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The Discovery

Conscious awareness is of no importance. It doesn't matter what the mind is

focusing on. But there is also the inherent awareness, which is what is
experiencing your experience, and that's the only important one. That's the only
one that matters anyway.

The mind jitters around and it's focusing on this and focusing on that, and so on
and so forth, but meanwhile, the inherent awareness is always right here, always
experiencing experience. All of it. You never lose your inherent awareness and
when you see that you never lose it, then you can forget about it. Because then
whatever you call up in your mind, doing all the subsystems — whatever — all
of that is occurring here, in this, which is always full on, always right here, and is
what you are.

This becomes apparent through yoga — that it doesn't come and go, that it is
inalienable, and that you are it — is what you discover through yoga. And once
you've discovered that, you don't need to remember it, because you've
discovered that you don't need to remember it. That's of the essence of the
discovery, as opposed to something that you need to hang on to, like: "Oh, no,
I'm forgetting it, I'm forgetting it, I have to remember it, let me get back to it.”

-Peter Brown, zoom session, January 21, 2020

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