The World Faith/Prosperity Gospel Movement Exposed

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The World Faith/Prosperity Gospel

Movement Exposed
I wrote about these movements a long time ago. With the acceleration of World Faith/Prosperity
Gospel preachers, it is time in 2020 to further expound on this issue. It is not a secret that I don’t
agree with the Prosperity Gospel movement for various reasons. There are moral, spiritual, and
intellectual refutations of such movements. Some folks desire excessive materialism instead of
human spiritual development. The jets, the gold rooms, and the ATMs even in large
megachurches signify a Laodicean mentality instead of a Philadelphian mentality. Many such
preachers are members of Freemasonry, and I fundamentally disagree with Freemasonry because
of many reasons (like their swearing of oath invoking death even if they aren’t to be taken literally,
their doctrines, and calling a grown man Worshipful Master). During this time, more secrets are
being revealed to the public than thousands of years ago with the advancing of the Internet plus
other forms of advanced technology. It is also clear that we should give people the opportunity to
change. Anyone alive now does have a chance to change and be saved. John 3:16 is clear that:
“...For God so loved the word, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in
him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” If someone refuses to change, folks should leave
that person alone.

The Prosperity Gospel, in my view, contributed heavily to some believing in the false stereotype of
Christians collectively being money lusting, deceptive hypocrites who have selfishness. Many in
the New Age movement not only promote that false stereotype. They (or New Age adherents) are
active in preaching many false ideologies like man can achieve godhood, you can believe in any
belief system that you want, and the Judeo-Christian ethic is outdated or nefarious. A lot of
people don't know that the New Age Movement existed long before the counterculture of the
1960's with Hindu chants, yoga, etc. Modern New Age ideologies existed back in the late 1800's
with the Theosophical Society. People like Olcott and Madame H.P. Blavatsky (who believed that
the "spirit guides" sent her information about the "knowledge") taught New Age views. Blavatsky
promoted the monthly magazine in London called "Lucifer." Before then, the Mysteries of the
ancient civilizations taught polytheism, occult teachings, and other like-minded ideologies (Dr.
John Dee of the UK was known for his promotion of the occult including astrology). The problem
with the occult and the New Age movement is that they claim to have the truth, but they require
people to follow arcane, secretive, and unscriptural rituals in order for people to get it.

Whereas even the Bible says that the truth doesn't relate to secrecy, but it is wide open to all
people. You don't need to chant or do certain rituals to have a righteous life. You can change,
repent, and do good works to shine the glory of God in enriching other people's lives. As 1 John
2:20-25 says: "...But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things. I have not
written unto you because ye know not the truth, but because ye know it, and that no lie is of the
truth. Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth
denieth the
Father and the Son. Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: he that
acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also. Let that therefore abide in you, which ye have heard
from the beginning. If that which ye have heard from the beginning shall remain in you, ye also
shall continue in the Son, and in the Father. And this is the promise that he hath promised us,
even eternal life." The truth is that in each generation, there is always a remnant of people who
are filled with the spirit of kindness, humility, and a belief in justice (while rejecting deceptive
doctrines that are antithetical to the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ). Jesus is right to say that
man shall not live by bread alone. At times, we have to show love and utilize discernment to
condemn false doctrines.
He was the minister
Benjamin Mays, who
was one of the
greatest theologians
of the 20th century.

The Prosperity Gospel Refuted

The essence of the heretical prosperity gospel movement is the belief that wealth is equated to
spiritual enlightenment. In other words, its followers believe that the more money that you have,
the more blessings that God gave you. Some go into the extreme to proclaim the lie that anyone
poor is equivalent to that person experiencing a curse from God (not the poverty is a product of
socioeconomic issues of structural injustices). Sometimes, the most righteous people suffer issues
or problems. Yet, people can look to faith which is invisible (Hebrews 11:24-27) in order to have
joy and peace. It is not a secret that real followers of Jesus Christ will not be loved by the world
and will suffer persecution (2 Timothy 3:12). This is why the Waldensians were in risk of death by
those (i.e. the Vatican hierarchy) who wanted to prevent them from translating the Bible in their
own tongue. That is why William Tyndale was murdered in Europe for just translating the Bible
into English. That is why Christians in many nations of the world experience religious persecution
to this very day from Saudi Arabia, India, China, etc. The view that God wants all of his children
to be wealthy isn’t just embraced by people like Benny Hinn (who recently renounced the
prosperity gospel in 2019) or Kenneth Hagan. It has been embraced by many preachers of the new
Prosperity Gospel.

Hagin is bold to say that God wants us to wear the best clothes, drive the best cars, and to have
riches and more riches. Ever since I was a child, I didn’t believe in that type of a gospel. There is
nothing wrong with having money. Yet, money is never the determining factor of one’s salvation
or character. A rich or poor person can be wicked. A rich or poor person can be saved. The OT
and NT are rather clear that lusting after riches readily is linked to destruction (1 Timothy 6:9-10).
Creflo Dollar and the rumored Freemason Kenneth Copeland are famous for desiring money and
riches at the expense of sound spiritual doctrine. There is no evidence of Jesus Christ mentioning
that his followers must make people rich by the Gospel. That is real. The Prosperity Gospel and
the World Faith movement teach that faith is a force that can be manipulated by words to form
health and wealth. Some extremists believe that sickness and poor living is a result of a lack of
faith, which is ludicrous and disrespectful. History and life experiences just make us aware that
wealth is not directly related to holiness. The historian Kat Bowler wrote a book entitled,
"Blessed." In that book, she showed how many lower income Christians sent their hard earned
money to prosperity gospel churches in trying to get wealthy. Bowler wrote that one pastor and his
family live in luxury, while many members of those churches experience trouble paying for their
bills. The book of Job showed a man (i.e. Job) who lost his wealth and his family. Yet, Job was
tested and became better as a result of his faith and action to become a better human being.

Creflo Dollar
Creflo Dollar is one of the world’s most famous Prosperity Gospel preachers. He is a dedicated
follower of its doctrines for decades now. His ally is the well-known Kenneth Copeland. His radio
and TV show called “Changing Your World” is very popular. He has been on programs worldwide
and in the Trinity Broadcasting Network plus the Lesea network. Creflo Dollar is the pastor of the
World Changers Christian Center. That is a non-denominational church in College Park,
Georgia. It has a $6.5 million gold dome. Creflo said that he paid 18 million in cash for his new
facility. It has 8,000 seats and a plastic container for offerings at the end of each row. The church
has over 20,000 members. He has two Rolls Royce’s. He flies in a private jet worth multiple
millions of dollars. He has a wife with five children. He has a bachelor’s degree in education.
Creflo like other prosperity preachers said that mere humans are gods: “…See if you are truly a
child of God, if you were born out of God, you got to be a part of the God class. I know I’m not
God. But I’m a child of the Most High…I’m a part of the God class…. But then the next verse
says, “Because you did not believe you were gods, you’re going to die like men.” But it says you’re
gods. And I said now, Lord, wait a minute here. How we going to prove this? Because I kept
hearing over and over again all this week, we need to have a God training class for Christians. So
they can start acting…”) (Our equality with God through righteousness 1/21/2001).
The reality is that Psalms 82:6-8 said that, “I said, 'You are gods, and all of you are children of the
Most High. But you shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes." The biblical application of
this verse was addressed to the judges of Israel they were called gods not because they were divine
but because they represented the true and only God when they judged the people. The word for
God that is used here is elohim, which can mean rulers, (not Yahweh elohim used only for the
one God). The word for Judges is found in Ex.21:22; 22:8-9 it is ha elohim (other scriptures of
how the acted Deut.1:16;16:18; 25:1; 2 Sam.11:7). Creflo said the false doctrine that God made a
duplicate of himself when he made Adam: “So when God made man all he did was take a
reflection of him… So he said let us make another speaking spirit. When God made Adam all he
did was make an exact imprint of hisself. He duplicated himself, he was the image and from his
image came hisself…" (Our equality with God through Righteousness 1/21/2001).

The reality is that Adam was not God. He wasn’t a duplicate of God. The Scriptures mentioned
that God alone is eternal, uncreated, uncaused, and infinite. Creflo agrees with the Mind Science
position by saying, “Growing into sonship means that you grow in your ability to operate as a
“little God” (a replica of the Father) in the earth” (World Changers magazine, p.6, Dec. 2002).
Creflo Augustus Dollar Jr. was born in College Park, Georgia on January 28, 1962. Dollar justifies
his teachings by saying that God wants righteous people to inherit wealth on this Earth. He wants
people to claim it and he believes in the myth that righteousness, wealth, and riches go hand in
hand. He believes that faith is a spiritual force that leads to prosperity. The truth is that wealth
isn’t necessary a sign of righteousness as some of the wicked people in human history were rich.
We must use logic and science plus prayer to deal with health issues as health issues exist by many
reasons not because of a lack of faith. The Gospel is about changing lives, helping others, and
having glory without a lust for material wealth. There is nothing wrong with houses, clothes, and
cars. What is the problem is about how some want to promote the falsehood that material wealth
is a prerequisite of salvation or righteousness. That is the problem.
Oral Roberts
Oral Roberts was one of the greatest defenders of the World Faith/Prosperity Gospel movement.
He passed away in the year of 2009. For long decades, he has been a worldwide famous
Charismatic televangelist. He worked in both the Pentecostal Holiness and United Methodist
Churches. He is considered one of the godfathers of the modern day Charismatic movement. He
founded both the Oral Roberts Evangelistic Association and Oral Roberts University. He was
born in Ada, Oklahoma. He was educated at Oklahoma Baptist University. He preached the seed
faith doctrine for over six decades. He said to Larry King Live that he has Cherokee descent.
Roberts was a card carrying member of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma. In 1977, he claimed to
have had a vision from a 900 foot tall Jesus telling him to build the City of Faith Medical and
Research Center (and the hospital would be a success). He was controversial to claim that his son
had seen his father raise a child from the dead in 1987. The practice of speaking in intelligible
tongues has existed in ancient Egypt and in the ancient Greek world of various Sibylline priestess
plus the woman of Delphi. Oral Roberts believed that the seed of faith movement can cause
people to get money. Oral Roberts have written over 120 books on his religious views. His
ministry was heavily focused on miracles. Roberts is right that each person does sin, but he is
wrong to say that God promised prosperity materially to all. Carlton Pearson and Benny Hinn are
similar theologically to Oral Roberts.
Joel Osteen
Joel Osteen is the quintessential positive preacher. He is similar to Oral Roberts. He is very young
preacher who has his church in Texas. He left Oral Roberts University in 1981 to start up his own
Lakewood Ministry. His father was a preacher too. His shows are aired worldwide in over 100
countries. John Osteen was his father who taught the World Faith movement's views for years.
This same teaching is embraced by Kenneth Copeland and Kenneth Hagin. John Osteen sadly
passed away in 1999. Lakewood's sermons are shown by TBN. The church is located in the
Houston area. One of the problems is involving Joel Osteen is that he promotes love but he de-
empathizes the importance of morality too. There is nothing wrong with love, but you have to
condemn evil forcibly to save souls too. In other words, stealing is wrong and harming innocent
people is wrong. Imperialism is wrong. These evils should be exposed in the pulpit without any
apology from any preacher or congregant. He refuses to talk about hell a lot when even Jesus
Christ spoke about hell and which types of people are going to Hell without repentance. Talking
about such things will be unpopular with the world. It is better to be unpopular and right than
popular and wrong. Joel is similar to Norman Vincent Peale. Years ago, Bill O'Reilly (the fired
racist, sexual harasser, and liar) asked Joel Osteen if he believed that Jesus Christ was the Way, the
Life, and the truth. Joel Osteen ignored the question. Joel later apologized.

Like other Prosperity preachers, Joel Osteen believes in the falsehood that Jesus Christ was held
captive in Hell for a time: "...For three days Jesus fought with the enemy. It was the battle of the
ages, light versus darkness, good versus evil. But thank God Satan was no match for Jesus (Joel
Osteen, Discover the Champion in You, TBN, April 26, 2004). It is true that Hebrew 9:14 that
Jesus Christ was offered himself as a sacrifice without blemish. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 said that
Jesus Christ died for our sins, was buried, and rose from the dead. Osteen told Chris Wallace on
December 23, 2007 that Mormonism is Christianity when Mormonism came from Joseph Smith.
Mormonism teaches a works based salvation that Jesus is a creature in heaven, and humans can be
gods on their own planets. Therefore, Joel Osteen preaches a half truth. He is right that God is
love, and we should promote goodness. Yet, he is wrong to ignore the other half of the gospel
which is about exposing sin, being disciplined, and following righteousness. There was the
Hurricane scandal in Houston involving him years ago too.

Paula White
Paula White is not only a prosperity gospel proponent. She is one of the most outspoken leaders
in favor of the racist and sexist Donald Trump. She has supported Trump so much that she
ignores his heinous policies. She is the spiritual adviser to Trump too. Recently, White made the
offensive remark that she metaphorically wants all “satanic” pregnancies to miscarriage. Paula
White said that she became a Christian in 1984 at 18. She said that she had a vision after her
conversion. She is an ordained minister, and she studied at National Bible College and Seminary.
Paula White teaches that salvation includes healing and physical healing plus financial abundance
in this life are provided for the atonement of Christ. This is heretical, because salvation has
nothing to do with material financial abundance. Years ago, many of her shows were on BET,
CMT, and TBN. T.D. Jakes supported White when he invited her to speak at his “Woman Thou
Art Loosed” conference back in 2000. The irony is that Paula White has publicly denied being
part of or supporting the prosperity gospel movement. She does believe that Christians give in
order to gain material wealth from God. On Easter Sunday service in 2016, she said that salvation
would come to a TV viewer if they donated a “Resurrection seed” to her ministry. As for her
support for Trump, Roland Martin did do a great job in refuting the agenda of Trump and saying
that White is wrong for giving great support to him.

Paula White believes that God raised up Trump to be President. She made the heretical statement
that even resisting the most bigoted agenda of Trump is equivalent to resisting God. The truth is
that we follow God unconditionally not Caesar unconditionally. Donald Trump has made it his
business to praise Neo-Nazis and neo-Confederates as “fine people” after the Charlottesville
disaster. Trump has used sexist remarks against women without apology. He has been accused of
rape and sexual assault by many women too. Trump allowed babies on the border to be placed in
internment camps. He treated immigrants as less than human. That was wrong. Many pastors like
Rev. William Barber have spoken out on these conditions and promoted voting rights for black
Americans including all Americans in opposition to voter suppression laws. Trump is a habitual
liar. Paula White claims that demonic networks lie about Trump, but Trump has shown his hand
as disrespecting black people, women, and other minorities in graphic terms. Paula White is afraid
to meet with pastors who disagree with the political views of Trump. Therefore, Paula White
accepts the deception of the person Donald Trump.

Joyce Meyer
Joyce Meyer is one of the most popular proponents of the World Faith Movement and the
Prosperity Gospel. Meyer has led sermons and other movements worldwide. When I was very
young, I heard of her and her TV shows about religion. She has taught her followers that Jesus
Christ atoned for our sins in Hell which is blatantly heretical. She even believes that Jesus was
born again in hell, which is overt blasphemy. She cited the Amplified Bible to try to teach the
World Faith false doctrine that Christians are little gods. Joyce Meyer in the Authority and
Opposition, audio tape number 1236 says from her own mouth mentioned that: "... You know, I
was listening to a set of tapes by one man and he explained it like this, and I think this kind of
gets the point across, he said, "Why do people have such a fit about God calling His creation, but
His man little gods? If He's God, what's He going to call them but the god-kind?'....Doesn't The
Bible say we're created in his image? Now, you understand I am not saying you are God with the
capital G." Like Kenneth Copeland and other World Faith preachers, she believes that Jesus
Christ went to hell in our place.

Joyce Meyer's booklet called, "The Most Important Decision You Will Ever Make" makes the
heretical claim that there is no hope of heaven unless we believe that Jesus took our place in hell.
The New Testament is rather clear that Jesus Christ's atonement was on the cross. At the cross, it
is finished. Joyce Meyer believes that angels tell her what to say from the pulpit. This is dangerous.
The Bible is clear that Christians are led by the Holy Spirit not by angels. That is found in John
16:13. The World Faith movement believes that spoken words can create power, that humans are
little gods, that Jesus earned our redemption in hell, and spoke words can cause wealth plus
healing. This is ludicrous, but people believe in these doctrines. Words are powerful, but words
don't have the power by themselves to change circumstances miraculously or manipulate God to
do something for you. You can't compromise real beliefs. We have to purge out the old leaven as
found in 1 Corinthians 5:7. Living life means embracing morality, joy, and sound doctrine. In
that sense, people can stand fast in the Lord (1 Thess. 3:8).

Jesse Duplantis
Jesse Duplantis is a very well-known Louisiana World Faith preacher. His ministry is called the
Jesse Duplantis Ministries. Also, he works in the Charismatic tradition based in New Orleans,
Louisiana. By 1976, he preached his first sermons. He was introduced by John Hagee as "The
Apostle of Joy" on TBN. He uses humor too in his religious sermons. He is part of the Christians
Untied for Israel (CUFI) which is promoted by John Hagee (who is a Trump supporter). I think
people should stand with Jewish and Palestinian people who seek justice and peace in the region.
That justice includes an end to oppression and an end to a brutal occupation while innocent
Israelis and innocent Palestinians aren't mistreated at the same time. All people in the Middle
East should have equality and human justice. Duplantis loves the use of his private jets. Once,
Jesse said that Adam was smarter than God. He claimed that God didn't know what he was
creating. Jesse Duplantis claimed to have a visit to Heaven. He said that King David told Jesse that
he had regretted writing some of the Pslams which is not biblical. He said that Jesus was taller
than he thought. He also claimed to be transported to Heaven by a chariot in August of 1988.
Even Kirk Franklin criticized Jesse Duplantis for saying that God is not flying that plane. This was
in 2018 when Jesse Duplantis asked for donations to buy his ministry another multi million dollar
airplane. Franklin wrote that, "Many of these 'ministries' built their wealth on the backs of poor
rural minorities that put their trust in the hands of God's shepherds only to see the prosperity
benefit those doing the preaching...Again, there are Great Christian leaders, and there is nothing
wrong with having a plane...but if the burden falls on the less fortunate and greed is the check
written by those drowning in socio-economic rivers of systematic disparities, GOD is not flying
that plane." Like always, we embrace discernment.

Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland is one of the most prominent prosperity gospel leaders in the world. He
promotes the World Faith movement too. He has been a leader of his television show for years.
Many of his programming has been shown on Trinity Broadcasting Network. He wrote many
books and articles. His show was Believers’ Voice of Victory. He created his Believer’s Voice of
Victory magazine. Many people have known of his doctrinal errors. He once said that, “It would
have been impossible for Jesus to have been poor!" (9/90, Charisma). (Reported in the 2/15/93,
Calvary Contender.). We know that Jesus Christ was poor. He lived under the occupation and
oppression of the Roman Empire. The World Faith movement means that faith is a matter of
what we say more than whom we place trust or what truths we embrace. In other words, it teaches
the words have creative power. Its followers believe that positive confessions can make things
happen. Copeland believes in the errors that every Christian is guaranteed physical healing and
financial prosperity. The deal is that God has not promised health and prosperity to His people in
the present world. There are many people who are sick, but they are very righteous people.
Sickness comes from biological reasons not spiritual faith.
He also has a New Age view that humans are little gods: "You're all God. You don't have a God
living in you; you are one! ... When I read in the Bible where God tells Moses, 'I AM,' I say, 'Yah, I
am too!'" ("The Force of Love," Tape BBC-56). The reality is that man is not God and man can’t
become a god or God. Copeland said that Adam was a god with an authority of a god. He said
that Adam was not subordinate to God, which is blasphemy. Copeland made the other
blasphemous statement that Jesus Christ was tortured by Satan in hell for three days to have
people to have a chance for redemption. Before He died, Jesus cried in triumph, "It is finished"
(John 19:30), indicating that our redemption has been accomplished on the Cross. Christ told the
thief on the cross who believed in Him, "Today shalt thou be with me in paradise" (Lk. 23:43), not
in hell! He said, "Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit" (Lk. 23:46). Copeland in his
audiotape from 1989 called, Following the Faith of Abraham said that Adam was God manifested
in the flesh, which is overt blasphemy again. Kenneth Copeland said God lives on a mother
planet, God is a failure, and the death of Jesus on the cross didn’t pay the price for our sins. This
sounds like another religion not Christianity. The core of the Christian faith is that Jesus Christ
died and rose from the dead for the sins of the whole world. In that sense, all living people now
have a chance to be saved. Romans 5:8-10 is clear that we are justified by the blood of Jesus
Christ. The same thing is taught in Colossians 1:19-22, Ephesians 1:7, and in 1 John 1:7. There
are many rumors that Kenneth Copeland is a Freemason. Regardless if that it is true or not,
Copeland embraces many false doctrines.
A Just Response
A just response to the Prosperity Gospel is to mention that we against Mammon. Mammon is the
idol made out of money. We realize that money can be good to help people, but we are against the
lust for money for the sake of getting money. Blind faith in money have led to bankruptcies,
broken lives, and even prison for those who exploited people's money illegally. That is why we
always ought to be embrace discernment to clear that
human rights are more important than financial lust. It
is reality that many in Wall Street have received record
bailouts and profits while not paying much federal
income taxes. This comes while Main Street, the poor,
and middle class including small businesses never have
the corporate socialism that large multinational
corporations regularly receive. Real wealth is about
compassion, helping people, saving lives, and being The unjust murders of Breonna Taylor,
blessed to build a just society. Real wealth comes from George Floyd, and Ahmaud Arbery
represent the pain and anger of black
the living waters of the Holy Spirit which maintains
Americans plus others against police
understanding and grows spiritual strength. Some of the brutality. The recent protests in America
greatest promoters of selfishness, greed, and largess are and throughout the world show us that
those who hate the state helping the poor or eliminating we still have a remnant of humanity that
discriminatory policies. The government is instituted to vehemently oppose racism, police
not just be some stop light to only end fraud. brutality, and any injustice. We certainly
want real change and justice now.

The government was created to establish justice,

promote the general welfare, insure domestic tranquility and secure the blessings of liberty as cited
by the Preamble of the Constitution. Justice and Liberty go hand in hand. Likewise, we reject
nihilism. You can't do what you want whenever you want without violating moral principles.
Therefore, the government also exists to restrain and fight evil in our world. Therefore, a response
to the Prosperity Gospel is that spiritual strength is not determined by money, a rich person and a
poor person who follows the Lord are equal in the eyes of God, helping the poor via social justice
means is better than funding Lear jets, and we will tell the truth honestly about this situation.
This is why in America and in the world, we advocate political, spiritual, and material freedom.
Political freedom is about allowing people to have a free speech reality, free press, and the right to
assemble. Spiritual freedom is allowing any person to believe in God or not out of their own
volition without government interference. Material freedom is about allowing the government to
provide the general welfare from Social Security to other investments in helping communities
nationwide plus worldwide. We believe in truth.

It is true that we live in unique times. We have to deal with the coronavirus and other issues.
Also, we realize that using logic, courage, real information, and safety will make a great difference
in living our best lives. With all of this evidence, it is blatantly clear that the prosperity gospel is a
slick deception based upon materialism, exploiting the poor, and religious misinterpretation. All
of this doctrine goes back to some folks believing in the myth of the infallibility of capitalism.
Love is powerful force that has done great things for humanity. Yet, true love has nothing to do
with a commercialized world that focuses more on profit than human community development.
That is why the love of money is the root of all evil. In other words, the lust of money has caused
wars, discriminatory actions, poor shaming, and other forces of wickedness that disrupts the social
bonds among the human race. The Golden Rule is the totally quintessential part of the religion of

Jesus Christ in Matthew 7:12 explained the Golden Rule in these terms: "...All things therefore
whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, even so do ye also do unto them for this is the
law and the prophets." Jesus Christ is rather clear that we should treat a person with the same
respect as they should treat us. This view is found in many religions and philosophies from
Judaism, Islam, and other creeds. The 2 greatest commandments of Jesus Christ from Matthew
22:35-40 is Love God with all of your heart, soul, and mind plus love your neighbor as yourself.
The weakness of the Prosperity Gospel is that it changes the real gospel into a money making
scheme where human souls are subordinated under the interests of consumer profits. That is
obviously wrong. When you have solidarity and altruism, then anyone can grow his or her own
spirituality. Another important point to remember is that love is not related to nihilism and

“The Spirit of the Lord The Real Fruits of the Real Social Gospel
is upon me, because
he hath anointed me
to preach the gospel Helping the Poor Defending Labor or Preaching to the
to the poor; he hath
sent me to heal the Workers’ Rights People
brokenhearted, to
preach deliverance to Helping the Defending Rejecting
the captives, and Environment Religious Freedom Materialism
recovering of sight to
the blind, to set at and the Freedom of
liberty them that are
bruised, To preach
the acceptable year Loving Your Opposing Racial Rejecting Sexism
of the Lord.”
Neighbor as Injustice
-Luke 4:18-19 Yourself
Fighting Police Defending Honoring the
Brutality Democratic Rights Separation of
Church and State

Some people mistake love with the Crowleyan evil of do what thou wilt. In other words, we
should not do what we want. We should do actions bounded under integrity, goodness, and
righteousness. It means that adultery is wrong. It means that murder is wrong. It means that any
form of abuse or mistreatment of fellow human beings is definitely wrong. We know about how
greatness is not about the person with the greatest ego. Greatness encompasses how great a person
serves the interests of hope, righteous action, and determination to advance justice. Despite what
Hayek says, government is not just meant to be a sole referee among parties. The government
ought to be the administer of justice, the protector of human rights, the protection of institutions
including the environment, and the giver of the general welfare to the people collectively. The
general welfare is part of the essence of the true role of government being progressively expressed.
Now, the response to Prosperity Gospel preacher should never involve slander, disrespecting
them, or maligning them in an inappropriate way. The response is about showing how we disagree
with the Prosperity Gospel in the right way along with inspiring change where those, who embrace
the Prosperity Gospel, will change to be more open to follow more enlightened insights. That is
how to get things done.

By Timothy
Like Always, Black Lives Matter

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