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TEST-2 Date-20/05/2020

1. Government of India has recently launched ‘Jan-Dhan-Yojana’ aimed at every household in the
country to have at least one bank account.Explain how deposits made under the plan are going to
affect national income of the country? (3)
2. Distinguish between quantitative and qualitative credit control? (2)
3. Explain the ‘lender of last resort’ function of central bank? (3)
4. Explain the role of SLR in controlling money supply in the economy? (3)
5. What is credit multiplier? (1)
6. Distinguish between bank rate and repo rate?(3)
7. What do you mean by open market operations? (1)
8. Define full bodied money.(1)
9. What is money supply? (1)
10. Expand NABARD (1)
11. Fill in the blanks (0.5*2=1)
a. Total demand deposits with the banks are many times more than the_______of the
commercial banks.
b. _______________refers to the sale and purchase of foreign exchange with a view to
achieve stability of exchange rate for the domestic currency.

TEST-2 Date-20/05/2020
1. Government of India has recently launched ‘Jan-Dhan-Yojana’ aimed at every household in the
country to have at least one bank account.Explain how deposits made under the plan are going to
affect national income of the country? (3)
2. Distinguish between quantitative and qualitative credit control? (2)
3. Explain the ‘lender of last resort’ function of central bank? (3)
4. Explain the role of SLR in controlling money supply in the economy? (3)
5. What is credit multiplier? (1)
6. Distinguish between bank rate and repo rate?(3)
7. What do you mean by open market operations? (1)
8. Define full bodied money.(1)
9. What is money supply? (1)
10. Expand NABARD (1)
11. Fill in the blanks (0.5*2=1)
a. Total demand deposits with the banks are many times more than the_______of the
commercial banks.
b. _______________refers to the sale and purchase of foreign exchange with a view to
achieve stability of exchange rate for the domestic currency.

TEST-2 Date-20/05/2020
1. Government of India has recently launched ‘Jan-Dhan-Yojana’ aimed at every household in the
country to have at least one bank account.Explain how deposits made under the plan are going to
affect national income of the country? (3)
2. Distinguish between quantitative and qualitative credit control? (2)
3. Explain the ‘lender of last resort’ function of central bank? (3)
4. Explain the role of SLR in controlling money supply in the economy? (3)
5. What is credit multiplier? (1)
6. Distinguish between bank rate and repo rate?(3)
7. What do you mean by open market operations? (1)
8. Define full bodied money.(1)
9. What is money supply? (1)
10. Expand NABARD (1)
11. Fill in the blanks (0.5*2=1)
a. Total demand deposits with the banks are many times more than the_______of the
commercial banks.
b. _______________refers to the sale and purchase of foreign exchange with a view to
achieve stability of exchange rate for the domestic currency.
TEST-2 Date-20/05/2020
1. Government of India has recently launched ‘Jan-Dhan-Yojana’ aimed at every household in the
country to have at least one bank account.Explain how deposits made under the plan are going to
affect national income of the country? (3)
2. Distinguish between quantitative and qualitative credit control? (2)
3. Explain the ‘lender of last resort’ function of central bank? (3)
4. Explain the role of SLR in controlling money supply in the economy? (3)
5. What is credit multiplier? (1)
6. Distinguish between bank rate and repo rate?(3)
7. What do you mean by open market operations? (1)
8. Define full bodied money.(1)
9. What is money supply? (1)
10. Expand NABARD (1)
11. Fill in the blanks (0.5*2=1)
a. Total demand deposits with the banks are many times more than the_______of the
commercial banks.
b. _______________refers to the sale and purchase of foreign exchange with a view to
achieve stability of exchange rate for the domestic currency.

Subject-Micro Economics TEST-1 Date-20/05/2020

1. Distinguish between normal goods and inferior goods? (3)
2. Why does demand curve slopes downward?(4)
3. Define giffen goods.(1)
4. State any 3 reasons of rightward shift in demand curve?(3)
5. What is cross price effect?(1)
6. Explain with the help of diagrams, the effect of the following changes on the demand for a
a. Fall in the price of a substitute good
b. Fall in the price of a complementary good (4)
7. What is a demand curve?(1)
8. Fill in the blanks (2)
a. Demand increases with the ____________in the number of buyers for a commodity.
b. Movements along the demand curve refer to ___________or____________of demand.
c. An example of articles of distinction is___________
9. Complete the table:- (1)

Price (Rs) Quantity demanded by Quantity demanded Market Demand

Ashu (Units) by Bhuvan (Units) (Units)
10 3 ___ 8
9 ___ 8 15
8 11 ___ 22
7 ___ 14 30
6 20 22 ___

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