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Damage Mechanics

Chapter · January 2002

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-56384-3_1


0 506

2 authors:

Peter I. Kattan George Z. Voyiadjis

Researcher Louisiana State University


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1 Damage Mechanics

Kach an ov (1958) pioneered the subject of continuum damage n echa nics by

intro d ucing th e concep t of ffec tive stress . This concep t is based o n ' on ider­
ing a ficti t ious undamaged co nfigurat ion of a bod y and compa r in ' it w ith the
a tua l damaged co nfig u ra tio n. He origina lly for mu lated h is theo r y using sim ­
ple uni axial tensio n. Following Kacha no v's work resea rche rs in d ifferen t fields
app lied cont inuu m d am ge m ech an ics to the ir a reas in fields like b r ittle m a­
teri als (Krajcinovic an d Foneska, 1981; Krajci nov i , 1988) and duct ile materi ­
als (Lem ait re, 1984, 1985, 1986; Kacha nov, 1986; Murakam i, 1988 ) . In the
1990's applicatio ns of co nt inu um damage mec ha ni cs to p lasticit y a nd co rnp o­
site mate ria ls have appeared (Voy iadjis and Kattan , 1990, 1993, 1999; Kattan
and Voyiadjis, 1990 1993a, 1993b, 1996; Voyiad jis a nd Vens on , 1995; Voyiadjis
a nd T h iaga rajan, 1996; Voyiudjis an d Park, 1997a, 1997b) .
In the firs t pa rt o f this cha pter (Sectio ns 1.1-1.3 ) the princi les of co nti ­
n uu m damage mechanics are applied to the prob lem of un iaxial tension with
da mage in the fo r m of both vo ids a nd cracks. T he effect ive tress concep t i
used as originally pro posed by Kachanov, Isotropic damage is assu med
througho ut Sec tion 1.2 of the ormu lation. A consistent math em atical deriva­
tio n is presen ted fo r the decompos ition of the da mage tensor in to voi d da ­
mage and crack dam age components. The de r ivatio n is per formed us in g two
different methods . It is sh ow n that b o th method s give exactly the same result.
I n Sect ion 1.3 ge ne ralization of the deri vat ion is made for the genera l ca e
of a niso trop ic d am age in three di me nsion s. It is shown that the components o f
the tensorial c rack and void damage va r iables are no t in de pendent of each
o ther. Th is see ms to prov e that a coup ling ex ists be twee n these two ty pes of
da mage. Th is may b e obvio us from the physics of th e problem h ut a r igoro us
m ath em at ical proof is p ro ided. Fu rt hermore, the exact relations sh owing the
dependence betwee n the components oi the crac k and void damage vari ables
are de r ived .
2 1 Da mage Mech a n ics 1.2 Decompositi o n of l h~ DolV::

1.1 Thus the dam age va riab

Review of Continuum Damage Mechanics a nd cr acks to the total aT

un damaged sp ecimen ) to on

The principles of continuu m da ma ge me ch ani cs are firs t reviewed fo r the case for A / A from Equ ation ( I. ':

of un iaxial tension . In this case, iso trop ic dam age is ass u med th ro ughout. expression for th e effec tiv

Co nsider a cyli nd ri al b a r su bjected to a un iaxial tensi le force T as shown in _ a

Figure l.l a. The cro ss-se ct ional a rea of the bar is A and it is ass u med th at 0' = '- - ­
l - ¢
both voids and cracks ap pea r as da mage in the ba r. Th e un iax ial st ress a in
the b ar is fou nd easily fro m the form ula T = aA. In order to use the pr in cip les Eq uation (1.3) above wa
of co ntinu um d amage mechani cs, we con sider a ficti tiou s undamaged config­ fro m Eq ua tion ( 1.3) that the
uratio n of th bar as shown in Figure 1.1 b. In th is co n figu ration all type s of because th e da m age variab
d ama ge, in clud ing b oth voids and c racks, are rem oved from th e bar. The ef­ nominator.
fective cro ss-sectional area of th e bar in th is con figura tion is de noted by A
a nd th e effective un iaxial stress is a. The bars in b o th th e dam aged con figura­ 1.2
ti n a nd the effective un damaged configurat ion a re su bjec ted to the sam e ten­ Decomposition of the Dama.
sile force T. There fore, consid ering th e effective u nd am aged confi gur atio n, we
have the for m ula T = ai l. Eq uatin g th e two exp r ssion o f T obtained from Th e p ri nc iples of continuu
bo th configurations, one ob tains th e followi ng expression for the effective u n i­ blem of d eco mp osition o j
ax ial st res 0': jected to a tensile fo rce T. I
_ A lation, It is also ass umed th
0' = = 0' (1.1) onl y. Th erefore, th e eros ­
pos ed as follows:
Next, one uses th e defin itio n of the damage va r iab le ¢ as origi nally pro ­
pos ed by Kacha nov [1]: A =A +A I' + k
A- A where A \' is the total ar ea of
¢ = - ­ (1.2 )
A of cr acks (m easur ed lengthw
damage variab le ¢ , th e two
pres ent th e da m age d ue to v
repr ese ntation for the total d
to do this, we need to the
Rem ove Both
cracks when cons tr ucting th
Vo ids and Cracks
tion ca n be pe rfo r med in tw
A voids only, th en we remove [h e
the cra cks o nly, then we can r
lation b as d o n each of the
sch ematically in Figures 1.2 r
voids a nd cra cks is theoretical
Damaged Effective Un damaged math emat ical analysis and h
Config uratio n Co nfig uration probl em indi cates a coupling [J
(a) ( h)
ap pa rent in the next Section
Fig. 1.1. A Cylin dr ica l Bar Subjected to Uniaxial Tensio n: Bot h Vo ids and Cracks An ' Removed
imultaneously, I The superscrip ts "v" an d "c " d
1.2 Decomposition o f the Dam age Va riable in On e Dim ens ion 3

Th us the dam age var iable is defined as the ratio o f the to tal are a of voids
and crac ks to th e total area. Its value ranges from zer o (for the case of an
un damaged specirn n ) to one (fo r the case of com plete rup ture). Sub st itu ting
for A/A fro m Eq ua tion (1.2) in to Equatio n u.n, on e ob tains the following
expression for the effective u niaxial st ress:
a= - - (1 3)
l - ¢

Eq uation 0. 3) abo ve was or iginally derived by Kach an ov ( 958 ). It is clear

from Equation (1.3) tha t the case of complete ruptu re ((I) = 1) is unattainable
because the dam age var iable ¢ is not allowed to take the value 1 in the de­
nom inator.

Decomposition of the Damage Variable in One Dimension

The pr inciples of co nt inu um damage mecha nics are now app lied to th pro ­
blem of decomposit ion of the dam age tens or in a damaged uniaxial bar sub­
jected t a tensile force T. Isotropic damage is assumed th rou ghou t the formu­
lat ion. It is also assu med that the da maged sta te is defi ned by voids an d cracks
only, T here for e, the cr oss-sectional ar ea A of the da maged bar ca n be deco m ­
posed as follows:

A = A+ A' + N (1.4)

wh re A v is the total area of voids in the cross -sectio n and A" is the tot al area
of cracks (measured len gthwise) in the cross -section I . In add ition to the to tal
da mage variable ¢ , the two da mage var iables rp" and 4/ are introd uced to re­
p resen t the damage due to voids and cra cks, res pectively. Our goa l is to find a
representatio n for the total da mage variab le rp in term ' of ¢ " and (/l . In o rder
to do this, we need to theo retically sep arate the damage due to voids and
cr ack whe n can. tru cting the effective unda ma ged config ura tion. This separ a­
tion call be perfo rm ed in two differe nt me thods. We ca n start by rem ovi ng the
voids only, then we remove the crac ks separately, or we can sta rt by remo ving
th cracks onl y, then we ca n remove the voids separately. The detailed formu­
lation base d on each of these two met ho ds is d iscu ssed below and is shown
schem atically in Figur es 1.2 and 1.3. It is emphasized that thi s separation of
void s and cracks is the ore tical in the sense that it is an accep tab le method of
mathem atical an alysis and has no phy sical bas is. In fact, the physics o f the
pro blem indicates a cou pling between the two damage mec ha nisms which is
apparen t in the next Sec tion for the general three-dimensiona l case.

1 Th e superscripts "v" and "c" den ote voids and cra cks. respectively.
4 Damage Mecha nics 1.2 De o mposi t io n o f the Dam _

T T the p revio us exp ress ion for t e

A Ii + A' force T = aA in th e effec ti v
Remo ve Re mo ve
Voi d; Crack;

(f '
-- The damage variable 4/ d


Da maged t ' nda magcd ( o nfig uration Ef fec tive Un dam aged
C o nfi guratio n With Respe c t to Vo ids Confi guratio n
Sub tituting Eq uatio n (1.9
(a) lb ) (c) the following relation betwee
Fig. 1.2. A ~y l i ll d r i c a l Bar Subjected to Uniaxial Tension : Vo ids Are Rem oved First Th eil Fol ­
lowed by Cracks.
(J = -

1 _ ¢r

In the first meth od , we first remove the voi d s o nly Iro m the d am aged con ­ Fina lly, we substitute E
figurati on shown in Figure 1.2a. In th is way we obtai n the damaged co nfigura ­ so ught relatio nsh ip b tween -e­

tio n show n in Figu re 1.2b which con tain s dam age du e to cra cks only. This is _ (J

termed the undamaged co nfigu ra tio n wit h resp ect to void s. The cross-sec­ 0 =
(1 - qJ")(l iff )
t iona l area o f the bar in th is configur ation is clearl y A ·' A' whi le the uniaxial
st ress is d not e ~y iT". T he to tal tens ile fo rce T in th is co nfig ura tio n is then The above relat io n rep r
given by T =
a " (A -+ A C ) . This expression is equated to the tot al ten sile force the sepa rate damage variabl
T - aA in th e damaged confi guration from whic h we obtai n: The sam e result ca n b e
a nd c racks. In the secon d me
-v A damaged config uration show
(J = -. -
- (J ( 1.5)
A +A c maged co nfig uratio n shown
voids only. Th is is ter med
The dam age variab le c/>v du e to vo i s is defined by the ratio A "/A. Sub stit u t­
ing for A " from Eq ua tio n ( .4), one o btains: T

( 1,6) 0\0-= Re mo ve
0/ Cracks
\0/0\ I

Subs tituting Eq ua tion (1.6) into Equatio n ( 1.5) , o ne o btains the follo win g
:.-S /
~ .-/0

relati on betw een a" a nd rr: 0'-/ 0

( 1.7)
The similarity between Eq uations ( 1.7) an d ( 1.3) is very clea r. The nex t step (a)
invo lves removing the racks fro m the int er media te con figu ration in or er to
Fig. 1.3. A Cylind r ical Bar Subject
obtain the effect ive unda maged co nfig uratio n show n in Figure 1.2c. Equati ng by Vo ids .
1.2 D ec om po s it io n o f th e Da m a ge Va riab le in O ne Di me nsion 5

the previous exp ression for the ten sile forc e T = 0-"(.1 + A C ) with th e ten sile
for ce T = 0-.1 in the effective und amaged confi guration, one ob tai ns:
a = a
- v(
1+ AA) (1.8 )

The dama ge variable (/l du e to cracks is now d efine d by the rat io:
1> = A+ AL

Substituti ng Equati on (1.9) into Eq uation (1.8) and simplifying, one obt ains
the following relat io n betw een 0- and 0"':
_ -"
(J = -1 _- rpc
- (1.10)

Finally, we sub sti tu te Eq ua tion (1.7) into Equ atio n (1.10) to obtain th e
so ugh t relatio nship be tween (J an d 0-:
_ a
a = - - - - - - (1.1 1)
(1 - (jJ" )( 1 - (V )

The ab ove relat io n represents a formula for the effective st ress in ter ms of
the separate damage variables due to voids and cracks.
Th e same result can be obtained by reversing the order of removal of voids
and cracks. In the second metho d, one first rem oves the cr acks o nly from the
damaged configura tion shown in Figure 1.3a. In this way we ob tain th e da­
maged configur at ion shown in Figure ] .3b whic h contains damage du to
voids on ly. This is ter med the und am aged configur ation with res pect to

A A + it A
0\0-:­ Rem ove
0/ Crac ks Voids
\0/ 0\ I c 0 0

'/S /
~ /o


0'/ 0
eft" l..-:----~l


Dama ged Undamaged Confi gu ratio n Effe<: livc I ' ndarnugcd

C o nfiguratio n W ith Rcsp ct to C racks Configur.uion
(a) (b) (<: )

Fig. 1.3. A Cylin dr ica l Bar Subjected to Un iax ial Tension : Cracks t\ re Rem ov ed fi rs t Followed
by Void s.
6 I Dam age Mechanics

cracks. The cross -sec tiona l area of the ba r in thi s con figura tio n is clea rly .A + fir st method, i.e, Equatio
A" whi le the uniaxial stress is deno ted by c• The total te ns ile force T in t his fective undam aged contL
co nfig ura tio n is then giv n by T = aC(A A'"). T hi s expressio n is equated to in th respective configun
the total ten ile force T =
rrA in the damaged con figura tio n from wh ich we tenso r has been camplet
ob ta in: the fin al result, we cornp
- C A th t tal d am age appea ri
a = -- - - a (1 .12) the r ight-ha nd - ide of th e
A + Av

The da ma ge var iab le ¢]'" d ue to cr acks is de fine d by the ratio A"I A. Subst i­
tu ting fo r A C fro m Eq uat io n (1.4) , o ne ob ta in:
I- ~!) = (I - cI>' )( 1 ­
C A + A"
cI> = I - - ­ (1.1 3)

Substitut in g Equ ation (1.1 3) in to Equation ( 1.12), one o bta ins the follow ing
Equat ion (1. 19) repre
re lat io n between C an d a : a dam age va riab le into it
- C a can be furt he r simplifie
a = -­ ( 1.14)
I - 1)e obta in :

Th e sim ilar ity bet ween Equ atio ns ( 1.14), ( 1.7) and ( 1.3) is very clear. Th e
nex t s tep inv Ives rem oving th o i s fro m the inter med iate co n iguration in
order to ob tai n the effect ive undam age d co nfi gu ra tio n shown in Figure 1.3c. cI> = 1/ cI> ' - cI> ' </I'
Equati ng the p revious exp ression fo r the tens ile force T = aC(A + A') w ith th e
ten sile force T =
aA in the effect ive undamaged con figurat io n, on e o btains:
_ __(I -+ -=-
a = a'
A") ( 1.15) Eq uat io n ( 1.20) gi v
A cI> can be de composed in
variable cI>( due to erae
The da m age variable </I" due to voids is now defi n d by the rat io:
co nstraint 0 :s </I s I wh e •
,. AV fies it. It is also dear th
</I = A N' (1.16)
only ((1/ = 0), then cI> =
is prod uced by cracks on
S ibstitut ing Eq uatio n ( 1.16) in to Equat ion ( 1.15) and sim plify ing, o ne ob­
tains tl e followir g relat ion bet wee n and C : a
_ a C
a= - - ( 1.17 )
1- (/J" General Decomposition of I
Finall y, we s bst itute Eq uat ion (I.l 4) into Eq uat io n ( 1.17) to ob tain the
Fo r the gen er al cas e of thr
so ught relat ion ship between a and a:
t iv stress ten so r iT;; is i
- a

a = - - - - - ­ (1.18 ) Katt an , 1999):

( I - cl>C) ( 1 - (p")

It is clear that th e ab ove relation b etween the two st resses in th e damaged

and th e effect ive configurations is exa c tly th e same rela tion o bta ined usin g th e
1.3 Gen ral Deco mposit ion of the Dama ge Variab le in Three Dimensions 7

first m ethod, i.e. Eq uation ( 1.11). Thus both method s of constructing th e ef­
fect ive undam aged con figu ra tion give th e sam e relatio n between the str ss es
in the respe ti ve configur ations. In th is way, the d ecomposition of the dama ge
tenso r has b een com pleted for the one -dime nsiona l case . In ord er to derive
the final result , we co mpa re either Eq uati n ( l.l 1) or Eq uation ( 1.18) wit h
the total damage ap pearing in Equation ( 1.3). Eq uating th denom in ators on
th e righ t-han d-side of th ese Equa tion s, we can ea .ily ob tain the form ula:

I - 4) = (I - tPl')(i - (II') (1.1 9)

Eq uati on (l.l 9) rep rese nts the genera l for m for th e dec omposit ion o f the
damage variable into its two r spcctive compone nts, tP" and tP c• The res ult
can be fu r ther sim plified by expan d ing Equ atio n ( 1.1 9) and simplifyi ng to
ob tain:

(1. 20)

Equat ion ( 1.20) gives a very clear p ict ure of how the tota l damage var i ble
tP ca n be deco mposed into a d amage va riab le tP l' due to voids a nd a d am age
variable cj/ due to cracks . It is also clear tha t Equation (1.20 ) at isfies the
con straint 0 S cjJ S I when ever each o f the other two damage var iables atis ­
fics it. It is also clear that whe n dam age in the material is produced by voids
only (cjJ' = 0), th en tP = tP v • Alternatively, ep = tP" when da ma ge in th e mater ial
is p ro duced by cracks only (1/ ' = 0).

General Decomposition of the Damage Variable in Three Dimensions

For th e general ca se of three d im ension al de format ion an d damage, th e effec­

tive stress ten sor 6 ; is gi en by the following tra nsfo rmation (Voyiadjis an d
Kat tan , 1999):

( 1.21)
8 I Dam age Mecha nics 1.3 General Decompositio n 0'

whe re the ourth order tensor M ,j kl is given by the following 6 x 6 matrix re­ Compa ring Equ ation ( I._­
pr se ntation (Voyiadjis and Kattan, 1999 ): gene ral deo rnpos ition:

20/22 0/.\.1 - 2 4>~3 0 o

o 20/( V/.l3 - 24>L o
Alternatively, removing th
1 o 0 20/JI Vl n - 2¢i2
ing Equatio n (1.21), ve obtain :
[MJ= ­
2V 4>13 4>23 + ¢ J ~ 0/3 3 4>13 4>23 + rP12 1h3 o
¢ ~ ¢2 .\ + (Pl.\0 22 o ¢ 12¢ 3 + 4> 1.1 1/122
o ¢ 12rPl3 + (h .l VI I J ¢12rP U + ¢23!/Jl1 - .. - \-/ ,. - .:
(J1j - I 'j ill Ii (Jill "

2¢ I.I IP2J + 2¢ 1! /' .\.\ 2rP12¢23 + 2(/1 13 0/22

Eq uat ions (1.28) and ( l.­
2(P!J¢ 23 + 2¢ 120/33 o o ne-d imensio na l case. Sub
o 2¢ 12 qJ23 + 2¢ 13 V/22 obtain:
!/J22o/.\J + !/J111/J33 - tll~ ) - tilT) ¢ 12¢ n + 1/> 30/11
¢12rP U + q l 23 v, II !/Jn V 33 + 0/110/22 - ¢~3 - rPT3
Q12¢ 2.\
I + ¢ J3!/Jn (PI3¢2.I + rP12 V/ 33 Compar ing Equation (L
sired general deco mposition:
2¢ 12¢ 13 + 2rP230/lJ
2rjIJ2 ¢ 13 + 2¢23!/JJl It is emph asized that Equ ,
( 1.22) valid represen tat ions of th
(P I24>:3 ¢ 13 Vl n

By car ry ing o ut the tensori

¢13¢ n + (/>121//33
one obtains exactly identic L

0/11!/J33 VIII V/22 - ¢ T3 - ¢ T2

Using the 6x 6 matr ix r
whe re V is given by: Eq ua tions ( I.27) and (1.3 1) r

= 1/J1J 1/J221/J33 - ¢~ 3 0/1J - ¢ T3 V/22 - t/Jf 21/J33 - 2¢ 12¢ 2.1 ¢ U (1.2 3) [M ] = [M]C[M ]" = [M I' [
and !/Jij = Oi; - rPij (O i; is the Kro necker delta ). where bo th [lvT]'" an d [M )
Repeat ing the same p rocedure that was employed in the o ne -di men ion al tio i ( 1.22) by replacing tPir
case, we an derive the general decom position fo r the case of th ree d imen­
for VI,i'
sions. R moving the voids first, then remov ing the cracks and applyi ng Equa­
The matrix mu ltiplicaiio
tion (1.21) , we obtain the following two Equa tions:
puter algebra pr ogram MA PL
(1. 24) and eq uating the result with E
the compon nts of the dama
(1.2 5) othe r 36 Equations (for a IOta,
Equa tio ns ( 1.24 ) and (1.2 5) cor respo nd to Equa tiuns ( 1.7) and ( 1.10) of the multiplicat ion [M ]" [M r It i
o ne-d ime nsional case. Subs tituting Equa tio n (1. 24) intu Equa tio n (1. 25), we or ca n be III vn to be identi .
obtai n: Equa tio ns to 18 indepe ndent E
bee n class ified into two care
( 1.26) ni ne Eq uat ions whic h repre e
1.3 Ge nera l Deco mpositio n of the Da mage Var iable ill T h ree Dim en sions 9

ompari ng Equa t ion (1. 26 ) with Eq uatio n ( 1.2 1), we o btain th e desired
ge neral de ornposit ion:


Altern at ively, rem oving the cracks first , then removi ng the void s and ap p ly­
ing Equ at ion (1.21), we obta in the follow ing two Eq uati on s:

( 1.28)


Equations ( 1.28) and ( 1.29) co r respond to Eq uations (1.1 ·1) and ( 1.17) o f the
one-di mens ional case. Substit uting Equation ( 1.28) int o Equa tion (1.2 9), we
ob ta in:

(1 .30)

Co mpar ing Equat ion ( 1.30 ) w ith Equation ( 1.2 1), we aga in obtai n th e de ­
ired ge neral deco rnpo it ion:

M ij kl = Al ijmlllvI ;III1 k1 ( 1.31)

It is e mphas ized that Eq uat ions (1. 27) an d ( 1.3 1) are equ ivale n t, i.e. bo th ar e
valid represe ntat ions of the decomposition o f the dam age effect tensor ,'"t!i kl .
By carryi ng out the tensorial m ulti plicat io ns explici tly using Eq uatio n ( 1.22) ,
one obta ins exact ly id ent ical results.
Using th e 6 x 6 matrix represent atio n of Equat ion ( 1.22), it is clea r th at
Eq uations ( 1.27) a nd (1.31 ) red uce to the followi ng form:

[M ] = lA'1j' IM]" = lM]''[lvfr ( 1.32)

wh ere bo th [M ]" and [M ( ca n be rep resen ted using the 6 x 6 m at rix of Eq ua ­

tio n ( 1.22) by rep lacing (/>ij w ith £IIi; a nd ¢Jij, respec tiv ely. The sam e th ing ho lds
fo r ¥'j'
The m atrix m ul tipli cations in Eq uatio n ( 1.32) are performed using the co m ­
pu te r algebra program MAPL E. Performi ng the first mu ltipl icatio n [AW[Mj"
and eq uating th e r suit with Eq ua tion ( 1.22), we obtai n 36 Eq uations between
the components of the damage v ri ables cPij, 1lij, an d 1>i,. We a lso obta in an ­
other 36 Eq uat io ns (fo r a total of 72 Eq uations ) when we perfo r m the second
mult ipl ica tion [M r [M ]t. It is no ted that many of these Equations a re id en t ical
or can be shown to be identical. We have b een able to reduce th is huge set of
Equations to 18 indep endent Eq uations. Fur th er m o re, th ese 18 Eq uations have
b een classi fied into two categories. The first category includes the following
nine Eq uat ions whi ch repr esent the gen eral decomposi tio n of the d am age ten­
10 I Da mage Mec han ics 1.4 Da m age of Fiber- Reinfo rc d C.

so r compon e nts ¢ i; in to the da m age tenso r compo nents ¢ ii d ue to crac ks and th re e-d im ensional decom po it
the da m age tenso r compon ent s ¢)j d ue to voids. . th e rem aining n ine Equ at io ns
1 2 ) _ l e e r- r « I' ,~ ( ¢~ ) ¢~) ¢~ 2 1j1 ; ) (</> ~) ¢ ~3 -
-V ( ljI l l lh 2 ­ ¢ J2 - -e-~ ( 1/J I I V' 22 - ¢ 12)(V/ I IV 21 - ¢ ll ) (1 .33a)

( 1.33b )

( 1.33c)

~ (</> 13 </>23 </> d3 ]) = v el " [( V/~2 1/1;3 - 1,1);)) (<P ~ 3¢~.\ + ¢ ~' 21j1~j )
(1.3 3d )
+ (4{\¢~ .\ + <P J2 I!{~ .\ ) (V/ ~2 1/J~) + 1/' ~' I1/J~ 3 - If;; - I/J~~ ) ]

( </>~ 3 <P~ ) + ¢~2 V/~ ) (lp ~2Ip ;' - _
It is clea r that the above E
t tal d am ag e tenso r ¢ ,j . Th i ­
-VI ( (".1, 1 2 ,~'I, U ..1.. A-,
' ~' 2 )
,/ ) _
Y' JJ - V(
I [ ( , C . /.( , I, ' ) (-I," b" v I" )
'f' l l l 13 + 'f'2J Vi I
v V II y/) 3 - 'f' 13 th e two d mage tensors <P~' an
( 1.33f)
A-,< , I s.v ," I I' A-, I~ ,1,'" ) I Eq ua tions rep rese nt the exact c
+ ( A-,e
( 1!J 12'f' 1.l + '''13\' 11 C ) ( I'
Vi II '1'33 + I ' ll VJ22 - 'f'13 - 'i' 2
of roid s and crac ks . Alth o u
phys ics of the p ro blem . ' rig
Fu rth ermo re, th e coupling E
( 1.33g )
literatu re.
Finally it is no ted that f r
Eq uati ons ( 1.33) red uce to th e
( 1.19) and (1.2 0 ) wh ile the c
I , ,
V(1/1 I lj!33 + 1/I21 1fi3.\ - cjJj 3 - <Pi.) (1.3 3h )
= V,I I' ( V/~ 1V/~ ) -+- 1f;~ 2 t/'~ .l - <p l~ - </>~l) ( 1f' ~ 1 1/I~3 + 1/1;21/1".\ - cjJ;"\ - 1/>; ) Damage of Fiber-Reinforced C
-V (Vt 11/122 + 1/' 1 1/1:11 - (/>~ 2 - 1/>;3) ( 1.33i) Fiber-rei nforced co mpos ite rna
tod ay th ro ugh th e design an
1 t. r . ( C I.": c~ V l' Y l' V ,.:
= V V' (1// 11 VI 22 T V
III V')3- ¢ 2 - <P13 )(VtU V
'22 1/11 1/J33 - ¢ 12 - <P23 ) atta in in g h igher st iffnes Ide .
importance is th e p roblem of
wher e Vtij = 6i; - <pij a nd V f'ij = iSii - cjJ );. forced m etal m at r ix co mp it
It is clear fro m the above set of Eq ua t io ns that the d eco mpo sition is no t developments in the co m po i
ex pli ci t. A se t of si multan eous Eq uat io ns n eeds to be so lved for th gene ral con si: tent a nalysis o f dam age
1.4 Dam age of t iber-Reinforced Composite Materials II

th re -di mens ional decom positio n, Th second category of Eq uations includes

the re maining nine Eq uations as follows:
(I .34a)

( 1.34b)

(1.34c )

(I .34d )

(I .34e )


( 1.34g)

(1.34h )

(1.34i )

It is clear that the above Equations do no t contain an , compo nents of the

tot al amag e tensor ¢ ij ' T his set of Equations relate only the com po nents of
the two damage tensor 1>ij and ¢ij. It is con cluded that the abo ve set of nine
Equations repre sent the exact co upling between th e two dam age mecha nisms
of voids and cracks. Alth ou gh this c upl ing may be obvio us based on the
physics of the prob lem, a rigoro us ma themat ical pr oo f ha s bee n given for it.
Furthermore, the coupling Equatio n. (1.34) have not ap peared before in the
literatur e.
Fina lly it is no ted that for the sp cial .ase of on e-d imensional da m age,
Eq uati ons (1.33) reduce to the simple decomposition shown in Equatio ns
( 1.19) and (1.20) whi le the cou pling Equatio ns (1.34) reduce t zero.

Damage of Fiber-Reinforced Composite Materials with Micromechanical

Fiber-reinfor ced composite mater ials play an important role in the ind ustry
today th ro ugh the des ign and manufactu re of adva nced materials ca pa ble of
atta ining higher tiftness/density and strength/density ratios . Of particular
importa nce is the problem of damage ini tia tion and evolution in iber-rei n­
forced metal mat rix composite plates. Although the literature is ri h in new
developments in th composite mat ria ls tech nolog y, it lacks tremendo usly a
co ns i. tent analy: is of damage mechanisms in composite materials.
12 1 Da mage Mech an ics

In th e analys is o f co mp osite materi als, one ca n follo w a con tinu um ap ­ site m a ter ials. Both ov rail and
proach o r a m icr om ccha ni cal ap p roach . In the co n tin u u m ap p roach, the co m ­ el th e overall and lo cal d am a e
posit e m ateri al is treated as an o rtho trop ic o r tra nsversely isotrop ic m ed iu m. are de r ived for th e d am aged ­
The n the classica l Eq ua tions o f onho tro p ic ela st icity are us ed in th e analysis u nidirectio nal th in lam ina tha .
(Ta lreja, 19 5, 1986; Chris tens en . 1988. 1990 ). No dist inc tion is made be tween plied to a un id irectio nal th in la
the ma tr ix and fibers in th is approa ch and ther e fo re , th is ap proach lacks the p rese n ted in th ese Sect io n i '
ca pa b ili ty to account for lo cal effect s and espe ially the effects of the ma tr ix­ ax ial tension mo d el d er ived p
fiber in teractio n. There were some attem p ts to in lude da mage using the co n­ 1993 ).
ti nuu m a pp ro ach (Talreja, 1985; Shen et al., 1985; Lene , 1986 ). However, these
attemp ts lac k the dis tinc tion be tween m at r ix and fibe r dam age or da mage d ue 1.4.1
to th e mat r ix-fiber interaction. Definitions and Assumptions
Du ri ng th e pas t two decades, resear chers have bee n using mi cro mec ha n ica l
m ethod s in the analys is o f compos ite ma terials. T he advantages of us ing s uc h Co nsid er a bo dy of fibe r-rei '
m eth od s are th at local effects can be acco un ted fo r and d iffere nt damage me ­ for med and u nd a m aged con fiz
cha nis m s can be id en tified. Hi ll (1965, 1972) int rod uced volu me ave rages o f b o dy th at is bo th da ma ged an .
s tress a nd strai n increme nts in the m atr ix and fib ers and introdu ced ce rta in on it. Following th e con cep t
concentration factors to relate these volu me ave rages to the overall u nifor m 1988), cons id er a fict it io us c
increm en ts. Dvo rak an d Bahe i-El-D in (1979, 1982, 1987) us ed Hill's metho d remov ing all the d am age th a
to an alyze the elasto- plastic beh av ior o f fibe r-re inforced compos ite ma ter ials. go ne, i.e. C is the state o f th e b
Th ey co nsidered elas tic fibers embedded in an elas to -plas tic m atri x and id en ­ Assu m e th at th e rep rese ntative
tifie d two distinc t defor mation modes; m at ri x do m in ate d and fiber-d o m i­ neo us , and is fr ee o f void s and
nated . T hey concluded th at the fibe r-dom inated m o d e is general in the sense is lo ad ed by an overall st re or
th at it ca n be treated as a general case of plasti c defor matio n o f a heteroge­ load ing. The ove rall sires or .
ne o us m ed ium . effecti ve overall stress is d efin e
A ther mom echa n ical co nstitu tive th o ry h as been recently p roposed by Al­ fectly-bond ed two - phase co mpo
Ien a nd Ha rris ( 1987a, 1987b ) to a nal yze di stribute d da m age in elas tic compo ­ T he composite m aterial i
si tes. In particu lar. the problem of m atri x crack in g has been extens ively st u­ matrix. Th e fibe rs ar e continu
di ed in the literatu re (Dvo rak, et " 1,, 1985; Dvora k an d Laws, 1987; Laws and su rned that the elas tic st ra ins t
Dvorak. 1987; Alle n, et al., 1988; Lee, et al., 1989 ). st rain te nsor can be taken to be '
The th eoret ical formu la tion pre se nt ed here is based on the co ncept o f effec­ is also assu me d th at th ere exi
tive stress tha t was o riginally p ro posed by Kac han ov (1958). T he pio neering lin ear relation ca n be used bet
work o f Kachanov ( 1958) sta rt ed wha t is now kn ow n as con ti n uum damage neer ing elas tic strain ten so r
m echanics. D iffere nt researchers (Lam ait re, 1985, J 986; Chaboche , 1988; Kraj ­ defor matio ns is equal to the e
cinovic, 1983, 1984) used co n tin u u m damage m echa n ics to analyze di fferent where second ord er terms ar e n
types o f da m age in materials ranging from bri ttl e fracture to d uct ile failu re. In the follo wing, q ua ntities
However, no attempt has be en m ad e to use the concepts o f con tin uu m damage composite system . Barred quam
mechan ics to ana lyze da m age in comp osite m ater ials using the micromech a­ overall com pos ite sys t rn. O nl C
n ical ap proach. It should be me ntioned tha t som e re ea rch ers (Talreja , 1985) w ith their tensor co rnp nents
have used it to analyze da mage in compo sit e m at er ials using the co n tinuu m co nve nt ion. Qua nti t ies with a
ap proac h by m o d eli ng th e compos ite as a t ransversely isot ropic mediu m. lated quan t iti es, res pec tively.
In the followi ng Secti ons (1.4. 1- 1.4.6) , con tin u um da ma ge mechanics is o r fib ers where no d isti nc tio n
used wit h a m icromechanical composite m odel to analyze damage in com po­ assu m ed between a super crip
1.4 Damage of Fiber-Reinforced Comp osite Materials 13

site mater ials. Bo th overall and local damage variables a re intro d uced to mod­
el th e uverall and local damage effects. St ress and st rai n co ncentrat ion factors
are der ived for the da ma ged co mposite. The mo del is applied in de tail to a
unidi rect io nal th in lamina th at is su bjected to un ia xial tensi on. It is also ap­
plied to a un idirection al thin lamina un der a state of pla ne stress. The resea rch
presented in th ese Sectio ns is the three-d imensi onal generalization of the uni ­
axial tension model derived previo usly by the authors (Katt an and Voyiadji s,

Definitions and Assumptions

Consid er a b od y of fib er-reinforced comp osit e mater ial in th e in iti al u nde­

fo r med and unda maged configuratio n Co. Let C be the configuration of the
bod y that is both dam aged and defo r med after a set of external agencies act
on it. Following th e concep t of effec tive st ress ( Kacha nov, 1958; Mur aka m i,
1988), cons ider a fictit ious con figuration of th e bo d y C obtain ed from C by
rem oving all the dam age th at the bo d y (b o th matr ix and fibers) has un der­
gon c, i.e. C is th c st ate of the bo dy aft r it had o nly de for med with out dam age.
Assu me that the re presentat ive volume elemen t in CI) is stat istica lly ho moge­
n eo us, and is free of voids and cracks init ially. Ass ume also tha t the com posite
is loa ded by an overall st ress or s train field which is followed by in crements of
loa d ing. The overall stress o r st rain fields a re assumed to b e un iform . Th e
effect ive overall st ress is defined in the con figurat io n C as the st ress in a per­
fectly- b on d ed two- ph ase com pos ite free of cracks o r voids.
The co mposite ma terial is assumed to consist of elast ic fibers a nd an elas tic
m at rix. Th e fiber s ar e con tin uous, aligned, and eq ually spaced . It is als o as ­
sum ed that th e elastic st rains a re sm all (in finites imal), Th erefo re, the elastic
st ra in te nsor can be take n to b c the u sual engineer ing elas tic st ra in tensor E. It
is also ass ume d that th re exists an elas tic s train energ, function suc h that a
linear relatio n can be us ed be tween the Cauchy stress tenso r a a nd th e engi ­
neer ing ela "t ic st ra in tenso r E. In fac t, th e te nsor rate E for sm all elast ic
de for matio ns is eq ua l to the clastic pa r t of th e spa tial st ra in rate tensor d
where seco nd o rder ter ms a re neglec ted ,
In th e following, q ua ntities are defin ed in the config uratio n C of th e overall
composite system . Barred qua nt ities are de fi ned in the configurati n C of th e
overall co mposite system . On ly Cartesia n tensors are co ns idered in this wo rk
with th eir ten sor co m po nents denoted by subscri pts wit h the usual su mmation
convent ion. Quanti ties with a su perscr ip t M or F refer to matr ix or fibe r re­
lated quantitie s, resp ect ively. The superscript R is use d to ind icat e th e ma trix
or fibers whe re no d istin ction between th em is necessar y. No summation is
assumed bet ween a superscript an d the co r respon d ing ident ical subsc rip t. It
14 1 Damage Mechanics 1..1 Damage of Fiber-Reinforced

follows d irect ly that bar red qua ntit ies with a supe rscr ip t M or F (o r R in gen­ 1.4.4. The read er sho uld no
er al) r efer to m at r ix o r fib er related qu ant ities, res pecti vely, in the config ur a­ effect, Th is is the reaso n \\ h
tion . Fo r exam ple, a is the co mp o site (o verall ) Cau chy st ress in C, (j is the ra the r tha n th e ac t ual stres e .
effect ive co m posit e Cauchy stress in C, a M an d a t' are the m at r ix and fibe r tion fact or w ill be der ived in
st resses in C, respect ively, a nd (jM a nd (jF are the effective matr ix and fib er As a resul t of vo lum e in te r
stre sses in C, resp ec tive ly. follo w ing relatio n is obtain
T he cons titu tive m od el is fir st fo rm ulat ed in th e config ur a tion C o f the an d the overall st res in C;
composit e sys tem . Then the hy po th esis o f elastic energ y equivalen ce (Sid o ro ff,
198 1) is used to tran sfor m the m od el into th e configu rati o n C o f the com po ­
site syst em . In th is hy pothes is, it is assu me d that the clast ic energ y for a da ­ where eM and cF a re the rna t r
m aged m ater ial is equ ivalent in for m to th at o f th e u nd a m aged m at er ial excep t by:
that the stre ss is replaced b y the effect ive st ress in the energ y fo rm ulatio n. For
this p ur pose, certa in transformatio n Eq uatio ns are d er ived for th e com posi te eR = VR/ V, V= V ·\1

(overall) stre sses a nd stra in s betwee n the configurat ions C and C. In Eq uatio n ( 1.37), \r ~'~
In th e formulat io n, th e Eulerian r eference sys tem is used , i.e., all q ua nt ities tively, and V is th e to tal \
ar e ba sed on s patial co o rd in ates. In Sectio n 1.4.2, the necessa r y Equatio ns re ­ Using th e assu m p t ion in E
lating lo cal and overall q uantiti es of the comp osite sy st em are p rese nted . The sions for (j ~ 1 a nd (jc fro m E ...
con tinuum d amage m ech an ics Eq uatio ns are th en der ived in Sec tion 1.4.3. between th e elast ic st ress c
Th en th e co nstitut ive Equ ations are d erived in Sect ion 1.4.4 .
.\I B M
i;k l + eFB FUkl = 2"1 (C
Composite Analysis where 0 ij is the Kron ecker d
It is now seen th at once th .
In th is Sec tion, the relat io ns between the loc al (m atr ix and fib er ) and ov er all d eter m ine d , o ne can lise Equa
(com posite) relatio ns are prese nted in the con figurati on C. Th e analysis is co ncen tra tio n facto r BF• It al
based o n th e m od el g iven by Dvo rak and Bah ei-Ei-Din (1982, 1987) and Ba­ and Eq ua tion ( 1.35) that th
hei-Ei-Din and Dvo ra k (1989) uti lizing a rep rese n tat ive volu m e elem ent th at is . 111
m etric . t h e sen se HIlij kl = B
stat ist ically ho mogeneo us w ith unifor m overa ll fields of st ress or s tra in. In sy m me tr ies , th is is the o nly
th is case, th e com posite system cons ists o f a n elastic m etal m atr ix reinfo rced Next th e! effective matr i.
by elast ic, con tinu ous alig ned fibe rs , tively, are d irect ly de r ived [ro rr
In th e configuration C, the effective st ress tenso r (jR is related to the effec­ -R FR ­
t ive composite stress te nsor ii by T ij = ij kl a k/.

- tR
O'ij = BijkR /ak/.
­ (1.3 5) wh ere the fo ur th ra nk te nso r F

wh ere Bijkl is a four th -ra nk ten sor indicat ing th e elas tic p hase st ress co nce n ­ F' Ilij kl = I,R I BR c
Jijk l - "3 /,pkl()i ; .
tr atio n factor a nd the s upersc r ip t R sta nds fo r eit her M or F. T he tensor BR(x)
d epends o nly o n th e sp atial coo rd inates x for the ca se o f elasti c de fo rm ation. Using th e relation (J A D)
In ord er to determine BR , certain assumptio ns are em ployed, like th e Vo igt id enti ties:
ass um p tion where the m at rix and fibers are as su med to de fo r m eq ually or
the VFD ( Va nis hing Fiber Dia meter ) ass um pt ion wh er e the fiber s are assu me d F ~~kl = O.
to have va nish in g di ame ter s wh ile o cc upy ing a finite volu m e fractio n. T hese
two assum p tio ns are d iscussed br iefly a mo ng oth ers at th e end o f Sect i n
Fijk l • ij lll ll = BRij kl aR
I/m ll
1.4 Damage of Fib er- Rein forced Composite Mater ials 15

1.4.4. The read er should no te that the ten so r BR does no t in clude any d am age
effect. This is th e reaso n why effective s tress es a re used in Equation ( 1.35 )
rather th an the ac tual stresses. In th e sequel, a damage ph ase stress conc en tra­
tion fact or will be de ri ved in ter ms of B R a nd th e damage var iab les.
As a result of volu me in t gration an d averaging of th e local stress fields, the
following relatio n is ob tain ed b etween the loc al (mat rix and fiber) st resses
an d the overa ll stress in C:
Uij = CM (J-1>1ij ,
F - I'
e u ii . (1.36)

where eM a nd eF ar e the matrix a nd fibe r volum e fr act ions, resp ectively, given
by :

( 1.37)

In Equation ( 1.37), V ~ I a n t V I' are the ma tr ix and fiber volumes, respe c­

tively, and V is the to tal volume of the represe ntative comp osite element.
Us ing the assumption in Equation ( 1.36) an d subst itutin g the relevan t exp res­
sions for aM and aFfrom Equati on (1.35), on e de rive s the following relation
between the elas tic stress con cen tration [act or s for the m at rix an d fibers:

e:-IB ijk
+ ePB ijFkl = "21 «0ik Oj~ ...L r c )
, Oil lJj k • ( 1.38)

wher e Oij is th e Kron ecke r delta .

It is now seen tha t on ce th e elastic mat rix st ress concentrat ion fac tor B N1 is
d eter m ined , on e ca n use Equation (1.38) to find the co rr espond ing fiber stress
concent rat ion facto r BI'. It also follows fro m the symm etr y of th e stress tensor
a nd Equatio n (1.35) that the stress concent ration fac tors BM an d B F are sym­
metric in the sens e B ~kI = Bj~k l' Alth ough the tensors B ,\ I a nd B F have ot her
ymmetr ies, this is the on ly one needed in the derivati ons that follow.
Next th e effect ive matrix an d tiber dev iator ic st resses [ Iv! an d r F , resp ec­
ti vely, are directly der ived from Eq uat ion ( 1.35) as follows :

where the fourth ra nk tensor fR is given by:

3"1 Bppkl 0ij ·

Fij kl = BijRkl - (l.40)

Using the relation ( 1.40) ab ove, one can der ive th e following two useful
id nt ities:

P~rk { = o. ( 1.41)

Pijk! ijll/II = ijkl iimn : ( 1.42)
~---- - - - - - -

16 1 Da m age Mec ha n ics 1.4 Dam age of Fiber-R ein fo rc

In th e next p art of th is Section, th e loca l-overall rela tio nship s for the effec­ betwee n the se typ es of dam eo
tive st rain tensor E: in the co nfigurat io n C are presented. Upo n vo lu me inte­ ran k overall damage effect
grating and averaging the loc al stre ss field s (Dvorak and Bah ei-El-Din, 1982, damage that the m atr ix and
1987), the followi ng local-overall relatio n is obtain ed for the effect ive spati al gr ow th of vo ids and void c
st rain t ensor bers. In th is case, two four th­
(1.43 ) and lvnjkl are j ntroduced tha
fibers undergo. Sub seq uent!
where the ap p rop riate rela tions for th e effective m atr ix and fiber st rain tensors th es I ca l dam age effect to
a re used as follows: tl at the second step does no t a
(1.44 ) as deb on d ing or delam inati
vantage s and disadva nt , ge .
wh re A ~k/ is a four th -rank tensor deno ting th e elas tic phase stra in con centra­ mage in th e com posite sys tem.
tion facto r. The sam e rem a rks o utlin ed earlier abo ut th e tenso r nR ap ply agai n the sec ond step prov ides cr
to the tenso r AR. material b ut lacks the abi lit r
Substi tutin g Eq uation (1.44) into Eq ua tion (1.43), one der ives th e following Th erefore, the aim of th e p ' t
relatio n between the elastic ma tr ix and fiber st ra in co nce ntra tio n fac tors: mention ed steps in such a •
C A ijkl + Cf. A ijkl
= "21 (OlkiSjl
. ,
+ iS j[ iSjk) , (J .45)
Followi ng the first step ou
It is now clea r tha t o nce one of the elasti c stra in concen trati o n fac to rs is fect tenso r M fo r the wh ole ­
determi ned, Eq uatio n (1.45) can be used to det er mine the ot her one, stress tenso r ii is give n by
On the o ther ha nd , on e may start with th e q uant ity iiij e(i and expan d it
usin g Eq uat ions ( 1.36) an d (1.43). Then o ne sub st itutes for the loca l stresses
and strains fro m Eq uations (1.35) and (1.44) and simplifies to ob tai n:
The abov e relati o n was fir
( L--'\ I B~ijkJI + CI B F.ikJ) ( cMA l> i
'im II
+ CI' I ,\ ijmll
F )
= 1 (8
2: S + 8hr is mi ).
km i III (1.46) (1958) a nd late r gene ra lized
do ro ff (J 98 1) in th e frarnew r
The ab ove Eq uatio n rep resents th e rel atio n between the st ress an d st rain lows fr om Eq uati o n ( 1.47) th
con cent rat ion fact o rs fo r the m atrix an d fibers. In view of the r lat io ns ( 1.39) tens or is giv en by (Kalta n an
and ( 1.46), it is clea r that Eq uat ion (1,46) reduces to an identity. It sho uld b e
men tion ed tha t o nce the st ress conce n tra t io n fac to rs an d B ~; kI ar dete r­ BtL
m ine d, o ne ca n use Equ atio n ( 1.46) to find a co nstra int relatio n bet ween the
. concent ratio
str ain \ 1 an d f \ ijkJ'
. n "ac tors h, ,ijkl F where the fou r th -rank tensor

Damage Analysis
Certain us eful ident ities '-01
Th ere ar c two ste ps that can be followed in o rder to de v lop a contin uum
ident it ies used here are listed
dam age mod el for a com pos ite syst em consi st ing of fibers and a matrix. Fir st ,
on e co nsiders d am age in the overall composite system as a who le con tinu um, N rrkl = 0,
At th is step, the model will refl ect var ious typ es o f damage mec han isms su ch
as voi d growth and coa lescence in th mat rix, fibe r frac t ure, de bo nding a nd
de la minatio n, etc. It sh ou ld be noted tha t at th is step. n o distinc tio n is m ade
1.4 Dama ge o f Fiber -Rein forced Comp osite Mat er ials 17

between these types of damage as they are all reflec ted through the fou rth­
ra nk overa ll da mage effect tensor M ijkl. I n the second step, one cons iders the
damage that the mat rix and fibers undergo separately such as nu cleatio n and
growth of vo id and void coalesce nce for tl e matr i . and fracture for the fi­
be rs. In this case, two fourth-rank matrix and fiber da mage effect ten sors MiL
and M Uk! are in troduced that reflec t all types of damage that the mat r ix and
fibers undergo. Subsequently, the local-overall relati on s are used to tran sfo rm
thes e local dama ge effects to the whole composite system. Therefore, it is lear
that the second ste p does not accou nt expl i itly for such da mage mecha nisms
as de bond ing or delami nation . It is also clear that each step has cert ain ad ­
vantages and d isadvantages. While the ir st step accounts for all typ es of da ­
mage in the co mpo site system, it cann o t di sti nguish be twee n them. In ont ras t
the seco nd step pr vides se parate damage analysis of the mat rix and fiber
material b ut lacks the abilit y to accoun t for tiber -m atrix inter action dam age.
Therefo re, the aim of the pro pose d mo de l will be to comb ine the two afore ­
mentioned st eps in such a way so as to isolate th e vario us local types of da­
Following th e first step outline d ab ov and u tilizing an 0 er all dam age ef­
fe -t tensor M for the who le comp osit e syste m, the overall effec tive Cau chy
stress tensor (j is given by

( 1.47)

The above relat ion was first propos ed for the uniaxial .ase by Kach anov
(1958) and later generalized to th ree di me nsions by Muraka mi (1988) and , i­
doroff (1981) in the framewo rk of the co ncep t of effective stress. It the n fol­
lows from Equ ation (1.47) tha t the overa ll effective deviator ic C uchy st ress
tensor is given by (Kan an and Voyiadjis, 1990; Voyiadjis and Kattan, 1992)


where the four th-ra nk tensor N is give n in terms of M as follows:


Cert ai n use ful identities iollow directly from Equa tio n (1.49). The rns in two
id ntit ies used here are listed below:

t ' rrkl = O. (1.50)

( 1.5 1)
18 I Dam age Mech anic s 1.4 Damage of Fiber-Reinforced

ex t, the relation b etween the effect ive phase stress tensor Q'R a nd the over­ where th e fo ur th -ra nk tenso r .
all stress ten so r (J is derived . Th is is don e by substituti ng Eq uat ion (1.47 ) in to (1.50) an d ( 1.51). Co mp aring
Equat ion (1.35). Therefo re, on e obtains: one der ives th e following rei •

= KRij k/ (J kl ,
-R overall stress tenso r:
(J ij ( 1.52)
R -R
(Jij = Bijkl o 1.1 .
whe re the four th -rank matrix ten sor K ij kl is given by :
R where
K ijRkl = B ij ll" ,i'vf /llll l.l . (1.53)

Fro m the sy m metr y of Bijrnn di scussed ea rlier, it follows fro m Equ ation Bijk/ = (M~lI l ij ) - ] B:;"P'I I
( 1.53) that th e tenso r KR is sy m met ric in the sense K:jk/ = Kj~kI ' It shou ld be
where th e in verse IV ~~1 0
no ted that the tensor K R has o ther symm et ries, but are not need ed in the
deri vati ons.
W ijm ll W iji / = c'l ik Oji '
The four
concen tr at io n fact o r tha t inc!
Subs tituti ng Equation (1.47) into Eq uat ion (1.39), one obtains the following
can be seen fro m Eq uat io n ( 1.
expressions for the effec tive matrix and fiber d eviatoric stress ten sors:
It is now poss ible to derive
i~ = R~kf(Jk / . ( 1.54) mage effect te nso rs Mil and. I
s titu ting Eq uation s (1.57) and
where the fourth-ra nk te nso r RR is given by:
obt ains the des ired relatio n:
R )}kl = Fijlll"A1 m Il 1.l. ( 1.55) d ' 1~1 n- M/11,,1.1 -r, F f
M ijkl = C " ijlll" C •
Upo n exam in ing Eq uatio ns ( 1.39), (l.40), ( 1.54) a nd (1.55), o ne co nclu des
It is clear th at Eq uat ion (1.
that the ten sors FR an d RR are symmetr ic in the sens e Fijkl = Fj~k l a nd
matrix a nd fibe rs to th e ove
Rijkf = R~u · Furthermore, by s ubst ituti ng Equat ion (l .40) int o Eq uation
maged matrix and fiber co nce
( 1.55) a nd using Eq uat ion (1.53 ), one ca n de ri ve the following relation b e­
as the ma tri x and fiber volwn .
tween th e tensors K R an d R H:
Eq uatio n (1.60) into Equat ion
R I R "
R ij kl = K ij kl -
3 K rrkl"Jij · (r 56) M ijk'/ = c'\ lnij;"lIlvI"Jr/;'1 + /8
The te nso r RR sati sfies the two identities d iscussed earl ier, n amel y R ~~'k l = 0 The abo ve Eq uat ion is an e

and R~k / Rijm " = Kl)uKijm,,' All th ese ten so rs have o the r sym metries b ut ar e no t en trat ion factors and th e ov

needed in th e derivatio ns. ( 1.6 1) a nd ( 1.62) carefully. on ~

The overall da mage relatio ns for th e co m posit e system have n ow bee n pr e­ ber) da mage mec h ani sms hav
se nted in Eq ua tio ns (1.47) th roug h ( 1.56). The overall da mage effect t nso r M Mr, th en the over, II dam age in
has been in trod uced to re presen t all t ypes of da mage that th e system under­ includes the matrix a nd fiber re
go es. Fol lowi ng th e seco nd step discussed at the b egin n ing of this S c t ion , o ne from th e int eraction of th e two ;:'
int roduces a phase (lo cal) da mage eff ct tensor M R th at repres ents th e dam age
mech a n isms in the phase mater ial like nucl eatio n, grow th a nd oa lescenc e of 1.4.4
voids for the matri x, and fra ct ure of fibers. Th ere fo re, the follow ing local Constitutive Equations
t ran sfo rm ation Equa tion is assu med to hold for th ph ase s t ress tenso r
( 1.57) In this Sect ion, th e elas t ic cons
ystem will be develop ed . Fir t.
It no w follows di rec tly fro m Eq uat ion ( 1.57) that he mater ial o beys generalized H
- I{
I ij =
ij k/(Tkl ' ( 1.58) rT ii = Eijk l~k/.
1.4 Dam age o f Fiber -Reinfor ced Composite I aterials 19

where the four th-r an k tensor NR sati sfies the relations in Equations ( 1.49),
(1.50) an d ( LSI), Co mparing Equatio ns ( 1.52) and (1.57) and si mplifying,
one der ives the following relat ion b etween the phase str ess tenso r and the
overall st ress tensor:
O"ij = B- ijkIO"kl
. (1.59)


( 1.60 )

wher e the inverse W ij~/ of a four th -ran k tensor W ijk/ is defined by

IV ij/llll Wijk/ = li;kOji. The fou rth -rank tensor B is the dama ged phase s tress
1 R

conce ntration fact or that incl udes geomet r ical and damage related effects as
can be seen from Equ ation ( 1.60) ,
It is now possible to derive the required relationship between the local d a­
ma ge effect tensors M' I and M f and the overall d amage effect tensor M. Sub ­
stituting Equat ions (1.57) and ( 1.59) into Equ ation (1.36) an d sim plifying, one
ob tains the desi red relation :

'vI·· -
I)k! - C
M B -M
ij l1lll m nk l
+ CF'viF B
I ij"lII /II ll k l ' (1.6 1)

It is clear that Equation (1.61) relates th e local damage experienced by the

mat rix an d fibers to the overall da mage of the composite sys tem. Th e da ­
maged ma tri x and fib er concen tra tion fact ors appea r in the Eq uatio n as well
as the mat rix and fiber volume fractions . Substitu ting for 8;-'\ and BF fro m
Equation ( 1.60) into Eq uation (1.6 1), one ob tains:

The above Eq uation is an explicit relation bet ween the effective local con,
ccn tration factors and the overa ll dam age effect ten so r. Exam ini ng Eq uations
(1.6 1) and (1.62) carefully, one co nclud es th at once the local (m atri x and fi­
ber) da mage mechanisms have been descr ibed through the ten sors M M and
M", then the overall d amage in the composite syst em can be de scribed whic h
includes the ma t rix and fiber related dam age as well as the d amage result ing
from the interaction of the two phases such as debonding.

Constitutive Equations

In this Sect ion, the elastic constitutive relation for the d amaged compos ite
system will be developed. f irs t, on e starts with the ove ra ll system and assumes
the material obeys generalized Hooke's law in the und amaged configuration C:
20 1 Dama ge M cha nics 1.4 Damage of Fibe r -Reinfo rced

where Eilkl is th e co nstant fourt h -rank elasticity ten sor. The cor respo nd ing where the da ma ged strain co
effect ive e las tic s train energy U in th is config uratio n is giv en by AijRkl -- i\tf R A
u pq
:' ./'
1 1II1/ij ",1//''1
- 1 _ _
U = 2 Eijl.. l t·;i '~'kl ' (1. 64) One then assu me s the g
phases in the co n figuration
One now u: es the Legen dre tr ansfo r m and ap plies it to Eq ua tio n (I .M) in -R E R -R
order to deri ve thc_followi ng express io n for the effec tive elast ic complem en ­ a ij = ij kll'k J'

ta r y strain en ergy V : wh ere E~.u is the co nstant el

- 1 _ I - ­ Eq uatio ns ( 1.63) an d ( 1.72 i"
V = -2 E·k1o iP kl. ( 1.65)
IJ . an d ( 1.45) and simplifying
In the damaged compos ite co nfi gu ratio n C, th e elas t ic cons t itutive relati on the undam aged elas t ici ty tens
takes the form Eolj k/ = cMA M
Ijlllll EM
• mllkl + C--FA
( 1.66) Assum ing s im ilar local rel..'
wher e th e fourt h -r ank te nso r Eij kl is no lo nger constant bu t de pends on the configur atio n C, o ne h as
da m age effec t tenso r M I,ikl' Using the hyp othesis of elast ic ene rgy eq uivalence, R _ ER (.R
a ij - ijk/' kl '
by equ ati ng the energ y in Eq uat io ns ( 1.65) in b oth th e da mag ed and unda ­
m aged con fig ur atio ns, i.e. V = V , o ne der ives th e follow in g ex press io n fo r where the tensor b'~k l is th e ~
E ij kl (Katt an and Voyiadjis, 1990).
Substituting Eq uatio ns ( 1.66
( 1.36), wri tten in th e confi gur
Eiikl = M!~ikIErspqM ;' ;i ' (1.67 ) fying, one ob tains
Different iating Eq uat ion ( 1.65) wi th respect to u, and us ing Eq uat ions -.
E ijkl =
- :>1 - ,\ '1 - M
A ij ml/ E lII l/k! + - FA- f
( 1.47), ( 1.66) and ( 1.67), on e can o bta in the follo wing tra ns fo r m at io n Eq ua­
ti o n [o r th e overall st ra in ten so r in the con figura tion C: Nex t, o ne consid ers the tr
. E' v1
'ijk l a n
d E'Ijkl ' Sta! .
- ',1 - 1
E j; = iYl ijpql'pq . ( 1.68) fr m Equat io n ( 1.67) , fo r A
The above Eq uat ions (1.63) - (1.68) are a b r i -f review of the elas tic consti­ Eq uatio n 0 .73) a nd simplify mg
tutive relatio ns for a d amaged o ne -p hase m ate rial and ca n b e used as the over ­ -R
all relat ions fo r th e composite system. Next, on e co nsi de rs the local st re ses Eij kl = cCRR 1 .1l1l_ nijI E nltlf'</
It (

and strai ns in a n att emp t to form u la te local-overall Eq uati o ns fo r the da m aged The rem a in der of th is ec
com posite sys tem . r lat io n for th e ph ase volum e
_irnilar rel ations can be shown to exist o n the local level, th at is, th e stra in way of de r iving suc h Equat i
tr ansfo r matio n Eq uatio ns fo r th e m atr ix an d fibers are simi lar to Eq ua tio n relat io n given in Eq uatio n ( 1.
( 1.6R) a nd ta ke th e following for m: de ter mi ned by com pa r ison . T
- 1
~R _ R .R is listed here wi thout p roof.
I;; ij - ( M ijmn ) Em". (1.69)

One now can derive exp ression s fo r the dam age d st ra in co ncen trat io n fac­ c}{ c;
= (M~ij r JM /,,/ ij .
tor s. Sub st ituting th e ex pressio ns of the tr an sform ati on of the ove rall a nd lo ­
UpOI su bst ituting the abo e
cal strains of Eq uatio ns ( 1.68) an d (1.69) int o Equation ( 1.44) an d sim plifyi ng ,
( 1.76), o ne ob tains sim ple rei
one obtain s
at elast ici ty si m ilar to th at of E
(1.70) 1.77) do es no t im ply a ch ang
1.4 Damage of Fiber -Reinfor ced Com posite Mater ials 21

where the d am aged stra in co ncentrati on fact or AR is g i en by :

.4ijk/ = M ~111 i;A ~l1lpi1J>q\ I ' (1.71)

One then assumes the ge neralized Hooke' law to ho ld for each of th e

phases in the con fig ura tion C, that is
a ij = EIt -R
' ij kl Fkl ' ( 1.72)

whe re E~k i is the cons tant elasticit y tensor for the ph ase mater ial. Subst ituting
Eq ua t io ns ( 1.63 ) and (1.72) into Equ at ion ( 1.36) alo ng w ith Eq uation s ( 1.44)
. nd (l .45) a nd si m plifyin g, o ne obtains the followi ng local-ov ra il relat io n for
th undamaged elast icit y tenso rs:

Assum ing si m ila r local relati o ns to hold as th ose of Eq uation (1.72) in th e

con fig uratio n C, o ne h as
It _ E: R R
a ij - 'ii k/" k/ '

where the tensor E ~kl is the da maged elasti city tenso r for the ph ase m ater ial.
ub stitu ting Equa t ion s ( 1.66) and (1.74) into an Equatio n si mi la r to Eq uatio n
( 1.36), wr itte n in th e co nfig ur ati o n C, alon g with Eq uatio ns ( 1.69) a nd sim pli­
iy ing, one ob ta ins

. ext, one con sid ers the tr a nsfor m atio n Eq uat io ns for th e local moduli of
elas t icity E~L an d E~k l' Sta! ting w i~h Eq ua tion (1.7 5 ) and s ubst ituting fo r E
fro m Equati o n ( 1.67), for A·\ I a nd AI-from Equ at io ns ( 1.7 1) a nd for E from
Equa tio n ( 1.73) nd sim plifying, o ne o btai ns:

cR 1 R lt
: ijk
E /
- cit'r\tl ,,/I/!;
_ - EllIl/pq ( 1vlpqk! ) .
(1.7 )

The rem a in der of th is Sect io n is left to determin e a proper tr a nsfo r ma tio n

relation fo r the phase o lu me frac tio ns C~ l and cF • Th e autho rs see no d irect
va>, of de riving suc h Equ at io ns at the p res nt ti me. Howeve r, in vie w of th e
rel ation g iven in Eq ua t ion ( 1.67) , the scalar rat ios c~l l e1l1 an d cFI eF can be
de ter m ine d by com pa r iso n. Th erefore, th e followin g tr an sfo rm atio n Eq uation
lis ted here witho ut proof.

cit = z; ( M;Qi;f l
/ vl pq;j . (1.77)

Upo n su bst ituti ng th e above tra nsformation Equation fo r c R int o Equa tion
1.76), one o bta ins simp le rela tion s for the tra nsfo rm at io n of th e local mo d uli
i elas ticity im ilar to that of Equat ion ( 1.67) . It shou ld be no ted that Eq uation
1.77) doe s no t imply a ch ange in th e pha e vo lu i e fractions. The q ua ntit ies
22 1 Damage Mec han ics 1..1 Damage of Fiber-Rein fo rced

2,\1 and 2F re p re se n t effect ive ph ase vol ume fractions i n th e fic t it io us unda­ s uch th a t ¢ ij Yij is the p owe r d'
m aged con figurati ons C' I a nd Ct', respe c tive ly. T hey sho u ld b e regarded simi­ damage evolu tio n used here is •
a: a:
larly to t he effec tive s t resses M a n d F wh ere th ey do no t repres ent ac tual by the fu nc t ion g(y, n) defined
q u a n tities , b ut effe cti ve q ua nt ities in the context o f co nt inu um d a m age me­ 1
cha nics. T he con s titutive theor y as well as th e re leva nt t ra nsfor m a tio n Eq ua­ g(y, B) = '2 JijklYijYkI B(pl =
ti o ns h ave b ee n p resented fo r th e analys is of d a m ag e a nd s ma ll elas t ic d efo r ­
wh ere B(/3) is a fu nction f the
m a tio n of fib e r -rein fo rced co m posi te m at e r ials. T h is is illust rated in d e tail in
st a n t fou rt h- ra n k ten so r th a t L
Sec ti on 1.4 .6 for the case o f unia xial te ns io n.
( Lee, et al. , 1985; Voyiadj is and •
Eq uat io n fo r th e d a mage va r ia b.
T he res t of th is Sectio n is left for a br ief di scu ssi on o f the stress an d s tr ai n
g iven by :
co nce ntrat io n factors. The sim pl est mo d e l availab le invo lves th e Vo igt as ­
su m p t io n whe re the m at ri x. fib e r a nd ov rall st ra in ra tes a re as su m ed eq ual. n= - Ypq ¢pq - B~.
In our case, th Voig t m od el is a pp l ied to th e co n fig ura ti on C ; in the form
The probl em is to extrem ize
£~/ = £~ = Fii' Subst ituting th ese in to Equat io n (1 .44) im m ed iately res ults in
o ne introdu ces the Lagrange
A~l , = Af;kl = t(Oi kOil + clw)jd · Using this re s ult alo ng wit h ' q uat io ns ( 1.35), m eth od to o b ta in i = j j an d
(1".63) a n"d (1. 72 ) w ill y ield BijL= E ij~n "EiJll"n a nd B);kI = E~III" Eu~"" . Ano th e r . . ilg

w ide ly kn ow n mo del is the Van ishi ng Fib er Dia m ete r ( VFD) m o d el. In th is cPlj = - fJ -:;- .

m o d el, it is ass u m ed that the c ylind rical fib e rs h ave va nishin g d iamete rs wh ile
occ upy ing a fi nite volu m e frac t io n of t h e compo s ite. Howeve r. the res ulting In o rd er to d et erm in e fi, one
Eq uatio ns a rc no t as s im p le as th ose of the Voig t m o d el a nd th e read er is fo r m
re fer red to D vo ra k a nd Bahe i-E l-Din (1979, 1982) fo r a det ailed d isc ussion of
~. agi3 = 0
t he VFD m od el. Fin ally, it should b e no te d that m o re sop h is tica ted m o d els uYp/ pq + an .
(Mo r i an d Ta n ak a, 1973) a n a lso be used .
Subs tit ut in g fo r the p a rtia l d t
tio n ( 1.82) a n d so lving for p, one
Evolution of Damage
Subs tit uting th e ab ov e xpre
In o rde r to st ud y th e e vo lu tion of d a mage in compo site mate r ials, o ne firs t
re q u ired evolutio n Eq uation for
n eed s to inves t igate the na ture o f the fourth -ran k damage effect ten so r M. It
has b ee n show n ( Voy iad jis a nd Katta n , 1992) th at us ing th e Voig t not ation fo r . - Jpl/lII"j 'III"Ypq ug

s tresses a nd s tra ins (i.e., re p resen ting th em as vecto rs in stead o f te nso rs ). the ¢ ,j = uB/ DR
, 1'
ilv .

/ I)
ten so r M (ild ca n b e re p resente d by a 6 x 6 m a t ri x in te rms of a secon d -ra n k
The s olutio n of the abo ve k in ;
d amage tensor (i>. T here fo re, it is clear ( Voy iadjis a n d Kan an , 1992 ) tha t th e
a n ap p ro p ria te ex p ress io n fo r the '
s tu dy o f da m age evo lut ion in volves th e determ inat io n o f an app ro pria te k i­
in the for m B(fJ) = Cl /3 + (~ '>'h e
netic Equa tio n for the tenso r () Ii' One in tr od uces the generalized th e rm o d y­
by a n alog y to the is ot ro pic hard
na mi c fo rce y g.. that is a sociated w ith (;! ,.; by th e defi n itio n (Lerna itre, 1985):
whe re the evolut io n of K i take
plas tic strain . Analogo usl y, us in g
as pro posed ab ove. An ex ampl .
(1.78) tio n Equati o n is solved for th e
B(/3) .
1.4 Dam age of Fiber-Reinforced Co m pos ite Mater ials 23

such that ¢ ,j)'ii is the power di ssip ated due to the dama ge. The crite rio n for
dam ag evolu tio n use d he re is th at pr oposed by Lee et al. ( 1985) a nd i. given
by th e fu nctio n g (y, B) defin ed by:
g(y. B) = -2 J ijA/Y i;Y
kI - B(,8) = 0 , (1.79)

wh er e R(f3) is a functio n of the overall da mage param et er f3 an d Jij kl is a con ­

stan t f u r th- ra nk tens o r that can be represe ned by a con stant 6 x 6 mat rix
(Lee, et al., 1985; Voyiadjis and Katt an, 1992 ). In orde r to de velop a n evoluti on
Eq uat io n fo r the d am age vari able r/J, one cons ider s the power of di ss ipat ion n
given by :


Th e prob lem is to extrern ize Il subject to th e co nstraint dg = O. Therefore,

on e int roduces the Lag range mu ltiplier ~ and uses the Lag range mult iplier
meth od to obtain = ~ an d i:
. . Jg
r/J,j = - ,8 - . ( 1.8 1)
In o rd er to d eter m ine fJ, o ne uses the consistenc y cond itio n dg = 0 in the
for m
og . iJg .
- YI'I/ + - 8 = 0. (1.82)
JYpq dB

Substi tu ting fo r th e p art ial der ivat ives of g fr om Eq ua tio n (1.79) into Eq ua ­
tio n ( 1.82) a nd s lving fo r ~, on e ob tains:

~ = i: = JpqlllllY mllY pq . (1. 83)

'dB j o,8
, ubst itut ing th e abo e exp ress ion of ~ in to Eq uatio n ( 1.81), on e ob tains th e
requ ired evolu tio n Equa tio n fo r th e damage ten so r r/J,j:
. - JpI11IIIlY ", ,,Y pl/ ag
(1 .84)
q),j = JB/ilf3 aYij

Th e solutio n of the ab ove kinet i Eq uat io n h inges on th e d ete r m in at io n of

an app r pri ate expressi on for th e fun cti o n B(f3) . On e ma y us e a lin ear funct ion
in the fo r m B(f3) =
c, f3 + [ 2 whe re Cl a nd [ 2 are co nsta nts. Th is is mot ivated
by a nalog y to th e is ot ropic hard ening pa ra me ter K i ~12 the th eory f plast icity,
where the evolutio n of K is taken .to be.K =J
i;;.<-;j) · whe re i" is th rate of
plastic tra in . Analogously, u ing B = U~f3 ) I , - will yield a linear funct io n B(f3)
as prop osed above. An example is given in the next Sectio n wh ere th evo lu­
tio n Equat ion is solved fo r th e cas e of u niaxial tens ion with a linear funct ion
B(fJ )·
24 1 Damage Mechanics
.4 Damage of Fiber-Reinforc

iorm by Equ at io n ( 1.36). The
Example 1: Uniaxial Tension of a Unidirectional Lamina
fective counterpart a can b
_ a
Consider a unidi rectional fiber- reinforced thin lamina that is subjected to a (1 = - - - .

uniaxial tensile force T along the XI-directi on. The lam ina is ma de of an clastic 1 - q>1

ma tr ix wi th elastic fibers aligned along the Xl-direct ion. The Xl - and Xr axes Using Equation ( 1.36) and
are ass umed to lie in the plane of the lami na. Let dS be the cross-sectio nal area can assu me the loca l stresse
of th e lamina with ciSM and dSF be ing the cross-sectional area s of the mat rix
and fibers, respec tively. In the fictit ious undamaged configuration , let the
cross-sect ional areas of the lamin a, matrix an d fib ers be denoted by ciS, <.I.SM
and dSF, resp ectively. Since the lam ina str ictly con, ists of a mat r ix and fibers, In view of Eq uation ( I. 9 .
it is clear that dS'\l dSF = d.S, dSM ...L dSI' = dS, dS ::; dS, dSM ::; dSM and requirements given by Eq ua
dSI' ::; dSF (Kana n and Voyiadjis, 1992). ( 1.90) with the general tra nsf
The overall st ress, str ain and damage tenso rs a, 10 , and ¢ for this prob lem sidering the no tation of Eq u
can be rep resented using th e following vectors tensors M, M"I and MF ca n b

( 1.85)
M ==
1-'. ' 1
0 0]
0 .
1_ ,/, I
[ o 0 _ 1_
I- ,~ ·
with sim ilar vector representation s for their corr esponding effective and local
counter part s. The uniaxial tr ess (J ap pear ing in Equa tion ( 1.85) is cl ea~ly gi­ 0 0
ven by a = TI dS with the uniaxial effective stress given by a = T I dS. The I
overall da mage variable 1>1 is defi ned by (Kachanov, 1958 ) J - ¢~
(/>I = ~ . ( 1.86 )
It sho uld be mentioned th at ..
ensor M of Eq uation (1.9I ) . f
It is clear from Equat io n ( 1.86) that 1>1 takes the values between 0 for un­
.ons idered here. For a general
damaged material to 1 for (theo ret ically) complete ru pture. However, the ac­
er is referr ed to the recent pa -r
tual value ¢ a where failur e occurs is less than 1 and satisfies 0 ~ q) < ¢ er < 1.
The overall elasticity tensor E
Two local damage varia bles (p ~1 and 1>; can be an alogo usly int rod uced an d
'here an orthotropic material .
defined by:
dSR - dSR
rJ, R
"' 1 = dSR
It follows di rec tly fro m Eq uation ( 1.87) that 0 :s. ¢f .:s I. Using Equat io ns
(1.86) and (1.87) along with the area relat ions discussed in the begin n ing of Using the representations 0
this Section, o ne can easi ly deri ve the followin g relation between the local and ubsti tuting them in to the tr
overall da mage variables: 'ollowing m at rix for the dam L

A _ ,..,\1.1>,\ 1 FA.F
~) I - L '1' 1 C'I' I · ( 1.88)

It sho uld be m en ti ned that the uniaxial loca l and overall stresses (J, a M and
a sat isfy a similar relation to that of Equatio n (1.88) and is given in tenso r
1.-1 Damage o f Fiber-Rein forced Composite Materials 25

form by Eq uatio n ( 1.36). The relatio n between th e over all st ress a and its ef­
fective count erp ar t (j ca n b e easily sh ow n to be given by
_ (f
a= - - - . (1 .89)
1- 4> 1
Using Eq uation (1.36) a nd a sim ilar Equati n for the effect ive stress, one
can ass u me th e lo cal s tre ses to be give n by:

-R (fR
a = - - -R' 0 .90)
1- 4> I
In view o f Eq uati on (1.89), it is clea r that th e relat ion s ( 1.90) sa tisfy the
re q uirem en ts g iven by Eq uation ( 1.36) . Co mpar ing Eq uations ( 1.89) and
( 1.90) w ith the general trans fo r ma t i n Eq uat ions (1.47) and ( 1.57) an d con ­
ider ing th e no ta ti n of Eq uat io n ( 1.85) for th is problem , the dam age effec t
tensors M , M ~ I and M F can b e represented by the follo wing m at r ices:

_ 1_
J - '1' ,
I ~j
]. ( 1.9 1)

[ ~
o l - ¢~
. ( 1.92)

It sh o uld be m enti oned th at th matr ix representation of th e da mage effect

ten so r 1\1 of Eq uatio n ( 1.9 1) applies o nly to th e pro blem o f unia xia l tension
co n id ered here. For a gen eral m at rix re presentatio n of th tenso r M, the rea d ­
er is re f, rred to the recent pap r by Voyiadjis and Kattan ( 1992).
Th e overall ela s ticity ten sor E ijkl ca n b rep resent ed by th e follow ing matrix
wh ere an o rt ho tr opi c m ateri al is assu m ed :

(l. 93)

Usin g the rep resentations of M and E o f Eq uat ions (1.91) and ( 1.93) , a nd
subst itu tin g th em int o the t ran sfor m at ion Eq uation ( 1.67), o ne obta ins the
following m : tri x for th e da m aged cia ticity tensor Eijk/ :
- 1''0'
- ,I 'J!
', ! 1- ¢ lll -1' ,j ]

f l (1 </': ), El (I -;~'j'i l -.¢ ' J ' (1.94)

- I"~

£,,11 - 1>..)"
26 1 Dam age Mechanics 1.4 Damage of Fibe r-Rein fo rced

Considering a m atr ix rep resentation for E- 1 si mil ar to th at of Eq uati o n In order to characterize da

(1.93) b ut with all q ua nti ties replaced by b ar red quant ities and co mpa ring it tion (1.84) . For th is pro blem. .

with the ma t rix in Eq uat ion ( 1.94), one obtains th e following tra nsform ation
Equ ations for th e ove rall elast ic p roper ties:
- 2
Ei = E,( 1 - (Pi) . i = 1,2, 3 (no su m). ( 1.95)
whe re <P I a nd y 1 stand for the
_ 1- ¢i Using a linear func tion B( f3) ==
l.'ij = I' ij - - ,
1 - ¢j
i.j = 1, 2. 3 (no su m ). (1.96) tuting it in t Equation u.:0
Next, one uses the tra nsformat ion ' quation (1.60) for the ph ase st ress con ­
cent rat ion fac tors, and sub stitutes for th e da m age effect t nsors from Equ a­ <P l = _ _-y3l .


tions ( 1.91) an d ( 1.92) to de r ive the following matri x repr esenta tion for th e
da maged ph ase st ress conce ntrati on fac to r i3IT kt= The above Equation repre en
nd its associated therrnodyna
tension. One then su bs titute for
( 1.97) ( 1.64) into Equa tion (Ll Ol ) to

¢1 EJ 6

(l - <P 1) 6 = 3 Cl e I '

wh ere the t rms B ~ ar e the elements of the ma tri x representation of Bt u .

Equatio n ( Ll 02) repre ent s
Sim ilarly, one uses the trans for matio n Equ at ion ( 1.71) for the strain con­
of un iaxial tensi n. Sim ilar rela
cen trat ion factors to d ri ve the followin g mat r ix rep resentation for the d a­ damage variables .
ma ged phase strain concent ra tion factor Aiji./:
xample 2: A Unidirectional lam ina
( 1.98)
Co nsider a u nid irecti n I fiber -r
.a e of pla ne stress in the 1-2 pi
where the term s AI} are the elements in th e m tri x rep resentation of Ajkl' ith elast ic fibers aligned alone
Finally, one wri tes th e tr ans format ion Equatio ns for th e volu me fractions surned to lie in th e pla ne of the I
C~ I and cf . Us ing Equat ion (1.77) alon g wi th the matrix rep resentati ns (1.91) ir ct ion to that pla ne. A compie
an d ( 1.92), one derives: lam ina is un der pla ne stress. Th
nonzero in th is examp le. For th i
-R R I - <p ~ tens ors are rep rese nt ed by the fo
C =C - - -. (1. 99)
1- <P 1

Alternat ively, th e ab ove relations ca n be de rived inde pen den tly using the
defin itions of cM and cF as ar ea fract ions for th is pro blem, along with Eq ua ­
tio ns (1.86) and (1.87). Fina lly, o ne can us e Equations ( 1.76) and (1.77) to
d ri ve tra nsform atio n Equations for the local elastic prop er ti . However, the
res ulting Equ ations ar e si mil ar to Equa tions (1.95) an d ( 1.96) with super­
sc r ipts "M" r "F" and will not be list ed here.
1.4 Damage of Fiber-Reinforced Composit e Materials 27

In or der to char ac teri ze d amage evolution for this problem, one uses Eq ua­
tion ( 1.84). For th is problem, the kinetic Equation ( 1.84) reduces to

(1.100 )

where ¢ l and YI stand for the tensor components ¢II and YIl ' respectively.
Using a linear fun ct ion B( fJ ) = cIf3 + C2 whe re CI and C2 are constants, subs ti­
tuting it in to qu ation (1.100) and solving the differential Equation, one ob­

¢I = _ _ I .-i (1.10 1)

Th e above Equation rep resents the relation between the damage var iable ¢ I
and its associa ted thermod ynam ic ge neralized fo rce YI for the case of uni axi al
tension. One then substitutes for Yl from Equation (1.78) along with Equat ion
(1.64) into Equation (1.101) to obtain:


Equ ati on (1.102) rep resen ts the overall strain-d amage relat ion for the case
of uni axial ten sion. Similar relat ions can be derived for the local strain and
damage variables.

Example 2: AUnidirectional lamina Under Plane Stress

Consider a unidirect ional fiber -reinforced thin lam ina that is subjected to a
case o f plane str ess in th e 1-2 plan e. The lamina is made o f an elast ic material
with elast ic fibers aligned alon g th e x I- ax is. Both th e XI - an d Xr axe s are as­
sumed to lie in the plane of the lamina, wh ile the xr ax is lies in the tr ansverse
di rection to th at pl ane. A complete da mage state is considered, alt hough the
lami na is unde r pla ne stress. Therefore, all the da mage variables are assumed
nonze ro in this example. For this case of plane stress, th e stress and damage
tensors ar e represented by the following matr ices:

[aij] =
[ a"
a~ 2

IjI I2
n (1.103)

[cPij] = [ ¢¢ 21" (P22

¢" ]
(/)23 • 0 .104)
¢31 ¢32 ¢33
28 1 Da mage Mech anics 1.-1 Dam age of Fiber- Reinfo rced

Th e tr a nsformatio n Eq uat ion (1.47) g ives rise to a nonsym m etric effective where the coeffic ien ts of the
st ress tenso r. Therefo re, be fore proceed ing w ith th is exam ple, o ne needs to
symmetr ize the effect ive st ress tenso r B. One of the m ost pop ula r sy m metri­
zation pro ced ures is given by the Eq ua tion

( Ll 05)

Before subst itu ting Equ tions ( 1.103) and ( 1.104) into Equat ion (1.105), on e
needs to fin d th e inverse of the ten so r 8 ;) - ¢ ij ' T his is fo un d si m ply by ob tain ­
ing th e inverse of the m at rix [Oil - <Pij] thro ugh the use of the sy mb olic ma ­
ni pulat ion progra m [ EDUCE. The resulting m atr ix is given as:

1\;1 12 = M ~ I = O.
¢ 13<!Jz3 + (/> d I - rj)33 )

(1 - ¢ i l )(1 - ¢J.n) - 4/ 3

4> 12</>1.\ + (h 3( 1 - rj>\\ )

rjI124>2J + 9 1. 1 ­
MI.! = 2M 3
4> J2CI)23 + ¢13 ( 1 - 4>d ]
¢12cP l3 + (1)23(1 - ¢II) ,
( 1 - 4>11 )(1 - ¢ d - ¢~ 2
( 1.106)
T he above Eq uations were 0
wh ere ' is given by For th e case o f pl ane stre
tenso r Ei ikl is wr itt en here for a
~ = ( I - cPlJ)(1 - ¢ L2 )(1 - cP33 ) - </); 3( 1 - cPll) - ¢J73(l - cP22 ) ­
ing fo r m :
( 1.107)
rj172(1 - q>:n) - 2cP I2<!I23cP J3 ' I ~
r; E,
E I = :=lJ.l. 1

- [ ~ ~

Next, one subs t itutes Equatio ns ( Ll03) and ( 1.106) into Equ at ion ( 1.105)
an d s im plifies th e resulting m atr ix. Using the vector re prese ntation
r ail (I n (J 12r for the stress te nso r a , and likewise usi ng
[ BI I B22 0 12 ] I for th e effe tive st ress tensor B, th result ing Eq uati o n ca n
Using the re pr esentation of, I _
ubs t itu ting th em int o th e tran
be rewr itt en as: following m at r ix for th e da mag

M I2
- -I '
M 22
( 1.108) E == E12
M 32 u
IA Da mage of Fiber - Rein forc ed Compos ite Mater ials 29

where the coe fficient s o f th e matr ix 1M] of Equ tion ( 1.108 ) < re given by:


(I .109b)

( 1.l 09c)

(1.1 09d)

¢ J2(P2-1 + r/) 12( 1 - (!JJ.1l

(1.l 0ge)

(1.1 09f)

The a bove Equation' were obtai ned. using the sy mbolic ma nipulatio n pro ­
gra m REDUC ~ .
For the case of plane stress d iscussed in this Section, the overall elasticit y
enso r E ij kl is written here for a n orthot ropic mat rial in dir ctl ' in the follow­
ing form:

, -=
1 [ ~
o] .
(1. 110 )

Using the rep resent ation o f M a nd E- J in Eq uatio ns (1.109) and ( 1.110) a nd

ubstituting th em in to the tra nsformat ion Equation ( 1.67), one obtains the
followin g m atrix for the da maged elast icit y tensor Eij k/:

E (1.1 11)
30 1 Da ma ge Mecha nic 1.4 Da mage o f Fiber-Reinforced

\ he re th e ter m s in th e above m a t r ix a re given b y: The above rel atio n h old r

to the usu al compos ite relati
. Mil M iJ ( !.l 12a)
El l = - + -- , b e n oted th at in Eq uatio n (
£ 1 2GI 2
a d d it io n to th e d a m ag e va ri
o n E2 , tJ2[ an d the damage vari
( 1.1 12b )
tio ns ( 1.l 14c) a n d ( 1.114d ) th
o n Gl2 in ad di t io n to th e da m
( 1.1 12c) 1'12 ca n be o bta in d sim ilar t
When u s ing the princ ipal
( 1.l 14) r duce to:
( 1.1 12d)

( 1.1l2e)

( 1.1 120

T he in rse of the ma tri . in Eq uation ( 1.11 1) should b e eq uiva le nt to the - M 22

tJl2 = V IZ - ,

[-0* 0
effective elas t ici t y t nso r £-;;: 1 giv n by: ,W I I
_ !.J.;.
o ] . ( !.l 13)
£-1 == E,
Su bs t itu ting for Mil ' /Y1 22 ,
The relat ions b e twe e n th e clas ti c co ns ta nt Eb E2 , 1'12, G I2 and the effective
( 1.1 16 ), kee p ing in m in d tha t
elas t ic va r iab les L'l , £2, Vl2 , a nd GI 2 can be ob ta ine d by eq u atin g Eq u atio n s
( 1.1 11) a nd ( 1.1 13) . After so me le ng thy algebrai c m a n ipulat i ns o ne ar rives
a t th e followi ng relatio ns:

£ 1 =
M il + M 22 2
' ( !.l 14a)
M il Mi l + M II M z2 - ( I - vl2)M IJ
_ 1 - (P I
VI 2 =V Z - - ,
(l 114b ) I - cPz

( 1.1 14c)

-, 4Af i lM n Eq ua tio ns ( 1.l17a) to ( 1.1 1- ­

G il = Gil 2 ' . ( 1.11 4d )
Vvlll + i\:Id (AI II M z 2 - Mi J) Thu s, th e ex pressions in vo lvin
oi th e un i: xia l te nsio n case f
In add itio n , o ne ob ta in s th e follow ing rela tion:
here is Eq ua ti o n ( l. 117d ) wh ich
tJI 2E2 = I 'l l EI · ( !.l IS) u n iax ia l te ns io n case.
1.4 Dam age of Fiber -Reinfo rced Composit e Mater ials 31

Th e above relation ho lds for th e da ma ged composite sys tem and is sim ilar
to the usual composi te relat io n for effec tive quantit ies iillEz 0Z1 f:l • It sh ould
b e n oted that in Equa tion (1.l1 4a ), £, is a fu nc tion of bo th £1 and Vl 2 in
add ition to the d am age variables. Simi larly, in Eq uatio n (1.114b), £2 dep ends
on E2 , I 'l l an d the da ma ge var iables. On the oth er h an d, it is clea r [r om Eq ua­
t ions (l .114c) and (l . 114d ) th at \-' 12 depe nd s onl y o n 1' 1Z and G12 dep ends o nly
o n Gll in ad di t io n to the damage va r iables . An expressio n [or V I I in term s of
I' IZ ca n be obtai ned sim ilar to Equat ion (1.I14c).
W hen usin g the pr inci pal dam age variables ¢I ' ¢ 2' and ¢3, Eq uat io ns
( L l 14) red uce to:

(1.1 16a )

(1.l 16b)

(1.1 16c)

( \.l1 6d )

Sub stitu ting fo r MI l> M Z2 ' and {<, from Equati ons (1.109) into Equatio ns
( 1.116), keeping in m ind th at ¢ 13 = ¢ 23 = ¢ 12 M 13 = 0, on e ob tains:

(\.l1 7a)

(l . i 17b )

(1.l 17c)

( U I 7d)

Eq ua tions (1.1 17a ) to ( 1.I 17c) are sim ila r to Equations (1.95) and (1.96).
Thus, the exp res sions involvi ng pr inc ipa l d am age variab les red uce to those
of the un iaxia l tensio n ca se of the previou s example. T he on ly new Eq uation
he re is Equ at io n (J . 117d) which rela tes shea r q ua ntit ies th at do not exis t in the
un iaxial tens io n case.

32 1 Da mage Mecha n ic 1,4 Da m age o f Fibc r-Re in f rc

The p hase dam age effect tensor M ,j kl is considered here to have th e same Equa tion ( 1.120). Th e re ul ti :=

for m as the ove rall da ma ge effec t tenso r M given in Equa tions (1. 108) a nd ( I. I 22) to ( 1.154) a nd re n )
( l.l 09). Th is ten so r takes the form:
II I = M II [ (M~ ) 2 Tl\'I~ I .' f:_ -

( 1.1 18) 112 = O.

where t- R, MI( , M ~ an d M\\ arc given by :

t- R= (I - (/>~ 1 )(1 - q)~J( 1 - q)~3 ) - ( (j) ~(_ f (1 (P~I )

(1 .119a)
- ( />\~ ) 2 (1 - (/J~{2) -- (Pf2)2 (1 - r,i)f.\ ) 2(/>~2 </J ~c/>\

(1.I 19b) 116 =- k I Ll(M R)2

lJ .

'-II( _ (1 - </J \\ )(1 - (I)~\ )

Iv " -
- (<brY ( 1.1 19c )
-. D.

IHR _ </J\~</J~, + (j)f2(1- 4>R)

J3 - t- .
( 1.1 19J )

The express ion. o f M and MI( given in Equations (1.109) an d ( I. 119), re­
spect ively, are subs tituted into the trans formatio n Eq uation (1.60) to obtain
the ma trix and fiber s tress concentra tion factors for the case of plane stress.
The phas e stress concentrat io n factors B~ a re th en give n by:

B~l I I III II 114 l IS 116 B\

B ~2 112 122 123 124 125 lu, Bf2
-I 1

8 3.\
- I{
=L 14 1 ( 1.120 )
8 12
- J(
8].\ 1' 1
8 1.1 16-1
14 1 = 0
where L is given by:

l - --;o--------- -----,-------~ (1 . l 2 1)

144 = At 22 [ (M ~'2 ( Mf I AI=- ­

145 = MI \ [ (M2~) 2 MftM:_­

1.4 Damage of Fiber-Rei nfo rced Composi t Mater ials 3.

Equation ( 1.120) . The resu lting coeffi cien ts lo ok s imi lar to th ose in Equations
( 1.l 22) to ( 1.154) and are not sh ow n here fo r the sake of sim plicity.

III = MI I [ ( M ~2 )2 "1""" iVI~/vt ; 2 - ( d ~JJ. ( 1.122)

( 1.12 3)

( 1.12-1)

(1 . 125)


( 1.127)

( 1.128)

(1 . 129)

( 1.130)

(1. 131)

(1. 132)

( 1.133)

(1 .134)

( 1.13 5)

( 1.136)

1.11 = 0 (1. 137)

(1.1 38)

(1. 139)

( 1.140)

(1.14 1)
34 Dama ge Mecha n ics Exercises

( 1.142) Der ive th Eq uat io n of

(1.84 ).
(1.143) 4. Plo t the relati on betw en th e
0 1 given in Equ ation (1.1 0 _ .
co nst ant CI .
( J.l44)
5. Us ing Eq uat ion (1.1 17a ), pi
( 1.145) and the s tiffness deg radat i
6. Us ing Equa tio n ( 1.117d ), pi
( 1.146) an d (.) 2 with th e deg radatio n ­
ta in a th ree-di m en sio nal pi '
7. Der ive expl icitly the coe ffi cie
I55 = M22 [ (M R)2 2 2
12 +M1IMn -
s train conc entrat io n facto .­
( 1.147)
+ M~2 ( M I IM~2 + M I I M~l - 2M13 jH~3) - Mil (M~3 (
( 1.148)

( 1. 149 )

( 1.150)

(1.1 5 1)

( 1.152)

( 1.153)

166 = M22 [Mfl M22+ (M:\ / - (M :~ ) 2J

(1. 154)
+ M ~I (MI1J'vriJ. + iV1 I I M:\ - 2lv[ ulH ~J ) - Mi l (M~3 (


1. With t he aid of a com p ut er algeb ra system like MAPLE, derive Equa tio ns
(1.3 3) and ( 1.34) expl icitly.
2. Ins tead o f usin g the hyp o thesis of elast ic energ y equ ivalen ce, we want to lise
th e hy pot hesi s of strai n equ ivalence, i.e, e ij - Eii' In this case , d er ive the
cxpr s io n for the effective mo dulus of elast ici ty E,jAI that co r res pon ds to
Equa tion ( 1.67 ).
3. Use the fo llow in g criterion o f dam, ge evolu tio n to re place :q uation ( 1.79)

g(iJ, B) = ~2 JijHaijOk/ - B(fJ) - fJ ~

Exercises 35

Deriv e the Equation of da mage evolution that corresponds to Equatio n

4. Plot the relation between th e extension al stra in 0 \ a nd th e d amage var iable
( ') 1 given in Eq uation ( 1.102). Make severa l plots for sev era l values of the

constant c].
5. Using Equ ation ( 1.11 7a) , plot the rela tion between th e damage variable 4J I
and the s tiffness de gradation ratio ~.
6. Using Eq uatio n (1.1 17d), plo t the rela tion betwee n the d amage variables o;
and (fh.. with the degradation ratio ~ (:rJ2. of the sh ear mo dulus . You sh ould ob­
tain a th ree-di men sion al plot in th is case.
7. Derive explicitly the coefficien ts Ijj o f Equations (1.122 ) - (1.154) for the
st rain con cen tratio n (actors 1\;)11and AijkJ'

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