I. Objectives: CAUSE - AND - EFFECT - (MOJI - FERLI) (1) - WMV V9.wmv

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Demonstrates understanding of various linguistic nodes to comprehend various texts
A. Content Standards Demonstrates understanding of non- verbal elements in orally communicating information
Orally communicates information, opinions, and ideas effectively to audience for variety of
B. Performance purposes
Standards Use linguistic cues to effectively construct meaning from variety of texts for variety of purposes
C. Learning
Competencies Distinguish text-types according to purpose and language features –Cause and Effect
II. Content Distinguishing text-types according to purpose and language features –Cause and Effect

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guides/ pages Curriculum Guide in English 6
3.Textbook/ pages
5.Other Learning Resources https:study.com˃academy˃
examples.yourdictionary.com. cause and effect
(Reflective Approach)
Drill: Flashcards drill
Direction: PICTURE QUIZ: Identify the picture and distinguish whether it is a cause or an effect.

(previous lesson related to
the new lesson)

What do you think are the reasons why these phenomenon happened?
What will you do to avoid this phenomenon so that it will not happened again?
 These pictures are related to our lesson, now, What do you want to know based from
the pictures?

Present a video
B. Establishing the purpose of https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jl-TW9vnNEE
the lesson:
1. Introduction (Cite the
Objectives of the lesson)
2. Motivation What does the video clip tell?
Based from the video, what do you want to know about our lesson?

C. Modelling/Presenting (Collaborative and Integrative Approach)

examples/instances of the Guide questions:
lesson 1.Based on the video, when air pollution occurs?
2.What causes air pollution?
3.What was the effect of massive air pollution to human? to the plants? to the animals? to our
4. What will our lives be with if we can eradicate air pollution?
5. What could be steps or way to stop air pollution?
6. Is it important to take care our environment? Why do you think so?
7. If you were the DENR secretary, how would you resolve this problem?
Causes Effects

Industrial waste Death of aquatic animals

Domestic wInIastes
waste Diseases

Spills from oil Disruption of food

Water chains
Abandoned mines

Dumping of waste Destruction of

Untreated raw sewage

1. What causes contamination of water bodies?
2. What was the effect of industrial waste? massive oil spill? Dumping of waste?
3. What do you think will happen if these problems will not be eradicated?
4. Who are affected of these problems?
5. As a young environmentalist, how can help our government to minimize or eradicate
these problems?
A Cause is the reason why something happens.
Ask yourself:
 What happened first?
 Why did his happen?
An Effect is the result or what actually happens.
To find the effect, you need to ask yourself:
 What happened second?
 What was the result?
1. The boy was grounded because he cheated on a test.
 What happened first? ( the cause)
 What happened second? ( the effect)
 What is the word that used to show the cause and effect?
 What do you call that word?
Connecting words such us because and so can be used to show cause and effect relationships.
1. Since Donn did not study, his grades were not good.
2. There are 22 died during the landslide in Naga, Cebu City due to heavy rains.
3. Apple closed the window because the weather outside was cold.
4. A tornado blew the roof off the house, and as a result, the family had to find another place
to live.
5. Because the alarm was not set, Milca were late for work.
What is the cause in sentence no. 1? What is the effect? What is the connector to show the
cause and effect relationship?
In sentence no. 2?
D. Guided Practice (Collaborative Approach)
Group Activity:
Group the class into 3 groups.
Set the standards in group activity.
Present the rubrics for group activity.
Below are performance tasks. Choose one which you can definitely do.
In a _________, distinguish text-types according to purpose and language features –cause
and effect.
graphic organize learning logs news report

After, each will look for classmates who choose the same task and form a group.
Group Activity:
Group 1 – Research Presentation.
( The teacher give group of learners a graphic organizer for them to organize their ideas on
the cause and effect of Global Warming) (HOTS)
There are many causes of the global warming which affects human lives and health in many
aspects. The main cause of global warming is the human beings careless activities. Ever
increasing human population are demanding more resources to live easy and healthy life such
as land to live and crop cultivation, technological growth for comfort and deal with increasing
temperature of atmosphere, etc. Fossil fuels burning for many reasons are highly responsible
to increase global warming.
People are realizing well the increase in environmental warmth however never mind their
activities which are stimulating the global warming to increase. Continuously they are wasting
natural resources and polluting the air, water and soil.
Increasing inventions of the technologies such as refrigerator, AC, car/automobiles, electric
machines, oven, microwave, washing machine, etc because of the increasing need of human
beings for technologies in order to make their life, easy and luxurious. All such resources
ultimately contribute to the global warming. Burning fossil fuels in the automobiles emits
various greenhouse gases which get collected in the atmosphere and force it to heat.
Increasing need of land by human being results deforestation which contributes to increase in
CO2 and decrease in oxygen. It affects the human health, life style, calls diseases, calls natural
disasters like hurricanes, heat waves, drought, climate change and so many.
Group 2 - Create a local news report integrating the cause and effect of heavy traffic in
Commonwealth Avenue Quezon City ( HOTS)
Group 3 – Write your learning logs about the lessons. (HOTS)

( Reflective Approach)
Game: Interactive Floor Game ( Cause and effect) ( 5 minutes)
Read the mechanics of the game.
Direction: Distinguish whether it is the cause or the effect.
1. Ara’s dress was wrinkled. ( cause)
E. Independent Practice
2. James did not listening. (cause)
3. My sunflower grew quickly. (effect )
4. Maria Apple got a great grade. (effect)
5. Ma’am Mildred was happy ! (effect)

( Reflective Approach and Collaborative Approach)

Game : Match and Win
1.President Ferdinand Marcos declared Martial law because the treats of terrorism.
F. Application 2. Vice Mayor Joy Belmonte gave Christmas gifts to his constituent.
3.There are 22 died during the landslide in Naga, Cebu City due to heavy rains.
4. Apple closed the window because the weather outside was cold.
5. James failed to pass the test because he did not study his lesson.
(Reflective Approach)
( The learners consolidated their learning ideas about the lesson cause and effect)

Cause is the reason why something happens.

G. Generalization Effect is the result or what actually happens.

Connecting words such us because, for this reason, that is why, so, therefore,
for and since can be used to show cause and effect relationships.
(Reflective Approach) ( 5 minutes)
Direction: Distinguish the cause and effect in the following sentences.
1.We don’t have classes on Monday because the typhoon is coming.
2. Josephine was tired Friday night so she went to bed early.
3. Allia’s flowers died because she forgot to water them.
H. Post Assessment
4. Kuya Joel ate three hotdogs for lunch because he was very hungry.
5.We ran out of milk so we had to drink water for dinner.

Direction: Make a research on the causes and effect of “Drug Addiction” in your locality.
I. Enrichment Activities/ Present it using power point presentation.
Additional activities for
application or remediation or

Prepared by:


Teacher II

Observed by:


Master Teacher II

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