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WELDING COPPER AND COPPER ALLOYS Nepa Copper Development Association Welding Copper and Copper Alloys Published by AMERICAN WELDING SOCIETY $50 N. W. LeJeune Road, Miami, FL. 33126 ‘THE MATERIAL IN THIS BOOK HAS BEEN REPRINTED FROM VOLUME THREE (OF THE EIGHTH EDITION OF THE WELDING HANDBOOK Invenational Standaed Book Number: O-87171-505-8 American Welding Society 550. N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, FL 33126 (© 1997 by American Welding Society “Allright eserved. ‘THE WELDING HANDBOOK js a collective effort of many volunter technical specialise 0 provide norman ro ai with he de ad apaon of weg an aed pros Reasonable care i taken ia the complacion and publication ofthe Welding Handbook to ingre authenticity of the contents, However, no zepresentaton is made ay to the accuracy or felabliy of this information, and an independent, substantiating investigation should be ‘anderesken by any see. "The information coniined inthe Welding Handbook shall not be coastrued a6 a grant of ny right of ranufscur, sle use, oF prediction in conection with any method, proces, Apparatus, prodicr, comporion, or system, which is covered by patent, copyright ov tademark. ‘Ato i shall no be construed ass defense sans any Habit foe sac inengerent, Whether or ‘or ue of any information in the Handbook would result in an infingement of any patent ‘opyniht, or trademark e+ deviation 1 be rade By the ws Printed in the United States of America ‘WELDING HANDBOOK COMMITTEE B.A. Somers, Chairman PLL Temple 3 Vce Chairman RLM, Welkosak, 2nd Vice Chairman W.R Oates, Secretary Bd Bastion H.R. Castner 0.4. Corrigan 1.6 Faléstoin “JM. Gerken L@ Heckondorn S.0. Kiser 0: Papritan DV Rypien RP Schuster MJ. Tomsic CL Tsai Ligh University Dato Eon Westinghouse Eecvie Corporation Arica Welding Society Benmar Associates Eason Welding Instute Miler Eecic Company Foster Wheelr Energy Corporation Constant Itoh R&D, USA Inco Alloys itemational Oo State University ‘American Bureau of Shipping Harnischfegor Industries ne Plastic, Incorporated Obi Suse University COPPER AND COPPER ALLOYS leoduction Alors ong Process Slecton ‘Welding Carper Charman itso Welding sae cw Daas ‘inpco Metal, CE. Fasrenay Taeie Miho In DB Holidsy Wartinghone Marine Diowion BW Hobibee 1S Depron of he Ney D.Meiey Wisc Conragal Cain Anrbo Mta ie Capper Development Rese Casket Company Ie Tet Iie Met, KG. Wold a ee npn Soldering opiaions ‘Supplementary Rating Ut \Wetpwa HANDBOOK Couarrrer Rev Watkos tnpboae Here Corporation COPPER AND COPPER ALLOYS iNTRODUCTION COPPER AND MANY of its alloys have a face ‘enered cubic latice tae acount for is ood fort bling and males. In puse form, copper has @ density of 022 Inns [8.94 Min), abont thee nes thae of slaminam, Electrical and thermal conductivity ‘of copper is sighaly lower than sve, but about one nd onehalf times thar of aluminum. Copper and Sopp alloys See sed for thei level sm shecral ‘onductivigy corosion resieance, metal-metal Weat Fesntanee, and distinctive aesteic appearance The rt nl io conc ent ro i ih lacriclcondcvty, Coppers widely tsed fo elect fal conductors and for the manufacture of electrical guipmeat. Copper isthe electrical conductivity stan- ‘Gan of che engineering wold withthe rating of 100% ACS Tntenational Annealed Copper Standard). The ‘ests sonductiviey ofall materials are compared £9 fhe IACS standard, Some specially provewed copper fovms can reach 103% IACS. ‘Copper i esistan to oxidation, sh and sale wares, alkaline soltons and many organi chemicals. This ood corosion eesiszance makes copper alloys ideally ‘ited for water tubing vale, ings, beat exchang Crs, chemical equipment, and beatings” Copper react ‘oth sulfur and_ammonia compounds. Ammonium Fydronde solutions attack copper and copper alloys pil The pleasing colo, elaively good strength an good focmatiliy, make. copper and copper alloys highly favored for architectural applications such a decorative Furnishings and eoofing Copper and most copper alloys can be joined by welding, beings and soldering, These joining peo ster and applications are explained in this chaps This chapter nso describes the major clases of copper alloys ir meralargy and processing, and how alloy ig clements sec the [oinng characteristics. Various Sections ofthe chaptcr ae dented suit speci alloy froups: Readers interested in speci alloys may wish © Skip to those sections. ALLOYS. METALLURGY MANY COMMON METALS are alloyed with copper ‘mostly within helms of sold solucion solu. Tae ‘racial allying elements in copper alloys are alum ‘um, nickel sileon, tn, and ine. Small quaneses of ‘ter elements als are added to improve mechanical Proper, corrosion rstence, or mackinabiiy, to provide response ro strengthening hea treatments 0 Usoxiie te ale: CLASSIFICATION COPPER AND COPPER alloys ae classified into nine naj grove (1), Coppers 99.39% Ce minim 12) Hightcopper alloys —up to 5% alloying element (3). Coppersie alloys (bres) {3} Coppersin alloys (phosphor bronze) {5} Copperaluminam alloys aluminum bronze) (6) Coppersiicon alloys (icon braze) (7). Coppernickel alloys {8} Coppernickel2ing alloys (oickeL-sivers) (9). Specal alloys “These alloy ate further divided igo she wrought and cat alloy ctegores shown in Table 31. The United ‘Numieing Sytem (UNS) has a fve-tgt aumber.Cop- alloys Clix to Cre ae wroug lloy a Eeuan'to Coan are cs allos,Thetetore, am alloy manufactured in both a wrougit form and cas oem an have two numbers depending upon method of man facture. Copper and copper alors hare common same: such ar oxygen-rercoppes beryium copper, Munee meal, phosphor brome. and lw urang Brome. These common of wave names are being replaced with UNS numbers Pins properdes of copper alloys important 10 ven, brdting, nd sole nlude melon reper {ture range, coefient of thermal expansion, and ee ‘ral and thurmalcondaccs Phyl propre for Seine ofthe mort widely ed Soper alyssa ‘Table 32. "The able dara show that when alloying ele iments ae aed t copper cel snd thermal on dhctvity, decreases Gast The lea and theimal conduct ofan alloy wil signifcany atest the welding procedures used for the alloy. ‘Small addons of some element ern, sicon, tin, arsenic, andaasimony) improve the corrosion and rosin resistance of copper alloys. Lead selenium, and talurum are added (0 copper alloys to improve tmachinabiliy. Bismuth s begining to Fe ased for this re when ead ee alloys are died Pron, phosphorus acon, and thium are added 0 copper tidcoudve: during meking and tening Se and exdnian increase the softening temperate of Copper. Cadmium, cobalt ieonium, comin, and terylium additions to copper form pesiptaton hard= sing alloy tha increase the stent of copper ‘Many. commercial copper alloys are. sgl-phase sold solations, Some copper alloys have tvo.or more Iiceosrctural phases. These alloys an be hardened by precipitation of ‘ntermetaie compounds or by etching ftom above the ec tanslomation fom erate which routs te martensite traaslornaion. Salicoluton copper alloys are seerlly cay cold worked although he force to cold work andthe rat of ‘Work hardening increases with alloy content. Tivo ase alloy harden more rap daring cod work ort have Boner noc werkiog carseat do sold solutions of the same alloy sytem. Ducilcy ‘scree and yield strength ncresses the proportion ifthe second phase inctases a ‘MAJOR ALLOYING ELEMENTS ‘lux “THE COPPER-ALUMINUM ALLOYS may contin op 15 percent aluminum as well a5 additions of om, Aiken and manganese, The solubility of slaminary fn copper i 78 peccent although this i slightly increased with the usval sition of ron. Allys with lees han 8 percent aluminum are single pase, ich or ‘without itom additions. When the aluminam between 3 and 15 perent the sytem is two-phase and capable of ether martensite oe cutetod type of transfor. ‘ation. Increasing amounts of aluminum increase tn Sie stenge, increase yeld strength and hardness, and ‘Seeree elongation of the alloy. Alomians force 4 felacrory oxide thar muse be cemoved during welding, bring, or soldering Arsen ARSENIC IS ADDED to copper alloys to inibie de- Sincieation corosion of coppers alloys i watez ‘Asenic addons ro copper alloys do nox cause welding Problems unl the alley also contains nickel Arsenic Fy dewimental tothe welding of copper alloys that con fain che, jeryllium ‘THE SOLUBILITY OF benim in copper i appron seaey 2 percent at 600% (871°C) ail only 8 per ‘enna rom rmperatie. Therefor bra es {Sms e eopesnteted seleton wih copper tha wil presptte nan age hardening teste esas the foal condacvty and. meting poe decrease ith Inceaing berm content, he higher erliam com tea alloys are more esl weld eel for 2 tela ool te ee a eamorelar welne Bearings soldesing Boron BORON STRENGTHENS AND deoxidizes copper Boron deoxdized copper i weldable with matching filler metals, and other coppers are weldable with boron containing filer metals Op man contin as npr Ps a a ic oa eugene = Be = ane ie eae er eee ee abo aoe oe oe een oo ‘sake Boe es serge —_ en opera ener eat) Copper inne and ee a =, cera Eee | SENS = ere =r iota tice iene — el enccae eat eames «. eam an prepress Hank utah Ct Cap on Cpr Ay Pats Nw Cae Daloert asco 1 Cadmium ‘THE SOLUBILITY OF cadmium in copper i approx ‘rately 0.5 pect st oom temperate. The presence ‘of cad n copper upto 128 percent causes no se ‘us fie in Ron welding Beaune evaporates fom coppes eather easy the welding temperature AXsnall’ount of cadhiue. oxide may form inthe tlten mel fut am be Boned ortho ely. Cedintam copper rod is Resistance Welding Mancha: {ute Ausocaton Clas alloy. The small amount of ‘Stine srngtene pre copper while mating 8 ‘ery high conductii. This combination of properties Tales ihe mace ideal for elaswodes "wed Yor resistance welding high-conductvity alloys suchas minum, Cadmiumsalloyed copper has been Taegely feplaced by an overaped chromium- a stow sti apiog Sy 5 ff & Cou tari “ata 102 2 6 u sian tarists ronoe 30 a @ ¥ fs rio Soe 100 a 8 i iganese ge Cooma) “ree 118 a 8 a Copper e Croom amano ie Ne 2 fe . Coppernctel a Crew age Noe 30 c BR @ Wieorshare 18 cram ism ria 30 eB . beryl, chromium can form a refractory oxide on Manganese the moken weld pool that makes oxyfel gas welding ‘tbeale unless special faces ate uaed. Are welding Should be done using a protective atmosphere over the molten weld pod tron “THE SOLUBILITY OF iron in coppers approximately 3 percent at 1900 F (1038 °C) and less than 01 pee fen at room temperature, Ir i added 0 alurinurs bronze, manganese bronze, and coppernckal alloys 10 increase ther steng by slid solution and precipita tion hardening Irom increaes the erosion and eorasion resistance of eopper-ickel alos. on must be kep in Solid solution or in the form of an intermetale t0 ‘brain the deste corosion resistance benef, patch larly in copperticel alloys. Ion also acts asa grain ‘refiner. ron has lite elfecr on welabilny when sed ‘within the alloy specication limi. Lead LEAD IS ADDED to copper alloys ro improve machi shity or Bering proper a the pene nines ‘face cat coppe shops Lead dot not form sid Solem with copper andi lmon comply insole {0.0 percent) i sopper at room terperatue, Lead Droertts pure, dace partes and ail gud at EXSF (327°C). Leaded’ copper alloys are otshort nd sucepblef tacking during fusion welding Lead {nthe mom haem element with resp to the wel bit of copper alloys MANGANESE IS HIGHLY soluble in coppen It used in proportions of 1:05 to 3.0 percent in manganese Bronze, deoxidzed copper and coppers alloys Manganese addons ae nor detrimental tothe eld ability of copper allo. Manganese improves the hot ‘working characerities of multiphase copper alloys COPPER AND NICKEL are completely sli soluble in All proportions. Alhough cappernickel alloys ace ead welded, residual elements ay lad to embeile ‘ment and hor cracking, There most be sficen deo ‘Ter or desulfuizer inthe welding ier metal used for {ppper nickel ro provide a residual amount inthe sold ‘hel weld metal. Manganese s most often sed for this purpose Phosphorus PHOSPHORUS 1S USED as a strengehener and deo dizer in cerain coppers and copper loys. Phosphorus 's soluble in copper up to 1.7 percent at the eutectic temperature of 1200" (649 °C), and appeoximately (4 perent at room temperature, "When aed t0 cop. persine alloys phosphors inhibi desncieaton {The amount of phosphors that i usually presen in copper alloys hat no elec on weldabiy Silicon ‘THE SOLUBILITY OF silicon in copper is 5.3 percent ac 1500 7F (816°C) and 3.8 percent strom temper fre, Sion used bok af deocdber and an [iSyig cmene to improve scent, malay and {ihcuiy, Coppers alloys have good welbiiy, ‘hua horshore at clevated fempersuren. In welding the cooling sate through ths ortho temperature ‘Bige shoul be fst o preven racking Slicon onde forme on coppersicos alloys at ce: peatics se lw as 400 °F (204°C). This oxide wl [Revere with brazing andsldesing operations unless 4 ‘ultabl dx sapped prior wo heating Tin ‘THE SOLUBILITY OF tin in copper increases rapidly wth temperate. At 450° (P88°C) the slab ‘of tins 135 percent; at room remperatte, is probe Biy Tess than percent, Alloys ontining less than 2 percent in ma be single-phase when cooked api ‘Goppersin alloys tend to be hoeshore and fo cack uring fasion welding, Tn oxides when exposed 0 the atmosphere, and: this oxide may reduce, wad Scength if raped within he weld et Zine ZINC THE most impowant along dement we ommecialy with coppe. Zins soluble in copper up to 32.8 percent at 1900 °F 927°C) and 37 percent at oon temperntre. A character of all coppersine llos the relative eae that vine wil volte from the molten metal with very slight superbe. Zine isso. residual element in alaminam bronze sand coppermickel and may cause port oe cracking, ‘rbot MINOR ALLOYING ELEMENTS: CALCIUM, MAGNESIUM, LITHIUM, sodium, or ‘sombinations of these elements are added copper alloys as deoxidizers. Ver litle of these oxidizing el- ‘ents Femain in copper alloys and are seldom a factor inwelding. Antimony, arsenic, phosphorus, bismuth, selenium, sulfur and tlleriam may cause oe exacking when slloyed in single;phase aluminum bronze ad in copper ‘ice allos. The small amounts of antimony add to rates have litle infucce on their weld. Carboni racially insoluble in copper alloys unless large amounts of oa, manganese, oF other strong ‘athe formers ate present. Carhon embsitles copper Sllos by prectpiatng inthe gran boundaries as raph iter a am invermetalic carbide EFFECTS OF ALLOYING ELEMENTS ON JOINING ‘THE HIGH ELECTRICAL nd hemor of Cope tesa gone slys braked ison we. he fap cored tobe ntl ed may promote neoce e twcinns"Fchsing of copper ssl ace seling teat ipa tect nen fr pad on pe Aly ae fen arb mechan col weg nd ny appleron oh fd ole ‘Rn Min hence soe (HAZ) fhe le Sn wil eager an mehr he dae oat" HA wc bt cc arly ol ‘ork ml opamp ‘Stson sn hat sma reba an erp om osrrconcol can epshe fesing fhe Az Frrptcon hr a copper alos oad wes Copper aye i em chum, toro n aiiany ssetinAlas wi e ‘Rie ten peepaeon Mane nina els imprints precion hard shut wen he aed condom, [Ste yh recon harry hex emer Mel, Gang lng pepo hard ‘Mop Ny tala reluctance pope "Congr ly th wie ian oo sure ngs sch 8 coppers and coppee tie ate tate for cet Be telig ie Sehgal ewer tempos tan th bl cre ngs arn ny re er Sac epratndr ct Hoag ‘Seman ye lowing (0), Reducing resteane daring welding (2) Minimizing beat input and interpass temperature 13) Reducing the size of the soot opening. and increasing the eof ee rot pass Cerin elemens such as snc, cadmium, and phos- phorus have low boiling pints. Vaporization of these Elements during welding may rest in porosity. Poros: fry can be minimized by increasing tavel speed and ‘sing filer metal having low perentags of those Val Sle deen Surface oxides on luminam bronze, beryl cop pe, chromium copper, and sion bronze ae dilfialeto Femove ad ean present problems when sling, brs ing, or soldering” Surfaces to be joined must be clean, sd special fing or shielding methods mut be used fo prevent sulace oxides fom velorming dusing the ioining operation. COPPER AND HIGH-COPPER ALLOYS Oxygen-Free Copper OXYGEN-FREE COPPERS (UNS Nos. C10100 «0 (10800) contain a masimmum of 10 ppm oxyzenand'2 Ini of 0.01 percent tral of oxer elements. Oxy aemfree copper in produced by mking and casting Shera reducing atnogphere hat prevents oxygen con tamination, No deondzing agents roduc in ro Aion of ths typeof copper but oxyaen cam be absorbed from the aemosphere during heating 3 high temperature. Absorbed oxygen can cause problems Sing subsequent welding or braing ofthe copper ‘Oxsgenfree copper hat mechanial properties si lar vo those of enygen-beating copper, but the miro structure is more uniform. Oxygenfee copper has txclleat dvclty and is readily joined by welding, Sasing and soldering, Siver may be added to oxygen free copper to inteae the elevated temperature strength without changing the electrical condutvin. “The sddion of sver prevents apprecable softening of 1815-5, 1368, Dawson, R. J. G"Welding of copper and copper base ‘lloys” Bulletin 287. New Yorks Welding Research Counc, Sepaember 1983, Dimbylow, CS, and Dawson, R. J.C, “Assessing the ‘weldabilty of copper alloys” Welding and) Metal Fabrication 46(9) 461-71, 1978. Fishes. Met al, “The sructusl inepriy of copper nickel ro se! shielded metal are weldments” Weld ng Journal 6213]: 3743, 1983. Gusirres, 5H. 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