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Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

Collector’s Edition

Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

Collector’s Edition
Copyright © 2008.

All information is obtained from sources that the management

considers reliable, and is disseminated to readers without any
responsibility on our part. Any opinions or views on any contemporary
or past topics, issues or developments expressed by third parties are not
necessarily shared by us. Copyright exclusively with CHANDAMAMA
INDIA LTD. All rights reserved throughout the world. Reproduction
of any material of this magazine in whole, or in part(s), in any manner,
without prior permission, is totally prohibited.

Editor: B. Viswanatha Reddi

Project Editor: Meera S.

Design: Synapse Communications, Goa

Typesetting: Trendsette Publication, Chennai
Printed at: Chennai Micro Print (P) Ltd, Chennai

Published by:
Chandamama India Ltd.,
(a part of the Geodesic group)
JVL Plaza, Block-A, 6th Floor,
No. 626, Anna Salai,
Chennai - 600018

Chandamama ISBN : 978-81-906517-0-7

Foreword IV

The Story So Far xii

Vikram-Vetala Stories i

Adventures and Explorations 43

Showcasing the
Best of Chandamama
in the last 60 years ... The Saga of Sri Jagannath 75
This Collection features some of
the most memorable stories to Witty Tales 89
have featured within the pages
of Chandamama.
Moral Stories 129

History in Pictures 165

Art Gallery 171


henever I recollect the beginnings of Chandamama, I Viswanatha Reddi

feel I am reading a fairy tale, as colourful as its content is. ‘ Editor/Publisher
It was early 1947. I suppose the young idealist that my father,
Shri B. Nagi Reddi, was he could muster enough courage to
translate his long-cherished dream into action. It was his friend Shri Chakrapani’s vision,
coupled with his own mission, to give a creative turn to their concern for the growing
generation of free, independent India that led them to plan a
magazine for children.
Chandamama was really an adventure to reckon with. The very concept of Chandamama was

unique in that it was designed to be a magazine carrying short stories that reflect the spirit
of India. These stories would aim to inspire the children to enjoy in the right way. Perhaps
the two young volunteers of the freedom movement could feel the agony and pain of Mother
India’s heart and soul, for her children having been deprived of the essential touch and feel of
our heritage and culture. They were inspired to take upon themselves the noble endeavour of
taking India’s hoary past closer to children through the medium of pleasant narratives.
With a printing press at his disposal and a friend, a multi-linguist and a talented writer who
could wield the pen with power and ease, Shri Reddi was already publishing a socio-political
periodical, Andhra Jyothi, in Telugu. The two now decided to branch off into publishing for
children, launching an illustrated magazine characterised by stories.
The printing press had only the bare minimum machinery and infrastructure. The first is¬
The Founders: Shri Chakrapani’s vision coupled with Shri B. Nagi Reddi’s
sue, mostly with two colour illustrations on 64 pages and priced 6 annas (37 paise) came out in
mission to do something for the growing generation of independent India
June 1947. It was printed by letterpress with copper blocks for four colours and zinc blocks for
led them to start a magazine for children.
two colours. The initial print run was 6,000 copies, mostly dispatched to towns that had post
offices, as specimen copies to identify prospective distributors among dynamic, enterprising gj

CHAN DAM AMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

youngsters who could promote it. I the cover pages. Their artworks have even today
remember some of the senior members of retained the brilliance of the colours they used.
Father’s staff recalling the struggle he went
through in building up a network and distrib¬
uting the magazine far and wide. The warm
response he received from educationists and
others who mattered from all over the coun¬
try no doubt gave him a morale boost.
It is my firm conviction that any project
with a noble cause will prove blessed. Per¬
haps that was the faith that helped my father
and Shri Chakrapani to build up a team of
committed writers and illustrators to supple¬
ment and complement each other’s efforts to
make Chandamama a vibrant voice of India’s
Shri Chakrapani was the Controlling Starting with two largely spoken
Editor of Chandamama. He was ably assisted by languages in 1947 in the then Madras
writers like Raja Rao, Mudda Viswanatham, Presidency -Telugu and Tamil -
Bhairagi, Dasari Subrahmanyam, and Chandamama went on adding six languages
K. Kutumba Rao. Their main task was to retell in the next four years. Being a writer of
stories from Indian mythology and the folklore repute in Telugu, Shri Chakrapani took the
prevailing in different regions of the country. liberty of using the simple spoken style in
Right from the early days, the illustrations that language for the first time, to make the
that accompanied the stories added a new narration child-friendly. That attracted even
The initial print run was 6,000 copies, mostly dimension to the magazine’s character. the not-so-literates among the elders.
dispatched to towns that had post offices, as They came from the brush of T. Veera Thus Chandamama brought about a
specimen copies to identify prospective distrv Raghavan who signed as Chitra, M. Gokhale, revolution in the use of language which,
hutors among dynamic, enterprising youngsters Kesava Rao, K.C. Sivasankaran (Sankar). in turn, earned for it wider popularity.
who could promote the magazine. Vaddadi Papaiah (Vapa) and MTV Acharya The same trend was followed in other
were past masters in drawing illustrations for languages also.
It took about six years for the publication that I read when I was a student of the
to break even and earn a minimum margin, Ramakrishna Mission High School.
but its makers were in no hurry, because The story was in our Hindi Reader. I
Chandamama for them was an exercise in was nervous and shy when I walked into
their patriotic zeal and they were eager to the Editorial Department. I met Shri
reach out to children in more and more Mudda Viswanatham, popularly known as
languages. Thathayya.
It was also their noble desire to reinvest I gave the story to him. He read it
whatever could be called profit to improve then and there and gave me a nod, and I
the quality, and untiringly they persisted in guessed that the story would then go to Shri
their mission, and to meet their missionary Chakrapani for his approval. It took a couple
zeal, they went on expanding. Their of days for me to learn that my story had
ultimate goal was to bring out Chandamama been accepted for publication. That was the
in all the major spoken languages of India, beginning of my adventure as a writer. I must
to achieve national integration through a confess that my first story was published
common forum. after thorough editing and re-writing.
I was told that Shri Nagi Reddi would At that point of time - the year was 1956
personally supervise the printing of colour - I could never imagine that I would be
formes to make sure that their registration heading this splendid institution in the next
was perfect. In those days, colour formes ten years. 1 must gratefully acknowledge the
were being printed in single colour encouragement given to me by Shri Mudda
machines, with tri-colour blocks. It was Viswanatham and others in the Editorial
no mean achievement to print colour on team.
newsprint, that too through no better After nurturing the magazine for 11
equipment than the good old letterpress. years, and giving it a unique character, the
I vividly remember my first encounter founders thought of a change of guard with
with the editorial staff of Chandamama. the younger generation playing a greater role.
1 had just entered my teens when I felt a The publishing responsibility was transferred
Shri Nagi Reddi and Shri Chakrapani with their
strange urge to write a story. It was not to Shri B.Venugopala Reddi in 1958. During
team in 1952.
something original, the plot was based his seven-year tenure, he was responsible for
on a legend about Akbar and Shahjahan consolidating the growth and contemplating gj
faced acute paper shortage. Publishers could where do 1 go for the balance? Soon after I
not get timely shipments. At one stage, came back from Bhadravathi, I had a very
Chandamama did not have enough paper casual meeting with a common friend at a
to print the different editions for the next family get-together. I was narrating my expe¬
few months. Manufacturers in Canada, riences and among my listeners was a fellow
who were regularly supplying paper, sent publisher who expressed his sympathies for
no shipments. I was in a dilemma. For the me. I did not then know that he was a
first time, we had to look for Indian paper. godsend guest. The next day I received from
A dear friend introduced me to someone him enough paper to tide over the crisis. For
associated with the Bhadravathi Paper Mills. me it was nothing short of a miracle.
I had no option other than driving down to There came a moment in my career of
Bhadravathi along with him to try and find 40 years when we were forced to suspend
some paper to avoid delay or a break in the the publication of Chandamama, in 1998.
magazine’s publication. I could secure some Unfortunately that was also the time when
quantity of paper, but the question was, my father took to bed. Having given a word

First Children's
, '' L 1 , ’ Magazine with all
The First Issue: pages in 4 colour
Priced at 6 annas, the
A cover to cover colour
first issue was a 2-colour New Face in the Team: New Editor takes over English Edition is revived edition was created to
magazine with a print run English Edition is Mr. B. Venugopala Reddi Mr. B. Viswanatha Reddi, the current The English edition suspended in 1957, mark the 30th year of
of 6,000 launched takes over as the Publisher. Publisher/Editor, takes over. publication
revived under Mr Robinson

1958 1965 1977

x CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

Chandamama has the
Experiment in size 60 wonderful years
distinction of becoming the
The English edition is delinked from the Chandamama becomes the
first magazine for children
language editions and given a new layout longest running children's
in Sanskrit.
magazine in India

CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful

The Story So Jar

^1/ or India, the fourth decade of the 20th century was a time at once beautiful and
bizarre. The firmament of destiny over the country, as if, was marked by the smiles of a rainbow
as well as the gloom of ominous clouds. People dreamed and despaired, hoped and feared at
the same time.
India had achieved freedom, but at the grave cost of the partition of the sub-continent
and continuous communal violence, massive and unprecedented, that preceded and followed
the cherished event. The very psyche of the nation seemed sick - the young being most
vulnerable to that foul air of suspicion and depression.
There were of course famous people preoccupied with plans for reconstructing the
country economically, politically, educationally and industrially. But one man - not so famous
then - and one of his friends, we do not know how and exactly where, brooded over the
possibility of spraying some rejuvenating fragrance into the sickly environment. They felt keen
to devise some means of uniting the children of the entire nation in their need for dreams and
delight, swimming against the current of distrust and disunity.
The two were Shri B. Nagi Reddi and Shri Chakrapani. They proposed to provide the
children speaking different languages with the same blend of joy and knowledge, but in pots of
different colours, i.e. through their mother-tongues.
Thus was launched the phenomenon that is Chandamama, at first only in three but
gradually emerging in more and more languages, reaching twelve, including English, Sanskrit,
Braille and even the tribal language Santhali. Not that the publication did not venture into
even more languages. If it momentarily retreated, it was not because there was anything wrong
in its idealism or its acceptability by the young, but because the milieu as a whole was yet to be
tully conducive to the endeavour. gj
A look at the treasure that is establishments), a mentor over the budding
Chandamama extending over the past sixty phase of their life. The world does not lack
Chandamama years cannot but be a feast for the eye and in celebrities, but rarely had any of them a
cannot but cause a sense of amazement silent influence on the formative years in the
and admiration. It has projected the lives of so many generations of readers. (I
heritage of India through myths, legends, remember how, on the eve of his ascendancy
folklore, historical episodes and questions to the position of the President of our
and answers; it has made the young laugh Republic, Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam visited

uossas) without being gross; it has stirred their the bed-ridden Shri Reddi at the latter’s
imagination through fantasy; it has provoked residence in a gesture of esteem for this
their wit through enigmatic tales; it has wizard behind what is perhaps the world’s
xlitOdl alerted them to events and occasions that most remarkable experiment in multi-lingual
are significant; last but not the least, it has c h i 1 d r e n ’ s p u b 1 i c a t i o n.)
J'dHWI tenderly awakened in them a love for the 1 had no opportunity of
motherland and humanity at the same time. personally knowing Shri Chakrapani. But
mniLilramifl It has done all this while steering I can visualise the discipline and skill he
clear of several categories of bias that often exemplified from the way Shri B. Viswanatha
dominate the air. Its impressive circulation Reddi, affectionately called Viswam, the
asserts the truth that it is not indispensable worthy son and inheritor of Shri Nagi
to bow down to vulgarity for the sake of Reddi’s creative mantle, refers to him - his
aumnffuiiTuiii popularity. Obviously, it could not have been father’s dear friend and fellow-traveller.
easy to sustain this inviolability and dignity However, 1 count knowing Shri Nagi
with a plethora of sickening trends and styles Reddi personally among my most valued
all around it. It needed both conviction experiences. It is said that chance is the
trinst^u^u and courage - traits that made its founder pseudonym of God, which he uses when He
Shri Nagi Reddi a legend, an object of love does not wish to put down His signature.
and adoration. Generations of readers saw It was sheer chance that one day led me to
in that many-splendoured personality (he Viswam in the year 197 3. His spontaneous
was a Dada Saheb Phalke Award-recipient trust in me and my love for Chandamama
tiac© film-maker, founder of two major health¬ drew me closer to the institution before
care institutions, among several other long. The English edition of Chandamama,
because of its international circulation, Chaplin film. The protagonist, a truant,
contained a fare different from those of lay on a bench beside a public park when a
the other editions, which had more or less battalion marched past him, saluting him, as
the same content. Its editor, an imaginative it appeared. He sprang to his feet and stood
Englishman named Mr. Robinson, had erect, smartly returning the greetings. But
left India for home, and I began shaping soon a doubt overtook him: why should the
its content along with Viswam, with whom soldiers suddenly feel beholden to him? He
it was a joy to work, for his nobility, deep looked around and blushed at discovering
understanding of issues and, above all, the a magnificent statue of Abraham Lincoln
quality of humility he had obtained from his standing behind him! Shri Reddi wished to
father. convey that the accolades he received were
The first issue handled by me really not due to him, but to others who
had just been out when, one morning at remained behind him.
Pondicherry, some officers of the Union In the vicissitudes of time, a giant
Territory were urgently trying to locate deluge of crisis engulfed the institutions
me. Shri Nagi Reddi had arrived and their built by Shri Reddi while he had been
eagerness to assist him reflected the respect physically incapacitated in the last phase of
he commanded. I was ushered into his his eventful life. Chandamama too seemed
presence. being swept into extinction. But it survived
He greeted me before I could. “As with a vengeance and that was due to the
1 turned the pages of the latest issue of the intrepid and resolute commitment of
English Chandamama, 1 knew the difference. Viswam to his father’s loving project.
I was keen to meet the writer whose touch It is a tribute to the group of enterprising
brought that about,” was his compliment, young men gifted with vision who have
supplemented by some more affectionate rallied behind him today to carry forward
words. I could feel in him a father^ figure, the mission to new horizons, because they
at once simple and sincere. As years passed know Chandamama is not just another
and I met him from time to time, I was enterprise but a lofty standard that once
sure that I had known one of those rare inspired them in their childhood and which
ones who personify humility. Once in a must be kept aloft. Indeed, during my active
speech, he referred to a scene in a Charlie involvement in its editing, I got unerring
proof of the love it commanded in the
hearts of our eminent writers. Whenever
we asked them — Mulk Raj Anand, K. A.
Abbas and others — for contributions on
special occasions, their positive response was
instant. The one and only Ruskin Bond, of
course, is not only a regular contributor, but
also, along with this writer, Editorial Advisor
to the magazine.
As one intimately associated with
this unique project for more than half of
its age, this author, though he is no longer
active in its making, shares with the readers
the pleasure and the nostalgia this anthology
presents. Even though Chandamama must
“Chandamama is the Longest Running Children’s move info pastures new and explore novel
Magazine in India” L/MCA Book of Records. avenues, this volume is a record of the wide
2007 edition range of varieties the magazine covered over
the past six decades - and of the talent, the
editorial exercises and the planning that
remain invisibly present beneath these pages.
I congratulate its compilers and editors and
commend the volume to the wide readership
as a gentle and pleasant companion.
The India of tomorrow could smile only if we could make the
children of today smile; that the India of tomorrow would be a strong
nation only if we could make the children of today love their great
heritage. They must enjoy good literature together, they must be
exposed to the Indian spirit together... ”
—Sri B. Nagi Reddi
(Message from the founder on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Chandamama)
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VikranvVetala Stories
^f^handamama is distinguished from other children’s magazines by the Vikram-Vetala stories,
which have appeared in every issue for the last fifty odd years. The stories are woven round King
Vikramaditya, who is believed to have ruled from Ujjaini (in present-day Madhya Pradesh) some time
during the last hundred years before the birth of Christ.

One of the famous tales is the Vetala Panchvimshiti (25 tales of the vampire) in Sanskrit. This was
part of Brihat Katha by Gunadhya, later compiled as Kathasaritsagar. The first of these stories starts
with Vikramaditya trying to capture a vampire who is possessed of a body. The Tantrik, who has asked
the king to get him the vampire for certain rituals, has also advised him to maintain absolute silence
in the course of this act. The clever vampire narrates a tale ending it with a conundrum, which tickles
the king who opens his mouth to answer. The vampire then flies off the shoulders of the king,
taking the body along with him to hang from an ancient tree in the cremation ground. For twenty-four
nights, Vikramaditya is thus enticed to solve the riddles in each of the stories narrated by the vampire.
The next night, the story so baffles the king that he cannot think of an answer, and so does not open
his mouth! He is thus able to deliver the vampire to the Tantrik, enabling him to complete the rites.

Differing versions of the Vikxam-Vetala stories had later appeared in Indian literature. In 1955,
the then Sub-Editor, Mr. K. Kutumba Rao, tried to fashion stories with baffling situations and narrate
them in the same pattern ending with questions and answers to prod the wisdom of King Vikramadi-
tya. Chandarnama has since published these New Tales of Vikram-Vetala numbering nearly 600, which
have made the magazine unique in itself.

he cremation ground presented sword. Slinging it astride his shoulder, he

an eerie spectacle that dark night. The moon had just begun his return journey when the
was hidden behind the clouds, and it was vampire that possessed the corpse said, “O
drizzling intermittently. The pitch darkness King! This is a very arduous task that you
was relieved only by occasional flashes of are performing. Perhaps you have taken it
lightning that lit up the sombre scene, on yourself as a favour to someone else. But
causing an eerie dance of jerky shadows I hope that when that person offers to
• in the cremation ground. Occasionally, a reciprocate by doing something that will
jackal’s spine-chilling howl or the blood¬ benefit you, you won’t rashly decline the
curdling laughter of some invisible evil spirit offer in a fit of emotion, as Prince Vasant of
cut into the silence that hung like a shroud Kirtipur did. Listen to his story.”
over the area. Altogether, it was a scene
The tale the vampire narrated went as
that would strike terror into the bravest
heart. But nothing could daunt the intrepid
King Vikram. Once again he made his way Shaktiteja, the King of Gundharvaloka
to the gnarled tree from which the ancient (the domain of the gundharvas, or
corpse was hanging. Bones crunched under demi-gods), had a beautiful daughter named
his feet, and a screeching ghost rose from Swarnamanjari. However, the greatest
the dust in shuddering frenzy as he marched beauty in the land was not she, but another
determinedly ahead. nymph named Chitravarnika - a fact that
caused Swarnamanjari much heartburn. She
Oblivious to everything but the
became bitterly jealous of Chitravarnika,
mission at hand, he brought the hanging
and was forever looking for an opportunity
corpse down by cutting the rope with his
to hurt her in some way.
. VlKRAM VETAL Adventure Humour

Chitravarnika to his court and curtly From your looks and bearing, it appears
announced, “Chitra, no denizen of that you’re no ordinary woman, but some
Gundharvaloka may descend to earth celestial nymph.”
without my permission. If you still insist
With a sigh, Chitravarnika answered,
on going, you shall forfeit all your celestial
“You’re right. I’m a gundharva maiden. But I
powers. However, if you are able to wor¬
have lost my celestial powers, only because I
ship at a sacred pilgrim spot within fifteen
committed the crime of visiting your land!”
days of reaching earth, you will regain
Seeing sympathy in the young man’s eyes,
your powers. Only then can you return to
she then told him the whole story.
Gundharvaloka. ”
The young man introduced himself.
The king’s warning did not daunt
“I am Vasant, the crown-prince of Kirtipur.
Chitravarnika; if anything, it only
With a week left for my coronation, I’m
strengthened her determination to make
currently out on a tour of my kingdom
the journey.
to get to know it better. I shall take you
Floating through the air, she made sightseeing and show you the most beauti¬
her descent to earth. She landed beside a ful places on earth. In return, I’d like you to
Swarnamanjari’s opportunity came beautiful brook in the midst of a forest. The take me to Gundharvaloka. I wish to study
when her father took her on a visit to earth. crystal clear water of the brook enticed her the administrative policies there, so that I
She was enraptured by the earth’s beauty. to take a dip. can implement them in my own kingdom
Back home, she lost no time in boasting to when I become the ruler.”
She stepped into the water and had a
all her friends about the marvellous sights
refreshing bath. As she emerged out of the “Your aim is a lofty and commendable
she had seen. It was not long before her
brook and tried to soar into the air, she one indeed,” praised Chitravarnika. “But O
stories of the earth reached Chitravarnika’s
realised that she had lost her power to fly. Prince, I myself have lost the power to fly back
ears. The vivid description caught her fancy,
The gundharva king’s words had come true. to Gundharvaloka. Unless I worship at the
and filled her with a longing to visit this
holiest pilgrim spot on earth within 15 days, I
new place and see its wonders with her own At this juncture, a young man came
cannot get my power back. So how can I take
eyes. She told her friends that she had made riding a horse. On seeing Chitravarnika, he
you there - much as I would love to do so?”
up her mind to leave for earth forthwith. reined in his horse and asked in astonish¬
ment, “Young lady, may I know who you are “Why don’t you try to regain your
When King Shaktiteja heard the news
and what you’re doing at this lonely spot? powers? I shall help you,” assured Vasant.
from his daughter, he summoned

CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

“But which is the holiest spot on “Prince, I am eternally indebted to you for
earth?” asked Chitravarnika your kindness!”

“The holiest destination that I can At this juncture, the gundharva

think of is Mount Kailas, the abode of Lord king Shaktiteja (who had been following
Siva and Goddess Parvati,” answered Chitravarnika’s progress through his spies)
Vasant. “I can take you there.” appeared there. Chitravarnika bowed to
him and respectfully said, “Your Majesty,
On hearing this, Chitravarnika’s eyes
this is Prince Vasant of Kirtipur. It is he
lit up with fresh hope and she asked, “But
who helped me regain my powers. In
would we be able to make it there in just 15
return, I’ve promised to take him on a visit
to Gundharvaloka. May I bring him along
“Why not? It can be done, if we leave as my guest?”
right away,” he replied confidently.
But Shaktiteja glared at her furiously
The twosome set out on their journey and demanded, “Have you forgotten that
to Mount Kailas. On the way, Prince Vasant human beings are forbidden to enter our
pointed out many breathtakingly beautiful domain?” Without waiting for an answer, he
sights to Chitravarnika. On the tenth day, then vanished from view.
they reached Lake Manasarovar.
Chitravarnika heaved a deep sigh.
It was a fulhmoon night. The lake, Turning to Vasant, she said, “O Prince!
dazzling in the moonlight, presented a You heard what our king just said. But you
vision of ethereal beauty. The prince needn’t be disheartened; I can take you
pointed out the sacred mountain peak to to my domain in defiance of his order. No
the nymph. Praying to Siva and Parvati with doubt, I’ll have to face some hardships - but
all their hearts, both of them prostrated in that doesn’t matter. I shall take you if you
the direction of the peak. wish.”

The next moment, Chitravarnika was But Prince Vasant promptly retorted,
enveloped in a flash of light. She realised “After what you’ve said, why would I wish
that she had got back her lost powers. to see your domain? Now, even if your king
Elated, she turned to Vasant and said, himself were to change his mind and return
kVlKRAM VETAL Adventure Humour
h Moral

here to personally invite me, I would decline considered it an exemplary domain,

the invitation. I’m not interested in visiting inhabited by ideal beings. But the
Gundharvaloka. ” gundharva king Shaktiteja’s unjust and
unreasonable behaviour, goaded by
Chitravarnika smilingly bade him
his daughter’s jealousy, which Vasant
goodbye and disappeared.
subsequently witnessed, made him
Concluding the story at this point, understand the gundharvas were far from
the vampire said, “O King! Prince Vasant ideal. They too had the same weaknesses
took the trouble to escort Chitravarnika all as human beings—perhaps to a worse
the way to Kailas, as a result of which she degree! So, there was nothing to be learnt
was able to regain the powers she had lost. from their methods of administration.
In return for this favour, he had requested This, coupled with the thought that
a chance to visit Gundharvaloka - again, Chitravarnika would have to suffer her
not for his personal enjoyment, but for king’s punishment for taking him to
the noble cause of studying the methods Gundharvaloka made him drop the idea of
of administration used there, with the visiting that land. There is nothing foolish
intention of implementing them in his own about his decision.”
domain when he became the king. Then
On hearing this, the vampire nodded
why did he change his mind and turn down
in approval, before going off into peal after
Chitravarnika’s offer of taking him there?
peal of thunderous laughter. The next
Wasn’t it the height of foolishness to turn
moment, he, along with the corpse, moved
down this golden opportunity? Why did he
off the king’s shoulder with a jerk and flew
do it? Was it out of fear of the gundharva
back to the tree.
king’s wrath? Or was it an impulsive
decision spurred by hurt pride and anger? If King Vikram gave a little sigh as he
you know the answer, speak out - otherwise, gazed upon the scene. Then, he squared his
your head shall shatter into fragments!” shoulders, drew his sword and retraced his
steps towards the ancient tree.
Calmly and unhesitatingly, King
Vikram answered: “The reason Prince
Vasant wished to study the administration
of Gundharvaloka was because he had
he cremation ground presented sword. Slinging it astride his shoulder, he choice. However, Jayant did not like any of

an eerie spectacle that dark night. The had just begun his return journey when the them. Soon, he was fed up with the whole

moon was hidden behind the clouds, and it vampire that possessed the corpse said, “O exercise. Suddenly an idea struck him

was drizzling intermittently. The pitch King! Braving the dangers of this cremation - ‘Why should I agree to having a bride

darkness was relieved only by occasional ground, you have been working relentlessly chosen for me? I shall go out into the world

flashes of lightning that lit up the sombre to achieve your goal. But I doubt whether and find a girl whom I like, and marry her!’

scene, causing an eerie dance of jerky you will be able to achieve it. Further, even
The idea filled him with excitement.
shadows in the cremation ground. if you do get what you wish for, will you be
Without telling anyone of his plan, he
lucky enough to enjoy it, or will you end up
Occasionally, a jackal’s spine-chilling swiftly saddled his horse and rode out of the
squandering the fruits of your triumph? This
howl or the blood-curdling laughter of some palace. Before long, he had left the capital
was what happened with Jayant, a prince
invisible evil spirit cut into the silence that far behind him and was in the countryside.
who set out on a mission, only to abandon
hung like a shroud over the area. Alto¬ After riding aimlessly for a few hours,
it when success was within his grasp! Listen
gether, it was a scene that would strike terror Jayant came to a picturesque wooded valley.
to his story.”
into the bravest heart. But nothing could The scenic beauty of the place urged him to
daunt the intrepid King Vikram. Once The tale the vampire narrated was as
stop and explore it. He had just dismounted
again, he made his way to the gnarled tree follows.
when his attention was drawn to two young
from which the ancient corpse was hang¬ women who were plucking flowers from the
Prince Jayant, heir to the throne of
ing. Bones crunched under his feet, and a bushes a few yards away. Their beauty took
Chandragiri, had attained marriageable age.
screeching ghost rose from the dust in his breath away.
When the king and queen let it be known
shuddering frenzy as he marched
that they were looking for a suitable bride
After watching them from afar for
determinedly ahead.
for their son, marriage proposals from royal
a few moments, Jayant could no longer
Oblivious to everything but the families poured in. The queen showed him
restrain his curiosity. He approached them
mission at hand, he brought the hanging the portraits of several princesses which she
and asked, “Ladies, may I know who you are
corpse down by cutting the rope with his had received, and asked him to make his
and what you’re doing in this lonely wood?

CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

» VlKRAM VETAL A Adventure Humour Moral

You’re so beautiful that you look hardly wrong. After examining our horoscopes, he
human. Are you celestial nymphs?” has predicted that both of us are destined to
marry one man.”
The girls giggled. One of them
answered, “We’re as human as you are. “That’s not a problem,” said Jayant
We’re twin sisters Shweta and Shyama, enthusiastically. “You needn’t fear that I
daughters of the renowned astrologer shall cause your father’s prophesy to go
Pandit Narayan. Our father loves this valley wrong. I have no objection to marrying both
and has a hut here that he often uses as of you - if that’s what you all wish!”
a retreat. We had come down here for a
The first girl asked, “What do you
family holiday, when Father was invited by
know about us, O Prince?”
the neighbouring king for consultation. So
he has gone there, leaving us behind.” “I don’t know anything as yet,” shot
back Jayant, “but I’m ready to learn — what¬
The prince said, “Permit me to
ever you tell me!”
introduce myself. I’m Jayant, the »

crown-prince of Chandragiri. My parents The girls exchanged glances. The

want me to get married, but I didn’t like any second said, “Both of us are very obstinate
of the girls they found for me. I left home in by nature. We would do anything to get our
search of a suitable bride of my own choice. own way. Also, despite being devoted to each
Now that I have seen you, I think I need other, we are also fiercely competitive by
look no farther. I would like to marry one of nature.” She paused and looked at her sister.
you. I want to discuss the matter with your
The latter now spoke up: “One thing
father. When does he return from his visit?”
we’re both very particular about is that the
“As a matter of fact, he’s expected man we marry must be very intelligent. If
tomorrow morning,” answered the girl who you don’t mind, we’d like to test you.”
had spoken earlier.
This challenge appealed to the
Now, the other girl spoke up: “But prince’s sporting nature. “By all means!” he
before you proceed further, there’s said.
something you need to know. Our father is
“Well, then,” she went on, “we’ve
an astrologer whose predictions seldom go
already told you that our names are Shweta

CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years 9

and Shyama. Rut which of us is Shweta, and have the answer to your question. You are
which Shyama? Can you answer that, O Prince?” the older twin.”

For a moment, the prince remained “Right! But how could you guess?”
silent, studying their faces intently. Then, asked Shweta in admiration.
with a smile, he told the girl who had asked
The prince explained, “Generally, it is
the question, “Evidently, you have been
the older sister who cooks the food, while
named on the basis of your complexion.
the; younger helps her in cooking and in
Now, you are of a slightly dusky
serving the food. I observed that you did all
complexion, compared to your sister - so
the cooking, while Shyama did the serving.
you are Shyama. She is fairer than you;
That’s how I came to this conclusion.”
hence, she must be Shweta. Am I right?”
“You’re intelligent indeed!” said
The girl beamed and nodded. “Yes,
Shyama. “And now, there’s one more thing I
you are. I must compliment you,” she said.
want to ask you. According to our
It was now Shweta’s turn to pose a horoscopes, both my sister and I are destined
question. “Can you find out which of us is to give birth to our children on the same day.
the older twin, and which the younger?” But my child will be born a few minutes before
Shweta’s. In such a scenario, which of the
Jayant replied, “I can’t tell you that
children would you designate as your heir?”
immediately. But if you give me a couple of
hours’ time, I shall give you the answer.” The prince said, “I need some time to
think it over before answering. I would now
The girls agreed. Meanwhile, as it was
like to take your leave. I shall come and
lunchtime, they invited him to their hut.
meet your father tomorrow.” He then bowed
Quickly, they prepared a delicious repast
to the girls and departed.
and served him.
The next morning, Pandit Narayan
“Thank you for a most tasty feast!”
returned from his visit. The girls told him all
said the prince as he washed his hands after
about the prince’s visit.
the meal.
However, evening brought not the
Seating himself on the chair offered,
prince as expected, but a royal messenger,
he turned to Shweta and said, “And now, I

CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

kVlKRAM VETAL Adventure Humour

bearing a letter from the prince to the girls.

It read: “After thinking over the matter, I
have come to the conclusion that I cam
not marry you, after all. Pardon me for not
keeping my word to you. Next week, I shall
be getting married to Princess Pushpa of
Suryapur, the bride chosen by my parents.”

Concluding the story at this point,

the vampire demanded, “O King, why did
Jayant - who had earlier been helbbent on
choosing a bride himself without parental
interference - suddenly change his mind,
and opt for a traditionally arranged
marriage? Perhaps, he had originally been
smitten by the girls’ beauty, but on
subsequent reflection realised that they
were commoners, and as such, unsuitable!
But if he was determined to marry only a
girl of royal blood, why did he embark on
this exercise at all? Wasn’t it the height of
they were commoners, but for another On hearing this, the vampire
callousness on his part to back out after
reason. By their own admission, they were nodded in approval, before going off into
having virtually promised marriage to the
obstinate and competitive. On reflection, peal after peal of thunderous laughter. The
two innocent girls? If you know the answer,
he realised that these traits, if he made next moment he, along with the corpse,
speak out. Otherwise, your head shall
them his queens, would cause havoc in the moved off the king’s shoulder with a jerk
shatter into smithereens!”
kingdom. Each would insist on her own son and flew back to the tree. King Vikram gave
Without hesitation, King Vikram being nominated the heinapparent. This, in a little sigh as he gazed upon the scene.
answered, “It’s true that Jayant was initially turn, would not only cause strife within the Then, he squared his shoulders and retraced
smitten by the girls’ beauty and he family but weaken the kingdom. Hence, he his steps towards the tree. ___
subsequently rejected them in a rather wisely decided not to marry either or both
callous manner. But this was not because of them!”

CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years


1 t was a dark, moonless night.

Occasional flashes of lightning lit up the
and are discerning enough to discriminate
between good and bad conduct. Despite this,
- on the contrary, it seemed to increase with
every passing day!
sombre scene, causing an eerie dance of here you are - wandering in a cremation
As the years passed, Prince Jayant
jerky and frightening shadows in the ground in the middle of the night, on a fool’s
grew up to be as good-natured as he
cremation ground. Occasionally, the errand! I fear you have temporarily lost your
was good-looking. When he came of
spine-chilling howl of a jackal or the blood¬ senses. There are occasions when even the
age, his parents sent him to a school in
curdling laughter of some unseen evil spirit greatest intellectual or scholar can lose his
the Aravallis, run by the renowned sage
cut into the silence that hung shroud-like judgement and behave like an utter fool. To
Krishnachandra. He returned to the
over the area. Altogether, it was a scene’ illustrate, let me tell you the story of Jayant
capital after gaining proficiency in the arts,
that could strike a chill in the bravest heart. - a prince who was as handsome as the God
literature, statecraft, and warfare.
But nothing could daunt the intrepid King of Love, but acted in a very peculiar manner!”
Vikram. Once again, he made his way to the The vampire then narrated the following story. The king and queen had decided to
ancient gnarled tree where the corpse was conduct the prince’s coronation as soon as
Raghuvarma was the King of
hanging. A bone crunched under his feet he had completed his education. But Jayant
Kanchanagiri. He and his queen were
and a screeching ghost rose from the dust in requested them to wait for some more time,
deeply depressed because they were
shuddering frenzy as he marched ahead. as he wished to undertake a tour of the entire
childless. After many years of pilgrimages,
kingdom before taking on the responsibility of
Oblivious to all this, he reached vows and prayers, a male child was born
governing it. The king gave his consent. He
the tree and brought down the corpse. to them. What was remarkable about the
arranged for the best horse in the royal stables
Slinging it astride his shoulder, he had infant was its extraordinary beauty. Its
to be given to the prince for his journey. Jayant
just begun his return journey when the entire being seemed to emanate an almost
was also given the necessary provisions to
vampire that possessed the corpse said, ethereal radiance, which astonished all
sustain him for the duration of his tour.
“O King! I know you to be unparalleled in those who saw it and thrilled the king and
both wisdom and learning. No doubt you queen. Nor did this radiance diminish as A week after he had left the palace,
are well-versed in the rules of demeanour, the young prince, named Jayant, grew up he reached the mountains on the eastern

CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

k Moral

border of the kingdom. There was an and said, “I’m Chitralekha, a nymph; may I talked to them. He found out the problems
ancient temple of Goddess Parvati on the know who you are?” they faced and arranged to solve them. The
highest mountain peak. It was believed people welcomed him with joy and offered
Jayant told her all about himself.
that yakshas and other demi-gods used to him their humble food, which he readily
When he had finished, Chitralekha said, “I
descend from the heavens to worship at this accepted. At times, he had to sleep on the
received many proposals of marriage from
temple. Having heard a great deal about the bare floor. Chitralekha, the nymph who was
demi-gods and other celestial beings. But
glory of the deity, Jayant now desired to visit used to heavenly luxury, also had to per¬
I did not like any of them, and so remain
the temple. He began climbing the peak. force adjust to these living arrangements.
unmarried. Now for the first time, I’ve come
On reaching the summit, he found it across someone whose wondrous good looks One day, as the two were travelling
Very neat and beautiful, offering a panoramic hold me spellbound. Marry me, and we shall through a forest, they saw a young woman
view of the surrounding landscape. Just go away to the celestial world where we can who was sitting under a tree, weeping bit¬
outside the temple was a pool. The red lotuses live forever in great luxury and bliss!” terly. As they went closer, they saw that the
bobbing on its surface offered a magnificent woman was unsightly in appearance.
Jayant was startled by this unexpected
view against the crystal-clear water. Prince Jayant asked her, “Who are you
proposal. He replied, “I’m one who will
After taking a bath in the pool, Jayant shortly become the king of this land. At and why are you crying?”
entered the temple to pay his respects to the present, I’m out on a tour of the kingdom
The woman replied, “My name is
deity. As he was coming out, his attention to see for myself the joys and sorrows of my
Jalaja. My ugliness is the bane of my life.
was arrested by the sweet strains of a Veena people before ascending the throne. Right
I am in love with a noble youth named
coming from the temple. Who could be now, I have no intention to get married. Let
Ravi, who feels that one’s character is more
playing the instrument at this deserted spot? me take leave of you now.”
important than external beauty. He loves
Filled with curiosity, he followed the music
But Chitralekha stopped him, saying, me for my nature and personality, and is
to its source. determined to marry me and none other.
“It’s all right if you don’t wish to marry me.
Soon, he came across a maiden of But please, at least allow me to spend a few But his mother refuses to let her son marry
indescribable beauty, who was engrossed days in your company! Can I come with an ugly girl. She has threatened Ravi that if
in playing the Veena. A glance at her was you on your tour?” Seeing that he could not he weds me, she will end her life by jumping
enough to tell Jayant that she was no ordi¬ shake her off, Jayant was forced to agree. into a well! Unable to endure all this any
nary woman, but a celestial damsel. longer, I decided to solve the problem once
Thereafter, Chitralekha accompanied
and for all, and came away into this jungle
As the damsel’s eyes fell on the him to all the places he visited. At each
to commit suicide. But now, I am not able
handsome prince, she kept aside her Veena place, he met the common people and
to summon up enough courage to do it!”

CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

Jayant was deeply touched by Jalaja’s about in your company all these days, I have King Vikram calmly replied, “There
story. Turning to Chitralekha, he asked, come to understand the happiness one gets is nothing inconsistent or irrational about
“You are a nymph, with divine powers by selfless service. Also, this was the only Jayant’s behaviour. It is evident that he
- can’t you help this unfortunate girl by way by which Jalaja could be made beauti- was an enlightened youth who did not
altering her appearance?” ful. That’s why I did it! It doesn’t matter if attach much importance to transient
I’m ugly; she is more in need of good looks physical beauty. He valued virtues and
Chitralekha smiled. Going close to
than I am!” inner beauty more. Initially he rejected
Jalaja, she gently stroked her head thrice. Lo
and behold, the next moment, the unsightly Chitralekha’s proposal because he found
Overwhelmed by emotion, Jayant ex¬
girl turned into a damsel of incomparable her shallow and obsessed with her good
claimed, “Who says you’re ugly? Your entire
beauty! Overwhelmed with joy, Jalaja fell at looks. But Chitralekha underwent a change
being shines with divine beauty!” He then
the feet of both Jayant and Chitralekha, and of heart after coming in contact with the
reached out to clasp her hand and said, “I
thanked them profusely before taking leave noble prince and moving with him at close
would like to marry you! ”
of them. quarters. His selflessness and love for his
The next moment, there was another people appealed to her and she resolved to
After she had vanished from view, miracle. Gone was Chitralekha’s ugliness follow the same path. As her better nature
Jayant turned towards Chitralekha to praise - her divine beauty was back in all its was roused, her vanity disappeared and
her for her good deed. But as his eyes fell radiance! she unhesitatingly gave her beauty away to
on her face, he was rooted to the ground in
At this point, the vampire concluded one who needed it. Her self-sacrifice and
shock. Was this the same nymph who, only
his story and demanded, “O King! There generosity were the aspects of beauty that
moments ago, had been a vision of peerless
is no doubt that Jayant was an exceedingly Jayant saw in her, when he agreed to marry
beauty? Her face had lost its glow, her gait
handsome man - so good-looking as her. It was his touch that restored her to
its grace. She now appeared old, haggard
to win the heart of even a heavenly her former beauty - such is the power of
and ugly!
damsel! Having rejected the hand of the nobility!”
Quite a few moments passed before breathtakingly beautiful nymph, why then As soon as he had finished speaking,
the horrified Jayant could find his tongue. did he offer to marry her after she had the vampire, along with the corpse, moved
He asked her, “What was the need for such turned ugly? Doesn’t his behaviour appear off his shoulder with a jerk and flew back
a great sacrifice? Why did you give away inconsistent and irrational in the extreme? to the tree. With a little sigh, King Vikram
your beauty to Jalaja?” Answer my question if you can. If you squared his shoulders and retraced his steps
remain silent despite knowing the answer, towards the tree, his dogged determination
Without any sign of emotion,
your head shall shatter into a thousand evident in his steady gait. —
Chitralekha calmly replied, “After moving

CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

^ Vikram Vetal

One year after his sisters went away

to their marital houses, Sanghameshwar
decided to visit them to find out if they
were happy. So off he went on his mission.
When he reached his eldest sister’s house,
she welcomed him warmly. Finding his sister
alone that afternoon, Sanghameshwar asked
her the all-important question: “How are
you, sister? How do you get along with your

She sighed. “I can’t say that I’m very

happy,” she said. “My husband is very
talented and he is also very wealthy. He
is a gifted archer, you know. But there is
very little work that he can find. So every
morning, to keep his skills finely honed, he
practices archery using me as his target. He

Three Gifted Men places a bowl on my head and aims at it. I

feel quite faint with fear that I may be hit!”
Sanghameshwar nodded thoughtfully and
soon left.

wasted exercise, rather like the three gifted A couple of days later, he reached his
nee again King Vikram re¬
men in the well-known story. Shall I narrate second sister’s house. ‘But why does she
turned to the tree, took down the corpse,
it to you?” look so wan and pale?’ When he enquired
threw it across his shoulder and began to
after her welfare, she burst into tears. “I
walk towards the burial ground. When he And the Vetala began: “Down in
was a lot happier at our father’s house!” she
had walked just a few paces, the Vetala in a southern state, there once lived a rich
wept. “My husband has an extraordinary
the corpse began to speak. “O King!” he landlord who had one son and three
gift: he can see what is going on in all the
said. “You are extraordinarily gifted and daughters. The daughters had been recently
three worlds. But what’s the use? He spends
courageous. But are you using those talents married to well-to-do young men. But the
the whole day watching the celestial dances
properly? Or are you squandering them on son, Sanghameshwar, was yet to be married.

in Lord Indra’s court in the heavens and has The brothers-in-law consented and
no time at all for me.” immediately set out for the Chola king¬
dom. When they reached the capital, they
Her brother consoled her as best he
lodged with an old woman. The three men
could and promised to do something to
were surprised to find that all the men and
change his brother-in-law. He then left for
women that they came across in that city
his youngest sister’s house.
looked glum and worried. They asked the
Here, too, it was a similar story. The old woman, “Grandmother, why do all of
girl was unhappy because her husband you look so sad.7 What is worrying you.7”
did not know how to use his talents. “My
The old woman replied: “My sons, you
husband runs faster than the wind, but
little know how uncertain our future is. Our
the problem is, he doesn’t know how to
king is childless and his health is deteriorat¬
use this skill,” explained the girl. “Every
ing day by day. He has been advised by his
morning, he dashes off to one pilgrim cen¬
physicians to name his successor and train
tre after another all over the country and
him in the ways of administration. Although
lights lamps at all the temples he visits.
our country abounds with capable youngsters
He returns home only at night and he
who can be trained to be a ruler, our king has
is so exhausted by then that he has very
chosen not to pick any of them. He has set an
little time to do anything or talk to me.”
impossible task and says only the one who can
She sighed heavily.
complete that task can succeed him!”
Sanghameshwar took leave of his
“Tell me, what’s the task7” asked the
sister and returned home. After consulting
oldest of the three gifted men.
his parents, he invited his sisters and their
husbands home for a few days. They arrived. “The king says that the one who
brings him a handful of fresh devaparijata
“I hear that you are all very talented,”
flowers will be made the king,” said the old
he told his brothers-in-law. “Yet I find you
do not make proper use of your talents. If
you would just take the trouble of visiting “Devaparijata flowers7” the three men
the Chola kingdom and meeting the king, asked, puzzled. “What are they.7 Where do
you may benefit from that exercise.” they grow.7”
kVlKRAM VETAL <35 Adventure Humour

“They are rare flowers and the near¬ moments after the man had left. “He has “Not one of the three deserved to be
est shrub that bears them is more than a started back and is now entering the forest. the king,” answered King Vikram. “They
thousand miles away from here. They fade Oh no! A tiger is stalking him. It’s now were no doubt very highly gifted, but they
away within a few hours of blooming. How catching up with him. What shall we do?” had no capacity to make proper use of
can flowers brought from such a distance their talents. It was the landlord’s son that
“Don’t worry!” That was the archer,
remain fresh till they are handed over to the showed such capacity.
who was now alert. “Just point out the exact
king here?”
direction where the tiger is and I’ll shoot “Of the four, it is only he who deserves
The three men discussed the issue. At arrows at him.” to be the king, because he is astute enough
last here was an opportunity to put their to know how best to use the potential of
It was soon done. A few moments
• talents to use. So, they went up to the king each man.”
after the arrows were shot, the man with the
and said, “We can bring you fresh devapari-
vision said, “Ah, your arrow has found its As soon as Vikram had given the
jata flowers, your majesty.”
mark. The tiger has fallen dead.” answer, the Vetala slipped off his shoulder
“By all means, my boys!” replied the and glided back to the tree.
king. “You’re welcome to try your luck!”
No sooner had he finished saying that
than the runner was back with the fresh
Then the three went out of the city. fragrant devaparijata flowers. They went to
The man with the extraordinary vision the king and offered him the flowers.
looked all around and pointed his finger in
“Which one of you is responsible for
one direction. “There it is, the devaparijata
bringing these flowers?” the king asked.
shrub. I am able to see it. It is in a garden
that is beyond a forest two thousand miles They replied, “All three of us had

away from here.” pooled our talents.”

“Thanks, my friend,” said the man The king was in a fix. He did not

who ran faster than wind. “It’s now my turn know which of the three could be made the

to prove my mettle. I shall get there and next king.

back in no time at all.” He started on his Having narrated the story, Vetala said,
way and was soon out of sight. But the one “O King, which one of them deserved to be
with the extraordinary vision kept an eye the next king? If you know the answer and
on him all the time. “He has plucked the still do not speak, your head shall split into
flowers!” he narrated excitedly, just a few smithereens.”
The Strange Silence

t was a terrible night. The if something did not happen as he wanted myself, but to show the path to other less
rain came down in torrents and thunder it to. Once when the royal cooks messed fortunate men and women. That is what has
rumbled threateningly. The frequent flashes up a special dish that the king had ordered brought me here!”
of lightning revealed the ugly vistas of for some very special guests, they not only
King Sushahta was impressed.
grinning ghouls. King Vikram tripped over lost their jobs but were also sent out of the
“Swamiji! We shall be grateful if you’ll settle
the gnarled, knotty roots of the ancient tree kingdom immediately.
down here and guide me and my subjects,”
as he reached for the corpse that dangled
If an officer was found to be guilty of he said.
from its branches. He put the corpse on
some lapse in duty, he invited the king’s
his shoulder and started walking back. He The saint laughed. “O King, I’ve
wrath. Not only would he lose his job, but
had a rendezvous to keep with the strange decided not to settle down in any place. But
his life. The king’s reputation of being an
mendicant. your affection and kindness ties me to your
angry man made sure that the people lived
kingdom. I shall stay here for some days and
“What makes you so determined to in uneasy calm.
try to make myself useful to your people!”
carry me away from here?” asked the Vetala
One day a holy man appeared in his
who possessed the corpse. But King Vikram The king ordered a cottage to be built
court and said that he wanted the king’s
kept silent. “Your silence is enigmatic, for the swamiji in the royal park. He called
permission to hold discourses at the temples
rather like King Sushanta’s!” commented the park keeper, Sumangala, and asked him
in the kingdom.
the Vetala. “Have you heard of him? Let to look after the swamiji’s comforts.
me regale you with his story to make your “Who are you, O noble one? Where
Soon Sumangala and the swamiji
journey easier!” And he narrated this story: are you from?” asked the king courteously.
became great friends. Sumangala lived
King Sushanta of Pushpanagar was “I’m Pranananda. I’ve just come here with his wife and two sons in a cottage
wise and noble. He gave alms to holy men from the Himalayas where I was meditating in the park. Every morning, after prayers,
and gifts to deserving artists and poets. He for the last decade,” replied the saintly Pranananda would spend a couple of hours
made sure that his subjects were happy and man. “Meditation had brought me peace of with the king. Sushanta listened earnestly
that his kingdom was prosperous. If he had mind. But my guru said the purpose of my to swamiji’s discourses and tried to act
a fault, it was anger. He would fly into a rage life should be not only to seek salvation for according to his wise advice. Swamiji would


then go around, addressing the people reasonable self. If in a fit of anger you send
gathered at the temples. away Sumangala, you might not easily find
another capable and honest man to replace
At night, he would have dinner
with Sumangala, who lived in a cottage in
the park with his wife and two sons. The King Sushanta accepted his advice
swamiji would tell wonderful stories to the and pardoned Sumangala.
two boys well into the night.
Pranananda’s words of wisdom had
One day, when the king and the a tremendous impact on the king. A few
swamiji were at the park, Sumangala was months later, however, the swamiji became
trimming a bush nearby. He noticed that very restless. One day, he told the king:
some bees were bothering the swamiji. He “My goal in life is to help as many people
rushed to him, waving his hands to keep the as I can, and not just the citizens of your
bees away. kingdom. I would like to travel to other
lands and guide many people.”
But the king did not like the
way Sumangala had interrupted the But the king would not hear of his
conversation. “How dare you jump between going away. Then swamiji relented and said
us like that?” he shouted. “Who asked you he would return to Pushpanagar every third
to interfere? Had the bees got intolerable, month and spend a month with the king.
wouldn’t I have helped swamiji? Get out King Sushanta had to accept this.
of my sight! I don’t want to see you here
Three months passed. One evening
again!” he shouted.
Pranananda came back to Pushpanagar
Sumangala was stunned. But swamiji and went to his cottage. Sumangala did
went to his rescue. “Don’t shout at him, not notice his arrival. It was now dark and
my son,” he urged the king. “After all, his swamiji was thirsty. He went to the pond
intention was good. It is easy to get angry. in the park to fill his jug with water. As
But decisions taken in a moment of anger he dipped his jug into the pond to fill it, it
will prove to be wrong. When you are made a loud gurgling sound.
angry, the best course is to be silent till
Sumangala, whose cottage was nearby,
you feel that you are once again your old
heard the noise. He thought some animals

♦ H
as he was told and gently laid him on the requested him to find out if the king had
ground. forgiven him for the swamiji’s death.

“Forgive me,” he sobbed. “I did not The courtier found an opportunity

mean to do it.” to broach the subject with the king. The
royal gardener was asking the king for
Swamiji smiled: “I know it. I forgive
some implements. The courtier intervened:
you.” And he breathed his last.
“Sumangala was a wonderful gardener! He
Suddenly, Sumangala was struck with did not spend so much on implements.”
fear. ‘What would happen to me and my
But the king did not say a word. The
family if the king were to hear of this?’ he
courtier told Sumangala to stay away. Six
wondered. He rushed to his cottage, told
months later, at Sumangala’s request, the
the whole story to his wife, and along with
courtier took up his cause. This time, too,
their two young children, they disappeared
the king remained silent.
into the night.
Another six months passed.
The next day the guards discovered
Sumangala was now quite desperate.
the swamiji’s body in the park. They
This time he risked his life and went to
searched for Sumangala but could not
Pushpanagar with his family. Instead of
find him anywhere. They concluded that
going to his friend, he presented himself at
he must have killed the swamiji for some
the court and fell at the feet of the king. He
reason. They took the news to the king.
had entered the garden and were at the narrated the whole story of the swamiji’s
King Sushanta was furious. He ordered
pond. He rushed out and threw his spear in untimely death.
a manhunt, but Sumangala could not he
the direction of the pond.
traced. “I know it all, Sumangala. I know you
Alas! The spear pierced swamiji and could not have done it intentionally. Come
Meanwhile Sumangala had taken
he cried aloud. Sumangala recognized back and join my service once again!” said
up a job in a neighbouring kingdom. But
his voice and ran out in horror. He found the king.
he was not happy. He wanted to return to
swamiji gasping for breath. He fell at his feet
Pushpanagar. When one year had passed, Here Vetala stopped his narration
and begged his pardon. The swamiji said,
he ventured into Pushpanagar and met and turned to the king. “O king, when
“Remove the spear from my back so that I
an old friend, a courtier in the palace. He Sumangala’s friend sang the park-keeper’s
can die in peace.” Sobbing, Sumangala did
praises in the court the first two times,

20 CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

the king would not react at all. But when remained silent, perhaps because he was
Sumangala himself went and fell at the afraid that he might, in a fit of rage, harm
king’s feet two years after the accidental Sumangala if he were to present himself
death of swamiji, the king took him before him. Two years after the incident, the
back. Doesn’t this show the king to be wound had healed by the time Sumangala
inconsistent in his behaviour? Do you made his desperate appearance in the court.
think that only when he saw Sumangala And the king reacted in a reasonable way.
did he realise that he couldn’t have killed The king was only following the wise words
the swamiji deliberately? If you know the of his mentor when he held his tongue and
answers to these questions, but choose to let time heal his anger before he felt able to
remain silent, your head will split into a talk rationally to Sumangala.”
thousand pieces!”
No sooner had King Vikram answered
King Vikram replied promptly: “No, than the Vetala once again gave him the slip
King Sushanta was not inconsistent in his and glided back to the ancient tree. And
behaviour. And he must have realised long King Vikram drew his sword and followed
back that the swamiji’s death had been the Vetala.
accidental, and not deliberate, for didn’t m
you say that he was a wise ruler? Surely
he knew his park-keeper well! If he had
ordered a manhunt for Sumangala, it was
because he was blinded by anger at the
thought of the untimely and violent death
of swamiji, whom he revered very much.
We know that anger was the king’s greatest
weakness. Swamiji had once advised him
not to do anything when he was angry, but
to wait till he was his old reasonable self.
The king was still angry at the park-keeper
when the courtier pleaded on his behalf.
But he remembered his mentor’s words and

(0, nee again the determined young girl called Malathi who threw away she sat down to string the flowers into a
Vikramaditya climbed the tree where the the good fortune that came her way in a garland. She finished making the garland
Vetala had taken the corpse. He patiently most casual manner. Let me tell you her and was about to wear it in her hair when
brought down the body, placed it on his story so that you can relax your mind and she heard a voice. “Even the nightingale has
shoulders again and climbed down with maybe you’ll also learn something from it.” been silenced by your lovely song,” said the
the heavy burden. Then he walked briskly The Vetala then began his narration. voice. “How sweetly you sing!”
towards the cremation ground.
In the jungles of Vindhyachal in a Malathi was startled and turned
The Vetala possessing the corpse hut lived a woodcutter with his daughter around towards the voice, when a young
addressed him saying, “O King, it is now Malathi. Her mother had died when she was man stepped forward and said, “My name is
midnight and this place is dark and very young and her father had brought her Madhu Kumar. I am a lover of music and I
frightening. Spirits and ghosts wander up all by himself. Now that she had grown was enchanted by your sweet voice.”
around here at this hour. Your life could into a beautiful girl, he was anxious that he
Malathi did not know how she should
be in great danger. Are you trying to solve should find a suitable husband for her.
a difficult problem or escape from an react to these words. As she looked around
One day, the woodcutter heard that in confusion, there was a sudden cloudburst.
embarrassing situation that you are willing
his sister, who lived in a village nearby, had Malathi asked the young man to step into the
to undertake such a hard and impossible
taken ill. So he set off early the next day to verandah and said, “O dear, you’re all wet!”
task? You don’t seem to want to leave this
call on her. He had to leave Malathi alone
cremation ground at all. Do keep this in Madhu Kumar came inside quickly.
at home as their cow was expecting a calf.
mind. There are some people who feel He looked around and was greatly
that every small issue is a big problem After her father left, Malathi finished her impressed. “Your home looks lovely.
and they get tensed, while others do not chores. Then she washed her hair and went out Aren’t you afraid of living alone in the
think enough about major issues and treat into the garden. She walked around picking up middle of this forest?”
them very casually. This can lead to wrong flowers and singing in a sweet voice.
“I was born and brought up here. My
decisions. I hope you are not one of those.
Suddenly dark clouds gathered and it father lives with me, so why should I be
I would like to warn you not to treat major
threatened to rain. Continuing her singing, afraid?” replied Malathi.
decisions in life casually. There was this

CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

kVlKRAM VETAL Adventure Humour Moral

Just then a voice was heard: “Is Malathi went up to the door to see him
anybody inside? May I come in? The rain off. He told her quietly: “Your sweet
shows no sign of stopping!” voice has enchanted me and I’ve fallen
in love with you. I shall send my brother
Malathi opened the door to find a
to your father to propose a marriage
handsome young man on the verandah. She
between us.”
welcomed him, saying: “Do come in. You
seem to have got drenched.” Sundardas spoke to Malathi secretly
before he left: “You’re so beautiful. In fact,
The young man was surprised to see
you make a good match for a handsome
such a beautiful girl in the middle of the
man like me. I never thought I would ever
forest. For a moment he was speechless. But
meet such a person. I shall ask my parents
composing himself as he entered, he said:
to come and meet your father tomorrow and
“My name is Sundardas. I’m on my way to my
propose our marriage.”
friend’s wedding and got caught in the rain.”
Ravishankar alsq confessed that he
Pointing at Madhu Kumar on the cot,
had fallen in love with her and told Malathi
Malathi said: “He is Madhu Kumar. He too
that he was a wealthy trader. “It’ll be so
was caught in the rain.”
pleasant to come here to relax after the
Just then another voice said: “I’m strain and stress of business. I shall ask my
sorry for entering without permission, but mother to call on your father tomorrow with
the storm is very severe and I’m completely a proposal.”
When her father returned, Malathi
Before Malathi could answer him, the asked him: “How’s aunty?”
third man who had come in said: “My name
Her father said: “She isn’t too well.
is Ravishankar. I’m on my way to town
I’m afraid she may not live very long. She’s
on business, and was caught in the rain.
worried that she may not live long enough
Heaven knows when there’ll be a let up!” “My sister has certainly been unwise
to see her son Ramapati married.”
After a while there was a let up and about her son’s marriage,” said the
“Why should she grieve about such a woodcutter. “First, she thought she might
the three men left one after the other.
matter? Why doesn’t she get him married to be able to find a bride from a rich family,
Madhu Kumar was the first to leave and
a girl of her choice?” asked Malathi. but her dreams did not materialise. I wanted

downpour in which three young men got and yet keep quiet, your head will explode
caught. They came into our hut to escape into tiny pieces.”
from the rain. The first one is a lover of
Vikramaditya said: “What can be
music, the second one is very handsome,
a serious and complex issue or how a
and the third one is a wealthy trader.
simple and easy decision could be made
Each one of them proposed to me before
depends on the personality and emotional
he left, saying they will send their people
attitudes of the person facing the problem.
to talk to you about it.”
According to their experience they take
“Really?” said her father. “All three of the best decision possible. Malathi did not
them must surely be rich. Forget your cousin do anything wrong by deciding to marry
Ramapati. Tell me if you’ll accept afty one of her cousin because she felt it was the most
the three.” sensible and natural thing to do. Each of
the three suitors, who desired to marry
“Father, I shall marry only Ramapati,”
her after a very brief acquaintance, took
said Malathi without any hesitation.
it for granted that she would only be too
The Vetala stopped his narration there happy to marry him. They did not feel it
and said: “O King, it is clear that Malathi necessary to ascertain her wish. Ramapati
made a foolish decision. Her three suitors was the only one who asked for her opinion.
were rich and accomplished young men. Those who did not feel it necessary to
She should have chosen one of them as her ask for her opinion before marriage were
husband. She would have then led a life of unlikely to change their attitude later. So
comfort and luxury. Instead, she chose an your statement that Malathi made a foolish
to suggest that she should make you her
illiterate farmer like Ramapati as her groom. decision and ruined her future is not correct
daughtenindaw, but we’re not rich like her.
Choosing a life partner is a serious matter, or valid.”
But she has now raised the subject and says
because it affects one’s future. But Malathi
if your wedding with Ramapati takes place, The Vetala, having successfully got
treated the whole thing so casually and
she can die peacefully. I’ve also agreed. Now King Vikramaditya to break his silence, flew
made up her mind without giving a thought
Ramapati wants to know if you are willing off to the ancient tree with the corpse.
to the consequences. I think she spoilt her
to marry him.”
future and did not take advantage of the m
Malathi smiled: “Father, after you fortune that came her way. Tell me if my
left in the morning, there was a heavy judgement is right. If you know the answer

Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

The Sculptor Who Did the

ark was the night and weird cite an instance. Pay attention to it; that could any sculptor create a figure of the
the atmosphere. It rained from time to should bring you some relief.” princess without taking a look at her?
time. Gusts of wind shook the nearby forest. But there was no question of the princess
The Vetala went on:
Between thunderclaps and the moaning of appearing before any sculptor as a model!
jackals could be heard the eerie laughter of Long ago, the Kingdom of Chakravak
It was decided that the sculptors who
spirits. was ruled by King Sasankadev. His daughter,
would volunteer to try their hands at the
Princess Shampalata was as beautiful as a
But King Vikram swerved not. He project would be given a description of
nymph. But hardly anybody knew about it
climbed the ancient tree once again and the princess by her chief maid. After the
because in those days and in that part of
brought the corpse down. However, as soon sculptors created the figures according to
the world, girls of the royal families never
as he began crossing the desolate cremation the description, the king and queen would
appeared in public.
ground with the corpse lying astride on judge which of them resembled the princess
his shoulder, the Vetala that possessed One day while the princess was talking most. The creator of that sculpture would
the corpse said: “O King, your labours at to her father, an idea flashed in the king’s then be made the chief sculptor of the
this unearthly hour intrigue me. From the mind. As years would pass, like everything kingdom and occupy a high position in the
answers you give to my riddles, I presume else, the beauty of the princess, too, would royal court.
that you are wise. At the same time I feel change. Nobody would ever know that
The announcement was duly made
you are rather foolish. Maybe you have two such a beauty had once lived on this earth.
and a number of sculptors gathered on
selves in yourself — one wise and the other Would there be any sculptor who could
the appointed day to listen to the maid’s
foolish. Perhaps, sometimes the wise self carve a figure in marble of his charming
description of the princess. Thereafter,
dominates your personality, at other times daughter?
they engaged themselves in giving shape
your foolish self dominates it. Well, it can
He discussed his idea with the queen to their visions of the princess on blocks of
happen with several sensible people. Let me
and the minister. The question was, how marble. After a few months, the figures were

ready and were carried into the queen’s “Father, I’m neither a yogi nor a
apartments in the palace. The king, the tantrik. But I have a desire to become the
queen and a few of their confidants looked chief sculptor of our kingdom. I don’t know
at them, hut rejected all of them! how and where to find any supernatural
being who can help me create an exact
Once again the announcement was
image of the princess,” said Viraj.
made, calling upon new hands to participate
in the project. “I can tell you where to meet them.
This, indeed, is a secret. Not far from our
In a frontier village of the kingdom
village, as you know, there is the forest
of Chakravak lived an artist named
Kanakaranya, around the lake Kanaka. On
Rajshekhar. His son, Viraj, was a highly
fu lb moon nights, Yakshis descend on the
talented sculptor. He was still in the process
banks of the lake and play hide-and-seek. If
of learning the art from a great sculptor who
you can somehow please any of them, your
belonged to the neighbouring kingdom of
mission can be accomplished,” informed
Vajrapur. The King of Vajrapur was a great
lover of all kinds of art and he patronised all
budding artists. The full-moon night was only two
days away. Viraj set out for the Kanakaranya
Viraj was on a visit to his village when
forest in the afternoon on the day preceding
he heard the king’s announcement.
the night and reached the lake Kanaka in
‘Is it at all possible to carve someone’s the evening. He sat down under a tree and
figure by only listening to a description of waited for his opportunity.
the person.7’ Viraj wondered.
The full moon shone on the lake
“My son, it is possible in principle. and the trees. The atmosphere was calm
There are more than one way to do that. and fragrant with numerous forest flowers.
One can develop an inner vision through Suddenly, Viraj heard a sweet giggle. He
Yoga; one can see a person through a wall followed the sound and saw two beautiful
or a screen through tantra. A third way is to damsels coming towards him.
take the help of some supernatural beings,”
He greeted them with folded hands.
said Rajshekhar.

lVikram Vetal Adventure Humour

“How dare you, a human being, As Viraj kept looking at Chapala, her near him. He also saw a casket full of the
tarry here at night? Aren’t you afraid of appearance began to change. In a moment necessary implements.
wild animals and giants?” asked one of the she became a different person.
Viraj at once began his work. But
“The figure Chapala has assumed is Chanchala observed: “This is too slow
It was not difficult for Viraj to guess that of the princess. You can begin carv¬ a process. Wait, I’ll give speed to your
that they were Yakshis. ing the image looking at her,” advised instruments.”
“O kind-hearted Devis! I am not Next moment Viraj saw himself
afraid of anything because I know that you working ten times faster. The figure was
will protect me from any danger,” said Viraj. made in no time.

“Do you have so much faith in us?” “Excellent!” exclaimed the two
they asked. “Good. But what brings you Yakshis. “Come here on the next full-moon
here at this hour?” night and fulfil your promise to us.”

Viraj told them the reason for his “I shall, O Devis, but how am I to
presence there and for waiting for them. carry this stone sculpture to the palace of
They were amused, but Viraj could feel that King Sasankadev,” said Viraj.
they had nothing but sympathy for him.
“Shut your eyes,” commanded Chanchala.
“Look here, young man, it is not
Viraj did so — and felt a strange
possible to carve anyone’s figure without
sensation. As if he was being carried
seeing the person. But we will help you
through the sky.
make the impossible possible, provided you
agree to carve our figures, too, in stone,” When he opened his eyes, he saw
said the Yakshis. himself right in front of the palace, along
with the sculpture.
“I shall deem it my good fortune to
carve your images,” said Viraj. The king was duly informed of his
“O Devi, I don’t have a chunk of
presence. The image was taken inside.
“Thanks,” said one of the Yakshis. “My marble here,” said Viraj. “I did not bring my
It was found to be an exact portrayal of
name is Chanchala and my friend’s name is implements either,” he added.
the princess. “Am I looking at a mirror?”
Chapala. You can fix your eyes on Chapala
“Here it is!” was Chanchala’s response. exclaimed the happy princess.
and see what happens.”
Viraj was amazed to find a block of marble

CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years
The king called Viraj to his presence mum though you may know the answers, exact image of his daughter without ever
and praised his work. He said: “We will your head would roll off your neck!” seeing her? This question should become
make you the chief sculptor of our kingdom
uppermost in one’s mind unless one is blunt
Answered King Vikram without
and a courtier. But, before that, you have to and dull. Viraj understood the attitude
the least delay: “An artist’s greatest hope
carve another image — of my wife’s younger of the king. If the king ordered to create
is an art-lover’s sympathy and wisdom.
sister, Manjula. She has seen my daughter’s another image like the one he had done of
King Sasankadev was a fool to expect that
image and wishes to have one made of
the princess, even before appointing him
as the chief sculptor, he could give similar

“Your Majesty, can a subject ever diso- orders time and again even after giving him
bey his king? But allow me to go home now. the position. Must he run every time to

I feel tired, and I need some rest,” said Viraj. the Yakshis to perform his task? Viraj never
promised anything to King Sasankadev. He
“All right,” agreed the king, certain
said that a subject must obey his king. That
that Viraj would oblige him later.
is why he did not wish to remain his subject
But Viraj never returned to the palace. and decided to leave Chakravak.
Not only that. He left the kingdom and
“The King of Vajrapur was a lover
went away to the neighbouring kingdom of
and patron of art. That explains why Viraj
Vajrapur. His parents also joined him.
migrated to that kingdom. It is far better
The Vetala paused for a moment to be recognised as a good artist by people
and then in a voice that was challenging, who understood art than to be recognised
demanded of King Vikram, “O King, wasn’t as the best artist by one who did not
it foolish of Viraj to reject the position understand art.”
offered by the king? Just as he made the
No sooner had King Vikram
image of the princess, he could have made
concluded his answer than the vampire,
one of Manjula’s, too. Why didn’t he do
along with the corpse, gave him the slip.
somebody could carve an image of his
that? Why did he go away to another
country, Vajrapur, instead of enjoying his daughter without taking a look at her. It was
own king’s patronage? Did he not promise double foolishness on his part not to show

the king to carve Manjula’s figure? O King, any curiosity regarding Viraj’s surprising
answer me if you can. Should you keep achievement. How could Viraj make an
» Vikram Vetal Adventure Humour

The Short-tempered

t was a dark, moonless night. have been labouring tirelessly for a very long
Occasional flashes of lightning lit up the time. Perhaps it is your guru who has set you
sombre scene, causing an eerie dance on this pursuit. But some wise gurus have a
of jerky and frightening shadows in the habit of couching their advice in ambiguous
cremation ground. Occasionally, the words, so that their real meaning remains an
spine-chilling howl of a jackal or the blood¬ enigma! Perhaps your guru, too, is one such.
curdling laughter of some unseen evil spirit The story of Sage Sutivra is an example.”
cut into the silence that hung, shroud-like,
The story narrated by the Vetala went
over the area. Altogether, it was a scene
as follows:
that would strike terror into the bravest
heart. But nothing could daunt the intrepid Once upon a time, an ascetic named
King Vikram. Once again, he made his way Sutivra was sitting in a trance in the forest,
to the ancient gnarled tree from which the when two tribal hunters came there.
corpse hung. Bones crunched under his feet Exhausted by the long hunt, one of them
and a screeching ghost rose from the dust in fell down in a swoon. The other, in panic,
shuddering frenzy as he marched ahead. ran to the ascetic and requested him for
water to revive his friend. Finding him
Oblivious to all this, he reached the
unresponsive, he shook him and roused him
tree and brought down the corpse. Slinging
from his trance.
it over his shoulder, he had just begun
his return journey when the vampire that Overcome by fury at having been
possessed the corpse said, “O King, you disturbed, Sutivra administered a curse on

After a long journey, Sutivra reached an unsightly lass. Weeping bitterly, she ran
the ashram of his guru, Sushanta, and told away.
him the whole story. Sushanta said, “My
Sutivra continued on his journey and
boy, anger is man’s greatest enemy. Your
soon reached Vishnupur, where he asked
anger is undoing the effect of your penance;
a passing youth to show him the way to
you would do well to rein it in. The hunter
Madhav’s house. But instead of complying,
will be restored to life if you surrender the
the youth sarcastically said, “So, despite
fruits of your penance.”
being an ascetic, you have an eye on
Finding this a painful alternative, Madhav’s beautiful daughter, do you? But
Sutivra asked his guru if there was no let me warn you that I’m in love with her;
other way out. Sushanta answered, “In if you try any tricks, I won’t hesitate to kill
Vishnupur lives a householder named you!i»
Madhav. If he gives you a part of his
When he heard this, Sutivra was so
punya (merit accrued from good deeds or
furious that he shouted, “Become dumb,
penance), the hunter will come back to
you insolent fellow!” He then walked
life. You may go and meet him.”
away in a huff. Behind him, the youth
Sutivra immediately set out for gesticulated wildly, discovering that he had
Vishnupur. On the way, he came across a suddenly become incapable of speech.
group of young girls. Among them was one
the hunter, which instantly reduced him Finally, Sutivra reached Madhav’s
so beautiful that he could not help staring at
to a pile of ashes. Moments later, when the house, where he found Madhav sitting on
her. The girl chided him, “You’re an ascetic,
other hunter came back to his senses and the verandah. He walked up to him and
but instead of thinking of God, you’re
found out what had happened, he pleaded introduced himself as a disciple of Sage
feasting your eyes on my beauty! Have you
with the ascetic to revoke his curse and Sushanta, whereupon Madhav welcomed
no shame?”
restore his friend to life. Sutivra, who by him cordially and, after offering him a seat,
now was feeling ashamed of his fit of temper, Stung by the rebuke, Sutivra instantly enquired after his guru’s welfare.
replied, “I can only curse, hut don’t have retorted, “So proud of your beauty, are you?
Sutivra could not find any fault
the power to revoke my curses. Let me go to May you turn into an ugly woman!”
with Madhav’s hospitality. But he soon
my guru and ask him how your friend may
The next moment, his curse came wondered, This man seems just like any
be revived. Meanwhile, please stand guard
true, as the beautiful damsel turned into other householder; what is so special about
over his ashes.”

30 CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

him that my guru sent me to obtain punya When he heard this, Sutivra’s temper it fair to expect someone to change his
from him.7’ Impelled by curiosity, he asked got the better of him and, as was his wont, long-held views so suddenly?” Sutivra
Madhav what he did and how he spent his without pausing to think he shouted, was dumbstruck. Finding his tongue with
time. Was he in the habit of doing penance “Atheists like you must be punished! This difficulty, he at last said in a voice choked
or performing any special rituals? very moment, may your limbs get paralysed with pain, “My curse did not affect you.
and may you lose your eyesight!” Obviously you’re a greater soul than I!”
Madhav replied, “Well, I wake up
early in the morning, take my bath and busy Madhav humbly replied, “No, O sage!
myself with chores in and around the house. You use the power you obtained by penance
As and when possible, I help others in need. to punish people who do wrong. But each
When I have free time, I read some good time you do this, you lose a bit of your
books. I sleep on time. I eschew anger and power. By your power, you burnt a hunter to
extreme emotions.” ashes, destroyed a girl’s beauty, and made a
young man dumb. With this, you exhausted
Sutivra was astonished to note that
your power. Now let me ask you - haven’t
Madhav’s daily routine did not include
you come here to ask me to donate my
prayer or meditation. He enquired, “Don’t
you pray to God at least once a day?” punya so that the people you cursed may
be liberated from the curses? Until they are
“Is there any place where God does back to normal, your curse would not affect
not dwell? Why then should I pray to God me. I grant it. Now you have also regained
who, after all, lives in me and in others like your power - you may curse me if you like!”
me? Helping others and living happily is as
good as any prayer or ritual.” Sutivra did not curse Madhav. He
bowed to him and silently walked away. On
Sutivra was furious. “You’re mocking his way back, he saw that all the people
me! Are you saying that the penance I have he had cursed had been restored to their
been doing all these years is useless?” Wonder of wonders! Sutivra’s curses
original forms. He returned to his guru, told
had no effect on Madhav whatsoever. In
Madhav calmly replied, “O holy him all that had happened and asked him
the same calm voice, he said, “O great
man, I was speaking of myself. I did not say for an explanation.
soul, you’re an ascetic. It was wrong on
anything about you. My personal belief is
my part to provoke you to anger, and I Sushanta explained, “No doubt the
that doing penance is a waste of time.” power obtained from doing penance is
apologise. Please calm down. Tell me, is

CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years
great. But a disciplined man who lives in return to his routine of penance? Instead of
harmony with nature, discharging his duties talking ambiguously, why didn’t Sushanta
and helping others, is more powerful than advise his disciple clearly to give up his
a short-tempered ascetic like you. He also penance and lead a householder’s life? If
has more punya, since he is unahle to curse you choose to keep quiet despite knowing
others and cause them harm.” the answers, your head shall shatter into a *
thousand pieces!”
Sutivra asked, “But Madhav donated
his punya to free those whom I cursed; so The king replied, “Sutivra’s fault was
hasn’t he lost it now? How long will it take that he was governed by his temper. Such
for him to get it back?” men are fit for neither an ascetic’s life nor
a householder’s life. After hearing from
Sushanta smilingly replied, “It is the
Sutivra of the way in which he had behaved
biggest good deed to donate the merit of one’s
with Madhav, Sushanta could not advise
good deeds to right another’s mistake. So,
him to lead a householder’s life. That is why
thanks to you, Madhav’s punya, because of
he merely threw out some hints, but left the
this unselfish good deed, has redoubled instead
onus of taking a decision on his disciple’s
of diminishing; and for making him do such a
shoulders. The erstwhile arrogant and short-
thing, your burden of sin has also increased!”
tempered Sutivra too had learnt his lesson
Hearing this, Sutivra turned pale. and decided to turn over a new leaf. That is
After a moment’s thought he got up, saying, why he resolved to return to the forest and
“Guruji! Let me now go back to my penance become a good ascetic.”
to recover my lost power and to free myself
No sooner had the king finished
from the burden of my sin.”
speaking than the vampire, along with the
Concluding the story at this point, the corpse, moved off his shoulder with a jerk
vampire demanded, “O King! Sushanta’s and flew back to the tree. King Vikram
explanation hints at the fruitlessness of immediately drew his sword and went after
penance as a method of winning God’s the vampire. He squared his shoulders
favour. Wasn’t that why he sent his ascetic and retraced his steps towards the tree.
disciple Sutivra to the householder Madhav His dogged determination was very much
for help? Why then did Sutivra ultimately evident in his steady gait.
The King and His General

ark was the night and eerie Navinsen and Lalgupta, King Navinsen’s Unfortunately, Virgupta did not
the atmosphere. The howls of jackals were son Chandrasen ascended the throne. receive any invitation. He was annoyed.
subdued by the weird shrieks of the ghosts. “Why has Mohanpur ignored me?” he asked
This disappointed Lalgupta’s son
It rained from time to time. Flashes of his minister.
Virgupta. He tried to kill Chandrasen,
lightning revealed fearful faces.
but did not succeed. His motive became “My lord, the King of Mohanpur
But King Vikram did not swerve. known. However, instead of punishing desires his daughter to be a queen. He
He climbed the ancient tree again and him, Chandrasen said, “Look, my dear knows very well that your tenure as king
brought the corpse down. As soon as he friend, you love the throne. I love to study. will last only a few more years. Why then
began crossing the desolate cremation I suggest that you rule the kingdom for should he invite you?” replied the minister.
ground with the corpse lying astride on five years. Let me spend that period in
“I shall teach him a lesson. Prepare
his shoulder, the vampire that possessed Varanasi, devoting myself to gathering
our army. I shall march against Mohanpur,”
the corpse spoke: “O King, at times even knowledge. But you must promise to rule
said Virgupta angrily.
the conduct of a sensible man will appear in peace and restore the kingdom to me on
queer. It seems there is nothing that some my return.” “My lord, please do not forget the fact
people cannot do to satisfy their selfish that you have promised to rule peacefully,”
“Thank you, O noble prince. I promise
ends. Let me give you an instance. Listen reminded the minister.
to rule peacefully and restore the kingdom
to it attentively. That might bring you
to you on your return,” said Virgupta. But Virgupta paid no heed to the
some relief.”
Chandrasen left for Varanasi. Virgupta minister’s advice. He sent a messenger
The vampire went on: “Long long became the king. to the court of Mohanpur along with his
ago, the kingdom of Amaravati was ruled picture and a message that he ought to be
The king of Mohanpur had a daughter
by Navinsen. But he fell sick. That is why invited for the Swayamvara. Otherwise he
named Manimala. She was both beautiful
Lalgupta, the commander of the king’s would attack and destroy Mohanpur.
and gifted. Her father arranged for her
army, was made to sit on the throne and
Swayamvara. Invitations were sent to a The King of Mohanpur flung
rule the land. But after the death of both
number of princes. Virgupta’s picture away and tore his letter to

f H
CHANDAMAMA; Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years
Chandrasen at Varanasi. He at once set out King Vikram answered forthwith:
for Amaravati. He climbed to the top of the “Before we judge Chandrasen, we must
castle and observed how hordes of soldiers judge Virgupta’s conduct. The fact that
were heading towards his castle from Virgupta had once tried to kill Chandrasen
different directions, led by various princes. must not be forgotten. Chandrasen had not
only forgiven Virgupta, but granted him a
Virgupta too came up and had a view
rare privilege—kingship for five years!
of the invading armies. He was trembling
with fear. “Virgupta had promised to rule
peacefully. He broke his promise when
As soon as the invading princes
he declared war on Mohanpur. Since he
reached the castle wall, Prince Chandrasen
insisted on marrying Princess Manimala, it
struck Virgupta with his sword. Virgupta’s
was obvious that he had decided to cling to
head rolled down from the roof.
the throne.
When the princes saw that Virgupta
“We see that Virgupta had always
had already been beheaded by someone,
conducted himself treacherously. He
they went away.
pieces. Virgupta’s emissary returned to his deserved death right at the beginning when
master, humiliated. Chandrasen produced Virgupta’s head he tried to kill Chandrasen. If Chandrasen
before the King of Mohanpur. Needless to killed him at last, it was not due to any
Virgupta declared war against Mohanpur.
say, he married Princess Manimala. personal grievance, but to protect his
The King of Mohanpur sent kingdom. An attack by so many princes
The vampire paused and, in a
messengers to the princes who had been would have ruined Amaravati totally.
challenging voice, demanded of King
earlier invited by him, saying that the one Virgupta, in any case, would have lost his
Vikram, “O King, was it not treacherous of
who would behead Virgupta would marry head to one of the princes. Chandrasen did
Chandrasen to kill Virgupta? How could a
Manimala. only what any intelligent prince would have
man who had been so sympathetic towards
Several princes headed towards Virgupta earlier, behave in such a manner? done in such a grave situation.”

Amaravati with their armies, each one eager Had his desire to marry Manimala turned No sooner had the king finished
to behead Virgupta. him mad? Answer me, O king, if you can. replying than the vampire, along with the
Should you keep mum though you may corpse, gave him the slip. King Vikram drew
Spies carried the news of the
know the answer, your head would roll off his sword and went after the vampire.
impending attack on Amaravati to Prince
your shoulders.” m
34 CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years
The s Dilemma

ark was the night and weird The Vetala went on:
the atmosphere. It rained from time to time;
Once upon a time there lived an
gusts of wind shook the trees; between
old pundit named Sankara Sastri in
thunderclaps and the moaning of jackals
the kingdom of Kunthala. One day he
could be heard the eerie laughter of spirits.
performed a rite at a rich man’s house in
Flashes of lightning revealed fearsome faces.
a far off village and began his homeward
But King Vikram swerved not. He journey.
climbed the ancient tree once again and
In order to reach home soon, he took
brought down the corpse. However, as soon
a short cut through a forest. He reached
as he began crossing the desolate cremation
a place dense with tall trees and hillocks.
ground, with the corpse lying on his shoulder,
Suddenly from a cave, a demon stretched
the Vetala that possessed the corpse spoke: “O
his hand and grabbed Sankara Sastri in his
King! You seem to be making untiring efforts,
fist and lifted him up.
without respite. What do you wish to achieve?
I pity you. Instead of enjoying a comfortable A terribly shaken Shastri looked down
sleep on your cosy bed, you continue to pursue and saw the demon’s mouth open like a
me. Why don’t you give up this exercise? miniature cave and his teeth like two rows
Are you sure that you are observing your of sharp knives.
royal duties? Are you true to your legitimate
“Oye! What a dismal small dish! You
function? If not, you may repeat the kind
will only increase my appetite. However, now
of blunder that the demon Deerghabahu
that I’m hungry after a long sleep, probably
committed. Let me tell you what happened
for a week, I must eat you before going out in
to him. Pay attention to my narration. That
search of better food,” observed the demon.
should relax you.”
Sankara Shastri was a courageous “I have to know, tor that is my “You see, you were a human being in
man. Once the demon had started talking profession. I am an astrologer of a very your previous life. Not only that, you were
to him, he decided to use the situation special kind. I can know the past and the the disciple of a sage and you could learn
to his advantage. He must at least try, he future of a person. By past I mean even the lessons taught by him faster than his
thought. one’s past life,” answered Shastri. other disciples. But you had one weakness
- only one ...”
“O great demon, you are not only “I’ve never eaten an astrologer, I must
mighty but also capable of miracles! How confess. I don’t know how you’ll taste. But “What was that?”
otherwise could you have lifted me up from
“Must I tell you? I hope you’ll pardon
the road yonder, while sitting in front of
me. You had the habit ot stealing things
your cave? Neither gods nor men could do
from other disciples or visitors who came
this!” he said.
to meet the sage. You acted very swiftly, as
“Right!” commented the pleased if you could thrust your hand into every
demon. “Not that every demon could do nook and comer. At last one day when you
this. I am gifted with very long arms. That is stole some laddoos that someone had offered
why my parents named me Deerghabahu— to your guru, he cursed you saying that in
the long-armed. Look here!” your next life you’ll have very long arms.
But since no human being can have arms
The demon stretched his right hand
beyond a certain size, you’ll be born as a
and plucked a palm-fruit from a tree in front
of his cave.
Shastri paused. The demon who heard
“Marvellous!” exclaimed Sankara
him with rapt attention, asked, “Can you
Shastri. “I am happy to be of some service
tell me where the guru is? I’ll throttle him
to you as your appetiser. But, by the way, do
with my long arms!”
you know how you were gifted with such
arms which, I believe, are unusual even for Shastri laughed. “Your guru is beyond
demons?” your arms. He is in heaven. But don’t get
angry with him. When you repented, the
“I don’t know. But do you know
before I eat you, will you please disclose to
guru also gave you a boon. He said that your
anything about that?” asked the demon,
me the mystery of my long arms?” asked the demonhood and those very long arms of
rather surprised.
yours can make you the king of the land.”

36 CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

» VlKRAM VETAL Adventure Humour
k. Moral

“Is that so?” The demon was amazed. happy because I am out of their reach,”
replied Shastri.
“It is so. And, once you become the
king, you can eat to your heart’s content “Don’t wild animals come to the
most delicious dishes!” locality? Why?”

“A human being is the most delicious “They don’t. They live in the forest
dish. I would like to eat three human beings just as human beings live in the locality.
a day. Will my subjects bear with me?” asked A tiger or a leopard can kill a man when
the curious demon. a man enters a forest. Similarly, a tiger
or a leopard is likely to get killed once it
“Gladly. The kingdom is overpopulated.
enters the locality. Each creature should
They will be happy if their king brings down
be where he belongs. The fish live in the
the population in a healthy way, that is to say
water; the birds live on the trees, the wild
- by himself growing more and more healthy!”
animals in the forest, the human beings in
“Good. Now, how to become the king? villages and towns. This is the rule made by
The king is alive.” nature,” explained Shastri. “A wild animal

“Once you march into the capital, the must be confined to the forest. That is

king shall flee, leaving his throne for you.” Pashudharma—the rule for the animals,”
“Very well. Please lead me to the right
place.” They walked silently for a while,
While Shastri was speaking, the guru
along the bank of a river. There was
was seen coming out of a hut. A prince kept
The demon set out on his journey to
a Gurukul to their right. Some of the
down his bow and prostrated himself before
the capital, led by Sankara Shastri.
students were practising archery; some
the guru.
As soon as they crossed the forest and others were wrestling; some more were
reciting hymns or singing. “Must a prince become so very
reached the locality, Sankara Shastri merrily
humble?” asked the demon.
clapped and sang.
The demon observed them for a while
and asked, “What is this?” “Yes. One must be humble before
“What’s the matter with you? Why are
his guru. In fact, there is nothing which
you so jubilant?” asked the demon.
“This is a school. A great sage runs
a student cannot sacrifice at the guru’s
“You see, I was afraid of wild animals it. Among his students there are several
asking,” said Shastri.
as long as I was in the forest. Now I am

CHAN DAM AM A: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years 37
had been tricked by Shastri and was annoyed
with him? Why did he not gobble up Shastri
before retreating into the forest? Answer me
if you can, O King. Should you keep mum
despite your ability to answer, your head would
roll off your neck!”

Forthwith answered King Vikram.

“The demon was neither afraid of anybody
nor annoyed with Shastri. Although he
was a demon, he had enough sense to
understand that if Shastri had tricked him
for saving himself, he had done so because
man was cleverer than other creatures.
But what made the demon wiser was the
lesson Shastri gave him about the different
dharmas or duties of different creatures.
If the animals behaved according to
Pashudharma and men in general did so
“Why then does the guru not ask for Shastri had just concluded his
according to Manavadharma and the guru
the kingdom? He could become the king!” explanation when the demon turned and
according to Gurudharma, he should also
asked the demon. walked towards the forest with long strides.
act according to Danavadharma or the
Next moment, he was out of Shastri’s sight.
“To make a prince a worthy king is conduct natural to a demon. He could eat
the guru’s duty. The guru is conscious of his Shastri laughed and walked towards a human being in the forest, but not in the
gurudharma.'duty as a teacher. He will never his home, which was not far. locality. It was not for a demon to become
like to do a thing that is against his dharma. a king over human beings. The forest was
The Vetala stopped, and raising the
The human world is so well organised his home and not the palace. He retreated
pitch of his voice, demanded of King Vikram,
because the sense of duty rules the life of because he woke up to this truth.”
“O King, what happened to the demon who
man. God has made man cleverer and wiser
was so eager to become the king? Why did he No sooner had the king concluded
than all other creatures so that they will
retreat? Was it because he was afraid of the his answer than the Vetala, along with the
I lead a good life. That is Manavadharma—
human locality? Was it because he felt that he corpse, gave him the slip.
the law of human conduct.”

38 CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

.Vikram Vetal Adventure Humour Moral

he cremation ground had just begun his return journey when the retirement, content in the belief that the
presented an eerie spectacle that dark vampire that possessed the corpse said, “O kingdom was safe in his son’s hands.
night. The moon was hidden behind the King! From the way you are persevering
King Vir did not belie his father’s
clouds, and it was drizzling intermittently. in this difficult and dangerous task, it is
faith in him. He worked untiringly for the
The pitch darkness was relieved only by evident that you are a dedicated monarch
progress and prosperity of the kingdom.
occasional flashes of lightning that lit up whose greatest concern is the welfare of his
Various welfare schemes were launched.
the sombre scene, causing an eerie dance subjects. But I have seen that occasionally,
Farmers were encouraged to try out new
of jerky shadows in the cremation ground. even sincere kings like yourself throw their
crops, and small-scale entrepreneurs
Occasionally, a jackal’s spine-chilling howl principles to the winds when a question of
were provided with assistance. Convicts
or the blood-curdling laughter of some their self-aggrandisement arises. Let me tell
in prison were given vocational training
invisible evil spirit cut into the silence you the story of one such person, and you
to make them self-reliant and transform
that hung like a shroud over the area. can judge for yourself.”
them into useful members of society. Only
Altogether, it was a scene that would
The tale the vampire narrated went as three years after Vir had ascended the
strike terror into the bravest of hearts. But
follows. throne, he had managed to change the
nothing could daunt the intrepid King
very face of Vajrapur, turning it into a
Vikram. Once again, he made his way to Vir was the only son of the King of
highly prosperous kingdom.
the ancient gnarled tree from which the Vajrapur. Right from his childhood, he
corpse was hanging. Bones crunched under had been deeply interested in the task of It was now time for the king to think
his feet, and a screeching ghost rose from administration. By the time he grew to of taking a wife. Contrary to the usual
the dust in shuddering frenzy as he marched manhood, he had become an expert in the practice of choosing a bride from a royal
determinedly ahead. martial arts and the art of administration. family, he decided that he would marry a
He was wise beyond his years, and the commoner - one who was well-educated
Oblivious to everything but the
king frequently consulted him on tricky and highly intelligent, who could help him
mission at hand, he brought the hanging
administrative issues. Before long, the king in the task of administration and empathise
corpse down by cutting the rope with his
crowned him his successor and went into with the joys and sorrows of his subjects.
sword. Slinging it astride his shoulder, he

CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

To find such a woman, he decided to hold table before the king. As the king looked
a series of tests, which would he open for into the two bowls one after the other, he
participation to all the maidens of the could see in the water the reflection of the
kingdom. He announced he would wed morning sun, shining in through the open
whoever wins in the tests. window. Both the women had successfully
interpreted the riddle and answered his
The announcement received an
challenge. The warrior who tamed seven
enthusiastic response from numerous young
horses was the sun, who is believed to ride a
ladies who dreamt of becoming the queen
chariot drawn by seven horses.
of Vajrapur. The tests were formulated
to assess the resourcefulness, problem' Now that the contest had ended in
solving abilities, and memory skills of the a draw, the king was in a dilemma. At last,
contestants. At the end, two young women he said, “I would like to know about your
who had topped in all the rounds were backgrounds. Please tell me about your
shortlisted for a final round of tests. Their families and where you come from.”
names were Devayani and Shivani.
He turned to Shivani, who answered
The responsibility of choosing the final without any hesitation, “I hail from Rampur
winner went to King Vir. He summoned the village, which is to the east of the capital.
two women and said, “I understand that My parents, Kishanchand and Padma, are
you both are highly intelligent and capable farmers.”
young women. I now have one more task for
The king then turned to Devayani.
you. You must capture the warrior who has
She flared up, “What does it matter who my
tamed seven horses and bring him to me.
parents are, or where I come from.7 If you
Whoever succeeds in this task will he the
want to assess my calibre, you must do so by
winner and my queen.”
conducting another test—not by going into
Both women thought for a moment. my family background.”
Almost simultaneously, their eyes went to
The king looked suspiciously at her and
some bowls kept on the table. Each took
said, “You are secretive about your family
a bowl and went away. Moments later,
background. It seems that you have something
they returned simultaneously and placed
to hide. You would do well to be frank.”
their bowls, now filled with water, on the

“Yes, I do have something to hide!” Vir had never met Princess Devayani After hearing her story, King
snapped Devayani. “I am not a commoner, before, but he had heard quite a lot about her. Amarendra was in a dilemma. Kosala
but a princess, heir to the throne of Kosala. She was the only child of Amarendra, the was a bigger and stronger kingdom than
I have been in love with you for long and King of Kosala, and had been pampered by her Vajrapur and it was not difficult for him
wish to marry you. On learning that you doting father, as a result of which she was said to attack and annex it. But he did not
intended to marry a common girl and that to be haughty and self-willed. However, she wish to do this.
you were conducting a contest to choose was very intelligent and capable. It was she
your bride, I came here and took part in the After some thought, he composed

contest in the guise of a commoner - all to A LJ

□ f\
VA Hi a letter to Vir, which he sent through his
H trusted minister. Vir received the envoy
win your hand. Was it such a crime?” d
2 r: courteously and went through the letter.
For a moment, the king was It read: “Greetings to King Vir of Vajrapur.
dumbfounded. Then, in a mild voice he My daughter did wrong in going against the
asked, “You knew that the contest was rules of your competition, and I apologise
meant exclusively for commoners of this on her behalf. It was her love for you that
kingdom. So, as the crown-princess of the made her stoop to such a level. As a father
neighbouring kingdom, was it proper on who desires the welfare of his daughter,
your part to participate in it under a false I request you to marry her. If you do, the
kingdom of Kosala will become yours. Since
“I wanted to marry you and I have I know you to be a righteous and intelligent
proved myself worthy of it by passing your king, I can then rest easy about the welfare

tests. So, is it proper on your part to reject of my kingdom as well as my daughter.”

me only because I’m a princess? You have On reading this, Vir was lost in
insulted me. You shall pay for this some thought for some time. Then, he sent
day!” So saying, Princess Devayani stormed a reply through the envoy, accepting
out of the king’s chamber.
who actually ruled the kingdom, as her father the proposal. Soon afterwards, Vir and

King Vir could only stare after her was easy-going, preferring to spend much of Devayani were married. Vir became the
in bewilderment. After witnessing all his time playing chess. ruler of both kingdoms.

this drama, the other contestant Shivani On reaching home, Devayani went Concluding the story at this point,
withdrew quietly, and returned to her straight to her father. Amid tears, she the vampire demanded, “O King! Vir
poured out the whole tale to him. pretended to be a man of great integrity,
but had no compunctions about casting on her help in all aspects if he married her.
his principles to the winds when an Thus, it was a welbconsidered decision
attractive offer came up. He had guided entirely by altruistic motives.”
announced that he would marry only a
On hearing this, the vampire nod¬
commoner. So, wasn’t it wrong on his
ded in approval, before going off into peal
part to reject the commoner Shivani and
after peal of thunderous laughter. The next
marry Devayani who had actually flouted
moment he, along with the corpse, moved
the rules of the contest? Was it his desire
off the king’s shoulder with a jerk and flew
to annex Kosala that prompted him to
back to the ancient tree. King Vikram gave
take this decision, or was it motivated by
a little sigh as he gazed upon the scene.
a fear of reprisal from Kosala’s powerful
Then, he squared his shoulders and retraced
army? If you know the answer to my
his steps towards the tree.
question, speak out - otherwise, your
head shall shatter into smithereens!”

Calmly and without hesitation,

King Vikram replied, “It was neither
fear nor greed that motivated Vir to
act the way he did. He was a king who
Of the original 25 stories in the
was fully conscious of his responsibility Vetala Panchvimshati, only a few
towards his subjects, and who worked day have been used by Chandamama in
and night to improve their lot. Selfish this series due to their suitability.

considerations had no place in his mind.

He was aware of how the people of Kosala
were suffering under the reign of an
irresponsible king and an efficient but
temperamental princess.

“If he became their king, he could do

a lot of good for them. Although he was not
in love with Devayani, he realised that since
she loved him, he could certainly count

JHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years
Adventures and Explorations
S^ome of these stories appearing in Chandamama are true stories taken from real life. The
stories of adventure inspire the readers to face hurdles and danger and ultimately overcome them with
determination and hone.
Kuchu-mara said that he was ready to
meet the tests devised by Princess Saraswati.
Purandar, which was the capital of the
country, was not very far from the village.
The host sent his own son Shambara as
Kuchmmara’s guide.

Kuchu-mara went to the court of the

King, announced himself as having come to
submit himself to the test of the Princess. The
officials allotted quarters for him and passed
on the details concerning him to the Princess.

On receiving information concerning

The Kuchmmara, the Princess wrote him the

following letter:

“Sir, since you are a Brahman I do not

like to see you defeated. But you need not
nee there was a Brahmin youth hail from, whither you are bound, and on go away disappointed. I am sending you
in Banaras, Kuchmmara by name. He was what errand?” some gifts, which I want you to accept and
a great scholar, a master of all the sixtyTour
“Banaras is my native place,” Kuchm give me your blessings.”
sciences. Those were the days when King Bhoja
mara replied. “I am on my way to Dhara, The servant who took this letter to
of Dhara was patronising p oets and pandits
seeking the patronage of King Bhoja.” Kuchmmara brought the gifts from the
and giving them fabulous gifts. Thinking of
obtaining favours from the great king, Kuchm “If you are a scholar,” the host said, Princess, too. Kuchu-mara declined the gifts

mara started for the city of Dhara. “you need not go all the way to Dhara. Our and asked Shambara to draft the following

King has a daughter named Saraswati. She reply to the Princess:

On his way he stopped at a Brahman
insists on marrying a man of learning equal “Madam, if you had any objections to
village. One of the householders of the
to her own. The man who can meet her marrying me, you could have said so frankly.
village gave him food and shelter. When
tests will not only marry her but he will also But it was very unfair of you to try to send
they sat for their meal, the host politely
become the future King of our country.” me off like this. The gifts are uncalled for,
asked his guest, “Sir, may I know where you

46 CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

. VlKRAM VETAL Adventure Humour
Jk Morai

since I would depart without them once you how he looked. So she asked the parrot to
had defeated me.” describe the person who taught him speech.
To her surprise, the parrot told her that
The Princess read this reply and felt
Kuchu-mara was a young and handsome
irritated. She sent some flowers to Kuchm
mara through her servants. Kuchmmara
understood that his knowledge of making Soon it was known all over the royal
garlands was being put to test. So he precincts that the Princess was going to
arranged the flowers in a very clever design marry one Kuchmmara who had stood
in which his own name also figured. her tests. But Shambara, Kuchu-mara’s
guide, guessed it when the parrot brought a
Next, the Princess sent him a heap of
diamond necklace as a gift from the Princess
precious stones some of which were real and
for Kuchu-mara.
others just fakes. Kudimmara was requested
to estimate the value of the entire lot. He Now Shambara was seized with a wicked
separated the real gems from the fakes, idea. No one knew precisely ,who Kuchu-mara
estimated the value of the real gems, powdered was. The Princess had never set eyes on him.
the fakes, made the powder into a packet and The only letter she had from Kuchu-mara
sent it back to the Princess along with the real was written by Shambara. There was no
gems and his estimation of their value. likelihood of the Princess putting Kuchmmara
to further tests. What could prevent Shambara
Then some maids of the Princess
from announcing himself to be Kuchmmara,
brought a parrot that could not speak, and “I am Kuchu-mara,” he replied. “What
marrying the Princess and getting the throne?
told Kuchmmara, “The Princess requests do you want?”
you to teach the parrot to speak.” So, that night, Shambara took a large stone and
bashed Kuchmmara’s head while he was asleep, “Don’t be funny,” said the parrot. “Tell
Making the parrots speak was one tied the same stone round his neck and dropped me where he is. I bring a message to him
of the sciences and Kuchu-mara knew it. him into the moat outside the fort walls. from the Princess.”
Within the space of twentyTour hours he
But, early next morning, trouble “Come near and I’ll tell you where
taught the parrot speech and sent it back to
the Princess. came to him in the shape of the parrot Kuchmmara is,” Shambara said, and when
that brought a message from the Princess the parrot approached him trustingly, he
Up till now the Princess had not seen to Kuchmmara. The parrot flew allover caught it by the throat and threatened it
Kuchmmara. But now she desired to know the lodge. Not finding him, it approached saying, “I shall kill you if you don’t deliver to

CHAN DAM AMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years 47
me the message of the Princess.” The parrot this,” he shouted at the maids. “It is not This reply of Shambara confirmed the worst
refused to speak and Shambara strangled it fair that your mistress should trouble me suspicions of Princess Saraswati.
to death. Saraswati became uneasy that her eternally with her tests.”
In the meantime, a strange thing
parrot did not return. She was also anxious
“There is no question of a test,” the maids happened.
for Kuchmmara’s reply. Finally she sent her
replied. “Our mistress does not want that others
maids to find out what had happened. They Very near the capital there was a
should know what she wrote to you. You can use
came and told Shambara that they wanted fishermen’s village. The fishermen of this
a rare script for your reply if you so desire.”
to speak to Kuchmmara. village had made a new net and asked their
“I will not!” Shambara said. “I know it purohit to fix an auspicious time for using it.
“I am Kuchu-mara,” Shambara told
is a test. In case your mistress suspects that I “Throw the net exactly at midnight tonight.
them boldly.
am not Kuchu-mara but someone else, here It is the best time,” the purohit had said.
“What happened to the parrot which is the necklace that she sent me.”
The river was too far away. So the
our Princess sent to you?” they asked.
This proved to the maids conclusively fishermen chose the moat. Also, the fishermen
“It was very unfortunate,” Shambara that the fellow was an impostor, since had heard that fresh water had been let into
replied, “that the poor bird was caught by a nobody had accused him of not being the moat recently. So, to the moat came the
big, bad cat!” Kuchmmara. The maids returned to the fishermen exactly at midnight and threw the
Princess and reported. new net. It was very heavy when they pulled it
The shrewd maids returned to the
out. They were sure of a huge haul. But to their
Princess and told her, “Madam, we saw a The Princess agreed with her maids,
disappointment, it was a human body that was
crude fellow in the lodge who said that he but she devised yet another test. She gave
hauled up in the net.
was Kuchu-mara. He also said that your her maids another wild parrot and sent it to
parrot was accidentally killed by a cat.” Shambara. The maids told him, “You refuse The man was not dead. The body was
to reply to the messages written in a secret still warm and the heart was still beating.
Since the Princess had heard from her
script. Will you kindly teach this parrot how
parrot that Kuchu-mara was handsome, she In short, it was Kuchmmara. The
to speak, so that it will serve as a messenger
too became suspicious. She wrote a verse in fishermen had come to the moat only a
between the two of you?”
a rare script, gave it to her maids and asked few minutes after the wily Shambara had
them to bring back a reply from the one “Do you think I have nothing else thrown him into it, and Kuchu^mara was
who was calling himself Kuchmmara. to do but teach dumb parrots?” Shambara thus saved from death.
fumed. “Evidently your mistress has no
Shambara could not read the verse Kuchmmara was hastily conveyed to
intention of marrying me, and that is why
and got very angry. “I won’t give a reply to the village where his head was dressed. His
she is trying to engage me in such tasks.”

iVlKRAM VETAL Humour Morai

entire body was massaged and made warm. In
a couple of days, Kuchu-mara was fit enough
to move about. But he was ashamed to tell his
rescuers who he was. He remained with the
fishermen, followed them to the river everyday
and helped them by plying the ferry across the

In the capital Shambara persisted in

calling himself Kuchu-mara. He went to the
extent of pressing the King to perform his
marriage with the Princess. The Princess
agreed to the marriage but she told the King
that he should see that great pandits from
various countries were invited to attend
the marriage. She hoped that Kuchu-mara
would not fail to attend if he came to know Many a great king, poet and pandit The King was very indignant. “Take
of her marriage, wherever he might be. came to attend the wedding of Princess this fellow and behead him!” he shouted to
She also hoped that the impostor would be Saraswati. Shambara was dressed like a his men.
unmasked by the visiting pandits. bridegroom and seated amidst the guests.
All the time Kuchu-mara was enjoying
Some of the guests, who had known
Kuchu-mara was not aware of all these the fun seated in a corner. Now he came
Kuchu-mara at Banaras, detected the
developments. One morning he was plying forward and pleaded with the King to spare
fraud. They surrounded Shambara and
the ferry when he saw a group of pandits Shambara. “O King,” he said, “don’t punish
began to test his scholarship. Shambara
arrive at the other bank. From their talk he this fool. I know his parents, they are really
had not foreseen that there would be so
learned that Princess Saraswati was to be nice people. I am the real Kuch-mara. Since
much trouble in impersonating Kuchu-
married that very day and the bridegroom I excuse him there is no reason why you
mara. Presently the fraud was exposed.
was—himself! He was at first surprised should punish him.”
The King rushed to Shambara and
at the news. Then he was tickled to see
demanded, “Who are you, fellow? What Shambara was let off. Saraswati
how the Princess would marry him in his
is your real name?” Shaking with terror, became Kuchu-mara’s wife that very day
absence. So, tying up the ferry, he followed
Shambara confessed all. amidst great pomp and splendour.
the pandits to the capital.

CHAN DAM AMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years 49
The Blue Rose
nee upon a time there was a “Very much—it’s two days since I the table at once became loaded with food
farmer who was very ill. He had an only son, tasted any food,” she replied. and drink.
called Colin, who had tried every cure pos-
At once Colin divided the meat and “What was that you told me?” asked
sible to make him well again.
bread and handed one half to her. Colin, going inside. “This is not just bread
“Last night I had a dream,” said the and dried fruit.”
“Thank you,” she sighed when she had
father one morning. “In this dream, a fairy
eaten. “You are a good boy and I will reward Amazed, the peasant could not guess
came and told me that the only way I could
you. Take this whistle. When blown it gives what had happened, but he and his family sat
be cured was to get hold of a blue rose,
out a note so soft that only you will be able to down to a meal such as they had never eaten
which grows in an ancient castle, close to
hear it. If you blow one note, everything near before—and there was plenty left for later.
the sea. Whoever gets possession of it will
to you will stand still like a statue for as long
have perfect health and long life.” In the morning, when he was leaving,
as you wish. If you blow two notes, persons
Colin asked if they knew anything of the
“If I have to cross all the lands and all around you will run and dance as though mad.
blue rose.
the seas, I will find the blue rose for you, If you blow three notes, then your table will be
father,” Colin promised him. covered with good things to eat.” “When I was at sea, I heard of many
wonderful things,” the peasant told him.
Pausing only to collect a little food, Thanking the old woman, Colin went
“There is somewhere a magic castle, in which
Colin set off on his journey. to find a place to sleep for the night. He
a beautiful princess is a prisoner. You must
found a small cottage, the door of which
When it was getting dark, he came to wake up this princess and ask her to give you
was opened by a poor peasant.
the edge of a forest, very tired and hungry. the blue rose but, to get to the castle, you
He stopped and took out of his pocket a “Come in, my boy,” he smiled. “My wife have to go through a thick forest full of gi¬
small piece of meat and some dry bread. and seven children are just sitting down to ants and then make the keeper of the castle,
supper, but we have nothing better to offer who is an evil wizard, give you the golden key
As he was about to eat it, he noticed
you than a little bread and dried fruit.” which opens the tower in which the princess
an old woman nearby, looking at him and
is a prisoner. Take care, however, for the
licking her lips. Colin turned his head and blew three
wizard makes everybody who enters his forest
silent notes on the whistle. Inside the cottage,
“Are you hungry, too?” he asked. prisoners for the rest of their lives.”

CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

fcVlKRAM VETAL Adventure Humour Mora*

Colin thanked them and continued his remained rigid, with the fork halfway to his
journey. When he reached the magic forest, mouth.
he heard angry voices like the rumbling of
Colin laughed and laughed. When all the
thunder, and three great giants, with big
other servants came in, carrying trays of food, he
knives in their hands, rushed at him. Anyone
blew the whistle twice and they began to run to
else would have tried to run away in fear, but
and from the kitchen like mad, bringing more
Colin secretly blew one note on the whistle
and more food, which they stuffed into the
and at once the giants became rooted to the
keeper’s mouth, until he could take no more.
spot like stone statues and he was able to
walk past them without being harmed. “That’s enough,” laughed Colin. “You
can see that he is like a statue and cannot
Thus he arrived safely at the magic
move. Now you can all escape from here.”
castle. The door opened and the ugly face of
the keeper glared out. When the servants had hurried away,
delighted at their freedom, the boy took the
“Come in, come in,” growled the
golden key and went to’the castle tower,
keeper. “I suppose you, too, have come to
where the princess was being kept prisoner.
collect the blue rose.7”
She was fast asleep on a silver bed,
“Yes, that’s right,” said Colin.
but when Colin sounded the whistle twice,
The keeper chuckled and slammed she jumped up and began to run and dance.
the door shut behind them. “You are my Quickly, he changed the magic spell and The princess laughed when she saw
prisoner for ever,” he said. “From now on explained to the girl the reason for his visit. him still sitting at the table like a statue,
you will be my slave. If you dare touch the too full of food to be able to speak. “Let him
“Here is the blue rose,” she said, of¬
golden key, or annoy me in the slightest way, remain there like that forever,” she said. “It
fering it to him. “I was keeping it hidden in
I will chop your head off.” is what he deserves.”
this tower and because I would never give
“Very well,” nodded Colin, calmly. it to him, the keeper put a spell upon me to Happily, Colin and the princess went

remain asleep for the rest of my life.” back to the father, and when he touched
He set about being a servant to the
the blue rose he was at once made quite
keeper and got him a meal, but when the “Now you are free, princess,” said
well again ... and his joy was complete
magician was about to try the first mouthful, Colin. “As for the keeper—well, come and
when, later on, Colin and the princess were
Colin blew on the whistle once and he see for yourself.”

CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years 51
ridden far and must be hot and bottered. If
we gave the cold water of the well at once,
it will only increase your discomfort. That’s
why we delayed giving you water.”

Jaipal was rather pleased with this

answer. He looked at her and found her to
be beautiful and intelligent. So he asked,
“What is your name?”

She said, “My name is Madhavi, and

I am the daughter of a shepherd. But who
are you?”

The prince refused to reveal his idem

tity and rode off.

Jaipal went straight to his parents and

informed them that he desired to marry the
shepherd’s daughter. They tried to dissuade
him from his purpose but he remained
adamant. At last they yielded to his desire

^£J^he King of Jaipur had a son them some. But each girl poured out the
and sent emissaries to the shepherd who
was only too happy to agree to the alliance.
But Madhavi had different ideas though
named Jaipal. Vijay, a commoner was a great water on the ground, until a seventh one
inwardly she was very happy to know that
friend of the prince. The two were insepara^ filled an earthen vessel and offered it to the
the visitor of the previous day was actually
ble and were to be found always together. two youth. The prince was rather annoyed
the prince. She asked the emissaries, “I am
and spoke sharply. “What strange game is
One day when they were returning honoured by the proposal of the prince. But
this? Here we are thirsty, and you pour out
from a hunt, they stopped at a village well has he learnt any trade?”
the water on the ground!”
to drink water. Some belles of the village
The emissaries said, “The prince has
were drawing water from the well, and on The girl who had given him water
no need to learn a trade. He has plenty of
seeing the two thirsty strangers, offered replied, “Sir, it is obvious that you have
men to do his bidding.”

52 CHAN DAM AM A: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

k VlKRAM VETAL. Humour Morai

Madhavi replied, “Ah! But times may disappear from their homes. No one knows
change. Princes may become paupers, and where they go. You must investigate and
vice versa. Your prince must be prepared return the missing persons to their families.”
with some skill or the other. When he can
Jaipal thought this was a good idea,
do that then I’ll marry him.”
and donning the costume of a farmer, set
When the royal emissaries reported out to travel throughout the length and
this to the king and queen, they were breadth of his kingdom.
secretly pleased because they did not want
One day he came to a small hamlet
the prince to marry so far beneath his status.
called Shakthipur and saw the villagers
But the prince became thoughtful and said,
heaping presents on a venerable old hermit.
“True, Madhavi is right. I must learn a
When the prince enquired about this, he was
trade. I think I’ll become a weaver.”
told that the hermit was the priest of the local
So he began practising on a loom and Kali temple who possessed miraculous powers.
within a short time had become a skilled weaver. That was why people flocked to his presence.

As proof of his newly acquired skill, Jaipal also joined the throng of people
he sent Madhavi a beautifully done cloak. and bowed before Shakthidasa. The hermit,
She was encouraged to find that this talent on spotting him, said, “Young man! Who wondered what kind of work the hermit had
alone would save the prince from poverty. are you, and what do you work at?” in store for him. He was not left in doubt
So she consented to marry him.
Jaipal said, “Sir, I am a foreigner in much longer.
A few days after the wedding, Vijay, these parts. In fact, I am searching for some Shaktidasa led them to a large
the bosom friend of the prince, disappeared occupation.” mansion in the outskirts of the town. Once
from the city, and no trace of him was found
Shaktidasa looked at him and said, inside, he took them down a flight of steps
for many months.
“Want a job, eh? Come with me.” and came to a huge iron door. He opened
In course of time, Jaipal became the this with a brass key and motioned them
Then he signalled to some of his
king in place of his deceased father, and inside. Obediently, all the young men
disciples and they took Jaipal with them.
ruled wisely. One day Madhavi told him, trooped in. Jaipal was the last one through,
Quite a number of job seekers had swelled
“Sire, a king must know what happens when the iron door clanged behind them
the ranks of the hermit’s followers and all
in different parts of the kingdom. I hear and they heard the sound of a key turning
of them went behind Shaktidasa. Jaipal
that from time to time some young people in the lock.

the saree to the palace to sell. Madhavi
who had not heard anything from Jaipal
for several months was downcast at his
mysterious disappearance and half-heartedly
consented to see the saree. But no sooner
had she set eyes on it, than she jumped up
with excitement for she understood that
the cloth was a special weave made by her
husband. Moreover, Jaipal had cleverly
traced out a message in the borders of the
saree, and Madhavi could detect it easily.
She realised that the king was in terrible
danger. Quickly calling her guards, she
Everything was dark inside. Jaipal his counsel and did not reveal himself. Just
imprisoned the luckless disciple who, after a
felt trapped. He realised that Shaktidasa then one of Shaktidasa’s men came in and
severe beating, confessed to his part in the
had played foul with him and the others.* gave them some food to eat. The idea was
crime. Then taking an army with her, she
He set out to explore his new surroundings to fatten them for the day of the execution.
stormed the gates of the mansion and freed
and came to a row of caves in which a But Jaipal ate little and set about exploring
all the prisoners. Shaktidasa and his wicked
number of thin and emaciated people were ways and means of escape. He asked for
men were utterly destroyed.
lying. As soon as he entered this chamber, and got a loom at which he worked day and
a wretched-looking man accosted them night and at last turned out a beautifully Vijaya was re-united with his friend who
and said, “Ah! New victims eh! Don’t you woven silk saree. turned around and said, “Well, Vijay. You must
know that this Shaktidasa and his minions admit that knowing a trade has its uses. How
Jaipal called the disciple who attended
are really wicked trolls who lure innocent else could we have got out of this mess?”
on them daily and said, “My good man. See
travellers to this house so that they can eat
this beautiful saree fit only for the royal Thus thugs like Shaktidasa were routed
them? They spare only those who can work
women? Go to the palace and show it to out completely and the missing persons
at some trade. But ultimately all who come
the queen. She’ll buy it for several thousand restored to their families. There was great
here die a horrible death.”
gold mohurs. You can certainly become rich rejoicing in the land and Jaipal and his
Jaipal recognised with shock that the in no time at all.” wife, praised by all for their cleverness and
speaker was his missing friend, Vijay, but resourcefulness, ruled happily for a long time.
The disciple’s eyes glinted with greed
the latter did not know him. The king kept
and, unknown to Shaktidasa, he took m
CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

ill the elusive Northeast one pursued this great adventurous quest wherewith the other, lifting up his head
Passage ever be crossed? Centuries ago, with such tenacious skill and courage as the to see who it was, cried out, and said, ‘Oh
spirited explorers dreamed of finding this intrepid navigator William Barents. mate, it is a bear’, and therewith presently
maritime route along the northern coast rose up and ran away.”
He was born about the middle of the
of Europe and the Arctic region of Asia,
16th century in that small country called The ferocious beast killed the man
between the Pacific and the Atlantic
Holland, now Netherlands. In 1594, he and when “the rest of the men that were on
oceans. Their goal was to reach the great
left Amsterdam in two ships seeking a the land, being about twenty, ran presently
oriental countries, particularly the glorious
northeast way to eastern Asia. Before long thither ... and having charged their pieces
land of India with her varied splendour,
he was forced to turn back. The following and bent their pikes, set upon her, who was
wealth and wisdom. Indeed, a southern
year he commanded another expedition of still devouring the man; but she, perceiving
passage did exist around the south of
seven ships and went as far as the island them to come towards her, fiercely ran at
America or the south of Africa. But it was
of Novaya Zemlya. Here, Gerrit de Veer, a them, and, getting another of them out from
jealously guarded by the Spaniards and the
member of the crew and the historian of the company, tore him in pieces, wherewith
Portuguese and they would not let anyone
the voyages, recounts, "... some of our men all the rest ran away.”
else sail through it, for they feared to lose
went ashore on firm land, to seek for stones
their trading monopoly with the east. Before long, great masses of ice
which looked like diamonds, and two of our
floating in the sea blocked any further
The Arctic, the almost impenetrable men lying together in one place, a great,
advance. William Barents and his men
frozen area around the North Pole, was a lean, white bear came stealing out, and
had to return home. But he did not give
formidable barrier to these heroic explorers. caught one of them fast by the neck, who,
up hope and made yet another determined
Alas, most of them were ultimately forced not perceiving what it was, cried out and
attempt. In May 1596, a strong healthy
to return home without any success. But no said, ‘Who is it that pulls me by the neck?’,
crew of Dutchmen under the leadership of

his companions to come on the deck At last they gave up all hope to
to have a glimpse of the unusual sight. proceed any further. They gave up all
But as they approached it, their ships hope, too, of returning home that year.
were surrounded by white chunks of ice They would have to spend the winter there
floating on the water. And there was no till the coming of fairer weather. Barents
sign of the birds. Realising their mistake, decided to build a house on land where it
that they had seen only an illusion, they would be safer than in the ship. The sailors
skilfully guided the vessels between two found some timber lying on the shore,
great frozen walls and came to a large which must have drifted across the sea.
island with tapering hills. William Barents The region was bare of any trees. They used
named the place “Spitsbergen”, meaning this wood to build their little dwelling and
in Dutch “Pointed Mountains”, and the took the boards from the deck of the ship to
place is known by this name even today. make the roof and the walls.
Here the two ships parted ways, because
So bitter cold it was that when the
the explorer and the captain of the second
carpenter put a nail into his mouth while
ship could not agree in which direction to
working, it froze to his lips and tongue, and
proceed from this point.
when he took it out again, it drew blood

the brave explorer set sail in two ships. Soon They reached Novaya Zemlya and and was covered with ice. At last their little

they reached the Arctic Ocean, the smallest anchored in a place that they named Ice hut was ready. It had no windows, the only

of the world’s oceans and distinguished Haven. Now a terrible storm drove the ice openings were a door and a chimney with a

by a constant cover of ice. Here the men so hard against the ship that the rudder barrel on top. They carried in all their stores

observed that daily the day grew longer and broke and one of the small boats by her side from the ship and went to live in it.

longer and the night shorter and shorter. was crushed to pieces. Soon the ice packed
Some men fought with the wild polar
Then on June 1, to their surprise, there was so closely round her that the vessel was
bears. They shot one and made it stand
no night at all. The sun did not set but went lifted up about five feet out of the water.
up on its hind legs. To their amazement,
round the sky. So it did for many days. This With no respite, the ice kept on cracking
the dead beast soon froze quite stiff in that
part of the world is sometimes known as the and bursting with deafening sound and
position. The biting cold made many of
“Land of the Midnight Sun”. squeezed the ship so hard that all on board
them sick and some even died. Gradually
feared that she would be crushed to bits in
“Look at those flocks of lovely white the days were now getting shorter and the
no time.
swans!” exclaimed a sailor and called nights longer. Then, in early November, the

CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

kVlKRAM VETAL Adventure Humour

sun did not rise at all and there was always sometimes drove the ice away from the frozen and unforgiving regions of the Arctic.
darkness and night. They did not know land. Soon they would be able to sail away. Nearly three hundred years later, in 1871,
when they would see the sun again. Only But to their dismay, the wind changed its the little wooden house where they had
a small lamp lighted their little dwelling. It direction and the ice round their ship only wintered was discovered undisturbed with
burned the oil from the fat of the bears they piled up higher and higher. many relics which are preserved at The
had hunted. Hague. A part of the explorer’s journal was
Now everyone was at his wit’s end.
By Christmas, their little house was also found in 1875.
The sailors pleaded to let them go in the
almost buried under snow. They heard two boats of the ship. Barents had no option The voyages of this great sailing
foxes running over the roof. When the men but to agree to their suggestion. A road was master stand in the first rank among the
. wanted to go out, they had to dig the snow cut over the rough ice from the ship to the polar expeditions of the 16th century.
away from the door and then cut steps in it water. Then the boats were dragged over it. Indeed, William Barents failed in his
leading up to the top as though they lived in They were at last sailing once again. But to courageous endeavour. But he had set a
a deep cellar. Sometimes they found it much their despair, their ailing captain could no living example and paved the way for future
easier just to climb out through the chirm longer withstand the rigours of the journey adventurers. Finally in 1878-79, Swedish
ney. For months together they thus lived in and died. The men were very sorry indeed explorer Adolf Erik Nordenskjold became
extreme cold and darkness, yearning for the for they loved and admired William Barents the first to cross the Northeast Passage.
light of the day. The stout and sturdy sailors and none could guide them as well as he
had now become thin and feeble, with had done.
swollen joints and bleeding gums. They had
Then the surviving members of the
been stuck by an illness called scurvy, from
crew of sixteen came across the Dutch
which explorers often suffer when they went
ship from which they had parted the year
without fresh food for long.
before. In fact, the vessel had returned
At last at the end of January, to their home and after the winter, was back again.
great joy, the sun appeared once again, Gladly leaving behind their two open boats
darkness disappeared and the light lasted in which they had covered almost 1,600
longer and longer every day. This indeed hazardous miles, the exhausted men went
cheered up William Barents and his men on board and were soon heading towards
and they now looked forward to brighter home.
and warmer weather. They had the glimpse
William Barents and his men were the
of the open sea when the strong wind
first to survive the winter in those desolate,

CHAN DAM AMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

fc'ws the night was slowly unfolding the frigate, La Meduse, perilously struck he could give them courage, strength and
into a fine spring day in the year 1951, the a sandbank off the African coast. There hope! But how?
phone rang in the young doctor’s home. He were almost four hundred sailors on This young man was none other
was being urgently called to the hospital. board. Only fifteen survived and of them, than Alain Bombard, born in Paris on
At once he hurried towards the hospital, some died soon after, while some others October 27, 1924. While still a boy he
thinking all the way what might have gone went completely mad. Then, on April quickly developed a love for the sea
wrong. A shipwreck had occurred near the 15, 1912, took place one of the worst and especially navigation. He studied
coast of his town, Boulogne-sunmer in tragedies in maritime history. The colossal medicine, psychology and marine biology.
France. The youth later sadly recollected, Titanic collided against an iceberg and Later, on completing his education, he
“I shall never forget the terrible spectacle sank with great loss of life. Around fifteen began working at a hospital in Boulogne.
of those forty^ three men piled on top of one hundred people perished and, out of the Now he straightaway embarked upon his
another, like dislocated puppets, their feet number of survivors, many became insane. new adventure. He carried out detailed
bare, and each still wearing a lifebelt. In Couldn’t those shipwrecked linger on studies, browsed through records of
spite of all our efforts, we failed to revive a shipwrecks and talked to survivors. Before
in the mkTocean till rescue came? Most of
single one. An error of navigation lasting a long, he was all set to act as a voluntary
them died much sooner out of despair and
few moments had caused forty^three deaths castaway and sail on a long voyage across
fright than it normally would have taken
and orphaned seventy^eight children.” the ocean with no provisions of food and
them to perish of hunger and thirst. “To
‘If only something could be done hope is to seek better things. The survivor water.
to avoid such disasters!’ the youth of a shipwreck, deprived of everything, must “He’s a crackpot!” laughed all those
earnestly thought. From that day, the never lose hope. The simple and brutal who came to know of his foolhardy project.
word “shipwreck” became for him “the problem confronting him is that of death or Many scientists, too, took his ideas as wild.
very expression of human misery, a survival. He will need to bolster his courage “Crazy! How can he ever think of surviving
synonym for despair, hunger and thirst”. with all his resources and all his faith in life in the sea without fresh water and food?”
He remembered how on 2nd July, 1816 to fight off despair,” said the doctor. Only if
they wondered.

CHAN DAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

But that did not discourage the order to save the lives of sailors who might
brave and the so-called foolish doctor. be shipwrecked in future. Would he succeed
He was confident that the ocean’s bounty in his noble mission?
would provide him with everything that
The little boat slowly drifted into a
is required to sustain his body. Drinking
calm sea without a breath of breeze. He
large quantities of salt water might prove
failed to catch any fish in the first couple
fatal but a few sips suitably diluted could
of days. So he was forced to drink the
be beneficial. He discovered that fresh fish
daily allowance of seawater to quench his
contained fifty to eighty per cent of usable
thirst. One night the wind suddenly blew
water, which was also salt-free. So a catch
with the force of a gale and a giant wave
of about seven pounds of fish would be
toppled the dinghy. Only her inflated floats
enough for the day’s water requirement.
were visible above water and the rest had
The fish, too, would provide him with
become part of the sea. Like a wreck, the
protein and fat and the vital vitamins and
little craft still continued on its ambitious
carbohydrates would come from planktons,
course, while her master made frantic
millions of microscopic creatures, algae
efforts to drain the water with his hat
and weed usually found on the surface of
before the next onslaught of the colossal
the sea. They are in fact the principal food
body of water. Thus the tussle continued
of the whales, the largest living mammals. He caught many fish, including the
with the elements for two long hours
Indeed, a balanced healthy diet he would flying ones that landed on the deck. They
before there was some respite as the storm
have! provided him with his food and drink
gradually died down.
though he did not like the taste of them.
October 19, 1952 was a fine day. The
Some time passed. He was just settling One day a big bird called the shearwater
intrepid Alain Bombard was given a rousing
down to get back his breath when a sudden pounced on the bait of his fishing line
send off. He set sail on his unique adventure
gust tore the little sail apart. Luckily, he hanging in the air over the edge of the boat.
in an inflatable rubber dinghy named The
had a spare one and at once he raised it up. He caught it and, as he was hungry, ate one
Heretic. He planned to cross the great
Alas, another blast of wind soon whipped half and left the other half on the deck for
Atlantic Ocean and follow one of the routes
it off and sent it away flying like a kite. He drying in the sun. At night through his tent
of Columbus from the Canaries via Cape
now had no option left but to mend the he saw a ghostly bluish white glimmer of
Verde Islands to Barbados in the West
torn sail, hoping that the stitches would light. Was it a spirit from the vast deep? Or
Indies. He was indeed risking his own life in
hold on till the end of his journey. had something caught fire? Nervously he

CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years
peeped out only to find that the remaining One morning it so happened that
part of the bird was giving out a strong by chance the air pillow got knocked
phosphorescent glow that reflected on the sail. overboard and was seen floating about
two hundred yards away from the rear of
To his dismay, one day his watch
the boat. Lowering his sail and putting out
stopped and from then on he had to keep
the sea anchor, Alain Bombard dived in to
track of time from the movement of the sun
fetch it. He was a powerful swimmer and
and the moon. Wherever he looked, there
reached it in no time. But when he turned
was nothing but the sea and the sky. He
round, he saw to his dismay his little boat
felt like a mere speck in this vast expanse
gleefully sailing off. The speed seemed to
of water. He was indeed feeling very
be too fast for him to even catch up with
lonely, and solitude seemed to be wearing
her. It now looked as if his dinghy would
him down. He was part of a strange and
cross the Atlantic without him. What had
silent world. “It was a vast presence which
gone wrong? The sea anchor, usually shaped
engulfed me,” he described. “Its spell could
like a parachute had, for reasons unknown,
not be broken, any more than the horizon
jammed and entangled itself and could no
could be brought nearer. And if from time
longer arrest the vessel’s drift.
to time I talked aloud in order to hear my
own voice, I only felt more and more alone, So, with a supreme effort the brave
a hostage to silence.” Will he be able to castaway swam as fast as his weak limbs
conquer his loneliness or become mad like allowed him. Can he recover his little
many shipwrecked men? boat? But she was speeding farther and
farther away. Everything seemed to be lost.
Before long, perhaps due to his diet
However, to his joy and amazement, the
and constant humidity, he lost a toenail.
craft miraculously slowed down. Soon he
There appeared strange rashes on the
captured it.
back of his hands and painful spots of skin
eruptions all over his body. He could not sit A group of friendly dolphins faithfully
down for long and it became more and more followed the dinghy twenty Tour hours. A
difficult to find a comfortable position. He tiny black with a white-tipped tail paid him
had a small air cushion on which he found a daily visit without fail exactly at four in
it convenient to rest his weight on. the afternoon. He had several encounters

CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years


with dangerous sword and ray fish. knew not where he was. “God, what can in life he received many letters from sailors
Occasionally, whales, too, curiously swam I do to end this terrible uncertainty?” he who had managed to survive in the sea from
round and under the craft. One night an prayed. near-death situations, taking inspiration
ominous and hungry-looking shark appeared from his most amazing adventure which he
As the sun rose over a calm ocean the
determined to have him for a meal. It gave has wonderfully recounted in his book The
following day, he saw to his delight a ship
a good fight but Bombard finally managed Bombard Story.
sailing by. Its captain shouted at the top of
to kill it.
his voice, “May we help you?” Alain Bombard zealously continued
One day, rains came down, to his his research work, taught, lectured and
“Please tell me, Sir, the time, the day
great joy. He got drenched and drank the set up a marine laboratory. He also joined
and my exact position,” asked the solitary
rainwater to his heart’s content. It was like politics and avidly championed the cause of
nectar to him. But the rigours of the journey the environment. On the 50th anniversary
were having their toll on his health. There When he got the answers to his of his epic voyage, while replying to an
were boils all over his body. He watched queries he was stunned beyond belief. interviewer, he said: “I had fought on behalf
strips of skin peeling from his feet and nails Still six hundred miles were left to reach of men against the sea, but I realise that it
from four of his toes dropping off in three his destination and fifty-three days had has become more urgent to fight on behalf
days. He also suffered from a violent form already passed since he started his journey. of the sea against men.”
of diarrhoea lasting for fourteen days. It Will he be able to make it to the end
He died on July 19, 2005, at the age of
completely wore him down. He had on deck now? The kind captain proposed to take
eighty in a southern town of France.
a sealed box of emergency medicines. But him and his little boat on board his ship.
he was now a castaway and he wanted to Alain Bombard almost agreed to the very
remain so for as long as he could bear his tempting invitation but decided otherwise
painful ailments. Otherwise how could he and continued on his bizarre journey.
prove his point?
On the eve of Christmas, 23rd
In his log book, which he meticulously December, 1952, the local natives were
maintained, he wrote: “Visited today by surprised to see a shrunken man staggering
a butterfly. Also saw a gossamer thread ashore on the beach of Barbados in the West
floating in the air, such as spider’s spin on Indies. “Who could be this stranger?” they
land. Surely, after that, land cannot be far wondered! After sixtyTive days of gruelling
away.” Day after day went by and yet there ordeal, Alain Bombard had become almost
was no sign of land. He was baffled and fifty-five pounds lighter, but was alive. Later
In the Jaws of
the Deadly Reefs

n the course of his voyage of commanded instant respect and obedience

exploration more than two centuries ago, from all those who sailed under him. There
one of the bravest English sailors, Captain were ten other Tongan passengers too.
James Cook, came across an archipelago Some of them were boxers, who looked
in the South Pacific Ocean. The amiable forward to enjoy some bouts of fight in
inhabitants received him and his men with some new land and return home richer
such warm hospitality that the explorer and perhaps wiser. Among them were also
named their sunny little abodes the Friendly a taxi-driver and a skilled carpenter. Thus,
Islands. This group of islets, known as the each of the seventeen had a dream of his
Kingdom of Tonga, nestles between New own. But, will they be able to make it across
Zealand and Australia. the dangerous ocean?

Not only were the natives of Tonga On went the sturdy little ship,
gregarious, but they had a love for Tuaikaepau. There blew a fair and gentle
adventure. Often many of these simple folks breeze. Hundreds of excited Tongans
dreamed of sailing across the dangerous had lined up the home shore to bid the
seas to other countries. So, one fine July adventurers a fitting farewell.
morning in 1962, a sturdy little ship called
Before long they sailed straight into
Tuaikaepau left the capital town of Tonga,
the teeth of a strong adverse wind. With
and headed towards New Zealand.
each passing day, the wind grew fiercer and
A hefty six feet tall fine seaman, fiercer and the sea became rougher and
Tevita Fifita, led the crew of seven men. He rougher.
k VTkram Vetal Adventure

Soon a terrible gale battered the named after the lost vessel. Since then there floating pieces of timber from the wreckage
brave little ship with her seventeen brave had been a host of shipwrecks on these of their vessel.
men. The sky turned as black as night that two razor-sharp, dangerous reefs that went
“As we were stranded on the reef
brought lashing rains. The turbulent ocean below the water when the tide was high.
awaiting daylight, I thought that not one
sent up gigantic waves that broke on board.
What will now be the fate of Captain was not contemplating death. Throughout
The engine had to be shut down and the
Fifita and his men? It was already nightfall the night, I honestly believed that the cold
sails folded up. Tuaikaepau now tossed like
and he knew that they were in grave danger. wind, water splashing on us, and the fear of
a cork on the swelling sea. Everyone began
He ordered everyone to hold on to the mast. what might happen to us, would overpower
to panic, with the captain asking them to
He counted the dark forms on the swaying everyone’s will to survive,” remembered
remain calm. Then, suddenly, something
deck. All seventeen of them were there. Feuiaki, one of the crew.
extraordinary took place. As though by
Some seemed to be praying hard looking up
magic, the ship came to a standstill, lightly Dawn brought hope and one of them
to the sky. Others simply clung together for
swaying to and fro and side to side. It looked excitedly shouted, “Look! There’s an
dear life. Now any moment the reef would
as though it was being held in a vice-like island!”
tear apart their dear ship and they would be
grip from under the water. But all around,
at the mercy of the waves &nd the wind. But as the sun rose higher, what
the storm still continued with greater fury.
appeared to be an island now seemed like a
“As I can remember, it was so
“What happened?” wondered the two-storeyed dwelling. A temporary raft was
uncomfortable and terrifying as the wind
captain and his crew. quickly made out of the floating timbers.
was still blowing strongly, the rain slashing
Then gathering all that could be salvaged
“Oh! Something strange seems to our faces and we were surrounded by
from the wreckage of their ship, the seven
be taking place!” exclaimed the other darkness. It was also very cold,” described
crew and the ten passengers headed towards
passengers. one of them.
the site a mile away. At least it gave them
Soon they realised that their sturdy The tremendous pounding blows from some consolation in the middle of a desolate
little ship had firmly stuck on a coral reef. the sea continued all through the dark and ocean.
It was one of the deadly Minerva Reefs, eerie night. Then the mighty force of the
Soon they found to their amazement,
every sailor’s nightmare. The north and waves violently breaking on the vast claw-
what looked like a cosy house from a
south Minerva Reefs were two rings of tooth reef tore apart the ship from stem to
distance was a large wooden ship thrown
almost submerged coral lying between the the stern. Suddenly, all found themselves
up on the highest part of the reef, where
main island of Tonga and New Zealand. In standing in knee-deep water on the deadly
she wedged firmly and safely on her
1829, a whaling ship, Minerva, wrecked corals. They at once began gathering the
side, her mast sticking out almost in a
on these reefs and subsequently they were

CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating
found that a shark was stealthily pursuing
them. They offered the animal the whole
lot of fish hoping that it would leave them
in peace. But after consuming the fish it still
hung around and was fast heading towards
the two companions. Suddenly Feuiaki
suffered from severe cramps and could no
longer swim.

“Please proceed and leave me here to

die,” he told his friend.

But Viliami Fa asked him to hang

on, while he threw his spear at the animal
with all his might. The weapon crashed
onto the shark’s head. Now it charged at
the two men with greater force and speed.
Feuiaki, just managing to keep himself
afloat, made a supreme effort and hurled
his own spear. It got its mark and pierced
horizontal direction. At high tide, only was not enough drinking water. Luckily
through one of the shark’s eyes. By then
a small portion got submerged in water. a matchbox was found and a fire was
the others had come to their rescue and
Some details found on the deck showed lit. There was a boiler in the wreck. It
they managed to kill the animal and made
that it was a Japanese ship trapped by the was used for cooking and steaming and
a feast of it on the deck.
reef three years ago in 1959. It will now condensing the salty water to make it
be the home of these Tongan castaways drinkable. Soon a list was drawn up for With the paint found in the wreck,
till the arrival of rescuers. everyone to take turns in tending the fire, several SOS messages were written on
for there were no more matchsticks left to pieces of wood, fishing buoys and drums.
Though abandoned, and perhaps
kindle another. One read, “SOS 17 Men on Minerva
its sailors rescued by another ship, the
Reef” and the other, “SOS Tuaikapau
Japanese vessel had some foodstuff and One day Feuiaki and Viliami Fa, two
Minerva Reef”. They were all cast adrift
drums of fuel oil for them. The sea, of the crew, re returning with a handsome
on the sea. The stranded men earnestly
too, offered them lots of fish. But there catch of fish. Suddenly, to their horror, they
hoped that someone would come across

them and raise the alarm. They waited patient. In case nothing happened within
and waited. Days passed into weeks and fourteen days, they should assume them
weeks rolled into months. Yet there were to be dead. Then they must themselves It is said of the founder-editor
no signs of any rescuers. organise, if possible, other rescue operations. Mr. Chakrapani that "not a single
line in Chandamama went for
The seventeen brave men did not lose For the next eleven days, there was printing without his scrutiny and
hope. They had faith and continued to pray, no news. Everyone got anxious about the approval, even when he was
bed-ridden" That was the total
and found comfort in their prayers. fate of the little boat and its three braver
dedication to the magazine he
crew. Unfortunately, due to stormy weather was editing. Though it was meant
By and by many of them began to feel
and rough sea, the boat sank on the reef for children, he insisted that its
unwell. It was now becoming difficult to
surrounding the island of Fiji. Captain contents should have such moral
keep the fire going as the stock of firewood values that would inspire even
Fifita’s son was drowned in spite of his elders. This prompted him to go
was slowly running out. The water from
father’s valiant effort to save him. So, the through every para before it was
steaming was also getting scarce and was
captain and his companion managed to printed and published.
not enough to quench everyone’s thirst.
swim ashore and raise the alarm. Lightning
The captain soon realised that help might
telegrams were sent to the capital of Fiji and
never come. He decided to build a boat, a
to the Kingdom of Tonga.
small vessel to carry three handpicked men
to the nearest island over 200 miles away. Before long, an aeroplane rescued
There they would try to seek help for the the rest of the brave adventurers from the
remaining colleagues. Japanese wreck after 101 days of ordeal
on the Minerva Reefs. Sadly, seven of the
It was remarkable how they went
daring ones could not make it to the end.
about with great ingenuity building a
seaworthy boat with no proper materials This was one of the incredible tales
and tools except a hammer. It looked like of maritime survival in recent history. True,
a miracle when the vessel stood ready to the men could not reach their destination.
sail. They named it Maloldli, meaning Yet, with a steady faith, simple courage and
Good Morning. So the captain, his son and a constant prayer in their hearts, they clung
another member set out on their rescue on to life when all seemed lost. At the end,
mission, risking their own lives. But before these brave ones won.
departure, Captain Fifita reminded the m
remaining men on the wreck to be calm and

CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

Rider into the
himself as a botanist and then successfully
undreds of years ago, little completed a course in medicine. Young
Place elephants for want of towns. ”
was known of the huge Dark Continent Mungo Park now went to London in search
But at the end of the 18th century, of employment and was appointed assistant
of Africa. It was an enigma! Dense forests,
European explorers turned their gaze surgeon on a ship. But “this upstanding,
arid deserts and swollen rivers covered this
towards one of the world’s last great, well-built young Scotsman, six foot high”,
great mass of land. Hostile cannibal tribes
unexplored regions, the heart of Africa. with unusual talents and genius caught the
with monstrous natures and animals never
They dreamt of finding the source of River attention of Sir Joseph Banks, President
seen elsewhere on earth or even in the
Niger, walk the streets of Tellem on its bank, of the Royal Society and Treasurer of
wildest of dreams were the denizens of its
said to have been built entirely of gold, and the African Association. It was on his
jungles and deadly swamps. The craziest
look at the fabled city of Timbuktu. So, in recommendation that Mungo Park was
tales and legends were told about the
1788, the African Association was formed given the offer to lead an expedition to
place, of mountains piercing the sky, and of
in London and seven years later, none other Africa.
fathomless abysses. No daring explorer or
than the intrepid Mungo Park was assigned
map-maker had really made any headway
In fact, Major Daniel Houghton was
to discover the River Niger, chart its course
deep into the African interior, for, the
earlier sent on this mission in 1790 but,
from the source to its termination and also
savage beasts and poisoned arrows of the
unfortunately, he was robbed and left to die
visit the principal towns along its banks.
dangerous natives forced them to turn
in the desert. Would the brave Mungo Park
back. One Dean Swift thus laughed at the Son of a humble Scottish farmer, succeed or would he also meet a similar fate
adventurers of his time: Mungo Park was born in 1771 in Foulshiels, as that of his predecessor?
Selkirk. As a boy he made astonishing
“Geographers on Afric maps
So on 22 May, 1795, the twenty-four
progress in his studies, not only by his ready
With savage pictures fill their gaps, year old explorer sailed from Portsmouth
talents but by his remarkable perseverance
in a small trading vessel. On 2 December,
And oer unhabitable downs and application. He soon distinguished
bidding goodbye to his tutor, he set out on

66 CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years
kVlKRAM VtTAL Humour

his perilous journey. An English-speaking some friendly realm, Ali the tyrant king
Negro named Johnson and a black lad sent his soldiers who took him captive.
called Demba were his escorts. He rode on “They asked thousands of questions,”
horseback, and his companions followed wrote Mungo Park, “inspected every part
him on donkeys. of my apparel, searching my pockets, and
obliged me to unbutton my waistcoat and
Soon the small daring party reached
display the whiteness of my skin. They
the kingdom of Bondu. Mungo Park put
even counted my toes and fingers, as if they
on his grand new blue coat with flowing
doubted whether I was in truth a human
tails and gold buttons and, armed with
being.” The magnificent beard that Mungo
his gorgeous umbrella, appeared before
had grown was also an object of great
the royal presence. His Majesty graciously
curiosity. It is said that he was remembered
accepted the umbrella as a gift. But he did
for over a hundred years in that part of
not seem very happy. He had seen such away so heavily; from sunrise to sunset
Africa as “Big Beard”.
things before. What really attracted him was I was obliged to suffer, with an unruffled
his guest’s blue coat and its shining buttons. Alas, for the next four months, his countenance, the insults of the rudest
After some hesitant hints, he asked for it life became hell with continuous torture. savages in the world,” recollected Mungo
downright. What could the explorer do but It was the peak of summer. He lay chained Park later with sadness.
take it off and hand it over to the monarch? in a stuffy little hut from where he could
At last, the heartless Ali, realising that
only crawl out into the scorching rays of
Then the three continued on their there was nothing more to be got out of
the sun. At midnight he was given some
way. They passed through thickets where his prisoner, agreed to set him free. Mungo
boiled corn and filthy warm water. But more
wolves and hyenas glided across the moonlit Park’s boy Demba had already been sold to
often, the lazy slaves forgot to bring him
paths, howling and yelling and creating an slavery and Johnson refused to proceed any
even that, and would thus neglect him for
eerie atmosphere. They were robbed over further. So his master sent him back to
days together. He would have certainly died
and over again with shouts and insults. Dr. Laidley, with a letter to say that
had not Ali’s gentle wife, Fatima, secretly
Suddenly Mungo Park realised that they everything was fine and he was about to
sent him morsels of food to save him from
were indeed passing through the Moorish resume his journey. Not a word did he write
kingdom of Ludamar reputed to be full of about all that he had gone through. For, he
bandits. “... I readily complied with every knew that beyond this darkness of pain and
command, and patiently bore every insult; torture there shone the bright hope - the
While the explorer was hoping to
but never did any period of my life pass hope of discovering River Niger.
quickly get out of the place and head for
t B
CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years
Soon this dauntless adventurer to leave the country while he spared his men fell ill and died unable to withstand the
escaped from this terrible place and rode life. So Mungo Park had no option but to rigours of the journey.
into the woods at the dead of night. All ride his lean little horse, till then meekly
Finally, only eleven out of fortyTive
alone, with no provision and no money, enduring all the hardships, and continued
members of the expedition reached the
he plodded on towards his destination. He on his journey along the river. At this
Niger. But Mungo Park did not lose hope.
passed through dense thickets infested with juncture, if it were not for the touching
He converted the two canoes they had into
elephants, lions and leopards. He had no kindness and compassion of some African
a big boat and the surviving men sailed
weapons of any kind. Yet he was fearless, for women, whose gesture he later fondly
downstream with the aim of following the
none of these wild animals, some of whom remembered with gratitude, he and his
course of River Niger right up to where it
he encountered face to face, ever attacked only companion would have perished of
ended. But sadly the boat struck a rugged
him. He safely slept in the open. He met starvation.
rock and was damaged. Meanwhile, the
friendly natives who guided him on his way.
Now the rainy season had already natives attacked them. Under the volley of
At dawn on 21 July, 1796, glistening set in and without a canoe it would be spears and poisoned arrows, the brave group
before his weary eyes and flashing in the impossible to continue on his journey any of adventurers perished.
tender light of the rising sun, flowed the further. He had no money with him to hire
Before embarking on the final stage
mighty Niger. “...Looking forwards, I saw one. He was approaching the territories of
of the expedition, Mungo Park had written:
with infinite pleasure, the great object of the Moors from whom he did not expect
“I shall set sail for the east with the fixed
my mission - the long sought for majestic any help. So, with great anguish, he decided
resolution to discover the termination of the
Niger, glittering in the morning sun, as to turn back, to come again, if possible, well
Niger or perish in the attempt though all
broad as the Thames at Westminster, and equipped and prepared for the hardships of
the Europeans who are with me should die,
flowing eastwards. I hastened to the brink, the journey.
and though I were myself half dead, I would
and having drunk of the water, lifted up my
In 1797, two years after he had landed persevere, and if I could not succeed in the
fervent thanks in prayer to the Great Ruler
in Africa, Mungo Park reached London object of my journey, I would at least die on
of all things, for having thus far crowned my
on 25 December after encountering more the Niger.”
endeavours with success.” Mungo Park was
adventures both at sea and on land. In
the first European to gaze upon this great He reportedly plunged himself into the
1805, he set out on his second expedition to
legendary river. swirling waters of his beloved Niger and was
the Niger. It was much larger and composed
never heard of again. Such was the spirit of
He reached the town of Segu, the of mainly soldiers. But it proved disastrous.
this daring adventurer! He was the greatest
capital of Bambarra. But King Mansong They were plundered on the way by bands
pioneer in the exploration of the African
refused to see the stranger and ordered him of robbers and soon one after another the

CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

k VlKRAM VETAL. Humour 4s Mora!

'Faster and Higher

'he brave young test pilot now their performance by putting them through
dreamed of flying to the highest altitude all sorts of tests. An expert pilot should be
that none had ever been before. Indeed, able to execute this work without wreck¬
he was a man of superb skill and icy nerves ing the plane and without getting himself
and had many thrilling adventures in the killed in the process. It was indeed a risky
cockpit. He was Frank K. Everest, born in and challenging job. Being a highly expe-

August 1920 in Fairmont, West Virginia. rienced flyer, Frank was given a number of
After a course in engineering, he looked for top priority projects. One such project was
a career in flying. Before long, he graduated high altitude flights in the Bell X-l aircraft.
as a pilot in the Air Force and received his Will the daring adventurer be able to fulfil
commission in July 1942. Two years later he his dream and establish the World Altitude
was sent to a fighter squadron. In 1945, the record?
experienced and courageous pilot destroyed
Several weeks of preparations went
four Japanese aircraft before his plane was
by. The ace pilot stood looking intently at
shot down by ground fire. He parachuted to
the new flying machine. Major Everest had
safety, but inside the enemy territory, and
a knack of making himself at home in any
remained a Japanese prisoner of war till the
cockpit. He knew his plane minutely and
end of the conflict.
could well ascertain what was happening in
Then in 1946, Major Frank Everest it during the flight. Man and machine were
was assigned to the Flight Test Division now ready for the great venture. The X-l
and was trained as a test pilot. He was plane was to be carried slung under the belly
required to fly new aircraft and evaluate of a giant B-29 bomber. Then at a specified
The major then plugged on his oxygen Then, suddenly and mysteriously,
mask and the pressure suit’s radio con' there was pin drop silence. Where did all
nections to the appropriate points in the the commotion disappear? The cockpit, too,
cramped cabin. “I’m now ready!” he finally was silent except for the very quiet shaking
told the commander of the bomber. The of the engines. The needle of the mach'
cockpit cover quickly closed over him and meter had taken a leap forward. Major
made the plane airtight. He felt as if he was Frank Everest and his X'l rocket plane
in another planet, completely shut off from were now travelling at supersonic speed.
every living thing on earth. The B'29 now No doubt everything around was still and
climbed to 30,000 feet and then gradually soundless! For the noise of the flight was left
dived down. Loud and clear was the pilot’s behind and could not move fast enough to
voice: “Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, catch them. The test pilot now changed the
four, three, two, one! Now drop off!” The direction of the plane and they shot up like
plane X' 1 dropped away from its parent a meteor towards the sky.
All of a sudden there was an explo'
Like a flash of lightning the rocket sion! ‘What was that?’ wondered Everest.
aircraft surged across the sky. The test pilot At the same instant, his pressure suit blew

altitude, the parent plane would release it was violently pushed against the back as if a up and firmly held his limbs and body. He

in the air. giant had suddenly sat on his chest. Gasping could hardly move nor could he breathe
for breath, Major Everest turned the nose of with ease. What had gone wrong? Then
So the massive bomber escorted by jet'
the plane towards the heavens. At 50,000ft, to his horror he saw a big crack in the
fighters took off into the early morning sky
the mach'meter displayed nine'tenths the canopy. It must have been a tiny chink at
of August 8, 1949. Major Everest put on the
speed of sound. Indeed, he was fast ap' first, which had gradually widened and split
pressure'Suit. Then adjusting the helmet on
proaching the sound barrier. open, sucking the air out of the cockpit.
his head, he stepped into the lift that slowly
Had he not worn the pressure suit, at this
lowered him down through the bomb'doors Again and again the aircraft shook
altitude of almost 68,000 ft, his blood would
into the hanging X'l. There lay 7,000 ft of and shuddered and vibrated violently. The
have boiled like a vessel of water.
empty space between him and the ground screeching sound as it sliced across the

below. When he reached the cockpit of the atmosphere had now risen to a crescendo. He was now frantically struggling

hanging plane, he carefully wriggled into it It gave a feeling that the plane will break to against the iron clasp of the pressure suit.

through its tiny doorway. pieces. Will it hold together till the end? He managed to switch off the engines and

CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

i VlKRAM VETAl Adventure Humour Morai

almost wrestled with the controls, trying to throw itself about in the skies like a mad
stop the plane from its ascent. Luckily the cow and smash itself to pieces on the sound From the mid-50s, Chandamama
aircraft, still moving at the speed of sound, barrier. Finally, at 20,000 ft, he managed to started carrying Puranas and
turned over and began to descend towards release the valves of the pressure suit. That mythology stories, directly translated
from Sanskrit. Of the series, Veer
the earth. gave him great relief. Then pumping out
Flanuman (1990-94) was the longest
the heavy fuel that was no longer required, and the most popular. The Saga of
‘What’s the matter.7 Are you all
he nfianaged to land his plane safely on the Jagannath was the shortest.
right.7’ asked a pilot of one of the escort-
desert below.
ing planes. He was bewildered, seeing
this sudden change of direction after the Major Frank K. Everest had piloted
fantastic climb. the famous Bell X-l to a peak altitude of
71,902 ft. He became the first pilot to have
But Frank Everest, though he heard
his life saved by the pressure suit. Later
his friend, could not answer. How could he
he flew to a number of speed and altitude
when the pressure suit held him tightly and
records and was known at pne time as “The
securely like a big hugging bear.7 He could
Fastest Man on Earth” as well as the highest
scarcely move nor could he utter a single
The two escort pilots, who were all
this while circling below, watched in great
despair the plane falling down like a small
boulder from the sky. ‘Was this the end
of X' 17 Was this the heroic Major’s last
flight?’ they sadly wondered.

But Frank Everest was calm. He

was making a supreme effort to fight the
vice'like grip of the pressure suit. With
nerves of steel, he kept his hands steady
on the controls. He knew that the slight¬
est hesitation at this moment would mean
sheer disaster. The plane would then simply

CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

But, alas, in the middle of the sea, they
were caught in a terrible storm. It twirled
and swirled their ship and threw it upside
down with great fury. Most of the crew and
the rich old merchant perished there and
then. But the fortunate young lady was cast
by the mighty waves onto the shores of an
unknown island.

Farah, now alone and destitute

in a strange land, could remember
nothing when she finally regained her
consciousness. She was utterly exhausted
and her limbs had no strength left in
them. As she lay helpless on the soft sand,
blankly looking at the vacant sky above,
the scene of the shipwreck and then she
being carried on the crest of the waves,
dimly floated before her eyes. She began
walking with faltering steps, although

1L ^ong ago, on the seashore in the

far west, there nestled a prosperous little city.
course of our journey you might not find a
suitable young man whom you could take as
without any destination.

It so happened that a family of weav¬

ers was passing by. They took her with
In it lived a lovely little damsel called Farah, your husband?”
them, and nursed her back to health with
the only daughter of a well-to-do spinner of
The girl readily agreed, if not for any¬ loving care. Though they were poor and
ropes. Many a hired hand worked for him.
thing else, at least for the thrill of the voyage. humble, they adopted her into their clan
One day, the old man told his offspring and taught her their trade to make cloth.
So, they sailed off on a calm blue sea.
who was the apple of his eye: By and by Farah reconciled to her new and
From land to land they went, the father
second life and was happy.
“Farah dear, soon I will set sail on busy with his commerce and his daughter
trade to several charming realms. Will you dreaming of the handsome prince who Some years passed in peace and
accompany me? Who knows, but in the might soon hold her hand! tranquility. One day, as Farah was strolling

Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

fcVlKRAM VETAI. Adventure

down the beach enjoying the cool and good master, set forth on her challenging
refreshing breeze, suddenly a band of slave- task. Mid-journey, her ship was caught
traders saw her. They forcibly carried her in a typhoon and was wrecked and the
away in their ship to another country and unfortunate girl found herself again cast up
sold her off along with other captives. all alone on the shore of a strange land.

Farah’s happy and beautiful world She wept bitter tears and questioned
collapsed once again. But her new master, her fate. She strongly felt that nothing in
who made masts for ship, was kind and her life seemed to be working according
gentle. He taught her the trade in his to her expectations. Whenever all was
woodyard. His new apprentice was clever well with her, something intervened and
and learnt everything very fast to the destroyed in a trice all her hopes and
surprise of her employer. So much satisfied dreams.
was he with her sincere efforts and work
‘Why is it,’ she cried out for a third
that he not only set her free but treated her
time, ‘that in the midst of my happiness,
as his own daughter. Farah was happy once
when I’ve adjusted well to my life and
surroundings, that I’m cast down with grief?
“Now that you are so adept in the Why should such evil events come my way?’
trade, I would like you to take up greater
She looked at the vast expanse of blue
responsibilities,” said her good master one
waters and the long stretch of sandy shore, home. He had been fascinated. But no one
but both remained silent to her queries. in the realm knew how to make a tent.
“I’m ready for it!” answered the young Picking herself up, she trotted inland As was the custom, heralds were being
lady confidently. consoling herself that there was still hope sent regularly to every nook and corner of
and one day life might provide her with the the kingdom to bring any foreigner who
“Very well. Farah, tomorrow my ship
answer to her questions. might have landed on its shores, to the
loaded with a cargo of masts will set sail to
distant lands. I want you not only to captain Now it so happened that Farah had presence of the king. Maybe, someone who
it, but to promote our goods,” proposed the stumbled into one of the island kingdoms, knew tent-making would be found some
old mastbuilder. whose ruler wanted a tent. A tattered one day!

had once come floating and some sailors “Good Lady, can you by any chance
Farah, a lover of adventure that she
had told him how it was like a movable make and pitch a tent for us?” asked the
was, agreed and with the blessings of her

CHAN DAM AMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years
Alas, there was none to be found in fit to be my daughter-in-law! The prize I
the kingdom. In fact, no one knew what a had thought for the girl who would fulfill
string of rope was like in that remote region my wish!”
of the world. Brilliant and talented that
So Farah married the prince amidst
Farah was, she remembered her days with
fanfare and jubilation. It was before long
her father as she had often watched him
that she became the queen of the island and
at work as a spinner. She got sufficient flax
was loved by one and all.
collected and spun the necessary quantity
of rope. Often, she would recount her ad¬
ventures to her jolly little children. Sitting
“Now I need some strong cloth,” she
around her in the garden, she would round
said. But the people of the realm had none
up by saying, “My dear little ones, never
of the kind she wanted for the tent. Now
take lightly the events and happenings that
drawing upon her experience with the
come your way!”
weavers, she made the required cloth.
“Why, mother.7” they would ask in a
“Now wherefrom will I get some sturdy
tent-poles?” she pondered.
“My angels, all that happens in
Alas, none was found to her liking
ruler in a hopeful strain when Farah was your life, all your experiences, can indeed
and requirement. She remembered with
brought to his presence. have a purpose and might one day come
gratitude how she had been trained by the
to your aid. As in my life, what was once
Farah replied with a graceful bow: old wood-fashioner to make ship masts. So
unpleasant, ultimately played a role in
“Your Majesty, I think I can do so. Only with help of the king’s men, she sawed some
making me what I am!”
I would need the necessary materials and logs to size and made the staffs.
some helping hands.”
Finally she recollected the different
“I shall provide you with all that you tents she had come across during her
want and put a thousand workers at your travels. With her skill and cleverness she
disposal! Just give me a tent!” exclaimed the adapted the best feature of each type and
king with great expectations. created a splendid tenthouse.

“First, I want bundles of strong ropes!” “Wonderful! Wonderful!” exclaimed

she said. the king in great admiration. “You’re indeed

Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

The Saga of Sri Jagannath
The Saga of Sri Jagannath

uri, in the eastern part of India, the abode of Lord Jagannath, is one of the four Dhams
or holy places of great antiquity in the country, the other three being Badarikashram in the north,
Rameswaram in the south and Dwarka in the west. While there is no uncertainty about the identity
of the deities of these three Dhams, they being Vishnu, Shiva and Krishna respectively, Sri Jagannath,
the deity with a mysterious form, had been claimed in different ages, by devotees of different faiths, as
their god. However, the oldest and the most widely accepted legends suggest that the deity represents

The origin of this deity is not only lost in the mist of Time, but also remains shrouded in
mystery. Legend says that a certain sacred object was being secretly worshipped by a tribal chief,
Visvavasu. King Indradyumna, through one of his trusted emissaries, got it transported to Puri. Yet,
he commissioned a mysterious craftsman to carve an image of the main deity. That means what the
emissary brought was not an image, but something that seems to have been lodged inside the image as
we see it today. What was that? Could that be the sacred Relics of Krishna? That is the conclusion to
which the chain of legends that follows leads us.

The great temple we see today is old enough, but obviously, far older temples preceded it, for the
deity belongs to a remote past.

No. Why was he unhappy then? At to find out the most auspicious time and
the beginning he could not have answered day for the foundation-laying ceremony.
the question himself. But slowly the answer Amidst sounds of conch-shells and chanting
dawned on his mind. Like a temple on of hymns, the project was launched on the
the horizon becoming visible when the wide seashore of Puri.
mist disappears, the vagueness in his mind
Huge blocks of stone of a special
gradually gave way to a distinct vision.
quality were collected from mountains far
Indeed, it was a lofty vision—the away. They came by boats through the sea
vision of a temple. He must build a and the river and were brought to the site
magnificent temple, a great shrine that loaded on huge carts drawn by elephants.
would be a seat of pilgrimage for millions of
Thousands of workers, craftsmen,
devotees for ages to come.
sculptors and architects were busy
But a temple for whom? Who is the constructing the monument. The magic of
deity to be enshrined in it? Was it not their love and labour made flowers bloom
strange one should feel the urge to build a on the stones. Upon a vast stretch of sand
temple when one was not sure of the deity kissed by the sea-waves, the monument
to be worshipped in it? The king himself rose higher and higher, befriending the
wondered. clouds.

^ing Indradyumna was most dear But he was not required to wonder for Years passed and the temple was
to his subjects. He was great in many respects. long. He heard a voice in his dream: “Build completed. But where is the deity? That is
Bards sang his praise in many verses. So many the temple. You will find the deity when it the question everybody began asking.
smaller kings paid their tributes to him. is time.”
Although the king did not show it,
He had plenty of wealth to bestow King Indradyumna woke up, his he too was growing anxious on the issue.
rewards on scholars and poets and to give nerves tingling with a sublime feeling. There One day he sat inside the new temple and,
alms to the needy. He made all happy. was no longer any hesitation in him. He looking at the inner chamber designed to
summoned his ministers as soon as it was house the deity, prayed to God, “In what
But lately, he was found to be a bit
morning and revealed to them his decision form will you like to dwell in this temple? Is
unhappy himself. Is it because he lacked
to build the temple. Astrologers were asked it not time I was told about it? How long to
anything? Is it because some of his desires
to locate the right place for the temple and wait? Won’t all the people laugh at me if this
remained unfulfilled?

78 CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

huge temple, built with so much labour and that the music came from the other side of
care, remains empty for a long time?” the hill.

That very night, in his dream, the king He climbed the hill. A slope led into a
was told that somewhere, not far from Puri, beautiful valley. A dozen of tribal girls were
lay hidden the deity for whom the temple dancing and singing. Vidyapati was tired.
had been made. He was Krishna and He The melody and the sight worked like a
waited to be discovered! tonic on him. He stood holding a branch,
enjoying the scene.
The king knew that it was not going
to be easy to discover the deity, for to play He received a jolt when he heard
hide-and-seek was Krishna’s nature! One, a tiger roar close by. The beast was not
to he able to find him, must be intelligent, satisfied with its roar, it was rushing towards
wise and a devotee of the Lord. The King him. Vidyapati was not so good at climbing
selected four worthy scholars from his court trees. He panicked and just did not know
and sent them in four directions. what to do.

The youngest of them, Vidyapati, went “Bagha!” the shout came from one
eastward and then took a turn towards the of the dancing maids. The tiger stopped
north. Soon he entered a wild forest. He at once. The girls giggled. “Come back!”
They did all this in obedience to the
could have surely avoided it, but he was commanded the same voice. Bagha turned
instructions from one who outshone the
not acting according to his own will. From and in a bound was back amidst the girls
rest. She was tall, articulate in her manners,
time to time, he prayed to Krishna. He felt who had stopped dancing. It rolled at the
and beautiful. Her friends called her Lalita.
as if his prayer was leading him in a certain feet of the one who had called it, like a
direction! pussy. She gave it a smack with her fist. She “O stranger,” said Lalita, kneeling
indeed outshone all the other girls of the down before Vidyapati, “we do not know
So he braved into the forest which was
group for her charming personality. who you are and what is your destination.
growing thicker and thicker. He came across
Probably you strayed into the forest.
a small hill. To his surprise, it appeared to Vidyapati, tired and frightened, sat
Whatever be the case, we cannot desert you
be a musical hill! Tender sounds of drum dazed. Two of the girls fanned him with
in the condition that you are. My father,
and flute, of clapping of hands and songs, banana leaves. Another fetched cool water
Visvavasu, Chieftain of this forest, will be
seemed to he emanating from the hill. It did from a spring and offered it to him. Two of
happy to receive you as his guest.” There
not of course take him long to understand them supported him with their arms.


girl to intimate the father about the stranger admired him, but he was in no mood to
she was taking home. think of her much. He did not forget, even
for a moment, why he was there. Most of
Soon he saw Visvavasu emerging on
the time he remained silent and meditative.
a rock. He looked majestic, hut he greeted
He had come in search of some secret
Vidyapati with folded hands, “You are
divinity. Will he succeed in his quest? That
welcome, whoever you are,” he said when
was his worry.
Vidyapati returned his greetings.
But he forgot his worry for some days.
“I’m duty-bound to inform my
It was when he fell ill and Lalita nursed
noble host that I am an emissary of
him. He suffered, but his elation at his
King Indradyumna. I hope, my host will
close contact with Lalita far surpassed his
appreciate that I am also duty-bound to
my king to keep my mission a secret,”
said Vidyapati. Visvavasu was delighted He realised that not only Lalita loved
to find out that the young Brahmin was a him, but also he loved Lalita. No wonder
great scholar. The chieftain had rarely any that he should give his silent consent to
opportunity to meet and benefit from a Visvavasu’s proposal that he be married to
scholar. He requested Vidyapati to stay with Lalita.
him for a few days and to enlighten him in
It was spring and the whole nature was
was magic in Lalita’s invitation, though she matters of religion and philosophy.
agog with love that burst forth in a million
did not say a word more than necessary. In Vidyapati agreed to comply with the flowers and lush green leaves. Vidyapati’s
the silence that followed, Vidyapati stood request. Surely, he had a strong feeling that marriage with Lalita was performed amidst
up gratefully, ready to follow Lalita. he ought to continue there. the joyous songs of the tribal maids and the
sweetly taunting cuckoos.
Lalita led the party, her pet tiger Had this feeling something to do
prancing about merrily and occasionally with the great attention Lalita, Visvavasu’s Days passed. Vidyapati was both happy
nosing the stranger. Lalita whispered a only child, bestowed on him? Not quite and unhappy. Happy he was for Lalita,
message to one of her companions. She at the beginning. While Vidyapati recited unhappy for his mission that remained
speeded up her steps and then ran and soon scriptures and explained the meaning, unfulfilled.
disappeared amidst the cluster of trees. both Visvavasu and Lalita listened in rapt
Only if he could be as determined a
Vidyapati guessed that Lalita had sent the attention. Vidyapati knew that Lalita
worker as Visvavasu! For example, he had

CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

observed Visvavasu going out somewhere at “Oh no. I’ll surely plead with my
dawn without fail, to come back after the father to take you there.”
sunrise. Even a terrible cyclone would not
At night, Lalita told Visvavasu of her
stop him from this.
husband’s desire. Visvavasu cast a severe
Suddenly Vidyapati grew curious look at her and kept quiet.
about it. Where does Visvavasu go?
But Lalita was not to give up so easily.
And he put the question to Lalita. “Father, am I not your only child? Who
will worship the deity after you? Won’t the
“O my husband, I am not supposed
duty rest on Vidyapati? What is the harm in
to disclose that to anybody. But how on
familiarising him with the deity now?” she
earth can I keep anything hidden from
persisted in her pleading.
you? Somewhere nearby there is a cave.
Inside it there is our ancestral deity. My “Will your husband stay with us in this
father goes to pay his homage to Him. My forest forever?” Visvavasu asked gravely.
father’s father, my grandfather, even my
“Of course he will if you don’t
grandfather’s father, did the same,” replied
disappoint him, if you love him like your
the innocent Lalita.
Vidyapati heard her with rapt pad of cloth. Visvavasu held his right hand
“Even then he belongs to another
attention and great curiosity. Is the and led him on.
culture, another world. But, my child, I will
unforeseen hand that had led him there
fulfil his desire. It is for your sake.” Unknown to Visvavasu and even
now trying to lead him a step farther?
unknown to Lalita, Vidyapati carried a
But Visvavasu was oatlvbound not to
“My dear Lalita,” he said softly. “Can’t handful of mustard seeds in his left hand.
show anybody the way to the cave, unless
I have a glimpse of the deity?” He went on scattering them along the way
it was time for him to hand over the charge
“Don’t have any such desire, my to the cave.
of his deity to someone. Vidyapati agreed to
husband, for my father would never consent proceed blindfolded. “My boy, lower your head. We are now
to let any outsider even know of the deity, entering the cave,” said Visvavasu and he gently
As usual, it was the hour before the
what to speak of showing the deity to him!” removed the cover from Vidyapati’s eyes.
sunrise when Visvavasu prepared to go to
“Do I continue to be an outsider even after the cave. Vidyapati’s eyes were covered by a Vidyapati opened his eyes in the dark
marrying you?” Vidyapati feigned sadness. interior. His eyes went to a nook of the

CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years
the cave—blind-folded. Lalita was eagerly He argued with himself: Visvavasu
awaiting his return. “What did you see?” she did not trust him. Had he trusted him, he
asked excitedly. would not have obliged him to visit the cave
blind-folded. So Vidyapati will only outwit
“Well, nothing very much! What
Visvavasu, not betray him.
miracle can one expect inside a gloomy
cave?” said Vidyapati. But arguments are arguments. They
cannot truly resolve any conflict. Vidyapati
Indeed, he must not tell even Lalita
could not sleep for nights together. He
the miracle he had experienced. He alone
remained absentminded during the day.
knew how painful it was to keep it a secret
Lalita was at a loss to understand what was
from her. Never before in life he had
happening to her husband. Was he unhappy
suffered so much anguish. The king had
because he married her? Was he missing
vested in him a great trust. He knew very
cave. There, on a slab of stone, Visvavasu
the pomp and show of the life in the king’s
placed some flowers. well that Indradyumna was no ordinary
king, but one who had been inspired to
Instantly there flashed a blue light. accomplish a great task. It is true he should “Not the pomp and show, Lalita,”
Vidyapati saw in the flash the vision of
not keep anything hidden from Lalita, but Vidyapati at last told Lalita in reply to her
Krishna—the beautiful Krishna with his flute. who was Lalita, after all? He met her and repeated query, “but my home. A long time
A cry of joy and wonder escaped his married her only because he had set out on has lapsed since I left the city. My people
lips. his mission. Shouldn’t his first obligation be must be wondering where I am. Should I
to his mission? not see my anxious parents? I am pensive
“What happened, my son?” asked
at the thought of leaving you. Surely, I
Visvavasu. That brought Vidyapati back to But the matter was much more
cannot propose that you accompany me.
senses. serious than merely keeping something
Your father will miss you so much! Besides,
hidden from Lalita. He realised that
Visvavasu was a man of few words. people of my society will look at you
what Visvavasu worships is the symbol of
When he realised that Vidyapati was not with such curiosity that you’ll feel quite
Vishnu. If he is to be faithful to his mis¬
willing to say why he was so surprised, he uncomfortable.”
sion, he must decamp with the object that
did not repeat his question.
Visvavasu worships! That will be betray¬ “How do I care as long as you
Vidyapati was brought back home ing the faith of Lalita and Visvavasu! continue to look at me the way you do
in the same manner he had been led into That will be treachery! now!” Lalita’s voice was clear, but soon it

CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

grew weak when she said, “But who will He followed the path they indicated. In a
look after father? Can I leave him?” few minutes he reached the cave. At its
mouth, rocks were placed in an intricate
“You cannot and you should not. But
fashion to check one’s entry into it.
if you allow me to go, I’ll come hack soon.”
Vidyapati dismounted from his horse and
■pvj I lip 1/j
“Will you? Do you promise?” made his way carefully. ) \xv SjfjT ~ 1

“How can I do otherwise, Lalita? Can I

remain without you?”

Vidyapati’s words brought tears to

Lalita’s eyes. “Go then,” she said. “Tell your
Inside the cave, he was thrilled once
again. There was no time to lose. “O God,
I’m acting according to the best of my
inspiration. If I’m doing wrong, pardon me.”
parents how eagerly I look forward to the He picked up the small stone casket
day when I can he blessed by them.”
/L/*SMl/ _
on which Visvavasu had placed flowers
Soon Visvavasu was informed of hours ago. He put it in his bag, went

Vidyapati’s desire to go home. He proposed out and hopped onto his horse. He then

to send many gifts with him. “No,” said galloped at great speed. Though not sure

Vidyapati dissuading him. “There will be a of the way, he had the feeling that some

time for that—when Lalita will accompany superior force will guide him out of the
that he had come out of the dark forest into
me. First, let me break the news of my forest all right.
the plains flooded by sunlight.
marriage to my parents.” Vidyapati crossed the forest in a few
But as soon as he looked at he forest
“Let it be so,” said Visvavasu and he hours. Tired, he dismounted from his horse
he had left behind, his heart was overcast by
arranged a horse for his son-in-law. and ate the food Lalita had so lovingly
gloom. It is true that he had accomplished
packed for him. Visvavasu would not know
The monsoon had just set in. his mission, but at what cost? Had he not
of the theft until the next day. It is only
Vidyapati took leave of Visvavasu and a betrayed the trust of the kind-hearted
when he would visit the cave at dawn, with
tearful Lalita. Slowly he disappeared from Visvavasu and the innocent Lalita?
a palmful of flowers, that he would find his
their sight. Visvavasu will no doubt be heart-broken.
Deity gone! By that time, Vidyapati should
Can Lalita stand the shock of his betrayal
It was not difficult for him to find the have safely reached his destination.
and the anguish of her father?
row of tender sprouts that had emerged
Vidyapati was happy that he had
from the mustard seeds he had scattered. “O God!” muttered Vidyapati, “I had
accomplished his mission. He was happy
to do what I have done. But, was not my

CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Yeans 83
inform the king of his arrival. He knew how “Vidyapati, you must root out such
anxiously the king awaited him. disturbing thoughts from your mind.
Thousands of artisans have offered their
King Indradyumna came out hurriedly
labour to the building of the temple. We
and embraced Vidyapati. “Young sage, not
have offered our resources. Similarly, if
only your bright face, but also the dream I
someone has been obliged to lose something
dreamt last night tells me that you have not
he valued, what is wrong in that? I am
returned empty-handed. You have brought
directed in my dream to await a log that
the thing for which I have been waiting
will come floating in the sea by morning.
so eagerly—counting every moment and
What you have brought is charged with
passing sleepless nights.”
the presence of Vishnu. Am I right? This
“My lord, I’m convinced that I’ve is to be placed inside the image that will
got the invaluable thing for which I set be carved out of the log. Once the image
out, but ...” Vidyapati’s voice was choked. is installed in the magnificent temple, your
act mean, treacherous and unpardonable?
“Go on, my friend, I know that no one host will be only too happy to see it,” said
Only if this act serves some greater purpose,
can achieve anything really great without the king, patting Vidyapati on the back.
something ordained by Thou, can I recover
my peace.” confronting some difficulty or obstacle. Let Vidyapati felt consoled.
us hear your problem. We will do everything
He then remembered Visvavasu and The king, his ministers and Vidyapati
possible to resolve it,” said the king in great
Lalita and silently begged of their pardon. were all present on the seashore an hour
before dawn. A mild mist spread on the
He hopped onto his horse and
Vidyapati shook his head. “No, no, waters and it had dimmed the horizon.
galloped forth, struggling with his gloom.
my lord, none can help me come out of
Faster and faster he rode, as if thereby By and by, the eastern sky grew rosy.
my anguish. I had to steal the object of
he could leave his tormenting thoughts The king looked agog with excitement as
my quest, and that too from one who
behind! if the sunrise was taking place for the first
was my host, my benefactor and whose
ever time!
By sundown, he approached the daughter I married. I betrayed the father
charming town of Puri. Straight he went and the daughter. I shudder at the The sun sprang up. The waves
to the palace of Indradyumna. An official thought of their shock when they shall recorded a million golden ripples. The mist
who had spotted him at a distance had come to know of my betrayal. That will began to fade.
already rushed to the palace ahead of him to be in the morning.”

84 CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

“There! There it is!!” cried out the “Whoever has heard of a floating log come to halt under some spell. The lush
excited king. “Can’t you all see it rolling proving heavier than a hill!” said the king. green trees covered a range of hills not too
over the waves?” “There is something wrong—not with the high. Between the hills spread sleepy tribal
log, but with us. However, I’ll not budge hamlets, the realm of Visvavasu.
A huge round log was seen rising
until the log has been brought ashore. I
with the surging waves and gliding down It had been a quiet realm always,
hope it does not drift away!” said the king.
as the waves subsided. At the king point' and since the previous day, it had grown
ing it out, a dozen waiting boats dashed The day passed and the evening made quieter still. That was natural. Their chief,
into the sea. way for the night. Visvavasu, lay in a swoon most of the
time. The chief’s daughter, Lalita, wept
They surrounded the dancing log. Riding a golden palanquin came
Men in the boats leaned towards it and Queen Gundicha. “You don’t mean to pass
began pushing it towards the shore. A your night in the open!” she complained to Nobody knew exactly what had
floating log needed but a little push to her husband mildly. happened. As usual, Visvavasu had gone
move! out of his house at dawn. But that day, he
“I don’t really know what I am going
returned soon, looking wild, panting and
But the log would not move. Some of to do!” answered the king in a kind of daze.
sweating. “What has your husband done?”
the surprised boatmen, expert swimmers, He closed his eyes.
That was all he could say, staring at Lalita
jumped into the waters and tried to move
It was a moonlit night. Soldiers and at the foreyard of their house. Then he
it, but in vain. The boats came closer and
boatmen were still trying their strength swooned.
pressed against the log, but there was no
against the strange log.
change in the log’s position. At first stupefied, Lalita cried in
“Stop!” shouted the king suddenly. her horror and sat down by her father’s
The men then threw ropes around the
The ministers passed the order on to those side. Others came rushing to the spot.
log and pulled it towards the shore. When
struggling with the log. “I know why the They carried their chief into his room and
that yielded no result, more ropes were
log refuses to come,” said the king. Then, sprinkled water on his face. He recovered
brought and fastened to it. Bigger boats
looking at Vidyapati, he said, “Lead me to his senses, only to lose them again.
were pressed to service, but the situation
the blessed devotee who was the custodian
remained unchanged. Lalita had instinctively understood
of the sacred thing you’ve brought. His
what had happened. She had always a
The king’s face paled as time passed. touch alone will move the log!”
feeling that although Vidyapati loved her
The ministers were worried. Soldiers were
From the top of the mountain, the deeply, his readiness to live with them in
summoned. They did their best to bring the
forest looked like rolling waves that had the forest was not entirely due to it. He
log ashore, but they failed.

t H
CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years
And then, someone came running at
noon and told them excitedly that he had
sighted a party of strangers atop the hill.
The one who dominated the party looked
like a king.

Soon another messenger reported of

having sighted Vidyapati in the party.

By then, everybody had come to know,

through whispers, the cause of Visvavasu’s

“They have taken away our greatest

possession. Are they not satisfied still and
do they mean to plunder us? We will fight to
the last man!” shouted a few voices.

But as more reports began to arrive, it

became clear that the king’s party carried
no arms. The king himself had already told
some people that he was coming to greet

Visvavasu came out of the cave to

was counting days for a chance to fulfil receive the king, though he had not stopped
morning, Visvavasu walked towards the
some other mission. Visvavasu’s shock had weeping. The king, on sighting him, came
cave, in a daze, although he knew that the
only one meaning for Lalita: Vidyapati had running and embraced him.
cave was empty. He was followed by his
escaped with their secret Deity for which he kinsmen. “Visvavasu, I am the thief, not your
had evinced such keen interest.
sondndaw. Pardon me and listen to me with
Inside the cave, he grasped the stone
The day passed and so did pass the kindness,” said the king. He then narrated
upon which his Deity used to be there and
night, without the father and the daughter how he got the inspiration to construct a
refused to budge. Hours passed. Those who
touching food or going to sleep. The next magnificent temple, how he had had the
accompanied him did not know what to do.

CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

feeling that somewhere, not far from Puri, “My daughter, do not misunderstand
there was a secret object of worship that your husband. It is only for a lofty cause
must be gathered for the temple and how, that he kept certain things secret from you,”
of all his counsellors, Vidyapati alone had a the king told Lalita, who bowed to him.
feel for things divine.
“Lalita, I apologise to you. I will be
“Visvavasu, for generations, the Lord back in no time and arrange for you to ac^
had been gracious to your dynasty. Now it is company me to Puri,” Vidyapati told Lalita
the Lord’s wish that He should be available who had not stopped weeping.
to all the seekers. In any case, He does not
It was evening when the king and his
wish to be seen by others in the same form
party, along with Visvavasu, reached Puri.
as you and your forefathers saw Him. What
At once the king and Visvavasu set out into
you worshipped will be kept inside a new
the sea in a boat. Lo and behold, as soon as
image that will be carved out of a block
they touched the floating log and gave it a
of log,” said the king. He then told him
push, it began moving .towards the shore,
how the log refused to come ashore and
dancing on the waves. Within minutes, the
how he felt sure that it would come only if
jubilant crowd rolled it on to the sands and
Visvavasu was there to receive it. The Lord
then it was carried to the castle. told in his dream that the Lord wished to
knew in what a state of anguish his dear
be manifested as Krishna, along with his
devotee, Visvavasu, was. The work could What form will the Deity take? That
elder brother Balabhadra and their sister,
not go on unless Visvavasu decided to lend was the question to bother the king next.
Subhadra. At no other shrine was to be seen
his support to it. He summoned the kingdom’s leading
this trinity. This will be the exclusive feature
craftsmen. They said that they were in
Visvavasu heard the king with rapt of this divinely inspired temple.
the habit of carving images out of stone—
attention. He was left in no doubt that what
following some established designs. They The old man’s claim carried
the king said was true. He sat silent for long.
were not sure of their craftsmanship on a conviction. The king agreed to his taking up
Then he stood up. “I am ready to follow
block of log, particularly when it concerned the work.
you,” he said.
the image of a Deity.
“But I have a condition, O noble
The king embraced him again, tears
Before long, an old man appeared King. I must be left alone with the log and
of joy and gratefulness streaming down his
before the king and claimed that he knew my instruments. The door of the house uv
what to carve out of the log. He had been side which I will work must remain closed

CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

sound of his instruments fashioning the see in them indescribable beauty and divine
wood could be heard if one pressed one’s grandeur.
ear against the door. And Queen Gundicha
What Visvavasu worshipped was
Devi, the consort of King Indradyumna, was
perhaps the sacred Relics of Krishna. The
never tired of doing that. Time and again,
Relics are there hidden in the images. Cer^
she would appear before the doors and
emoniously, though secretly, they have been
listen to the sound and feel satisfied that the
transferred into the new images through
old craftsman went on with his work.
the ages. Sri Jagannath, the Lord of the
But one day, all seemed quiet inside Universe, is one of the prime Deities for
the house. The queen grew anxious about the devotees of Vishnu and Puri has been
the stranger’s condition. And when the a sacred place of pilgrimage since times
sound did not resume the next day or even immemorial.
the day after, she suspected that the old m
man, who had deprived himself of food and
drink, had died. She pressed open the doors.

The old man, busy with making the

images, looked over his shoulder and then,
in the twinkling of an eye, vanished. He
until I have opened it,” said the strange
had left the images incomplete. The images
are to be found in the same shape—though
“What about your food?” from time to time new images took place of
the old—to this day. The craftsman, as all
“I’ll have it after my work is over,”
concerned realised afterwards, was none other
calmly stated the stranger.
than Visvakarma, the sculptor and architect of
The minister of the king was not sure heaven. Descendants of Vidyapati and Lalita
that the stranger’s mind was quite sound. are among the chief priests of the temple.
But the king, surprisingly, agreed to his
But were the images really incotm
condition without any hesitation.
plete? They appear so. They even appear
The stranger was given a house strange to the ordinary eye, but devotees
situated on the castle campus. The faint

88 CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

Witty Tales
Witty Tales
VUhandamama is eqaally famous for its stories of fun and humour, which are presented in a
subtle manner that make them capable of being remembered beyond the time taken for reading them.
Tales of men of wit, like Tenali Rama, Birbal, Gopal Bhand and others, have all enriched Indian
literature. These stories look at the lighter side of life, revealing human weaknesses, vanities and
foibles. If they evoke a smile while reading, they continue to remind the readers of the absurdities in
A Adventure Humour
,k Moral

The Clever Parrot

here was a great merchant in a message for me. That is all I want from On hearing the merchant’s narration,
Magadha who traded overseas. you. the parrot in the cage had a fit, at the end
of which it too fell down lifeless. Shocked
Whenever he went abroad, he would The merchant started on a voyage,
at this, the merchant opened the door of
call his family and ask each one, “What traded for a period of six months, and then
the cage. At once the parrot came back
shall I bring for you?” went to the pipal tree to meet the parrots.
to life and flew away through the open
He told them what his pet had said. When
On one occasion, he asked his pet pan cage, leaving the merchant shocked and
he asked for a message, one of the parrots
rot too, “What shall I bring for you?”
became lifeless and fell down and the rest
dumbfounded. 19
“Do you remember the forest in flew off without answering the merchant.
which you caught me?” the parrot said. “In
Surprised and disappointed, the men
that forest there is a giant pipal tree. On it
chant came home and told his parrot what
you will find numerous parrots like me. Tell
had happened.
them that I am with you and ask them for

CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years 93

He got up and went secretly to the
Sultan’s stable and took away Sudam’s
favourite white horse, which he led into a
thick forest and tied to a tree.

“Now, my dear wife,” he said, “you

must go to the palace and spread the news
that I am Abdullah, the wise one.”

The wife obeyed. Next day she was in

the palace and saw the Sultan looking wor¬
ried. “What is wrong?” she asked.

“My finest horse vanished in the

night,” Sultan Sudam replied. “Nobody can

tell me where it is.”

“Abdullah, my husband, is a wise man

who sees and knows everything,” said the
wife. “Alas, today he is in bed, being weak
Abdullah the Wise One through lack of food.”

“Perhaps the poor man will be well

1 n an Arab country, there lived

a scholar named Abdullah. He had a
Abdullah, however, was sadly disap¬
pointed. There were no invitations for him
enough to talk,” said the Sultan eagerly, and
he hurried straight to Abdullah’s house. The
scholar seemed to be faint and weak but
poorly-paid job as a letter-writer in the and his family. “Nobody thinks anything of found strength to whisper that the Sultan
palace of Sudam the Sultan and could me,” he sighed, as he went home hungry. would find his horse deep in the thick for¬
hardly feed himself and his family. One est, tied to a tree.
Very sad, he went to bed, but in the
day, a great feast was arranged in hon¬
middle of the night he woke his wife up. “I When this was found to be true, the
our of the Sultan’s birthday, and when
have an idea that will make me rich and Sultan was overjoyed and, for the next few
Abdullah breathed in the delicious smells
famous,” he told his wife. “I shall become a days, Abdullah and his family had all the
of cooking, he was sure that he and his
wise man who knows everything.” money and food they wanted. But news
family would be invited.

94 CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years
% Humour

got round that a wonderful wise man had life, O wise one. The jewels are hidden at the
appeared and even the King of the Arab foot of a pomegranate tree in the garden.”
countries got to know about it.
“You deserve to be punished,” said Ab¬
The King summoned Abdullah to him. dullah. “I will give you a chance, however, if
“Wise man,” he said, “a thief has stolen the you leave the country.”
crown jewels and only you can find them
This, the woman was only too eager
for me. By tomorrow morning you must give
to do. The next day, when Abdullah was
me the answer, or I shall have you severely
brought before the King, he boldly declared
punished as a fake.”
that the stolen jewels would be found
Poor Abdullah! His teeth were chat¬ beneath the pomegranate tree. “Send a
tering with fright as they took him to a trusted servant to dig there,” he said. “As for
room in a high tower and shut him in. “How the blame, the thief will never be caught.”
can I know the answer?” he wailed.
When all this was found to be true,
The jewel-thief was a serving-woman the King was amazed. But one of the
in the court, named Giva. She heard about courtiers wanted even more proof of the
the wise man and tiptoed to the room in the clever powers of Abdullah. “Your Majesty,”
tower and listened outside the door. he whispered, “this man might be in league
with the thief. We must test him again.”
Not knowing that anybody was listening,
had given him. Then, half-aloud, he went
Abdullah was on his knees, bewailing his fate. The King agreed, and while Abdullah
on, “Poor little frog indeed! Now you are in
“It is all the fault of my tongue,” he sobbed. was sent to another room, he ordered that
a trap and who can help you escape?”
“Yes, that is the truth,” he went on in a louder a frog should be placed inside a golden dish
voice. “The fault is that of giva.” Being a with a lid over it. All who heard him were astonished.
clever scholar, Abdullah used the very ancient “Now do you believe?” thundered the King
Then Abdullah was brought in. “Tell
Arab word “giva” for “tongue”, and when the to his courtiers. “This man is the wisest in
me, O wise one, what is hidden inside this
woman heard it, she naturally thought that all the land.”
dish,” commanded the King.
Abdullah was mentioning her own name.
Loaded with presents and money that
Abdullah trembled with fear. “Now
She rushed in and went down on her would last him the rest of his life, Abdullah
I am lost, poor little frog that I am,” he
knees before him. “It is true,” she cried. “I, hurried back home, wise in the knowledge
thought, using a nickname that his father
Giva, stole the jewels. I beg you to spare my that he had also been the lucky one.

CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

First they went to the bakery, where
the great miser enquired for fresh bread.

“My good men,” the baker said, “I

have bread that will melt like butter in the

“Ah!,” said the great miser. “Then

what we need is butter not bread.”

So, off our misers went to the dairy,

where the great miser enquired the price of

The dairyman exclaimed. “My butter

is good. It’s just like ghee.”

The Two Misers “In that case,” muttered the great

miser, “perhaps it would be better to have
any years ago, there was a miser, as our miser walked barefeet in order to save
“I have plenty of ghee,” said the
and he certainly was a miser. Having to spend his sandals from wearing out.
dairyman. “Good ghee, as clear as water.”
even the smallest coin caused him considerable
Eventually, he reached his destination
pain, and he would spend hours and hours “Then,” said the great miser to the
and met this great miser, who greeted him
thinking of ways in which he could keep his other miser, “Let us drink water, which will
as a long lost brother, and invited him to a
hoard of money from ever diminishing. be as clear as ghee.”
One day, he heard that there was a So the two misers returned to the
This certainly shook our miser, who
miser living in a nearby town who never spent house, and the great miser poured out some
protested most volubly, “No, no, I have a
anything at all. This sounded good, so our miser water, which they drank with great relish.
piece of dry bread in my pocket, which is all
decided he would pay a visit to this outstanding
I require.” Our miser returned home, congratu¬
man and learn the secret of his success.
lating himself on the good fortune of having
“That will not do,” the great miser said,
It was a long, back breaking walk to the met someone who had showed him that
taking his newly found friend by the arm.
town where the other miser lived, especially water was as good as anything for a meal.
“Come with me, and we shall dine out.”

CHAN DAM AM A: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

VlKRAM VETAL Humour Moral

nee upon a time there was Next day, Som was summoned to the
a man called Som who had a lovely long royal court. Perplexed in the extreme and
beard. Naturally, he was very proud of this afraid he might have offended the king in
and loved to boast that he had the best some manner, Som begged the guard for
beard in the area, but his wife was very some time so that he could make himself
vexed because he would not chop it off. One presentable. But the guard would not listen
day she said, “Why don’t you cut off this to him and brought him before the king.
horrible growth? Of what use is it to you?”
In the court, the minister addressed
Som laughed and replied, “Dear, don’t Som, “Som, the king wants to buy the fine
be silly. My beard will fetch me a fat profit. corn stalks waving on your face. What price
You just wait and see. My beard is to me do you ask for them?”
what the corn stalks are to the field.”
Som fell at his feet and said, “Sire, On reaching home, he called his wife
His wife remarked, “Pooh! What I was only joking. Forgive me and I shall who took some time to recognise him, so
nonsense you talk! As if anyone will buy never again speak like this.” vast was the difference between the shaggy
your beard off you!” unkempt husband and the now smooth-
The minister laughed encouragingly.
shaven, handsome looking man who faced
Som chuckled, “Oho! No ordinary man “Don’t be afraid, Som. In truth, the king
can buy my beard. Only our king can afford to wishes to buy your fine beard.”
buy my beard. Then I’ll get a lot of money and Som boasted, “See, I told you, I’d
Som replied, “Sire, I had no money to
there’ll be an end to our poverty.” make a fortune from my beard? My beard
pay the barber. That’s why I grew a beard.
is my grain-field. The king paid ten rupees
This conversation between the I thought I would buy my wife a saree with
for that. Of course, he would have paid any
husband and wife was carried on loudly the money thus saved.”
amount I asked for.”
enough for anyone in the street to hear.
The minister said patiently. “My dear
Therefore, it was not surprising that the Now, Som’s neighbour’s wife
fellow, I am not joking. Sell your beard to
king and his minister, who were doing their eavesdropped on their conversation. Her
us. Come, what price will you take?”
nightly rounds in disguise, heard it. husband too had a bushy beard. That

CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years 97
Dom was startled to hear this. At once
he fell at the minister’s feet and implored
him to forgive him.

“Sire, forgive me. Greed blinded my

eyes. In truth, I know nothing about any
secret business.”

The whole Court laughed uproariously

at Dorn’s discomfiture.

The minister said sternly. “Dom, the

king helps the poor and the needy in this
manner. But a rich man like you should
not covet wealth like this. We forgive you
because this is your first offence. Don’t be
jealous of others. Go and let us hear no
night, she told him, “I hear that our king is The amused king looked at his
more about this.”
buying up beards. Our neighbour Som sold minister who asked, “Good man, what price
his beard and made a profit. Go and sell do you ask for your facial corn.7” Dom ran from the Court and shut
your beard to the king. But mind, ask for himself up inside his house and refused to
“I’ve tended this field for a long time
more. Don’t be content with ten rupees.” see anybody for shame. As for his wife, she
with loving care. Ten thousand rupees is
stopped her nasty habit of eavesdropping on
So, Dom, that was the neighbour’s what I ask for this lot,” replied Dom.
others. _
name, thought about his wife’s proposal and
“I see,” said the minister who had
decided to sell his beard. On an appointed
correctly gauged the man’s greed for money.
day, he presented himself before the king
“Yesterday a simpleton wanted only ten
who enquired what he wanted.
rupees for his harvest. But you are cleverer.
Dom replied, “Sire, I understand that Yet you have not informed the Government Sri Lankan Prime Minister Premadasa
volunteered to write for the
you pay well for the corn stalks that grow on of this secret business. Obviously you have
magazine, and did so for four issues.
the face. Look at my facial corn. See how it not paid any taxes so far. Therefore we
bends before the breeze.” Then Dom ran his order you to pay a penalty of ten thousand
fingers through his beard proudly. rupees.”

98 CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

kVlKRAM VhTAl ‘Adventure Humour
& Moral

The clever principal guessed the situ¬

ation and said, “Sharmaji! The scholar you
desire to meet is now out on a pilgrimage. I
have no idea when he will return.”

“Never mind. I am willing to wait,”

answered Ram Sharma and lodged himself
comfortably in the academy’s guest house.

When the principal saw that his trick

did not click, he chose one of the serv¬
ants of the academy and dressed him like a
scholar. The servant had lost one eye. Nev¬

Meaningful Gestures ertheless, when properly dressed, he looked

grave enough for the occasion.

The principal then told Ram Sharma,

6 “Good news, Sharmaji, the scholar cut short
n days gone by, there was a “Where is he? I would like to meet his tour and returned last night. He is wait¬
pundit at Kanchipur, Ram Sharma, who had him,” said Ram Sharma with curiosity. ing for you in the next room. You can meet
mastered the unusual art of conveying ideas him and satisfy yourself.”
“He is in our academy at Shivgang-
through gestures instead of words.
pur,” replied the king. Ram Sharma went to the next room,
One day, Ram Sharma presented greeted the disguised servant and, taking his
At Shivgangpur, the king had an edu¬
himself before the king of a neighbouring seat, began his communication by showing
cational institution. That was quite far and
country and sought an appointment in his one finger.
the king never thought that Ram Sharma
court by the virtue of his knowledge of this
would take the trouble of visiting the place. Immediately the servant responded
rare art.
by showing two fingers. Ram Sharma then
But Ram Sharma immediately set out
The king, however, was not impressed showed three fingers. The servant, in reply,
for Shivgangpur. On his arrival there, he
with Ram Sharma. To dismiss him, he said, showed his clenched fist.
sought out the principal of the academy and
“Well, Pundit, your art is nothing new to us.
told him what had passed between the king Ram Sharma’s next move was to take
We have already a scholar who is adept in
and himself. out an apple from his bag and to show it.
conveying valuable ideas through gestures.”

CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years 99
gifted with ready wit but he is also a sound it won’t take me long to pierce the two eyes
philosopher. I showed him one finger to he vaunted before me. At that the poor
mean that God Vishnu governed us all. He fellow looked pale and showed three fingers,
replied by showing two fingers, which meant perhaps to please me by saying that together
that Vishnu cannot be thought of without we had three eyes after all. His gesture
Lord Shiva. I then showed three fingers to angered me and I showed my fist to tell him
indicate that in that case, why should we that I would smash his head if he made any
not bring in Brahma too, completing the reference to the eyes any more.
trinity? To this he replied by showing his fist,
“Ram Sharma was so much afraid that
which meant all these Gods constituted the
he immediately wanted to please me further
one divinity!
by giving me a fruit. But I showed him a
“I then showed a nice apple to piece of bread to mean that as long as I had
indicate that we should offer our best that, little did I care for his fruit! That put
things to God. He showed a coarse piece him at his wit’s end. He bowed to me and
of bread, which meant that God did not took to his heels.”
mind accepting even a poor offering if it was
The principal and others burst into a
made sincerely.
peal of laughter. In due course, the matter
Instantly the servant brought out a piece “Thus, quite impressed by your reached the king’s ears, who too had no less
of bread from his bag and showed it to scholar, I am leaving for my village,” hearty a laugh. _
Sharma. concluded Ram Sharma and, thanking the
principal for his hospitality, left.
Ram Sharma bowed down to the serv¬
ant and left the room. The principal, who The principal then called the servant
met him outside, asked, “Sharmaji, what is and asked him, “What transpired between
your impression of our scholar?” you and Ram Sharma?”

“A great scholar, indeed!” replied Ram “Sir! This Sharma is a very rude
Sharma. fellow. But I snubbed him. As soon as he
entered the room, he pointed one finger at
When the principal asked him
me, teasing me for having only one eye. I
how he came to such a conclusion, Ram
pointed two fingers at him, indicating that
Sharma replied, “The scholar is not only

100 CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years


where the cremation ground is. Let me

proceed there and find out what is there in
my destiny.”

He waited till the evening and, after

dinner, proceeded towards the cremation

It was a moonlit night. Here and there

a few corpses were being burnt. Jackals
howled from time to time. Vultures and
crows flapped their wings on the treetops.
Shivaram lay under a tree and closed his

Sleep overtook him in no time. At

midnight, he felt as though someone was
pulling him by his cloth. Sleep, however,
opalacharya was a well-known We do not know how far Gopalacharya was so precious to Shivaram that he did not
scholar. He taught his pupils in front of his himself believed in this theory, but a young care to open his eyes.
house, under a big banyan tree. man of the village, named Shivaram, who
He woke up feeling warm when the
happened to hear the statement while passing
One afternoon, in the course of sunlight fell on him. Then, to his great joy,
by, was greatly impressed by it.
lecturing to his pupils, he said, “If you he found two pieces of gold lying near his
have a small tumbler with you, it is the Shivaram was the son of the village hand.
same whether you go to a small well or priest. Although he was already in his
“So, this much was ordained by my
to a big lake. The lake might have a huge twenties, he was considered by all as a good-
destiny. Not bad!” he told himself.
quantity of water, but all you can bring is a for-nothing lad. However, he did not do any
tumblerful of it. The same principle holds harm to anybody and so people tolerated He returned home and gave the gold
good in regard to your destiny. Whether you him, not without some affection. to his father, who was as much pleased with
go to a mountain of gold or to a deserted the son as surprised.
When Shivaram heard Gopalacharya,
cremation ground, you will get what is
he thought, “I don’t know where the A year passed. They had built a good
ordained by your destiny.”
mountain of gold is situated. But I know house with the money they had received by

t H
“Well, I should give you a share of
what I got, I suppose,” said Shivaram.

“Instead of giving me a share, show

me the spot where you passed the night
and received the gold,” pleaded the

“All right,” said Shivaram and he led

Gopalacharya to the cremation ground and
showed him the spot.

Early in the night, Gopalacharya

went to the spot again and lay there
closing his eyes. But the atmosphere of
the place frightened him. He did not get
any sleep till midnight. At last when he
got a little sleep, he felt that someone was
pulling him. He shrieked and shivered and
selling the gold. One day the priest told his son, He gave the gold to his father. The
sat there till it was dawn, without trying
“Shivaram! Only if I could get some money, I happy priest began arranging for Shivaram’s
to sleep any more.
would like to arrange for your marriage.” marriage.
In the morning, he looked around
“We will get it if it is in our destiny,” said Shivaram was not accustomed to
carefully to see if there was any gold lying
Shivaram and at night he proceeded to the hide anything from anybody. His strange
nearby. But he saw nothing.
cremation ground and slept under the tree. experiences and gains in the cremation
ground soon became common knowledge. Back in the village, he told Shivaram,
This time, at midnight, he felt as
Gopalacharya too heard the story. “How is it that I got no gold while you got
though he was being dragged away by some
it twice?”
beings towards a fire. But he did not open One day Gopalacharya came to meet
his eyes. Soon he forgot all about it as he Shivaram. He said, “My boy! You have “How can you get it if it is not in
was totally immersed in deep sleep. When gained wealth following a bit of wisdom your luck? Even if you find a large lake, the
he opened his eyes in the morning, he found that flowed from me. Don’t you feel any water you can carry home will depend on
two pieces of gold lying beside him. obligation towards me/” the size of your tumbler, isn’t that so?” said
102 CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years
kVlKRAM VETAL Adventure Humour Moral

The Bridegroom for Leela

poor couple had no children. Leela was not satisfied with her father’s
They adopted an orphan girl and she grew explanation. She had grown quite ambitious.
up to be a beautiful maiden. She was named
She was often heard making enquir¬
ies with her friends about the possibility of
In a neighbouring village lived a young her getting married to a rich or influential
man, Ravi. He was an able-bodied farmer. He young man. But her friends did not seem to
The captain met Leela’s father and
owned an acre of land, which he had turned be of much help.
expressed his desire to take the girl with
into a fine orchard. He was prospering well.
It was a summer noon and the village him. The father found out that Leela was
One day, Leela’s father told her, streets were quiet. Leela sat alone on the quite eager to go with him. “You may take
“There is a young farmer named Ravi who veranda of her house, brooding over her her away, if you promise to duly marry her,”
would make a fine husband for you.” future. Suddenly she heard the sound of a the father said. The captain promised and
string of horses galloping. She went out into made Leela sit behind him and galloped on.
“A mere farmer.7 Don’t I deserve any¬
the street to see what was happening. One
thing better, father7” grumbled Leela. It so happened that on the way the
of the captains of the king’s army was going
“But Ravi is so nice a choice! I do not captain met his boss, the king’s general.
on urgent business, accompanied by some
know a better man than him!” answered the Now, while on an urgent mission, a captain
father. was not expected to carry a maiden with
The captain pulled the reins when he him. The discovery could cost him his
“My friends say that I deserve the saw the maiden. He said that he was thirsty. position. The captain, who knew well the
hand of a king or a general,” said Leela. At his request, Leela fetched a mug of water general’s nature, got off his horse and,
“That is a way of saying that you are for him. The captain, on enquiry, learnt that bowing to him, said, “This maiden desired
beautiful, which no doubt is true. But I am she was not married. “Why not marry me.7” to marry a king or a general. That is why I
old enough to tell you that one who marries he ventured to propose. thought it wise to bring her to your notice.”
a king or a general is not necessarily happy. “Why not, if my father agrees?” said “Hm!” uttered the general gravely
Besides, poor man that I am, I cannot find a Leela, “I wanted to marry a king or a gen¬ and, surveying the girl, said, “I don’t mind
king or a general for you,” said the father. eral, but a captain would do!” marrying her. Put her on my horse.”

CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years 103

temple and entered it. There was a large stone “This dog seems to be greater than the
image in the temple but worship of the deity deity!” said Leela to herself and when, after
had stopped for a long time. After the king’s an hour, the dog went out of the temple, she
servants cleaned the image, the king stood followed it.
before it with folded hands for a while.
The dog looked back at her once. She
Leela now realised that though the said, “1 know how great you are. I should have
general was greater than the captain and married you only if you were a human being.”
the king was greater than the general, the
It was evening. The dog reached its
idol was greater than the king. She decided
master’s house.
to follow the king no more, but to marry the
deity and remain in the temple. “Where had you gone away, you
Leela was transferred from the cap- wretched creature?” shouted the young
tain’s horse to the general’s. But they had When the king prepared to leave for
master and he planted a soft kick on his pet.
not gone far when they came across the his palace, Leela said, “Kindly allow me to
The dog licked its master’s feet.
be here. I have decided to look upon the
king, quite unexpectedly.
deity as my husband and lord!” “Here is a yet greater being,” Leela
“Who is this maiden, general?” queried told herself. She advanced at the young
the king. Leela was delighted to see the king. She The king was moved by the maiden’s
man and said, “Will you kindly accept me as
hopped down from the horse and greeted him. words. He thought that she was a genuine
your wife?”
devotee. He said, “If you feel like dedicating
“My lord, she desired to marry a king. I The young man looked with
yourself to the deity, I have no right to claim
thought I better bring her to your presence,” amazement for a second and then said in a
you as my bride Do as you wish. I will soon
mumbled out the nervous general. send a few maidservants to attend on you and loving tone, “I have already given word to

enough provision for your comfortable living.” your father, haven’t I, Leela? What doubt is
“Thank you, let her come with us. We will
there that I will be glad to marry you?”
see what can be done about her desire,” said the
The place became deserted again after
king. A palanquin and four bearers were brought Leela recognised the young man now.
the king’s party left. Leela was in the temple
from the village at hand. Leela sat in the palan- He was Ravi, the farmer. They were soon
when a dog entered it. Since nobody visited
quin and followed the king’s party. the ruined temple, the dog had been ac¬ married—to the happiness of Leela’s father,

customed to frequent it. As Leela looked on to the greater happiness of Ravi, and to
The king was on his way to inspect an
with surprise, the dog climbed to the head the greatest happiness of Leela, for, she had
old and dilapidated temple that he wanted
of the image and settled to a snug rest. discovered that Ravi was greater than the king!
to repair. He soon arrived at the deserted

104 CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

sJsfc^^VlKRAM VETAL 'Adventure Humour Moral

The Ascetic Landlord

t Bhavnagar lived a landlord One day he asked a visiting sage, “Sir, “I understand. Thank you.”
who was as wealthy as he was stingy. He what exactly is sin? How not to commit it?”
An old Brahmin overheard the con¬
exploited people mercilessly and harassed
Said the sage, “There are sins and sins. versation. Hope flashed in his heart. Now
them through litigations. He did not care
For a man like you, to have much wealth that the landlord had understood the value
for the abuses and epithets his victims
and not to give a part of it in charity is a sin. of generosity, much can be expected of him.
heaped on him. However, he was afraid of
If you are helping the needy and bringing The Brahmin considered himself lucky that
one word—"sinner.” He had heard that
succour to the poor, you are avoiding being he would be the first man to take advantage
those who sinned were punished after
a sinner!” of the landlord’s change of heart.

♦ ♦ H
CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years 105
“Huzoor, I came for alms ...” the vow that we will not part with a single
paisa in charity!”
“Alms? How can I give you anything
since I have nothing? Don’t you see that I The Brahmin sighed and went away.
have become an ascetic? I have nothing, so
there is no question of my being a sinner for
not giving anything in charity.”

The Brahmin observed that the land¬

lord had divested himself of his jewellery
and changed his luxurious robe for ochre
Before the 60s# Chandamama used
clothes. to be called a "Children’s Monthly
Magazine" Telugu Poet Laureate
“What did you do with all your
Vishwanatha Satyanarayanan,
property?” asked the surprised Brahmin. in a radio interview, suggested
The landlord relaxed, his eyes half- that Chandamama was popular
“The property passed on to those
shut, gold necklace and diamond rings even among adults and that
who would have inherited them after my calling it children’s magazine
dazzling on his luxuriously robed person.
death—my sons!” was inappropriate. As a result,
The Brahmin appeared before him. "Children’s" was removed from the
“In that case I must ask your sons for masthead.
“How can I help you?” asked the
help,” said the Brahmin. The landlord said
nothing, but smiled.
“Huzoor, I’m in misery. Give me alms.”
The Brahmin met the landlord’s sons
“Alms? Come tomorrow. We will see and acquainted them with the situation.
about it.”
“Brahmin, will you please tell us
The Brahmin went away, all smiles, whether or not it is virtuous to be obedient
sure that the landlord will be ready with a to one’s father?” asked the young men.
handsome donation.
“Of course, it is virtuous to be obedi¬
He appeared before the landlord the ent to one’s father!”
next day.
“Hope you will help us to remain
“How can I help you?” virtuous. You see, our father made us take

106 CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

A Costly Gift from the Kin

he king had been to the forest down and asked for water to drink. The this tastes wonderful. You must serve me
for hunting. He was thirsty. Close to the woodcutter’s wife brought water, but she this once again when I come here next.”
forest there was a hut. He knocked on the also brought some boiled sweet potato. “My
The king took leave of the couple.
door. A poor woodcutter opened the door. lord, you may have a bite or two of this, if
A full year passed. But the king had no
Imagine his surprise when he saw the king you so please,” she said with great affection.
time to visit the forest again. One day, the
standing before him. He stammered and “This will be at least something different
woodcutter was setting out for the town
managed to say, “Welcome, my lord!” from the royal dishes!” she added.
on business. His wife gave him a parcel of
The woodcutter’s wife spread The king enjoyed the sweet potato boiled sweet potato and said, “Give this to
a deerskin on the floor. The king sat very much. He said, “Believe me, my sister, the king. He had relished it, after all!”

CHAN DAM AM A: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years
from his horse. He heard the conversation. The king smiled and said, “Thank
He too laughed and, going to the king, said, you. I accept the horse. And here is my gift
“My lord, do you know a joke? A rustic to you.” He handed over the sweet potato
chap brings a sweet potato and claims that to him and said again, “You know very well
it is very carefully boiled for you!” how costly it is! I got it for a thousand gold
coins! So, take half of it and leave the other
The landlord laughed and the
half for me.”
courtiers joined him. “Must be a madcap!”
commented someone.

But the king at once remembered the

woodcutter. He asked a courtier to rush out
and usher in the man. Thus the woodcutter
found access to the king.
The woodcutter was not sure if he
would get admittance to the king’s presence The king stood up and embraced Stories from world mythology were
or if he should present such a poor gift to* him like a friend. He received the sweet introduced, as also the abridged
the king. He ate up most of the sweet potato potato with gratitude and kept it beside versions of famous tales such as the
Gulliver's Travels.
sticks as he felt hungry on the way. Only the him. He asked his treasurer to fetch a
biggest one was left. thousand gold coins in a pouch. He gave
the pouch to the woodcutter and told
He loitered in front of the palace.
him, “This is for my sister and yourself.
“What do you want? What are you
Now, take rest in our guesthouse. You
holding?” asked the guards.
must dine with me.”
“I want to see the king—to present
The woodcutter was led to the royal
him with a sweet potato—very carefully
guesthouse. Suddenly an idea struck the
boiled,” he said nervously.
landlord. He understood that the king was
“What! To present a sweet potato—very in a mood to give gifts. He went out and
carefully boiled—to the king!” repeated the brought in his handsome horse and said,
guards loudly, bursting into laughter. “My lord, this is a gift for you.” The landlord

Just then a landlord, who was was wondering how much the king would

notorious for his greed, was dismounting give him for such a precious present.

108 CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years


untu was an orphan. He was “I, too, would like to feel blessed, sir,
very helpful to people in difficulty, but al¬ but I’m hungry. Let me eat at your home
ways played pranks with those who tried to and then I’ll set out with you,” said Buntu.
take advantage of his goodness. While some
Rajul Shah laughed. “You’ll get much
people thought that he was quite clever,
better food once we reach our estate. Just
some others took him to be a fool.
tell your tummy to wait for an hour or so,”
Buntu worked with different house¬ he said.
holds and earned just enough to maintain
Buntu did not murmur* any more.
himself. He had only few needs and had no
He walked beside the landlord, holding an
desire for any comfort.
umbrella above his head.
Near his village lived a landlord named
At the estate, the landlord got busy
Rajul Shah. He owned an estate some five
deciding a dispute between two farmers over
miles away. About a hundred families lived
a piece of land. Since he did not go to any¬
in his estate as his subjects and paid him
one’s house, nobody offered him any food.
tax. Rajul Shah visited his estate from time
Hours passed. By the time the dispute was
to time. It was customary for his subjects to
settled, it was noon. Poor Buntu was almost
entertain him with choice food whenever he
dying with hunger and thirst, but he had no
went to the house of any one of them.
other go than to wait under a banyan tree.
“Buntu, I want somebody to accom¬
“I must hurry back home as I’m
pany me to my estate. My servants are busy.
expecting an important guest,” the landlord
Will you go with me, holding the umbrella
told his people.
above my head?” Rajul Shah asked Buntu.
“People consider it a blessing to be in my “In that case, sir, please carry these
company,” he added. with you, since you won’t have any time

CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

deadly poison. The mere smell of it could feared, the bird flew away at once. I was
kill you. Do you understand?” heart-broken. How to show my face to you?
I decided to end my life. So I drank the poi¬
“Oh yes,” replied Buntu and started on
son the mug contained and lay down, sure
his return journey.
to die in a moment. But now I realise what
The landlord ate his lunch, rested for a blessing it was to be in your company. I
a while, and then began walking back home. survived the deadly poison!” Buntu bowed
He had eaten good lunch, and he now to a speechless Rajul Shah. ^
dreamed of a sumptuous dinner consisting
of the chicken and the delicious fruit juice
awaiting him at home.
A National Readership Survey in
1985 showed that Chandamama, a
Midway there was a lake. The land¬
book targeted at under-16, attracted
lord saw someone lying asleep under a tree, 94-lakh adult readers. At that time,
enjoying the cool breeze. the number of copies printed was
to eat or drink them here,” said the two, roughly 9 lakhs.
farmers. One of them had brought roasted But the fellow looked familiar, didn’t
chicken and the other some fruit juice. he? The landlord went closer. The fellow
asleep was none other than Buntu. Beside
Just then a problem regarding another
him lay the earthern pot and the mug
land was brought to his notice and one of
— both empty.
the complainants invited him to lunch. The
landlord was sure that the lunch would be The landlord shook him awake. Buntu
sumptuous. So, he decided to stay on. sat up and looked absolutely surprised.

He had the roasted chicken packed “What’s the matter with you?” asked
in an earthen pot and covered with a piece the angry landlord.
of cloth. He then called Buntu and said:
“Matter with me, sir? Am I still alive?”
“My boy, take this home to my wife and
tell her that I’ll be late. Now, don’t open it “What do you mean?” demanded the

on the way, for there’s a bird inside which landlord.

will fly away the moment it gets a chance. “Sir, a sudden gust of wind tore away
And, don’t open this mug either. It contains the cover of the pot and, as you had rightly

110 CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

iVlKRAM VETAL Adventure Humour

Mystery of a Title

n a village somewhere lived two him of his loot, so he accompanied him. hand over the rafters and the windowsill,
thieves. One was called Crook and the They travelled together on the road politely but his search was fruitless. The next day
other was called Major Crook. Crook was a speaking of this and that. At nightfall they when they were ready to leave, he saw that
big-built man and a very good wrestler. He found a room in a roadside hostelry and Major Crook had bulging pockets once
could jump on anybody and make him cry spread out their blankets to sleep. again.
for mercy. Major Crook, on the other hand,
Major Crook was soon snoring. Crook Soon talking of this and that, they
was a puny, thin man. Now Crook was quite
thought this was his chance and searched reached the village and Major Crook’s
envious of the other’s title.
Major Crook’s bed and clothes for the two huge friends met him at the village
‘Why should he be called Major money he was sure he had, but he could not entrance. As they were parting, Crook asked
Crook?’ he often wondered to himself. find it anywhere. Not even a single coin did Major Crook: “These last two nights I spent
‘What does he have that I do not?’ Still he find! a lot of time looking for the money I’m sure
there was nothing he could do about it. you have got. Where did you hide it?”
The next morning, Major Crook soon
Everybody called him Crook and the other
got ready to leave, and Crook saw that “Ah!” said Major Crook. “I hid it
Major Crook. Titles of this kind are a mat¬
his pockets were bulging once again. He under your pillow, for I was sure you would
ter of public opinion, after all!
wondered where Major Crook had hidden not look there.”
One day, Major Crook got the news the money the previous night, but just could
Crook then realised why the other was
that a rich trader in a village some two days’ not think of a place he had left out in his
called Major Crook by everybody.
journey away had struck a good deal and search. Anyway, they continued on their
had kept the money at home. He set off for journey together.
that village to rob the man.
Once again they had to spend the
Crook met him on his way back. night at a hostelry and like on the previous
Looking at his bulging pockets, Crook night, Major Crook went to sleep first. This
guessed that Major Crook had successfully time, too, Crook searched Major Crook’s
carried out his raid. He decided to relieve bed and clothes carefully. He even ran his

CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years


anji had been less than a During the monsoon, this stream
month in the small foothills town when he would be a rushing torrent, cascading down
discovered the pool in the forest. It was the from the hills; but in midsummer, it was
height of summer, and the school he had barely a trickle. The rocks, however, held
newly joined was yet to reopen. He was still the water in the pool, and it did not dry up
without friends and wandered about a good unlike the pools in the plains.
deal by himself into the hills and forests
When Ranji found the pool, he did
that stretched away on all sides of the town.
not hesitate to get into the water. He
He had grown up in the mountains and
had often been swimming, on his own or
was unused to these hot and steamy lower
with friends, in the river that ran past his
mountain village. There the current had
It was hot, very hot, at that time of the been strong, and one had to be a good
year and Ranji, thirteen, walked about in his swimmer to avoid being swept away. This
singlet and shorts, his brown feet white with pool was different—cool and inviting. He
the chalky dust that flew up from the ground. threw off his clothes and leapt into the
The earth was parched, and the grass brown; water. He was slim and supple, and he
the trees listless, hardly stirring, waiting for glistened like a golden underwater creature
a cool wind or a refreshing shower of rain. in patches of sunlit water.
It was on one of those trying days that Ranji
He came again the next day, and he
found the pool in the forest. The water had
was there for almost an hour, sliding in
a gentle, green translucency, and he could
and out of the limpid, green water, or lying
see the smooth, round pebbles at the bottom
stretched out on the smooth, yellow rock, in
of the pool. It was fed by a small stream that
the shade of the broadleaved forest trees.
emerged from a cluster of rocks.
% VlKRAM VETAL Adventure Humour Moral

It was while he rested on the rock “So, you like to fight with village “There you are!” exclaimed his
that he noticed another boy standing a boys?” said Ranji. “Well, in my village we assailant. “Will you be off now?”
little distance away, staring at him in a learn to fight while still in our cradles. We’re
By way of reply, Ranji swung his arm
hostile manner. The boy looked a year or Rajputs!”
up and pushed a hard, bony fist against his
two older than Ranji; he was taller and
“I’m a Punjabi!” opponent’s nose.
heavier. He had only just noticed Ranji
and he stood at the edge of the pool, “Pm a Rajput!” And then they were at each other’s
in his bathing shorts, as though waiting throats, swaying together on the rock,
They had reached an impasse. One
for an explanation of Ranji’s presence. tumbling onto the sand, rolling over and
said he was a Punjabi, the other had
Finally, he called out, “What are you over, arms and legs locked in a fierce
proclaimed himself a Rajput. There was
doing here, you bag of bones?” struggle. In this way they rolled right into
little more that could be said.
the shallows of the pool.
“Swimming,” replied Ranji, cheerfully.
“You understand that I’m a Punjabi?”
“Why don’t you join me?” Spluttering and covered with
repeated the stranger, uneasily aware that
mud, they groped for each other’s heads
“I like to swim alone,” said the other. the other had not seemed sufficiently
and throats. But after five minutes of
“This is my pool. I did not invite you here. impressed.
frenzied, unscientific struggle, neither
And why aren’t you wearing any clothes?”
“I’ve heard you say it three times,” boy had emerged victorious. Panting with
“I don’t wear clothes when I am replied Ranji. exhaustion, they stood back from each
swimming.” other, making great efforts to crown victory
“Then why don’t you run off?”
with a suitable speech.
“You skinny son of a lizard, put on
“I’m waiting for you to run.”
your clothes!” “Now do you realise that I’m a
“I shall have to thrash you,” said the
Punbjabi?” gasped the bigger boy.
“Son of a buffalo, take yours off! ”
Punjabi boy, assuming a threatening stance.
That was too much for the bigger boy. “Do you now know that I’m a Rajput?”
“Well, let’s see how you do it,” said
said Ranji, with difficulty.
He strode up to Ranji, who still sat on the
rock. Planting his broad feet firmly on the They gave a moment’s consideration
sand, he said (as though it would settle the They stared each other in the eye for
to each other’s declarations. Then the Pum
matter once and for all): “Don’t you know almost a minute. Then the Punjabi boy
jabi boy said, “So, you won’t go away?”
I am a Punjabi? I don’t take insults from struck Ranji in the face. Ranji staggered
back, feeling giddy. “I’m not going anywhere,” said Ranji.
village boys!”

CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years 113
Then we shall have to continue the eating when he saw his recent adversary garments, he dived straight into the water,
fight.” coming down the road. He stood his ground cutting through it like a long, golden fish,
and scowled at his opponent. The other boy and surfacing with hardly a splash. The
“That’s right.”
said nothing either, but scowled back with other boy’s jaw hung loose in amazement.
But neither boy moved or took the equal ferocity.
“You can dive!” he exclaimed.
The next day was as hot as the
“Oh, that’s easy,” said Ranji, treading
Then the Punjabi boy had an previous one. Ranji felt weak and lazy and
water and waiting for another challenge.
inspiration. not at all eager for a fight. His body was stiff
“Can’t you dive?”
and sore after the previous encounter; but
“We’ll continue the fight tomorrow,”
he could not refuse the challenge. He must “No,” said the other. “I jump straight in.
he said. “If you dare to return tomorrow, I’ll
face up to his enemy, outwit him if possible. But if you will show me how, I’ll make a dive.”
give you a real thrashing. I was not at my
To surrender would be to forfeit all rights “It’s easy,” said Ranji. “Stand straight
best today.”
to the pool in the forest, and he had no on the rock, hold your arms out and allow
“You’ll be worse tomorrow,” said Ranji. intention of giving it up. your head to displace your feet!”
“I’ll be here all right.”
When he reached the pool, he found The heavier boy stood up, stiff and
They turned their back on each other, the other boy sitting at the far end, showing straight, stretched out his arms, and threw
and returning to their respective rocks, off by heaving large rocks into the water. himself at the water. He landed flat on
dressed and then left the forest by different When he saw Ranji, he shouted, “Come his belly with a crash that sent the birds
routes. over on this side and fight!” screaming out of the trees.
When Ranji got home, he found it But Ranji had decided to make his Ranji burst into a laughter.
difficult to account for the cuts and bruises own conditions.
that showed on his face, arms, and legs. It “Are you trying to empty the pool!”
“Come this side and fight,” he shouted he called, as the other came to the surface,
was obvious that he had been in a fight, and
back. spouting water like a small whale.
his mother insisted that he stay at home for
the rest of the day. “Swim over and fight me here!” called “Wasn’t it good?” asked the boy,
the other. “It seems you cannot swim the evidently proud of his feat.
That evening, though, he slipped out
length of this pool!”
of the house, went to the bazaar, and spent
“Not very good,” said Ranji. “You
the last of his pocket money on a couple Ranji could have swum the length of should have more practice. See, I’ll do it
of hot, sweet jalebis. He had just finished the pool a dozen times. Removing his outer again.”

114 CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

Jt Moral.

And pulling himself up on a rock, “I’ll try,” said Ranji. They had pulled
Ranji executed another perfect dive. The themselves out of the water and were sitting
other boy waited for him to come up; but, side by side on a smooth rock.
swimming under water, in a world of soft
“My name is Vijay,” said the bigger
lights and crooked sunshine, Ranji circled
boy. “What’s yours?”
the pool and came up from behind his
opponent. “Ranji.”

“How did you do that?” asked the boy. “I’m strong, am I not?” said Vijay,
bending his arm so that a ball of muscle
“Can’t you swim under water?” asked
stood up.
“You’re quite strong,” admitted Ranji.
“I don’t know. Let’s see ...”
“You should become a wrestler.”
He made a tremendous effort to
“I’ll become Mister Universe,” said
plunge to the bottom of the pool; indeed, he
Vijay, thumping his chest. He looked
thought he had gone right down, though his
critically at Ranji’s thin but hard body. was still and limpid in the afternoon
bottom, like a duck’s, remained above the
surface. “You’re quite strong yourself,” he shadows.

conceded. “You’re too bony. You hill people “It’s our pool,” declared Vijay.
Ranji, however, did not want to sound
don’t eat enough. You must come and have
too discouraging. He really wanted to help. “Nobody else will come here. Who would
a meal with me one day. I drink one litre dare?”
“Not bad,” he said. “But you need a of milk every day. We have our own cow!
lot of practice.” Teach me to swim and I’ll give you milk “Yes, who would dare?” said Ranji,

with almonds.” smiling in the knowledge that victory was

“Will you teach me?” asked his foe.
really his.
“Agreed,” said Ranji.
“If I have the time, 1 might teach you,”
said Ranji. Vijay put his arm around Ranji and
said, “We’re friends now, yes?”
“You’d better teach me or I’ll thrash
you,” said the other aggressively, but then “We’re friends,” said Ranji.
changed to a more humble tone. “Will you
The birds had settled again in the
come here every day and teach me?”
branches of the forest trees, and the pool

CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years 115

A Game of Chess

ong, long ago, there lived a to be chess players and Chatur Ranga finally Preethi continued to smile. “Yes, your
king who loved to play chess. We don’t heaved a sigh of peace! majesty, I know that. Maybe I will lose the
know much about him, but for the sake of game and my head. On the other hand, I
Many months passed. Then one day,
the story, let’s just call him Chatur Ranga may win. Then, what’s to happen?”
a young girl from a neighbouring kingdom
of Shatranjpur. He was a brilliant player
came to his palace. She challenged the king “Impossible!” snorted the king. “No
and no one could beat him at his favourite
to a game. She looked bright and smart, so one has beaten me for years. But if by some
game. luck you do manage to win, you can have
he felt sorry for her.
Of course, everyone in the kingdom anything you wish.”
“Listen, dear girl!” said he. “Do you
wanted to play chess with the king. Imagine
know anything at all about chess? I mean “Thank you, your majesty,” said
how grand you would feel if you could tell
being a girl, you might prefer playing with Preethi, “but all I want would be some corn.
people that you are just coming away after
| dolls.” And let it be measured by a chessboard.
playing chess with the king. That’s how
That is to say for the first square on the
everyone in the kingdom wanted to show “King Chatur Ranga, sir!” said
board, I get one ear of corn, for the second
off! But Chatur Ranga found it irritating to the girl, whose name was Preethi, very
I get double that, and for the third, double
play chess with rank beginners who didn’t patiently. “Which century are you living
the corn in the second and so on, until
know a bishop from a knight! in? This is the fifteenth century and we
all the sixtyTour squares of the board are
girls have come a long way. Of course, I
One fine day, an ignorant player accounted for.”
know chess, and I’ve outgrown dolls! I
maddened him by wrongly addressing the
also know wrestling and archery, for your Chatur Ranga was very amused. “You
queen and king pieces as pawns. The furious
information!” could have asked for gold, jewels or even
king then declared that any player who lost
a part of my kingdom. Instead you ask for
to him at chess would be beheaded. The king smiled doubtfully. “If you
corn — just like a woman!”
say so,” he said, nodding. “But it is my duty
Now, of course, no one wanted to lose
to warn you. If you lose the game, you lose Preethi merely shrugged her shoulders.
his head just for the sake of playing chess
your pretty head, too! So think again before “Your majesty, excuse me for saying this: you
with the king. So, they stopped pretending
you challenge me.”

60 Wonderful Years
S3 Adventure Humour
k Moral

don’t know women! You will see that my the corn be measured as she had asked for. King Chatur Ranga rewarded Preethi
victory here will be a double win!” The Chief Minister hurried away to do so, with expensive books, precious manuscripts,
but after an hour, he returned looking very gorgeous jewellery and silks before she left
“Well, we shall see,” laughed the king.
dazed and bewildered. for her country. And from then on, the
And he ordered one of his ministers to fetch
palace gates were kept open for all aspiring
the chess set, and sent another to tell the “Your majesty,” he stammered, “the
chess players, even those who did not know
executioner to have the sword sharpened. store keepers tell me that if you take one
a bishop from a knight.
ear of corn and double it sixty-four times
The game started well for Chatur
according to the number of squares on a But King Chatur Ranga now treated
Ranga. His bishop gobbled up several pawns
chess board, the total number of corn cobs them with more sympathy. He appointed a
of the girl. And then her black knight fell,
comes to a figure well over eighteen million, smart young man as his official Chess Rep¬
and then her two bishops. But Preethi still
million, million!” resentative and only those who could defeat
looked quite unconcerned, and you would
him at chess were allowed to play with the
never think that her head was at stake! “What’s more,” said the shaken
Then the king, feeling quite oven
minister, “the store keepers tell me that if a
we employ a hundred men to work day and
confident, made one wrong move. Preethi
night, it would take many years to count
grabbed the chance with both her hands
such a huge number. But that does not
and the next time the king looked at the
really matter because we do not have so
board, he was horrified to see that he was
many ears of corn in the kingdom. Nor can Chandamama was the first
‘checkmated!’ He had lost the game.
we grow so much in a lifetime!” children's magazine to be printed
“Well, well!” said Chatur Ranga, in four colours from 1983.
The king was dumbfounded. When he
clearing his throat. “You were right and I
recovered his composure, he told Preethi,
was wrong. Girls are pretty smart these days.
“Well, you have certainly had a double win!
And you play chess quite well!”
You won the game, and then I cannot pay
Then he asked her. “Before we began you the reward I promised. But you have
the game, you said something about a taught me a lesson: a game is a game and
double win. What did you mean by that.7” cannot have serious conditions attached

“I’ll explain that after I receive my to it. In future, there will be no more
beheadings. I’ll play chess for the enjoyment
prize of the corn,” replied Preethi. The
of the game. And never will I underestimate
king was still curious, but he ordered that
the intelligence of women!”

CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years 117

Flies away to
the asking. One has to be born with it. O!

h! These flies!” Mulla Donkey! I feel jealous of you!’

Nasruddin cursed when flies made him He untied the rope, sat on the
the ideal landing site putting an end to donkey’s back and made a few sounds,
his hopes of an enjoyable afternoon nap. gently poking its ribs with the stick. The
He got hold of a towel and waved it in all donkey moved slowly at first and faster
directions. The flies kept away so long as when Nasruddin waved the stick in the
he continued to flail his arms. But how air. Soon the flies were left behind. That
long can one do that? The arms began made the Mulla happy. He placed his
to ache at the joints. The moment he hand on the donkey’s back and said, “You
rested his arms, the flies returned. One of don’t have to run, any more. Just relax.
them landed on his upper lip and boldly The flies are not chasing us.”
tickled the tip of his nose, forcing a series
Dusk was falling fast when he
of sneezes. Another fly buzzed around his
returned. His wife was at the door, crying
ears; and a third one tried to walk right
her heart out. Her face looked pale. Her
into his eye. They were here, there and
eyes were red. It was clear that she was in
everywhere. He did not know how to get
deep agony.
rid of the flies.
Nasruddin quickly got off the donkey,
Then his eyes fell on his donkey. It
ran to her, gently picked up her arm, lifted
was swinging its tail, now to the right, then
her chin with his index finger and asked,
to the left. He walked across to the donkey,
“What’s the matter, dear?”
muttering to himself, ‘Nobody gets a tail for

That was enough to make her burst He had no answer. He knew none up, dear. What cannot be cured must be
into loud wails. “Where did you vanish? would have the courage to demand endured. Let us fill the pit and level the
When you were away, an official from anything as a matter of right from the floor. When we have money, we shall add a
the Caliph’s Court came with four men. Caliph. That made Nasruddin fret and layer of tiles,” she snuggled close to him.
They had brought spades and trowels fume. “Is it just that the Caliph’s men dig
“You look pretty, dear,” he took a sip of
along. The official said there was a hidden up the floor of the bedroom and not repair
the drink.
treasure buried under the floor of our it?” he asked himself, several times. “No, the
bedroom, and the Caliph had the right Caliph has no right to do that. He must pay A fly settled on the rim of the mug.
to take away hidden treasures. I asked for this crime. He must. How can I get even
“Flies everywhere!” he quickly drank
him to wait till you returned. But he was with the Caliph?”
the khawa.
in a hurry. He ordered his men to get to
Mulla Nasruddin tossed around,
work. They pushed me aside, threw the Did the drink work wonders?
all night, lying on a mat hurriedly set on
cots and the quilts and the pillows and Nasruddin’s eyes sparkled suddenly. He
the floor of the kitchen by his wife, after
the bedcovers out and dug up the floor. asked his wife whether she had anything
pushing the pots and pans out of the
Where the floor once was, you’ll now find left of last night’s dinner. She nodded her
way. He must have dropped off to sleep
a four feet deep pit.” head.
much after midnight. He might have slept
The sight that greeted him made longer hut for the flies. As soon as day “Fetch it,” he said.
him wince. He slumped on the edge of the broke, a fly chose his face for a morning She did not ask him why he wanted
pit, buried his face in his arms and sat like walk. Another fly practised dancing on it. She knew her man and his mood.
one in a daze for long. “Did they find any his eyelids.
When he got bright ideas, he expected
treasure?” he asked, at last, turning to his
“Flies! Yesterday the Caliph did me in. her not to ask silly questions. She quickly
wife who was still in tears.
Today the flies deny me the right to sleep for got the dish, held in an earthen pot. He
“No,” she sobbed. as long as I like,” he bounced out of bed and noticed a few flies, romping on the top

groggily walked to the back of the house to layer of the dish. He smiled to himself,
“You should have asked them to fill up
brush his teeth and wash his face and hands covered the vessel with a piece of cloth
the pit and re day the floor,” he added.
and legs. and walked off, telling his wife, “I’ll be
“Would you have told the official from back soon. I want to show this to the
He returned to the kitchen a little
the Caliph’s Court to relay the floor?” she Caliph, tell him how flies are making
later. His wife handed him a mug of hot
challenged him. my life miserable and ask him for the
khawa and said, with a smile, “Cheer
authority to swat flies.”

She knew that nobody needed the The Caliph prepared a scroll and
Caliph’s permission to swat flies. That signed it. The royal seal was affixed to it.
alerted her. She sensed that he had a
“O Noble Sire! How can I thank you!”
brainwave. What it was, she didn’t know.
Nasruddin bowed, tucked the scroll in the
But she was sure that he would not fail.
folds of his dress, picked up the pot he had
He reached the Caliph’s s Court, brought along and moved off.
paid homage to the Caliph, placed the
He armed himself with a flyswatter
pot he had brought along in front of the
and roamed around the town. He brought
Caliph and whipped off the cloth. A few
the swatter down on the flies, wherever
flies took to flight. “O Noble Sire, these
they happened to he. He brought it down
flies are making my life miserable. Give me
on the cheek of an official of the Caliph’s
permission to swat them wherever I find
Court. He made it land with vicious force
them,” he begged.
on the back of a merchant who was very
The Caliph thought it funny. Nobody avaricious and sold adulterated goods. The
had ever come to him with such a request. swatter came down heavily on every spot
where Nasruddin found a fly, be it on pots
“Everyone is doing that,” the Caliph
and pans or cheeks and noses and chins and
backs of people.
“Maybe, but I won’ like to raise my
When people protested, he showed
hand against the flies. They, too, are the
them the royal scroll.
subjects of the Great Caliph,” Nasruddin
argued. The news of the swatting spree
reached the Caliph, too. The Caliph had a
“The flies! My subjects! Ha, ha! Ho,
hearty laugh.
ho!” the Caliph burst into laughter.
A few days later, the Caliph held a
“Can I swat the flies, O Noble Sire?”
meeting of the wise men in the land. Mulla
“You can.” Nasruddin, too, was invited. He came to the
court, holding the swatter.
“Would you put it in writing, O Noble
Sire!” Nasruddin asked.
» VlKRAM VLTAl. Adventure Humour i Moral

The royal scroll lay in the folds of his “How about ten thousand shekels, O
dress. He bowed, paid homage to the Caliph Noble Sire!
and sat next to the Caliph. The first international edition of
“Ten thousand shekels?” the Caliph
Chandamama was the Sinhala
The Caliph began his address. thought he was asking too high a price. edition (1978-81). The then
Suddenly something hit him on the back. President Jayawardane released
“Yes, Noble Sire! Part of the money
the issue.
Who could dare hit him? He turned I will use to relay the floor of the bedroom
and found Nasruddin getting ready to that was dug up under your orders. And the
deliver yet another blow. rest will fund my pilgrimage to Mecca,” said
Nasruddin with a straight face.
A dozen men pounced on Nasruddin.
“Clever, Nasruddin. I now see what
“O Noble Sire, why am I being treated
you were really after. I thought I would find
like this? I was swatting a fly that alighted
a fortune when I ordered my men to dig out
on your back. You’ve authorized me to swat
your bedroom. Now I find that you have
flies wherever they be,” Nasruddin spoke
landed a fortune of ten thousand shekels.”
softly but clearly.
The Caliph ordered the court official
“Free him!” the caliph told the men.
to pay Nasruddin the amount.
“Thank you, O Noble Sire,” m
Nasruddin replied, politely. “Sit as far as
you can from me. And,” the Caliph added,
“you’ll see me after the meeting is over.”

They met.

“Enough is enough, my man. The

game has gone on for long. You can’t hit
people on the pretext of swatting flies. It has
to end. Surrender the scroll. In return, ask
for any compensation you want,” the Caliph
told him.

CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years 121

'mperor Akbar had a large “I’m sorry. I failed to notice one “My friends, truth hurts,” said Birhal.
number of courtiers. Most of them had difference,” Birbal chuckled to himself
“Truth? What truth?” the courtiers
honey in their tongues. They vied with each while adding, “the dog has a tail where one
made threatening gestures.
other to win the Emperor’s favour. They ought to find it. You have the tail where the
never missed an opportunity to please the tongue ought to be. So you wag your tongue “The truth that you’re no better

Emperor. They never differed with him, when the Emperor is around. You nod your than pet dogs. You’re slaves; you can never

hut agreed with him even when he said heads even when his ideas and statements dare do anything against the wishes of the

something absurd or silly. are wrong. You’ve no courage to differ with Emperor,” Birbal did not show any sign of

him. You’re cowards,” Birbal sneered. fear.

That attitude amused Birbal. He
thought the courtiers were more servile “Withdraw those words,” the courtiers “If you’re so sure of yourself, prove

than even pet dogs. raised their fists, threateningly. that you can be bolder than us,” one of the
courtiers locked glances with Birbal.
He did not keep his opinion to himself. “Well, you’ve all that men should
He made it public. have,” he paused, “... except...” “I’m willing,” Birbal nodded his head.
“If you fail, will you publicly confess that
Many courtiers felt angry. “Except?” the courtiers asked in one
you had been wrong?” they added.
“Withdraw that charge,” they said.
“Suits me,” Birbal smiled at them.
“Except spines,” Birbal gloated in glee.
“Why should I?” he growled.
One of the courtiers remembered a
“You’re insulting us,” said a courtier.
“We are not dogs,” they groaned. rule strictly observed at the Royal Court.
“This has gone on for too long,” said They always reached the Royal Court before
“I know, I know, “Birbal sounded quite
another. the Emperor arrived; and stayed on so long
as the Emperor was around. They never
“It’s time you stopped abusing us,” said
“Yet you compare us with pet dogs?” absented themselves from the Royal Court
a third.
they raised their eyebrows. without prior permission.

122 CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

kVlKRAM VETAL Adventure
4 Humour
Jk Moral

“Birbal, will you dare stay away from “I’m not like you. I have a spine that
the Royal Court tomorrow without seeking backs my neck,” Birbal silenced them with
prior permission?” he asked. that sharp snipe, gave them a defiant nod
and stomped out. They watched him till he
Birbal thought for a moment. He
vanished from sight.
knew the risk. The Emperor would certainly
take offence. Why, he might be arrested and “The fool! He’s in for real trouble,”
detained in the dungeon. In his fury, the the courtiers melted away, happy that they
Emperor might even sentence him to death. would soon see the end of Birbal’s influence
at the Royal Court.
‘But nothing dared, nothing achieved,’
Birbal *muttered to himself. Next day, the courtiers arrived, as
usual, long before the Emperor arrived.
“Why are you silent? You’re now
They awaited his arrival. They wondered
scared!” the courtiers teased him.
whether Birbal would have the courage to
“Scared? Not a wee little bit. On the stay away.
contrary, I’m feeling sorry for you. Sorry
Some of them expected him to turn
that you will have no face to show, once
up, just in time to greet the Emperor. But “Where’s Birbal?” he asked. “Has he
I prove you’re all cowards,” Birbal kept
Birbal did not come. sent word that he won’t be coming?”
talking while thinking of ways and means
to escape the wrath of the Emperor while The solider carrying the royal insignia “No, Shahenshah. None that I know
he kept away from the Royal Court the walked in, hailing the Emperor and of,” the official of the Court stood up,
next day. announcing, “Shahenshah padhaar rahen bowed and announced.
He talked and talked while he thought “How dare he absent himself without
and thought till at last he knew what to do. Everyone at the Court stood up. They intimation? Send someone to his house. Tell
He held his head up and said, “All right, bowed low while the Emperor walked along him that he should appear before me right
tomorrow I won’t be at the Court when the the carpeted aisle between the seats meant away!” the Emperor roared.
Emperor arrives. I would stay out without for the courtiers, climbed the steps and took
“Yes, Shahenshah.” The official
prior permission.” his seat on the throne. He surveyed the
instructed one of the guards to fetch Birbal.
Court. All the courtiers were present. Not
“And get it on your neck,” a courtier
Birbal. The guard left immediately. He
returned an hour later, alone.

CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years 123

“Where’s Birbal?” the Emperor asked. “I thought making a child stop crying “No.”
should be child’s play for you, Birbal,” the
“He said he would come as soon “I think you should try that. May I
Emperor glared at him.
as his baby girl stops crying,” the guard make a suggestion, Shahenshah? ...” Birbal
announced. The courtiers smiled at each other. hesitated.
They hoped that Birbal would not get away
“How dare he disobey my orders? What “Speak out your mind, you silly man,
easily, that the Emperor would punish him
sort of a nincompoop is he that he can’t make who couldn’t make a three year old stop
severely for breaking the rule.
a child stop crying? I thought him to be wise, crying!” the Emperor’s words sounded truly
that he had an answer to every problem,” the “Alampana,” Birbal lowered his voice harsh.
Emperor turned red with rage. and added, “once I explain the situation,
uShahenshahl I shall play the part of a
you’ll see my point.”
The courtiers felt the heat and chose three-yean old child, crying endlessly. You
to be silent. “Go ahead,” the Emperor showed curiosity. enact the role of an elder who tries to stop

“Go, bring Birbal right away. If he me crying,” Birbal spelt out his plan.
“The girl demanded sugarcane. I got
doesn’t come willingly, bind him and drag him a stub of sugarcane, cut it into small bits “I’ll make you smile in seconds,” the
to my presence,” the Emperor exploded. and offered the pieces to her. She kept on Emperor sounded sure of himself.
crying, saying between sobs that she wanted
Sometime later, Birbal presented “Do that, Shahenshah” Birbal fell on
sugarcane juice. So I extracted the juice,
himself at the Court. He bowed to the the ground and started crying loudly. He
collected it in a glass and held the glass out
Emperor and waited. played the part of the child with skill. The
to her. She wildly pushed the glass aside
“Birbal,” the Emperor surveyed him, Emperor walked down the steps and came
and cried still more loudly, asking me to put
close to Birbal.
from head to foot, his eyes red with rage. the juice back into the sugarcane,” Birbal

“Shahenshah, I beg your pardon. paused before adding, “Shahenshah! I could He said, in a soothing voice, “Stop

My little girl was crying and crying since not do that. My baby is still crying. Crying crying, baby. What do you want?”

morning. I was trying to make her stop her heart out.”

“Get me a gold ring,” said Birbal,
crying. That’s how I got delayed. I beg your “Birbal! How can you be my counsel in a child’s voice which he was good at
pardon, Shahenshah! I erred by not turning when you can’t handle a little baby’s producing.
up at Court in time. But I could not. The problem?” the Emperor’s moustache twitched.
The Emperor took a ring off one of
child won’t let me leave. I’m afraid she is
“Alampanal Have you ever tried to his fingers and gave it to Birbal. Still Birbal
still howling, bringing the house down,”
make a crying baby smile?” Birbal asked. continued to cry.
Birbal explained why he was late.

Wonderful Years
VlKRAM VETAL Adventure Humour
k Moral

“Stop crying. Didn’t I give you the

ring?” said the Emperor.

“Get me an elephant,” Birbal made yet

another demand while crying loudly.

Someone hurried to bring a bahy


“There! An elephant for you!” the

Emperor told Birbal.

Birbal kept on crying loudly, beating

the ground with his hands and feet.

“Stop crying. Or else...?” the Emperor


Birbal cried still more loudly.

“What do you want now?” the

Emperor wrung his hands, helplessly.

“Make the elephant go through the

ring,” Birbal said between sobs.

“Impossible!” the Emperor admitted.

“As impossible as getting the juice “Birbal, O Birbal! We now understand

back into the sugarcane,” said Birbal as he why you were late. A child can be very
stood up, laughing. demanding,” the Emperor walked back to
the throne, amidst cheers.
The Emperor tried to look stern, hut
could not. Tickled by the humour in the Birbal smiled at the courtiers. Most of
situation, he burst into laughter. So did the them avoided his eyes. They felt ashamed
courtiers who always took the cue from the of themselves. They had failed to get Birbal
Emperor. into trouble this time too.
But Shaitansingh was as greedy as
he was rich. When Ramdas returned to
Malyapur after a few months and asked for
the ornaments and money, Shaitansingh
handed over to him a box of fake ornaments
and counterfeit coins. Ramdas soon found
out how terribly he had been cheated.
He went back to his sons, told them of
Shaitansingh’s treachery, and soon died a
heart-broken man.

Years passed. The sons of Ramdas grew

up as two bright young men. They took to
trading in gold and soon grew rich. But they
never forgot Shaitansingh’s wickedness.
One day, they set out for their native town,

The elder brother had now grown

long hair and a beard. Donning the dress
of a mendicant, he went over to a deserted
temple next to the river that flowed by

1 n the city of Malyapur lived

Ramdas, an honest man. He was happily
Before he set out with the boys,
Ramdas took his wife’s precious ornaments

The younger brother dressed himself

married and had two sons. and all his money to his rich neighbour, up as a prince. With a retinue of servants,
Shaitansingh. “Brother, this is all I have for he went to live in a rented house opposite
When, to his great dismay, his wife
my sons’ use in future. Please keep it safe,” Shaitansingh’s mansion.
died of a sudden illness, Ramdas was faced
he told his neighbour.
with a problem. Who would look after the The ‘prince’ lived luxuriously and gave
little boys? He decided to leave them with “Don’t worry,” Shaitansingh assured alms generously. Before long he attracted
their maternal uncle who was living in a him, “your property will be as safe with me Shaitansingh’s attention.
faraway village. as the sun in the sky.”

CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

kVlKRAM VETAL Adventure Humour Moral

‘This young man is spending money supposedly laden with gold, were carried to Besides, he was indifferent to worldly things.
as sportively as a farmer scatters seeds on Shaitansingh’s house. The prince was shown He distributed to the poor all the offerings
his field. He hands a beggar a rupee when into a big room. He heaved a sigh of relief he received from his admirers.
a single paisa would have been enough. to see his valuable caskets lined up near his
Shaitansingh hurried to the
Every evening musicians sing before him bed.
mendicant. With a great show of humility,
for handsome rewards. What a pity money
Shaitansingh’s joy was tremendous he requested the holy man to come and
that ought to be locked up in iron chests is
at the sight of his guest’s wealth. It only meet the dying prince.
being thrown away at beggars and singers!’
heightened his eagerness to own it. In
thought Shaitansingh. “I don’t mind fulfilling the last wish of
his mind he spun one plan after another
a dying man. But, the problem is, I hardly
JHe called on the prince and began to achieve his end. He hardly slept a
know the value of gold. Besides, can this
to flatter him. The prince showed much wink.
lonely temple be a suitable place for storing
respect for him. They became friends.
One day, the prince’s servants said gold?”
“Thief, thief!” the prince shouted one that their master had fallen ill and he was
“Don’t you worry,” Shaitansingh
night. The neighbours came running to his not eating any food. At least this was the
hastened to say. “I know - rather, know very
house. The young man told them that some impression his host was given. The illness
well - the value of gold. I will undertake to
burglars had entered his bedroom. They seemed to linger on.
sell them on your behalf should the need
were about to take away his caskets - full of
One morning the prince called arise. So far as their safety is concerned,
gold - when he woke up and raised the cry.
Shaitansingh to his bedside and mumbled I’m ready to keep them in my house. And I
The burglars escaped.
out, “My days are numbered. In my dream I should feel honoured if you, too, are pleased
Shaitansingh did not allow this op¬ was asked to make a gift of all my wealth to to come and stay with me!”
portunity to slip by. He waited until all the a certain mendicant. He lives in a deserted
Shaitansingh made the request
other neighbours had left, and then said: temple on the river-bank. My noble host,
feigning love and devotion. What could
“Prince, it is not wise for you to live in this will you kindly go to him and beg him to
the compassionate mendicant do but
unsafe house. I’m your friend and my house come here?”
agree to the proposal? He duly arrived at
is like a castle. Why don’t you come and live
Shaitansingh had already heard much Shaitansingh’s house. After showing some
with me as my honoured guest? Your wealth
about the mendicant. That he stood on reluctance, he accepted the wealth from the
will be safe in my house.”
one leg for a long time in the morning dying prince and blessed him.
The prince thanked him and and did the same thing in the evening.
But lo and behold! Such was the
accepted the proposal. A dozen caskets, Who wouldn’t be impressed by such feats?
power of the mendicant’s blessing that

CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years 127
mind paying you a price higher than what “I did not sell my gold to anybody. I
you can get in the market.” made a gift of it to the mendicant and was
cured by his blessing. Since then the gold
“How kind of you!” said the
has been his. I’ve nothing to do with it,”
declared the prince. The king found his
Shaitansingh’s joy knew no bounds. statement cogent enough.
He paid to the mendicant one'tenth the
“I had warned Shaitansingh that to
price of the gold in the caskets. Even then
me gold was no different from stone. I had
he had to pay such a large sum of money
no knowledge of its value. It is Shaitansingh
that he was left without a single coin.
who proposed to buy them. It is he who
An hour after the prince and the fixed the price. I distributed the money he
mendicant had taken leave of him, gave me among the poor,” said the mendi'
Shaitansingh carried a piece of his newly' cant. The king found his statement cogent
instead of wasting away, the prince
recovered miraculously. Along with the acquired gold to a goldsmith. enough, too!

mendicant, he showed a fondness for “You call this gold? Ha, ha! Gold? Ha, “Shaitansingh! I’m sorry for you,
eating all the best things in the world—at ha, ha! Next you will call a fly an eagle!” but this is a strange situation. The prince
Shaitansingh’s expense, of course! the goldsmith guffawed. cannot be held responsible for what he had

Days passed. The prince at last already given away. The mendicant cannot
Shaitansingh soon learnt to his great
prepared to return to his kingdom. He be held responsible either. It is you who
shock that what he had purchased for a
requested the mendicant to accompany volunteered to buy his metal. You fixed the
large sum of money was hardly worth a
him. The mendicant was willing to oblige, price. You should have made sure that what
pouchful of coins!
how could he go away before disposing you were buying was gold!” said the king.
He ran to the king and wailed before
his gold? The two strangers thanked the king
him, narrating how he had been duped.
Shaitansingh seemed too ready to and returned home. m~
The king at once ordered his officer to look
come to his help. for the two strangers. Both were still in the

“Since you’re in a hurry, I can spare city. They came to the king’s court most

you the botheration of going to the bazaar willingly.

and bargaining with the merchants. I can The trial began.

it. The noble soul that you are, I don’t

CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

Moral Stories
Moral Stories

'S is well known, Chandamama was launched with the aim of sharing India’s great heritage and
culture with the post-Independence growing generation. The young readers, being in the most criti¬
cal period of their formative years, it was essential to help them imbibe values. This was attempted
through stories narrated in an interesting manner and in a language easily understood by them. The
stories in Chandamama invariably have a moral running through the narration or at the end of it. The
stories chosen abound in traits like valour, compassion, generosity, sacrifice, righteousness, honesty,
and the like. The messages are made an integral part of the narration without making it didactic. At
the same time, they are relevant for all ages and situations and, therefore, popular with the readers,
not to speak of the appreciation they evoke from their peers - parents and teachers.
Subroto chose a small village for his field
of work. He served the villagers in several
ways and soon endeared himself to them.

But he was shocked to learn that every

three months, a gang of dacoits raided the
village and looted the houses. Whoever
tried to check them was mercilessly beaten.

He further learnt that this had been

going on for years. The villagers had rec~
onciled to the situation. They sighed and
lamented their plight, but did nothing more.
The dacoits faced no resistance.

Subroto called a meeting of the village

youth and said, “It is a shame to live in fear

!ubroto?s Mission and bear the tyranny of the dacoits. How

can we prosper if the dacoits plunder the
village every now and then? We must unite
and face them.”

sage had his small Ashram One day, a young man named Subroto A dozen young men came forward
near the forest of Vidyachala. Young men met the sage and desired to become his to risk their lives. As soon as the dacoits
enrolled themselves as his students. student. To the sage’s question, he replied, entered the village, they offered stiff
“I wish to study for my own development. resistance. But the dacoits outnumbered
The sage always asked a newcomer,
Secondly, I wish to use my education for the them and, after a fight, took them prisoners.
“Why do you want to learn?” The reply that
service of the people.”
he generally got was this: “We wish to earn “Who instigated you to resist us?
a living.” The sage looked happy. Subroto lived Answer or die!” the dacoits demanded.
in the Ashram for five years. Then the sage
Although the sage kept silent, it Sensing danger to his followers,
told him, “Now I deem you learned. Go
seemed that the reply did not quite please Subroto stepped forward and said, “I
and devote yourself to the welfare of the
him. mobilised them against you.”

o CHAN DAM AM A: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years
The dacoits beat up Subroto pitilessly. for their sake, still cared only for their
Subroto swooned. While leaving the village, welfare! They felt guilty that they were
the dacoits threatened the villagers, saying, thinking of avoiding him.
“If you resist us again, we will set fire to the
All the villagers now decided to
whole village! Also, you must drive this
confront the dacoits under Subroto’s
audacious young man away!”
leadership. They practised lathi-play and
There was no physician in the village. fencing. Divided into four batches, they
The villagers carried Suhroto to a welb secretly guarded the village at four different
known physician who lived in another points.
village. Once the physician took charge
When the dacoits came next, the
of him, they left for their homes, without
villagers swooped down upon them
waiting to see him recover.
with fury and captured them. They led
The fact is, they did not want Subroto the prisoners to the king’s court in a
to return to their village. They were afraid procession. The king had been Fooking for
of the havoc the dacoits would create if they that notorious gang for a long time. He
saw Subroto still living in their village. They was immensely pleased. He rewarded the
had decided to resign to their fate. villagers and appointed Subroto to a high
position. It was Subroto’s duty to look into
But Subroto returned a month later.
the problems that the people of distant
The village-elders no doubt felt a bit
villages faced.
awkward at his sight.
Subroto was followed by a gentleman.
Said Subroto to the villagers, “People of
this village suffer much because we do not
have a physician here. On my request, this
physician has agreed to live here till he
has trained one or two of our own youths.
The Singapore edition of
Please cooperate with him.”
Chandamama, Ambulimama, was
The people felt overwhelmed with launched in 2003.
gratitude. Subroto, whose life was in danger
him fine clothes and appointed teachers to
educate him.

Sadashiv studied with great interest.

The king talked to him at times and was
convinced that the boy was truthful and

After three years, the king told Sa¬

dashiv, “You’ve learnt enough. It is time you
took up some work.”

“My lord, I’m willing to do any work

you would like to give me. But will you
please allow me to pay a visit to my village
for a few days before I join work?” asked
Sadashiv with humility.

“Why not!” replied the king.

^^Ving Vijaysen of Amaravati He talked to the boy affectionately
In his village, Sadashiv heard many
was in the habit of donning a disguise and and found out that he was an orphan.
kind words. “How lucky you are!” exclaimed
roaming in his kingdom. He believed that Sadashiv was his name. He worked for a
his friends and well-wishers.
this was a far better method of knowing the rich farmer who fed him. The king found
condition of the people than depending on him very intelligent. “Am I lucky? I’m not sure,” responded
the report of his officers. Sadashiv. All thought that he was being
“Come with me. I’ll give you better
One day, the disguised king was food, a better clothes and better house to
crossing a vast field. He was tired. Just then, live,” said the king. Upon his return to the palace, the king
sweet music from a flute surprised him. He appointed him the superintendent of his
Sadashiv had no reason to refuse the
followed the sound and reached a tree. A family museum. This was a treasure-house of
offer. He followed the king to the town.
little boy sat under the tree playing his flute. valuables collected over generations.
The king listened to him, charmed. He felt Soon the boy learnt who the stranger
The post was always reserved for highly
quite relaxed. was. He was pleasantly surprised. The king
trusted officers who were known to be so
allotted him a room in the palace. He gave
honest that they would never steal anything

134 CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

k VlKRAM VETAL & Adventure Humour
Jt Moral

from the collection. All were surprised that mentioned in the old list would not be there
the king offered the post to the young man in the new list, for Sadashiv must have
whose honesty had never been tested. But carried them away.
King Vijaysen acted according to his own
The list was prepared. It was the
impressions and nobody had the courage to
same as the old list. The king went into the
question his decision.
museum himself and checked the items.
King Vijaysen suddenly passed away Everything was in its proper place. Sadashiv
and his son Krantisen ascended the throne. opened for him rack after rack, chest after
chest and almirah after almirah.
Those who were jealous of Sadashiv
now got a chance to speak against him to the But he bypassed one small chest. The
were a pair of worm out slippers, a tattered
young king. They told him that Sadashiv was king had not observed it, but one of the nobles
blanket and an old flute.
regularly stealing from the museum. accompanying him drew his attention to it.
“What is this? Why do you call this
“Where is the proof?” asked the young “What does this chesj: contain?” asked
your wealth?” asked the surprised king.
king. the king.
“My lord, true wealth is that which
“My lord, I recently had a chance to “My lord, that is of no importance to
gives one peace of mind. As long as I had
enter the museum. Two years ago I had seen you. It contains my wealth,” replied Sadashiv.
only these, I spent my days in peace. But,
a dagger with a diamond on its handle. I
The nobles looked at one another pardon me my lord, though you are giving
observed that the diamond is now missing,”
meaningfully. me high salary and other comforts now, I
one noble asserted.
am without my peace. It is because of the
“Your wealth? What is that?”
The young king called for the dagger atmosphere of suspicion and jealousy that
demanded the king suspiciously.
and found the diamond really missing. But an surrounds me,” said Sadashiv ruefully.
inquiry showed that his father, the late king, “Whatever be my wealth, my lord, I
The king hung his head. He walked
had himself removed it from the dagger and was using this with the full approval of your
away briskly without even looking at the
got it set on the handle of his sword. great father, the late king.”
nobles who had led him there.
The suspicious nobles advised the king “What is the harm if we see your
Next day, Sadashiv was promoted to the
to ask Sadashiv to draw a list of items in wealth?” the king sounded stern.
position of a minister. Those nobles who used to
the museum and to compare it with the old
Sadashiv sighed and silently opened complain against him did not show their faces
list. They felt sure that some of the items
the chest and brought out its content. They either to the king or to Sadashiv for many days.

CHAN DAM AM A: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

The nobles in his court and his officers
knew that the young king was very proud
of his position, but they thought that a king
had the right to be proud, after all!

There was an old temple in the town.

Famous scholars and devotional singers
came there during an annual festival. They
lectured on philosophy and sang the glory
of God.

The king, along with the nobles, was

listening to a scholar on the first day of the
festival. “Nothing is permanent,” said the
scholar in the course of his talk. “It is a
great folly to be proud of any possession!” a Kins he said further.

The king smiled. “These are only

theories,” he thought. “Who is there to
take away my kingship or my wealth? Why
'his happened long, long ago. “My lord, wealth or youth or power should I not feel proud of them?”
King Kalketu ruled Kanchanpur, a peaceful or fame can all vanish in a moment,” his
As the discourse was going on, he
and prosperous land. The people lived old minister used to say from time to time.
dozed off.
happily. He hoped to infuse some humility into the
king. When he woke up, he could not
The young king faced no problem as
immediately remember where he was. All
his minister was wise and his officers were But Kalketu learnt no lesson from his
was dark. Slowly everything came back to
honest. minister’s wisdom. He did whatever he liked
his mind. He was inside the temple. Others
to do and had never found any impediments
Unfortunately, King Kalketu began to had left and the door had been locked.
on his way. Why should the situation be
think that all went right because he was a
different in the future? He secretly laughed He groped his way to the door and
great ruler. By and by, pride and arrogance
at the minister’s warning. banged against it yelling, “Who dared to
clouded his mind.

Wonderful Years
i. VlKRAM VliTAL Adventure Humour
Jk Moral

lock the door while I was inside? How The question drove Kalketu almost
foolish of all to leave me here alone!” mad. “How dare you put such a question to
me? I am King Kalketu. Whoever you be,
The two guards outside were surprised
you are an usurper!” he shouted.
to hear the banging and the yelling. They
had locked the door only after everybody The courtiers laughed. “Shut up!”
had left. Who knew that a mad fellow was shouted Kalketu again. That only made
lying asleep in some nook? everybody laugh even louder.

They opened the door. The king ran “The fellow is either mad or a joker.
out like an arrow. It was night. He reached There is of course another possibility. He
the palace gate and started shouting, could have been drunk. Keep him in jail.
“Where is my old, useless minister? Where We will see more of him afterwards,” said
are my bodyguards? How did they come the king.
away leaving me behind?”
Kalketu was dragged away to the prison.
There was a commotion. The palace From time to time, he shouted at the guards
guards came rushing and caught hold of and officers, “Drive away that usurper! Why
King Kalketu. don’t you understand that I am the king?”

“Don’t touch me, you fools! Don’t you Some giggled at his claim. Some
recognise your king?” Kalketu shrieked as he teased him or made faces at him.
all laughed, but admitted that the joker had
pushed the guards back. The result was, the
One day the stranger on the throne been trained well enough to be able to call
guards pounced upon him with greater fury
hosted a banquet for the neighbouring the different guests by their names! It was a
and threw him, his hands bound, in a cell.
kings. “I will show a strange fellow to you,” good treat for them.
As he did not stop shrieking, he was gagged.
said the host. He ordered Kalketu to be
Time passed. Kalketu, the prisoner,
In the morning he was led into the brought there.
was found to be growing more and more
king’s court. To his utter amazement, he
Kalketu was made to look like a joker. silent. He made no claim about himself any
saw someone resembling him seated on the
A pet monkey rode on his shoulder. longer.
As soon as he was brought before the One day he was led into a private
“Who are you?” asked the stranger on
royal audience, he addressed them one by chamber. The stranger on the throne
the throne.
one and said that he was the real king! They confronted him alone.

CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years 137

thinking that the mad fellow has escaped,”
said the spirit.

And, looking like a joker, the spirit

rushed out. The guards were about to give
him a chase, but King Kalketu stopped

The king ruled as an humble and wise

ruler. He was revered like a sage, but he
never let any pride possess him again.

P.C. Sorcar Sr., the magician,

was a regular contributor to
the magazine. Everytime he
“Who are you?” the stranger asked. you are a good man. Pride was your only
performed in Chennai, he gave a
special show for Chandomoma.
vice. This experience was necessary for you
Kalketu kept quiet for a minute.
so that you will shed your pride. Come on,
Tears rolling down his cheeks, he then said,
you are the king once again.”
“I am only a mad man—mad with pride
and foolishness. There was a time when I To his great astonishment, Kalketu
believed that I was a king whose power and saw that the joker’s dress he had put on
position nobody could take away. Little did vanished and he was dressed like a king.
I know that nothing was impossible! Even
“Who are you?” he asked the stranger.
my friends, the kings, called me a joker the
other day!” “I am a spirit. Call me an angel. But
now I must look like the prisoner you
The stranger smiled. He patted
were and run away to fool the guards into
Kalketu on the back and said, “My friend,

138 CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

* VlKRAM VETAL Adventure Humour

from the house! More and more
inventions were added to the rumour.

There were only three or four persons

in the region who could afford to buy
the mansion. But they shied away from it
because of its ill reputation as a haunted

One day a millionaire from the city

came to visit the area. He knew Hiralal
well. He was planning to found a factory in
that area.

He saw Mohandas’s old mansion and

was fascinated by it. A wealthy man who
Haunted House for Sale always lived in the city, he was accustomed
to evaluate property according to their
value in the city.

ohandas met Hiralal, the Mohandas’s ancestors were landlords. “Who builds houses of such excellent

moneylender. “I have to perform my They had an excellent mansion, but that type nowadays? If it could be available to

daughter’s marriage. Will you please lend was in ruins. me for a lakh of rupees or so, I would be

me ten thousand rupees? I will repay in five happy to buy it,” he told Hiralal.
Hiralal was annoyed with Mohandas
instalments,” he said. “But what do you propose to do with
for his refusing to borrow money. He
Hiralal could always measure the decided to do everything to foil Mohandas’s an old deserted mansion?” asked Hiralal.

urgency of one’s need. He varied his rate of plan to sell the mansion. He floated a “If I establish a factory here, I have
interest accordingly. The interest he quoted rumour that it was a haunted house. to visit this place from time to time. I
for Mohandas was too high. could repair this mansion and use it as my
The rumour spread in no time.
“No, my brother, I cannot pay such Some people even claimed to have heard residence,” answered the millionaire.

high interest. I’d better dispose of our old strange sounds and shrieks emanating An exciting idea flashed in Hiralal’s
mansion lying useless,” said Mohandas. mind. After the millionaire departed, he

CHAN DAM AMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years
Came the reply: “I’m sorry. On my
way back, I heard that it is a haunted By the late '80s, Chandamama
house. I’ve no intention of living with was coming out in 12 languages,
ghosts. Thanks.” including English. It was the Oriya
edition titled Jahnumamu which
m crossed 100,000 circulation first.
The phenomenal success was
mainly due to the excellence of
the language used by Prof. Manoj
Das in his writings. The editions in
Telugu, Marathi and Hindi - in that
order - soon notched the 100,000

met Mohandas. “If you’ve put up your man¬

sion for sale, well, I am willing to buy it for
ten thousand rupees,” he said.

Mohandas guessed that there must

be some very special reason for Hiralal
wishing to buy it. He said firmly, “I do not
intend selling it for anything less than fifty
thousand rupees! I don’t mind if it lies

Even then Hiralal showed his

readiness to buy it. Mohandas was as
surprised as he was happy; for the building
in ruins could not have fetched him more
than twenty thousand rupees.

After the transaction was over, Hiralal

wrote to the millionaire: “You can now have
the mansion for a lakh of rupees.”

CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

kVlKRAM VbTAL .'A Humour Moral

food and told the prince to come to his

house and accept a food parcel.

The prince asked his wife to rest under

a tree and went with the villager. He was
given a parcel of food that was enough for
two. While returning to his wife, the prince
told himself, “This food is just sufficient
for the two of us. I don’t know when we
shall be having our next meal. Banaras is
still very far off. It is more important that I
should reach Banaras. There is no hurry for
her. As it is she is being a hindrance to me.
But for her I should have gone much farther
by now. I must manage to eat all this food

With his mind full of such mean

hile Brahmadutt ruled Banaras, his father’s death. He could now return to
thoughts, the prince returned to his wife.
the Bodhisattva was born as a counsellor to Banaras and sit upon the throne.
“Here’s the food,” he told her. “You walk
the king.
So the prince started for Banaras along. I shall catch up with you after my
On a certain occasion, the king and travelled day and night. In his anxiety ablutions.”
became angry with his son and banished to get there as quickly as possible, he
Believing him she wearily walked
him from his kingdom. The prince left neglected to look after his wife’s comfort.
ahead, and at once the scoundrel ate all
Banaras with his wife and suffered untold He forced her to walk as fast as he did
the food. Then he made a loose bundle of
troubles in foreign lands for a long time. and to go without food and sleep as far as
the cover leaves and caught up with his
On several occasions, the prince had no possible.
roof over his head. He had to go without
However anxious he might have been
food. His dutiful wife shared these hardships “Look at this mischief,” he told
to reach Banaras, he could not avoid eating.
without complaining. her showing the empty package. “Those
One day, the couple reached a village in a
villagers are rogues. They fooled us with an
As time passed, King Brahmadutt state of great hunger. One of the villagers
empty parcel. There is no food inside it.”
died. The prince was very happy to learn of saw that they had come a long way without

CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years
His wife said nothing, but she food. “Even now,” she said, “the king does So, you can go out into the world and seek
understood everything. They travelled on not care to inquire whether I have had my those who have consideration for you.”
for some more days, and at last arrived at food, what clothes I am wearing and so on.”
Hearing this, the king got up from the
Banaras. The Prince was duly crowned the
“Do not worry, madam,” the throne and fell at the Bodhisattva’s feet. “O
King of Banaras.
Bodhisattva told her, seeing that she was wise counsellor! Don’t put me to shame!”
Now the king had no time at all to shedding tears. “I’ve suspected this much. he begged. “I shall, henceforth, treat my
think of his wife. Though she had shared I have come to you only to know the truth wife with respect. I apologise for what I
all his hardships, he did not feel it necessary from you. Now, let me tell you something. have done.”
to share his happiness with her. He never Let us repeat our conversation tomorrow
From then onwards the king treated
bothered to inquire whether she had good at court. I will see that the king stops
her with the regard and consideration that
clothes, good food and other luxuries. Thus neglecting you.”
she richly deserved. rjj
the queen was completely neglected by the
The next day the queen was present at
king. She was stricken with sorrow.
court. The Bodhisattva accused her in the
The Bodhisattva, the counsellor, , full court that she had not thought of the
noticed the condition of the queen, and, poor since she ascended the throne.
one day, he went to see her. The queen
Then the queen told the court all that
received him appropriately.
she had told the Bodhisattva the previous
“After his change of fortune for the day. The king was put to shame when she
better, the king distributed gifts to all of us,” revealed how he had robbed her of her
he said. “But I haven’t received anything yet share of food while they were returning to
from the hand of the queen.” Banaras.

“Sir,” the queen replied sadly, “I’m “If the king is neglecting you,” the
queen only in name. There is very little Bodhisattva told her, “there is no reason
difference between me and the palace why you should stay with him. It is said:
maids. I had the duty to share the king’s Leave one who has left you. Do not make
misfortune, but not the right to share friends with him. Be not nice to one who
his fortune.” She went on to narrate to frowns at you. Birds leave the fruitless tree
Bodhisattva how, on their way to Banaras, and seek other trees. The world is wide.
the king had robbed her of her share of
Adventure Humour Moral

his chamber and looked down. There were

some of his attendants standing about. He
selected one of them at random and ordered
him to come up. When this unknown and
insignificant fellow came up, the king told
him, “From now on, you are my procurator.”

The king hoped that a common fellow

without any rank or status would buy nothing
without haggling and would be more economical
in his purchases. But this particular man was

The Procurator quite a fool and the king didn’t know it.

The new procurator could not

distinguish between a donkey and a horse, but
he was an expert in offering astoundingly low
t the time when Brahmadutt was never held up for the want of a particular value for anything he had to buy.
was the ruler of Banaras, the Bodhisattva commodity which was urgently needed. He
was employed as the king’s procurator. The merchants who came from far off
was also very fair-minded in his dealings with
countries could hardly kick up rows with
merchants and traders from other countries,
The procurator’s job was to buy the
the king’s official. So they used to sustain
so that the name of Banaras was respected in
various properties and commodities that were
huge losses on state purchases. They had to
far-off places.
required for state purposes. He had to be an
make good these losses somewhere else.
expert in estimating the value of things. Now, King Brahmadutt was a miser.
In his anxiety to buy cheap things, the
He thought that his procurator was paying
The Bodhisattva would buy elephants,
new procurator bought useless and unwanted
too much for everything and squandering
horses, gold, silver and so on for the kingdom
things. These began to accumulate in the
away the state money. “At this rate, I shall
and pay the merchants who brought them.
royal store. Even when some of them were
be bankrupt in no time,” he said to himself.
As procurator, the Bodhisattva was very stolen, no one felt their loss.
The next act of the king was to dismiss
capable, so that the royal stores were always
The foolish procurator could not guess
the Bodhisattva and appoint someone
filled with the right things and the best things.
what commodities would be required in the
else in his place. This he did in the easiest
He was also very thoughtful and foreseeing
near future. Administration was often held
possible manner. He opened the window of
in his purchases, so that the administration
up for want of something that was urgently

CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years 143
“When you go to court tomorrow to buying. But being a born fool, he overdid it.
receive the value for your horses, ask the That was all.
procurator what he is going to pay. When he
The entire court resounded with peels of
says, a measure of rice, ask him what the value
laughter at the stupidity of the procurator.
of a measure of rice is. Let us see what will
Some of them even made jokes about
happen next. I too shall be in the court.”
it by estimating how many kingdoms each
The merchant put his faith in the
one of them could buy with rice stored in
Bodhisattva, thanked him and took leave
their houses; in how many days a good eater
of him.
could gobble up a kingdom and so on.
needed. Above all, the name of Banaras
Next day, in court, the merchant The only persons who could not enjoy
acquired a very bad reputation abroad and
addressed the procurator and said, “Sir, you the joke were the foolish procurator and the
good merchants stopped going to that city
bought from me five hundred horses of the ashamed king who employed him. When
for fear of the procurator.
best variety. May I know before witnesses some of the courtiers asked the procurator to
One day, a merchant arrived at Banaras
what I am going to be paid for them?” buy them a couple of palaces for a handful of
with five hundred horses of very good bredd.
“Why, a measure of rice, of course. I told rice, the king bent his head in mortification.
The king came to know of it and instructed
his procurator to buy them up. you so, yesterday,” replied the procurator. The Bodhisattva decided to put a stop

This reply amazed everyone in the to this. He stood up and said:

The procurator called for the
court, including the king. “Do not mock at a man for his
merchant, looked over the horses and fixed
their price—a measure of rice! The merchant put his next question, ignorance. When a man is entrusted with a

“And may I know before witnesses what the job for which he is not qualified, he is bound
The merchant was astounded but did
value of a measure of rice may be?” to make a laughing-stock of himself sooner
not protest. But straightaway he sought the
or later. It is not this poor fellow’s fault that
Bodhisattva, the ex-procurator, and told “Ah, anyone can tell you that. The
he was made the procurator.”
him what had happened. value of a measure of rice is exactly equal
to the value of the kingdom of Banaras and The king raised his head and said, “The
“The new procurator seems to be a
her dependencies,” said the procurator. fault was mine. O Bodhisattva, I have learnt my
queer person. I depend upon you, sir, to see
lesson. No one can do wrong except the king.”
that I get justice,” the merchant said. Like anyone who is considered to
be a good bargainer, the procurator was The king at once removed the new
The Bodhisattva pondered over the
exaggerating the value of what he was man from the job of procurator and put the
problem for a while and said:
paying and depreciating what he was Bodhisattva back in his place. H

144 CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

Adventure Humour
Jt Moral

we can open one parcel first and later the

other parcel. What do you say?”

“Fine!” said Truthful. “Let’s open my

parcel first. Then we can open yours.”

Clever happily agreed to it. Both

shared Truthful’s food for the first three
days. The food would have lasted for
another day or two, but Clever ate much
more than what Truthful ate.

On the fourth day a storm broke out.

Truthful and Clever Luckily they found a deserted house and
they took shelter inside.

Clever opened his food parcel, but ate

from it himself without offering any share to
t was night and two travellers “But it is not so difficult to be clever— Truthful.
had lodged themselves in a roadside inn. I mean for one who is really clever!” said
Clever. Had he forgotten that his companion
“What’s your name?” one asked the
too needed food? Truthful was too shy to
other. The kingdom’s capital was the ask.
destination for both. The regular road
“Truthful is my name. And what’s
would require eight days to be there. But The storm subsided, hut the rain
yours?” asked the first one.
if one dared pass through the forest, it continued. The next day, when Clever
“Clever is my name. My father could would take half that time to reach the started eating his food, Truthful hemmed
not have chosen a better name!” said the town. Truthful and Clever had become and hawed and told him: “My friend, how
second proudly. do you eat without offering me my share?
friends. So, they decided to pass through
the forest. Don’t forget that my food was finished
“I wish my father had given me a
because you shared it!”
different name. Truthful is a great word. It Both had brought with them their
is so difficult to be always truthful. All I can food for the road. Said Clever: “Instead of “My friend, I’m merely being truthful
say is I try!” said the first one. opening both food parcels at the same time, to my name. I’m being clever. I don’t know
for how long the rains would continue.

CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years 145
Then they talked of several things.
“The princess is seriously ill. Nobody is able
to cure her. I know the cure. But how can
I enter the palace and disclose it?” said the

“What’s the cure?” asked the lion.

“If the palace guards would not

allow a jackal to enter the palace, do
you think they would allow a lion to do
so? However, the cure is in a mysterious
root with which a farmer feeds his cattle.
His cattle are the healthiest in the
kingdom. But he does not tell his secret
to anybody,” said the jackal and he told
about the farmer and his village.
Shouldn’t I preserve food for myself?” felt too tired to resume walking. He
replied Clever. thought of passing that day in that house, Before dawn the animals left the
hoping that he too would meet with some house. Truthful left for the farmer’s
Truthful sighed and said: “I don’t mind
travellers and join them. village, met the farmer and requested him
going hungry. But someone told me in my
to treat the princess with those special
dream that if you don’t give me my share, At night he saw some beasts coming
you shall one day be shared by others in an towards the house. He hid behind a
undesirable way.” huge stone lying in a corner. In the faint “My friend, I feel nervous at the very
moonlight, he saw a lion, a tiger and a sight of the palace. Why, I will faint at the
“Never mind your dream!”
jackal entering the house. sight of the king! I shall give you the roots.
commented Clever. Next morning, when
I’m sure you’ll receive a handsome reward
Truthful opened his eyes, he saw that “I smell a man!” said the lion.
from the king. You may pass on a share of it
the rain had stopped and Clever had
“Possibly some travellers had taken rest to me!” said the farmer.
departed, probably in the company of
here. They must have left, leaving their smell
some other travellers who were passing Truthful reached the palace with the
behind! Nobody would care to pass a night in
by. Truthful satisfied his hunger with roots and claimed that he could cure the
a haunted house in the forest!” said the tiger.
some fruits from the nearby trees, but princess.

146 CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

» VlKRAM VfcTAl. Adventure Humour Moral

“Young man, should it be found out Since Truthful was always truthful, he
that you were merely kidding, you shall lose frankly told all that had happened to him at
your head!” he was warned. his companion’s query.

Truthful nodded. He treated the Clever enjoyed Truthful’s generous

princess who got well in a few days. hospitality that night and bade him good¬
Truthful’s success, his conduct, his speech bye in the morning. Straightaway he
and, above everything else, his truthfulness proceeded to the deserted house in the
pleased the king so much that he toyed with forest and hid behind the stone in a corner.
the idea of making him his son-in-law! He expected the beasts to come there and
talk of more mysteries from which he would
And soon the king found out that the
princess, too, would like that to happen!
The beasts did come. As soon as they
So amidst great pomp and show,
entered, the lion said: “Once again I smell
Truthful was married to the princess. The
couple shifted to a magnificent palace. The
first thing Truthful did after that was to “Well, last time we did not pay heed
reward the farmer with a basketful of gold. to your suspicion. In a sense it was good, for
the man who heard us from his hiding cured
It so happened that while he was
the princess and married her, too! But we
strolling on his palace roof one evening, he
were deprived of a good dish. We need not
saw Clever passing by the house. He sent
suffer the same loss every time!” said the
his chief servant to call him. Clever could
not believe his eyes when he recognised
Truthful. He fell at his feet and said, “Sir, Before long they found out Clever.
pardon this sinner!” As they began tearing him to share among
themselves, Clever remembered Truthful’s
“Don’t call me sir; I’m your friend.
dream. But now it was too late. Today, Chandamama is published
Had you not left me alone, I would have
remained the poor man that I was!”
m in 13 Indian languages.

remarked Truthful.

CIIANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years 147

Then they talked of several things.
“The princess is seriously ill. Nobody is able
to cure her. I know the cure. But how can
I enter the palace and disclose it?” said the

“What’s the cure?” asked the lion.

“If the palace guards would not

allow a jackal to enter the palace, do
you think they would allow a lion to do
so? However, the cure is in a mysterious
root with which a farmer feeds his cattle.
His cattle are the healthiest in the
kingdom. But he does not tell his secret
to anybody,” said the jackal and he told

Shouldn’t I preserve food for myself?” about the farmer and his village.
felt too tired to resume walking. He
replied Clever. thought of passing that day in that house, Before dawn the animals left the
hoping that he too would meet with some house. Truthful left for the farmer’s
Truthful sighed and said: “I don’t mind
going hungry. But someone told me in my travellers and join them. village, met the farmer and requested him

dream that if you don’t give me my share, to treat the princess with those special
At night he saw some beasts coming
you shall one day be shared by others in an roots.
towards the house. He hid behind a
undesirable way.” huge stone lying in a corner. In the faint “My friend, I feel nervous at the very

“Never mind your dream!” moonlight, he saw a lion, a tiger and a sight of the palace. Why, I will faint at the
jackal entering the house. sight of the king! I shall give you the roots.
commented Clever. Next morning, when
Truthful opened his eyes, he saw that I’m sure you’ll receive a handsome reward
“I smell a man!” said the lion.
the rain had stopped and Clever had from the king. You may pass on a share of it
“Possibly some travellers had taken rest to me!” said the farmer.
departed, probably in the company of
here. They must have left, leaving their smell
some other travellers who were passing Truthful reached the palace with the
behind! Nobody would care to pass a night in
by. Truthful satisfied his hunger with roots and claimed that he could cure the
a haunted house in the forest!” said the tiger.
some fruits from the nearby trees, hut princess.

CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

i Vikram Vital J}\ Humour Moral

“Young man, should it be found out Since Truthful was always truthful, he
that you were merely kidding, you shall lose frankly told all that had happened to him at
your head!” he was warned. his companion’s query.

Truthful nodded. He treated the Clever enjoyed Truthful’s generous

princess who got well in a few days. hospitality that night and bade him good¬
Truthful’s success, his conduct, his speech bye in the morning. Straightaway he
and, above everything else, his truthfulness proceeded to the deserted house in the
pleased the king so much that he toyed with forest and hid behind the stone in a corner.
the idea of making him his son-in-law! He expected the beasts to come there and
talk of more mysteries from which he would
And soon the king found out that the
princess, too, would like that to happen!
The beasts did come. As soon as they
So amidst great pomp and show,
entered, the lion said: “Once again I smell
Truthful was married to the princess. The
couple shifted to a magnificent palace. The
first thing Truthful did after that was to “Well, last time we did not pay heed

reward the farmer with a basketful of gold. to your suspicion. In a sense it was good, for
the man who heard us from his hiding cured
It so happened that while he was
the princess and married her, too! But we
strolling on his palace roof one evening, he
were deprived of a good dish. We need not
saw Clever passing by the house. He sent
suffer the same loss every time!” said the
his chief servant to call him. Clever could
not believe his eyes when he recognised
Truthful. He fell at his feet and said, “Sir, Before long they found out Clever.
pardon this sinner!” As they began tearing him to share among
themselves, Clever remembered Truthful’s
“Don’t call me sir; I’m your friend. _B__¥_T-.H E.. . W A Y ^
dream. But now it was too late. Today, Chandamama is published
Had you not left me alone, I would have
remained the poor man that I was!”
m in 13 Indian languages.

remarked Truthful.

CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years 147

reveal his identity, he was treated like any
other trainee and was not given any special
privileges. The training was not easy, and
Veerasimha had to really struggle hard to
acquire strength. However, constant physical
exercises helped his body acquire a glow.

Meanwhile, Rajasimha went over to a

village far away from the capital. After a few
days stay there, he found that the crops were
withering away because there was no proper
irrigation, the village had no proper roads and
the people were facing a threat of famine.

As he had dressed himself like a

common man, Rajasimha could manage to

Who will be a Better Ruler!’ stay with some of the villagers, who poured
out their woes to him. He was very upset. He
went to the village chief and discussed with

c 'he King of Kalinga had two

sons, Veerasimha and Rajasimha. Both
out into the world and come back stronger
and more handsome. But, remember, you
him how the situation could be improved.
“I feel if the villagers make joint efforts, the
village can be saved from misery.”

of them grew up just as their father had should not reveal your identity.” The village chief, with a scorn, said:
wanted. But he was in a dilemma? To “Nothing can improve matters, young
The princes agreed to abide by the king’s
whom should he hand over the reins of the man; you’re only wasting your time offering
direction and set out from the palace the
kingdom? advice to us. You better mind your own
very next day, wearing ordinary clothes and
One day, he sent for them. “My sons, business.”
unaccompanied by attendants. Veerasimha
it’s time you both got ready to take over the had heard of the famous wrestler Balasena, so Rajasimha was shocked by the way
reins from me, but I’m not able to decide to he went to him straight away and requested the village chief reacted. He decided to go
whom I should hand over power. So, I have him to take him as a trainee to become strong. against his father’s instructions. He revealed
decided to give you two years’ time to go Balasena agreed. As Veerasimha did not his identity. When the village chief realized

148 CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

iVlKRAM VETAL Adventure Humour

that he was speaking with none other than away now got new life and the harvest was
the prince of the land, he changed his better than expected. Next, they undertook
attitude. He immediately called a meeting afforestation and the newly planted trees
of the villagers and introduced the prince to grew fast and sturdy. New roads were laid,
them and said Rajasimha would help them which facilitated the villagers to go to
improve their affairs. the nearest towns and markets. All the
activities were supervised by Rajasimha.
The prince then addressed the
villagers and gave them some suggestions. At the end of two years, the prince
As they listened to him in rapt attention, took leave of the villagers and went back
an aged villager got up and said, “O Prince! to the capital. At the palace, he found that
This village has been under the spell of a Veerasimha had already returned.
curse for a long time. That’s why we are all
The king sent for them and took a
good look at them. Veerasimha was, of
“Please take it as if the curse has been course, looking very handsome, sturdy and
lifted,” said Rajasimha reassuringly, “and strong. Rajasimha was equally strong and
from now on, let us start afresh to bring sturdy, but he seemed to have acquired a
subjects, instead of doing everything for his
prosperity to this village. I shall give you all dark tan by exposing himself to sunshine
own comfort or pleasure. I quite agree, a
guidance and each one of you should abide for long hours and continuously for several
king has to be strong and sturdy; you both
by my orders.” days.
are strong and look sturdy, but that does not
Most of those assembled in the village The two princes narrated to the king make you, Veerasimha, an ideal ruler. On
square felt enthused, and promised to work how they spent the two years. Veerasimha the contrary, Rajasimha has learnt what is
as the prince directed. Others were afraid did not have much to say, except about his meant by people’s welfare. He did not think
of punishment if they did not cooperate, so body-building exercises and physical and about himself all through the two years. He
they too agreed to follow his instructions. martial feats. “Father, look at Rajasimha. aimed at the upliftment of the villagers. So,
Does he come anywhere near me in I feel he’ll make a better ruler than you.
Work started in right earnest. They
handsomeness?” said Veerasimha. “You However, you be the commander of the
gave priority to water conservation and
should make me your successor.” army, and help Rajasimha by ensuring that
proper irrigation methods to trap all water
peace prevails in Kalinga.” _
going waste. Several wells were dug, and a The king laughed aloud. “The duty of
dam constructed. The crops about to wither a ruler is to strive for the well-being of his

CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

“Things will take care of themselves,”
replied Vanacharya.

“When do you propose to return, sir?”

asked the disciples.

“I don’t know; I may not return at all!”

Vanacharya did not wish to continue the
conversation. He crossed the river forthwith
and headed for the Himalayas. The two
disciples and the hermit’s local admirers
bade him farewell.

Ram continued to stay in the hermitage;

but Prakash left for his native place where he
led the life of a holy man. By and by he gathered
many disciples and grew quite famous as Prakash
Baba. But he led an extremely austere life. He
lived in a small thatched hut. All he had for his
personal use were a strong staff, a brass pot and
some clothes.
am and Prakash were disciples Vanacharya stood up. “I must go,” he
of a great Rishi, Vanacharya. Both proved announced to his disciples. “Take care of However, he was very unhappy to hear
to be excellent scholars. They learnt the yourselves.” that Ram, who was now known as Ram
Vedas, the Upanishads and other scriptures Baba, was leading a luxurious life. One of
Surprised, they asked him, “Guruji,
with great attention. They also achieved his disciples, a wealthy landlord, had built
what’s the urgency?”
several Siddhis. for him a comfortable house and provided
“What can be there more urgent for him with servants. He was also supplied
Vanacharya’s hermitage was on the
a disciple than his guru’s summons? I must with delicious food cooked especially for
banks of river Sarayu. His own guru lived
hurry,” answered Vanacharya. him in the landlord’s kitchen.
in a valley in the Himalayas. One day he
was met by a traveller who told him that “But, sir, shouldn’t you arrange for the ‘What a fall!’ thought Prakash Baba. He
his guru would like him to proceed to smooth running of your hermitage before decided to warn his friend about the dangers
the Himalayas without any loss of time. you leave?” of falling into the trap of worldly temptations.

1 Years
■J\ Humour
it Moral

At last one day he arrived in Ram Baba’s

ashram and found that what he had heard
was not untrue. “My dear friend,” he told
Ram Baba when there was nobody around, “is
it right on your part to be tied down to such
comforts in life? They will only distract you
from your real aim. Better come away with me
to my hennitage, far from this place, and begin
your spiritual pursuit anew.”

“Why not, if that’s God’s wish!” said

Ram Baba.

Just then one of their old friends

came in a hurry and said, “Guru
Vanacharya is waiting on the other side
of the river. He’ll be there only for a
short while. He wishes to see both of
you. Maybe, he would like both of you to Suddenly Prakash Baba remembered the river before the flood receded. That
accompany him to the Himalayas.” his staff. It was an elegant thing, with a might take several days.
shining metal knob.
“What a great coincidence it is that Prakash Baba sat down on a rock and
I am here,” said Prakash Baba. But he “Ram, you proceed. I’ll be back with wept. He realised how foolish it was of him to
hemmed and hawed and said, “If the Guru my staff I had left in your room. I shall take advise his friend against comfortable living. His
asks us to accompany him, how do I inform the next ferry,” said Prakash Baba. By then friend, living amidst luxury, had no attachment
my disciples about it?” Ram Baba and the Guru’s messenger had for anything. He did not even feel it necessary
already stepped into the boat. The boatmen to inform his disciples about his decision. For
“The Guru will decide,” was Ram
began rowing immediately. Prakash Baba him, God was there to take care of everything.
Baba’s response. But Ram Baba himself did
was back in half an hour. Meanwhile, there But living an austere life outwardly, Prakash
not inform anything to anybody.
had been a flash flood. The ferryboat did Baba had not been able to liberate his mind from
Both of them proceeded to the banks of not return from the other shore. And there bondage to his measly possessions. He lost the
the Sarayu. The ferryboat was full with pas^ was no possibility of Prakash Baba crossing golden chance of being with his Guru for the
sengers, but it could take two or three more. sake of a mere stick!
CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years 151
Thus the Sea became Salty

a »"ong long ago, in a village close

to a forest lived two friends, Suzu and
visit the town tomorrow. I shall find out if
they have any value.”
the site, he found Yamar entering the cave.
“What are you doing here?” asked Suzu.
Yamar. Suzu was strong and smart. Yamar
Yamar went to the town the next day. Taken aback, Yamar mumbled out that
was not exactly weak, but was lazy. If they
His guess was right. They were precious he was just passing by and entered the cave
found some ripe fruit on the branches of a
stones. He sold them and returned home with with no specific intention. “But what brings
tall tree, it was for Suzu to climb and pluck
wealth enough to be counted among the rich. you here?” asked Yamar in turn. “Well, I came
them. But he would let Yamar choose from
To Suzu he gave a few coins and said, “Well, here to see if some stones are there,” answered
them first.
they were practically worthless. However, a Suzu truthfully. “Very good. Let’s search
They grew up. Both got married. Suzu wealthy man bought them for decorating his together. If we find more, once again I can
lived in a small house and earned his living flower-vase. Here is half of what I got.” carry them to the town. You’re too innocent
through hard work, whereas Yamar lived to extract a good price for them,” said Yamar.
Yamar built a mansion, bought horses
comfortably because his father had left him They looked everywhere under rocks, but
and employed a number of servants. “I
a few acres of land. to no avail. They came out of the cave and
chanced upon some buried wealth in my
But Suzu and Yamar continued to be walked homeward. “It may rain. Let’s hurry,”
ancestral house,” he told his neighbours.
friends. It was a habit with them to go into said Yamar and he walked faster than Suzu.
Suzu was glad that his friend had
the forest whenever both had leisure. One “My son, would you kindly lift this
prospered. “In times of need I can seek his
day they entered a cave. Suzu’s attention stack of dry wood and place it on my head?”
help, after all!” he told his wife. His wife was
went over to some small stones which said an old woman who sat under a tree,
not so sure. She even suspected that the
appeared to shine in the darkness. He looking appealingly at Yamar.
stones Suzu had found were the source of
picked them up. When both came out of
Yamar’s prosperity. Yamar hurried away after casting a
the cave, he showed them to Yamar. Yamar
contemptuous look.
examined them. His eyes flashed with One day Suzu headed towards the cave
excitement, but he said casually, “I am to alone. He needed some money badly to buy “Granny! Let me carry the stack for
some medicine for his little son. On reaching you,” said Suzu as he lifted the burden and

152 CHAN DAM AMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

lVikram Vetal
Adventure Humour
Jk Moral

placed it on his own head. He followed the stops giving you more. Do not depend on “Ha ha!” Suzu laughed with some
woman to her hut and kept the stack down it forever. You must work honestly. When anguish and said, “Well this is expected to
at her door. you have got everything to lead a reasonably give us some food!” he said light-heartedly
carefree life, throw it into the sea.” and turned the wheel to the right.
“My son, it was so sweet of you to help
me,” said the old woman. She then brought Suzu thanked the man, accepted the Lo and behold, there were several
out a piece of cake and gave it to him. “You wheel and resumed walking. items of food ready to be eaten. Suzu turned
look hungry. Eat this cake. It will not only the wheel to the left. Suzu, his wife and son
It was too much to believe that a mere
satisfy your hunger but cure you of diseases — all remained speechless. Suzu then asked
bamboo wheel could grant him anything
if you have any.” the wheel for the medicine that would cure
he needed. He needed some money for his
Suzu was happy. Though it was not a his son. It was there. The little boy took it
son’s medicine. No doubt, his friend Yamar
big piece, he decided to give it to his ailing would come to his aid. and felt fine. By then a heavy downpour
son. had begun. Suzu’s roof was leaking. “Let us
It had started raining when he reached have a reasonably good house.” His wish
He had hardly taken a few steps when Yamar’s house. was fulfilled.
someone called out to him in a piteous
“My friend, I need some money badly. The whole village saw with
tone: “O passer-by, I’m dying of hunger.
My son is ill and ...”
Can you give me something to eat/” asked amazement that Suzu had come to own

a stranger lying on a slab of stone. Alas, he “Suzu, please come in and have some the most elegant house in the region.

gave the impression that he was gasping for food. But now that I have numerous friends, Yamar goggled and surveyed it, his

the last few breaths of his life. Suzu lost no I cannot go on helping every friend’s ailing mouth agape. “How was it possible?” he

time in offering him the cake he had. The sons!” said Yamar. asked his friend. “With God’s Grace,”

dying man ate it with relish and sat up. replied Suzu.
“But I promise to pay back what you
“Good man, here’s a small gift for you. lend me!” By and by, Suzu obtained from the

Did I say small? Indeed, small in appearance magic wheel whatever he needed to live
“Must I repeat what I said?” asked Yamar.
but great in performance,” said the stranger. comfortably.

He then handed to Suzu a small wheel made “Thanks, you need not,” said Suzu. He
Yamar lost his peace of mind and even
of bamboo sticks. It had a handle. “Ask for sighed and went home.
sleep. Night after night he would loiter
anything you really need and turn the wheel “What have you brought, Father?” around Suzu’s house and peep through
towards right. As soon as your demand has asked his ailing son, looking at the bamboo the window to find out the secret of his
been fulfilled, turn it to your left so that it wheel in his father’s hand. prosperity.

CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years
One night he saw Suzu turning the He went down into the sea along with the
wheel to the right after asking it for a stone boat.
image of the deity he worshipped. Once the
But the wheel went on producing
idol was there, he told his wife, “It is time
more and more salt. The whole sea became
I threw the wheel into the sea. We have
salty. Even today the wheel is giving out salt
enough. We must not forget how to labour
so that no amount of rain falling on the sea
and earn our living.”
can make it any less salty! That explains!
“I agree,” said Suzu’s wife. m
Yamar now knew the secret. He
observed where Suzu kept the wheel. At
midnight he managed to steal it away. He
brought a boat the next day and sailed
towards a small island not very far from the
mainland. He wished to create a palace and
fit it with every conceivable luxury. Then he
would shift his family there so that Suzu did
not suspect him of stealing the magic wheel.

He had carried some food with him.

After an hour’s sailing, he felt hungry
and began to eat the food. The cook had
forgotten to add salt. He smiled. He turned
the wheel to the right asking it for salt.
Instantly there was a heap of salt in front of
him. But the wheel went on producing more
and more salt. Soon he was scared of the
load on the boat. But he did not know how
to stop the heap from growing. As he looked
on with panic, the boat began sinking. Two
boatmen swam towards Yamar’s passing
boat. But Yamar did not know how to swim.

from him. Come back after your education

is complete.”

The prince had a hard time carrying

the bag, walking the long distance, resting
under trees, sleeping on hard ground, eating
whatever he could get, and having no
one to look after him. He finally reached
Takshasila and went to the Master, told him
the purpose of his coming, handed him the
money, and joined as a pupil. The boy was
very sharp and quick in learning, and the
Master was satisfied.

The Master and his pupil used to go

to the river every morning for bathing.
One day, as they were having a bath,
have enough sculptors in our own kingdom? an old woman came there with a basket

Why should the prince undergo an ordeal?” of groundnuts. She washed them and
hile Brahmadutta ruled
spread them on a cloth. The prince saw
Banaras, the Bodhisattva was born as a But the king did not agree with them.
this, finished his bath in a hurry and
Master Sculptor at Takshasila. Princes from In the kingdom, the boy was a prince and
came out of the river. When he thought
far-off countries went to him to learn the art as such he would never learn anything
the old woman was not looking, he
of sculpting. properly. At Takshasila, he would be an
grabbed a handful of nuts and put them
The king received several reports of ordinary person; he would serve his teacher
into his mouth. The old woman noticed
the Master and decided to send his own son and learn things in a disciplined manner.
everything but said nothing.
to study the art under him. The prince was given only a pair of
The next day the same thing
None of the ministers and other thin slippers and an umbrella. He was asked
happened. The old woman ignored it again.
courtiers liked this idea. The prince was to carry a bag of one thousand silver pieces.
But, when the boy repeated the offence
hardly sixteen. How could he live alone “Walk all the way to Takshasila,” the king
on the third day also, she got very angry.
at far-off Takshasila, serve the Master, and told his son, “pay the Master the thousand
“Good sir,” she told the Master, “your pupil
learn art? “O King,” they said, “don’t we pieces of silver, obey him and learn the art
has been stealing my groundnuts every

day. I do not mind the loss much. But this In course of time, the prince became But the Master was not shocked as
boy is a thief and a real blot on your great the king. One day he thought of the vow the king expected. On the other hand, he
reputation. Punish him so that he will stop he had taken in regard to his teacher. So he revealed the king’s secret in the court.
thieving in future.” invited the Master at Takshasila.
“O King,” he said, “while you were
On reaching home, the Master or¬ The Master accepted the invitation my pupil and under my charge, you did
dered his other pupils to hold the prince by but did not start for Banaras at once. The something which was beneath your status. It
his hands and gave him three strokes on his boy had ascended the throne only re¬ is the duty of the teacher to punish his pupil
back with a cane. “I punished you,” he told cently, he thought. Let him enjoy his new when he does something wrong, and to
the prince, “because you did something bad. status for some time. He could go and see make him walk the path of rectitude. Had I
Don’t you ever do it again!” him later. not punished you that day, you would have
been a bandit by now, instead of occupying
The prince was in a terrible rage, but Some time later the Master made the
this dignified throne. A wise man would
he could do nothing. Though he was a trip to Banaras. When he went to see the
never get angry with one who punished him
prince in Banaras, he was a common man king, the entire court received him with great
for a misdeed; on the contrary, he would be
here. Also, the Master had the right to respect because he was a teacher to the king
punish his pupils. himself. He was made to sit next to the king.
Now that the entire court knew of his
‘When I become the king,’ he swore to The rage that was smouldering in
misdeed, the king blushed with shame. He
himself, ‘I shall get him to Banaras on some the breast of the king began to grow into
fell at the Master’s feet and cried, “O Great
pretext and have him killed.’ a fire at the sight of this old man who had
One! I made one more slip and you’ve
once dared to punish him. In the midst of
In the course of time, the prince pulled me up once again. I’m really grateful
general conversation, he suddenly turned
completed his studies. Having got to you!”
to the Master and said, “Sir, one who dealt
ready for his journey back to Banaras,
out punishment for a mere handful of By saying these words, the king earned
he touched the feet of the Master and
groundnuts is surely fit to be put to death. the respect of not only the entire court
received his blessings. “Sir,” he said, “I
Tell me, is it not so?” but the Master himself. The king insisted
request you to come to Banaras after
that the Master remain with him for good.
I become the king. I shall then be in a None in the court save the Master
So the Master gave up his residence in
position to give you the reception that could understand what the king said. He
Takshasila and settled down in Banaras. _
you merit.” The Master was glad to hear wanted the Master to undergo the tortures
these words, and he promised to make the of a doomed man. He was going to die
trip to Banaras in due course. anyway.

Soon afterwards, one of the bullocks died,

and Somadutt’s father became helpless. The
animal was supporting him and now it was
no more. He thought of his educated son
in the king’s Court. Surely, he could get
a bullock gifted by the king. The old man
went to Benares and met his son.

“O father,” Somadutt said, “you’re

too old to toil; so is mother. Why don’t
you both come and stay with me? You’ll be

The Needy “No, son,” the old man replied, “I’ve

all along lived on that bit of land, and I
intent to die there. Get me a bullock, and
I shall live happily, cultivating my land. I
won’t be happy here.”

hile Brahmadutta ruled shared his father’s drudgery, but that would Now Somadutt had been in employ-
Benares, Bodhisattva was born to a poor not have added to the income since the ment in the Court only for a short time. He
Brahmin. He was named Somadutt. His land was very small. So, he told his father, had not set aside enough income to buy a
father cultivated a small bit of land that he “Let me go to Takshasila and acquire bullock for his father. And he felt delicate
possessed and somehow managed to run his learning.” to ask for a gift from the king; he might take
family. him to be a greedy man.
Somadutt went to Takshasila and
When Somadutt came of age, his studied under a guru. After completing his “Father,” he said, “if I ask the king for
heart was filled with pity for his aged studies, he returned home. His father was a bullock, he might ask me why I want it, for
father who broke his back working on the still labouring on the land with the help of whom I want it, and so on. In any case, it is
land from morning till night. In order to a couple of bullocks. He could not bear to not fit for an employee of the Court to beg for
bring happiness to his father, he thought see this state of affairs even for a moment. favours. You don’t have such limitations. Tell
of acquiring education and securing The very next day he proceeded to Benares the king what happened and plead for the gift
employment. He could have, of course, and found employment in the king’s Court. of a bullock. He may not deny you.”

“Son, I’m a villager. I don’t know “Who are you.7” the king asked him.
anything other than driving the plough,” “What do you desire/” At once the old
said the old man. “How can I enter the man began to recite the verse. But in his
king’s Court, face his majesty, and ask him confusion he made a mistake while reciting
something/ I’d die of fright, first. I don’t the lines!
even know how to word a request. So don’t
Instead of saying, “Give me another
put me to all this trouble. Ask the king
bullock,” the old man said, “Take the other
“Then,” said Somadutt, “I’ll make the
Everyone burst out laughing.
task easy for you. I shall write out a verse.
Somadutt hang his head in shame.
Get it by heart and recite it before the king.
He’ll give you what you want.” “Is it to offer me your second bullock
that you’ve come all the way here/” the king
The old man agreed to this
jokingly asked the old man.
arrangement. Somadutt wrote the following
and gave it to his father: “Yes, your majesty,” the old man
replied boldly. “It has given me enough
“O King, I used to have two bullocks.
trouble already.” He then narrated all that
I was tilling the land with their help. had taken place.

Now one of them is dead. The king was most pleased with the
behaviour of Somadutt. Every employee in
So, O King, give me another. ”
the Court was in the habit of seeking petty
With great difficulty, with his son’s favours from the king under some pretext
help, the old man learnt the verse by heart. or other.

Then Somadutt took him to the But even in dire need, Somadutt
Court along with him. As per his son’s would not do that. The king ordered
instructions, the old man folded his hands that eight pairs of oxen be dressed and
before the king as well as the ministers and decorated. He then gifted them to the old
stood expectantly. man.
kVlKRAM VKTAL Humour Moral

“Master, what about our sharing the

strain? Shouldn’t you let me sleep for half
the night while you guarded the horse?”
proposed Yusuf.

“My boy, I can solve the issue of

sharing your strain in a different way. It
will be strenuous for you to guard both the
merchandise and the horse at the same
time. So, you guard only the horse outside
the tent; I shall guard the merchandise
inside the tent.”

Yusuf obediently sat outside the tent,

The Answer was Simple! leaning on the trunk of a tree and kept
vigil. As he was tired, soon he too fell into a

Suddenly, in the middle of the night,

his master’s voice startled him. “What are
n the good old days, there lived The merchant rode his horse loaded you doing, Yusuf?” asked the merchant in a
a wealthy merchant. He was as stingy as he with goods, while Yusuf ran ahead. The sleepy tone from under his shelter.
was selfish. merchant never gave him an opportunity to
“I’m pondering!” replied the servant
ride even for a little while.
One morning he set out on business to with a presence of mind.
a faraway town. He hired a young man named All day long they thus journeyed with
“What are you pondering over?”
Yusuf as his servant to accompany him. some rest from time to time. In the evening
enquired the merchant.
they came to a place where the merchant
“But, Master, I may not be able to bear
decided to halt for the night. After they had “What do I do, if coming to pluck a
the strain of the long travel,” murmured
pitched the tent and eaten their supper, the rose, I see only thorns and no rose?”
trader asked his servant to take the saddle
“Well, you should simply walk away
“That’s no problem. I’ll share the off the horse and keep guard while he
without touching the thorns. No doubt,
strain with you,” said the merchant. enjoyed some sleep.
you are an alert watchman! Keep it up, my

CHAN DAM AM A: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years 159

“I’m still in deep contemplation!” was
the plain reply.

“Well, you are still pondering and

wondering?” asked the master, satisfied
that his faithful servant had so long very
attentively kept watch over his horse.

“Yes, indeed I’m pondering, wondering

and thinking deeply that yesterday, O
Master, you rode the horse and I ran in
front. But today, who will ride the horse and
who will run in front if there is no horse?”
said Yusuf in a slow, measured tone.

“The answer is simple! We both will

walk together!” replied the merchant, as
it took some time for Yusuf’s words to sink
into his dull mind. But when they did, he
burst out of the tent like an arrow. He saw
only the saddle lying on the ground and his

boy!” exclaimed the master and went back handsome horse was nowhere to be seen.
“Oh! What will happen if the sun
to sleep. suddenly decides not to rise tomorrow?” He bemoaned his fate and buried his head
between his hands.
A couple of hours passed. The trader “Why should I bother? I’ll walk away
awoke and asked again, “Tell me, O my without waiting for the sun, as soon as it is Nevertheless, from that day onwards,

servant, what are you doing now?” to everyone’s surprise, a change came over
dawn!” said the master with a satisfied note
the selfish trader. He realised that had he
and then caught up with his sleep.
Yusuf, who had in fact just closed his
shared Yusuf’s strain and guarded the horse
eyes, woke up again and replied in a lazy Some more time lapsed and it was for half the night, Yusuf would not have
strain, “I’m still wondering, my master!” nearing dawn. The merchant got up once fallen asleep making it easy for the thief to
again. “Do you hear me, Yusuf? How are you lead the horse away.
“What are you wondering about, this
doing now?” he asked.

160 CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

VlKRAM VETAL Adventure Humour Moral

V”^’ong long ago, in a small village thought and he quietly kept a few guavas
lived a poor man named Haridas. He earned before the hermit.
his living by toiling the fields of the wealthy.
The hermit opened his eyes and
But there were not many wealthy smiled. Haridas bowed to him. “This is my
peo'ple in the locality and they had not humble offering to you, Sir,” he said. “I wish
enough work to offer him day after day. I could give you something more valuable.
But I’m so poor!”
Once it so happened that he went
without any work for three consecutive days. The hermit smiled again, but said nothing.
His family was on the verge of starving.
“Sir, give me a word of advice before I
“Let me go into the forest. Maybe I’ll leave you. I would consider myself fortunate
find some edible fruit or roots,” he thought to hear your voice,” said Haridas.
and entered the forest.
“Go forward, my boy!” said the hermit
After some searching, he found some and he closed his eyes.
juicy guavas hanging from a tree, quite ripe.
Haridas decided to act as advised. He
He was delighted. He climbed the tree and
stood up, turned and began walking forward.
plucked them. “This much should do for
He had not gone far when he found a piece
today,” he thought as he climbed down.
of silver lying before him. He picked it up
On his journey back home, he saw a and straightaway went to the bazaar. He sold
hermit seated under a tree. The old man it and returned home with a bagful of rice,
looked so weak that Haridas was sure he vegetables, sweets, and some surplus money.
had not eaten for many days. “I can give
Next day, he went into the forest with
him my share of the guavas. I can pull on
sweets for the hermit. But the old man was
for yet another day without any food,” he
not to be seen.

CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

Suddenly what should he see but a piece He looked in every direction. Soon he
of diamond lying before him! He carried it saw the flicker of a light. He advanced towards
to the king. Experts said that a diamond of it. There was a small hut. Inside, in front of a
that quality was not there either in the royal lamp, sat an old man. Haridas tiptoed in, knelt
collection or among the queens jewellery. down and gazed into his face. Yes, he was the
The king bought it. He was also impressed by hermit he had met some twenty years ago.
Haridas’s humility and goodness. He invited The hermit had not changed.
him to visit the court from time to time.
“The hermit had given me the keyword
Familiarity with the king brought that brought me prosperity, but he himself
Haridas prestige in society. After a year the continued to dwell in a hut. Why? One who
king made him a noble in his court. By then could lead others to prosperity could have
he had become a prominent merchant and prospered himself if he wished to!” Haridas
landlord. His sons managed his business and continued to reflect on the question.
his property well.
The hermit opened his eyes and

Suddenly Haridas thought, “The hen Once in a while Haridas would feel a smiled. Haridas suddenly seemed to have
strong urge to meet the hermit and convey his found the answer to his question.
mit had asked me to go forward. He had not
told me how far! Let me go farther.” gratefulness to him. But he never saw the old
“What do you want now?” asked the
man again, though he looked for him, here
He started walking. In a dense area hermit.
and there in the forest time and again.
of the forest, he found a piece of gold. He “Master! Give me the kind of prosper¬
returned home, delighted. He sold it in the One day Haridas asked himself why he
ity you have got!”
town for a good price. He constructed a should not go even farther forward! Next
day he took the path meandering through “Why not! Don’t stop going forward!”
house, bought lands and opened a shop in
the forest and never stopped walking till it said the hermit.
the village.
was evening. In fact, he lost track of time. Thereafter, Haridas was seen neither
He prospered. Years passed. Then, one
He had crossed the spot where he had in his village nor in the royal court. Going
day, he wondered, “Why should I not go
found the diamond. forward had assumed a new meaning for
still farther?”
He stumbled against a rock and realised him. It was an adventure no longer into the
He began walking into the forest and forest, but into his own consciousness. The
that it was dark. He had come deep into the
passed the spots where he had found the hermit was his example.
forest. He must find shelter for the night.
silver and the gold.

162 CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years


whatever saving he had made. An elderly

widow of the neighbouring house prepared
food for them. But Raghav could not
afford rich or delicious food. Virkumar
felt irritated. He rarely came home. Along
with two or three of his friends, who were
vagabonds like himself, he began stealing.
The gang often threatened the shopkeepers
in the bazaar and forced them to part with a
share of their earnings.

One night, while Virkumar lay on

the verandah of an inn, one burglar was
Misplaced Heroism attracted towards his bag. The fellow would
have decamped with Virkumar’s belongings
if a small street dog had not violently barked
at him. Virkumar woke up and, with the
dog’s help, not only chased the burglar
irkumar’s parents died when refused to learn or work. He whiled away all away, but snatched the burglar’s purse from
he was an infant. He was brought up by his his time in the company of other village boys. his waist-fold.
grandfather, Raghav.
Raghav grew old. With age, his Virkumar patted the dog and fed
Raghav was a hard-working farmer. capacity to work declined. He could not till it. From that moment, the two became
Single-handed, he could turn his piece of his entire land; he could not raise healthy inseparable companions. By and by
land into a plate of gold. It yielded him a crops as he used to. At the same time, he Virkumar’s dog grew up to be the most
rich crop year after year. Raghav maintained was unhappy on account of Virkumar’s ferocious creature in the area, just as
himself and his grandson reasonably well conduct. Several times he advised the Virkumar was the most dreaded man. With
and could also save some money. young man to learn to work. But the fellow the dog by his side, Virkumar grew bolder.
turned a deaf ear. Small traders who came from distant places
All the villagers loved Raghav. That is
why they loved Virkumar also. The boy was to the bazaar were his targets. In darkness,
One year Raghav took to bed, beset
pampered by all. That, unfortunately, did along the bushy road, he confronted them
with pain in his joints. He could not go
not prove good for him. As he grew up, he and plundered their belongings.
up to his fields. He also began spending

CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60
with his dog, his other friends, all rowdies, had our field. Who knows, tonight it may not be
left him. He had nobody to console him. from our field?” said Sudarshan.

That evening, after a long time, he From the verandah Virkumar said
returned home. By then Raghav was on the loudly: “Uncle, please allow me to guard the
verge of death. Vigour came back to the old crop in your field tonight. I’m strong enough
man for a moment at the sight of Virkumar. to offer resistance to any plunderer”.

“My child, I’ve heard everything. No Sudarshan was unwilling to leave the
muscle power, no dog, can ever be one’s job to Virkumar. But Virkumar insisted on
security. If you’re proud of your physical taking it up. A lathi in hand, he went across
strength, some day you shall be humbled by to the field.
a stronger person. If you’re proud of your
Virkumar was very proud that everyone At midnight, the villagers heard some
cleverness, some day you shall be snubbed
him. Alas, pride does not last. The shrieks and shouts from the fields. Some of
by a cleverer man”, said the dying Raghav.
landlord of the region used to get information them went out to see what the matter was.

about the menace that Virkumar’s dog had “What then is your advice to me, On seeing them, the thieves fled. In fact,

turned out to be. He himself was an expert grandfather?” asked Virkumar, sobbing. the thieves had come as a gang to plunder

hunter and he kept a ferocious giant dog. One the lands of several villagers. Virkumar
“My child, be humble. If you’ve strength,
rode towards Virkumar’s village while single-handedly had checked them,
use it for serving someone in need.”
dog ran with the horse. The moment the inflicting injuries on so many of them. In
These were almost his last words. the process, he himself had been wounded.
landlord’s dog saw Virkumar’s dog, it pounced
When he died, the villagers did everything
on it and tore it to pieces. Virkumar’s dog died The villagers brought him back to
to perform his last rites. His immediate
with a piercing howl. Sudarshan’s home. He was nursed by his
neighbour, Sudarshan, invited Virkumar to
The villagers saw the incident from a family and recovered soon. By now, he
his house and fed him.
safe distance. Instead of sympathising with had become the hero of the village. In due
Next day, in the evening Virkumar course of time, he married Sudarshan’s
Virkumar, they seemed to enjoy his loss.
overheard Sudarshan’s wife telling daughter and lived an ideal life.
They greeted the landlord and some of
Sudarshan: “You shouldn’t go to the fields
them even said: “Thank you, sir!” “Virkumar was always a vir (hero),”
today. You have fever.”
Virkumar saw darkness all around him. the villagers said. “But his heroism was
“I’ve to go. Last night some thieves temporarily misplaced!”
He suddenly felt that with his dog gone, he had
cut away the ripe crop from the fields near
been reduced to a zero. Since his friendship

CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

This cottage in the Chandamama building at Vadapalani served as Mr. Nagi Reddi’s office. It was witness to several historical decisions in the history of Chandamama.
(Left) Mr. Dasari Subramaniam receives Long Service Citation from Director Vinod
Mr. H.N. Robinson, the first Editor after the English Edition was revived
Sethi, as Mr. B. Viswanatha Reddi looks on.

(Right) Mr. Sivasankaran receiving the Long Service Citation from Director Sudhir
At Rashtrapathi Bhavan, when the inaugural issue of “junior Chandamama” was blessed by the then President Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam on April 10, 2003.
From Left to Right: Dr. Sudhir Rao, Director, Mr. B. Viswanatha Reddi, Editor/Publisher, Mr. Sinna Karuppan of Singapore, and Mr. Vinod Sethi, Director.

Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years
JArt (gallery
KJx f every magazine, it is the cover that attracts the eye first and creates an immediate impression. For children’s
magazines, this is doubly so. If Chandamama is known for the variety in its content, there is no doubt the pictures on its
covers for the past sixty years had had a great impact on the readers. The four-colour paintings are an epitome of the
objectives of the magazine and a showpiece of the high creative talent of the artists who made them. The following pages
showcase paintings from the brushes of eight artists who were associated with Chandamama between 1947 and 2007.
In a way, the paintings also signify the evolution of the magazine and the changing times. The more than 800 paintings
that had appeared in Chandamama s thirteen editions are the quintessence of the Indian tradition, worth preserving for
posterity’s sake.

K.C. Sivasankaran (Shankar)

Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

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T. Veera Raghavan (Chitra)

Vaddaadi Papaiah (Vapa)

CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years

178 CHANDAMAMA: Celebrating 60 Wonderful Years
If i 1

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Chandamama, conceptualised by legendary filmmakers

Shri B. Nagi Reddi and his friend Shri Chakrapani, was
launched in 1947. The two envisioned the magazine as a
medium to familiarise the post-Independence generation
with Indian tradition, folklore, mythology and history
through stories. The magazine has survived many ups and
downs over the years and successfully completes its 60th
year. It was acquired by Mumbai-based Geodesic in 2007.
Rich content and complementary illustrations have
marked the growth of the magazine over the years. Now,
in its new avatar as a corporate entity, Chandamama
Limited is expanding into related areas including online
( and films and video production
with its hank of over 15,000 exclusive stories. Interactive
books and CDs are also part of Chandamama's efforts to
reach out, educate and entertain today's young minds.

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