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NRC 12568


ID 000046361

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Hello, my name is Joan Almeida, I was born in Cucuta, I am 31 years old, I study
psychology in uniminuto. I am a passionate writer; it is one of my favorite hobbies.
Physically I am a little fat, my hair is black, I am not very tall, I mean that I am not
short either ... I am rather normal, I don't do much exercise and I really like fast
food. Every morning I wake up at 7 o’clock to take a shower of approximately 10
minutes, I brush my teeth and I wash my face with astringent liquid to prevent skin
damage, then I apply sunscreen and in this quarantine time, I dress on something
I'm comfortable and I go out to the living room to work on the computer more or
less until 11 in the morning. I drink many cups of coffee in the day, sometimes
about 7 or 8 large, yesterday I only drank 4 cups. I also have a bad habit of
smoking. I tried to quit months ago, but some days I prefer to smoke a cigar like a
week ago when I felt very anxious and I lit a cigar to smoke it slowly. Every day
between work, I take some time to clean the house at least 3 times a week, in
general and 2 times a month a deeper cleaning of areas such as the kitchen. I
adopted a kitten 3 weeks ago, he is my friend and companion in this quarantine,
his name is Bruno and he is 2 months old, his mom was a stray cat and he was
rescued from his litter. I feel very good playing with Bruno, and educating him, so
that he knows how to use his litter box, he only feeds on wet cat food and he
knows that he is not allowed to enter my room, he is a very intelligent and
affectionate feline, although for being puppy is restless and curious, sometimes
very annoying. but well, he is my son and I must love him very much because I
promised to take care of him. It is my responsibility. My eating routine is even more
reprehensible, because I start the day with green juices, but during the day I drink
soda and other drinks with sugar. I try to eat healthier food but my weakness is
hamburgers. lack of time and work stress help justify my fitness disobedience.

the weekends are somewhat different, I have a psychology class at 6 o'clock and
at 5 pm English class, I work online between 9 and 12 and then again from 14 to
16, again I take a quick shower and the class of English ends at 19 ... I like to
watch a good action or horror movie to spend Saturday night and sometimes some
shots of tequila ufff, it is a pleasure of life.

 On Sundays I get up later than usual, and I try not to have anything scheduled to
take advantage of as much time as possible in bed ... play a video game, or
continue watching movies or series. On Sundays I usually buy food prepared so
that they will understand that I eat hamburgers every Sunday and every time I can;
NRC 12568


ID 000046361

I'm an addicted pylon like the character of popeye. I hope that my routine is not as
boring as it seems, although I know that right now I forget many more interesting
things that I do during the day.

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