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Ain Shams Engineering Journal 10 (2019) 435–451

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Civil Engineering

Numerical modeling of reinforced masonry walls under lateral loading at

the component level response as opposed to system level response
Ahmed Abdellatif, Marwan Shedid ⇑, Hussien Okail, Amr Abdelrahman
Structural Engineering Department, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Many experimental and analytical investigations were carried out on fully-grouted reinforced masonry
Received 31 May 2017 shear walls types (rectangular, flanged or end-confined) to investigate their behavior under lateral loads.
Revised 14 August 2018 These studies mainly focused on evaluating the seismic response parameters for reinforced masonry
Accepted 18 December 2018
shear walls (RMSW) such as ductility capacity, energy dissipation, stiffness degradation and strength.
Available online 26 February 2019
Yet, most of the research was conducted on studying each wall individually (component level response)
and quite few investigations were carried out considering the system level response when different wall
types are combined in a single building/system. In this paper, a simple numerical macro finite element
Finite element
Nonlinear models
model for walls is verified and used to simulate the in-plane response of a structure composed of ten
Reinforced masonry RMSW having different ductility capacities but designed to have the same ultimate strength. The model
Shear wall was initially verified against available experimental data in the literature, then a parametric study was
Numerical analysis introduced to represent the effect of reinforcement ratio and axial compression on wall behavior prior
to modeling structures composed of several walls. The current investigation intended to introduce
how the structure ductility is affected when walls, having different ductility capacity, are interacting
within one lateral load resisting system in the structure. Three methods were proposed to measure the
yield displacement of the entire system to determine the value of displacement ductility for the structure
and compared it to that of the individual walls within the system. Finally, a set of fragility curves were
represented to illustrate the enhancement of seismic performance of masonry structures through adding
end confined and flanged walls inside the structure. The results of this study showed that the displace-
ment ductility of a structure could be significantly improved when flanged and end-confined boundary
walls are included in the system as opposed to that constructed using only rectangular walls. The effect
of adding end-confined masonry walls in improving structure displacement ductility is found to be more
significant compared to adding flanged ones. Using fragility curves, the effect of end confined and flanged
wall in the enhancement of the structure performance and delaying the damage state appears clearly in
third and fourth damage states but did not have any contribution in enhancement of the first and second
damage states.
Ó 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

1. Introduction

Fully grouted reinforced masonry shear walls have been used in

many countries especially in North America as the main lateral
⇑ Corresponding author. load resisting systems in low and medium rise buildings because
E-mail addresses: (A. Abdellatif), marwan.shedid@ of their inherently large lateral stiffness and strength. The behavior (M. Shedid), (H. Okail), amr@aace-eg.
com (A. Abdelrahman).
of these walls depends on the behavior of several constitutive
Peer review under responsibility of Ain Shams University.
materials that have different characteristics such as blocks, mortar,
vertical and horizontal reinforcement and grout which makes the
nonlinear analysis of RMSW challenging. Consequently, there is a
need to develop a numerical model for such walls that is both
Production and hosting by Elsevier accurate and simple to be used in modeling the response of struc-
2090-4479/Ó 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
436 A. Abdellatif et al. / Ain Shams Engineering Journal 10 (2019) 435–451

tures composed of many walls under lateral loading as opposed to models. The type of distributed plasticity model implemented in
individual wall elements. A simplified numerical model using pri- this study is displacement-based formulation (DB) element. This
marily fiber-based beam column elements capable of capturing type of formulation assumes a displacement field with a linear cur-
flexure response is used to simulate the behavior of three different vature variation along the wall element and hence the nonlinear
wall types: rectangular, flanged and end confined reinforced behavior at wall base (Inelastic curvature) will not be captured cor-
masonry shear walls under cyclic loading. A detailed description rectly and numerical instability may occur. Therefore, subdivision
of the model followed by description of the experimental program of wall element at the base into small segments must be conducted
used to validate the proposed modeling technique is presented in to overcome the assumption of a linear curvature field. A subdivi-
this paper. In this regard, the experimental results of cyclic sion of wall into six elements per storey yields a close match with
response, strength, displacement ductility, energy dissipation and the experimentally recorded response as will be discussed later.
effective stiffness is compared to model results in order to evaluate This subdivision provides a better representation for the plastic
the effectiveness of the modeling approach of an individual wall hinge length Lp which is determined based on Eq. (1) as reported
(component level). Afterwards, a structure (system level) will be by Bohl and Adebar [8] and previous test results of RMSW [9]. This
modeled to investigate the seismic performance of a structure equation was based on nonlinear finite element analysis results of
using the verified individual wall modeling technique. It worth 22 isolated walls and found to give the best estimate of the plastic
mentioning that a few and recently experimental investigations hinge length for the three walls. The formula is a function of the
were carried out to evaluate the building response. In 2011, Heer- wall length (Lw), moment-shear ratio (Z), gross area of wall cross
ema et al. [1] tested a two-story third scale building with RM walls section (Ag), concrete compressive strength (f c ) and axial compres-
that have no coupling through the concrete diaphragm. That is sion (P).
done through reducing the slab thickness between the walls. Also, !
Ashour et al. [2] tested the same building configuration that was P
Lp ¼ ð0:2Lw þ 0:05Z Þ 1:0  1:5 0 ð1Þ
tested by Heerema, but the coupling effect was investigated f c Ag
through keeping the slab thickness constant. Finally, Ezzeldin
et al. [3] tested the same two-story building tested by Ashour The cross-section analysis and the generated behavior are based
but changed the main walls from rectangular to confined walls on a fiber-section approach. In such approach, the cross section is
with boundary element. Although many numerical models were divided into small fibers and each fiber is associated with a uniax-
used to simulate response of individual elements, a simple numer- ial stress-strain relationship, the strain or stress distribution over
ical model is needed to simulate the building performance with each section is then obtained through the integration of the nonlin-
accurate representation. ear uniaxial stress-strain response of the individual fibers accord-
The nonlinear finite element program SeismoStruct v6.5 [4] is ing to number of fibers per section. The constitutive materials
used in this study to conduct static pushover and cyclic analysis such as reinforcement steel, unconfined and confined masonry
for previously experimentally tested reinforced masonry shear are represented as fibers. The cross section of the three wall types
walls. The program is capable to consider both geometric nonlin- (Rectangular, Flanged and End-Confined) is discretized into fibers
earity due to P-delta effects and material nonlinearity through and as the number of fibers increases the fiber area decreases lead-
introducing material constitutive rules. The model was validated ing to a higher accuracy in solution results. The main advantages of
against the results of six reinforced concrete block structural walls using fiber section method are that both moment-curvature anal-
having rectangular, flanged and end-confined cross sections, and ysis of members and element hysteretic response are not required
subjected to in-plane cyclic lateral loading presented by Shedid prior to analysis as they are already defined by the material consti-
et al. [5]. In this study, the validated simple macro models captured tutive models. The solution is obtained by assuming a linear strain
to a good extent the cyclic load-displacement relationships, energy distribution across the slender wall cross section (according to
dissipation, strength and stiffness degradation, and displacement Navier-Bernoulli assumption that plane sections remain plane)
ductility. These models were then used in a parametric study to and calculating the stresses in each fiber using the material consti-
investigate the effect of axial stress ratio and reinforcement ratio tutive models. For the flexural dominated walls considered later in
on yielding drift, ultimate drift and displacement ductility. More- this study, the assumption was found to yield accurate results up
over, a 3D-structure is modeled and investigated regarding to the damage level considered (15% strength degradation). This
strength and displacement ductility using a set of walls having dif- may not be the case for higher loading levels where severe damage
ferent ductility capacity which is difficult to be performed experi- is expected along the length of the wall in the plastic hinge zone,
mentally due to laboratory limitations and costs. however this may not be of interest in seismic analysis related to
specific performance limits such as life safety/collapse prevention
states [10]. The assumed strain distribution is adjusted in an itera-
2. Nonlinear analytical modeling tive procedure until equating the internal axial force to the applied
axial load. This adjustment is performed by changing the strain
In the proposed modeling technique each wall is represented by values in the first and last fibers and assuming a linear distribution
a beam-column element that fully accounts for both geometric of strains relaying on compatibility of strains. After obtaining the
nonlinearity (p-delta effect) and material nonlinearity (plasticity). correct strain distribution in each step of the analysis, the curva-
Geometric nonlinearity is considered through the employment of ture (/), the axial force (N) and the moment (M) in the section
a total co-rotational formulation developed by Correia and Virtu- can be computed using Eqs. (2)–(4).
oso [6], while material nonlinearity is considered in the model by es þ em
/¼ ð2Þ
using distributed plasticity element. Such element considers d
spread of plasticity along wall height and has many advantages X
in earthquake engineering compared to simpler lumped- N¼ ri Ai ð3Þ
plasticity models [7]. The latter has the disadvantage of consider-
ing inelastic deformation in local zones (localization) and therefore M¼ ri Ai yi ð4Þ
Reinforced Concrete (RC) and Reinforced Masonry (RM) walls hav-
ing ductile behavior with plasticity extending over part of the wall where: es is the steel strain, em is the masonry strain, d is the dis-
height will not be accurately represented by lumped-plasticity tance from outermost bar to the compression wall end, ri is the
A. Abdellatif et al. / Ain Shams Engineering Journal 10 (2019) 435–451 437

fiber axial stress, Ai is the fiber cross section area and yi is the fiber 3.1. Masonry material
distance from neutral axis.
It is worth noting that all walls modeled in this study are flex- Although, Mander et al. model [12] is originally a concrete
ural dominated with large safety against shear failure as stipulated model, the stress-strain characteristics of fully grouted masonry
by major design codes. In such cases, shear effects and deforma- prims are very similar to those of concrete given that proper values
tions are to be minimal; therefore, ignoring shear effect associated of the elastic modulus, compressive strength and ultimate strain
with fiber-section formulation is not expected to jeopardize the are used in modeling [13,14]. Mander et al. nonlinear concrete
analytical results and findings [10]. Moreover, the assumption of model was modified and used to represent fully grouted masonry
linear strain profile for flexural dominated walls shown to be elements. In this model the effect of transverse reinforcement
acceptable based on previous experimental test programs con- and stirrups in increasing ductility of confined core material was
ducted on RMSW with aspect ratios larger than 1.5 [5,11], hence considered due to the effect of confinement which increased the
it is considered valid for modeling. deformability of ultimate compressive masonry strain. A confine-
ment factor was applied to Mander et al. concrete model to
3. Constitutive material model account for the effect of confinement stirrups and defined as the
ratio between the confined and unconfined compressive stress of
In this paper, three previously experimentally tested types of masonry to scale up the stress-strain relationship (about 13%) as
RMSW (rectangular, flanged and end confined boundary wall) were shown in Fig. 2a.
modeled. Unconfined masonry models were used for Rectangular As recommended, the tensile strength of masonry was
and Flanged wall types due to the lack of confinement of the grout neglected and taken equal to zero and this is due to the fact that
core as a result of having a single horizontal reinforcement and sin- crack opening may introduce numerical instability in the analysis
gle layer of vertical reinforcement in block cell. On the other hand, [4]. This assumption is accepted when predicting the global
the end confined boundary wall type was represented with two response of an element such as top displacement (which is the
masonry materials model types, namely confined and unconfined focus of the paper) rather than accurately representing the local
model. The confined model was used at the end of the wall with response of elements and sections such as local strains. The param-
confining parameters due to the presence of end boundary charac- eters used for masonry modeling are listed in Table 1.
terized by the presence of closed ties that prevented and delayed
buckling of vertical reinforcement, in addition to providing con- 3.2. Reinforcement material
finement to the grout core. The second masonry material model
presented at middle of the wall without confining condition The steel reinforcement was modeled using Menegotto-Pinto
(unconfined masonry) similarly to rectangular wall type as shown [15] steel model that is defined in Siesmostruct [4] materials
in Fig. 1. model. Menegotto-Pinto model is defined as a uniaxial steel model

Fig. 1. Cross-section details of analyzed walls.

Fig. 2. (a) Stress-Strain relationship for Mander model, (b) Menegotto-Pinto steel model.
438 A. Abdellatif et al. / Ain Shams Engineering Journal 10 (2019) 435–451

Table 1
Parameter used for masonry and steel modeling.

Material Parameter Value

Masonry Model [12] Young’s modulus (Em ) 13,700 MPa
Maximum compressive strength (f m ) 16.40 MPa
Strain at maximum compressive strength 0.002
tension strength (rt ) 0
Confinement factor 1 (for Rectangular and Flanged walls)
1.13 (for End-Confined walls)
Steel Reinforcement Model [15] Young’s modulus (Es ) 200.6 GPa
Yield strength (Fy) 495 MPa
Strain hardening parameter 0.01
Transition curve initial shape parameter R0 20
Transition curve shape calibrating coefficient–A1 19.4
Transition curve shape calibrating coefficient–A2 0.15
Isotropic hardening calibrating coefficient–A3 0
Isotropic hardening calibrating coefficient–A4 1
Fracture/buckling strain 0.1

enhanced by the isotropic hardenings rules proposed by Filippou

et al. [16], and the additional memory rule introduced by Fra-
giadakis et al. [17] for higher numerical stability and accuracy
under transient seismic loading. This model is defined by Modulus
of elasticity, yield strength, strain hardening parameter, fracture/
buckling strain and some coefficients representing Bauschinger
effect [18], pinching of hysteretic loops and transition from elastic
to plastic zone. This model considers the effect of reversal cycles
(Bauschinger effect & hysteretic behavior) of tension and compres-
sion and is characterized by the stress-strain hysteretic loops
shown in Fig. 2b. This formulation allows modifying the shape of
the branches at each cycle depending on the plastic excursion of
the previous cycle. All parameters values used for the steel model
are shown in Table 1.

Fig. 3. Model sensitivity to number of subdivisions for wall element.

4. Modeling approach
ment slip and strain penetration in the foundation. Experimental
The displacement based formulation as opposed to force-based studies done by Kowalsky et al. [21] and Saatcioglu et al. [22]
formulation was used as the post peak behavior in the latter will be showed that the top displacement resulting from end rotation pro-
underestimated if the number of integration points (NIP) and con- duced by strain penetration may occupy up to 35% of the total lat-
sequently its weighted length does not match the location of plas- eral deformation of flexural members which may result in
tic hinge at the base of the wall. On the other hand, only a refined underestimation of wall drift as well as overestimation of wall
meshing is required in displacement based formulation to achieve stiffness. Yield penetration causes increase in base rotations which
an accurate response [19]. The choice of element length is an are considered by reducing the bending stiffness of an elastic ele-
important aspect when displacement-based elements are used ment at the wall base. This elastic element is modeled with small
with distributed plasticity due to strain localization, in which plas- length of 10 mm as suggested in the verification manual of Seis-
tic deformation in a vertical cantilever wall tends to be concen- moStruct v6.5 [4] adopted for flexural elements. To account for
trated in the first element above the base of the wall, while the strain penetration deformations and bond slip, an elastic element
top elements remain elastic. Because of strain localization, the is modeled at the base of the wall to consider the initial deforma-
numerical results are very sensitive to the first element length near tion. The elastic stiffness (EI) of this element is considered, as sta-
the base, or simply to the plastic hinge length estimation. It is ted by (FEMA-356) [23], to be equal to 0.5EI of gross wall section.
worth noting that in this situation, with a displacement based for- This value is considered when the ratio between the applied axial
mulation a refined division of the structural element is needed for load (P) to the gross cross-sectional area (Ag) multiplied by
accurate response. 0
masonry compressive strength (f m ) is less than 0.3. Therefore,
A sensitivity study was conducted to determine the number of
the reduced stiffness will account for the additional deformation
elements to be used for wall meshing and Fig. 3 shows load dis-
(i.e., wall end rotation) due to bar slip.
placement relationship for W1 using 3 and 6 element meshing.
Based on the plotted results, it was shown that 3 element meshing
resulted in overestimating strength and ductility of the wall. Based 5. Modeling verification
on several iterations, it was found that 6 element meshing yield
reasonable results and denser meshing would not cause significant In this paper, the generated numerical models for the different
enhancement in load displacement relationships. Therefore, 6 ele- types of RMSW specimens were verified with experimentally
ment meshing was used for all wall modeled in this study. Also, to tested walls conducted by Shedid et al. [5]. The results of the six
capture the structural response, two types of deformations are rectangular, flanged and end confined walls (specimens W1–W6)
required to be considered [20]; the first is flexural deformation were compared with the modeling results to validate the numeri-
causing inelastic strains in reinforcing steel and masonry while cal model. A brief overview of the experimental program is pro-
the second deformation is member end rotation due to reinforce- vided herein. The experimented walls were tested under fully
A. Abdellatif et al. / Ain Shams Engineering Journal 10 (2019) 435–451 439

reversed displacement controlled quasi-static cyclic loading up to 5.1. Cyclic response

50% degradation in strength while being subjected to 160 kN ver-
tical axial load. The selection of the tested walls was based on a cri- All walls were loaded with target multiples of yield displace-
teria to allow verifying the analytical model under various ment in reversed cycles until walls lost 50% of their ultimate capac-
conditions including amount of vertical reinforcement (1.17– ity (Qu) which is considered the failure state in the analytical study
0.55%), cross section shape (Rectangular, Flanged and End con- similar to the experimental investigation. Fig. 4 shows that there is
fined) and aspect ratios (1.5 and 2.2). Table 2 summarizes the dif- a good agreement between experimental hysteresis loops and the
ferent design aspects of the walls used for model calibration, corresponding loops from the nonlinear cyclic analysis for all wall
showing wall type, axial load level, reinforcement, dimensions types. The model was able to capture the most relevant character-
and the cross-section details of the different wall types, which istics of the cyclic wall response, including initial stiffness, ultimate
are presented in Fig. 1b. resistance, stiffness degradation, strength deterioration and hys-
A comparison between analytical and experimental results is teretic shape. Fig. 5 shows the comparison between experimental
conducted with respect to cyclic response, peak load, displacement and analytical values of ultimate strength, yield displacement, dis-
ductility, energy dissipation and effective stiffness. As a measure placement at 20% strength degradation and displacement ductility
for the evaluation, the error in the results will be quantified as in at 20% strength degradation. The error calculated is found to range
Eq. (5) being equal to the ratio of the difference between analytical between 3.8% and 12%. It was observed from Fig. 5 that end con-
and experimental result to the experimental value. fined and flanged walls have more ductile capacity compared to
  rectangular walls, which is mainly due to the increased thickness
Analytical mean v alue  Experimental mean v alue
Error ¼ at wall ends (flanges or end-confined) leads to a significant
Experimental mean v alue
decrease for the required length of compression zone, and there-
 100 fore increasing curvature at ultimate load and displacement ductil-
ð5Þ ity. Moreover, thickened wall ends will provide out of plane

Table 2
Data used for model verification (Shedid et al. [2]).

Specimen Wall dimensions Vertical reinforcement Horizontal reinforcement Axial stress (MPa)
Number of bars and bar size qv (%) No. D4 @ spacing (mm) qh (%)
W1 1802 mm  3990 mm Length  Height 19 M10 1.17 1 @95 0.30 1.09
W2 11 M10 0.55 1 @95 0.30 0.89
W3 11 M10 0.55 1 @95 0.30 0.89
W4 1802 mm  2660 mm Length  Height 19 M10 1.17 2 @95 0.60 1.05
W5 11 M10 0.55 2 @95 0.60 0.88
W6 11 M10 0.55 2 @ 95 0.60 0.88

Fig. 4. Experimental and Numerical cyclic results for Reinforced Masonry Walls.
440 A. Abdellatif et al. / Ain Shams Engineering Journal 10 (2019) 435–451

Fig. 5. Experimental and Numerical response for Reinforced Masonry Walls, (a) Ultimate strength, (b) Yield displacement, (c) Displacement at 20% strength degradation, (d)
Displacement ductility at 20% strength degradation.

stability and the closed ties at end boundary will prevent vertical push and pull displacement for each cycle. Fig. 7 shows that the
reinforcement buckling and thus provide confinement for com- numerical model well predicts the effective stiffness which is deter-
pression zone. mined experimentally with an average difference of 9.5%, 5.3%, 5.4%,
10.4%, 9.9% and 12.7% for walls W1 to W6 respectively. It is
observed from Fig. 7 that the rate of change by which the effective
5.2. Energy dissipation
stiffness decreases is higher at the early stage of loading until yield-
ing compared to the post-yield stage due to the progression of
Energy dissipation through hysteretic damping Ed, is an impor-
cracks and reduction of gross inertia in the early stages.
tant aspect in seismic design because it reduces the amplitude of
It can be concluded from this study that the proposed models
the seismic response. Previous work [24] showed that the envelope
can to a great extent capture the cyclic response, the ultimate
of the load-displacement hysteresis loops is relatively insensitive
strength, displacement ductility, energy dissipation, strength
to the imposed displacement increments and to the number of
degradation and stiffness of the experimentally tested walls
cycles. Therefore, the energy dissipation Ed, is represented, as sug-
throughout the entire loading history. Therefore, the numerical
gested by Hose and Seible [25] by the area enclosed within the
model can be used to conduct extensive parametric study to illus-
load-displacement curve passing through the peak values of each
trate the effect of reinforcement ratio and axial compressive stress
loading cycle. Fig. 6 illustrates that the energy dissipation was
on the behavior of different wall cross section types and aspect
low for the loading stages prior to significant inelastic deformation
in the masonry and reinforcement took place. For higher displace-
ment levels, the energy dissipation increased significantly com-
pared to early stages of loading for both experimental and 6. Parametric study
analytical results. The maximum difference between experimental
and numerical results for each wall was 14%, 6%, 15%, 11%, 9.5% and A parametric study was performed to investigate the effect of
15% for walls 1–6 respectively and the average difference for all the vertical reinforcement ratio (qv ), axial compressive stresses and
six walls was equal to 11.75%. aspect ratio variation on the ultimate strength, displacement at
reinforcement yielding and at 20% strength degradation and finally
displacement ductility for different wall sections (rectangular,
5.3. Effective stiffness flanged and end-confined). Two phases of analysis are considered,
the first phase is intended for studying the effect of vertical rein-
To assess the variation of stiffness with increased displacement, forcement ratio variation from 0.4% to 1.3% for rectangular, flanged
the effective stiffness was calculated according to ASCE/SEI 7-10 and end confined wall sections while taking into consideration
(ASCE/SEI 2010) [26] as shown in Eq. (6). aspect ratio difference of 2.2 and 1.5 and keeping the axial com-
pression constant and equal to 160 kN (similar to experimental
jF þ j þ jF  j
K eff ¼ ð6Þ walls). While, the second phase is intended for the studying the
jDþ j þ jD j
effect of axial compressive stress variation from 0.8 MPa to
0 0
where F+ and F are positive and negative lateral resistance of shear 3.0 MPa (from 5% f m to 18% f m ) on the three wall types and also
wall at D+ and D respectively, and D+ and D are the maximum with different aspect ratios of 2.2 and 1.5 for walls with vertical
A. Abdellatif et al. / Ain Shams Engineering Journal 10 (2019) 435–451 441

Fig. 6. Experimental and Numerical Energy Dissipation Results.

Fig. 7. Experimental and Numerical Effective Stiffness Results.

reinforcement ratio held constant at 0.8%. All wall heights, lengths, ment pattern. Finally, the effect of these parameters on lateral wall
block dimensions, reinforcement pattern and distribution are resistance, lateral displacement and displacement ductility are
taken the same as the six previously verified walls shown in investigated and discussed. For all reinforced concrete masonry
Fig. 1b. It should be noted that increasing reinforcement ratio is shear walls analyzed in this study, the material properties were
done through increasing bar diameter to maintain same reinforce- taken as shown in Table 1.
442 A. Abdellatif et al. / Ain Shams Engineering Journal 10 (2019) 435–451

6.1. Effect of vertical reinforcement yield drift by 22% for both aspect ratios. This increase is mainly
due to increasing the yielding curvature as a result of increases
The effect of significant variation in vertical reinforcement of reinforcement ratio and consequently the displacement at yield-
ratios (0.4–1.3%) on wall strength, lateral displacement and dis- ing increases (for the same load level the curvature decreases with
placement ductility is discussed in this section. The axial compres- the increase of reinforcement ratio). The effect of aspect ratio also
sive load applied on walls and the horizontal reinforcement ratio is presented in Fig. 9a where yield drift increases with the increase
are held constant at about 5% fm and at qh = 0.30%, respectively.
of aspect ratio and consequently walls having aspect ratio 2.2 will
Whereas, the vertical reinforcement ratio (qv ) for all wall section have higher yield drift values compared to walls having aspect
types ranged from 0.4% to 1.3% for aspect ratios of 2.2 and 1.5. ratio of 1.5. This is mainly due to yield displacement strongly
depending on wall height as from Eq. (7).
6.1.1. Ultimate strength
Øy H 2
As shown in Fig. 8, for flexural dominated walls, the wall ulti- Dy ¼ ð7Þ
mate strength tends to be very sensitive to the amount of vertical
reinforcement. For rectangular walls the increase in reinforcement where H is the wall height and Øy is the yield curvature.
ratio by 225% (from 0.4% to 1.3%) increases wall strength by 108%
for both aspect ratios while for flanged walls and end confined 6.1.3. Drift at 20% strength degradation
walls a similar increase in reinforcement ratio lead to increase in The effect of vertical reinforcement ratio on top wall drift at 20%
wall strength by 120% on average for both aspect ratios. It was also strength degradation is presented in Fig. 9b where drift decreases
observed that end-confined and flanged walls slightly gain more with the increase of amount of vertical reinforcement. For rectan-
strength compared to their rectangular counterparts and this is gular walls, top drift at 20% strength degradation decreases by 27%
mainly due to the effect of bar configuration which allows concen- on average for both aspect ratios corresponding to the increase in
tration of reinforcement at wall ends where maximum stresses are reinforcement ratio by 225% (from 0.4% to 1.3%) while for flanged
located. It is also shown from Fig. 8 that walls having end-confined walls and end confined walls similar increase in reinforcement
boundary element have higher strength capacity compared to ratio lead to decreases in wall drift by only 14% on average for both
flanged and rectangular walls when the same vertical reinforce- aspect ratios. The reason for such decrease in displacement capac-
ment ratio is used for the three wall section types. Similarly, ity with the increase of reinforcement ratio is that as reinforcement
flanged walls possess higher section capacity compared to rectan- increases the depth of the neutral axis increased and so ultimate
gular wall section. Normalization for the relationship between ulti- curvature will decrease and hence decreasing the ultimate dis-
mate strength (Q) and drift for the three wall types is illustrated in placement and drift for flexural dominated walls. The reason that
Fig. 8 where ultimate strength of each wall is divided by the ulti- rectangular walls are more affected by the decrease of drift at ulti-
mate strength (Qq = 0.4%) of walls with minimum considered rein- mate stage (27%) compared to flanged and end confined (14%) is
forcement ratio qv ¼ 0:4% to represent an expression for strength due to the higher influence of reinforcement ratio on neutral axis
variation with reinforcement ratio variation. It is clear that both depth and consequently compression zone as a result of smaller
aspect ratio (2.2 and 1.5) curves coincide as flexure strength is a thickness of cross section. On the other hand, the presence of
section level property. flange or end boundary decreases the rate by which neutral axis
moves leading to lesser decrease of ultimate curvature. Also, it
6.1.2. Drift at yield can be observed that with the increase of aspect ratio from 1.5 to
The top drift at first yield is affected by increasing the amount of 2.2 the lateral drift at 20% strength degradation increases.
vertical reinforcement as shown in Fig. 9a where lateral displace-
ment at first yield (Dy) increases with increasing of the amount 6.1.4. Displacement ductility at 20% strength degradation
of vertical reinforcement. For rectangular walls the increase in Fig. 9c shows the effect of vertical reinforcement ratio on dis-
reinforcement ratio by 225% increases wall yield drift by 26% for placement ductility at 20% strength degradation. Displacement
both aspect ratios while for flanged walls and end confined walls ductility at 20% strength degradation is affected by the increase
a similar increase in reinforcement ratio lead to increase in wall of amount of vertical reinforcement. For rectangular walls the

Fig. 8. Effect of vertical reinforcement on ultimate capacity.

A. Abdellatif et al. / Ain Shams Engineering Journal 10 (2019) 435–451 443

Fig. 9. Effect of vertical reinforcement on (a) %drift at first yield (%Dy), (b) %drift at 20% strength degradation (%D0.8u), (c) displacement ductility (m0.8).

increase of vertical reinforcement from 0.4% to 1.3% leads to a sections have higher displacement ductility in comparison with
decrease in the displacement ductility at 20% strength degradation flanged and rectangular wall section for both aspect ratios. Simi-
decreases by 41% on average (43% for aspect ratio 1.50 and 39% for larly flanged walls has higher displacement ductility capacity com-
aspect ratio 2.2), while for flanged and end-confined walls a similar pared to rectangular wall section as shown in Fig. 9c for qv = 0.8%.
increase of vertical reinforcement results in decrease in displace-
ment ductility by 28% on average (30% for aspect ratio 1.50 and
26% for aspect ratio 2.2). The decrease of overall displacement duc- 6.2. Effect of axial compression
tility is mainly due to the increase yield drift and the decrease of
drift at 20% strength degradation with the increase of reinforce- The effect of variation in applied axial compression on wall ele-
ment ratio as discussed earlier. The aspect ratio also affects dis- 0
ment (5–18% of f m ) is discussed in this section with respect to wall
placement ductility, as shown in Fig. 9c where walls with smaller
strength, lateral displacement and displacement ductility. The ver-
aspect ratio have higher displacement ductility compared to walls
tical reinforcement ratio and the horizontal reinforcement ratio in
with higher aspect ratio and this is mainly due to smaller yield drift
this section are held constant and equal to 0.8% and 0.30%, respec-
values for low aspect ratio walls (aspect ratio 1.5) while walls hav-
tively for the three wall section types. While the axial compressive
ing higher aspect ratio (2.2) exhibit yielding at higher drifts.
stress and aspect ratio are variables. The axial loads acting on walls
Although higher aspect ratio walls (2.2) have higher lateral drift
are 160 kN, 195 kN, 320 kN, 400 kN and 485 kN corresponding to
at 20% strength degradation compared to lower aspect ratio walls 0

(1.50) yet the variation in yield drift significantly affects the dis- 6%, 7.3%, 12%, 15%, 18.3% f m respectively for rectangular section
placement ductility (refer to Fig. 9a and b). It is also observed that and 5%, 6%, 10%, 12.2%, 15% f m respectively for flanged and end
for the same vertical reinforcement ratio, the end-confined wall confined section.
444 A. Abdellatif et al. / Ain Shams Engineering Journal 10 (2019) 435–451

6.2.1. Ultimate strength which decreases the ultimate curvature and consequently ultimate
Fig. 10 shows the effect of axial compressive stress on ultimate displacement and drift.
strength of walls. As shown in the figure, the ultimate strength is
less sensitive to the applied compressive stresses compared to
6.2.4. Displacement ductility at 20% strength degradation
the effect of vertical reinforcement ratio variation. The increase
Fig. 11c shows the effect of axial compression on displacement
in axial load by 200% (from 160 kN to 485 kN) increases the ulti-
ductility at 20% strength degradation. Displacement ductility at
mate strength on average by 20%, 19.2% and 16.6% for rectangular
20% strength degradation is significantly affected by the increase
wall section, flanged and end-confined walls respectively. It is
of compressive stresses. For a 200% increase in axial load the dis-
obvious from Fig. 10 that walls having end-confined boundary ele-
placement ductility at 20% strength degradation decreases on aver-
ment have higher strength capacity when the same axial stress
age by 60%, 63% and 53% for rectangular walls, flanged and end-
level is applied for the three wall section types, similarly flanged
confined walls, respectively.
walls have higher section capacity compared to rectangular wall
section. Normalization for the curves of the three wall types is
illustrated where ultimate strength (Q) of each wall with a differ- 7. System level ductility capacity
ent axial compression load is divided by that subjected to the min-
imum applied axial load of 160 kN (Qp min). The rate by which the In this part of the study an analytical investigation is carried out
strength increases with the increase of axial load is the same for for a system composed of ten reinforced masonry shear walls to
both aspect ratios (2.2 and 1.5) as both curves coincide on each compare the component level response (Individual wall) to that
other. of the system level with respect to ductility capacity. The investi-
gation is intended to understand how system ductility varies with
6.2.2. Drift at yield the variation of individual wall ductility especially, when com-
The lateral drift at first yield slightly changed with increasing posed of rectangular, flanged and end-confined walls having differ-
the axial load for the different wall section types (rectangular, ent ductility capacities. It is clear from the previous experimental
flanged and end-confined) and for both aspect ratios of 1.5 and and analytical investigations reported and discussed in previous
2.2 as shown in Fig. 11a. The increase in axial load by 200% sections that end-confined and flanged walls have more ductility
increases the yield drift on average by 6% for rectangular wall sec- capacity compared to rectangular wall section.
tion while a similar increase in axial load increases the yield drift It is worth noting that the purpose of the analysis presented in
on average by 7% for flanged and end-confined walls. The effect the following section is not to simulate real building construction
of aspect ratio also is presented in Fig. 11a where yield drift as the study is only concerned with translation displacement while
increase with the increase of aspect ratio and this is due to high ignoring rotation at the system level. The purpose of the study is to
dependency of yield displacement on wall height as shown in Eq. test the interaction of walls with different ductility capabilities at
(7). Also, the trend of variation of yield drift for both aspect ratios the post-peak loading stage as opposed to single wall element.
is similar for the tested axial load range. Therefore, extreme cases are considered to test the entire spectrum
of wall combination.
6.2.3. Drift at 20% strength degradation The three wall types used in this study to construct the struc-
A shown in Fig. 11b, the lateral drift at 20% strength degradation tures are the same walls verified in the previous section (W1,
decreases significantly with the increase of applied axial compres- W2 and W3) having the same length and height of 1800 mm and
sive stress. the increase in axial load by 200% decreases on average 3990 mm respectively. The vertical reinforcement ratio and axial
wall drift at 20% strength degradation by 62%, 63% and 52% respec- stress level for the walls are shown in Table 2. Each wall of the
tively for both aspect ratios for rectangular walls, flanged walls and ten walls forming the structure is subjected to an axial compres-
end confined walls. The reason for the decrease in drift and dis- sion load of 160 kN.
placement at 20% strength degradation (displacement capacity) It is worth noting that the strength of the three wall types used
with the increase of axial stress is due to the increase of compres- in the structure was designed to be approximately the same so that
sion zone length and shifting of neutral axis towards tension side the ductility capacity of each wall is the only influencing factor in

Fig. 10. Effect of axial compressive stress on ultimate capacity.

A. Abdellatif et al. / Ain Shams Engineering Journal 10 (2019) 435–451 445

Fig. 11. Effect of axial compression on (a) %drift at first yield (%Dy), (b) %drift at 20% strength degradation (%D0.8u), (c) displacement ductility (m0.8).

the outcome global displacement ductility of the entire structure. translational deformation. It shall be noted that the aim of the
The arrangement of the ten walls forming the structure is shown paper is not to simulate real construction, however, the main pur-
in Fig. 12 where walls are spaced by 6 m and placed in a symmet- pose is to document the post-peak response of a group of walls
rical manner. The structures are loaded by a displacement incre- having different ductility and displacement capabilities at the sys-
mental load acting at their center of rigidity to which the top tem level. Therefore, extreme cases are considered to test the
node of all walls is constrained as this study is only concerned with entire spectrum of wall combination.

Fig. 12. Reinforced masonry walls arrangement: model configuration and individual wall type analytical load-displacement curve.
446 A. Abdellatif et al. / Ain Shams Engineering Journal 10 (2019) 435–451

The analysis conducted in this study is nonlinear static push- Dytotal = Yield displacement of structure;
over analysis to study the effect of combining a ductile element DyðAÞ = Yield displacement of individual wall A;
(flanged or end-confined wall) with a less ductile one (rectangular DyðBÞ = Yield displacement of individual wall B;
wall) on the overall displacement ductility of the structures. Proto- N A = Total number of wall type A;
type structures are modeled to represent all the available combina- N B = Total number of wall type B.
tions between individual wall types. The analytical pushover
curves for the three individual wall types which illustrate the dis- ii. Tangent Stiffness Method
placement ductility capacity of different wall types are shown in
Fig. 12. It was observed a sudden drop in strength in Fig. 12 for In this method, the yielding displacement of the structure is
the end-confined wall at the ultimate displacement and this is considered by calculating the tangent stiffness incrementally from
mainly due to outermost reinforcement bars reaches fracture the load-displacement curve of the structure. The increment show-
strain. This agrees with experimental test result reported by Shedid ing a significant drop in stiffness value is then considered the yield-
et al. [5] during the repeated loading cycle at 101.2 mm where two ing increment and the corresponding displacement value will be
vertical reinforcement bars fractured at both ends of the end con- taken as the yield displacement of the whole structure. A constant
fined wall. Regarding structures matrix data, three control struc- displacement increment of 0.2 mm is used to calculate the tangent
ture prototype are considered and composed of ten identical stiffness and resulted in an acceptable measure for the rate of
walls and ten structures with different combinations between wall change of load with respect to imposed displacement and hence
types, as presented in Table 3, are modeled to investigate their a good capture for stiffness variation along loading stroke. Fig. 13
effect on overall system displacement ductility. illustrates the method of calculation where tangent stiffness and
lateral resistance are presented with imposed lateral displacement.
As shown in the figure structure 1 was used as a demonstrative
7.1. Displacement ductility calculation
example where a significant variation of stiffness corresponding
to a displacement of 9.6 mm which is considered yielding displace-
In this study, the displacement ductility (mD0.8u), defined as the
ment of the structure.
ratio of the displacement associated with of 20% strength degrada-
tion to the effective yield displacement, will be used as a measure
iii. Design load (Qd) Method
for structure performance under lateral load. The value of the dis-
placement corresponding to 20% drop in peak strength is easily
In this method the yielding load Qy for the structure will be
determined from the load-displacement curve of the global struc- taken equal to the design load Qd following ASCE/SEI 7-10 (ASCE/
ture system generated from the nonlinear pushover analysis. How-
SEI 2010) [26] which defines the overstrength factor X as the ratio
ever, the value of the displacement corresponding to yielding of between the ultimate load Qu and designed load Qd and taking this
the entire structure is not well defined from the load-
ratio equal to 0.6. This assumption is also consistent with the def-
displacement curve especially when the structure is composed of inition proposed by Uang [27] indicating that Qd corresponds to
walls with different ductility capacities. Consequently, three
the load level at which a significant deviation from the system lin-
approximate methods are proposed to determine the yielding dis- ear elastic response starts to develop, therefore the yielding load Qy
placement for the structure as illustrated below:
of the system will be assumed to be equal to 0.6Qu in this method.

i. Weighted Average Method

7.2. Results
In this method the yielding displacement of the structure is
determined based on the yielding of its constitutive walls occur- The load-displacement curves for the ten prototype structures
ring at different displacements depending on the wall type. Thus, are shown in Fig. 14. It is observed from the curves that the effect
structure yielding displacement can be calculated by the following of adding a more ductile element enhances the overall structure
proposed Eq. (8). displacement ductility. The detailed values of yield displacement
Dy, displacement at ultimate load Du, displacement at 20% strength
N A  DyðAÞ þ N B  DyðBÞ degradation D0.8u and displacement ductility at 20% strength
Dytotal ¼ ð8Þ
NA þ NB degradation l0.8u and their corresponding lateral resistance Q
and secant stiffness for the whole structure are illustrated in
Where: Table 4. The secant stiffness is given as a percentage of the initial
stiffness to show the variation of the lateral stiffness with
Table 3
increased top wall displacement. From the previous table it is clear
Different walls combination in structures. that the first and second method for calculating an approximate
value for structure yield displacements are almost similar and
Structure ID Type Wall Wall Combination
more conservative than the third method thus, the first and second
Control 1 Rectangular (R) 10R method are selected by the authors to determine structure dis-
Control2 Flanged (F) 10F
Control3 End-Confined (C) 10C
placement ductility in this study. Regarding structure displace-
ments, the yield displacement did not vary significantly for all
1 R&C 8R + 2C
2 6R + 4C
structures and ranged from 8.8 mm to 9.8 mm with an average
3 4R + 6C yield drift of 0.235%. A significant variation was observed for dis-
4 R&F 8R + 2F
placement at ultimate load Du and ranged between 0.615% and
5 6R + 4F 0.86% drift at ultimate load for structure 1 to structure 3 respec-
6 4R + 6F tively (Group I), while a minor variation ranging from 0.595% to
7 F&C 2C + 8F 0.675% drift at ultimate load for structure 4 to structure 6 respec-
8 4C + 6F tively (Group II) was observed and finally a significant variation of
9 6C + 4F 1.08–1.89% drift at ultimate load was observed for structure 7 to
10 8C + 2F
structure 10 respectively (Group III). This illustrates the major
A. Abdellatif et al. / Ain Shams Engineering Journal 10 (2019) 435–451 447

Fig. 13. Tangent Stiffness Method demonstration, (a) Load–displacement curve and stiffness variation, (b) Structure 1 Load and Stiffness variation with lateral displacement.

Fig. 14. Buildings Load-Displacement Curves.

effect of the presence of end confined wall in a structure (Group I for post-disaster structures, which are required to operate in full
and III) in increasing the drift at ultimate load. On the other the capacity after a seismic event with an insignificant strength degra-
effect of flanged wall participation was smaller (Group II) com- dation, while a 2.5% drift is permitted for structures of normal
pared to end confined wall. A significant variation For displace- importance. For ASCE/SEI 7-10 (ASCE/SEI 2010) [26] it specifies a
ment at 20% strength degradation D0.8u was observed and ranged maximum of 1% drift for cantilever shear wall.
between 1.37% and 1.78% drift for structure 1 to structure 3 respec- Regarding structures ultimate capacity, all structures approxi-
tively (Group I), while a variation of 1.22–1.47% drift for structure 4 mately have the same ultimate strength Qu as shown in Table 4
to structure 6 respectively (Group II) was observed and finally a and did not vary significantly as the individual walls were designed
significant variation of 1.82–2.27% drift was observed for structure to approximately have the same ultimate capacity. For structure
7 to structure 10 respectively (Group III). These results showed secant stiffness, it was observed from Table 4 that all structures
that increasing the participation of end confined or flanged walls have a similar stiffness until the onset of yielding, as the yielding
in a structure consisting of rectangular walls (Control 1) did not stiffness varies between 40.2% and 36.1% of initial stiffness from
affect the structure displacement at first yield; however, it signifi- structure 1–10 respectively. However, a significant degradation
cantly increased the attained displacements and drift level prior to in stiffness was observed at the post peak loading level especially
any significant loss in lateral resistance of structure. It shall be at 20% strength degradation. This observation is clear for structure
noted that the NBCC (2005) [28] specifies 1% drift as a drift limit 1, 2 and 3 (Group I) and structure 7, 8, 9 and 10 (Group III) and as
448 A. Abdellatif et al. / Ain Shams Engineering Journal 10 (2019) 435–451

Table 4
Structure response.

Global Structure Response

Top displacements Displacement Secant stiffness (kN/mm) Ultimate
(mm) ductility Strength (kN)
GROUP I Building 1 (8R + 2C) Dy Du D0.8u mD0.8u Initial (Kg) At yield (Ky) At Qu (Ku) At 20% Qu (K0.8u) Qu
(%Kg) (%Kg) (%Kg)
9.8 24.6 55 5.6 333 134 76.5 28.5 1882
9.6** 5.7 (40.2%) (23.0%) (8.6%)
8.0*** 6.8
Building 2 (6R + 4C) 9.6* 26.4 65.6 6.8 350 137 70.3 24.3 1855
9.6** 6.8 (39.1%) (20.1%) (6.9%)
7.6*** 8.6
Building 3 (4R + 6C) 9.4* 34.4 71.2 7.5 367 140 53 20.5 1820
9.6** 7.4 (38.1%) (14.4%) (5.6%)
7.2*** 9.8
GROUP II Building 4 (8R + 2F) 9.8* 23.8 49 5 334 134 78.8 31.3 1876
9.6** 5.1 (40.1%) (23.6%) (9.4%)
7.9*** 6.2
Building 5 (6R + 4F) 9.6* 24.6 52 5.4 352 138 75.2 29.2 1850
9.2** 5.6 (39.2%) (21.4%) (8.3%)
7.6*** 6.8
Building 6 (4R + 6F) 9.4* 27 59 6.3 369 140 67.1 25.3 1811
9.0** 6.5 (37.9%) (18.2%) (6.9%)
7.1*** 8.3
GROUP III Building7 (2C + 8F) 9* 43.4 73 8.1 400 144 39.1 18.5 1696
8.8** 8.3 (36.0%) (9.8%) (4.6%)
8.8*** 8.3
Building8 (4C + 6F) 9* 56 75 8.3 399.5 144 30.4 18.1 1700
8.8** 8.5 (36.0%) (7.6%) (4.5%)
8.8*** 8.5
Building 9 (6C + 4F) 9* 64.8 83 9.2 399.5 144 26.5 16.5 1716
8.8** 9.4 (36.0%) (6.6%) (4.1%)
8.8*** 9.4
Building 10 (8C + 2F) 9* 75.6 91 10.1 399 144 23 15.3 1737
8.9** 10.2 (36.1%) (5.8%) (3.8%)
8.8*** 10.3
Control 1 (10R) 10 23 46.5 4.65 314 129.5 82.1 33.3 1891
(41.2%) (26.1%) (10.6%)
Control 2 (10F) 9 42 69 7.6 401 142.8 40.2 22.1 1685
(35.6%) (10.0%) (5.5%)
Control 3 (10C) 9 85 96.5 10.7 397 143.5 20.6 17.2 1750
(36.1%) (5.1%) (4.3%)
Yield displacement calculated based on weighted average method.
Yield displacement calculated based on Tangent stiffness method.
Yield displacement calculated based on yielding load at 0.6 Qu.

the participation of end confined increases inside the structure, the compared to a structure consisting only of flanged walls (control2).
stiffness in post peak loading (At maximum load (Ku) and at 20% These results clarify the effect of end confined walls in enhance-
strength degradation (K0.8u)) decreases significantly. ment the ductility of the structure composed of flanged walls.
It was observed through structures 1, 2 and 3 (Group I) where To measure the level of enhancement of structure ductility, a
20%, 40% and 60% of rectangular walls were replaced by more duc- Structure Performance Enhancement Ratio (SPER) is considered
tile end-confined walls that the displacement ductility of the struc- and is defined as the ratio between the displacement ductility of
ture increased by 18%, 46% and 62% respectively compared to a a structure with components having different displacement ductil-
structure that consists only of rectangular walls (control 1). These ity levels (i.e. Rectangular and End-Confined wall system) to that of
results clarify the effect of end confined walls in enhancement the a structure composed of the less ductile elements (i.e. Rectangular
ductility of structure composed of rectangular walls. While for wall). Fig. 15a shows the SPER with respect to the participation
structures 4, 5 and 6 (Group II) replacing 20%, 40% and 60% of rect- percentage of End-confined and Flanged walls. As shown in
angular walls by more ductile flanged walls lead to increase in the Fig. 15b the effect of relying on end-confined masonry walls in
displacement ductility of the structures by 9%, 18% and 37% respec- improving structure displacement ductility is much more signifi-
tively compared to a structure consisting only of rectangular walls cant compared to that of flanged walls. This is due to the end-
(control1). These results clarify the effect of flanged walls in confined masonry wall having much more ductility capacity com-
enhancement the ductility of structure composed of rectangular pared to flanged walls, as for example the SPER values are 1.55 and
walls but not the same influence as the case of more ductile end 1.25 for 50% participation percentage of end-confined and flanged
confined walls in Group I. For structures 7, 8, 9 and 10 (Group walls respectively.
III) replacing 20%, 40%, 60% and 80% of flanged walls by more duc- It was also observed that the response of component wall inside
tile end-confined walls lead to increase in the displacement ductil- a system level is different compared to the same wall response
ity of the structure by 17%, 20%, 33% and 46% respectively when tested individually with respect to ductility capacity. This
A. Abdellatif et al. / Ain Shams Engineering Journal 10 (2019) 435–451 449

Fig. 15. Structure enhancement variation, (a) Displacement ductility of buildings, (b) SPER using end confined and flanged walls.

behavior is clear when the system level is composed of different One method of evaluating seismic performance of buildings in
wall types that have different ductility levels. If the system is com- earthquakes is by using Fragility curves. These diagrams show
posed of the same wall type (one type of wall) then no difference the probability of exceeding a specific state of damage versus
will be observed between the component wall inside the structure demand parameter. In this section the concept of seismic fragility
and the individual wall with respect to ductility (the load–dis- was used to evaluate the seismic performance of the ten structures
placement curve will be scaled up according to the number of walls previously described to reveal the effect of presence of ductile wall
used in the structure). It was observed that the individual wall sys- elements (flanged or end confined) on the probability of exceeding
tem i.e. Flanged or end-confined affects and improves the displace- a well-known damage state by using the structure drift as the engi-
ment ductility of rectangular wall when both are used in same neering demand parameter. A previous fragility study was carried
structure (Group I and II) and this is due to delaying of displace- out [29] to illustrate the enhancement of seismic performance of
ment corresponding to 20% strength degradation D0.8u for the rect- end confined and flanged walls as individual walls compared to
angular wall and thus increase the ductility capacity of individual rectangular wall; however the fragility study at the structure level
rectangular walls within the system due to redistribution of loads. is introduced in this section.
Also, the yield displacement Dy is not significantly affected in all Quantification of the anticipated damage patterns and behav-
groups for individual walls. ior of traditional reinforced masonry structural shear walls is
divided into four categories according to a predefined method
7.3. Fragility assessment of repair by FEMA 306 (ATC 1998) [30]: Insignificant, Slight,
Moderate and Extreme. These damage states have been identi-
Performance-based seismic assessment is a formal process for fied to coincide with a certain level of remediation (i.e. epoxy
design of new structures, or seismic upgrade of existing structures, injection of cracks) and may be integrated into the formulation
which includes a specific intent to achieve defined performance of fragility functions as described by the ATC-58-1 (ATC 2011)
objectives in future earthquakes. Performance objectives relate to [31] document. Fragility functions provide a conditional proba-
expectations regarding the amount of damage a building may bility that a particular damage sate will occur in a component
experience in response to earthquake shaking, and the conse- for a given demand value. The peak top drift (D) of each struc-
quences of that damage. Performance is measured in terms of ture is selected as the demand parameter, and the occurrence of
the probability of incurring casualties, repair and replacement each damage state is assumed to be sequential in nature (i.e.
costs, repair time, and unsafe placarding. The methodology and Damage state 2 occurs after Damage State 1). The top drift asso-
procedures are applicable to new or existing buildings. ciated with the first occurrence of each damage state has been
The concept of Performance-based seismic design was implic- determined for each structure using the pushover curve. The
itly incorporated in most of the modern seismic codes through ATC-58-1 (ATC 2011) [31] recommends the use of a cumulative
limit states. However, such design mainly was attributed to fulfill- probability function based on a log-normal probability distribu-
ment of only one performance level aimed to preserve the life tion for the generation of fragility functions. The lognormal prob-
safety. In response to the problems attributed to consideration of ability distribution function is shown in Eq. (9) and requires
one performance level, as stated above, several performance levels determination of the median drift for each damage state (hi) as
were considered in Performance-based seismic design. Perfor- well as the logarithmic standard deviation (dispersion) (bi) as
mance levels were classified to four categories (FEMA 356) [23]: determined by Eqs. (10) and (11) respectively. The fragility func-
tion is represented by a smoothed curve fit to the observed
1. Fully operational: Facilities continue in operation with negligi- occurrence of each damage state in each structure.
ble damage.  
2. Immediate occupancy: Facility continues in operation with ln hD
F ðDÞ ¼ Uð
minor damage. Þ ð9Þ
3. Life safe: Life safety is substantially protected, damage is mod-
erate to extensive. PM
1 ðln Di ÞÞ
4. Collapse prevention: Life safety at risk, damage is severe. hi ¼ eðM i¼1 ð10Þ
450 A. Abdellatif et al. / Ain Shams Engineering Journal 10 (2019) 435–451

u M   8. Conclusions
u 1 X Di 2
bi ¼ t ln ð11Þ
M  1 i¼1 hi
The aim of this paper was to introduce a reliable and simple
numerical model that could be used to simulate the flexural
Where: behavior of reinforced fully grouted masonry shear walls, to be
used in representing the system level behavior and the overall
Di = Top drift; response of a structure with respect to displacement ductility.
hi = Mean drift of a damage state; This study investigated the behavior of structures composed of
bi = logarithmic Standard deviation (Dispersion); different types of walls with different ductility capacities and
M = Total number of walls; the factors that influenced the structure overall ductility. Three
F = Log- normal probability distribution; methods for representing the structure’s yield displacement were
U = Standard normal (Gaussian) cumulative distribution. also proposed and used in calculating the system displacement
ductility. A parametric study was introduced to represent the
As shown in Fig. 16 the three structure group I, II and III are hav- effect of reinforcement ratio and axial compression on wall
ing the same vulnerability to the first and second damage states behavior. Finally, a set of fragility curves were presented to illus-
which are considered for initiation of flexure cracks and onset of trate the enhancement of the seismic performance (life safety
reinforcement yielding. Consequently, the presence of end con- and collapse prevention (performance levels) of masonry struc-
fined or flanged walls in these structures did not affect the occur- tures through adding end confined and flanged walls inside the
rence of first and second damage states. However, for the third and structure. Based on the results of this study the following con-
fourth damage states which are considered for crushing of clusions may be drawn:
masonry toe or buckling or fracture of reinforcement, it was
observed that the presence of end confined walls in structure  Yield drift increases by 25% on average with the increase of ver-
group I and III delay the occurrence of both state of damage com- tical reinforcement by 225% while it was almost constant corre-
pared to when flanged walls were used. As Shown in Fig. 16 the sponding to an increase in axial load by 200%.
80% probability of occurrence of third damage state was at drift  Displacement ductility decreases with the increase of axial
ratio of 0.67%, 0.82% and 1.8% drift for Group II, I and III respec- compression and vertical reinforcement by 57% and 30%,
tively. While, the 80% probability of occurrence of fourth damage respectively on average for three wall types corresponding to
state was at drift ratio of 1.4%, 1.8% and 2.2% drift for Group II, I increases of axial load and vertical reinforcement ratios of
and III respectively. Consequently, the combination between 200% and 225% respectively.
flanged and end confined walls (group III) represent the best alter-  Strength increases with the increase of axial compression and
native to delay the third and fourth damage state (life safety per- vertical reinforcement by 18% and 110%, respectively on aver-
formance level and collapse prevention) with significant drift age for three wall types corresponding to increases of axial
level with the preceding structure group II and I, thus resulting load and vertical reinforcement ratios of 200% and 225%
in lesser amount of damage at the same drift level. respectively.

Fig. 16. Fragility curves for building group 1, 2 and 3.

A. Abdellatif et al. / Ain Shams Engineering Journal 10 (2019) 435–451 451

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