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Historian SE


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© 2007 Rockwell Automation Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in USA.
© 2007 OSISoft, Inc. All rights reserved.

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FactoryTalk, Rockwell Automation, Rockwell Software, the Rockwell Software logo are registered trademarks of Rockwell Automation,

The following logos and products are trademarks of Rockwell Automation, Inc.:
FactoryTalk Historian Site Edition (SE), RSView, FactoryTalk View, RSView Studio, FactoryTalk View Studio, RSView Machine
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this product.

Version: 9.00.05
Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction ..............................................................................................................1

Contents of FactoryTalk Historian DataLink ..............................................................1
System Requirements ...............................................................................................1
For the PI System Manager.......................................................................................3

Chapter 2: Add-in to Excel.........................................................................................................9

Overview ....................................................................................................................9
Tutorial .....................................................................................................................10
PI Menu....................................................................................................................17
Dialog Boxes............................................................................................................18
Time in FactoryTalk Historian DataLink...................................................................22
FactoryTalk Historian DataLink Functions...............................................................27
Details for FactoryTalk Historian DataLink Functions and Dialog Boxes ................30
Writing Data from Excel to PI...................................................................................82
Limits from Excel for FactoryTalk Historian DataLink..............................................84

Appendix A: Troubleshooting ....................................................................................................85

DataLink Add-in Doesn't Load Properly...................................................................85
Connection Problems Reported in Log Files ...........................................................86

Appendix B: Expression Syntax.................................................................................................87

Calculation Expressions ..........................................................................................87
Filter Expressions ....................................................................................................90

Appendix C: Examples of PI Time Strings ................................................................................93

Start and End Time..................................................................................................93
Time Interval ............................................................................................................94

Appendix D: Setup.ini Arguments..............................................................................................95

Silent Installs............................................................................................................95
PI SDK Installation...................................................................................................95
FactoryTalk Historian DataLink Installation .............................................................96

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Appendix E: Outcodes ................................................................................................................97

Example ...................................................................................................................97

Appendix F: Technical Support and Resources ......................................................................99

Before You Call or Write for Help ............................................................................99

Index ............................................................................................................................................101

Page iv
Chapter 1: Introduction

FactoryTalk Historian DataLink provides a link between the PI 3 or PI 2 Server, and

spreadsheet programs running on Microsoft Windows platforms. With FactoryTalk Historian
DataLink, a user running Microsoft Excel can exchange information directly with the
FactoryTalk Historian System databases. Combined with the functionality of the spreadsheet
programs, this feature makes FactoryTalk Historian DataLink a powerful, yet easy-to-use tool
for gathering, analyzing, and reporting PI data.

Contents of FactoryTalk Historian DataLink

FactoryTalk Historian DataLink consists of an add-in for Microsoft Excel

FactoryTalk Historian DataLink for Excel is built with the PI SDK product. It allows users
who have experience using Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) to develop Excel
routines that call PI SDK functions.

However, users who wish to develop programs outside of Excel must purchase a separate PI
SDK or PI API license. Please contact an OSIsoft sales representative for more information.

System Requirements

FactoryTalk Historian DataLink runs within a suitable spreadsheet application on a Microsoft

Windows PC client machine and retrieves information stored on a PI Server through standard
network software.

Operating System and Network Software

The PI Server may run on OpenVMS, Windows, or UNIX. FactoryTalk Historian DataLink
communicates with the PI Server via the TCP/IP protocol.

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To use TCP/IP, one of the following operating systems is necessary:

‰ Microsoft Windows 2000, XP, or Vista

‰ Microsoft Windows 2003 Server

Users of Microsoft Windows should use the TCP/IP layer built into the operating system.


If the PI Server runs on OpenVMS, one of the following TCP/IP software packages is
necessary on the VMS machine:

‰ DEC TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS, version 2.0+

‰ Process Software TCPWare, version 3.1+

‰ Cisco MultiNet, version 3.4+

‰ Attachmate Pathway, runtime release 1.1+

Spreadsheet Programs Supported

FactoryTalk Historian DataLink supports the following spreadsheet program (32-bit versions

‰ Microsoft Excel 2000, version 9.0 and later.

Configuration of Microsoft Excel

If FactoryTalk Historian DataLink will be used with Microsoft Excel, and this is a first time
installation (not an upgrade) of FactoryTalk Historian DataLink, you will need to add
FactoryTalk Historian DataLink.

1. Start Excel.

2. Bring up Excel's add-in manager via Tools > Add-ins.

3. Browse and select the file PIPC32.XLL. For a local installation, the file PIPC32.xll
will be in the ...\PIPC\EXCEL directory. For a shared installation of FactoryTalk
Historian DataLink, look in the ...\PIPC\EXCEL directory on the network drive.

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For the PI System Manager

If FactoryTalk Historian DataLink is upgraded and placed in a directory different from the
previous versions, then Excel's add-in manager should be used first to remove the old
PIPC32.XLL. Then, the new PIPC32.XLL file in the new location should be selected.

New Features for Microsoft Excel Users

A list of new features in this version of FactoryTalk Historian DataLink is in the

...\PIPC\readme_datalink.txt file.

Bug Fixes

A list of known problems that are fixed in this version of FactoryTalk Historian DataLink is
in the ...\PIPC\readme_datalink.txt file.

For the PI System Manager

PI 2 Server

PI Server Service

If FactoryTalk Historian DataLink communicates with the PI Server via TCP/IP, the PI
System Manager must perform a one-time configuration of the PI Server service. This PI
Server service is used by not only FactoryTalk Historian DataLink, but by all OSIsoft PC
client applications. Please consult the PIBuild:PIServer.txt file on the VAX/Alpha machine.

Security File

The PI Server service supports a combination of node authentication and username/password

security for PC client applications. The PI Server access file, PISysDat:PIServer.Dat,
determines which machines have access to PI data. This file should be created if it does not
currently exist.

For node authentication security, add entries for particular machines. For example:
The above entries in PISysDat:PIServer.Dat result in the following:

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1. The machines named "PINET1" and "PINET2" have unconditional read and write access
to PI data. This level of access must be provided to PINet nodes.

2. The machine named "PC1" also has unconditional read and write access to PI data. This
level of security means that anyone with access to "PC1" itself will have unconditional
read and write access to PI data via FactoryTalk Historian DataLink.

3. The machine named "PC2" has no access to PI data. This level of security means that no
one can use FactoryTalk Historian DataLink on "PC2" to retrieve data into spreadsheets.

4. All other PCs have unconditional read access to PI data. This level of security means that
all users on these machines will be able to get data from but not write data to PI with
FactoryTalk Historian DataLink.

5. For username/password security, add the letter L after the access type as follows:



This PIServer.Dat is the same as the previous example except in two cases:

• The machine named "PC1" has conditional read and write access. This level of
security means that only user with proper user name and password can read and write
on "PC1" via FactoryTalk Historian DataLink.
• All other PCs have conditional access to PI data. This level of security means that
users must provide a valid PI username and password to access PI data and no user
can write data back into PI.
Be aware that TCP/IP node names are case-sensitive. In addition, the values for the entries in
the CLIENTACCESS section (that is, R and W) are also case-sensitive.

For node or username/password security to function properly, it is essential that the PI Server
be able to determine the name of the PC client running FactoryTalk Historian DataLink. The
following sections provide specific information for DECNet and different vendor's TCP/IP.

Name Translation - UCX (or TCPIP for VMS 7.2+)

Under DEC TCP/IP Services for VMS, the PI 2 Server asks UCX to supply the hostname for
a given FactoryTalk Historian DataLink connection. UCX in turn queries the UCX host
database on the VAX/Alpha or the Domain Name Server (if configured).

To confirm that UCX is determining the PC name properly, type the following from DCL
after FactoryTalk Historian DataLink has connected to the PI 2 Server:
$ ucx show device /port=545
You should see the remote hostname listed under Remote. It is this hostname whose access
level to PI data is being controlled by PISysDat:PIServer.Dat.

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For the PI System Manager

If instead, you see a number (for example, for the remote host, this means
that UCX (and hence the PI 2 Server) cannot determine the name of the PC client.
Accordingly, the PI 2 Server uses the DEFAULT level access in

To add an entry in the UCX host table for a PC:

$ ucx set host "mypc" /addr=
Consult your UCX documentation for more details.

Name Translation - MultiNet

Under MultiNet, the PI 2 Server asks MultiNet to supply the hostname for a given
FactoryTalk Historian DataLink connection. MultiNet in turn queries the MultiNet host
database on the VAX/Alpha or the Domain Name Server (if configured). To confirm that
MultiNet is determining the PC name properly, type the following from DCL after
FactoryTalk Historian DataLink has connected to the PI 2 Server:
$ multinet show
You should then see the name of the local host as well as the name of the foreign (PC) host. It
is this latter hostname whose access level to PI data is being controlled by

If instead, you see a number (for example, for the foreign host, this means
that MultiNet (and hence the PI 2 Server) cannot determine the name of the PC client.
Accordingly, the PI 2 Server is using the DEFAULT level access in

To add an entry in the MultiNet host table on the VAX/Alpha for a PC, you need to edit the
MultiNet:Hosts.Local file. After editing, you should run the following commands:
$ multinet host_table compile $ @multinet:install_databases
Consult your MultiNet documentation for more details.

Name Translation - PathWay

Under PathWay, the PI 2 Server asks PathWay to supply the hostname for a given
FactoryTalk Historian DataLink connection. PathWay in turn queries the host database on the
VAX/Alpha or the Domain Name Server (if configured). To confirm that PathWay is
determining the PC name properly, type the following from DCL after FactoryTalk Historian
DataLink has connected to the PI 2 Server:
$ netstat

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You should then see the name of the local host as well as the name of the foreign (PC) host. It
is this latter host name whose access level to PI data is being controlled by

If instead, you see a number (for example, for the foreign host, this means
that PathWay (and hence the PI 2 Server) cannot determine the name of the PC client.
Accordingly, the PI 2 Server is using the DEFAULT level access in PISysDat:PIServer.Dat.

To add an entry in the PathWay host table on the VAX for a PC, you need to edit the
twg$etc:Hosts.file. Consult your PathWay documentation for more details.

Name Translation - TCPWare

Under TCPWare, the PI 2 Server asks TCPWare to supply the hostname for a given
FactoryTalk Historian DataLink connection. TCPWare in turn queries the host database on
the VAX/AlphaAXP or the Domain Name Server (if configured). To confirm that TCPWare
is determining the PC name properly, type the following from DCL after FactoryTalk
Historian DataLink has connected to the PI 2 Server:
$ netcu show connections /host_names
You should then see the name of the local host as well as the name of the remote (PC) host. It
is this latter host name whose access level to PI data is being controlled by

If instead, you see a number (for example, for the remote host, this means
that TCPWare (and hence the PI 2 Server) cannot determine the name of the PC client.
Accordingly, the PI 2 Server is using the DEFAULT level access in

To add an entry in the TCPWare host table on the VAX/Alpha for a PC, you need to edit the
TCPWare:Hosts file. You may need to restart TCPWare in order for the change to take
effect. Consult your TCPWare documentation for more details.

PI 3 Server

Firewall Database

The firewall database on the machine on which PI 3 Server is running must be configured to
allow access by PCs on which FactoryTalk Historian DataLink is running. For example,
PIConfig> @table pi_gen,pifirewall PIConfig> @ostr hostmask,value
PIConfig> @select hostmask=* PIconfig> @ends *.*.*.*, ALLOW
The above indicates that all PCs may connect to PI 3 Server.
*.*.*.*, DISALLOW 192.168.100.*, ALLOW

Page 6
For the PI System Manager

The above indicates that only PCs whose TCP/IP address start with 192.168.100 are allowed
to connect.

For more information, consult the PI Server User Manuals included on the FactoryTalk
Historian SE installation CD under Redist > Docs.

Trust Database

The trust database on the machine on which PI 3 Server is running may be configured to
allow access without explicit login by PCs on which FactoryTalk Historian DataLink is
running. For example,
PIconfig> @table pitrust PIconfig> @ostr trust,ipaddr,iphost,piuser
PIconfig> @select trust=* PIconfig> @ends
The above indicates that any app connecting to PI 3 Server from "mypc" gets piadmin
privileges by default.

For more information, consult the PI Server User Manuals that are included on the
FactoryTalk Historian SE installation CD under Redist > Docs.

Point Access/Data Access Attributes

When FactoryTalk Historian DataLink connects to PI 3 Server, it asks the user for a
username and password. This username is used in conjunction with the PtOwner, PtAccess,
DataOwner, and DataAccess fields.

For example, if the tag SINUSOID is configured such that PtAccess is O:RW, G:NONE,
W:NONE, and PtOwner is USER1, FactoryTalk Historian DataLink users must log in as
USER1 in order to see this tag. Otherwise, the tag will not be found.

Also, if SINUSOID DataAccess is O:R, G:NONE, W:NONE, and DataOwner is USER1,

FactoryTalk Historian DataLink users must log in as USER1 in order to see data for this tag.
Otherwise, a read access error message is returned.

However, even logging on as USER1 in this case will not allow FactoryTalk Historian
DataLink to write data to SINUSOID because the DataAccess attribute is O:R (read only).
The PI System Manager would need to change DataAccess to O:RW (read and write). Only
after this change is made can FactoryTalk Historian DataLink users who log in as USER1 be
able to read and write data for SINUSOID.

For more information, consult the PI Server User Manuals that are included on the
FactoryTalk Historian SE installation CD under Redist > Docs.

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Note: The user PIAdmin is a "super"-privileged user. A user of FactoryTalk Historian

DataLink who logs in as PIAdmin has read and write access to all tags. For this
reason, FactoryTalk Historian DataLink users normally should NOT log in as

Page 8
Chapter 2: Add-in to Excel


The FactoryTalk Historian DataLink add-in for Excel provides users of Microsoft Excel with
the ability to retrieve data associated with tags on a PI Server, directly into a spreadsheet.
Moreover, users have the ability to write spreadsheet values back into PI.

FactoryTalk Historian DataLink provides the following functions to retrieve data from PI:

‰ Current value

‰ Value at a specific time

‰ Tag attributes

‰ Evenly spaced (sampled) data

‰ Sampled data while a given expression is true

‰ Compressed (archived) data

‰ Compressed data while a given expression is true

‰ Sampled data for a user specified array of timestamps

‰ Data from calculations on PI tag expressions

‰ Amount of time while a PI tag expression was true

‰ Totals, minima, maxima, standard deviations, ranges, averages, counts and means for PI
tags and PI expressions
‰ Tagname from a specified Point ID

‰ Tagnames from specified attribute masks

‰ Alias value from module database

‰ Property value from module database

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Add-in to Excel


The goal of this tutorial is to get you started with using FactoryTalk Historian DataLink in
Excel as quickly as possible. FactoryTalk Historian DataLink's features are not discussed in
detail in this tutorial. Rather, it will serve to familiarize the user with the overall operation of
this add-in.

Verify Communications with PI Server

In this first example, we will confirm that FactoryTalk Historian DataLink has been installed
properly and that it can connect to the PI Server.

Start Excel and make sure that the PI menu choice is in Excel's menu bar. If PI does not
appear, you need to use Excel's add-in manager. See Configuration of Microsoft Excel.

From the PI Connection Manager dialog box, check the checkboxes in the left-hand panel.

If the Status indicates that the PI Server is not connected, click the checkbox to connect.

Page 10

Tag Attributes and Current Value

In this next example, we obtain the tag descriptor, current value, and engineering units for
some tags.

1. Open Excel.

2. From the PI menu, select Settings... and make sure that the In a column radio button in
the "Copy items to sheet" section is chosen.

3. Next, dismiss the dialog box and move the cursor to cell A2 in the spreadsheet.

4. Select Tag Search... from the PI menu and enter "BA*" into the Tag Mask field.

5. Click Search to find tags that being with "BA". The Search Results list should contain at
least five tags: BA:ACTIVE.1, BA:CONC.1, BA:LEVEL.1, BA:PHASE.1, and

6. Select these five tags from the Search Results list by clicking on the first tag
(BA:ACTIVE.1) and then simultaneously holding the CTRL key and clicking on each of

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the four other tags. Then, click OK to copy the five tags along a single column, from A2
to A6.

7. Move the cursor to cell B2. From the PI menu, select Tag Attributes.... Click the edit box
under Tagname(s).

8. Position the mouse over cell A2 in the spreadsheet. Click and drag to select the reference

9. Type or select "descriptor" from drop-down box below Attribute.

10. Click OK in the dialog box. FactoryTalk Historian DataLink then retrieves Tag
descriptors into cells B2 to B6.

11. Move the cursor to cell C2. From the PI menu, select Current Value.... Click the edit
box under Tagname. Position the mouse over cell A2 in the spreadsheet. Click and drag
to select the reference A2:A6. In the dialog box, click the time at left radio button.

Page 12

12. Click OK in the dialog box. FactoryTalk Historian DataLink then retrieves current values
and the timestamps of these current values into columns D and C, respectively.

13. Move the cursor to cell E2 in the spreadsheet. From the PI menu, select Tag Attributes...
again. Click the edit box under Tagname(s).

14. Position the mouse over cell A2 in the spreadsheet. Click and drag to select the reference
A2:A6. Select engunits from the Attribute list box.

15. Click OK in the dialog box. FactoryTalk Historian DataLink then retrieves engineering
units into cells E2 to E6.

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Actual Values from the PI Server

In this example, we gather sampled data for a single tag.

1. Move the cursor to cell C10. From the PI menu, select Sampled Data.... Click the Tag
Search button. The Tag Search dialog box then appears.

2. Enter "CD*" into the Tag Mask field. Click Search to search for tags that begin with
CD. The tag "cdt158" should be returned. Select this tag and click OK.

3. The tag cdt158 then appears in the Tagname field in the Sampled Data dialog box.
Enter t (for midnight today) in the Start Time field, +8h (eight hour offset from start
time) in the End Time field, and 1h (one hour interval) in the Time Interval field. Click
the show timestamps check box.

4. Click OK. FactoryTalk Historian DataLink then retrieves interpolated data from
midnight to 8:00am at 1-hour intervals.

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Changing Arguments from the Dialog Box

In this example, we make a change to the end time used in the previous example.

1. Right click on any part of the array created in the previous example

2. Select Sampled Data...

3. Change the end time from "+8h" to "+9h" and click OK. FactoryTalk Historian DataLink
then retrieves interpolated data from midnight to 9:00am at 1-hour intervals. Note that the
array size has increased by one row.

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Using Old Arrays as Templates

In this example, we show how to use an old array as a template for a different tag.

1. Right click on any part of the array created in the previous example

2. Select Sampled Data...

3. Change the tag edit field from "CDT158" to "SINUSOID"

4. Change the Output Cell from $C$10 to $A$10 and click OK. Notice that the sampled
data for tag "SINUSOID" is in A10.

FactoryTalk Historian DataLink Summary

As the above examples indicate, the fastest way to use FactoryTalk Historian DataLink to
transfer data between PI and Excel is to select an option from the PI menu item. A dialog box
then appears. Enter the appropriate parameters and FactoryTalk Historian DataLink retrieves
the requested PI values. The next sections describe the features of FactoryTalk Historian
DataLink in greater detail.

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PI Menu

PI Menu

When FactoryTalk Historian DataLink is added to Excel, it adds the PI menu item to Excel's
menu bar.

Pop-up menu selections are available from this menu item. These are:

‰ Current Value retrieves the current value for a tag

‰ Archive Value retrieves a single value from the archive (may be interpolated)

‰ Tag Attributes retrieves a tag attribute

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‰ Compressed Data (Start Time/Number) retrieves compressed data based on a start time
and a specified number of values with an optional filter condition
‰ Compressed data (Start Time/End Time) retrieves compressed data based on a start time
and an end time with an optional filter condition
‰ Sampled Data retrieves evenly spaced (sampled) data from the archive with an optional
filter condition
‰ Timed Data retrieves sampled data synchronized with an array of timestamps

‰ Calculated Data retrieves totals, minima, maxima, ranges, standard deviations, averages
and means for multiple time periods
‰ Advanced Calculated Data is similar to calculated data but with more advanced options
(i.e. event weighted)
‰ Time Filtered retrieves the amount of time over which a tag expression is true

‰ Point ID to Tag retrieves a tagname from specified point ID

‰ Attribute Mask to Tag retrieves tagnames from specified attribute masks

‰ Alias retrieves an alias tagname from the module database

‰ Property retrieves a property value from the module database

‰ Insert Trend creates a trend that can directly get data from PI or off the worksheet

‰ Tag Search searches for PI tags

‰ Module Database displays module database contents such as aliases and properties

‰ Connections manages PI Server connections

‰ Settings displays FactoryTalk Historian DataLink settings and preferences

‰ About displays version information on FactoryTalk Historian DataLink

‰ Help displays help on FactoryTalk Historian DataLink

Dialog Boxes

Edit Fields

The edit fields can contain either the necessary text information or references to cells, which
contain the necessary text information. FactoryTalk Historian DataLink determines the type
of information entered in the edit field by context.

Page 18
Dialog Boxes

As opposed to typing in the cell reference, you may also use the mouse to click the edit field,
and then click the cell (or click the cell and drag to adjacent cells) on the spreadsheet. In this
procedure, Excel automatically enters the cell reference(s) into the edit field for you.

For example, in the dialog box below, the edit fields for Tagname and Output ask for a cell
on the spreadsheet that contains the tagname and a cell on the spreadsheet where you wish to
place the output of the current value, respectively.

PI Server and Output Fields

The PI Server field allows the selection of a PI server from the known servers list. In the
drop-down list, the servers above the dotted line are the servers currently connected and the
ones below are currently disconnected. The PI Server field in all of the dialog boxes is
labeled as opt. or optional. If the PI Server field is blank, FactoryTalk Historian DataLink
will use the default PI Server. You can change the default PI Server in the
Connections... dialog box available from the PI menu.

The Output field allows you to specify the upper left-hand corner of the range where
FactoryTalk Historian DataLink will place the resulting data.

Data Displayed as Columns or Rows

For dialog boxes that expect to return an array of PI values (for example, Sampled data),
there is a set of radio buttons with options column(s) or row(s). Choose column(s) to display
the data in either one column, two columns if timestamps OR percent good are to be

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displayed, or three columns if timestamps AND percent good are to be displayed. Choose
row(s) to display the data in either one, two, or three rows.

Page 20
Dialog Boxes

For dialog boxes that expect to return a single PI value (e.g., Current value), there is a set of
radio buttons with options no timestamp, time at left or time on top. Choose time at left to
display data in two columns. Choose time on top to display data in two rows.

For dialog boxes that support an array of tags, the orientation of the tag array will override
your row/column option selection in determining the orientation of the output data.

List Boxes

List boxes appear for the Mode field in Archive Value..., for the Type fields in Compressed
Data (Number) and (Times)..., for the Mode fields in Calculated and Advanced Calculated
data..., and for the Time Unit fields in Time Filtered... dialog boxes. The default retrieval
mode from Archive Value... is interpolated, the default boundary type from both Compressed
Data (Number) and (Times)... is inside, the default calculation mode from both Calculated
and Advanced Calculated Data... is total, the default expression sampling mode from
Advanced Calculated Data... is pt. compressed, and the default time unit for Time Filtered...
is seconds.

Combo Boxes

Combo boxes appear for the Attribute field in Tag Attributes.... The Point Class field is
automatically populated with all the available point classes for the listed PI server. Whenever
a new PI server is selected in the PI Server field, the Point Class field is repopulated.
Whenever a point class is selected in the Point Class field, the Attribute field is repopulated.
When a valid tag is entered, its point class will be retrieved and entered into the Point Class
field automatically.

Tag Search in Dialog Boxes

The <...> button next to the tagname field in the dialog boxes allows you to search the PI
database for tags. Clicking the button will bring up the Tag Search dialog box. If you press
OK in the Tag Search dialog box, the first tagname selected will be copied to the tagname
edit field. The PI Server name is also copied to the PI Server edit field if you checked the
"Copy PI Server name" box in the FactoryTalk Historian DataLink settings.

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Time in FactoryTalk Historian DataLink

Returned Values

The timestamps returned by the FactoryTalk Historian DataLink dialog boxes are in Excel
format; i.e., the number represents the number of days since 1900. For example, 10-Dec-99
7:12pm is entered into a cell as the number 36504.8.

However FactoryTalk Historian DataLink formats these timestamps into a PI time string;
specifically, dd-mmm-yy hh:mm:ss. For example, 7:12 PM on December 10th, 1999 is
displayed as 10-Dec-99 19:12:00.

You can change this format to another by selecting the cells and choosing Format, Cells,
Number. See your Excel documentation for more information on formatting numbers as time.

User-Specified Time and Number Formatting

If you do not like the general and dd-mmm-yy hh:mm:ss formatting codes for number and
time, respectively, you can specify another default number and time formatting code in
FactoryTalk Historian DataLink. This is done via the PI > Settings... dialog box.

Page 22
Time in FactoryTalk Historian DataLink

The number format "0.0" formats numbers to one decimal place and the time format
"hh:mm:ss" timestamps to be hour:minute:seconds.

The entries for the number format and time format fields may be any valid Excel format code
from Format, Cells, Number, Custom.

For example in German, the equivalent of "General" and "dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm" are
"Standard" and "TT-MM-JJJJ hh:mm" respectively.

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Entering Timestamps into FactoryTalk Historian DataLink

Many of the dialog boxes ask for a start time and an end time. In the edit fields, type the
desired PI time string, for example, 10-Dec-99 19:12. Note that for PI time in relative time
format (for example, '-1d'), the reference time is different for the start time and the end time.
The current wall clock is the reference time for the translation of the relative time in the start
time field. However, the start time is used as the reference time for the translation of the
relative time in the end time field.

If you want to use cell references, you may refer either to cells that contain a PI time in string
format (e.g., '10-Dec-99 19:12) or to cells that contain an Excel time (for example, 36504.8,
formatted in whatever style you wish). Remember that Excel stores time as the number of
days since 1900, but displays it according to Format, Cells, Number.

For the time interval edit field, you may specify a number followed by an h or an m or an s
(for hours, minutes, or seconds, respectively). For example, to indicate a time interval of
thirty two minutes, type 32m into the edit field.

If you want to use cell references, you may refer only to cells that contain a valid PI time
interval string. That is, you cannot refer to a cell containing an Excel time (i.e., a number).
For example, to specify an interval of 32 minutes, the time interval edit field of a dialog box
must refer to a cell that contains the string 32m.

Page 24
Time in FactoryTalk Historian DataLink

See Start and End Time (page 93) and Time Interval (page 94) for examples of valid PI time

Show Time Check Box

A show time check box appears in some of the dialog boxes, whose PI function normally
returns an array of PI values. Selecting this check box returns the timestamps as well as the
values. These timestamps appear at the leftmost column if the column(s) radio button is
selected; and along the topmost row if the row(s) is selected. If this box is unchecked,
FactoryTalk Historian DataLink does not display the timestamps.

If you reference an array of tags in either the Sampled Data or Calculated Data dialog box,
FactoryTalk Historian DataLink returns one common set of timestamps for the entire group
of tags.

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Positioning Timestamp Data Returned by FactoryTalk Historian DataLink

Some dialog boxes that return a single value (for example, Current Value) provide radio
buttons that control where timestamps are displayed.

‰ Select no timestamp to suppress the timestamp.

‰ Select time at left to return a timestamp into a cell to the left of the retrieved values.

‰ Select time on top to display the timestamp in a cell above the retrieved values.

Note: When an array reference is specified in the Tagname field, the time at left and
time on top radio buttons produce the same result. In this case, FactoryTalk
Historian DataLink returns the timestamp and value depending on whether the
reference of tag names is horizontal or vertical. For tag names in a single column,
timestamps will appear to the left of the values. For tag names in a single row,
timestamps will appear on top of the values.

Timestamp Data for a Time Interval or Range

Some dialog boxes that return a single value for each interval of time (for example,
Calculated Data) provide check boxes that control which timestamps are displayed.

When a time interval is specified:

‰ Select Start Time to display the start time of the interval.

‰ Select End Time to display the end time of the interval.

For minimum, maximum, and range functions:

‰ Select Min/Max Time to display timestamps for the interval's minimum and maximum
The timestamps are displayed according to the orientation (rowwise or columnwise)
specified. For instance, if the orientation is columnwise and if all check boxes are selected,
the order of the columns from left to right would be: start time, end time, the timestamp of the
minimum value, the timestamp of the maximum value. If the check box for End Time is
cleared, for the same example the order from left to right would be: start time, the timestamp
of the minimum value, the timestamp of the maximum value.

Page 26
FactoryTalk Historian DataLink Functions

FactoryTalk Historian DataLink Functions

Functions vs. Values

When a FactoryTalk Historian DataLink dialog box brings data from the PI Server to
Excel, it does not put the actual value into a cell. Rather, FactoryTalk Historian DataLink
pastes a custom PI function into the cell.

For example, when you call up the Current Value dialog box and enter SINUSOID into the
Tagname field, FactoryTalk Historian DataLink pastes the following function into the cell:
Excel then evaluates this function, and displays the resulting number. Thus, the FactoryTalk
Historian DataLink dialog boxes are a front end to construct the corresponding FactoryTalk
Historian DataLink functions, and to format the output.

These FactoryTalk Historian DataLink functions can also be entered manually into the cells
in a worksheet. The arguments to the function are described further in Details for FactoryTalk
Historian DataLink Functions and Dialog Boxes (page 30). Since most of the FactoryTalk
Historian DataLink functions return more than one data element, the functions should be
entered into Excel as array functions. Please see the Entering PI Functions Directly into Excel
section below for a more detailed explanation of how array functions are used.

These FactoryTalk Historian DataLink functions can only be used in cells of a worksheet.
They cannot be called within a procedure in Excel Visual Basic. Visual Basic does not
recognize FactoryTalk Historian DataLink functions. The only way to invoke the FactoryTalk
Historian DataLink functions in VBA is to formulate the function as a text string and then set
the formula Array property of a range of cells to this text string. This is the same as manually
entering the PI functions into that range of cells. The VBA code can then check the cell
values for the PI function results. For an example of entering PI functions into the
spreadsheet using VBA, see the putval_code module in the piexam32.xls distributed with
FactoryTalk Historian DataLink.

The FactoryTalk Historian DataLink output function PIPutVal() is an Excel Macro function
and cannot be used directly in the cells of a worksheet. PIPutVal() can only be used in an
Excel 4.0 macro sheet or run as a macro in VBA. In VBA, use the method to
invoke macro functions. Please refer to the putval_code module in the piexam32.xls for an
example of invoking the macro function in VBA.

Error Reporting

FactoryTalk Historian DataLink is written in C++ and Visual Basic and utilizes both the
FactoryTalk Historian System's SDK and Microsoft Excel's API. When an error occurs at the

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PI SDK level, FactoryTalk Historian DataLink displays the PI SDK error in the cell. For
example, if you try to find the current value for a tag which does not exist, the message
"PIPoint not found" appears in the output cell.

Refreshing PI Data in a Spreadsheet

There are two ways to refresh the data on a spreadsheet. One way is to right click on any part
of the array and select the Recalculate (Resize) function. This method works best if you have a
variable size array where the number of values returned could be different depending on what
range of values retrieved. If there are fewer values, there is no problem. However, if more
values are retrieved, those values will not show unless the Recalculate function is selected.

The second way is to make a change to the arguments passed to the FactoryTalk Historian
DataLink functions. Because FactoryTalk Historian DataLink retrieves data from the PI
Server via functions, values on the spreadsheet update only when a function argument
changes. Pressing F9 in Excel does not force FactoryTalk Historian DataLink functions to get
new data from the PI server. The only exception is the Current value function, which updates
whenever Excel recalculates. This was intentionally done because most of the other DataLink
functions do not represent chronically changing data. However, to bypass this,
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F9 forces all DataLink functions to recalculate.

The best way to create a spreadsheet that updates with minimal user interaction is to use some
Excel dynamic time functions like now() or today() to build a time stamp, e.g. use
(today()+1/3) for 8am today. Then refer to this cell in the start time or end time
argument of the DataLink query. Whenever Excel recalculates (due to the user pressing F9 or
changing any cells in the spreadsheet), the dynamic time functions will be updated by Excel,
causing the FactoryTalk Historian DataLink function to run. Note that the value of the time
stamp does not have to change in order for Excel to trigger the FactoryTalk Historian
DataLink function. As long as an Excel dynamic time function is used to construct the time
stamp and this time stamp is used in the DataLink argument, Excel will trigger the DataLink
function when the spreadsheet recalculates.

Changing Arguments using Dialog Boxes

If an argument needs to be changed, right click on any part of the array and select the
FactoryTalk Historian DataLink function. A dialog box will appear with all the edit fields
filled in with the arguments that were previously specified for that array. Any of the edit
fields can be changed and the new array will reflect those changes.

If the output edit field is changed, there are two different behaviors depending on what new
cell is referenced. If the newly referenced cell is part of the original array, then the entire
array gets moved with the upper-leftmost cell of the array at the newly referenced cell. If the
newly referenced cell is not part of the original array, then the array is pasted with the
upper-leftmost cell of the array at the newly referenced cell.

Page 28
FactoryTalk Historian DataLink Functions

Selecting an Entire DataLink Function

If a large FactoryTalk Historian DataLink function array needs to be copied, moved or

deleted, the easiest way is to right click on any part of the array and select Select DataLink
Formula. Then perform the desired operation. The entire Excel function array must be moved
or deleted, or an error "You cannot change part of an array" appears.

Entering PI Functions Directly into Excel

Array Values

All of FactoryTalk Historian DataLink functions except PIPutVal() return array values. This
being the case, you must first select the appropriate array output range. Next, enter the PI
function and its arguments into Excel's formula bar. Finally, place the PI function into the
cells with the CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER combination of keystrokes. Refer to the online help for
Microsoft Excel for more information on array functions. Also, note that Excel function
wizard will only insert function into one cell on the spreadsheet. Therefore, it may not be
appropriate to use the function wizard to enter PI functions into Excel.


The outcode argument is an integer that controls whether or not the timestamps are returned
and whether the output cells are row or column oriented.

For example, an outcode of 0 in PICurrVal() results in the snapshot value in the single cell.
An outcode of 1 places the snapshot time in column one and the snapshot value in column
two of a 1 x 2 array. An outcode of 2 places the snapshot time in row one and the snapshot
value in row two of a 2 x 1 array. Refer to the detail description for each individual PI
function for the meaning of its outcode. In general, if you specify an array output range that is
greater than the number of values returned from the function, the extra cells are displayed as
empty cells even though they have an embedded formula.

String Arguments

For string arguments to functions, you need to surround the arguments with double quotes.
For example, select a 1 x 2 output array and enter:
=PICurrVal("sinusoid", 1, "casaba")
to retrieve the snapshot time and value for the tag sinusoid from the PI Server "casaba."

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Using Cell Reference in Arguments

You can use cell references for all the arguments in all of FactoryTalk Historian DataLink
functions. For example, the following function:
=PICurrVal(A1, A2, A3)
gives the same result as the example above if the three arguments are stored in cell A1, A2,
and A3 respectively.

PIServer Argument

The PIServer argument is optional. The default PIServer can be changed in the Connections
dialog box. If you want to use the default server, you can omit the PIServer argument. For
example, to retrieve the current value for the tag sinusoid from the default PI Server, enter:
into a 1x1 output range .

Details for FactoryTalk Historian DataLink Functions and Dialog


The following sections describe each of the FactoryTalk Historian DataLink functions in
detail. Each section describes the dialog box first and then discusses each of the arguments
for the corresponding custom PI function or functions.

Current Value Dialog Box

This dialog box gets the current Snapshot value of a PI tag.

Required Field

Tagname. The reference to Tagname may be an array.

Special Notes

This function updates whenever Excel calculates or recalculates any cell in the spreadsheet.
To force an immediate recalculation, press the F9 key.


PICurrVal(tagname, outcode, PIServer)

Page 30
Details for FactoryTalk Historian DataLink Functions and Dialog Boxes

Argument Explanation
Tagname (string) The tag for which you want the snapshot (current) value.
outcode (integer) An output code; either 0, 1, or 2.
PIServer (string) The PI Server.

Outcode Column 1 Column 2
0 Current value
1 Timestamps Current value

An output code of 2 transposes the output array that results from an output code of 1.


The following retrieves the current value and the corresponding timestamp for the tag let439
from the PI Server "holden:"

Archive Value Dialog Box

This dialog box gets a value at a specified time. There are five modes to select from:

‰ Previous - Retrieves the value in the archive at or before the specified timestamp

‰ Previous only - Retrieves the value in the archive only before the specified timestamp

‰ Interpolated - Interpolates the value at the specified timestamp except for resolution code
4 tags on PI 2 Server and tags with step attribute set on PI 3 Server. For this special case,
the previous value is simply carried forward.
‰ Auto - Same as interpolated except for resolution code 4 tags on PI 2 Server and tags with
step attribute set on PI 3 Server. For this special case, the value at or before the specified
timestamp is returned
‰ Next - Retrieves the value in the archive at or after the specified timestamp

‰ Next Only - Retrieves the value in the archive only after the specified timestamp

‰ Exact Time - Retrieves the value in the archive for a specified time if an entry exists at
that time. If no value exists, the message "No events found" is returned

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Required Fields

‰ Tagname or Expression

‰ Timestamp

Related Topics

PIArcVal() (page 32)

PIExpVal() (page 33)


PIArcVal(tagname, timestamp, outcode, PIServer, mode)

Argument Explanation
tagname (string) The tag for which you want the archive value.
time stamp (string) The PI timestamp.
outcode (integer) An output code; either 0, 1, or 2.
PIServer (string) The PI Server.
mode (string) The retrieval mode.

Outcode Column 1 Column 2
0 Archive value
1 Timestamp Archive value

An output code of 2 transposes the output array that results from an output code of 1.


The following retrieves the interpolated value for the tag cdep158 at 7:20pm on December 11,
1992 from the PI Server "casaba:"
=PIArcVal("cdep158","11-dec-92 19:20",0, "casaba","interpolated")

Page 32
Details for FactoryTalk Historian DataLink Functions and Dialog Boxes


PIExpVal(expression, timestamp, PIServer)

Argument Explanation
expression (string) The expression for which you want the archive value.
time stamp (string) The PI timestamp.
PIServer (string) The PI Server.

Outcode Column 1 Column 2
0 Archive value
1 Timestamp Archive value

An output code of 2 transposes the output array that results from an output code of 1.


The following calculates the square root of the value of the tag sinusoid from the PI Server
named THEVAX at midnight yesterday:

Tag Attributes Dialog Box

This dialog box retrieves a point attribute for a given tag.

Required Fields

‰ Tagname

‰ Tag attribute

For PI3, the list of tag attributes depends on the point class selected. For a complete list of tag
attributes, refer to the attributes listed in the combo box or to the description of attributes for
each point class in the PI Server User Manuals, available from the FactoryTalk Historian SE
installation CD under Redist > Docs.

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For PI 2, choose a tag attribute from the combo box. The default attribute is descriptor. Tag
attributes are:
Attribute Explanation
Descriptor 26-character tag descriptor
Exdesc 80-character extended tag descriptor
typicalvalue Typical value
Units Engineering unit string
Zero Zero
Span Span
digstartcode Code for the first digital state string for the tag
dignumber Number of digital states minus 1
pointtype Point type character
pointsource Point source character
location1 Location parameter 1
location2 Location parameter 2
location3 Location parameter 3
location4 Location parameter 4
location5 Location parameter 5
filtercode Filter code
squareroot Square root flag
scan Scan flag
excdev Exception deviation in percent of span
excmin Exception minimum time in seconds
excmax Exception maximum time in seconds
archiving Archiving flag
compressing Compression flag
Res Resolution code
compdev Compression deviation in percent of span
compmin Compression minimum time in seconds
compmax Compression maximum time in seconds
totalcode Totalization code
convers Conversion factor for postprocessed points
displaydigits Controls the format of numeric values on terminal-based PI screens
instrumenttag Tagname for value in another system; used by some interfaces
sourcept Tagname for output to other systems; used by some interfaces
taglong Long tagname (up to 80 characters)

Page 34
Details for FactoryTalk Historian DataLink Functions and Dialog Boxes

Attribute Explanation
tagshort 12 character tagname
creator Creator of the tag
createdate Creation date of the tag
changer User who modified the tag's attributes
changedate Change date of the tag
pointnumber ID number reused upon deletion of a point
pointid Unique internal ID number not reused upon deletion of a point

PITagAtt(tagname, attribute, PIServer)

Argument Explanation
tagname (string) The tag for which you want an attribute.
attribute (string) The tag attribute, see the list under Tag Attributes Dialog Box (page 33).
PIServer (string) The PI Server.


Tag attribute


The following retrieves from the default PI Server the engineering units for the tag located in
cell D1:

Compressed Data (Start Time/Number) Dialog Box

This dialog box returns compressed values from the PI Server based on a start time and a
specified number of data points. If a filter expression is not specified, the PINCompDat()
function is called. Otherwise, the PINCompFilDat() function is called.

Required Fields

‰ Tagname

‰ Start Time

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‰ Number of data points

Filter Expression

If a filter expression is specified, the specified number of compressed values are retrieved
from the PI Server while a given filter expression is true. If the mark as filtered option is
selected, a "Filtered" status is returned for each group of values that does not satisfy the filter
expression. See Filter Expressions (page 90) for more information on the filter expression

Boundary Type

There are 4 boundary types:

‰ Inside (default) - Returns specified number of data points from starttime including value
at starttime if a value exists
‰ Outside - Returns specified number of data points from starttime including a data point at
or prior to starttime
‰ Interpolated - Returns specified number of data points from starttime including a data
point interpolated at starttime
‰ Auto - Same as interpolated except if resolution code 4 tags on PI 2 Server or step
attribute is set on PI 3 Server, behavior follows that of "inside"

Check Boxes

Select backwards in time if you want to gather data from the archive going backwards from
the time that was entered in Start time.

‰ Select show bits if you want to show the extended status bits associated with the returned
‰ Select show annotations if you want to show the annotations associated with the
returned events.

Special Notes

This dialog box returns empty strings when there is a smaller number of values than the
number which you specified. For example, if you wish to retrieve 400 values starting from
midnight today and there are only 356 values (including filtered events), the final 44 cells
have blank strings in them.

Page 36
Details for FactoryTalk Historian DataLink Functions and Dialog Boxes

If you enter the filter expression into a cell on the worksheet and refer to it in the dialog box,
be sure to begin the expression with a single quote so that Excel will interpret the expression
as a string. Since tag names in filter expression are enclosed with single quotes, if the filter
expression begins with a tagname, you must begin the expression with two single quotes
when the filter expression is stored in a cell on the worksheet.

Related Topics

Filter Expressions (page 90)

PINCompDat() (page 37)

PINCompFilDat() (page 38)

PINCompDat(tagname, stime, numvals, outcode, PIServer, mode)

Argument Explanation
tagname (string) The tag for which you want compressed data.
stime (string) The start time in PI time format.
numvals (integer) The number of compressed data points. Use a negative number to gather
data from the archive that goes backwards from the stime.
outcode (integer) An output code. See Outcodes for more information on outcodes.
PIServer (string) The PI Server.
mode (string) The boundary type.




The following retrieves 10 compressed data points and corresponding time stamps for the tag
cdf144 starting from 1:00 a.m. this morning from the default PI Server with inside as
boundary type:

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PINCompFilDat(tagname, stime, numvals, filtexp, filtcode, outcode,
PIServer, mode)

Argument Explanation
tagname (string) The tag for which you want compressed data.
stime (string) The start time in PI time format.
numvals (integer) The number of compressed data points. Use a negative number to gather
data from the archive that goes backwards from the stime.
filtexp (string) The filter expression. See Filter Expressions (page 90) for more information
on the filter expression syntax.
filtcode (integer) A filter code; use 1 to return Filtered status, 0 to skip.
outcode (integer) An output code. See Outcodes for more information on outcodes.
PIServer (string) The PI Server.
mode (string) The boundary type.


Refer to Outcodes.


The following retrieves 10 compressed data points and the corresponding times, starting at
2:00 a.m., for the tag cdf144 while the tag cdep158 is greater than 38:
The status Filtered is displayed for times when the filter condition is false. Data are retrieved
from the default PI Server with inside as boundary type.

Compressed Data (Start Time/End Time) Dialog Box

This dialog box returns compressed values from the PI Server based on a start time and an
end time. The number of data points retrieved for the given time period is returned in the first
cell. If a filter expression is not specified, the PICompDat() function is called. Otherwise, the
PICompFilDat() function is called.

Page 38
Details for FactoryTalk Historian DataLink Functions and Dialog Boxes

Required Fields

‰ Tagname

‰ Start Time

‰ End Time

Filter Expression

If a filter expression is specified, the specified range of compressed values are retrieved from
the PI Server while a given filter expression is true. If the mark as filtered option is selected,
a "Filtered" status is returned for each group of values that does not satisfy the filter
expression. See Filter Expressions (page 90) for more information on the filter expression

Boundary Type

There are 4 boundary types:

‰ Inside (default) - Returns data points at and between starttime and endtime

‰ Outside - Returns data points between starttime and endtime including a data point at or
prior to starttime and a data point at or after endtime
‰ Interpolated - Returns data points between starttime and endtime including a data point
interpolated at starttime and a data point interpolated at endtime
‰ Auto - Same as interpolated except if resolution code 4 tags on PI 2 Server or step
attribute is set on PI 3 Server, behavior follows that of "inside"

Check Boxes

Select hide count if you do not want to display the amount of data events retrieved from the

Select show bits if you want to show the extended status bits associated with the returned

Select show annotations if you want to show the annotations associated with the returned

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Special Notes

This dialog box returns blank strings in the unused output cells when there is a smaller
number of values in the archive than the output array originally specified. This situation may
occur if you use relative time references. For example, if you retrieve values starting from y
to y+5h, the number of values in the PI Server may be different when you call up the
spreadsheet on different days.

If you enter the filter expression into a cell on the worksheet and refer to it in the dialog box,
be sure to begin the expression with a single quote so that Excel will interpret the expression
as a string. Since tag names in filter expression are enclosed with single quotes, if the filter
expression begins with a tagname, you must begin the expression with two single quotes
when the filter expression is stored in a cell on the worksheet.

Related Topics

Filter Expressions (page 90)

PICompDat() (page 40)

PICompFilDat() (page 41)

PICompDat(tagname, stime, etime, outcode, PIServer, mode)

Argument Explanation
tagname (string) The tag for which you want compressed data.
stime (string) The start time in PI time format.
etime (string) The end time in PI time format.
outcode (integer) An output code. See Outcodes for more information on outcodes.
PIServer (string) The PI Server.
mode (string) The boundary type.


Refer to Outcodes.

Page 40
Details for FactoryTalk Historian DataLink Functions and Dialog Boxes


The following retrieves compressed data points and corresponding time stamps for the tag
cdf144 starting from 1:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m. this morning from the default PI Server with
inside as boundary type:

PICompFilDat(tagname, stime, etime, filtexp, filtcode, outcode,
PIServer, mode)

Argument Explanation
tagname (string) The tag for which you want compressed data.
stime (string) The start time in PI time format.
etime (string) The end time in PI time format.
filtexp (string) The filter expression. See Filter Expressions (page 90) for more
information on the filter expression syntax.
filtcode (integer) A filter code; use 1 to return Filtered status, 0 to skip.
outcode (integer) An output code. See Outcodes for more information on outcodes.
PIServer (string) The PI Server.
mode (string) The boundary type.


Refer to Outcodes.


The following retrieves compressed data points and the corresponding times, starting from
2:00 a.m. and ending at 10:00 a.m., for the tag cdf144 when the tag cdep158 is greater than
The status Filtered is displayed for times when the filter condition is false. Data are retrieved
from the default PI Server with inside as boundary type.

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Sampled Data Dialog Box

This dialog box gathers evenly spaced, sampled values from the archive. If a filter expression
is not specified, the PISampDat() function is called. Otherwise, the PISampFilDat() function
is called.

Required Fields

‰ Tagname

‰ Start Time

‰ End Time

‰ Time Interval

Filter Expression

If a filter expression is specified, the specified range of compressed values are retrieved from
the PI Server while a given filter expression is true. If the mark as filtered option is selected,
a "Filtered" status is returned for each continuous set (block) of sampled values that do not
satisfy the filter expression if the tag is on a PI 3 Server. If the tag is from a PI 2 Server, a
"Filtered" status is returned for each sampled value that does not satisfy the filter expression.
See Fi (page 90)lter Expressions for more information on the filter expression syntax.

Special Notes

If you can enter the filter expression into a cell on the worksheet and refer to it in the dialog
box, be sure to begin the expression with a single quote so that Excel will interpret the
expression as a string. Since tagname in filter expression should be enclosed with single
quotes, if the filter expression begins with a tagname, you need to begin the expression with
two single quotes when the filter expression is stored in a cell on the worksheet.

Related Topics

Filter Expressions (page 90)

PISampDat() (page 43)

PISampFilDat() (page 43)

PIExpDat() (page 44)

Page 42
Details for FactoryTalk Historian DataLink Functions and Dialog Boxes

PISampDat(tagname, stime, etime, interval, outcode, PIServer)

Argument Explanation
tagname(string) The tag for which you want sampled data.
stime (string) The start time in PI time format.
etime (string) The end time in PI time format.
interval (string) The time interval in PI time format.
outcode (integer) An output code; either 0, 1, 2, or 3.
PIServer (string) The PI Server.

Outcode Column 1 Column 2
0 Sampled data
1 Timestamps Sampled data

An output code of 2 transposes the output array that results from an output code of 0 while an
output code of 3 transposes the output array that results from an output code of 1.


The following retrieves sampled data for the tag located in cell B1, from midnight yesterday
to midnight today at 3-hour intervals:
Timestamps are also returned.

PISampFilDat(tagname, stime, etime, interval, filtexp, filtcode,
outcode, PI Server)

Argument Explanation
tagname(string) The tag for which you want sampled data.
stime (string) The start time in PI time format.
etime (string) The end time in PI time format.
interval (string) The time interval in PI time format.

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Argument Explanation
filtexp (string) The filter expression. See Filter Expressions (page 90) for more
information on the filter expression syntax.
filtcode (integer) A filter code; use 1 to return Filtered status, 0 to skip.
outcode (integer) An output code; either 0, 1, 2, or 3.
PIServer (string) The PI Server.

Outcode Column 1 Column 2
0 Sampled data
1 Timestamps Sampled data

An output code of 2 transposes the output array that results from an output code of 0 and an
output code of 3 transposes the output array that results from an output code of 1.


The following formula retrieves sampled data for SINUSOID at 11-Jan-97, 11-Jan-97
1:00AM, 11-Jan-97 2:00AM, and 11-Jan-97 3:00AM:
Timestamps are shown in column1 and values in column2. A "Filtered" status is returned for
values do not satisfy the filter condition in cell A1.

PIExpDat(expression, stime, etime, interval, outcode, PIServer)

Argument Explanation
expression (string) The calculation expression. See Calculation Expressions (page 87) for
more information on calculation expression syntax.
stime (string) The start time in PI time format.
etime (string) The end time in PI time format.
interval (string) The time interval in PI time format.
outcode (integer) An output code; either 0, 1, 2, or 3.
PIServer (string) The PI Server.

Outcode Column 1 Column 2
0 Calculated data

Page 44
Details for FactoryTalk Historian DataLink Functions and Dialog Boxes

Outcode Column 1 Column 2

1 Timestamps Calculated data

An output code of 2 transposes the output array that results from an output code of 0 while an
output code of 3 transposes the output array that results from an output code of 1.


The following calculates the square root of the value of the tag sinusoid from the PI Server
named THEVAX at one-hour intervals, starting from midnight yesterday to midnight today:
It also displays the timestamps.

Timed Data Dialog Box

This dialog box returns sampled values for a single tag that are synchronized with an array of
timestamps. There are two modes to select from:

Interpolated - Interpolates values at the specified timestamps except for resolution code 4
tags on PI 2 Server and tags with step attribute set on PI 3 Server. For this special case, the
previous value is simply carried forward

Exact Time - Retrieves the value in the archive for a specified time if an entry exists at that
time. If no value exists, the message "No events found" is returned.

Required Fields

‰ Tagname

‰ Timestamp. The timestamp field has to be a reference to a time array. For PI 2, the
timestamps in this time array must be either monotonically increasing or monotonically

Related Topics

PITimeDat() (page 46)

PITimeExpDat() (page 46)

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PITimeDat(tagname, timestamps, PIServer, mode)

Argument Explanation
tagname (string) The tag for which you the sampled data.
timestamps (reference) A reference to an array of times in PI format. For PI 2, the values in
this array must be either monotonically increasing or monotonically
PIServer (string) The PI Server.
mode (string) The retrieval mode.


Sampled data. If the timestamps are in a single column, the data are returned along a single
column. If the timestamps are in a single row, the data are returned along a single row.


The following retrieves interpolated timed data for the times located in cells B1 through B12
for the tag mytag from the default PI Server:

PITimeExpDat(expression, timestamps, PIServer)

Argument Explanation
expression (string) The calculation expression. See Calculation Expressions (page 87)
for more information on calculation expression syntax.
timestamps (reference) A reference to an array of times in PI format. For PI 2, the values in
this array must be either monotonically increasing or monotonically
PIServer (string) The PI Server


Sampled data. If the timestamps are in a single column, the data are returned along a single
column. If the timestamps are in a single row, the data are returned along a single row.

Page 46
Details for FactoryTalk Historian DataLink Functions and Dialog Boxes


The following calculates the square root of the value of the tag sinusoid for the times located
in cells B1 through B12 from the default PI Server:

Calculated Data Dialog Box

This dialog box returns a single calculated value or evenly spaced calculated values from the
PI Data Archive. Calculation modes are:

‰ Total

‰ Minimum

‰ Maximum

‰ Standard deviation

‰ Range

‰ Average

‰ Count

‰ Mean

All Calculation modes are time-weighted except for the mean function, which is

Required Fields

‰ Tagname

‰ Start Time

‰ End Time

‰ Conversion Factor

‰ Calculation Mode


To retrieve a single calculated value, do not specify an interval and the PICalcVal() function
is used. To retrieve evenly spaced calculated data, the specified interval determines the
spacing of the calculation and the PICalcDat() function is used.

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Details for FactoryTalk Historian DataLink Functions and Dialog Boxes

Check Box

Check show pctgood if you want FactoryTalk Historian DataLink to display the percentage
of the time range that contains good value. We recommend that you always look at the
percent good value before using the calculation result. The percent good value is normally
returned to the right of calculated value cell. If the rows checkbox is selected, the percent
good value is returned at the cell below the calculated value cell.

Timestamp(s) are returned when the calculation mode is minimum, maximum, or range.
Mode Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Minimum Time of min. value Minimum value
Maximum Time of max. value Maximum value
Range Time of min. value Time of max. value Range value

Special Notes

When an interval is not specified and the mode is Total, Standard Deviation, Average, Count
or Mean, the timestamps are not displayed even if the Show Timestamps check box is

When an interval is specified and the mode is Max or Min, the timestamps displayed are the
start time of each calculation interval.

When the calculation is a time-weighted Total and part of the archived data within the range
are bad, the reported value is equal to the calculated total value divided by the fraction of the
time period with good archived data. This data normalization is equivalent to the assumption
that for the bad data time range, the tag value takes on the average value of the entire range.
However, this assumption may not be valid when a large fraction of the time range contains
bad data. Therefore, we recommend that you always look at the percent good value before
using the calculation result.

The conversion factor is most often used when the calculation mode is Total and time unit of
the PI tag being totalized is not the same as the server default. In all the PI 3 Servers and in
most of the PI 2 Servers, the totalization default is "units per day." On the PI 2 Server, the
totalization default time (totdefaulttime is the time unit in seconds) can be found in the file

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The following table displays the conversion factors for two of the common PI 2 Server
default time units vs. various flow tag units.
Flow tag unit Server default is units/day Server default is units/hour
(totdefaulttime = 86400) (totdefaulttime = 3600)
Units/day 1.0 0.041667
Units/hour 24 1
Units/minute 1440 60
Units/second 86400 3600

Related Topics

PICalcVal() (page 50)

PICalcDat() (page 52)

PICalcVal(tagname, stime, etime, mode, cfactor, outcode, PIServer)

Argument Explanation
tagname (string) The tag for which you want the calculated value.
stime (string) The start time in PI time format.
etime (string) The end time in PI time format.
mode (string) The calculation mode (total, minimum, maximum, stdev, range, average,
count or mean).
cfactor (number) A multiplicative conversion factor. Should be 1 for max, min, avg, count,
mean, std and range. For more discussion of the conversion factor, see
Special Notes (page 47) under Calculated Data Dialog Box (page 47) .
outcode (integer) An output code; 0-7 except 3.
PIServer (string) The PI Server.


If the outcode is 0, only the calculated value is returned.

Page 50
Details for FactoryTalk Historian DataLink Functions and Dialog Boxes

If the outcode is 1, the following applies:

Mode Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Total Total value
Minimum Time of min. Value Minimum value
Maximum Time of max. Value Maximum value
Stdev Stdev. Value
Range Time of min. Value Time of max. value Range value
Average Average value
Count Count value
Mean Mean value

An output code of 2 transposes the output array that results from an output code of 1, i.e.,
results are returned in rows instead of in columns.

Outcode of 3 is not used.

If the outcode is 4, the percent good is returned to the right of the value cell.

If the outcode is 5, the following applies:

Mode Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Total Total value Percent good
Minimum Time of min. value Minimum value Percent good
Maximum Time of max. value Maximum value Percent good
Stdev Stdev. value Percent good
Range Time of min. value Time of max. value Range value Percent good
Average Average value Percent good
Count Count value Percent good
Mean Mean value Percent good

An output code of 6 transposes the output array that results from an output code of 4, i.e.,
results are returned in rows instead of in columns.

An output code of 7 transposes the output array that results from an output code of 5, i.e.,
results are returned in rows instead of in columns.

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The following calculates a time-weighted total for the tag cdf144 from yesterday to today
from the default PI Server:
The result is multiplied by 1440. The percent good is returned next to the total.

PICalcDat(tagname, stime, etime, interval, mode, cfactor, outcode,

Argument Explanation
tagname (string) The tag for which you want the calculated data.
stime (string) The start time in PI time format.
etime (string) The end time in PI time format.
interval (string) The time interval in PI time format.
mode (string) The calculation mode (total, minimum, maximum, stdev, range,
average, count or mean).
cfactor (number) A multiplicative conversion factor. Should be 1 for max, min, avg,
count, mean, std and range. For more discussion of the conversion
factor, see Special Notes (page 47) under Calculated Data Dialog
Box (page 47).
outcode (integer) An output code; 0-7.
PIServer (string) The PI Server.


The outcode affects the output as follows:

‰ 0 Calculated values along a column

‰ 1 Timestamps and values along 2 columns
‰ 2 Calculated values along a row
‰ 3 Timestamps and values along 2 rows
‰ 4 Values and pctgood along 2 columns
‰ 5 Timestamps, values, and pctgood along 3 columns
‰ 6 Values and pctgood along 2 rows
‰ 7 Timestamps, values, and pctgood along 3 rows

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Details for FactoryTalk Historian DataLink Functions and Dialog Boxes


The following retrieves totals for the tag located in cell B1, from midnight yesterday to
midnight today at 3-hour intervals from the default PI Server specified in the PILogin.ini file:
Timestamps are also returned. The values are multiplied by 24 before they are displayed in
the spreadsheet.

Advanced Calculated Data Dialog Box

This dialog box returns a single calculated value or evenly spaced calculated values from the
PI Data Archive. Calculation modes are:

‰ Total

‰ Minimum

‰ Maximum

‰ Standard deviation

‰ Range

‰ Average

‰ Count

Required Fields

‰ Tagname or Expression. See Calculation Expressions (page 87) for more information on
calculation expression syntax.
‰ Start Time

‰ End Time

‰ Conversion Factor

‰ Calculation Mode

Filter Expression

If a filter expression is specified, the requested summaries on the source point are calculated
for the time ranges where the expression evaluates to true. See Filter Expressions (page 90)
for more information on the filter expression syntax.

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To retrieve a single calculated value, do not specify an interval. To retrieve evenly spaced
calculated data, the specified interval determines the spacing of the calculation.

Expression Sampling Mode

There are 3 expression sampling modes for sampling the filter expression:

‰ Pt. Compressed (default) - Evaluates the filter expression at the timestamp of any
compressed value of the source point
‰ Exp. Compressed - Evaluates the filter expression at the timestamp of any compressed
values of any tags in the filter expression
‰ Interpolated - Evaluates the filter expression at evenly spaced sampling intervals

There are 2 expression sampling modes for sampling the expression to be summarized:

‰ Compressed (default) - Evaluates the expression at the timestamp of any compressed

values of any tags in the expression
‰ Interpolated - Evaluates the expression at evenly spaced sampling intervals

Expression Sampling Interval

If Expression Sampling Mode is specified as interpolated, the specified expression sampling

interval determines the spacing at which the expression is evaluated. If the Expression
Sampling Mode is not interpolated, then the expression sampling interval is ignored.

Calculation Basis

There are 2 types of calculation basis:

‰ Time-Weighted (default) - Weights the values in the calculation by the time over which
they apply.
‰ Event-Weighted - Weights each event with the same weight. There must be at least one
event within the time range to perform a successful calculation. For standard deviation,
two events are required.

Page 54
Details for FactoryTalk Historian DataLink Functions and Dialog Boxes

Minimum Percent Good

The minimum percent good is the minimum percentage of good data over the time range at
which data will be returned instead of an error "Insufficient good data."

Check Box

Refer to the Check Box description under Calculated Data Dialog Box (page 47).

Special Notes

Refer to the Special Notes section under Calculated Data Dialog Box (page 47).

Related Topics

Filter Expressions (page 90)

PIAdvCalcVal() (page 56)

PIAdvCalcFilVal() (page 57)

PIAdvCalcExpVal() (page 58)

PIAdvCalcExpFilVal() (page 59)

PIAdvCalcDat() (page 60)

PIAdvCalcFilDat() (page 60)

PIAdvCalcExpDat() (page 62)

PIAdvCalcExpFilDat() (page 63)

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PIAdvCalcVal(tagname, stime, etime, mode, calcbasis, minpctgood,
cfactor, outcode, PIServer)

Argument Explanation
tagname (string) The tag for which you want the calculated value.
stime (string) The start time in PI time format.
etime (string) The end time in PI time format.
mode (string) The calculation mode (total, minimum, maximum, stdev, range,
average, count or mean).
calcbasis (integer) The calculation basis. 0 for time-weighted; 1 for
minpctgood (number) Minimum percentage of good data over time range
Cfactor (number) A multiplicative conversion factor. Should be 1 for max, min,
avg, count, mean, std and range. For more discussion of the
conversion factor, see Special Notes (page 47) under
Calculated Data Dialog Box (page 47) .
outcode (integer) An output code; 0-7 except 3.
PIServer (string) The PI Server.


Refer to Returns section for PICalcVal() (page 50) function.


The following calculates a time-weighted total for the tag cdf144 from yesterday to today
from the default PI Server:
The result is multiplied by 1. The minpctgood is 50 percent so result will only be displayed if
percent good is 50 percent or greater. The percent good is returned next to the total.

Page 56
Details for FactoryTalk Historian DataLink Functions and Dialog Boxes

PIAdvCalcFilVal(tagname, stime, etime, filtexp, mode, calcbasis,
sampmode, sampinterval, minpctgood, cfactor, outcode, PIServer)

Argument Explanation
tagname (string) The tag for which you want the calculated value.
stime (string) The start time in PI time format.
etime (string) The end time in PI time format.
filtexp (string) The filter expression. See Filter Expressions (page 90) for
more information on the filter expression syntax.
mode (string) The calculation mode (total, minimum, maximum, stdev,
range, average, count or mean).
calcbasis (integer) The calculation basis. 0 for time-weighted; 1 for
sampmode (string) The sampling mode (pt. compressed, exp. compressed or
sampinterval (string) The sampling interval in PI time format.
minpctgood (number) Minimum percentage of good data over time range.
Cfactor (number) A multiplicative conversion factor. Should be 1 for max, min,
avg, count, mean, std and range. For more discussion of the
conversion factor, see Special Notes (page 47) under
Calculated Data Dialog Box (page 47) .
outcode (integer) An output code; 0-7 except 3.
PIServer (string) The PI Server.


Refer to Returns section for PICalcVal() (page 50) function.


The following calculates a time-weighted total for the tag cdf144 from yesterday to today
during the time periods when tag cdm158 is in Manual from the default PI Server:
"pt. compressed","10m",50,1,4,)
The result is multiplied by 1. Since pt.compressed is the specified sampling mode, the
sampling interval is ignored and the filter expression will be sampled at the compressed

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events of cdf144. The minpctgood is 50 percent so result will only be displayed if percent
good is 50 percent or greater. The percent good is returned next to the total.

PIAdvCalcExpVal(expression, stime, etime, mode, calcbasis, sampmode,
sampinterval, minpctgood, cfactor, outcode, PIServer)

Argument Explanation
expression (string) The expression for which you want the calculated value.
stime (string) The start time in PI time format.
etime (string) The end time in PI time format.
mode (string) The calculation mode (total, minimum, maximum, stdev, range,
average, count or mean).
calcbasis (integer) The calculation basis. 0 for time-weighted; 1 for
sampmode (string) The sampling mode (compressed or interpolated).
sampinterval (string) The sampling interval in PI time format.
minpctgood (number) Minimum percentage of good data over time range.
cfactor (number) A multiplicative conversion factor. Should be 1 for max, min,
avg, count, mean, std and range. For more discussion of the
conversion factor, see Special Notes (page 47) under
Calculated Data Dialog Box (page 47) .
outcode (integer) An output code; 0-7 except 3.
PIServer (string) The PI Server.


Refer to Returns section for PICalcVal() (page 50) function.


The following calculates a time-weighted total for the expression 'cdf144'+' cdt158' from
yesterday to today from the default PI Server:
The result is multiplied by 1. Since compressed is the specified sampling mode, the sampling
interval is ignored and the expression will be sampled at the combined compressed events of
cdf144 and cdt158. The minpctgood is 50 percent so result will only be displayed if percent
good is 50 percent or greater. The percent good is returned next to the total.

Page 58
Details for FactoryTalk Historian DataLink Functions and Dialog Boxes

PIAdvCalcExpFilVal(expression, stime, etime, filtexp, mode,
calcbasis, sampmode, sampinterval, minpctgood, cfactor, outcode,

Argument Explanation
expression (string) The expression for which you want the calculated value.
stime (string) The start time in PI time format.
etime (string) The end time in PI time format.
filtexp (string) The filter expression. See Filter Expressions (page 90) for
more information on the filter expression syntax.
mode (string) The calculation mode (total, minimum, maximum, stdev,
range, average, count or mean).
calcbasis (integer) The calculation basis. 0 for time-weighted; 1 for
sampmode (string) The sampling mode (compressed or interpolated).
sampinterval (string) The sampling interval in PI time format.
minpctgood (number) Minimum percentage of good data over time range.
cfactor (number) A multiplicative conversion factor. Should be 1 for max, min,
avg, count, mean, std and range. For more discussion of the
conversion factor, see Special Notes (page 47) under
Calculated Data Dialog Box (page 47) .
outcode (integer) An output code; 0-7 except 3.
PIServer (string) The PI Server.


Refer to Returns section for PICalcVal() (page 50) function.


The following calculates a time-weighted total for the expression 'cdf144'+' cdt158' when
'productid' = "Product2" from yesterday to today from the default PI Server:
uct2"", "total",0,"compressed","10m",0,1,4,)
The result is multiplied by 1. Since compressed is the specified sampling mode, the sampling
interval is ignored and the expression will be sampled at the combined compressed events of
cdf144 and cdt158. The minpctgood is 50 percent so result will only be displayed if percent
good is 50 percent or greater. The percent good is returned next to the total.

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PIAdvCalcDat(tagname, stime, etime, interval, mode, calcbasis,
minpctgood, cfactor, outcode, PIServer)

Argument Explanation
tagname (string) The tag for which you want the calculated data.
stime (string) The start time in PI time format.
etime (string) The end time in PI time format.
interval (string) The time interval in PI time format.
mode (string) The calculation mode (total, minimum, maximum, stdev,
range, average, count or mean).
calcbasis (integer) The calculation basis. 0 for time-weighted; 1 for
minpctgood (number) Minimum percentage of good data over time range .
cfactor (number) A multiplicative conversion factor. Should be 1 for max, min,
avg, count, mean, std and range. For more discussion of the
conversion factor, see Special Notes (page 47) under
Calculated Data Dialog Box (page 47) .
outcode (integer) An output code; 0-7.
PIServer (string) The PI Server.


Refer to Returns section for PICalcDat() (page 52) function.


The following retrieves totals for the tag cdf144, from midnight yesterday to midnight today
at 3-hour intervals from the default PI Server:
The result is multiplied by 1. The minpctgood is 50 percent so result will only be displayed if
percent good is 50 percent or greater. The percent good is returned next to the total.

PIAdvCalcFilDat(tagname, stime, etime, interval, filtexp, mode,
calcbasis, sampmode, sampinterval, minpctgood, cfactor, outcode,

Page 60
Details for FactoryTalk Historian DataLink Functions and Dialog Boxes

Argument Explanation
tagname (string) The tag for which you want the calculated data.
stime (string) The start time in PI time format.
etime (string) The end time in PI time format.
interval (string) The time interval in PI time format.
filtexp (string) The filter expression. See Filter Expressions (page 90) for
more information on the filter expression syntax.
mode (string) The calculation mode (total, minimum, maximum, stdev,
range, average, count or mean).
calcbasis (integer) The calculation basis. 0 for time-weighted; 1 for
sampmode (string) The sampling mode (pt. compressed, exp. compressed or
sampinterval (string) The sampling interval in PI time format.
minpctgood (number) Minimum percentage of good data over time range.
cfactor (number) A multiplicative conversion factor. Should be 1 for max, min,
avg, count, mean, std and range. For more discussion of the
conversion factor, see Special Notes (page 47) under
Calculated Data Dialog Box (page 47).
outcode (integer) An output code; 0-7.
PIServer (string) The PI Server.


Refer to Returns section for PICalcDat() (page 52) function.


The following retrieves totals for the tag cdf144, from midnight yesterday to midnight today
at 3-hour intervals during the time periods when tag cdf144 is in Manual from the default PI
l",0,"pt. compressed","10m",50,1,4,)
The result is multiplied by 1. Since pt.compressed is the specified sampling mode, the
sampling interval is ignored and the filter expression will be sampled at the compressed
events of cdf144. The percent good is returned next to the total.

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PIAdvCalcExpDat(expression, stime, etime, interval, mode, calcbasis,
sampmode, sampinterval, minpctgood, cfactor, outcode, PIServer)

Argument Explanation
expression (string) The expression for which you want the calculated data.
stime (string) The start time in PI time format.
etime (string) The end time in PI time format.
interval (string) The time interval in PI time format.
mode (string) The calculation mode (total, minimum, maximum, stdev,
range, average, count or mean).
calcbasis (integer) The calculation basis. 0 for time-weighted; 1 for
sampmode (string) The sampling mode (compressed or interpolated).
sampinterval (string) The sampling interval in PI time format.
minpctgood (number) Minimum percentage of good data over time range.
cfactor (number) A multiplicative conversion factor. Should be 1 for max,
min, avg, count, mean, std and range. For more discussion
of the conversion factor, see Special Notes (page 47)
under Calculated Data Dialog Box (page 47).
outcode (integer) An output code; 0-7.
PIServer (string) The PI Server.


Refer to Returns section for PICalcDat() (page 52) function.


The following retrieves totals for the expression 'cdf144'+'cdt158', from midnight yesterday
to midnight today at 3-hour intervals from the default PI Server:
essed", "10m",50,1,4,)
The result is multiplied by 1. Since compressed is the specified sampling mode, the sampling
interval is ignored and the expression will be sampled at the combined compressed events of
cdf144 and cdt158. The minpctgood is 50 percent so result will only be displayed if percent
good is 50 percent or greater. The percent good is returned next to the total.

Page 62
Details for FactoryTalk Historian DataLink Functions and Dialog Boxes

PIAdvCalcExpFilDat(expression, stime, etime, interval, filtexp,
mode, calcbasis, sampmode, sampinterval, minpctgood, cfactor,
outcode, PIServer)

Argument Explanation
expression (string) The expression for which you want the calculated value.
stime (string) The start time in PI time format.
etime (string) The end time in PI time format.
interval (string) The time interval in PI time format.
filtexp (string) The filter expression. See Filter Expressions (page 90) for
more information on the filter expression syntax.
mode (string) The calculation mode (total, minimum, maximum, stdev,
range, average, count or mean).
calcbasis (integer) The calculation basis. (time-weighted or event-weighted).
sampmode (string) The sampling mode (compressed or interpolated).
sampinterval (string) The sampling interval in PI time format.
minpctgood (number) Minimum percentage of good data over time range.
cfactor (number) A multiplicative conversion factor. Should be 1 for max,
min, avg, count, mean, std and range. For more
discussion of the conversion factor, see Special Notes
(page 47) under Calculated Data Dialog Box (page 47).
outcode (integer) An output code; 0-7 except 3.
PIServer (string) The PI Server.


Refer to Returns section for PICalcDat() (page 52) function.


The following calculates a time-weighted total for the expression 'cdf144'+' cdt158' when
'productid' = "Product2" at 3-hour intervals from yesterday to today from the default PI
The result is multiplied by 1. Since compressed is the specified sampling mode, the sampling
interval is ignored and the expression will be sampled at the combined compressed events of
cdf144 and cdt158. The minpctgood is 50 percent so result will only be displayed if percent
good is 50 percent or greater. The percent good is returned next to the total.

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Time Filtered Dialog Box

This dialog box returns the amount of time for which a given expression is true over a
specified time range. The user can specify multiple time ranges as evenly space intervals as in
the Calculated Data dialog box.

Required Fields

‰ Expression. See Calculation Expressions (page 87) for more information on calculation
expression syntax.
‰ Start Time

‰ End Time

‰ Time units (default to seconds)

Special Notes

If you can enter the expression into a cell on the worksheet and refer to it in the dialog box,
begin the expression with a single quote so that Excel will interpret the expression as a string.
Since a tagname in a filter expression should be enclosed with single quotes, begin the
expression with two single quotes when the expression is stored in a cell on the worksheet if
the expression begins with a tagname.

Related Topics

Calculation Expressions (page 87)

PITimeFilterVal() (page 65)

PITimeFilter() (page 66)

Page 64
Details for FactoryTalk Historian DataLink Functions and Dialog Boxes

PITimeFilterVal(expression, stime, etime, timeunit, outcode,

Argument Explanation
expression (string) The calculation expression. See Calculation Expressions
(page 87) for more information on calculation expression
stime (string) The start time in PI time format.
etime (string) The end time in PI time format.
timeunit (string) Unit of time for the result to be displayed. Valid entries are:
seconds, minutes, hours and days .
outcode (integer) An output code; 0-7 except 3.
PIServer (string) The PI Server.


‰ If the outcode is 0, 1, or 2 only the calculated value is returned.

‰ Outcode of 3 is not used.

‰ If the outcode is 4 or 5, the percent good is returned to the right of the value cell.

‰ If the outcode is 6 or 7, the percent good is returned below the value cell.


The following calculates the amount of time that the expression from cell $A$1 is true from
the PI Server named THEVAX, starting from midnight yesterday to midnight today:
The calculation result is expressed in seconds.

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PITimeFilter(expression, stime, etime, interval, timeunit, outcode,

Argument Explanation
expression (string) The calculation expression. See Calculation Expressions
(page 87) for more information on calculation expression
stime (string) The start time in PI time format.
etime (string) The end time in PI time format.
interval (string) The time interval in PI time format.
timeunit (string) Unit of time for the result to be displayed. Valid entries are:
seconds, minutes, hours and days.
outcode (integer) An output code; 0-7.
PIServer (string) The PI Server.

Outcode Column 1 Column 2
0 Calculated data
1 Timestamps Calculated data

An output code of 2 transposes the output array that results from an output code of 0 and an
output code of 3 transposes the output array that results from an output code of 1.


The following calculates the amount of time that the expression from cell $A$1 is true from
the PI Server named THEVAX at one-hour intervals, starting from midnight yesterday to
midnight today:
It also displays the timestamps for the start time of each calculation interval. The calculation
result is expressed in seconds.

Page 66
Details for FactoryTalk Historian DataLink Functions and Dialog Boxes

Point ID to Tag Dialog Box

This dialog box returns the tagname from the specified point ID.

Required Fields

‰ Point ID

Related Topics

PIPointIDToTag() (page 67)

PIPointIDToTag(pointid, PIServer)

Argument Explanation
pointid (string) Unique internal ID number not reused upon deletion of a
PIServer (string) The PI Server.




The following returns the tagname of the tag with point ID of 123 from server named

Attribute Mask to Tag Dialog Box

This dialog box returns a list of tags which match the tag attribute masks specified.

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Required Fields

‰ Tagname

‰ Descriptor

‰ Point Source

‰ Point Type

‰ Point Class

‰ Engineering Units

Related Topics

PIAttributeMaskToTag () (page 68)

PIAttributeMaskToTag ()
PIAttributeMaskToTag(tagname, descriptor, pointsource, pointtype,
pointclass, engunits, outcode, PIServer)

Argument Explanation
tagname (string) Tagname mask.
descriptor (string) Descriptor mask.
pointsource (string) Point Source mask.
pointtype (string) Point Type mask.
pointclass (string) Point Class mask.
engunits (string) Engineering Units mask.
outcode (integer) An output code; either 0 or 2.
PIServer (string) The PI Server.

Outcode Column 1 Column 2
0 Tagname

An output code of 2 transposes the output array that results from an output code of 1.

Page 68
Details for FactoryTalk Historian DataLink Functions and Dialog Boxes


The following returns the tagname of the tags which start with "sin" from server named

Alias Dialog Box

This dialog box returns a tagname when an alias is specified.

Required Fields

‰ Alias

‰ Module Path

‰ Query Date

Related Topics

PIAliasToTag() (page 69)

PIAliasToTag(alias, modulepath, querydate, outcode, PIServer)

Argument Explanation
alias (string) Module item that is a reference to a PI point.
modulepath (string) Full path to a module in module database.
querydate (integer) Query for modules with effective dates at or after this date.
Outcode (integer) An output code; either 0, 1, or 2.
PIServer (string) The PI Server.

Outcode Column 1 Column 2
0 Tagname
1 Tagname Server of tag

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An output code of 2 transposes the output array that results from an output code of 1.


The following returns the tagname corresponding to the "Temperature" alias of module
"Reactor1" which is a submodule of "Unit1". "Unit1" is at the root of the module database for
a PI server named THEVAX. The module database is queried at current time.

Property Dialog Box

This dialog box returns a value when a property is specified.

Required Fields

‰ Property

‰ Module Path

‰ Query Date

Related Topics

PIPropertyToValue() (page 70)


PIPropertyToValue(property, modulepath, querydate, PIServer, outcode)

Argument Explanation
Property (string) Module item that has value of virtually anything.
modulepath (string) Full path to a module in module database.
querydate (integer) Query for modules with effective dates at or after this date.
PIServer (string) The PI Server.
Outcode (integer) An output code; either 0 or 2.

Page 70
Details for FactoryTalk Historian DataLink Functions and Dialog Boxes


‰ An output code of 0 displays the value of the property in a column.

‰ An output code of 2 displays the value of the property in a row.


The following returns the value corresponding to the "Implementer" property of module
"Reactor1" which is a submodule of "Unit1". "Unit1" is at the root of the module database for
a PI server named THEVAX. The module database is queried at current time.


Insert Trend Control

The Trend Control is an ActiveX control that can be inserted onto any Excel spreadsheet. The
trend can display data from both the spreadsheet and a PI Server tag.

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To create a trend, a trend wizard is provided to make inserting trends easier. There are two
sources of data that the Trend Control can plot:

‰ Worksheet Data

‰ PI Data

Data on Worksheet

The Trend Wizard can be used to create a trend from data on an Excel worksheet.

If the data is to come from the worksheet, the cell range of the data must be specified. The
cell range can be typed in manually or the mouse can be used to specify the range. To use the
mouse to specify the range, click button at the right of the field. Another dialog box will
appear. Selecting the range on the spreadsheet will generate the cell reference format in the
dialog box.

The First element is trace name option is used if a name is to be provided for the trace on
the trend. If this option is specified, the string in the first cell is used for the name of the trace.
The first cell is the cell above the first value of the range if the data is arranged in the column
format. If the data is arranged in the row format, then the first cell is the cell to the left of the
first value of the range.

For ease of use with FactoryTalk Historian DataLink functions, the Include all cells in array
option is specified as the default. If this option is specified, then only one cell of the array
must be specified for the cell range. The rest of the array is automatically added to the cell
range reference when the Add -> button is selected.

Page 72
Details for FactoryTalk Historian DataLink Functions and Dialog Boxes

The Plot as stepped data option gives the trace a jagged-saw look. This option is usually
specified for discrete tags.

Data from PI

The Trend Wizard can also be used to create a trend from data directly from the PI Server.

To get data directly from the PI Server, the tagname needs to be specified. The tagname can
be conveniently searched for from the point database of the PI Server. By pressing the
Search... button, a Tag Search dialog box appears. This is the same Tag Search dialog box
as the one that comes from the PI menu. Any tags selected from the Tag Search dialog box
are automatically added to the list of traces.

By default DataLink displays color-blind markers to differentiate traces on monochrome

viewers; color-blind markers are evenly spaced along a trace and do not indicate archived
data points. Select the Markers checkbox to display markers that indicate the location of
archived data points on the trace.

Another way of specifying tags is by cell reference. If the tag names are on the Excel
spreadsheet, they can be referenced by checking the Cell Ref option box and specifying the
cell(s) where the tagname(s) are. The server name can be specified in the same way.

After clicking Next, the start time and end time of the trend needs to be specified in PI time

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Trend Title and Placement

The last screen is to configure the trend title and the placement of the trend.

If a new worksheet is selected, the trend is placed on a blank worksheet at the top left corner.

To display value attribute icons at the top of the trend, select the Show Value Attributes
checkbox; icons appear when the range of data contains events that have the Questionable,
Substituted, or Annotated bits set.

If the existing worksheet option is specified, then the cell where the trend is to be placed must
be specified. The selected cell before entering the trend wizard is the default cell reference.
Make sure to choose a cell, which does not contain data. If the cell references a cell
containing data, the trend will cover the data. However, the data is not deleted. To move the
trend, right-click the trend and select Move/Resize.

Page 74
Details for FactoryTalk Historian DataLink Functions and Dialog Boxes

Right Click Menu

After inserting the trend into the Excel worksheet, quick changes can be made to it by
selecting some of the items on the right click menu.

To change the y-axis scaling, the Change Scale... option can be selected. There you can
change both the time range and y-axis of the trend. If a change in the scale is deemed
undesirable, the Revert option can be selected to undo the changed made. The Revert option
always reverts back to the settings defined in the Trend Wizard.

To scroll through time, scroll bars can be enabled with the Scroll Bar option. The scroll bar
appears at the bottom of the trend. Again, the Revert option can be used to undo changes
made by the scroll bar.

To change the format of the trace or the trend itself, the Format... option can be used.

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For instance, this option can be used to change the color or line thickness of a trace. Also it
can be used to add legends to the trend. Define Trend... and Define Trend Time Range... brings
back the Trend Wizard screens. Delete Trend option deletes the trend. Export Data... option
pastes the values used to plot the trend onto the spreadsheet. The Move/Resize option moves
and changes the trend to size of the specified cell range. The Copy/Paste option copies the
trend to the clipboard and then prompts for the destination of the paste. The pasted trend is a
copy of the trend in terms of all its formatting and references to cells.

Additional Information

For additional information on the use of the trend control, you can press the Help button on
the Trend Wizard. Also there are additional help files in ...\PIPC\HELP\PITrend*.
For instance, to learn more about Automation of the trend control, there is a

Page 76
Details for FactoryTalk Historian DataLink Functions and Dialog Boxes

Tag Search Dialog Box

This dialog box allows you to search for tags from your PI Server(s) and copy the results into
the spreadsheet. To copy tags from the result list, you must first select each tag by clicking on
the tagname while holding the CTRL key. To select an entire range of tags, click the first tag,
then hold the SHIFT key and click the tag at the bottom of the range. Click OK to copy tags
to the spreadsheet. If the "Copy PIServer Name" option in the Settings... dialog box is
checked, the PI Server for each tag will be copied into the spreadsheet along with the tag

Tags are copied into the spreadsheet either along a single column or along a single row
depending on the option selected in the "Copy items to sheet" section of the FactoryTalk
Historian DataLink Settings... dialog.

The starting position where the copying takes place is the current cell. If the "Copy PIServer
Name" option is enabled, the server names are copied into the spreadsheet in a column to the
right of the tag names when the In a column option is selected in the "Copy items to sheet"
section. If the In a row option is selected in the "Copy items to sheet" section, the server
names are copied below the tag names in the spreadsheet.

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Module Database Dialog Box

This dialog box allows you to search for aliases, properties, and modules from your
PI Server(s) and copy the results into the spreadsheet.

The dialog box mostly consists of a tree view of the module database. The dialog box enables
users to copy module database items to the spreadsheet. The tree view displays three types of
module database items.

‰ Aliases

‰ Properties

‰ Modules

Page 78
Details for FactoryTalk Historian DataLink Functions and Dialog Boxes

There are two ways to select aliases and properties from the module database with each
method copying a different set of items to the spreadsheet.

‰ Selecting just one item copies that item to the spreadsheet.

‰ Selecting "Aliases" or "Properties" item of a module copies all aliases or properties of

that module respectively.
If the "copy module path" option is checked, the full module path of the alias or property is
copied to the spreadsheet along with the alias or property in an adjacent cell.

To select a module, selecting just the one module and selecting copy module path will copy
that module's full path to the spreadsheet. If the copy module path checkbox is not checked,
then just the name of the module is pasted to the spreadsheet.

The PI Server drop-down list can be used to switch between module databases of different PI
servers. The query date field can be used to specify the date and time context of the displayed
module database. If the "Copy PIServer Name" option in the Settings... dialog-box is
checked, the PI server for each module database item will be copied into the spreadsheet
along with the module database item.

Connections Dialog Box

A dialog box manages your PI Server connections.

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By using the right click menu, you can add additional PI Servers to the list, edit existing PI
Servers, remove existing PI Servers, and set an existing PI Server as the default PI Server.

You can click on the checkbox to connect to and disconnect from PI Servers in the list. After
you successfully connect to a PI Server, the Status field changes to checked, the user column
returns the user that the connection is connected as, and the PI version column returns the
version of the PI server that it connected to.

Settings Dialog Box

This dialog box controls your settings and preferences for FactoryTalk Historian DataLink.

Page 80
Details for FactoryTalk Historian DataLink Functions and Dialog Boxes

‰ The set of radio buttons In a row or In a column determines whether the selected tags in
the TagSearch dialog box are copied to the spreadsheet along a row or a column.
‰ The Copy PIServer name check box determines whether the PI Server's name is copied
into the PIServer edit field if TagSearch is called from a PI dialog box. This option also
determines whether the server names are copied into the spreadsheet for selected tags if
TagSearch is called directly from the PI menu.
‰ The Use PIServer Time Zone check box determines whether or not all the DataLink
functions interpret time using the PI server time zone instead of the client machine time
zone information. This option affects systems where the PI 3 Server machine has
different time zone settings than the client machine.
‰ The Display #N/A instead of Blanks check box determines whether or not "#N/A" or
blanks are displayed when there is less data than the size of the DataLink function array.
Select this check box when the DataLink function results are plotted by the Excel
charting package.
‰ The Locale Independent check box determines whether localized time strings should be
used when parsing time data.

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• Select this check box to force FactoryTalk Historian DataLink to parse the time string
according to PI time format rules. This defines the date-time order as dd-MMM-yyyy
hh:mm:ss, and the language of any strings as English.
• Clear this check box to enable FactoryTalk Historian DataLink to parse the time
string according to your local regional settings, including date-time format
preferences. If locale-specific parsing fails, FactoryTalk Historian DataLink will
attempt to parse according to PI time format rules.
‰ The Number format edit box lets you specify a default number formatting code. This
string may be any valid code from the Format, Cells, Number list.
‰ The Time format edit box lets you specify a default time formatting code. This string
may be any valid code from the Format, Cells, Number list.
Select OK to save your settings; Cancel to abort your changes.


This menu choice displays FactoryTalk Historian DataLink version information.


This menu choice calls FactoryTalk Historian DataLink Help.

Writing Data from Excel to PI

FactoryTalk Historian DataLink allows you to write a value from the worksheet to the PI
Server. The FactoryTalk Historian DataLink macro function that performs these tasks is
PIPutVal(). PIPutVal() replaces an existing event with the same timestamp in the Archive
with the new value supplied by the user.

PIPutVal() can only be invoked from an Excel macro sheet or from an Excel VBA module
using the method. Please consult the file
...\PIPC\EXCEL\piexam32.xls on how to call PIPutVal in a VBA module.
Specifically, look at the tags marked "PutVal" and the VBA module "PutVal_code."

PIPutVal(tagname, value, time stamp, PIServer, outcell)

Page 82
Writing Data from Excel to PI

Argument Explanation

tagname (string) The tag for which you to write the value to PI.
value (reference) The reference to a value to be written. It may be either a
string (for digital states) or a number.
time stamp (string) A time stamp in PI time format.
PIServer (string) The PI Server.
outcell (reference) A reference to a cell in which the return value of this macro
function is displayed.


The string FALSE will be returned if the macro function failed and an error message will be
written to the outcell. If the write to the PI Server succeeds, the string TRUE will be returned
and the status digital state written, integer written, or real value written will be written to the

Note: This function (PIPutVal) does not check whether the number to be written falls
within the user-specified range for a tag. The range for a tag is from the zero to
the zero + span, where zero and span are tag attributes specified by the user
during point (tag) creation. FactoryTalk Historian DataLink will return a value
written message even though "Over Range" or "Under Range" might have been
entered into the PI Server.

Note: PIPutVal supports all PI 3 data types (including string input to string tags) as well
as sub-second data. Timestamps are interpreted using client machine time zone
information unless the "Use PI Server Time Zone" option is enabled or it is a PI 2


The following puts the value located in the cell A5 into the PI Server of the default PI Server
for midnight today for the tag testtag:
The result of the macro function is placed into cell E5 on the macro sheet.

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Limits from Excel for FactoryTalk Historian DataLink

Excel has a limitation on the number of elements in a calculation array. FactoryTalk Historian
DataLink is subject to this limitation. Therefore, there is a maximum number of values that
can be returned for a single PI function. The maximum number of PI events per retrieval is

The Excel SDK used by FactoryTalk Historian DataLink has a 255 character limitation on
string length. Hence, input strings to DataLink like FactoryTalk Historian DataLink formulas
or expressions in a reference cell cannot exceed 255 characters. Similarly, string output from
FactoryTalk Historian DataLink, like PI string tag results, will be truncated by FactoryTalk
Historian DataLink to 255 characters.

Page 84
Appendix A: Troubleshooting

Consult the sections below if you are having difficulties with FactoryTalk Historian

‰ DataLink Add-in Doesn't Load Properly (page 85)

‰ Connection Problems Reported in Log Files (page 86)

‰ Limits from Excel for FactoryTalk Historian DataLink (page 84)

If you are still having problems after following these suggestions, see Technical Support and
Resources (page 99) for details on contacting Technical Support.

DataLink Add-in Doesn't Load Properly

PI Menu Not Available on Excel Toolbar

Some user-written VBA scripts in Excel spreadsheets (or add-ins) have been known to reset
the main Excel menu. If this happens, the PI menu disappears even though the FactoryTalk
Historian DataLink add-in is still loaded. One of the symptoms of this phenomenon is that
embedded FactoryTalk Historian DataLink array functions still work while the PI menu itself
is not available. Restarting Excel usually fixes the problem.

Connection Problems Reported in Log Files

On PI 3 Server, information about connection attempts may be obtained via the PIGetMsg
pigetmsg * * *-15m * "PInet*"
The above displays all messages that begin with the text "PINet" from 15 minutes ago to the
current time. (FactoryTalk Historian DataLink connection messages should begin with

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For PI 2 Server, the log files are located as follows:

UCX PISysExe:UCXPIServer.log

MultiNet PISysExe:MTNPIServer.log

PathWay PISysExe:PTWPIServer.log

TCPware PISysExe:TCPIServer.log

FactoryTalk Historian DataLink for Excel

On local PC, information about connection attempts may be obtained via the PIGetMsg
pigetmsg * "EXCEL.EXE" *-15m *
The above displays all messages that are made by EXCEL.EXE from 15 minutes ago to the
current time. (FactoryTalk Historian DataLink connection messages should come from

Page 86
Appendix B: Expression Syntax

PI expressions are used in FactoryTalk Historian DataLink functions that require calculation
of mathematical functions, which include PI tags. The functions that require the user to
specify a valid PI expression are: PIExpDat, PITimeFilter, PINCompFilDat, PICompFilDat,
and PISampFilDat.

The PI expressions (also known as Performance Equations) used in the above functions must
conform to syntax rules that are explained in the Performance Equation sections of the PI
Server Applications Guide or the PI 3 Performance Equations Help File. A brief outline of
these syntax rules is reproduced here for user convenience (however, the user is referred to
the above manuals for a more complete discussion).

Note: There are some differences in Performance Equation calculation and syntax rules
between PI 2 and PI 3 Server. These differences can require users to build
separate expressions depending upon whether the PI Server being referred to is a
PI 2 or a PI 3 server.

Calculation Expressions

The following describes the syntax of valid calculation expressions (used by PIExpDat) in
FactoryTalk Historian DataLink.

Note: The examples below use two tag delimiters, colon (:) and period (.). Your
FactoryTalk Historian System may use different ones.

In a tag calculation expression, mathematical operators and functions act upon tag names.

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Mathematical Operators

Mathematical operators are:

‰ + addition
‰ - subtraction
‰ * multiplication
‰ / division
‰ ^ raise to a power

(('sinusoid')^3 + 'cdf144'/10)
The above expression determines the sum of the value of sinusoid cubed and the value of
cdf144 divided by 10.

Mathematical Functions

Supported Mathematical Functions are:

‰ abs absolute value

‰ atn arc tangent (angle returned in radians)
‰ cos cosine (argument in radians)
‰ exp e (2.71828...) raised to a power
‰ int integer part of a number
‰ log natural logarithm
‰ sgn sign function (-1 if argument is negative, 0 if zero, 1 if positive)
‰ sin sine (argument in radians)
‰ sqr square root function
‰ tan tangent (argument in radians)

Page 88
Calculation Expressions

(log('cdep158') - cos('cdep158'))
The above expression finds the difference between the natural logarithm of the value of the
tag cdep158 and the cosine of the value of the tag cdep158.

Performance Equation Functions

If the version of your PI 2 Server is 2.0.9 or higher, or if you are using PI 3 Server, you can
also evaluate expressions that contain current Performance Equation functions.

Some useful functions are:

‰ BadVal()

‰ StateNo()

‰ TagBad()

‰ NextVal()

‰ PctGood()

‰ PrevVal()

‰ TimeEq()

‰ TimeGE()

‰ TimeGT()

‰ TimeLE()

‰ TimeLT()

‰ TimeNE()

PctGood('cdep158', 'y', 't')
The PctGood function finds the time percentage, over a given range, when a tag's archived
values are good.

In the above example, the percentage of time between midnight yesterday and midnight
today, when the tag was receiving "good" values will be returned.

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Curtime Keyword

You can refer to the timestamp of the calculation by using the keyword curtime explicitly in
the expression. For example, you specify 20-Oct-97 for Start time, 21-Oct-97 for End time,
12h for Time interval and the following expression in the PIExpDat PI function:
(curtime - `20-Oct-97')/1s
Three sets of data will be returned as follows:
20-Oct-97 00:00:000 20-Oct-97 12:00:0043200 21-Oct-97 00:00:0086400
For more information on Performance Equation functions, consult the PI Server Applications
Guide or the PI 3 Performance Equations Help File. Also, note that the PE syntax for PI 3
Server differs slightly from that on PI 2 Server.

Filter Expressions

The following describes the syntax of valid filter expressions in FactoryTalk Historian

Note: The examples below use tag delimiters of : (colon) and . (period). Your
FactoryTalk Historian System may use different ones.

Relational Operators

A filter expression uses the same arithmetic operators and functions as a calculation
expression. In addition, one or more relational operators are necessary.

Relational operators are:

‰ < less than

‰ = equal to
‰ > greater than
‰ <= less than or equal to
‰ <> not equal to
‰ >= greater than or equal to

Page 90
Filter Expressions

(abs('my:tag') >= 14.65)
The above expressions evaluates to TRUE (non-zero) if the absolute value of the tag mytag is
at least 14.65.

When comparing digital tags, use the negative of the digital state code number.

For PI 2.0.9 or higher, use the digital state string itself. For example:
('my:tag' = "Manual")

Logical Operators

A filter expression may also contain logical operators such as:

‰ and returns TRUE if both its arguments are TRUE.

‰ or returns TRUE if at least one of its arguments is TRUE.

‰ not returns TRUE if its argument is FALSE, and vice-versa.


The following expression evaluates to TRUE if the value of the tag sinusoid is less than 45
and the square root of the value of the tag vdf1002 is greater than 2:
('sinusoid' < 45 and sqr('vd:f1002') > 2)

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Appendix C: Examples of PI Time Strings

Start and End Time

In the following examples, omit the leading quote if you are entering the PI time string into a
text edit field in an Excel dialog box. For example:
{PIArcVal 'sinusoid,'(25-dec-92 14:23),1,',A5}
PI Time String Meaning
'06-dec-91 15:00:00 3:00:00 p.m. On December 6, 1991
'* Current time (now)
'25 00:00:00 (midnight) on the 25th of the current
'25-aug-92 00:00:00 (midnight) on August 25th, 1992
'8: 08:00:00 on the current date
'25 8: 08:00:00 on the 25th of the current month
't 00:00:00 on the current date (today)
'y 00:00:00 on the previous date (yesterday)
'sun, mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat 00:00:00 on the most recent Sunday, Monday, ...
'*-1h One hour ago
't+8h 8:00:00 a.m. Today
'y-8h 4:00:00 p.m. The day before yesterday
'mon+14.5h 2:30:00 p.m. Last Monday
'sat-1m 11:59:00 p.m. Last Friday

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Time Interval

In the following examples, omit the leading quote if you are entering a PI time string directly
into a text edit field in an Excel dialog box.
PI Time String Meaning
'1.5h One and one-half hours
'32m Thirty-two minutes
'49s Forty-nine seconds
`+5h Five hours anchoring off starttime
`-5h Five hours anchoring off endtime

Note: A positive interval means to anchor off the starttime and a negative interval means
to anchor off the endtime. If no plus or minus sign is used, then interval is
assumed to be positive. So if starttime is "y", endtime is "t", and interval is "+5h"
for Sampled Data function, then interpolated values are generated at y, y+5h,
y+10h, y+15h, and y+20h. If the interval is "-5h" instead, then the interpolated
values are generated at y+4h, y+9h, y+14h, y+19h and t.

Page 94
Appendix D: Setup.ini Arguments

Silent Installs

For silent installs, please use the silent.ini provided in the DataLink distribution kit. Please
make site-specific specifications as needed. Arguments in silent.ini are described further in PI
SDK Setup.ini Arguments and FactoryTalk Historian DataLink Setup.ini Arguments sections.
To use silent ini, type:
Setup.exe -f silent.ini

PI SDK Installation

There are a few arguments which can be added as arguments to the command line in order to
install the SDK silently. In order for any of the arguments to work, the command line must
have /qn in it. All arguments must be separated by a space. The following is an example of
how the setup.ini should look like:
[COMMANDLINE] 5 = /qn PI_SERVER=localhost
Argument Meaning
/qn Install silently
PI_SERVER Name of default PI server
PI _ALIAS Alias name for default PI server
PI_PORT Default port for default PI server
PI_TYPE Server type for default PI server (either 2 or 3)
PI_USER Default user for default PI server
INSTALLDIR Installation path
PIBUF_ENABL Enables/disables buffering
ALLUSERS Installs for all users of machine

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FactoryTalk Historian DataLink Installation

There are a few arguments which can be added as arguments to the command line in order to
install the FactoryTalk Historian DataLink. All arguments must be separated by a space. The
following is an example of how the setup.ini should look like:
Argument Meaning
/q Install silently
SHARED Network Installation pathname
ALLUSERS Installs for all users of machine

Page 96
Appendix E: Outcodes

The outcode is just the decimal representation of binary bits. The bits are as follows:

‰ 1st bit: Show Timestamps bit

‰ 2nd bit: Orientation bit (columns/row)

‰ 3rd bit: Show Percent Good bit

‰ 4th bit: Hide Count bit

‰ 5th bit: Show Extended Status bit

‰ 6th bit: Show Annotations bit

‰ 7th bit: Show Start Time

‰ 8th bit: Show End Time

‰ 9th bit: Show Min/Max Time

The formula to calculate the corresponding outcode is

xi −1
(where i is the bit number for each bit that is set)

Note: Not all outcodes are valid for each function because not all options are available
for every function.


Suppose we want a Calculated Data function to display Percent Good, Start Time, and
Min/Max Time. Since Start Time and Min/Max Time are displayed, the Show Timestamps
bit must also be set.

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bits set = { Show Timestamps, Show Pct Good, Show Start Time, Show Min/Max Time }
= {1, 3, 7, 9 }

outcode = ∑2
xi −1
= 21−1 + 2 3−1 + 2 7 −1 + 2 9−1

= 2 + 2 2 + 2 6 + 28

= 1 + 4 + 64 + 256
= 325

So the function shown in Excel would look like:

=PICalcDat("sinusoid","y","t","1h","minimum", 1, 325,"piserver")

Page 98
Appendix F: Technical Support and Resources

Contact Rockwell Automation Technical Support at the following:

• Customer Support Telephone — 1-440-646-3434

• Online Support —

Knowledge Center

The Knowledge Center provides a searchable library of documentation and technical data, as
well as a special collection of resources for system managers. For these options, click
Knowledge Center in the Technical Support Web site.

‰ The Search feature allows you to search Support Solutions, Bulletins, Support Pages,
Known Issues, Enhancements, and Documentation (including user manuals, release
notes, and white papers).
‰ System Manager Resources include tools and instructions that help you manage: archive
sizing, backup scripts, daily health checks, daylight savings time configuration, PI Server
security, FactoryTalk Historian System sizing and configuration, PI trusts for interface
nodes, and more.

Before You Call or Write for Help

When you contact Rockwell Automation Technical Support, please provide:

‰ Product name, version, and/or build numbers

‰ Computer platform (CPU type, operating system, and version number)

‰ The time that the difficulty started

‰ The message log(s) at that time

FactoryTalk Historian Site Edition

User Guide Page 99
Add-in to Excel

Find the Version and Build Numbers

To find version and build numbers for each FactoryTalk Historian System subsystem (which
vary depending on installed upgrades, updates or patches) use either of the following

‰ If you have PI System Management Tools (PI SMT) installed, choose Start > Programs
> PI System > PI System Management Tools. In PI SMT, select the server name, then
under System Management Plug-Ins, open Operation > PI Version. The PI Version
tree lists all versions.
‰ If you do not have PI SMT installed, open a command prompt, change to the pi\adm
directory, and enter piversion -v. To see individual version numbers for each
subsystem, change to the pi\bin directory and type the subsystem name followed by
the option -v (for example, piarchss.exe –v).

View Computer Platform Information

To view platform specifications:

‰ In Windows, right-click My Computer and choose Properties. For more detailed

information, choose Start > Run, and enter msinfo32.exe
‰ In UNIX, use the command, uname -a

Page 100

Delimiters • 87
A Dialog Box
ActiveX control • 71 Advanced Calculated Data • 53
Advanced Calculated Data • 53 Alias • 69
Attribute Mask to Tag • 68 Attribute Mask to Tag • 67
Averages • 53 Compressed Data (Number) • 35
Compressed Data (Times) • 38
B Enter time in Excel • 24
Functions • 30
Bug Fixes
Module Database • 78
List of • 3
Point ID to Tag • 67
Property • 70
Calculation Expressions • 87 E
Calculation Modes • 53
Errors • 85
Can't Connect to the PI Server • 85
connect() timeout error • 85
Gethostbyname • 85
Node names • 3
recv Error 0 • 85
Change arguments • 15, 28
select() timeout error • 85
Change Scale option • 75
Expressions • 44, 65, 66
Combo Boxes • 21
Syntax • 87
Compressed Data
(Number) • 35 F
(Times) • 38
connect() timeout error • 85 FactoryTalk Historian DataLink
Connections Functions • 30
Problems • 85 Installation arguments • 96
Curtime Keyword • 89 Loading Problems • 85
Filter Expressions • 90
D Firewall Database • 7
Format option • 75
Data Access • 7
Functions • 27
PI 3 Server • 7
Dialog Boxes • 30
Define Trend option • 75
Excel • 30

FactoryTalk Historian Site Edition

User Guide Page 101

Performance Equation • 89 Performance Equation

Provided in Excel • 9 Syntax • 89
Performance Equations • 87
G PI 2 Server
Gethostbyname error • 85 Server configuration • 3
PI 3 Server
H configuration • 7
security • 7
Help • 82
PI Expressions • 87
Logical Operators • 91
Math Functions • 88
Input Timestamps Mathematical Operators • 88
Start and End Time • 93 Performance Equations • 89
Time Interval • 94 Relational Operators • 90
Installation PI Menu
Arguments • 96 Not displayed • 85
Silent Installation • 95
L PI System Manager • 3
Loading Problems • 85 PI time strings • 93
Lotus 1-2-3 Add-in • 1 PIADMIN
User Privileges • 7
M PIAdvCalcDat • 60
Maxima and Minima • 53 PIAdvCalcExpDat • 62
Microsoft Excel PIAdvCalcExpFilDat • 63
Add-in • 1, 9 PIAdvCalcExpFilVal • 59
Module Database • 78 PIAdvCalcExpVal • 58
MultiNet PIAdvCalcFilDat • 60
Name Translation, PI Client • 3 PIAdvCalcFilVal • 57
PIAdvCalcVal • 56
N PIAliasToTag • 69
PIArcVal • 32
Node Authentication
PICalcDat • 52
PI 2 Server • 3
PICalcVal • 50
Node Names
PICompDat • 40
TCP/IP • 3
PICompFilDat • 41
PICurrVal • 31
PIExpDat • 44
Operating System • 1 PIExpVal • 33
Output Fields • 19 PINCompDat • 37
PINCompFilDat • 38
P PINet nodes
PathWay security on • 3
Name Translation, PI Client • 3 PIPropertyValue • 70
PC client name • 3 PIPutVal • 82
PISampDat • 43 Troubleshooting • 85
PISampFilDat • 43
PIServer Fields • 19 U
PITagAtt • 35 UCX
PITimeDat • 46 Name Translation for PI Client • 3
PITimeExpDat • 46 User Privileges
PITimeFilter • 66 PIADMIN • 7
PITimeFilterVal • 65 username/password
Point Access • 7 PI 3 Server • 7
PI 3 Server • 7
Point ID to Tag • 67 V

R Values
Writing into PI • 82
recv Error 0 • 85 Version
Revert option • 75 PI System 2.0.9 • 89
Rockwell Automation Technical Support • 85 Spreadsheet software • 2
TCP/IP • 1
Sampled Data
Example • 14
Scroll Bar option • 75
PI 2 Server • 3
PI 3 Server • 7
select() timeout error • 85
Arguments • 95
FactoryTalk Historian DataLink • 96
Standard Deviations • 53
Performance Equation • 89

TCP/IP • 1
Node Names • 3
Name Translation, PI Client • 3
Entering into FactoryTalk Historian DataLink •
Time Interval • 94
Right-click menu • 75
Trend Control • 71

Page 103

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