be both within industrial sectors and
importance compared with bias in this investigation, but between industrial sectors. Benchmarking within the sec-
that may not be the case when other industrial sectors tor mostly gives information about the efficiency of vari-
are investigated. In summary for this study, the external ous plants and the span between the plants regarding dif-
quality review process was of importance to achieve ferences in EP. Benchmarking between sectors can give
comparable EFs. Without the external quality review information about the sectors contribution to environ-
process, the investigation would certainly show signifi- mental impacts, such as acidification or global warming.
cant differences in EP, but it would be hard to claim that In general, attention should be paid to the ratio of the
these differences were reliable. variance of the EF within a plant, to the range of EFs
It seemed that the internal control of the emission for the whole group of plants. If the ratio is small it is
measurements was rather good in the studied cement relatively easy to do benchmarking (to discern signifi-
plants. The environmental reporting systems in all of the cant differences) whereas if the ratio is big, i.e the intra
724 B. von Bahr et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 11 (2003) 713–725

plant variation of EFs is of the same order of magnitude performance of/investments in air pollution control sys-
as the variation of EFs of the whole group of plants. tems. For these circumstances our goal is to find OPIs
that give real information about EP and do not reflect
5.4. About normality in distributions of EFs irrelevant differences due to different system borders,
etc. To reach this goal about the highest possible com-
Several statistical procedures require data to be parability to enable rating and benchmarking, a method-
sampled from normal populations [17], which is the rea- ology is needed which can handle irrelevant differences
son for the normality test in hypothesis six. As seen, the and reflect real differences in EP. Independent of indus-
normality test did not show that all the samples were trial sector, minimum requirements on such a method-
normally distributed. An expected outcome from the ology are:
analysis would be that they were normally distributed or
at least log-normally distributed. The log-normal distri-
앫 A list of what to include in the EPE in each industrial
bution is very probable for this kind of data [20]. The
sector, and how these indicators should be expressed
reasons that a more than negligible part of the distri-
(emission/product type, emission/employee, energy
butions deviated from normal and log-normal distri-
consumption/ product type, etc.)
butions is probably the small samples and the varying
앫 Capacity to handle different technical outfits (design
mean values. Each sample for the normality judgement
of the plant, cleaning equipment, measuring equip-
consisted only of 12 values, which is a small number to
ment, etc.) since there are not two identical sites. Con-
make a good estimation of normality. Another reason is
trol of the measurement technique is also needed, i.e.
that there were measures taken at the plants during the
frequency of measurements, number of measurement
sampling period, which made the expected mean of the
points, etc.
EF vary, i.e. a measure implemented in the middle of a
앫 Capacity to handle the different requirements and
year caused the expected mean value at the end of the
characteristics of different emissions. For example,
year to be lower than at the beginning of the year. If a
dust has many emission points, heavy metals are
plant runs without any new measures taken for a whole
impossible to detect on a continuous basis, etc.
year, the probability is higher that the EF will be nor-
앫 Clear system boundaries, which reflect the character-
mally distributed. The conclusion is that the analyses are
istics of the activity. For cement production, for
reliable, in spite of the fact that a part of the data material
instance, handling transports, allocations (CO2 ) when
deviated from normality, since the deviations have a
use of renewable or waste fuels, what to include in
good explanation.
energy consumption, etc.
앫 Capacity to handle various abnormal production con-
ditions. For the cement industry this includes starts
6. Recommendations and conclusions
and stops and the possible extra emissions on these
6.1. Types of output from the study
앫 The format of the EPE reporting should not be influ-
enced by the format of environmental reporting to
The output from a study like this is twofold. One part
authorities and non-governmental organisations, since
is the quantitative answer to the hypotheses posed in the
these formats may differ from country to country.
study. This kind of result is most interesting for people
involved in the cement production industry, who are
interested in the statistical properties of the EFs from As seen from the conclusions, it is very difficult and
each of the plants and statistical properties from the probably not useful to determine a specific quality level
plants as a group. The other kind of result is interesting for EFs when they can be considered comparable. The
to a wider group of people—statements about data qual- work should, instead, aim at developing an adapted spe-
ity of the EFs as a limiting factor concerning rating and cific methodology in each industrial sector to reach com-
benchmarking of production units. Both kinds of results parable OPIs according to the above remarks. When
are presented here. OPIs are compiled with such a methodology, they can be
used for rating and benchmarking between companies.
6.2. Best practice for industrial sector programs to One of the results of this work is the suggestion of
make EFs comparable branch-specific methodologies as a basis for EPE. Such
methodologies can be developed by branch institutes in
Although the plants produce more or less the same co-operation with intergovernmental organisations. It is
final product, significant differences were found with important to give the methodology a very broad and
respect to the studied EFs of dust, NOx and SO2. These accepted status, since more or less all industrial com-
differences may depend on raw materials, production modities are traded on a free global market. This last
processes (including stability in the process) and varying remark is especially valid for cement.
B. von Bahr et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 11 (2003) 713–725 725

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