Environmental Science

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Environmental Science

Final Examination

II. Multiple Choice

1. ________ is the science and art of cultivating plants and livestock.

a. Aquaculture
b. Horticulture
c. Agriculture
d. None of the above
2. The word agriculture is a late Middle English adaptation of Latin agricultūra, from ager, which
means ______.
a. field
b. Soil
c. Water
d. None of the above
3. The word cultura or cultūra from the word agriculture, "cultivation" means_______
a. Growing
b. field
c. Soil
d. Water
4. __________________-caused increased water pollution, and often results to environmental
a. Organic fertilizers and pesticides
b. Chemical fertilizers and pesticides
c. Synthetic fertilizers and pesticides
d. None of the above
5. _____________ system which several crops are grown sequentially in one year.
a. Single cropping
b. Multiple Copping
c. Polycropping
6.  i____________ system when several crops are grown at the same time
a. Single cropping
b. Multiple Copping
c. Intercropping
d. None of the above

7. Several other kinds of crops annually grown system is known as ________.

a. Polycropping
b. Intercropping
c. Polyculture
d. Monoculture
8. Animal husbandry is the breeding and raising of animals for meat, milk, eggs, or wool, and for
work and transport.
a. Agriculture
b. Animal rearing
c. Animal husbandry
d. None of the above
9. _____________ or fish farming, the production of fish for human consumption in confined
operations, is one of the fastest growing sectors of food production.
a. Agriculture
b. Aquaculture
c. Fish caging
d. Fish fattening
10. ____________is the practice of breaking up the soil with tools such as the plow or harrow to
prepare for planting, for nutrient incorporation, or for pest control.
a. Plowing
b. Horrowing
c. Planting
d. Tillage

11. _____________ includes the management of weeds, insects, mites, and diseases. Chemical

(pesticides), biological (biocontrol), mechanical (tillage), and cultural practices are used.
a. Animal control
b. Plant control
c. Pest control
d. None of the
12. Sustainable agriculture is farming in sustainable ways, which means meeting society's food and
textile present needs, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.
a. Cooperative agriculture
b. Partnership agriculture
c. Sustainable agriculture
d. None of the above
13. Which of the following is NOT a farming method that is used to make agriculture sustainable?
a. Conserving water
b. Limiting fertilizer use
c. Limiting pesticide use
d. Growing one type of crop
14. Which of the following is an environmental benefit of sustainable agriculture?
a. More fossil fuel use
b. Soil quality is maintained
c. Increase in erosion
d. Decreased biodiversity

15. What is food security?

a. It relates to efforts to prevent terrorists from poisoning food supplies.

b. It is about ensuring everyone's access to food.
c. Its component elements include availability, utilisation, and stability, as well as access.
d. Food security focuses primarily on ending micronutrient malnutrition.
16. How will climate change affect future food security?
a) It will have negative impacts in most developing countries because of the increased
frequency of droughts, storms and floods.
17. What is land called that is suitable for farming?
a. Growable
b. Fallow
c. Arable 
d. Plantable
18. Agriculture is best defined as
a. the hunting and gathering
b. the altering genetic material of plants
c. the cultivation of plants/domesticating animals
d. using technology to increase production
19. What type of farming is practiced to produce food for sale off the farm?
a. Commercial
b. Subsistence
c. Seed
d. vegetative
20. Amount of crops produced per unit area
a. Diet
b. Famine
c. Malnutrition
d. Yield
21. Process by which human activities or climate change make areas more desert-like
a. Desertification
b. Domesticated
c. Arable
d. Overharvesting
22. A poison used to destroy pests
a. Biological Pest Control
b. Pesticide
c. Genetic Engineering
d. Overharvesting
23. Practice that modifies the genome of living organisms for industrial use
a. Domesticated
b. Livestock
c. Biological pest control
d. Genetic engineering
24. Removing more organisms from a population than can be replaced
a. Livestock
b. Domesticated
c. Overharvesting
d. Yield
25. Raising of aquatic plants or animals for human use
a. Aquaculture
b. Overharvesting
c. Arable
d. Famine
26. A _________________ is a prolonged period of below average precipitation in an area.
a. Famine
b. Drought
c. Yield
d. Green Revolution
27.  Which of the following is NOT a negative side effect of modern agricultural techniques versus
traditional techniques?
a. Increased use of fossil fuels
b. Increased crop yields
c. Increased use of fertilizers
d. Increased use of pesticides
28. Desertification is caused by:
a. An increase in the eating of desserts
b. A decrease in population in desert areas
c. The degradation of soil in semi-arid regions
d. Droughts in tropical regions
29. What would happen if industrial farmers stopped using inorganic chemical fertilizers?
a. Crop yields would decrease dramatically
b. Crop yields would increase dramatically
c. Farmers would use much more water
d. The need for pesticides would decrease
30.  Which of the following is NOT a way of conserving topsoil:
A. Build terraces when planting crops on hillsides
B. Till down the slope instead of across it
C. Do not till the soil between plantings
D. Leave strips of land untilled between fields
31. Which of the following are harmful effects of agriculture?
a. Algal blooms due to fertilizer runoff
b. Climate change associated with methane emissions from livestock and rice paddies
c. Pesticide residue in food, water, and air
d. All of the above
32. All of the following are benefits of pesticide use EXCEPT
a. disease control
b. crop protection
c. genetic resistance
d. lower food costs for consumers
33. Which type of soil conservation strategy is being  used in this picture?
a. Windbreaks
b. contour plowing
c. alley cropping
d. terracing
34. Which of the following are environmental impacts of extensive aquaculture?
a. spread of disease
b. pollution
c. introduced species
d. all of the above
35. What does biodiversity mean?
a. Only one species in an area.
b. The different amount of species in an area
c. All abiotic life
d. Nitrogen fixation
36. Why is biodiversity important in fighting disease in food crops?
a. It prevents one disease from wiping out an entire food crop.
b. It prevents habitat loss of native species.
c. It provides different foods for different populations.
d. It prevents fungal disease from wiping out corn crops.
37. The ability to maintain an ecological balance in an ecosystem is 
a. Engineering
b. Sustainability
c. natural ecosystem
d. balanced ecosystem
38. The agricultural practice of growing a single crop, plant, or livestock species at one time. 
a. Uniculture
b. Biculture
c. Monoculture
d. low input farming
39. Agriculture can be harmful to the lithosphere because fertilizers and __________ can pollute the
a. Pesticides
b. Monoculture
c. Hydrofracking
d. uranium
40. What change would best aid a farmer in making the transition from traditional farmer to
sustainable farming?
a. Irrigate the crops using well water
b. Rotate the types of crops grown
c. Plant only genetically modified crops
d. Reduce the ratio of essential elements in the fertilizer
41. Most or all trees in an area are uniformly cut down.
a. clear cutting
b. cover crops
c. monoculture
d. slash and burn
42. Whole foods require less processing since they are whole, therefore….
a. use less fossil fuels to process
b. are usually grown in monoculture 
c. cost society money and lost time in the work force
d. require more pesticides causing air, water and soil pollution
43. Which of the following is a disadvantage of renewable energy?
a) High pollution
b) Available only in few places
c) High running cost
d) Unreliable supply
44. A Solar cell is an electrical device that converts the energy of light directly into electricity by the
a) Photovoltaic effect
b) Chemical effect
c) Atmospheric effect
d) Physical effect
45. Wood is a renewable resource.
a) True
b) False
c. None of the above
4. In hydroelectric power, what is necessary for the production of power throughout the year?
a) Dams filled with water
b) High amount of air
c) High intense sunlight
d) Nuclear power
46. The main composition of biogas is _______________
a) Methane
b) Carbon dioxide
c) Nitrogen
d) Hydrogen
47. Which Ministry is mainly responsible for research and development in renewable energy sources such
as wind power, small hydro, biogas and solar power?
a) Human Resource Development
b) Agriculture and Farmers Welfare
c) Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
d) Health and Family Welfare
48. Which among the following have a large amount of installed grid interactive renewable power
capacity in India?
a) Wind power
b) Solar power
c) Biomass power
d) Small Hydro power
49. Brazil has the highest annual rate of deforestation today. Fact or Fiction?
A. Fact
B. Fiction
C. None of the above
50. Which of these cause the greenhouse effect?
A. Excess of nitrogen in the atmosphere
B. Excess of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
C. Heat from cooking fires of ever-increasing population
D. None of the above
50. Which of these is NOT an expected effect of climate change?
A. Sea levels rising
B. Flooding in coastal cities
C. Expanding glaciers
D. Extreme weather
51. What can you do about climate change?
A. Drive your car less and use public transport
B. Turn off the lights when not in need
C. All of the above the above
52. The best capable alternative source which can meet the future energy demand is _____________
a) thermal power plant
b) nuclear power plant
c) hydroelectric power plant
d) geothermal power plant

II. Explanation
1. What is sustainable Agriculture? Give examples. (10 points)
2. Differentiate deforestation and desertification (10 points)
3. Explain the different types of energy and explain how it is used(10 points)
4. What is the importance of ozone layer? List down different strategies in reducing ozone
depletion(10 points)
5. What are the effects of Global warming? and what are the laws and treaties to solve this problem.
(10 points)

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