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of Printed Pages : 7 DNHE-3


Term-End Examination
December, 2013



Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Question No. 1 is compulsory. Answer five questions
in all. All questions carry equal marks.

1. (a) Explain in 2-3 sentences each of the 10

following :
(i) Community nutrition.
(ii) Opinion leader
(iii) Soft diet
(iv) Oral rehydration solution
(v) KAP
(b) List any five points that you will advocate 5
for the message "Breast feeding is best for
the child" .
(c) Think of a message on diarrhoea in toddlers 5
suitable for a simple leaflet. Give an
illustration of the leaflet on the same

DNHE-3 1 P.T.O.
2. (a) Discuss how will you help the community 10
in rural area in recognizing chief nutrition
and health problems and causative factors
(b) Describe the major determinants of 10
community health and discuss its influence
on community nutrition.

3. (a) Select key themes relevant to your 15

community on "Nutrition during Pre-school
age" and explain the ways in which you
can convey the information to them.
(b) What are infectious diseases ? How are they 5
caused ?

4. Explain briefly the following communication

methods : 5+5+5+5
(a) Lecture
(b) Role Playing
(c) Demonstration
(d) Mass media

5. Discuss the general principles and points to

remember while preparing, presenting and
evaluating the following teaching aids: 5+5+5+5
(a) Charts
(b) Models
(c) Overhead transparencies
(d) Flannel graph

DNHE-3 2
6. (a) Explain the steps that you will take in 8
establishing community contact.
(b) What is a rural school system ? How is rural 8
school system beneficial to the nutrition and
health education ?
(c) What are essential of nutrition education 4
planning ?

7. Comment on the following :- 5+5+5+5

(a) Effectiveness of the analytical approach in
nutrition and health education.
(b) Dialogue approach
(c) Critical appraisal of-ICDS.
(d) Evaluation of nutrition education

8. Write short notes on any four of the following :-

(a) Mid-day Meal Programme 5+5+5+5
(b) Community participation
(c) Concept of nutrition and its relation to
(d) Principles and objectives of child-to-child
(e) Folk approaches that can be adopted to
nutrition and health education

DNHE-3 3 P.T.O.
*ism 3r ftrrqr swi
t4;i1c-f trftgr

f- TriziT, 2013

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kVA-fel : 3 Eir4 3.7fg1WM7 3? : 100

9.1F: ,,-/(sell 1 arftarif t/ yff rew yy-qi ecH qr,;/v

Tr 9 47 TRqT 3 foal

1. (a) 1'1 figcl 2-3 cilcN. Tcrg : 10

(i) TriTzt q qui


(iii) 3TTUT

(iv) 1TriF QC1


(b) G11:4 t RIM:ft -WITTTItffR Ttr t -cru 5

3T11:11 4t-cI -q-c1f11 7:0)44 ri4R I

(c) 3TraTTR 401.t -> itvr A--d-q 5

-cr4 t. 10 L.; t *4 Ttkvr #4N1-
1T r Qm dqWul c111 I

DNHE-3 4
2. (a) -artur 4q-49-13u 4 qut 3*tiR12.zr 4.fqr -{41:R:Err3-t 10
1- 61.kv-.11 wR--4 .41
3Trtr Ti-lyrzr Hcq .k4

(b) 171pf 749 10

3T1T TrIFTal Li)qui ITT T:1*311.1.1

3. (a) 'TTd1:0 31Tj (1-E 11)1=M' 717 3T TrIgq-r-zr 15

fit 441c1 -5Pcp raga.: 3
-41rwq 31-rcr 3.4
TWErd cbk 7&.

(b) 3' .qzrr ? -F-*-ff 5


4. #qTT ci 974 1:f -cr a-uf-i W-

A-RI 5+5+5+5

(a) ogItS411-f

(b) ilfgr*I-fTd*

(c) f9-q-kfi

(d) 7:1r4

DNHE-3 5 P.T.O.
5. 14--1 (.1 Oct -ftRiTil 4,14• ch .WiTk -SITV
qlq znf4
40 3 -40 r'449. ri;11-‘1
fiT- 5+5+5+5

6. (a) (-141q14 TIT2T Titi*qff"A frig 3TT7 Triff 8

3T-T4-{-0-r dichl TI-r77 I

(b) 711T11:11r0M11(1q3171- 1.a-e41%- ? -gP21-17 roMlIclq 8

IT-1-Erur TE47-271 NRir fri v, -474 wi-T

(c) 4)au1 Piur 31T-4)--qi 4

7. r-p-eircirocr 'TT tccrufr : 5+5+5+5

(a) 7111111T4F-2,71ftW4 tiolIcHch d41411-1 3141f4al

(b) I d41414-I

(c) -11-11c1 -c1-11c1-111 i•Lc en

(d) Hlqui fFur cnie4,4)

DNHE-3 6
8. 1-1 4-1 •t4 /%77WIT'TT 4fk-i-ET 1 uitir f•- fgf-7 :

(a) tot chl sto-i 5+54-5+5

(b) 7,17Tzi TITilfiTaT

(c) yl Nui ch1 4cbc.4-1-11 -11(-2,71. at-Ichl 44N

(d) cnitil *fir‘iff 3-Ozi

(e) 37174 qui *ITT-9-2T f4-Rir 3ir-zrr


DNHE-3 7

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