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EN8G-Id-7: Use parallel structures.

NAME:________________________________ DATE:________________
SECTION:_____________________________ SCORE:_______________

Today, we will learn about Parallelism.

Parallelism, also known parallel structures, can add fluidity and power to your writing. This involves
presenting your thoughts in an orderly manner so that your reader can easily follow your thoughts. It uses
the same pattern of words to show that two or more ideas have the same level of importance. This can
happen at the word and phrase level.
Use parallelism in single words and phrases, such as:
1. Verb or Verb Phrases –
(e.g. My sister walks and runs in the Plaza.)
(Romeo cooked the foods, washed the plates and watered the plants.)
2. Adjective - (e.g. Mark is an industrious and helpful boy.)
3. Adverb or Adverbial Phrases –
(e.g. Rose dances gracefully and happily.)
(The groups meets at night and on weekends.)
4. Gerund or Gerund Phrases (-ing form of the verb)
(e.g. Maria loves dancing, swimming and singing.)
(Joshua enjoys playing volleyball, singing love songs and baking cakes.)
5. Infinitive or Infinitive Phrases
(e.g. Jason likes to read and to write.)
(Dave loves to watch TV, to listen radio and to play computer games.
Let’s Recall!

Let’s Start!


Identify the picture which does not belong to the group.





Activity 2. Make it Similar

Directions: Make the guide words, enclosed in parenthesis, similar or parallel to the series
of words/phrase.

E.g. (read) a. writing, painting, _______

Answer: reading

(run) 1. to walk, to jump, ________

(sing) 2. dancing, acting, ________

(cook) 3. washed, cleaned, _______

(quick) 4. immediately, carefully, _______

(take) 5. will make, will buy, _______

Activity 3: Directions: Change the underlined unparalleled word into the correct parallel

E.g. I love to sing, to dance and painting.

Answer: to paint

1. Amy loves chatting online friends, playing computer games and to watch YouTube

2. To stop, to look and listen is important when driving.

3. He talks sweetly, softly and fluent.

4. Yesterday, I studied my lessons, answered the homework and check my notes.

5. The girl is beautiful, respectful and has many thoughts.

ACTIVITY 4 . Tell whether the sentence is PARALLEL OR NOT PARALLEL

1. Eating the right foods will help you feel healthier, more attractive, and strongly.

2. Fruits, vegetables, and grains are an important part of a well-balanced diet.

3. They provide vitamins, minerals, and are low in fat.

4. Meat, fish, and poultry are good sources of zinc, iron, and B vitamins.

5. Fiber, which is good for digestion, is found in plant foods like beans, peas, and whole
grain cereals.

6. To lose weight, eat smaller portions and limiting second helpings.

7. Eat slowly and be careful; be sure to chew your food well.

ACTIVITY 6. Directions: Use parallel structures in constructing correct word or phrase to

make the sentence complete. Guide words is given before the number.

E.g. (correct) Romeo answered the test quickly, thoroughly and ___________.

Answer: correctly

(convince) 1. Politicians are good in motivating, captivating and __________ people.

(die) 2. To love, to care, and __________ for our country is nationalism.

(respect) 3. Filipinos are hospitable, responsible and _________ people.

(wise) 4. We must vote honestly, correctly and __________.

(educate) 5. Social media informs, instructs and __________ people.

ACTIVITY 7. Rewrite the following sentence to make it parallel.

1. The store is good for fruit, meat, and to buy cheese.

2. Doctors say I should run, swim, and go walking.

3. The meal was tasty, quick, and the food was good for you.

4. In the rain I drove slowly, carefully, and watch out for other drivers.

5. The qualities I admire most in a man are honesty, courageous, and compassion.

Activity 8. Directions: Determine whether the sentences below contain errors in parallel
structure. Fix any problems that you find.
1. Monica brewed espresso, steamed milk, and told jokes as she prepared Mike’s latte.

2. Natasha tried holding her breath, chewing a piece of gum, and poking her belly, but she
could not quiet her empty stomach, which rumbled during the chemistry exam.

3. In the restroom, Tishena was brushing her hair, freshened her lip-gloss, and took deep
breaths, trying to work up the courage to walk to her first speech class.

4. Celine looked behind the toilet, in the laundry basket, and checked under the bed, but
she could not find Squeeze, her nine-foot albino python.

5. Not only did Dennis apply an extra layer of deodorant to his armpits, but he also
polished each tooth with special care. He did not want to offend Malinda with any
unpleasant odors.

6. For his first date with Malinda, Dennis bought not only a dozen roses but he also
purchased a box of chocolates.

7. Not only did Malinda squeal at the sight of the beautiful bouquet, but she also was
tearing open the box and eating chocolates all the way to the restaurant.

8. Dennis tried to be thoughtful and generous, yet Malinda refused to give him not only a
kiss good night but also a single chocolate from the nut and caramel sampler.

9. Chelsea had to paddle past a school of jellyfish, kick a small sand shark in the nose, and
untangle seaweed from her surfboard before she reached her favorite point break.

10. Spiders that bite, hissing snakes, and squealing rodents fill the aquariums in Desmond’s

ACTIVITY 9. Directions: Choose the option that maintains parallel structure in the

1. When Delores realized that her father had made lima beans and rice for dinner, she
__________, claimed to feel nauseous, and excused herself from the table. The bag of stale
popcorn in her room would tide her over until breakfast.

A. clutched her stomach B. was clutching her stomach C. did clutch her stomach

2. Not only did Hank despise the way June chewed with her mouth open, _________ finding
her wet towels all over the bathroom floor.

A. but also disliked B. but also disliking C. but he also disliked

3. To protect her delicate hands, Fran will not rake the yard, do the dishes, or __________.

A. refuses to scrub the bathtub B. won't scrub the bathtub C. scrub the bathtub

4. When Diane takes her beagle for a walk, Santana enjoys sniffing for edible garbage,
__________, and lunging at squirrels.

A. howls at bicyclists B. howling at bicyclists C. she howls at bicyclists

5. After Amanda cashes her paycheck, the money goes to her savings account, cappuccino
fund, and __________.

A. paying her credit card bill B. toward her credit card balance C. credit card balance

6. In preparation for her run, Alicia __________, applied sunscreen, and increased the
volume on her iPod.

A. tightened her shoelaces B. was tightening her shoelaces C. did tighten her shoelaces

7. We searched the car trunk, __________, and the top of the refrigerator, but we could not
find the box of cornflakes that we remember buying.

A. looked on the pantry shelves B. on the pantry shelves C. the pantry shelves

8. Bonkers, our ninety pound golden retriever, chews on furniture, __________, and snots
up the car windows—inconveniences we didn't anticipate when we adopted him.

A. would drag us around the neighborhood during walks B. he drags us around the
neighborhood during walks C. drags us around the neighborhood during walks

9. Belinda saw very little of the horror movie, for she shut her eyes __________, when she
heard the monster's footsteps in the dead leaves, and when characters started screaming.

A. when the violins began to play B. while listening to the violins play C. during the violin

10. In Mrs. Curall's office, Ruben feigned the flu. He hoped to be excused from class, get an
extension on his paper, and __________.

A. spend the afternoon playing tennis with his friends

B. to spend the afternoon playing tennis with his friends

C. then to spend the afternoon playing tennis with his friends

Prepared by:
Teacher III

Inspected by:


Principal I

EN8WC-Ia-1.1: Identify the meaning of the unfamiliar word through context clues.

NAME:________________________________ DATE:________________
SECTION:_____________________________ SCORE:_______________
Still find a hard time to
guess the meaning of the
words? Now let’s get a
closer look and find out if
you can now guess their
ACTIVITY 1. Give the meaning of the underlined

1. His emaciation, that is, his skeleton-like appearance, was frightening to see.
2. The Jamaican fruit bat is a frugivorous mammal.
3. The pack of feral dogs living in the woods that were able to reach the town proved
to be a big nuisance.
4. The mountain pass was a tortuous road, winding and twisting like a snake around
the trees of the mountainside.
5. The old man is a recluse, or loner who lives in a shack deep in the woods.
6. The children were as different as day and night. He was a lively conversationalist,
but she was reserved and taciturn.
7. Rather than be involved in clandestine meetings, they did everything quite openly.
8. Piscatorial creatures, such as flounder, salmon, and trout, live in the coldest parts of
the ocean.
9. Celestial bodies, including the sun, moon, and stars have fascinated man through
the centuries.

ACTIVITY 2. Identify the meaning of the following words based from your own
understanding. Nearest answer will be considered CORRECT.

1. When the sun set, the bright day turned into caliginous rainy night.
2. Lou was sent to the haberdashery to find a new suit. He needed to wear one for his
uncle’s wedding.
3. You should not ride Black Star, the horse. For most people, he is difficult to handle.
Try Golden Girl, she is docile.
4. The voters were so upset about the outcome of the election that a skirmish broke out
and the police had to break it up.
5. An evanescent ring surrounded the moon as it rose. It was there for a moment, and
then it disappeared.
ACTIVITY 3. Directions: Figure out the meaning of bold and underlined words using
context clues. Write the letter of your choice on a piece of illustration board.

1. He vowed that he would smite his enemy.

a. Hit b. Touch c. Caress

2. She lay on the floor, writhing in pain.

a. Twisting b. Pointing c. Leading

3. He may be a fraud, but you have to admire his cunning.

a. Innocent b. Expert c. Skillful

4. This is the most toilsome part of my life for I have struggled a lot.

a. Difficult b. Light c. Unmindful

5. The cat suddenly leaped into the air.

a. Squat b. Jump c. Run

ACTIVITY 4. Read each sentence or paragraph and find the correct answer.

1. The archeologist carefully removed the tome from its ancient resting place and
proceeded to read the pages related to marriage in ancient Greece. What does the
word tome probably mean?

a. Pen b. weapon c. book d. sausage

2. The Navajo language is an unwritten language of extreme complexity with no

alphabet or symbols, and is spoken only on the lands of the Navajo Nation in the
American Southwest. During World War II a Navajo code was created for the U.S.
Navy. This code was virtually undecipherable to anyone except Navajo speaking
persons. What does the word virtually probably mean?

a. pleasant b. almost c. never d. always

3. Lakes occupy less than two percent of the Earth’s surface, yet they help sustain life.
For instance, lakes give us fish to eat, irrigate crops, and generate electrical power. What
does the word sustain probably mean?

a. support b. obstruct c. prolong d. destroy

4. The ancient Greeks pioneered many of the kinds of writing weMconsider standard today.
They wrote speeches, plays, poems, books about science and learning, long histories of the
things that happened to them. What does the word pioneered probably mean?

a. complicated b. developed c. destroyed d. explored

ACTIVITY 5. Encircle the correct answer.

1. The tranquilized grizzly bear was lethargic enough for the scientists to safely examine
his teeth and tattoo his ears.

• A. soft

• B. inactive

• C. Agile

• D. easy

2. The Russians are skillful at sending cryptic messages, open to many interpretations.
The government spends days puzzling over their meanings.

• A. hidden

• B. confusing

• C. new

• D. electronic

3. Their vociferous chatter made me wish I had ear plugs.

• A. vey noisy

• B. inactive

• C. malignant

• D. incorrect

4. His lucid lectures, along with his clearly presented explanations, made him a popular

• A. accurate

• B. honest

• C. understandable
• D. easy

5. A combination of fog and industrial smoke, called smog, has vitiated the air in and
around many cities.

• A. pollute

• B. humidify

• C. blur

• D. change

ACTIVITY 6. Directions: Give the meaning of the italicized words using context clues.

1.When the tourist went to his farm, he climbed a knoll to take a good look at the beautiful

a. Stairs b. chair c. hill

2. The ground attendant advised the passenger to reduce the things he had in his suitcase
for jettisoning; he had exceeded the required weight for his check in baggage.

a. inspection b. donation c. discarding

3. The traveller’s goal is to reach the summit of the mountain.

a. Lowest part b. middle part c. highest part

4. The King’s subjects obey his rules faithfully.

a. Followers b. courses to study c. enemies

5. The fan stood in awe when he saw his favourite movie actor.

a. Fear b. surprises c. respect

ACTIVITY 7. Below is the text of the speech. Read it carefully and pay close attention to
the underlined words.


On November 19, 1863, in the midst of the Civil War, President Abraham delivered his most
famous speech, known as the Gettysburg Address. Lincoln was in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania,
attending the dedication of a cemetery for soldiers who died at the Battle of Gettysburg.
Below is the text of the speech. Read it carefully and pay close attention to the underlined words

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth, upon this continent, a new nation,
conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation, so
conceived, and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met here on a great battle field of that war.
We are now have come to dedicate a portion of it as the a final resting place of for those who
here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should
do this.

But in a larger sense we can not dedicate—we can not consecrate—we can not hallow this
ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it far above our
poor power to add or detract.

The world will little note, nor long remember, what we say here, but can never forget what they
did here. It is for us, the living, rather to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they
have, thus far, so nobly carried on. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task
remaining before us—that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to the that cause
for which they here gave gave the last full measure of devotion—that we here highly resolve that
these dead shall not have died in vain; that this nation shall have a new birth of freedom; and that
this government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

Circle the letter of the word that most closely matches the word from the passage.

1. score A. battles B. wars C. twenty D. hundred

2. forth A. settlers B. land C. after D. forward

3. conceived A. created B. won C. proud D. possible

4. proposition A. Constitution B. invitation C. idea D. people

5. endure A. way B. survive C. discuss D. fight

6. fitting A. sizing B. appropriate C. joining D. sad

7. consecrate A. dedicate B. build on C. identify D. determine

8. hallow A. dig in B. fear C. explore D. bless

9. note A. sing B. change C. notice D. pretend

10. perish A. grow B. disappear C. take D. run

Prepared by:

Teacher III

Inspected by:


Principal I

EN8V-Ic-10.2: Determine the meaning of idiomatic expressions by noting context clues and

NAME:________________________________ DATE:________________
SECTION:_____________________________ SCORE:_______________

Let’s have a review!

Idiomatic Expressions and Their Meanings

ACTIVITY 1. Use context to unlock the meaning of the underlined phrases.

1. Although Allen and Allan are twins, Allen is far cry from Allan.
2. He has been jobless for several months, and it is his wife who keeps the pot boiling.
3. Mark is our younger brother. He is the apple of the eye in our family.
4. I will get a cat nap at the backstage. Just wake me up if it’s my turn.
5. It looks like the cats got one’s tongue, Lucy. Are you always this quiet?

ACTIVITY 2. Reading Task. List Down all the idiomatic expression that you’ve
seen in the passage and give their meaning. Nearest answer will be considered

Ray needed a bookcase. He had been making do with planks of wood on bricks
but he wanted something nicer now. His sister, Sandy suggested buying a self-assembly
bookcase where the pieces came in a flat pack for him to put together himself. Ray knew
he wasn’t much good at that sort of thing, but he decided to give it a shot. When he
opened the pack, it all looked very confusing, but he was decided to get the grips with it.
After a couple of hour, he had something that looked a bit like a bookcase but was not
rather wobbly. To be on the safe side, he asked Sandy to check it for him. “There’s
something not quite right about this”, she said. “I think we’d better get to the bottom of it
before you put your books on it”.

ACTIVITY 3. Match the idiomatic expression with its correct meaning.

___1. Fuss over someone a. to run away or flee
___2. Get in the way b. to give effusive, insincere praise
___3. Take oneself off c. to consider a nuisance
___4. Go away in a huff d. to go away
___5. Run off e. to leave indignantly or angrily

ACTIVITY 4. Fill in the blank with the correct IDIOM.

1. We only see our daughter _____________________.

A. once in a blue moon B. out of the blue C. while the sun shines
2 He was disowned by his parents for he is the _____________of the family.
A. black sheep B. white sheep C. wolf in a sheep’s clothing
3. I was contemplating when he came _______________.
A. once in a blue moon B. out of the blue C. while the sun shines
4. She __________ for forgiveness.
A. bent her knees B. broke her knees C. wounded her knees
5. Bata makes hay ________________.
A. while there is no rain B. while the sun shines C. while the world goes
ACTIVITY 5. Directions: Choose the correct meaning of idiomatic expression used in
every sentences.

1. Luis took the law into his hands when he learned that his wife was beaten. He hunted the
man and planned to kill him.Kyla is stunning in her outfit. She is again dressed to kill.
2. Blood poured into Ron’s face when he saw his wife with another man.
3. Anpu’s wife accepted the dose of her own medicine. He accepted all the beating and
4. Lyn was her father’s apple of the eye until she made a terrible mistake one day.
5. Kyla is stunning in her outfit. She is again dressed to kill.

Column B

a. dressed nicely and attractively

b. consequence of an act
c. favorite
d. make his own move towards an act done to him
e. became very angry

ACTIVITY 6. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. . A fair weather friend always tries to fish in troubled waters of his friends and 

 A.     To borrow money
 B.     To steal belongings of
 C.     To get benefit in bad situation.
 D.     To extend a helping hand. 

2. His arrogant behavior with others has left him high and dry.

 A. To be penniless
 B. To be very sick.
 C. To be very famous
 D. Isolated. 

3. All the residents of the colony painted the town redon the eve of festival.

 A. To white wash buildings

 B. To renovate buildings
 C. To celebrate noisly in public places.
 D.To create nuisances.
4. The chairman pulled  a long face when the house did not accept the suggestions put forth
by him.

 A. To look disappointed
 B. To get annoyed
 C. To be agitated
 D. To make a quarrel. 

5. The fair and square policy of the chairman of the committee has made him very popular
among the residents of the town.

 A. Clever and Deceitful

 B. Honest
 C. Ambigious
 D. Relevant and practical.

ACTIVITY 7. Circle the idiom in each sentence, then write a brief explanation of what it
actually means.

Example. Stephen felt down in the dumps because he did not pass his test.

down in the dumps / to be sad

1. Sharon had butterflies in her stomach before the championship game.

2. My dad blew his stack when he saw my poor grades on my report card.

3. Jennifer was a bundle of nerves before getting her driving test results.

4. Last night, it was raining cats and dogs.

5. My parents rolled out the red carpet for our visiting relatives.

6. When I tried to get into the good school, the process involved a lot of red tape.

7. The athlete is as fit as a fiddle.

ACTIVITY 8. Use context clues to determine the meaning of the red idiom.

1. It's hard to agree with people when you don't see eye to eye.

A. agree
B. run
C. sing
D. look 
2. I was so upset about my bad grade that I had to listen to my music to blow off
A. sing and dance
B. calm down
C. go for a run
D. boil water

3. I was so speechless that my mom asked me if the cat got my tongue.

A. to purr
B. to be silent
C. to talk a lot
D. to sing

4. My friend and I finished the test quickly and easily because it was a piece of cake.
A. covered in frosting
B. difficult
C. delicious
D. easy
5. I didn't have any good options, and I felt like I was stuck between a rock and a
hard place.

A. in a mountain
B. with a soft pillow
C. with two bad options
D. with two good options
6. When I stand up for myself, it feels good to tell someone how I'm feeling.
A. say my feelings
B. lie to my friend
C. run away
D. get out of my chair
7. When I get to school, I do my lunch count right off the bat.
A. in the second inning
B. first
C. during the baseball game
D. last
8. It was as if my teacher knew exactly what I was thinking and read my mind.
A. read a book
B. wrote down the word "mind"
C. knew my thoughts
D. went to the library
9. I wanted to quit the soccer team, but my dad convinced me not throw in the
towel yet.
A. take a shower
B. dry off
C. wash my clothes
D. quit
10. I did my homework in a flash so that I could watch as much TV as possible.
A. brightly
B. loudly
C. slowly
D. quickly
EN8G-Ii-8: Use appropriate cohesive devices in completing a sentence
NAME:________________________________ DATE:________________
SECTION:_____________________________ SCORE:_______________

ACTIVITY 1. Connect the clauses using proper coordinating or subordinating

conjunctions. Tell the truth. I’ll not punish you.

1. She lost her book. She didn’t look for it.

2. You will hand in your theme on time. I’ll give a deduction.
3. He studied hard for the test. He got a good grade.
4. You are not paying attention. The teacher will scold you.
5. Tell the truth. I’ll not punish you.
6. She didn’t wear her new shoes. Her mother told her to.
7. It was growing dark. She reached home.
8. I’ll attend your party. You invite me.
9. I’ll buy that picture. It is very pretty.
10. She has a lot of books. She doesn’t read them.

ACTIVITY 2. Directions: Fill in the blanks using AND, SO, BECAUSE, BUT or OR.

1. I could not go out last night _____ I was too busy.

2. I could not go with my friend _____ he went without me.
3. My friend went to the cinema to see a film _____ the film wasn't very good.
4. The cinema was full of people _____ they were all smoking.
5. I like people ____ I don't like smoke.
6. Do you want an orange juice ____ a guava juice?
7. It was my birthday _____ he didn't send me a card.
8. I didn't write to him _____ he didn't write to me.

9. We couldn’t contact him _____ we didn’t have his number.

10. The new department store is now open _____ it is offering big discounts.


Complete the short story below with appropriate cohesive devices.

Mary could not go out with me _____ I invited Anne instead. Anne was very happy to accept my
invitation _____ the film was very popular. Anne and I had a good time _____ next day Mary
was very angry. "Do you love me _____ do you love Anne?" she asked me. "I like both you
_____ Anne," I answered. "Look!" said Mary. "Either you go out with me _____ you go out with
Anne. You can't love both me _____ Anne at the same time." "Why not?" I answered. "_____ it's
not fair." I asked Mary if she would go out with me tonight _____ she said that she had a new
boyfriend _____ didn't want to see me again _____ I didn't really love her. I phoned Anne _____
she said she was busy _____ now I'm alone.

ACTIVITY 4. Encircle all the cohesive devices used the paragraph

1. There are two major religions in the world. One is Christianity which was founded by
Jesus. Its followers, called Christians, often believe in Christ as “the Son” who walked the earth.
The other is called Islam, which consists of individuals who believe in Allah, a god whose
teachings were recorded, verbatim, by god’s last prophet, Muhammad.

2. Although, both Christianity and Islam are classified as Abrahamic religions, they are different
in a lot of ways. Each faith has more than a billion followers. Christians believe on an all-
powerful God known as God. They believe in Trinity, the oneness of God the Father, Christ the
Son, and the Holy Spirit (or Ghost). Whereas, the Muslims believe only in Allah who is seen as
being all-powerful. Christians regard the Bible, the inspired word of God as useful for teaching
and reproving. The Muslims, however, believe that the Bible has been corrupted over the
centuries and is only correct in so far as it agrees with the Koran, the holy book that is respected
as the word of the prophets.

3. Among the Christians, the Holy Spirit refers to the third person of the Trinity, which is fully
divine in nature. For the Muslims, on the other hand, this person refers to the archangel Gabriel
who delivered the words of the Koran to Muhammad. The belief on the Holy Spirit in both
religions, thus, differ greatly.

ACTIVITY 5. Fill the Gaps

Directions: Fill in the blanks to complete the sentences below. Use the option in the box

for and nor but or yet so

1. I am very lucky to have a loving____ responsible father.

2. She is undeniably the most attractive____ her attitude is bad.

3. Either the teacher____ the parents will do anything for the students.

4. Nica is really good in English___ not in Mathematics.

6. She studied for the test, ___ she got a good grade

7. Francis plays basketball____ his favorite sports is soccer.

ACTIVITY.6 Directions: Connect the sentences with appropriate conjunctions.

1. Philippines, like Thailand, enjoys a tropical climate, ____both are tourist destinations in Asia.
A. and B. nor C. so D. yet
2. Maria tried to read a novel French,____ it was too difficult.
A. but B. or C. yet D. so
3. To get from Manila to Cebu, you can fly,_____ you can ride the ferry.
A. for B. or C. nor D. so
4. The waiter was not very nice______, the food was delicious.
A. but B. yet C for D. nor
5. There's so much rain lately! Maybe it's because of El Nino_____, maybe it's just coincidence.
A. so B. And C. For D. or


A.What coordinating conjunctions should connect these clauses?

1. It was raining. We went out.

2. It was a warm day. We took off our coats.
3. He was an extravagant person. He did not spend all his money.
4. He was an extravagant person. He spent his money foolishly.
5. Tell the truth. I will punish you.
6. She could not go out. She felt ill.
7. We went out. The rain stopped.
8. She did not know. She lost her watch.
9. The child is crying. He has been punished.
10. She was not sure. She could go.

B. Directions: Complete each sentence with appropriate coordinating conjunctions.

1. I usually take the bus to school _____today my mom drove me.

2. I don’t get very good grades in math _____do I do my homework very often.
3. Nicole doesn’t enjoy studying history _____ she always gets high grades on her tests.
4. Thomas has two brothers ______ one sister.
5. I ran after the bus as it pulled away, _____ I could not catch up with it.

ACTIVITY 8. Have Fun with FANBOYS.

Identify the correct coordinating conjunctions to be used in each sentence.

1. Do you speak English, ____ do you speak French?

2. I can’t eat my sweets, ____ can I finish my cake.
3.She put on her sweater ____ it was cold outside.
4.She wanted to go strolling _____ her parents didn’t permit her to.
5. She badly wants to ace the class ______ she studied very hard.
6. I go to the park every Sunday to watch the ducks on the lake _______ a group of kid playing
7. The soccer in the park is entertaining in the winter, _______ it’s better in the heat of summer.
8.I always carry a book with me even in the park _____ I am a bibliophile.
9.You can bring your friends with you ____ you can go there in solitude.
10.You can show your love for your mother now ____ later

Prepared by:

Teacher III

Inspected by:


Principal I
Department of Education
Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro
Inarawan, Naujan

S.Y. 2019-2020



EN8G-Id-7: Use parallel structures.

EN8WC-Ia-1.1: Identify the meaning of the unfamiliar word through context clues.

EN8V-Ic-10.2: Determine the meaning of idiomatic expressions by noting context clues and

EN8G-Ii-8: Use appropriate cohesive devices in completing a sentence

ENGLISH 8 2019-2020

Prepared by:



Principal I

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