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That’s something very special about Barcelona like any time you go out of your house there’s

always something going on you’ll always find a friend on the streets it’s where living is you’re not
in your place you’re on the Street,

Yeah that you can go out in the Street at night and it’s always lively it’s never nobody in the
Ramblas for example they’re always every hour a day there’s life i came here i felt somehow
better tan in Amsterdam or more alive more fatale understand vital that’s yeah that makes it very
enjoyable at least for me inspiring too .

It´s very nice place because and in the Rambla you come you can find Aaron Oh theater music
from Argentina from Spain from Africa for all the world.

Things that on the Street happen never will happen in a theater for example if we play in like 1015
people start to dance at one time for example then you think like yeah this is beatiful you know
the Ramblas is this Street in Barcelona and i think in Europe and maybe in the world that like
you’re going to be entertained no matter how i mean if you walk past by the flower shops i mean
the way they build it up is beautiful even the Street is decorated i mean you get entertained it’s
worth coming to Barcelona.

It´s a way of life downloads is you have everything you have traffic of people you have to dish your
piece your performers Ramos is everything it’s it’s it’s a vibrant of life yeah it’s a way of
life truly really a way of life i love it.

4. What is/are your favorite places of your City?

My favorite places in my city are Monserrate, the center of Bogota and also the Simon Bolivar


2). One of the artists make an appreciation about the difference between perform in a
theater and on the street. What is it?

the piano artis thinks is the difference of acting in a theater or on the street, is that all people can
have fun and participate and they can dance at the same time.







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