Standards of Learning: Lesson Plan

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Intern Name: ​Olivia Revill

Topic/Title of Lesson: ​Making Connections Between Past and Present

Grade: ​Kindergarten
Length of Lesson: ​Unknown

In this lesson…
Standards of The student will demonstrate skills for historical thinking, geographical
analysis, economic decision making, and responsible citizenship by making
Learning connections between past and present.

● How was life in the past different from life today?

Essential Questions

Students will be able to…

● Give examples of items used in the past and those used in the present

Necessary Prior ● Definitions of past and present

● Map knowledge
● Past
Key Vocabulary ● Present
● Map
or Concepts ● Connections

● Computer with access to google and youtube

Materials ● Paper
● Pens, colored pencils, and crayons
Needed ● Two-column worksheet
● Scissors and glue
Introduction/ Show a youtube video (​​) to
introduce the differences between life today and life in the past.
1. Show them pictures of old items and new items and choose kids (who
raise there hand) to say if that is something from the past or the present

2. Show students two maps of Virginia (one from now and one from the
Instructional past) and have them compare and contrast them.

Activities 3. Have them discuss how Virginia got to look like how it does today.

4. Have them draw a picture of what their room would look like in the past
I would provide kids with a two-column table and 12 pictures. 6 of the pictures
would depict examples of life in the past (horse, hand-delivered mail, candle, )
Closure Activity and the other 6 would depict examples of life in the present (cars, e-mails,
lights). The students would glue the pictures in the proper columns.
● Paper copy of PowerPoint for students who have a hard time seeing
● If a student has trouble with writing, I could pair them with a partner for
Accommodations the writing and sorting activites

Resources Youtube, google slides

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