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*NOTE: This exercise is asking for you to take your knowledge of adaptive behavior assessment,

assessment in general, and understanding of statistics for standardized assessment and put it all
together to understand these scores. This exercise assumes that you do not have the manual for the
Vineland available. The purpose of this is to give you the experience that you are likely to encounter in
your career that you will be given information (such as test scores) for a measure with which you may
not be entirely familiar. You know enough now to be able to understand this child’s adaptive behavior,
even if you are not overly familiar with this test!

Questions about Anya’s Vineland II Protocol

1. What is Anya’s raw score on the Written Communication subdomain? 7

2. Based on the scores that you see and the titles of the domains and subdomains, is Anya better
at (a) functioning as a productive student who deals well with the demands of preschool or (b)
being able to take care of such basic functions as feeding and dressing herself without lots of
help from adults? Which 2 numbers on the Score Summary give you this answer?
Anya is better at choice “b” because her daily living skills are moderately low (4) but her
socialization is low (1).
3. Is she significantly better at the one you selected for #2? Explain your reasoning, citing numbers.
Yes. Anya has not mastered either skill. However her daily living skills are scored significantly
higher than her socialization skills. Her coping skills, which have to do directly with her being
able to deal well with the demands of preschool, are particularly low, with a raw score of 1
and a v-scale score of 8. The sum total of her socialization skills are 24. However, the sum
total of her daily living skills (personal, domestic and community) is 32. Also, her highest score
in daily living skills, which is personal, has a raw score of 143 which is significantly higher than
the highest score in social skills (interpersonal relationships) at a score of 60.

4. What is Anya’s overall score for Adaptive Behavior? In one sentence, please explain what this
score means.
Anya’s adaptive behavior score is 78. This refers to performance-based behavior that is
standard for a particular age, involving independent functioning in communication, daily living
skills, socialization and motor skills.

5. What is her percentile rank for the Interpersonal Relationships subdomain? In one sentence,
please explain what this score means? Anya’s percentile rank for interpersonal relationships is
1. This means her interpersonal relationship skills in this subdomain is higher than or equal to
only less than 1 percent of children in her normative age group.

6. On which domain(s) was Anya above average? In one sentence per score, please explain what
this score means? Anya was above average in her gross motor skills (how she moves her limbs
and her level of coordination), which scored 196 and were ranked as moderately high.
7. On which subdomain(s) was Anya below average? In one sentence per score, please explain
what this score means?
Anya was below average in receptive and expressive communication skills, domestic and
community daily living skills, interpersonal relationships, play and leisure time and coping
skills. Her adaptive level was low or moderately low in each of these areas.

8. Which subdomains are included in the Daily Living Skills domain?

Personal, domestic and community
9. Characterize Anya’s performance in the “Receptive Communication” subdomain by providing
information for the following:
a. What behavior was sampled? How Anya listens and pays attention and what she
b. What is Anya’s relative standing compared to others? Moderately low

10. Anya earned a standard score of 69 on the Wechsler Preschool Scale for Intelligence (an IQ test).
Based on that score combined with the Vineland-II scores, should Anya be given a classification
of mental retardation/intellectual deficiency? Why or why not?

Anya’s IQ score, combined with her Vineland II scores do qualify her to be classified under the
mental retardation/intellectual deficiency category. An IQ score below 70 meets that
qualification and her Vineland score showed her to be significantly below average in almost
every subdomain.

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