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I. OBJECTIVES: at the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

a. identify the properties of equality;

b. state the properties of equality;
c. apply the properties of equality; and
d. find the solution of the linear equations in one variable by algebraic methods using the
properties of equality.

II. SUBJECT MATTER: Properties of equality

Reference: Mathematics 7 teaching guide pp. 9-11
Elementary Algebra, Julieta G. Bernabe, Pp. 123-125
Values integration: Cooperation
Strategies: Collaborative learning approach, Inquiry
approach and Questioning


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
Requesting everyone to please stand for a prayer.
2. Greetings
Goodmorning class? Good morning ma’am.
3. Checking of attendance
Who are not around?
4. Setting of class standard
Class, if the teacher is talking in front what will you Pay attention and listen ma’am.
Very good, can I expect all of that from you? Yes ma’am!
5. Review
Before moving on to our next topic, let’s have first a
review about our previous lesson.
Tell whether the given mathematical sentence is
an equation or an inequality.
1. x – 3 < 5 Inequality
2. 1 2 – x Inequality
3. X + 5 = 2x Equation
Any questions about our previous lesson?

B. Developmental activities
1. Motivation
Today we will have a game, But before that I will
group you first into 4. I have here scrambled words.
All you have to do is to rearrange them to form
words. For those groups who finish first will be
declared as winner. Am I understood? Yes, ma’am.

The winner is group _____.

Let’s give them Dionesia clap.
2. Presentation of the lesson
This morning we are going to discuss
about Properties of equality.

These are the objectives for today.

Everybody read!
(Reading of objectives)
a. identify the properties of equality;
b. state the properties of equality;
b. apply the properties of equality; and
c. find the solution of the linear
equations in one variable by algebraic
3. Lesson proper methods using the properties of
We now discuss the properties of equality that are equality
important in solving linear equations.

These are the properties of equality:

A. Reflexive Property of Equality
For each real number a, a = a.
3=3 –b = –b x+2=x+2
B. Symmetric Property of Equality
For any real numbers a and b, if a = b then b = a.
If 2 + 3 = 5, then 5 = 2 + 3.
If x – 5 = 2, then 2 = x – 5.
C. Transitive Property of Equality
For any real numbers a, b, and c,
If a = b and b = c, then a = c
If 2 + 3 = 5 and 5 = 1 + 4, then 2 + 3 = 1 + 4.
If x – 1 = y and y = 3, then x – 1 = 3.
D. Substitution Property of Equality
For any real numbers a and b: If a = b, then a may be
replaced by b, or b may be replaced by a, in any
mathematical sentence without changing its meaning.
If x + y = 5 and x = 3, then 3 + y = 5.
If 6 – b = 2 and b = 4, then 6 – 4 = 2.
E. Addition Property of Equality (APE)
For all real numbers a, b, and c,
a = b if and only if a + c = b + c.
If we add the same number to both sides of the equal
sign, then the two sides remain equal.
10 + 3 = 13 is true if and only if 10 + 3 + 248 = 13+ 248
is also true (because the same number, 248, was
added to both sides of the equation).
F. Multiplication Property of Equality(MPE)
For all real numbers a, b, and c, where c ≠ 0,
a = b if and only if ac = bc.
If we multiply the same number to both sides of the
equal sign, then the two sides remain equal.
3 · 5 = 15 is true if and only if (3 · 5) · 2 = 15 · 2 is
also true(because the same number, 2, was multiplied
to both sides of the equation).
Base from the given properties of equality, Who can
identify the property shown in each sentence.
The teacher will provide a flashcard.
1. If 3 · 4 = 12 and 12 = 2 · 6. then 3 · 4 = 2 · 6 Transitive property
2. 12 = 12 Reflexive property
3. If a + 2 = 8, then a + 2 + (–2) = 8 + (–2). Addition property
4. If 1 + 5 = 6, then 6 = 1 + 5. Symmetric property
5. If 3x = 10, then 1/3 (3x) = 1/3 (10) Multiplication property

Very good!
Now, let’s try finding solutions to equations in one
variable using the properties of equality.

Solving an equation means finding the values of the

unknown (such as x) so that the equation becomes
true. Although you may solve equations using Guess
and Check, a more systematic way is to use the
properties of equality.

Do you want to know how to solve an equation using

Yes, ma’am.
the properties of equality?
Look at these examples:
Did you get the solution right away by just guessing
and checking?
Don’t worry because today we will learn how to solve
linear equation using the properties of equality.

Example 1: Solve x – 4 = 8.
X = 12
What properties of equality did we use? Addition property of equality
Very good!
Did you know that a checking the solution is a good
routine after solving equations?

Do you want to know how to check? Yes, ma’am.

To check the solution, we need to use the

Substitution Property of Equality. This is a good
practice for you to check mentally.
Let’s try: Since we already have the value of x which is
12. We need to substitute x + 12 from x – 4 = 8.
Can ou do it? Yes, ma’am.
Who wants to check?
x = 12
12 – 4 = 8
Can you explain your answer to your classmates? (The student will explain his/her
Very good! let’s give her/him a Rain clap! answer)
Since 8 = 8 is true, then the x = 12 is a correct solution
to the equation.
Example 2. Solve x + 3 = 5.
Who wants to answer on the board? x+3=5
x + 3 + (–3) = 5 + (–3)

Can you explain your answer to your classmates? (The student will explain his/her
Is she answer is correct?
Let us check his/her answer.
x + 3 + (–3) = 5 + (–3)
Since 5 = 5 is true, then the x = 2 is a correct solution
to the equation.

What properties of equality did he/she use? Addition Property of Equality he/she
added –3 to both sides.
Very good! Now let’s have a boardwork. (The teacher
will call students to answer on the board and explain
their answers) A. x – 5 = 8
A. x – 5 = 8 X–5+5=8+5
B. x – 12 = -8 X + 0 =13
C. x – 3.1 = 5.7 X = 13
A. x – 5 = 8
13 – 5 = 8

B. x – 12 = -8
X – 12 + 12 = -8 + 12
x – 12 = -8
4 – 12 = -8
-8 = -8

C. x – 3.1 = 5.7
X – 3.1 + 3.1 = 5.7 + 3.1
X + 0 = 8.8
X = 8.8
x – 3.1 = 5.7
X – 3.1 = 5.7
8.8 = 3.1 = 5.7
8.8 = 8.8
(The teacher will praise them and add points from
their performance task)
Any questions/clarifications about our lesson?

4. Application
Fill-in the blanks with correct expressions indicated by
the property to be used.
1. If 2 + 5 = 7, then 7 = ____ (Symmetric Property)
Answer: 5 + 2
2. (80 + 4) · 2 = 84 · ____ (Multiplication Property)
Answer: 2
3. 11 + 8 = 19 and 19 = 10 + 9, then 11 + 8 = _____
(Transitive Property)
Answer: 19
4. (3 + 10) + (–9) = 13 + ____ (Addition Property)
Answer: –9
5. 3 = ____ (Reflexive Property)
Answer: 3

5. Generalization
How important is the use of properties of Equality in
solving the equation?
The solution is more easy and
Very nice answer! systematic.
What are the properties of Equality?

Reflexive, Symmetric, Transitive,

Substitutionty, Addition, and
Multiplication Property of Equality(MPE)


½ Crosswise. Solve for x using the Properties of equality. Show your solution.

1. x + 5 = -3
2. x + 20 = 11
3. x + 8 = -5
4. x + 12 = 4
5. x + 32 = 55
6. x + 43 = -6
7. x + 63 = -29
8. x + 37 = 62
9. x + ¾ = 1/3
10. x + 3.7 = 2.2
11. x + 201 =317
12. x + 9.4 = 2.18
13. x + 54 = 81
14. X + 3.26 = 1.87
15. x + 0.88 = 0.27

In your notebook. Provide more examples that you can apply the properties of equality.
1 example of each property.

Prepared By:
Mathematics teacher

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