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Alcantara Bustamante Juan Carlos

Fill the gaps with the best indefinite pronoun that fits to every sentence.

1. I am sure I put down my keys somewhere.

2. Calm down. There is nothing to worry about.

3. Let's sit down everybody and talk.

4. I heard a knock at the door but there was nobody there.

5. We didn't see anything.

6. The restaurant was really crowded. Nobody had a good time.

7. Be quite ! somebody is coming.

8. I don't think anybody knows the answer to that question.

9. She can't go nowhere without people recognizing her.

10. I've got something to tell you.

11. I was really bored during the holiday. I did nothing and went nowhere.

12. I woke up and suddenly everything seemed better.

13. There was water all over the floor. It was everywhere

14. There's somebody very attractive about her.

15. Did anybody see George Clooney's latest film?

16. Everybody is talking about the new soap opera.

17. I'm sure there is nothing downstairs.

18. I can't make my point clear. Nobody understands me!

Alcantara Bustamante Juan Carlos

19. Let's go somewhere different tonight.

20. Everybody must hand in their homework by Friday.

21. The trouble is that there is nowhere for young people in this town.

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