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Carlton Gardens Primary School 29 May 2020

Instagram Calendar Events

May 29 - Year 7 Transition Forms Need to be Returned

We are on instagram. You can follow us
June 8 - Queen’s Birthday
June 9 - Grades 3-6 Return to School
Twitter June 26 - Last Day of Term 2

We are on twitter. You can follow us July 13 - First Day of Term 3

@carltongardens July 22 - 2021 Prep Open Morning

CGPS BYOD August 19 - Grade 6 Parents notified of High School

Families are welcome to source their own
15 September - Curriculum Day
iPad for the BYOD program or they can
purchase their iPad through our JB HiFi 18 September Last Day of Term 3
School Portal. This portal is open to all
of our families. To purchase go to: Welcome Back
Enter the code: CGPS2020 It was great to welcome our Prep - Grade 2 students back to school
this week. The students have really enjoyed being back. Later in the
iPad Borrowing
newsletter we have some photos of students having fun in their
Please return your borrowed iPad as classrooms.
soon as your child has returned to We would like to thank all of our parents/carers for making the
school. return to school run so smoothly. Over the next few weeks we will be
reviewing our pick up and drop off procedures, we may need to
School Uniform
introduce slight changes to help keep our community safe.
Beginning next week we will have a different pick up
Just a reminder that students must wear
full school uniform. Students can only
procedure that is detailed later in the newsletter. We will endeavour
wear blue jackets and leggings. to keep parents updated via Compass.

CGPS News 1
Carlton Gardens Primary School 29 May 2020

Grade 3-6 Return
Grade 3-6 students return to school on Tuesday the 9th of June. We
will post information regarding this return on Compass on Tuesday the
2nd of June.

Thanks You
We would like to thank all of our families for all their hard work during
home schooling. Your hard work and patience made our home learning
a huge success.

Funding News
The following is from a press release from Jenny Mikakos MP.


The Andrews Labor Government will fix old buildings, deliver extra classrooms and
build ten brand new schools in a state-wide construction blitz that will create
thousands of jobs across the state and kickstart Victoria’s economy.

Member for Northern Metropolitan Region, Jenny Mikakos MP, today announced
Brunswick North West Primary School and Pascoe Vale South Primary School will
share in $388.8 million for 57 upgrade and modernisation projects at schools across
Victoria. This includes all school upgrades the Andrews Labor Government committed
to at the 2018 election.

Ms Mikakos announced Carlton Gardens Primary School in Melbourne is among

nine metropolitan schools to share in an investment of $130.1 million to help
provide additional capacity to meet enrolment growth. When completed, these
projects, part of the Established Areas Program, will provide 1,550 extra spaces for
Victorian students.

Carlton Gardens Primary School will receive at least $10.59 million to

deliver an upgrade and modernisation of the school, including adding
new facilities for an additional 150 students to meet enrolment growth
for the 2022 school year.

This project is part of the Andrews Labor Government’s Building Works package,
which will deliver $2.7 billion in shovel-ready projects – big and small – to get
thousands of people back to work across our state.

The Andrews Labor Government is building the Education State so everyone can get a
great education, no matter their background or where they live.

Jenny Mikakos MP Press Release

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Carlton Gardens Primary School 29 May 2020

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Carlton Gardens Primary School 29 May 2020

P-2 Return to School

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Carlton Gardens Primary School 29 May 2020

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Carlton Gardens Primary School 29 May 2020

Home Learning Highlights

Bailey Grade 6

CGPS News 6
Carlton Gardens Primary School 29 May 2020

Maxwell Grade 5

Sreepad Grade 4

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Carlton Gardens Primary School 29 May 2020


Greetings to everyone at CGPS!
We hope that you and your families have all managed well through the Covid19 Change of
It’s been wonderful and we are extremely grateful to have received so many emails from
your school community sending kind wishes to our business in what has been a particularly
difficult time…..obviously, we’ve been totally shuttered but it’s now time, as our children
return to face to face learning, to take tentative steps back to life - with your continued

Obviously, the landscape looks a bit different for us in terms of running our Food
Preparation Kitchen and our Packing Room with the new social distancing guidelines. We
want you to know and be assured that we have Food Safety and Occupation Health and
Safety at the forefront of our minds. In our workplace Masks, Gloves and Temperature
Checks will be the new norm for all of our staff. In terms of Food Handling and Safety we’ve
always adhered to best practice and fortunately never had a food safety issue so we’re
confident we can operate safely on that level!

In the first instance for the remainder of Term 2, while we find our way in this new normal,
we will be operating on Wednesdays and Fridays with a reduced Menu which will be posted
online shortly.

We look forward to resuming our service and continuing to delight your school community
with our Lunch Service.

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Carlton Gardens Primary School 29 May 2020

CGPS News 9
Carlton Gardens Primary School 29 May 2020

215 Ra hd ne S ee , Ca l n,
Vic ia, A alia 3053

Ph ne: 03 9663 6502

Fa : 03 9639 1220
Email: ca l den . @ed mail. ic.g .a
.ca l nga den . ic.ed .a
i e : @Ca l nGa den
In ag am: @Ca l nGa den

CGPS News 10

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