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2020-05-09 (((Media))) Inflates Common Cold to Trash US Constitution - henrymakow.


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(((Media))) Inflates Common Cold to Trash US

May 8, 2020

"Under the US Constitution, in order

to restrict the movement of
Americans, the government must
prosecute and convict you of a crime -
only after a fair trial (due process of
law) as under the due process clause
in 5th Amendment vs. Federal
Government and under 14th
Amendment vs. State Governments.

"We should be outraged, yet most

Americans are too scared and
confused to even think. The media is
already conditioning Americans to
accept another major LOCKDOWN
with the sacrifice of all US
Constitutional Rights with a flood of
daily news stories.

[Just in- Twitter would not permit me to post the following because
the site has been identified as "harmful." How long until mine is?
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For my buds

The COVID-19 Bullshit: Manitoba COVID-19 Report For Friday, May 8th, 2020
covid-19_8.html ] 1/6
2020-05-09 (((Media))) Inflates Common Cold to Trash US Constitution -

Andrew is a retired attorney living in Texas.

by Andrew

I contracted the Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) on a

2015 Nile River cruise from Luxor to Aswan.

Though 71, I thought I just had a cough; I didn't seek medical attention
until returning home four days later.

My resulting diagnosis was the first time I ever heard of coronaviruses. After
some light preliminary research, I found that there are seven types: The
human coronavirus (HCoV) contains HCoV-229E, HCoV-NL63, HCoV-OC43,
HCoVHKU1, SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV, HCoV-229E, HCoV-NL63, HCoV-
OC43, and HCoVHKU1 are pathogens of the common cold.

In other words, this family of viruses are all MEDICALLY COMMON COLDS.

When news outlets began the COVID-19 panic party, I was fairly certain
this virus would not be overly dangerous to those with healthy immune

With the suspicion that the media might be amplifying the impact of COVID-
19, I started a review of past information about fear as a revolutionary tool.

Six years earlier, Dan Butler (1955-2018) wrote a piece predicting a media
driven pandemic campaign that would be used to strip us of our
Constitutional rights.

Into this mix, I add here a quick summary of coup d'etats from noted
historians Nesta Webster, Antony Sutton, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, and many
others. Communist coup d'etats all begin with a Reign of Terror:

• The French Revolution opened its Reign of Terror by publicly guillotining

aristocrats, government officials, and priests. After decapitation, their heads
were placed on spikes and paraded through the streets of Paris. Unable to
think, Parisians were traumatized, paralyzed, and helpless.

• The Bolshevik Revolution began in 1917 with the First Red Terror lasting
about a year. According to many scholars, the Russian Red Terror and mass
executions didn't really end until the onset of World War II in 1939. 2/6
2020-05-09 (((Media))) Inflates Common Cold to Trash US Constitution -

• Mao Zedong and Fidel Castro used the same bloody terror campaigns to
cement the mental capture of their people. Anyone who disagreed was
killed. Again, everyone was paralyzed with fear. The results of these
revolutions were terrible! While the French Revolution exterminated
approximately 3,000,000 people, Solzhenitsyn, the brilliant Russian novelist
and historian, estimated the ongoing Russian Revolution was responsible for
the deaths of more than 60,000,000 Russians.

These communist revolutions happened well before the rise of our present
modern media establishment.

Using television, the Internet,

social media, and censorship,
the establishment media
(a/k/a Mainstream Media or
MSM) has totally gained
control of Americans'
perceptions. As it relates to
the overblown coronavirus,
the MSM was darkly ingenious
in its use of a pandemic
narrative to create paralyzing
fear in place of a cruder, more
difficult to start Reign of
Terror, replete with
guillotines, heads on spikes
and firing squads.


Diving a little deeper, let's review how the Quiet Elite, who completely
controls the media establishment, started planning this bizarre "Coronavirus
Scary Movie," decades ago.

The script for this coronavirus terror originated 40 years ago with Dean
Koontz' 1981 novel, The Eyes of Darkness. Koontz wrote,

"In around 2020 a severe pneumonia-like illness will spread throughout the
globe attacking the lungs and the bronchial tubes and resisting all known
treatments. Almost more baffling than the illness will be the fact that it will
suddenly vanish as quickly as it arrived, attack again ten years later and
then vanish completely."

More recently, the movie Contagion dramatized the rapid progress of a lethal
airborne virus that kills within days. As the fast-moving epidemic grow, the
worldwide medical community races to find a cure while controlling the panic
that spreads faster than the virus itself. In the movie, ordinary people 3/6
2020-05-09 (((Media))) Inflates Common Cold to Trash US Constitution -

struggle to survive in a society coming

apart. See the trailer.

What really grabbed my attention,

however, was that Dan Butler (nom de
plume Richard Evans) predicted the
current Coronavirus reign of a terror
campaign in 2014. (See: Ebola - Another
Illuminati Psy Op?

( )

Dan was light years ahead in his recognition of MSM's use of Predictive
Programming. Amazingly, Dan even foretold the legal concept that would be
used" EXECUTIVE ORDER 13295. In 2005, President George W. Bush asked,
"If we had an outbreak somewhere in the United States, do we not then
quarantine that part of the country? And how do you, then, enforce a

At that time, the US Military was forbidden from undertaking law

enforcement duties by the federal Posse Comitatus Act. Bush's wish became
law in Fiscal Year 2007 with (H.R. 5122.ENR), (Section 1076) which allows
the President to use the US Military to "restore public order and enforce
Federal law" for "natural disaster, epidemic," or other public health
emergency, terrorist attack or "domestic violence incident."

Bush signed this into law one afternoon on National Public Radio. The public
promptly forgot about it. Barack Obama did not forget. He promptly picked
up where Bush left off. On Aug 1st 2014, Obama enhanced Bush's 2003-
2005 Executive Order 13295, titled Revised List of Quarantinable
Communicable Diseases.

Where Bush had specified only SARS and Avian (Bird) Flu, Obama added,
"severe acute respiratory syndromes, which are diseases that are associated
with fever and signs and symptoms of pneumonia or other respiratory
illness, are capable of being transmitted from person to person." 4/6
2020-05-09 (((Media))) Inflates Common Cold to Trash US Constitution -

This addition can potentially mean anything that The WHO and/or CDC
deems a threat." The informed world has recently seen the fallibility of The


As Henry Makow and others have noted, only massive civil disobedience can
effectively oppose future coronavirus lockdowns. The problem with bringing
together enough opposition to resist the next lockdown is that most people
actually believe coronavirus is a deadly disease.

Repeated fake-pandemic news has convinced most Americans that they

must surrender their US Constitutional Rights of Life, Liberty, Property and
the Pursuit of Happiness.

In closing, please note that a traditional quarantine restricts the movements

of sick and diseased people. In contrast, the coronavirus lockdown is Un-
American and unconstitutional because it restricts the movement and
liberties of everyone, whether sick or 100% healthy.

Under the US Constitution, in order to restrict the movement of Americans,

the government must prosecute and convict you of a crime - only after a fair
trial (due process of law) as under the due process clause in 5th Amendment
vs. Federal Government and under 14th Amendment vs. State

We should be outraged, yet most Americans are too scared and confused to
even think. The media is already conditioning Americans to accept another
major LOCKDOWN with the sacrifice of all US Constitutional Rights with a
flood of daily news stories.

Comments for " (((Media))) Inflates Common Cold to Trash US Constitution "

JG said (May 8, 2020):

The enemy of the American and World Economy is the illegal and bogus unconstitutional decree of the no contact /six
foot distancing rule. Until this erroneous decree is rescinded the world will stay at the present virtual standstill level that
it is in. As long as the public tolerates that order they don't have a chance. It must go immediately!

The NWO Globalists Oligarchs who now control the Democratic Party, CDC, and the MSM are all in opposition to President
Trump, the Republican Party, and the people of America who are trying to defend and uphold the US Constitution. It's
now up to the American people to get their freedom and lives back.
These "unelected powers that be" will try to keep America and the world in this present state of anarchy until a vaccine
comes out that will be their undoing. You will have no idea what's on it or what it will do.

JG said (May 8, 2020):

The enemy of the American and World Economy is the illegal and bogus unconstitutional decree of the no contact /six
foot distancing rule. Until this erroneous decree is rescinded the world will stay at the present virtual standstill level that
it is in. As long as the public tolerates that order they don't have a chance. It must go immediately!

The NWO Globalists Oligarchs who now control the Democratic Party, CDC, and the MSM are all in opposition to President
Trump, the Republican Party, and the people of America who are trying to defend and uphold the US Constitution. It's
now up to the American people to get their freedom and lives back. 5/6
2020-05-09 (((Media))) Inflates Common Cold to Trash US Constitution -
These "unelected powers that be" will try to keep America and the world in this present state of anarchy until a vaccine
comes out that will be their undoing. You will have no idea what's on it or what it will do.

JG said (May 8, 2020):

The enemy of the American and World Economy is the illegal and bogus unconstitutional decree of the no contact /six
foot distancing rule. Until this erroneous decree is rescinded the world will stay at the present virtual standstill level that
it is in. As long as the public tolerates that order they don't have a chance. It must go immediately!

The NWO Globalists Oligarchs who now control the Democratic Party, CDC, and the MSM are all in opposition to President
Trump, the Republican Party, and the people of America who are trying to defend and uphold the US Constitution. It's
now up to the American people to get their freedom and lives back.

These "unelected powers that be" will try to keep America and the world in this present state of anarchy until a vaccine
comes out that will be their undoing. You will have no idea what's on it or what it will do.

Tony B said (May 8, 2020):


I have to keep insisting that IT IS NOT CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE to correct criminal, despotic, government force by FORCING

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes
your comments at ( from

Henry Makow © 2020 6/6

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