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0-98) See aie ei eo 2238 % 623) 2" 25 Hz to 35 Hz = 157-08 tad/see to 219-912 rad/sec m= 85 /o.31 = 2-6646 Kg Transmissibility of an undamped isolater is given by & (9-94): 4 Teo Say (6 For s0%, vibration isolation, 2. CE) sives 4 any | we [RY] = s or Bae 224495 at w= asin, y= 1571084214495 = 641274 vad free At w= 35 Hz, ©, =219-92/2-4495 = %9+7783 rad/sec at tte [Un = (er = [Hen = f?*7 ou or 1 PeBE ae At «= 25 He, Bee = 181K eq ares =0:002385 m at ws Hz, Sse = 791/099-7782) = o-001217 Select static deflection of isolator af 0002335 m- Bee checking the performance at c= 35 Hz: n= 641274 Yad see» AE WS= 35 Hz, i L 2 |t-(219-912/ ea.i274)*| > 915% isolation , better than the reguired amount. Ty. = 00850 §,, of isolator = 0-2385 mm MZ = BOON, G9, = Goo Tem = operating speed = 62-932 rad/see T= 25 at w= oy, &_. (9:94) gives 9-20 14 @sry with = & Gor + erry oe ) At rat 2 4st 44s” ais SH] ease a 7 o aye PFs 01282 At operating speed, T= 0-1 and y= o-2i82 5 & 5. (8) gives Lt 4 (0.2, Co ak 132) : G-r*)* + 4 (o-2zten)* which » upon simplification, becomes y4-20-9595 r*-99 20 = t= 24.8443 Be ov B= 49844 Since c9,= 62-832 vad/sec, t9,= 12-6057 rad /sec = fe = wm = ((2- 6057) ( $22) = 12958. 5054 N/m * Isolator is defined by «= 12958-5054 N/m c= amy y= 2 ( $98) (i2 6087) 2182) = 448-0137 Mt M= 500 %, me= 50 tg-cm, W= 300 Tpm= 31-dle Tad /iee Fy = steady state force magnitude = mew* » Wy Kia Static deglection of compressor = 5,,= f= mew (e) kt *« 7 % Transmission ratios Ti= Fe + it@re with r= %, d-r*)* + (2¥r) Amplitude of vibration of compressor i‘ sXe f ee ee Leo many vote =e aaa For a geod design, 7. must be small. Alco X should be small for smaller dynam stress. 9-21 2 a 16. (E2) Ser Te# rl amd Negras (ae ri(ok rye ve G-ry+ fal or should be large or us, small For small Tp, rt 5.96 1? -99 =0 or r= 13+ 3665 or Te Oy, = 3+ 6560 so that ' ' \ Wy= 3 46/3, 656 = 45929 rad/see w= (B5929)" (500) = 3699-2174 Nio 2 52) (11-46) 36919-2174 = 09-0134 m Boas = 23166 n= Yo.a1c6 = 416/3.3166 = 54724 rad /see -/— c= (914724 (500) = 44 363.1807 N/m a= mew, ($2) (stane)* 44 963-1809 ye us* oon ris 1363665, (= rt) "= 152-9303 G@yr)*= (o2x 3-656)* = o-oo m = 01 5347 pretl, Gert) = 10 Om): 2 7 G@s)'= G29) sen SB) 183865 = aoe 500 Y1s2-9303¢0° 5347 By (Er): = 01001079 ™ 2 x» GS). 500 190 + O04 “Since. X is smaller in the case of shocw absorber, ib preferred. In this case, a smaller value of « will be sufficient; this leads bb 2 cheaper design- 9-22 m = 200 #9, &= 10000 N/m, T= O15, Wye = zotn rad/s @) i > 4s t+sr) £ a From 6. (9°94), {oie eee we 4+ @sr) > G@-ry*+@Tr)* we. t> Gry This gives 4 > S+rf—2r7 ; rtoar® < 0 r*(r=2) <0 rico or re 2 Physically possible solution is < VEO, i fo < (707K) = 10 rad/s < 95.4927 Tpm @y econ: i Brom Gy (9.94), tare) < ood {U1-¥2)* + Garry? } 4 4 +009 7% < 0-04 + 0.01 4 — 002 r* + 00009 r? orot rt — o- 1094 £7 0-99 > 0 Crt—16-s021)(r*+ 59920) > 0 he 8 6-802) 20, v245-8920 >o oF TF —16-8021<0, r45:992<0 hey? > (6.4021, 12 >- 5-992 or >< 16-8021, rr< —5-892 i (net possible) : rtp ieso21, +> 4+0990 U9 > 4:0990( 7.071) = 28-9844 rad/s = 276-7803 rpm For undamped system, transmission ratio is: or 0.4 k~153.2554=—k or k ~ 100.4682 Ib/in ‘Thus k has to be less than 109.4682 Ib/in to provide more than 60% isolation. mg 150 ms _ 150 __ _ 1.3703 inch. Tee 7 Woeasay ~ 13708 inch k= SE or (Sais Ox 9-23 50 kg; a= a (2-7) = 125.664 rad/sec 5 ¢ = 0.07 (3) For 75% isolation, Eq. (1) gives ozs? 1+ (2 (0.07) r? (L— 1°)? +(2 (0.07) (7)? The solution of Eq. (2) is given by: () eee Q-—PP+(2sr? or 0.0625 r* — 0.143875 r? — 0.9375 =0 (2) 1? = 5.186255 (positive value) or r = 2.2773 w 125.864 _ 22773 2.2773 Maximum stiffness: k =m w = (50) (55.1803*) = 152,243.1865 N/m This gives wy = 1803 rad /see = 80kg;u= a (2 7) = 104.72 rad/see Fr 2000 k k a =0.2= i acre (1) ©) Fy ~ Toor * [lao ~* ko Go) % Using the negative sign in Eq. (1), we find 0.2 k — 17.5460 (10*) =—k . ue = O09 agg 0ts3 Non Maximum stiffness (b) Steady state amplitude: Fo k-mu? (c) Maximum amplitude of fan during start-up: 10000 x= | —$$—_$__——________ 148217.0453 — 87.7302 (10%) 0.01368 m Fo Fo asec @ komad | kli-— where VE- AJ REOES = 42,7518 red /sce Using w = w,, X—+ 00. Hence an undamped ne must pass through resonance very quickly to avoid damage. < 9-24 = 300 kg; = “ (2.7) = 314.16 rad/see ; Fy = 30,000 N Requirements: a) (2) (3) es Fr Kate |? — 10000 “ Fo (e-ma?}? +o? c?} ~ 30000 5. For achieving isolation, r > V2. Hence eee go ecinens (10°) N/m (3) Since four inequalities, Eqs. (2) to (5), are to be satisfied, in general, we need to use an iterative process. From Eq. (3), we obtain: Fo _ Fo _ 30000 = 0.02 or ¢ > 4774.6371 N—s/m (8) ROS € We assume ¢ = 5000.0 N-s/m and k = 6 (10°) N/m as trial values. These values satisfy Eqs. (5) and (8) and give: 1 i {e -mutl +a ef -{c (10°) — (300) (314.16%))? + (314.16 00" = 23.6611 (10°) and the left hand side of Eq, (2) becomes: 30000.0 11 (10 .001268 m < 0.0025 m and hence Eq. (2) is satisfied. The numerator on the left hand side of Eq. (4) is: 1 1 fe + ef =f (20") + (314.16 cao." = 6.1844 (10°) 9-25 and the left hand side of Eq, (4) thus becomes: 4 (10°) = 0.2614 23.6611 (10°) which is less than the value on the right hand side. Thus Eq. (4) is satisfied. The final design is given by k = 6.0 (10°) N/m and c = 5000.0 N-s/m. mm = 120 kg ; me = 0.2 kg-m ; k = 0.5 (10°) N/m ; ¢ = 0.06 1 1 «lz _ fos (10%)% cay JEL? 29500) }? _ g4.s407 madfooe ¢ Pr <2500N = 120 Eq. (9.103) gives: ? 1+ (2 (0.08) (r))? Fr < 2500 es (@— FF + @ (0.08) (*)? mek (0.2) (64.54074) 10.0144 7 9 or a x L+rt—2r +0014 2 <3 @ Setting the left hand side of Eq. (1) equal to -&, we obtain ¥ 1? — 436.1111 r* + 103.1111 r? — 555.5555 =0 (2) The roots of this cubic equation are given by rf = 0.751358 0.866809 ; 14 = 55.0523 rad/ace rk = 1.52760 ; 1.23596 ; w, = 79.7808 rad/sec 1} = 483.834 ; rg = 21.9962 ; w = 1419.8481 rad/sec From Fig. 3.16, the values of «4, %» and «3 can be interpreted as shown in the following figure. It can be seen that the force transmitted to the foundation will be less than 2500 N (actually, less than 2500 V8 /3 = 2357.0226 N) over the frequency range wy ~ Ws (ie., 79.7808 rad /see - 1419.8481 rad/sec). 9-26 me = 1.0 kg-m ; w = 800 to 2000 rpm = 83.776 to 209.44 rad/see Fp = 7018 N at 800 rpm and 43865 N at 2000 rpm Fy $6000 N over the speed range ; ¢ = 0.08 To find k. 1 . : Fr Lees | - 6000 Relation be satisfied: =)——_—_ i eee mee ta ay + (267? a : 2 = 6000 ot {fla teeg| < 20. 2g = 719.1308)? + 7.1913 Hence k = 3567.2175 Ib/tt is not acceptable, At 80 mph: Maz y = 2 (117.3334) = 234.6668 rad/seo, and Ea. (5) gives: es ot (xy hot ey fF aoa 1+001 0? or (234.8668*) (0,5) }__*7OOb rt agg? g 108) =F +001 F or rf — 1920.98 s* — 182798.0 =0 ” ‘The solution of Eq. (7) gives (with positive value of r2): r= 43.8742. Hence a 234.6008 VE = - = 5.3486 rad /see Tare ~“ag.araa ~ 52488 rad/s m Stiffness of the isolator (suspension) is: ag = 1500 2 f= Oe (6.3436%) Check for acceleration at 40 mph: Oy k 332.6646 Ib /tt Oy 2 v1 = 117.3334 rad/see, si, = 5.3486 rad/sec, and. 9-31 = 21.9372 rf = 481.2418, (2 ¢ 1)? = 4.8124, (1 —rf? = 230631.8983, and hence 1+@5m)* EE x(t) mar = 92 ¥ pasa Q =r +@ on) 1 = 5.8124 } = 34.5563 ft/sec? <2 g 230636.7107 646 Ib/tt is acceptable. = (6883.5034) { Hence k 335 ‘orce transmitted to base in case of Coulomb damping can be found using the squivalent viscous damping constant: 1 2 2 Fy ~{e x)? + (Coq af =xfe +a a} mae (~?¥ Gan? 1+ 2 Thus Fy =Fo 3 4uN *FEU— ITE 2)2 4uNn) lr 1422-9) amit [| a-r¥ ‘Thus the force transmissibility is given by 4un}?)* F. Pore # 7 ee eee » [¥] : ary 9-32 Under base excitation, the displacement transmissibility is given by (similar to that of 2 viscously damped system, Eq. 3.68): 1 ot eb, + i+ = 1) n-@) |e ee . oe PJ A 2 But (2) Substituting Eq. (2) into (1), we obtain 1 4uN pe 7 ilk | z- (3) aay 4 [4e® “| rkxX Relative displacementt transmissibility is given by (similar to Eq. 3.77): [< ' Ee ty 3 -—_*4 _ - - + 4 «® eels ke mit} a? ebf? a2)’ (wee { : “| | 2 te Using Eq, (2), (4) can be written as Zz $- (5) M = 200 kg ; me = 0.02 ke-m ; fy = ME = 0,005 m Mg __ (200) (9.81) 0.005 0.005 we = (2m) = 125.864 rad/see VE ssi = 44.2044 rad/see 200 39.24 (10) N/m 9-33 (a) Assume ¢ = 0 for the isolator. Amplitude of washiag machine (from Eq. 3.81): x-[24| 2 0.02 _(2.8370°) i {a a} 200 1 — 2.8370? =r (b) Force transmitted to foundation (given by Eq. 9.103): 1 h-?] 0.002 gem j « = 11.4188 (1075) m 2 Fp=meui (0.02) 442044") 7 eee ) = 44.8080 N — 2.83707 | 3000 = yp” (2 7) = 814.16 rad/soe 60 kg ; me Fr mew Let ¢ = 0 for the isolator. From the relation: Pr 1 meral [i-?[ weobtein Jl] >4 or r>2.2361 j= <0.25 <0.25 Let r = 0.25. = 125.664 rad/see. 1.4749 (105) N/m. (b) x= 22 oer (given by Eq. 3.82) he 0.002 35° OR? | 25m 39.8825 (107 30 | i—25*] (r= ans; = k =M ai = (60) (125.664) = 6.25 z oe (0) Fr =meud = = (0.002) (125.6842) $25 — 37.5987 N 9-34 G48 Using N= 3000 rpm and 8, = 0-01 m, Eg.(9:101) yields N= 29/9092 | 2-R O-ol (1- RY 7 ts ° Nes 008 ae 239:9092 or 1 or 3-5 1-R or R= 099996 thus the reduction in the transmitted force is 98.996/, (a9) 2" 30g, = 10-75 He = 62.892 ~ 471-240 rad/s Zo x oth, Fe EF eons Too 100-6081 Using the displacement transmissibility as Xo 5.15, we obtain : Y 7) t+ @se) 7 G-r?)? + (ay ry? Squaring this eguatron, we find e-o225 =_fte25 yr? r?)* 40-25 7? or 2 2 oo22s (tert —-2rreo2s rt )= 1402s 6 or 4 2 00225 ¢! ~0289375 f —0:9775 =O Solutron of this epuation is: 2 r= 15-6350563 -2:777945 Thus “oe 3954625 = = Sie CO fn oO ae eect 3954625 ~ 5.554605 ~ : or kee 1-918274 oo” thus 42 ¢ 787310776 Nha when w= 62-232 rad/s halide aa Nin When w= 471240 rad/s bg} Arelysiss oo 4 = 7,573°0776 N/m when w= 62-832 rad/s: 15-8832 rad/s since m= 30 4g r= 3.9346 @xr)'= 39098 tort = — 14, 6389 14 39098 T= §—— : rc fos > Acceptable when w= 471-240 rad/s: ve 29-6597 Qs ry = 219-9251 t-y? = -878-6978 pate alee ee ae 219925 = 001691 > Acceptable r 4 i | 1 1 When 425,985-6163 N/m When w= 62-932 rad/s: us+ter7 rad/s Since m= 30 eg e+ SE79 @rr) tay = 0 7219 = 006951 | o-0695! 4 gga ere = 13455 > Not acceptable When ese 47240 rad/s: T= 3.9546 @sr)* = f-y? = - 14-6399 (+ 3:9098 : leqanaParaeaet = 015 => Acceptable 3.9098 stiffness of the suspension = 4% = 7,573:0776 N/m: = 4,597- 6633 @ ws, K' _ [toocs-e Ac (2600/336.4) ee ea G2-832 re ee ees Go” 3e.5507 = w= S00(2) 2 62.932 rad/s Go meat a Wi (strome ct = 62 1S) @2.¢32) = 39.5507 rad/s = 6298 Since w> Wy, force transmitted to the foundation (Fr) is given by 9-36 5 PFs. = 4597-6633 op 75.6577 tb Fy F 26564 4 G) wy ae = [ 30000-0 ee aia rad/s (2600/386-4) ve @ = 62.832 = O9410 ea ee agit. = Since w < Wy, force transmitted to the founclation CFP) is given by = 4597: 6633 Toe Begg = 400145) 8132 Ab For harmonic base motion, the displacement transmissibility is given by x 1+ @sr> 4 i eee ay Y (amen as For an undamped isolator, Ep.(1) becomes ¥|cal a t-r In the present case, eet ea are r7= 2l 4m or eee pS A i” Segag 7 217422 rad/s 2 fe. fk ee = (217422) = 7.5197 Wn = sbifgness of isolator, Let the shock isolater be undamped. x = X Wy ay K max =k On (2) where X is the amplitude of the displacement of the mass. Since the maximum step velocity is specified as 0-01 m/s, the 9-37 maximum allewable value of X is given by Eg.(1): x= Smax cowl Bo or wy, > kana = a2 = 1 rad/s @) similarly, using the maximum specified value of % max os 209 = 196.2 m/s?» &%-(2) gives xo 2 1962 of WS Zmax _ [1962 x TY eer or Oy ZS 40-0714 rad /s @) Egs-(@) and @) give: L rad/s 5 Wy < [40.0714 rad/s By selecting the value of , in the middle of the range, we find the stiffness of the isolator pad (K) as 2 2 k= ™ Wy = 10 (70-5357) = 49,752.95 70 N/m m= 10° 9 , maximum deglection= 0.5 m From the respense spectrum, the peak value of (max £ F can be seen to be approximately 1:75 at a value of be Ba 2s ons. ou Xmax Using Xmax= 95> —MEX— = 1.75 gives ee 1:78 Fo _ 175 (10,000) = 70,0000 N/m % max os vi 9-38 Body mast (m) with mg~= 60 Lb stiffness = & = 400 th/in Natural frequency of the System: fet ce a. 26-4 &, tos om = seo Gee do 50.7543 rod/ see (i) Amplitude of base vibration =Y= 2:0 in At resonance, Steady Mote amplitude of body = x = Soin For freguency patio pet (at rosonance), Ep. (9:10) gives ce Mee 1+@3) - Y 2 @s)* 28 it 4s? a o Be Sse or T= 0-2182 4s" Ce Using the relation ¢ ie Yso2g2 = —— = 2m, 2 (60/2964) (60-7543) a = 0-218 Co ‘ a ay, rc ont 2 G2) (50 1543) = 39-4393 1b -See/in (i) When base frequency is us = 10 He = 62-032 radliee frequency ratio= r= 2 = 62-2920 . en Sn” So.7543 Steady state amplitude of the body (x)= 15 in Ep (9:107) gives : = 2380 Foree transmitted f the mass= 417X = 400(1-2390) (15) = 919-5864 Wb. 9-39 Displacement transmissibility of o damped single degree of freedom system subjected to base excitation, H(E)= Y Ain wt, is given by es (+ ers)? 2 laa ay ji oe a> (ry + Carsy —> v [Havel woul 4) Let velocity of coumene autemobile be v km/hour > FO EN and wavelength \ af sinusoidal We Ee “| surface be Lm. Frequency introduced te the base a the automobile: We awk 2 oT GE&2)-3 3600 L = 0:2778 7 rad /s @) Natural freguency of the Vehicle » (2 YE Gd ™ Freguency ratio. — & = 0277 ve @ r kK Damping ratio: ee eee z Coens stra @) Substitute Ege. (%) and G) in 7 a) % obtain | {i> G277e 4 fe TPE os 9-40 tom 4+ 007717 Gt i ta) oor? ve my" ze) * 0.07717 ve Le z ) @) 9-41 Mass of instrument =m= Harmonic motion: Y¥ sin cot doz frequency = 29 Hz = 125-664 rad/s cweceleration = {(-Y os? | loo Kg. = 0-5 w/a ; ~6 Amplitude = y= 2:5 = 25 _ . ay.ecaxionm ad 125-6647 = 01031663 mm Iselator: ke 25x10" Nin» 3= 005 Maximum displacement response (x) with isolator: 2 4 eee! a) Ger)" (25K) 4 Using > (EL = (2enet) ae = 50-0 rad/s 00 re G, = 25664 _ 3.5133 Hence the maximum displacement of instrument is: 2 x= Grsenns yf tt (2 «0105 2:5193) z (- 2.51937 4 (20.05 x 205133)" = 611338 x1 m Maximum acceleration experienced by the instrument is: [orx | (128-664) (611338 x10”) = 9686154 x10 m/s? = 0:09686 m/s* 9-42 Mass of the instrument = 20 kg =m- Range of engine freguencies: (000 rpm— 3000 rpm or 104.72 Tady, — 314.16 rad/s Let stiffness of spring (rsalator) Bere Then us [E = JE 2 o.o236 UK 20 Range of frequency ratios is: ray G3; nF a tb me as to4r72 Bide lé or ne es hh? = 1 O22 360K aT 9 2236le . . eee ete — te achieve 90% isolation, the value of the displacement transmissibility () fs! Tec sos Eg-( 1108) Sor S=0 gives = x 1 Deore a Y Lal For r= 4683963/p7 y Eg- (1) gives 2 ie ntl eee [a eeaaeee 468-3363" uw For ry = 1405 0089 /qg > Eg.) gives 2 lie] = lo [*- 405.0089" | _ 10 % or k= = 19,939-8991 N/m 9-43 2 1405-0089 k ate zo 2 or ee NOS 008T 7945 9:0917 N/m WT i Reguired spring stiffness of tke isolator ts A= 179, 459+ 0917 N/ow 9-44 Eppavelo pus otet x 4k ( becante cock hers ofpns = nertitace of ke x When tr mags" dirlaced by am amet x). Keg= 4 = 4 (52,000) = 200,008 ae Mos of infGramenk® = om = vee fa zoe = 26. 73 > 2% 3873 pinfleot oj 1 bake ow Semen Hea’ y(t )= oz Se ot ™ insamsck (Y)) a give by Gye (91108). Fav Y= 002 m, te [EE = 2 mio 903873 = 97 0456 A/S, = 10 reA/s , os = lo re SB = ng, oA se ma SEE lo4o Sz, Ey-(4-105> gives xe v ft} oy Zaayh = 0:02 (10103) = 0.02021 m 9-45 marion velocity = [aX] = [ie (oore20| = 0.2021 m/s Maximum acceleration = [ys* X| = (oy (ore 202)| = 2021 m/s 9-46 Torsional system with rotor: k, = 6000 N-™/rad > S4= 100 N-™-Sfrad » Jo= 5 4g =m Torgue applied te rotor: MED = My Sincst 5 M, = 500 Nom Steady state angular desplacement of rotor: @® = 5° = 0.08727 rad Find « and torpue transmitted te the base (Support) of tke rotor system: Force transmissibility of the roter system is given by an epuation amalosous fy (9°94): Me Ca-r*)* 4 (2yry* “ The steady state maximum amngulan displacement of the rotor under the agplied harmonic forgue is given by egpollion Aimilar te Ey- (9-90): ae Me (po Colcqesa 2 = (2) {ken to )*4 8 cf @) for @®= 0.08727 rad, Mo= 500 N-™, Ja = 5 tg-m , Cy= 100 N-m-A/pad amd k,= 6000 N-m/vod > Ep. (2) gives geet me (ey Be) +orcyy = 2 G> z ® Oey oo)” 2 Govo- 50") + @" (\e,000) = z @-08727) = 92-8254 x10 & (4) 9-47 simpl’$reation of &7-G) results in cs 2 6 25 ot sxio! us + 311746 x10 =o Roots of Eg-(5) are given by 4 3 on = 0 0656x106 3 9344 Xlo or (9,= $+ 0994 rad/s 3 = 43-9819 rad/s Using the Lower value of pfrepmemcy , the Preguemncy of, the harmonically aqplied forgue ix: as= 910994 rad/s. (by Maximum torg ne transmitted te the support or base & given 5 a oO: with @, [ee . 34:64lo rad/s, we oa S reo, = Sit = 02938, cE loo =0:2887, Se ere 2k To 2 Yeooo (5) 2 Csr)” = (2x 02997» 0.2338) = o-ol822, (ar? = G@-r)* = 0.94537 = 08937, 1- (0-2338)7 =0.9483, gC) gives ! t+ o-o/g22 = M.= 500 poteeteee _ - iS i. O87 37+ | oe 9-48 Cs) The maximum and minimum values of can be determined by setting However, tke resulting expression will be lengthy. Hence the Variation of Te with r for each Apecitic value of S ts plotted , using Eg. (9-106) > and the Following observations amd conclusions cam be made- 4. Ab rs0, TF this denotes the initial point of. all Ty versus Cues fay dippenent values of 5’ 2. The maximum amd minimum of Ty ane sokispead by the voots of the equation: aye + (loss s7) rest rt is0 (2) (obtainable from condition (1) ) . @) For damping ratios in the range < + = 0.3535 ofS 8 aie } 2 €g-(2) will have two positive real roots; one in the range o< 1 < VE, amd the offer in the range n> V2- The root lying in tke range o< F< Vz will be & maximum of Tp amd the one Lying im the range r > V2 will be @ minimum of Tp. (b>) For damping yatros in tke range T> a =0-3535, Ty will net have either a minimum or maximum 5 it Wil increase continuously with r, 9-49 Fors Rampped Airgle doo dystim subject te bane mettony y(t) = Y ge, ot, the epekion of mAton is piven by meted + ge - mye ms yteet (1) where 3 is the relative ditpla cement given by Re Ky (2> The steady state solution of Ey.(1) cam be expressed OA 3(t) = (mn Ae ——, os (01-8 a I or 3(t)= J 42 @t-#) a where Z is the amplitude amd isthe phase angle: 2 Ze r eee 6) [Gr *+ ery ast iT oe bn’ — 6) vate ae eee @ Oy thus the relative displacement transmissibility can be expressed as {Srom Ey.(5))! ra cog Yr - @) TO (CPSs ear)? 9-50 Compressor: mass, m= 75 4g rotational speed, u9 = 900 rpm = 94.248 a For dynamic force experienced = 200 N = mews Force transmitted te be base is given by Ze Fo ao ee For e i = orlS, Eg. (1 gives 0 oise——te or [t-r*]= + =6.ce67 [4-r*] ols which gives 2 as pis 76667 => = 2.7689 = Ge, @)> Since w= 94-248 rad/s, Ee. (2) gives us e = 1248 oe socea a PH 248 _ gy, 0383 rad/s 2:76 89 = {4% _ [aw J mw = fe @) Bg :(3) ysalds 2 = 64:039 78) = . 4c = @410323) (¥ ) 21,723) 8647 Nin 9-51 Electronic instrument: mass (m) = 20 kg Desired natural frequency (ip) = (S rad/s Damping ratio (5) = 095 Available volue of ¢ = lo- 80 N-A/mn Oy > fF - 1S >} k= mG = 20(I5*)=4500 NA, Sen é = = 0,95 ¢ WS Reguired value of C= 190Vkm = 1:90,/4500(20) = 570 N-A/p since this value is larger than the available Values of Cc, we can't use aw passive system. For the active comtiol te be used: We cam use adttue contol to generate a contiol fore, $,(t), proportional +4, the deiplecemert x (+> amd velocity % (£) as §, (4) = - Ip x(t) - 4, x(t a So that the epyation of motion af the resulting octively conbrlled Aplin werden ao harmonic force, Fy Ain cot, becomes mx + Cord e+ (*+%) xe £(t)= F, sin wt @) Thus the natural Yregmency of the nour tyslim 2 ee Kt 9 we ( e @ 9-52 amad the damping natio of the new ayilim as eet dy 2 [7 Cet Fp) Using Eg. (3), Ee) can be c+ dy = BTM Wy = 2(0.95) (20) (15) = 510 N-A/m Using the maximum available value of ¢ of c= 80 N-4/m, the Value of the denivative gaz (94) can be found as 570-980 = 410 N-4/m- @) rewritten ag ay = 570-Cc = 9-53 For tke passive (existing) system « m= 549, k= 20 N/m, C= 5 N-A/m Actively controlled Ay stem: with settling time < (54 is desired. Settling time is given by Ep. (4-69) + For the given passive system: w= (EB = [2 = 2 rad/s c e Set =e Oe a = c 2 (km 2 (rots) a ~ F6 = 0125 Hence » 4 . a.25(2) ea Since settling time (t,) is less Han ISA, there is no need fer an active contro! system. 9-54 Existing (passive) system : (8,= [fz = 20 rad/¢ ay c SF ae on oe (2) Egs-(1) amd (2) give k c c m= > Seo 2s — = 400 2K Im 2 Ee zo) Ss loc * wv cz 2 k “C= oo2 & Assume the mass of the existing system as m= io kg. This gives k= 400m = 4000 N/m and hence c= 0.02 k= 99 N-A/m For the active control system , retatning the mass (m), stiffness (4) and damping constant (¢) of tke existing system , the control fetce is given by $b) = - Ip x(t) - 4 %(t) (> amd the epuation of motion by mk + Cotg) & + (kt d,) x = FED @) the natural Preguency of the active control system will be 9-55 eo eee = = 100 rad/s = m (10000) — « = 100,000 — 4,000 = 96,000 N/,, The damping constant of the active control system will be Sg Minette les 2m Wy C4 I, = 018 (2 m Wn) = 068 (2 (10) (20) = 320 94 * 320-802 240 N-A4/m 9-56

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