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School: Find more @ www.teachershq.

com Grade Level: VI

GRADES 1 to 12
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher: Learning Area: SCIENCE
Teaching Dates and
Time: January 9-13,2016 (WEEK 9) Quarter: 3RD Quarter


I.OBJECTIVES Identifies the factors that affect Explain how each factor affects Explain how the earth’s rotation Explain how the earth’s rotation Answer the questions correctly
the climate of a place: altitude, the climate of the place affects the wind system affects the wind system and honestly
latitude, bodies of water, wind
system and amount of rainfall
A. Content Standards

B. Performance Standards

C. Learning Competencies/ Identifies the factors that affect Explain how each factor affects Explain how the earth’s rotation Explain how the earth’s rotation
Objectives the climate of a place: altitude, the climate of the place. affects the wind system affects the wind system
latitude, bodies of water, wind
system and amount of rainfall
III. LEARNING RESOURCES Globe or world map, map of the Globe or world map, map of the Globe , map of the Philippines, a Globe , map of the Philippines, a
Philippines Philippines, illustration of wind diagram showing the different diagram showing the different
direction and wind systems wind systems, wind systems,
A. References
1.Teacher’s Guide pages SCIENCE & HEATH 6, p.141-143 SCIENCE & HEATH 6, p.141-143 Into the future S&H6, p.144-145 Into the future S&H6, p.144-145
2.Learner’s Materials pages
3.Textbook pages SCIENCE & HEATH 6, p.220-223 Into the future S&H6, p.223-227 Into the future S&H6, p.224-227 Into the future S&H6, p.224-227
4.Additional Materials from
Learning Resource(LR)portal
B. Other Learning Resources Downloaded Workbook on Downloaded Workbook on
Science 6 (ateneo) Science 6 (ateneo)
A. Reviewing previous lesson or How does the latitude of a place CHECKING OF ASSIGNMETS CHECKING OF ASSIGNMETS CHECKING OF ASSIGNMETS Short Review
presenting the new lesson affects its climate?altitude?
bodies of water? Wind system? What are the factors that affect How are winds formed? How are winds formed?
Amount of rainfall? the climate of a place? Describe What are the different wind What are the different wind
each factor . system? system?
B. Establishing a purpose for What can you say about the Why is Baguio has cooler How do winds move? How do winds move? Giving of instructions
the lesson weather today? temperature that in Manila? What causes these winds to What causes these winds to
move that way? move that way?
Do we have the same weather
as of yesterday?
C. Presenting examples/ Present a chart showing the Present a chart showing the Activity: Activity:
instances of the new lesson different factors affecting different factors that affect the A. Get a globe and place it E. Get a globe and place it
climate of a place. climate of a place. on the table on the table
B. Let the learner/s F. Let the learner/s Rotate
Rotate the globe from the globe from west to
west to east east
C. As the globe moves, G. As the globe moves,
ask a pupil to drop a ask a pupil to drop a
piece of chalk from the piece of chalk from the
North Polar Region North Polar Region
D. Observe what happen H. Observe what happen
to the chalk to the chalk

D. Discussion new concepts and Do activity 6.9 on p. 220 of Let the pupils read the textbook In what direction does the piece In what direction does the piece
practicing new skills #1 science textbook on p.220-221 about factors of chalk fall as the globe rotate of chalk fall as the globe rotate
affecting climate of a place. from west to east? from west to east?

E. Discussing new concepts and What do you think the chalk fell What do you think the chalk fell
practicing new skill # 2 in that direction? in that direction?
F. Developing mastery Let the learners identify the  How does the latitude
(Leads to Formative different factors affect the of a place affect the
Assessment 3) climate of a place. climate?
 How is climate affected
by the altitude of a
G. Finding practical applications How is the climate in Mindoro If you are on top a mountain, Do we experience the same Do we experience the same
of concepts and skills in daily affected by the bodies of water how will you feel? Cool or wind system throughout the wind system throughout the
living that surrounds it? warm? Why? year? Why? year? Why?

H. Making generalizations and What are the factors that affect Describe each factor that affects How does the Earths rotation How does the Earths rotation
abstractions about the lesson the climate of a place? climate of a place. affect the wind system? affect the wind system?

Infer how it affects the climate

of a certain place.
I. Evaluating learning MULTIPLE CHOICE: Write the Directions: Explain how each Directions: Explain how each Directions: Explain how each Test Proper
letter of the correct answer. factor affects the climate of the factor affects the climate of the factor affects the climate of the
place by matching the words in place by matching the words in place by matching the words in
1.The higher the place the column A column A column A
cooler it is. with the definitions in column B. with the definitions in column B. with the definitions in column B.
a. latitude b. altitude c. wind Write the letter of the correct Write the letter of the correct Write the letter of the correct
2. The height of a particular answer on the blank. answer on the blank. answer on the blank.
place above the sea level. Column A Column A Column A
a. latitude b. altitude c. wind ____1.Amount of Rainfall ____1. Doldrums ____1. Trade winds
3. In what part of a mountain ____2. Wind System ____2. Trade winds ____2. Horse latitude
can a person experience the ____ 3. Bodies of Water ____3. Horse latitude ____3. Prevailing westerlies
coolest air temperature? ____ 4. Latitude ____4. Prevailing westerlies. ____4. Polar easterlies
a. at the bottom ____ 5.Altitude ____5. Polar easterlies ____5. Polar easterlies away
b. at the right slope ____6. Northeast monsoon from
c. at the peak ____7. Southwest monsoon the poles
4.The unequal heating of the Column B Column B ____6. Southwest monsoon
Earth’s surface results in the ____7. Doldrums
formation of_____ A. The higher a particular place A. The winds that blow Column B
a. rainfall is, the cooler is it’s away from the poles
b. wind system temperature B. B. The wind that blows A. The cold moving air
c. doldrums B. The unequal heating of the from the horse latitude which starts from
5. Areas near the equator earth’s surface results in towards the equator. Siberia that chills the
usually have hot ____. the formation of the different C. The winds that make Philippines from
a. climate b. air c. water wind systems. up a calm December to January,
C. Areas near the equator area near the equator also known as
A. usually have low latitude (hot D. D. The wind that blows “Hanging Amihan”.
climate) while those at the pole away from the horse B. They are winds blowing
have high latitude latitude towards the from the east
(cold climate) equator. characterized by cold
D. It is cooler in coastal areas. E. Are calm areas of air that sinks and takes
Water does not absorb heat falling air. a curved path.
as fast as land area. This is the F. The cold moving air C. They are winds near
reason places which starts from the equator which is
surrounding bodies of water Siberia that chills the hot due to the direct
have a mild climate. Philippines from rays of the sun
E. Different parts of the December to January, giving rise to a low-
Philippines have different also known as pressure area
amount of rainfalls during the “Hanging Amihan”. D. They are winds that
year. It used to describe G. The winds that bring blow from northeast
the climate in the region. much rain from the or southeast in one
southeast direction of direction towards the
the Philippines from equator.
June E. They are winds coming
to November. This is from the north
the start of the planting and south latitudes
season, also known as going to the poles turn
“Hanging Habagat” east.
F. The winds that bring
Directions: Answer the much rain from the
questions. Encircle the letter of southeast direction of
the correct answer. the Philippines from
8. What is the effect of the June
earth’s rotation? to November. This is
A. global winds are bent the start of the planting
B. global winds move upward season, also known as
down “Hanging Habagat”
C. global winds blow in straight
line G. They are winds found
D. global winds seem to curve or north and south of the
twist trade
9. How does the earth rotate? winds. They are usually
A. clockwise from west to east calm, dry and fairly
B. clockwise from east to west cool.
C. counterclockwise from west They blow from any
to east direction.
D. counterclockwise from east Directions: Answer the
to west questions. Encircle the letter of
10. What are global patterns of the correct answer.
wind called? 8. What are doldrums and horse
A. monsoon latitudes?
B. sea breeze A. They are typhoons
C. land breeze B. They are calm areas
D. prevailing winds. C. They are prevailing winds
D. They are global wind belts
9. What are global patterns of
wind called?
A. monsoon
B. sea breeze
C. land breeze
D. prevailing winds.
10. What is the effect of the
earth’s rotation?
A. global winds are bent
B. global winds move upward
C. global winds blow in straight
D. global winds seem to curve or

J. Additional learning In a paragraph, answer the Draw a chart showing the Draw an illustration showing the
following questions: factors affect the climate and movement of the wind affected
1. How dos the wind how it affect the climate of a by the earth’s rotation
system in a place affect place
its climate
2. How does amount of
rainfall affect its
V.REMARKS Passing of papers, answering the
questions, checking the
answers, recording and
interpreting the data
A. No of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No of learners who have
caught up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other

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