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12 Houses In Astrology Written by: Sanjay Sharma

A horoscope is just a diagram of the heavens exactly as seen from the Earth at any particular time and at any given
location. Houses in astrology refer to the ARTIFICIAL way of dividing the heavens as seen from the Earth in 12 parts.

Houses are known as the Bhavas in Vedic Astrology. Houses are one of the three essential tools for casting a
horoscope other two being placement of planets and signs in the horoscope.

a) From this diagram and keeping in mind the above definition, we can have good idea about houses in astrology. We
can only ‘see’ SIX of the TWELVE houses as other SIX houses are ALWAYS BELOW the horizon.

b) Houses 1 to 6 are ALWAYS BELOW the horizon and houses 7 to 12 are ALWAYS ABOVE the horizon.

c) The point which is exactly ON the horizon on EAST at ANY location on Earth is ALWAYS the starting point of the 1st
house and is better known as the Ascendant or Lagna.

d) The point which is exactly over-head at ANY location on Earth is ALWAYS the starting point of the 10th house or
the Medium Coeli or just MC.

e) The point which is exactly ON the horizon on WEST at ANY location on Earth is ALWAYS the starting point of the
7th house or the Descendant.

f) The point which is exactly OPPOSITE to the over-head point or the 10th house or MC is ALWAYS the starting point
of the 4th house or the Imum Coeli or just IC.

g) We can only ‘SEE’ the planets which are placed in the 7th to 12th houses as these houses are ALWAYS ABOVE the
horizon. We can never ‘SEE’ the planets which are placed in the 1st to 6th houses as these houses are ALWAYS
BELOW the horizon.

h) Due to the ROTATION of the Earth – The planets SEEMS to RISE from the EAST (12th house), reach OVER-HEAD
(10th house) and FALL or SET in the WEST (6th house).
With the help of the diagram below we can get further clear idea about houses and rise and fall of planets and how
to predict time generally or how to predict the house position of Sun As Sun ALWAYS rises from the EAST and from
the point number (c) of the first diagram we know - “The point which is exactly ON the horizon on EAST at ANY
location on Earth is ALWAYS the starting point of the 1st house and is better known as the Ascendant or Lagna.” On
this basis we can say at the time of Sun rise (which is around 5 A.M. to 7 A.M. depending on the time of the year and
location of place) Sun is MOVING FROM the FIRST HOUSE into the TWELFTH HOUSE.

As Sun ALWAYS is Over-Head during Noon and from the point number (d) of the first diagram we know – “The point
which is exactly over-head at ANY location on Earth is ALWAYS the starting point of the 10th house or the Medium
Coeli or just MC.” On this basis we can say at the time of Sun being Over-Head (which is around 11 A.M. to 1 P.M.
depending on the time of the year and location of place) Sun is MOVING FROM the TEHTH HOUSE into the NINTH

As Sun ALWAYS is in WEST during setting and from the point number (e) of the first diagram we know – “The point
which is exactly ON the horizon on WEST at ANY location on Earth is ALWAYS the starting point of the 7th house or
the Descendant.” On this basis we can say at the time of Sun being setting (which is around 5 P.M. to 7 P.M.
depending on the time of the year and location of place) Sun is MOVING FROM the SEVENTH HOUSE into the SIXTH

As Sun ALWAYS is at bottom most position during Mid Night and from the point number (f) of the first diagram we
know – “The point which is exactly OPPOSITE to the over-head point or the 10th house or MC is ALWAYS the starting
point of the 4th house or the Imum Coeli or just IC.” On this basis we can say at the time of Sun being at Bottom
Most position (which is around 11 P.M. to 1 A.M. depending on the time of the year and location of place) Sun is
MOVING FROM the FOURTH HOUSE into the THIRD HOUSE. Similarly, other house position of the Sun can also be
predicted by knowing the time as mentioned in this diagram.

Most of the Astrology House systems used are

Equal House, Whole House, Placidus, Koch, Porphyry, Campanus, Regiomontanus, Solar, Lunar, Morinus, Radiant,
Zariel, Alcabitus, Meridian, Topocentric, Horizontal and Geodetic.

Lagna Bhava or the first house commences from the point that just rises in the East and the whole area that is yet to
rise next below horizon and extends up to 2nd house cusp. The point exactly opposite the East of 1st house cusp is
the starting of 7th house. That part of sky which has risen just before birth and extends upwards in the Eastern
horizon is the 12th Bhava or house. The top most point in the sky at any given location is the starting point of 10th
house or the Midheaven and the opposite point below the earth is called the Nadir or the 4th house.
Thus we can understand from the above statements that the time from approximately two hours before sunrise till
the exact time of sunrise, the Sun will be in the 1st house and the time approximately two hours before sunset till
the exact time of sunset, Sun will be in 7th house. Similarly, from the time the Sun is exactly overhead at any given
location and till approximately two hours after that Sun will be in 10th house.

The 1st, 10th, 7th and 4th house are main pillars of a horoscope. They are called the Angular or Cardinal or Kendra
(meaning center in Vedic Astrology) Houses. The next houses to the angles or Kendra viz. 2nd, 5th, 8th and 11th are
called the Fixed or Succeedent or Panapara (meaning material or money related in Vedic Astrology). The remaining
four houses viz. 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th are called the Cadent or Mutable or Apoklima (meaning to decline, lessen or

The houses can also be divided into four trinities:

Trinity of Dharma or Spiritual Action

Houses 1, 5 and 9

They relate to the Fire signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius (1) Body (5) Heart and (9) Higher Mind

Trinity of Artha or Wealth

Houses 2, 6 and 10

They relate to Earth sign of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn (2) Possessions, (6) Comforts, such as food, servants and
health and (10) Honor, fame and social standing.

Trinity of Kama or Relationships

Houses 3, 7 and 11

They relate to Airy signs of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius (3) Siblings (7) Marriage and Partnerships (11) Friends and
close associates

Trinity of Moksha or Final Liberation of Soul

Houses 4, 8 and 12

They relate to Water signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. (4) Environment at later part of life. (8) Regeneration and
Death (12) Suffering and self-undoing.

The twelve Astrology Houses and their significance

All the matters regarding living and non living things are signified by the 12 houses, taken one or more than one
house for any given matter. The astrologer has to judge a particular house or a few houses for any particular matter.
For example, for marriage, the 7th house is the primary house to be analyzed but 2nd and 11th houses are also taken
in consideration. This is because 2nd house denotes family and 11th house denotes gain, fulfillment of desires and
happy social occasions.

Each house signifies certain matters regarding the individual but the same house can be extended to derive various
matters regarding his or her relatives and even friends. This process of extending the affairs of any given house is
known as derivative house. A house may be fortunate to the individual but at the same time it may be disastrous to
a relative or friend. For example, the Lagna or the first house indicates the advantages gains and profit to younger
brother as younger brother or sister is signified by the third house and first house is the eleventh house counted
from the first house. The first house also indicates the fame and reputation of mother as it is the tenth house
counted from the fourth house, higher studies, long journey, for the person's children especially the first child is
judged from the Ascendant. Mundane Astrology is one of the branches astrology that generally deals with
predictions related to countries, house meaning are more varied and somewhat different than birth or natal

First House (Ascendant - East Angle)

Tenth House (Midheaven or M.C. - North Angle)
House (Descendant - West Angle)
Fourth House (Imum Coeli (I.C.) - South Angle)

First Bhava or the First House

The first house or what is commonly known as the Ascendant or Lagna is the most important of the houses. In Vedic
Astrology it is referred to as "Tanur or Tanu Bhava", which means literally, "the house of the body". It signifies the
birth, beginning of life, personality, personal features, looks, body, character, temperament, individuality, self
consciousness and constitution in general. The Ascendant is always an important factor in the matter of health as it
also indicates the person's vitality and vigor, his natural disposition and tendencies and struggle for life, his success
or failure in attempts, his fortune or misfortune, etc. It is the main factor in determining our orientation to life as a
whole. Hence this is of supreme importance.

This house refers to the first sign of zodiac, the Aries or the Mesha or Mesh. The natural significator of the first house
is the planet Sun. The parts of the physical body governed by 1st house are the head and the upper part of the face
and all the organs there in. As per Mundane or State or Political Astrology, ascendant or first house signifies the
people in the country and general state of the country. The common people, public health, overall condition and
signifies the masses or a country or kingdom. It governs all the matters signified by the ministry of home affairs.
Second House

The 2nd house rules a person's finances, material resources, attitude towards and ability for earning money, family,
speech and self worth. The second house is the house of money. It denotes the financial circumstances, fortune,
profit or loss and financial prosperity of the person. This house shows what the person acquires by individual effort
and the degree of prosperity which he will enjoy with all the possessions of extrinsic value bonds, stocks, cash and
bank balance etc. It relates to earning capacity, one's ability to provide for self in life. It does not indicate career but
indicate the financial success. In short, all that is acquired come under the purview of this house. This is not limited
to what one own, in terms of tangible things but also one's feelings and emotions, as well as our inner selves,
abilities, needs and wants in short our self worth. This house also deals with family. It includes all close relatives of
the person without reference to any particular relationship. The immediate family likes grandfather, grandmother,
mother, wife, children, brothers, sisters, etc. Another important influence of the second house is the one's ability to
express his thoughts, the speech or the voice. It also represents the vision or the power of observation. It is also one
of the maraka or death inflicting houses the other being the 7th house.

This house refers to the second sign of zodiac, the Taurus or the Vrishaba or Vrish. The natural significator of the
second house is the planet Venus and Jupiter. The parts of the physical body governed by the 2nd house are the eyes
(generally 2nd house rules the right eye and the 12th house rules the left eye), tongue, nose, teeth, cheeks, chin and
all the neck and throat area. As per Mundane or State or Political Astrology, the second house signifies national
wealth, exchequer, revenue, banks, commercial affairs, trade and activities and matters which concern revenue. It
governs all the matters signified by the finance, food and family welfare ministry.

Third House

The 3rd house rules a person's communication and correspondence, short journeys, younger brother or sister,
cousins, and neighbors, courage, heroism valor, thoughts, mental strength, inclination and ability, memory and the
inherent propensities of the mind and intellect. The third house is the house of all types of communication,
correspondence and information exchange that a person is engaged in by talking, letters, fax, email, television, radio,
news, media, phone etc. It also governs short travel, inland journeys such as travel by cycle, bus, boat, rail and short
air travel. It governs younger siblings, all cousins and even neighbors. It indicates the property of mind, its strength
and weakness, thought power, mental interest and inclination, courage and valor. The third house also governs
change of residence.

This house refers to the third sign of zodiac, the Gemini or the Mithuna or Mithun. The natural significator of the
third house is the planet Mercury. The parts of the body ruled by the third house are ears (generally 3rd house rules
the right ear and the 11th house rules the left ear), hands, arms and fingers, shoulder blade, collar bone, respiratory
and the nervous system. As per Mundane or State or Political Astrology, the third house signifies neighboring
countries and treaties with them. It rules over transportation and all the means of transit whether it is by land air or
water, and the communication system like postal, telegraph, radio, telephone, television and all the media. It also
represents libraries and public education generally. It governs all the matters signified by communications,
information technology, broadcasting, transport, highways, railways and tourism ministry.
Fourth House

The 4th house rules a person's house and home, mother, one's roots, domestic affairs, acquiring of tangible assets
and property like land, building, mines, farms and vehicles, happiness, learning, conditions at the end of life and the
final resting place or the grave. The fourth house relates to one's home, residence, domestic environments and
general condition of a person in the later part of his life. This house is also called the grave or womb thereby relating
it to mother and all that it is concerned with hidden things such as private affairs and secrets. The fourth also shows
one's landed or immovable property including those which one takes on lease or rent as well as those rented of
leased out to other people. The fourth denotes whether one will have vehicles of one's own or enjoy others vehicles.
All permanent possessions such as fields, farms, mines, real estate, gardens, buildings, dwellings, antiquities are
influenced by this house. This house has a bearing on education and qualifications of a person. In this respect the
fourth house may be taken to indicate school and college education.

This house refers to the fourth sign of zodiac, the Cancer or the Kark, or Karkat. The natural significator of the fourth
house is the planet Moon. The parts of the body ruled by the fourth house are chest, breasts and lungs. As per
Mundane or State or Political Astrology, the fourth house signifies the weather, agriculture, mines, public buildings
and the opposition party to the government. It governs all the matters signified by the natural resources, agriculture,
petroleum, gas, mining, and housing ministry.

Fifth House

The 5th house rules a person's creativity and self creation, self-expression, children, Poorva punya or virtuous act
done in past lives, romance, love affairs, speculation, hobbies, favorite activities, games and sports. The fifth house is
the house of creativity and includes everything one creates including progeny. It denotes whether one will have
children or not. The fifth house signifies the conception of pregnancy. The fifth house presides over pleasure and
social inclinations. It deals with tastes and fancies artistic talents. The type of recreation, entertainment,
amusements, sports, romance and similar interest that appeal to a person is denoted by this house. It is connected
with all material and physical pleasures like games, sports, cinema, opera, drama, music, dance and amusements of
all sorts. The fifth house being a trine house, indicating Poorva punya shows what meritorious deeds one could have
done in the previous birth. It is also concerned with speculative affairs and all matters of enterprise prompted by the
desire nature. All games of chance like cards, crossword puzzles, dice, horse, shares, lottery, gambling or betting
come under the domain of the fifth house. The native's love affairs, the degree of success or failure achieved in love
affairs, courtship and licentiousness, the legitimate and illegitimate attraction prior to wedlock or after marriage
come under this house. It may be said to represent the seat of the physical and magnetic attractions between the
opposite sexes.

This house refers to the fifth sign of zodiac, the Leo or the Simha. The natural significator of the fifth house is the
planet Jupiter. The part of the body ruled by the fifth house is the heart and upper and middle part of back or spine.
As per Mundane or State or Political Astrology, the fifth house signifies matters relating to national affairs, envoys
and ambassadors. All places of entertainment and speculation like theaters, music halls and places of amusement,
education, stock exchange and race course. The child population and birth rate of the country is also denoted by this
house. It governs all the matters signified by the youth affairs, entertainment, sports and education ministry.
Sixth House

The 6th house rules a person's health and sickness, diet, debt, labor, service, work, daily routine, co-workers,
maternal uncles and aunts, sin, wicked act and fear. The sixth house indicates disease and sickness, the real state of
the disease, recovery from it and whether it is of a long or short duration. This is also related to food, dietary habits
and daily routine as most of ill-health is often due to improper management of these. The sixth house is also
connected with work and the service rendered by the individual. It also denotes his employees, subordinates or
servants —whether he is in the service of others or he has others as his employees. The condition and faithfulness of
his inferiors is to be ascertained from this house. The sixth house is the house of debt or borrowing. This house also
governs pet animals and small cattle, domestic creatures, tenants, dress and hygiene, sanitation, dietetics, food and

This house refers to the sixth sign of zodiac, the Virgo or the Kanya. The natural significator of the sixth house is the
planet Mercury. The parts of the body ruled by the sixth house are the pancreas, stomach, intestinal tract,
duodenum and the digestion process. As per Mundane or State or Political Astrology, the sixth house rules the
working class, sanitation and public health. It signifies the army, navy and air forces, which are the main line of
defense of a country. It governs all the matters signified by the ministry of health, defense, labor, employment and
human resource development.

Seventh House

The 7th house rules a person's relationships and partnerships, marriage, wife or husband, legal bondage, lawsuits,
quarrels, divorce, open enemies. The 7th house rules any person with whom the one interacts that is 'the other' it
can be colleague, client, layer, doctor or any one, the opponent. It also governs the niece and nephew. The seventh
house is the "house of union or earthy ties", it mostly means the marriage. Besides the life partner, the partner in
business and the degree of success achieved through such partnership is also shown by this house. The seventh
house also refers to all those with whom the native enters into any contract or agreement, those with whom the
native is engaged in quarrels and comes into conflict, the native's competitor in any undertaking, his rival in any
contest. In a nut shell, the seventh house is said to indicate all those with whom the native transacts or deals in any
manner. Fines, divorces, legal bondage, agreements, contracts etc. are other matters which are ruled by the seventh
house. The 7th house shows break of journey. It is also one of the maraka or death inflicting houses the other being
the 2nd house. For common signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces, the 7th house is also the badhak or life
obstructing house.

This house refers to the seventh sign of zodiac, the Libra or the Tula. The natural significator of the seventh house is
the planet Venus. The parts of the body ruled by the seventh house are kidneys, middle and lower back and
vertebras. As per Mundane or State or Political Astrology, the seventh house is considered in matters pertaining to
foreign affairs, relations with other countries, wars and international disputes, foreign and international trade,
enmity as well as treaties and alliances, public reaction, the laws relating to partnerships, marriage and divorce. It
governs all the matters signified by the external and overseas affairs ministry.
Eighth House

The 8th house rules a person's longevity, defeat, insult, sorrow, scandal, obstacles, impediment, transformation,
regeneration, sexuality, unearned money, occult matters and death. The eighth house is considered to have a direct
bearing upon one's longevity or span of life as this house conveys the type of death, whether a natural death or an
unnatural one such as by drowning, fire, accident or suicide or to chronic diseases and whether it is a slow or sudden
and violent death. All that is related to inheritance, legacies, taxes, wills, insurance etc. The eighth house is related to
his unearned wealth or share of profit or money that comes through inheritance. The eighth house is also known as
the house of mystery and misery, it has to do with misfortune and mental anxiety, sorrow and strife, worries, delay,
dejection, disappointment, defeat, loss, obstruction, blame and ill-repute etc.

This house refers to the eighth sign of zodiac, the Scorpio or the Vrishchik or Vrischika Rasi. The natural significator of
the eighth house is the planet Mars. The parts of the body ruled by the eighth house are the prostate gland,
reproductive system and the colon. As per Mundane or State or Political Astrology, signifies matters relating to
public mortality, the death rate, major accidents and calamities like flood, fire, famine, disease, earthquake, the
nation's exports and imports, tax department, debts due from foreign countries, surrender or loss of territory to
another country, public loans, debts and interest rates, deficit budget, surgeons, medical officers, health inspectors,
slaughter houses and butchers. It governs all the matters signified by the ministry of pensions and atomic energy.

Ninth House

The 9th house rules one's teacher or preceptor, higher education and higher knowledge, long journeys, luck, fortune,
publicity, grand children, worship, penance, dharma, prayer, spiritual initiation and inclination. This is the house of
faith, wisdom and worship. The 9th house rules religious and philosophical beliefs, weather a parson is religious,
devoted, charitable, orthodox or meditative all is to be ascertained from this house. It is considered to be an
auspicious house as it shows one's fortune in the present life as a result of past actions. The ninth is the house of
intuition and pure reason it rules the higher education, higher knowledge and higher thought. The degree of
knowledge one may develop whether collegiate, academic, philosophical, religious, literary, artistic or scientific - is
to be deduced from this house. The ninth house presides over research, invention, discovery and exploration. The
ninth house governs publishing and all forms of advertising, long journey, sea voyage, air travel, etc. It determines
the amount of travel in far-off places or countries and the success achieved there. We can say this is the house
related to broadening one's horizons.

This house refers to the ninth sign of zodiac, the Sagittarius or the Dhanu or Dhanus. The natural significator of the
ninth house is the planet Jupiter. The parts of the body ruled by the ninth house are the thighs, hip and the buttocks.
As per Mundane or State or Political Astrology, the ninth house signifies law courts, judges, clergy, religious majority,
legal departments, matters relating to religion, temples, churches, publishing, universities and those connected with
them, emigration and immigration, import and export of the nation. It governs all the matters signified by law and
justice ministry.
Tenth House

The 10th house rules a person's work, commerce, trade, business, success, fame, rank or position in outer world. The
10th house is related to all matters affecting one's name, fame, honor and recognition; it is described as the house of
honor, dignity and public esteem. The chief influence of the 10th house is on one's profession, occupation or
business. It is rightfully called the apex of the horoscope, since it denotes a person's worldly attainments achieved
through name and fame, power and prestige, credit and conduct, success and status, rank and renown, respect and
reputation, and ambition and authority. One's public life and popularity, his worldly standing in terms of material
success and his connection with people in high position should be judged from an examination of the strength of the
10th house.

This house refers to the tenth sign of zodiac, the Capricorn or the Makar or Makara. The natural significator of the
tenth house is the planet Saturn and Mars. The parts of the body ruled by the tenth house are the gallbladder and
the knees. As per Mundane or State or Political Astrology, the tenth house deals with government and its affairs and
its chief executive. It signifies the head of the State, whether monarch or president or prime minister, also royalty,
nobility, the party in office, the national leaders, the upper level of society and those in authority, eminent and
distinguished persons and the aristocracy. It governs the nation's honor, integrity, credit, power and status among
the community of nations. This house provides the clue to the political situation prevailing in a country. It governs all
the matters signified by the industries, public enterprises and commerce ministry.

Eleventh House

The 11th house rules a person's friends, social circle, and profit, and gain, income of all kinds, acquisition, desire and
wish fulfillment. The 11th house is related to friends. It stands for all those who are allied to the native by likeness or
sympathy of interest in society, community, clubs etc. It includes well-wishers and close acquaintances. It also
includes one's hopes, wishes and aspirations and their realization. The 11th house governs success in any
undertakings, whether it is in profession or business, higher studies or election, litigation, speculation, health, etc. It
indicates varieties of income; the 11th house is commonly referred to as 'Labha-sthana' denoting profit or gain. It is
through this house that incoming wealth is to be expected. One has to investigate the 11th house to ascertain how
far one will succeed in social and financial matters and whether at all he will succeed. This house reflects the native's
attitude towards society and his interest for social activities as distinct from personal aims and ambitions. It also
relates to reformative and unconventional activities. It governs elder brother or sister, paternal uncle. The 11th
house is the badhak sthana or the house determent to longevity for persons born in movable signs or Chara rashis
viz. Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

This house refers to the eleventh sign of zodiac, the Aquarius or the Kumbh or Kumbha. The natural significator of
the eleventh house is the planet Sun. The parts of the body ruled by the eleventh house are calves and ankles. As per
Mundane or State or Political Astrology, the eleventh house signifies the parliament, House of Commons, legislation,
associates or allies of the nation.
Twelfth House

The 12th house rules a person's bondage, confinement, imprisonment, expenses, loss, poverty, misery, phobia,
staying abroad, final emancipation, left eye and let leg. The 12th house shows final emancipation from the chain of
births and deaths and his merger with the divine and the future state of his existence. The 12th house deals with loss
and impediments, restraint and limitation, waste and extravagance, expenses and loss. Whether such expenses will
be pleasant and expected or unpleasant and unexpected will depend upon this twelfth house and transits and
planetary periods in operation. It governs all types of purchases, investments, donations, charity and association
with philanthropic institutions. Sorrow, sins, obstacles and impediments in one's way, misery and misfortune,
poverty and persecution, intrigue and imprisonment, phobia, secret toil of mind, inferiority complex, anxiety,
suspicion, silent suffering, self-undoing, secret working of the mind, secret enemies, plots and schemes, conspiracy,
cunningness, envy, malice, fraud, treachery, and deception all come under the influence of the 12th house. This is
also the house of the self-sacrifice and shows unselfish deeds.

This house refers to the twelfth sign of zodiac, the Pisces or the Meen or Meena. The natural significator of the
twelfth house is the planet. The parts of the body ruled by the twelfth house are the feet. As per Mundane or State
or Political Astrology, the twelfth house signifies prisons, hospitals, asylums, reformatories, charitable institutions,
criminals, spies, secret forces and secret enemies. It governs all the matters signified by the ministry of planning.
The Ascendant: The Most Important Point in The Horoscope

In both Western and Vedic astrology, the Ascendant, along with the First House Lord (ruler), and First House
occupants, are among the most important factors in a person’s chart. Some astrologers think that the Ascendant is
just one’s image, or mask, but in reality, the Ascendant is the most individual point in the chart, the place that truly
represents you. That’s why two people will be much more similar born two days apart at the same time of day (i.e.
with the same Ascendant) than people born two hours apart on the same day. That’s also why the Ascendant is
considered to be the most important point in both Vedic and Tibetan astrology.

Part One: The Western Ascendant and Temperament

The following sections are based on the Tropical zodiac (as used in Western astrology), and the Equal House System,
and use the word Ascendant to refer to the actual rising sign. All of the factors influencing the Ascendant and the
First House (i.e. occupants of the First House, the lord of the First House, and aspects to the Ascendant and its lord)
may modify these delineations.

The Ascendant represents many facets of a person:

1. The Gatekeeper.

The Ascendant as Gatekeeper determines which planets in a person’s chart will have full expression and which
will not.

The person identifies with planets in the same sign as the Ascendant, and these planets become able to express
themselves completely and without restraint. Planets in the same element as the Ascendant, but not the same sign,
can usually express themselves without effort, too.

People misidentify with planets in the opposite sign to the Ascendant (and in that opposite sign’s element),
and as a result, the person has much less conscious access to them, and cannot embody or express them as easily.

One of my best friends, for example, has the Sun in Leo and the Moon in Aries, but his Libra Ascendant is the
predominate influence, and he often over-defers instead of asserting himself.

Planets in the next sign after the Ascendant (and in that element) can also express themselves relatively
easily, as they are likely to fall in houses 1, 5, and 9, but they express themselves in a manner that is modified by the
rising sign.


Julia Roberts has Cancer rising. She is often referred to as doe-eyed, and her obvious sensitivity and
vulnerability create a great deal of her appeal. These are Water sign rising qualities, and her rising sign also facilitates
the expression of, and softens, her Scorpio Sun, and makes her First House Leo Moon come out in a gentler manner.

Warren Beatty has an Aries Sun, but has often been characterized as too subdued and too unexpressive. While
his 7th house Sun has clearly expressed itself, especially in his pattern of initiating many relationships, his Virgo rising
has kept him much more reticent, introverted, and inhibited than most people would expect of an Aries.

Henry Kissinger is world-renowned as a diplomat, and his Gemini rising allowed his Libra Moon full expression
in life. All of his Air planets, allowed expression by his Air rising sign have made him articulate, adaptable, and
supremely intellectual.
2. The Interface with the World.

The ascending sign determines a person’s relationship with the world. The person approaches the world
trustingly and enthusiastically with a Fire sign rising, cautiously and sensitively with a Water sign rising, pragmatically
and professionally with an Earth sign rising, and intellectually or aesthetically or sociably with an Air sign rising.

To the Water sign rising person, the world is loud, intense, and impactful. To the Fire sign rising individual, the
world is their playground and an audience to express themselves to. To the Earth sign rising person, the world is a
place to prove themselves and/or to conform to. To Air sign rising person, the world is interesting, and a nice place
to visit.


Oprah Winfrey owes much of her assertiveness, leadership qualities, and her ability to rebound from life’s
adversities to her Sagittarius Ascendant. Even though her two fire planets (Moon in Sagittarius and Pluto in Leo) are
muted by their respective 12th and 8th house placements, she has become an incredible pioneer. Clearly her rising
sign has helped her to access these qualities and to approach the world with courage.

Similarly, Paul Gauguin, the great painter, was able to break new ground in art due to the strength of his Leo
rising, which enabled him to depart from convention (even though he had a Virgo Moon in the First House) and to
live passionately instead of just living a life of the mind (Gemini Sun).

The music star Prince is clearly an introvert, with large privacy issues, who spends much of his time at home.
His Scorpio rising shows the need to retreat, and to keep the world at bay (in spite of his extroverted Gemini Sun).

3. The Embodiment.

Individuals embody very differently depending upon their rising sign. A person’s energy level, way of caring for
their body and handling their physical needs, and even their awareness of their physicality are largely governed by
the Ascending sign (and factors that affect the Ascendant and First House).

Those with Earth signs rising, especially Taurus, are likely to be very embodied and grounded, but sometimes
use their bodies as tools, as means to an end.

Fire rising sign folk feel the energy and vitality of their bodies, but their emotions strongly affect their body’s
energy level.

With Water rising, one’s body can be depleted by negative moods, and there can be trouble digesting if one
eats while upset.

Air rising people tend to disassociate from their bodies and their embodied feelings, and thereby lose sight of
their bodies’ needs. This may result in bodily neglect, physical problems or running out of steam.

4. The Self-Image.

The Ascendant shows how a person conceives of themselves, how much they think about themselves, how
much they inhibit themselves, and how much they trust themselves.

Earth sign people usually tend to be more self-contained, self-controlled, perfectionist, and conscious of their
reputations. (E.g. Warren Beatty, mentioned in #1.)
Fire sign people tend to be confident (or even over-confident), uninhibited, and freely expressive. Bette Midler
has a brash, bawdy, and “out there” presentation that is completely congruent with her Aries rising.

Water sign people are often quite vulnerable to criticism, are likely to alternate between intimacy with others
and withdrawal, can merge with other people’s projections on them, and sometimes feel ashamed of their
sensitivity. (See Julia Roberts, mentioned in #1.)

Air sign people often smooth over interpersonal issues and try to please others, then can become very upset;
they keep themselves separate from their own feelings too long, and can lose sight of their own perspective. Jim
Morrison’s iconoclastic image and disdain for convention are perfectly represented by his Aquarius Ascendant. He
indeed seemed cold, separate, and strange (fittingly the author of the song, “People are Strange”).

Part Two: The Vedic Ascendant and Success, Popularity, and Effectiveness
The following sections are based upon the Sidereal Zodiac, Whole Sign House System, and Traditional Rulerships (e.g.
Jupiter rules Pisces, Mercury rules Virgo, Saturn rules Aquarius, and Mars rules Scorpio).

1. Vitality and Athletic Ability.

The Ascendant is considered strong in Vedic astrology if it is occupied and aspected by benefics (Moon,
Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter) and not occupied nor aspected by malefics (the Sun, Mars, Saturn, and Nodes) and its
lord is strong (in its own sign, exalted, retrograde, or with dig bala). A person with a strong Ascendant tends to be
both energetic and athletic. I was surprised, for example, to find clients with Sidereal Moon or Mercury --not planets
Western astrologers associate with physicality -- in their own sign in the First House, who have been extremely

Arnold Schwarzenegger is an excellent example of this configuration, with Mercury in Gemini in the First
House conjunct the Ascendant. A winner of Mr. Universe titles 5 times, he was a natural in bodybuilding.

Venus Williams, a tennis champ since the age of 18, has her Ascendant lord, again Mercury, in Gemini, with
Virgo rising. Mercury is notably unaspected by malefics (by Vedic methods) and is therefore a pure and strong

2. Success in Life.

When the Ascendant is strong, the individual experiences the full ability to succeed at what they undertake.
They are blessed with common sense, the ability to utilize their gifts, and good fortune.

Paul Newman is a prime example of an individual who can do no wrong. He has been tremendously successful
as an actor, and also sponsors an important drug abuse program. His Newman’s Own food brand is wildly lucrative,
out-grossing all of his films (and he gives every penny of profit generously to charities). Newman’s Ascendant lord
Jupiter is in the First House (in its own sign).

James Dean, on the other hand, seemed to “do no right”. Reckless, self-destructive, moody, and alienated
from his family, James’ Ascendant lord is in its weakest sign (Mars in Cancer) and undoubtedly lead to his early

(Note: In Vedic astrology, it is actually common to have factors in a chart that ameliorate and even enhance the
placement of a weak planet. While James Dean had no chart factors ameliorating his weak Ascendant lord, but many
famous people with weak Ascendant lords do, such as Doris Day and Albert Einstein.)
3. Wealth, Influence, and Power.

A strong Ascendant is often found in the charts of the mover-and-shakers of society. The health of their
selfhood enables them to “scale the heights” and have a major influence on the world.

Tony Blair, the British Prime Minister, has been both very influential and popular, and through his marriage,
acquired considerable wealth. His Ascendant lord, Venus, is in its sign of exaltation, and a strong Jupiter is in the First
House near his Ascendant.

Bill Gates, one of the richest men in the world, and the creator of Microsoft Windows, the dominant operating
system for personal computers, has a disputed birth time. My teacher, Hart de Fouw, uses a Gemini Ascendant, and
accurately predicted Mr. Gate’s recent legal problems in advance. With a Gemini Ascendant, the chart ruler Mercury
is once again exalted in an angle, an excellent indicator of influence and power.

4. Health.

The Ascendant is one of the primary factors in longevity and general well-being. Those with a strong
Ascendant can fight off disease and thrive.

Ginger Rogers, famous dance partner of Fred Astaire, was healthy throughout her life. Her Ascendant is
unaspected (by Vedic aspects) and her Ascendant lord, Venus, is strong by virtue of being in the 4th house (where it
gains directional strength or dig bala) and is also aspected by benefics (without any malefic influence).

Christopher Reeve, on the other hand, has several problems with his Ascendant: it is exactly conjunct Ketu,
the South Lunar Node, and its lord is doubly weak – the Moon is dark and in its weakest sign (the latter partially
ameliorated by its association with its dispositor Mars). Neither his Ascendant nor its lord has the aspect of any
benefic planet. As most of my readers will know, he suffered a great accident that left him paralyzed and unable to
breathe on his own. He died at a young age.

5. Popularity and Manner.

The Ascendant determines how likeable a person is. Those with Ascendants without benefic influence may
find it hard to be accepted, while those with supported Ascendants may become popular without effort.

Harrison Ford is an incredibly popular actor. His manner is well liked, and he is considered handsome, friendly,
and kind. His Ascendant lord, Mercury, is exalted in the 10th house, and associated with Jupiter, too.

Janis Joplin, contra wise, was soundly rejected by her peers. A social misfit and an unhappy and overweight
child, she only gained popularity towards the end of her short life, and had a hard time receiving it. Her Ascendant,
like that of Christopher Reeve, is exactly conjunct Ketu. Her fame and success were indicated, however, both by the
strength of her Ascendant lord, and the aspect of Jupiter on the First House.

6. The Ability to Use One’s Gifts

A Vedic chart may have planets in powerful positions or combinations with other planets (these are called
yogas), but for their gifts to manifest, such planets must have a relationship with the Ascendant. The planet(s) can
occupy the First House or aspect the Ascendant or its lord, or be the Ascendant lord or occupy the same house as the
Ascendant lord.

For example, Bobby Fischer’s exalted Mars aspects both the First House and the First Lord (who is in Mars’
own Aries Tenth house), enabling him to be able to easily access his fiercely competitive spirit.
For this article, I spent an hour searching for famous people lacking integrated gifts, to no avail. The very fact
that they succeeded meant that their inner resources had to be integrated with the Ascendant and its lord.

But once, I had a client with many planets either exalted or in their own signs, and none of them were
connected to the Ascendant or Ascendant lord. In fact, he had Saturn and Mars aspecting his First House, and his
manner was indeed intense and abrasive. He had been told by other astrologers how great his chart was, but he
never understood why that greatness had never manifested. He understood that he had talent, but he just couldn’t
express or use his gifts effectively in life.

Part Three: Appearance: The Effect of Planetary Influences on the Ascendant

Both Vedic and Western astrology see the Ascendant, the planets aspecting it, and other factors influencing
the Ascendant such as First House occupants, as the key to the appearance of a person.

It is often stated that those with Venus rising are attractive, for example.

In both Western and Vedic astrology, each planet, and the rising signs it rules, corresponds to a particular
“look”. In Vedic astrology, one’s primary dosha (Ayurvedic constitution) is indicated by planets influencing the

If the birth time is uncertain, these attributions can be very helpful in ascertaining a person’s rising sign, but it
is very important to understand that one seldom finds a “pure Ascendant” where only one planetary factor has

Commonly, many different planets affect the rising sign and First House (including any planets in the 7th
house) and so it becomes much more difficult to isolate a single planet or sign as the predominate influence on a
person’s appearance. For example, in my chart, I have Leo rising, so the Sun influences my appearance, but Saturn is
in the First House, and Jupiter is in the 7th house and aspects both the Sun and Saturn, so I have three primary
planetary influences upon my appearance.

The following are some themes I have observed with a planet rising and/or in the First House. (These are not
textbook delineations, but instead personal insights.) Please understand that the sign each planet is in, and any
other planets influencing the Ascendant, can alter the expression of each planet greatly. Also, in the cases where I
specify gender, it is deliberate; I noted the pattern for men or women, but not both. Note also that the closer a
planet is to the Ascendant, the stronger the effect. I use a 5 degree orb in my work.

Sun: With the Sun rising in a man’s chart, the person is likely to be comfortable with himself, communicate easily
(and sometimes volubly), and to champion his own ideas.

Moon: The phase and sign of the Moon are such primary factors that they strongly color the type of effect that the
Moon rising has in a person’s chart. Much to my surprise, however, I have not found women in general with the
Moon rising to be particularly warm or affectionate, but have seen them be very involved with their children.

Mercury: An active and communicative mind is often present in those with Mercury rising.

Venus: With Venus rising, the person seems accessible, approachable, and attractive.

Mars: Mars rising gives the person directness in their approach that can appear bossy or dominant to others. These
are often very fast people; they think, walk, and talk quickly.
Jupiter: Jupiter rising or in the First House can sometimes add weight to the body, especially in women’s charts. In
general, the person likes themselves, and has an open and outgoing manner.

Saturn: A person with Saturn rising often seems serious, and sometimes insecure. They may indeed be inhibited, self-
contained, or have self-doubt.

Uranus: Those with Uranus rising have a mind of their own. Their nervous system may be sensitive, but in any case,
they follow their own beat.

Neptune: Because Neptune is a very “absorbing” planet, its expression in a person’s chart will depend upon life’s
influences upon the person.

Pluto: In charts where Pluto is rising – without other influences -- I’ve often seen that the person is out of touch with
their own power (such people often project their Pluto’s/power onto others). In a few cases, I’ve also seen the acting
out of great intensity.

Rahu/North Node: The North Node (aka Rahu) is such a chameleon that predicting its effect is difficult (it takes on
the qualities of all of the planets that influence it). Nevertheless, I’ve seen extremes of either narcissism or self-
effacement with Rahu rising, and in some cases very short or very tall stature.

Ketu/South Node: Here the pattern of self-effacement is often present. The person is mild-mannered and can be
easily overlooked.

Part Four: The Angles and The Strongest Planets

When I first started doing astrology, I used the Placidus House System for all of my work.

In this book I discovered a compelling argument for the use of the Equal House System, where the degree on each
house cusp is the same as the degree of the Ascendant, in sequential signs. For example, if I have 25 degrees of Leo
as my Ascendant, then I have 25 degrees of Virgo as the beginning of the Second House, etc. In this system, the
Midheaven is not the beginning of the 10th house; instead the 10th house cusp has the same degrees as the
Ascendant, and its sign is ten signs forward from the Ascendant.

I began comparing and testing the two house systems, and found that the Equal House System was by far the more
accurate one. (I subsequently discovered that the largest research study ever done in astrology was on house
systems, and after a decade of research involving scores of astrologers and thousands of charts, it reached the same
conclusion: that for both natal and predictive work, Equal Houses were the most accurate.)

Whether you decide to use the Equal House System or another housing method – I realize that different systems
speak to different people – always pay attention to planets that aspect the Ascendant. That’s because planets at the
same degree as the Ascendant, in any sign, are among the strongest planets in a person’s chart. For example,
Antonio Bandaras has 6 degrees Pisces rising, and Mars in Gemini at 5 degrees, so his Mars becomes greatly
strengthened and one of the most powerful planets in his chart. No wonder he has often been chosen for “Martian”
roles (e.g. the gunfighter, bandit, rebel, etc.).

As I learned Vedic astrology, I came across a verse in the Vedic classical work Phaldeepika (one of the foremost
classics in Jyotish) that stated: if a planet is at the same degree as the Ascendant, it gives its full effect. In other
words, this ancient work confirmed my own findings.
The Strength of Planets as a result of their Aspect to the Ascendant
Angle to the Ascendant Orb to be used Strength of Planet

Square, at Top of Chart 5 degrees ++++++++

Conjunction 5 degrees +++++++

Square, at Bottom of Chart 5 degrees +++++

Opposite 5 degrees ++++

Trine 2 degrees +++

Sextile 2 degrees ++

Quincunx, Semisextile 1 degree +

As the above table illustrates, planets at the top of the chart (square to the Ascendant) and rising are the strongest,
while planets that are trine or opposite the Ascendant are still emphasized, but much less so. I have not yet
researched the result of combining the Vedic principle of dig bala with the above weighting system, but if they do
synergize, then Saturn at the Descendant (or Moon or Venus at the bottom of the chart) would become very, very

Remember, however, that the closer to the actual degree of the Ascendant, the stronger a planet is. So for a chart
with 15 degrees of Aries rising, a planet at 17 degrees of Aries (2 degrees away from the Ascendant) would be
stronger than a planet at the top of the chart at 10 degrees of Capricorn (5 degrees away from the square to the

One final note: I have two close friends with very similar charts, but one has Neptune at the top of his chart (square
his Ascendant) by Equal Houses, and the other has Neptune conjunct the MC. The first person is a pioneer in New
Age music and art, and is very Neptunian in his style and tastes. The second person (with Neptune conjunct the MC)
has a business with Neptune themes (fountains, etc.) but is not very Neptunian in other ways. In other words,
planets at the Ascendant degrees are much stronger than planets at the MC’s degrees.

Part Five: Conclusion

The Ascendant influences everything about us, our comfort in being alive and embodied, our self-confidence, and
our ability to utilize our gifts, our health, and our success in life. We can certainly learn how to support ourselves if
there are factors challenging the Ascendant, and we can give thanks for what already strengthens ourselves and our

We can bolster our Ascendant in many ways. We can pace ourselves (and accept our physical limitations) if our
energy is uneven. We can learn how to prop up our self esteem and rid ourselves of the negative messages we’ve
received as children (and that we have perpetuated ourselves). We can ask for feedback, and apply it, if our manner
unconsciously alienates others. And we can work to develop our gifts if accessing them doesn’t come easily.

In any case, a careful examination of our own Ascendant, and those of others, gives us many great insights into the
nature of each person’s lot in life, and their life’s journey.
We now know how many houses there are and what they stand for. Going ahead we will now discuss other details
pertaining to those houses. This is of utmost importance and should always be kept in mind while reading a birth
 1. Kendra Bhava – 1st 4th 7th & 10th bhava.
2. Trikona Bhava – 5th 9th & 1st bhava.
3. Tri-trikona Bhava – 9th bhava.
4. Leen Bhava – 3rd 6th 8th & 12th bhava.
5. Trik – sthaan – (Evil houses) 6th 8th & 12th bhava.
6. Panfar – 2nd 5th 8th & 11th bhava.
7. Apoklima – 3rd 6th 9th & 12th bhava.
8. Upchaya sthaan – 3rd 6th 10th & 11th bhava.
9. Trishadaya – 3rd 6th and 11th bhava.

Sigfinicators of the houses:

 Let’s make astrology a little more interesting and easy. We all are made of cosmic radiations and planetary
vibrations. We must understand them learn them and pass them on to our posterity to live on in their minds for all
times to come. This is the true essence of Astrology.
We will now talk about significator of houses. They are the planets responsible for the houses no matter where they
are placed in a given birth chart.
For Example:  In a given birth chart Venus is ruling the 3 rd house as the lord and the planet placed in that house is
again Venus. Now since the 3rd house represents courage does the given placement and lordship imply that the
person will be very courageous.
The 3rd house also represents communication, media, younger siblings, communication with friends, neighbors and
family. The placement of Venus here can be of some use but when judging the courage of the person we need to see
the placement of mars and its lordship. It is certainly going to impact the courage factor in the person’s personality.
A house should not only be judged by a planet’s placement but also by the nakshatra, lord and its karaka
The Significator of the 12 houses are as follows:
The significator of the 1st House is the Sun because the first house is related to the body, personality and entire self.
The significator of the 2nd House is Jupiter because the second house is related to accumulated wealth, financial
assets and speech.
The significator of the 3rd House is Mars because the third house is related to courage and mental ability.
The significator of the 4th House are Moon and Mercury because the fourth house is related to motherly
nourishment, happiness, conveyances and vehicles.
The significator of the 5th House is Jupiter again because the fifth house is related to children, education, intelligence,
entertainment, cinema and drama.
The significator of the 6th House are Mars and Saturn because the sixth house is related to diseases, enemies &
The significator of the 7th House are Venus for men and Jupiter for women because the seventh house is related to
marriage, legal partner, husband and wife.
The significator of the 8th House is Saturn because the eight house is related to longevity, joint assets of husband and
wife, in-laws and their family, death and rebirth, fall and rise, occult sciences, dark knowledge, hidden things and
secret affairs.
The significator of the 9th House are Sun and Jupiter because the ninth house is related to long distance travels,
higher education, gurus and luck in life.
The significator of the 10th House are Saturn, Mercury, Jupiter and the Sun again because the tenth house is related
to father, relations with him, career, one’s image to the world.
The significator of the 11th House is Jupiter because the eleventh house is related to gains, profits from all sources,
professional networks, friends and family wealth.
The significator of the 12th House are again Saturn and Jupiter because the 12th house is related to jails, hospitals,
asylums, spirituality, spiritual donations, foreign lands, imagination and subconscious mind.
Just like the significator of the house each plane also has a related significance. So whenever we have a birth chart
under consideration we must also consider the related significance of each planet.
The related significance of the planets is given below:

S.No. Planet Related significance

1 Sun Soul, father, influence, health, power and money.
2 Moon Mind, intelligence, benefit from state, mother and property.
3 Mars Courage, ailment, talent, younger brother, land and enemy.
4 Mercury Education, comrades, intelligence, friends, speech, communication & efficiency.
5 Jupiter Wealth, body, knowledge, son, husband and beauty.
6 Venus Wife, vehicles, ornaments, love, happiness and adoration.
7 Saturn Age, career, job, reason for death and problems.
8 Rahu Fraternal Grandfather
9 Ketu Maternal Grandfather

Houses: Their Significations and Significator

Earth is moving on its axis from West to East. If we see towards horizon, we find that signs of Zodiac rise one by one.
Any particular sign of the Zodiac will reappear at the east horizon after approximately 24 hours. Ascendant is the sign
of zodiac which is rising in the eastern horizon at the time of occurrence of an event. The Ascendant is also known as
first house of the horoscope. Second house means the second counted from first and so on.

Each house of the horoscope signifies certain aspects of life which are as under:-

First House:

Body, appearance, personality, face, health, character, temperament, intellect, longevity, fortune, honour, dignity,

Second House:

Wealth, family, speech, right eye, nail, tongue, nose, teeth, ambition, food, imagination, power of observation,
jewelry, precious stones, unnatural sex, loss by cheating and violence between life partners.

Third House:

Younger brothers and sisters, cousins, relatives, neighbors, courage, firmness, valour, chest, right ear, hands, short
journeys, nervous system, communication, writing – editing books, reporting to newspapers, education, intellect.
Fourth House:

Mother, conveyance, relatives, domestic environment, treasure, land, house, education, landed property, hereditary
tendencies, later portion of life, hidden treasure, private love affairs, chest, interference in married life by parents-in
laws and family, ornaments, clothes.

Fifth House:

Progeny, intelligence, fame, position, stomach, love affairs, pleasures, and amusements, speculation, past birth, soul,
position in life, artistic talent, heart and back, proficiency in games, success in competition.

Sixth House:

Disease, debt, disputes, miseries, injuries, maternal aunt or uncle, enemies, service, food, clothes, theft, ill fame, pet
animals, subordinates, tenants, waist.

Seventh House:

Spouse, personality of spouse, relations between life partners, desires, partnership, open enemies, recovery,
journey, litigation, danger to life, influence in foreign countries and fame, relations between self and public, sexual
or urinary disease.

Eighth House:

Longevity, kind of death, sexual organs, obstacles, accident, unearned wealth, inheritance, legacy, will, insurance,
pension and gratuity, theft, robbery, worries, delay, battles, enemies, inheritance of money, mental affliction,
extramarital life.

Ninth House:

Fortune, religion, character, grandparents, long journeys, grandson, devotion towards elders and god, spiritual
initiation, dreams, higher education, wife’s younger brother, brother’s wife, visit to holy places, philosophy,
communication with spirits.

Tenth House:

Profession, fame, power, position, authority, honour, success, status, knees, character, karmas, ambition in life,
father, employers and superiors, relationship between self and superiors, success in business, promotion,
recognition from government.

Eleventh House:

Gains, prosperity, fulfillment of desires, friends, elder brother, ankles, left ear, advisers, favorites, recovery of illness,
expectation, son’s wife, wishes, success in undertakings.

Twelfth House:

Harm, punishment, confinement, expenditure, donations (given), marriage, work related to water resorts, vedic
sacrifice, fines paid, sexual enjoyment outside wedlock, contacting sexually transmitted disease, weakness in sexual
act, sleeping comforts, enjoying luxuries, loss of spouse, losses in marriage, termination of employment, separation
from own people, long journeys, settlement in foreign land.
Significator of Houses

The significator or karakas of various houses are as under:-

1st “ Sun
2nd “ Jupiter
3rd “ Mars, Mercury
4th “ Moon, Venus
5th “ Jupiter
6th “ Mars, Saturn
7th “ Venus
8th “ Saturn
9th “ Sun, Jupiter
10th Mercury, Sun,
“ Jupiter and Saturn
11th “ Jupiter
12th “ Saturn

Significations of Planets

Sun - Father, influence, energy

Moon - Mother, mind

Mars - Brothers, courage

Mercury - Profession, speech, education,

Jupiter - Progeny, wealth, prosperity wisdom

Venus - Marriage, material comforts, pleasures

Saturn - Longevity, sorrows, delays

Rahu - Maternal relations

Ketu - Paternal relations

Ascendant Planets Favourable Planets Unfavourable Planets

Aries Jupiter, Sun Mercury, Venus

Taurus Saturn Jupiter, Venus, Moon

Gemini Venus Mars, Jupiter, Sun

Cancer Jupiter, Mars Venus, Mercury

Leo Mars Saturn, Venus

Virgo Venus Mars

Libra Saturn Jupiter, Sun, Mars

Scorpio Jupiter Mercury, Venus

Sagittarius Mars Venus

Capricorn Venus Mars, Jupiter

Aquarius Venus Jupiter, Moon

Pisces Mars, Moon Sun, Venus, Saturn

Grouping of Houses

Angles or Kendra Houses: 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th

Trines or Trikona Houses: 1st, 5th and 9th

Succeedent or Panapara Houses: 2nd, 5th, 8th, and 11th

Cadent or Apoklima Houses: 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th

Upachaya or Favourable Houses: 3rd, 6th, 10th, and 11th

Evil or Trik Houses: 6th, 8th, and 12th

Death inflicting or Marak Houses: 2nd and 7th

The twelve houses are known an Tanu (Physique), Dhana (Wealth), Sahaj (Younger brother/ Sister), Matru (Mother),
Putra (Progeny), Ari (Enemies), Kalatra (Spouse), Ayur (Longevity), Dharma (Religion), Karma (Livelihood), Labha
(Gains) and Vyaya (Losses)

In terms of native’s life, the Kendras denote childhood, the Panaparas denote middle age and Apoklimas denote old
age. The 1st to 8th house relate to one’s marital life, the 9th to 11th pertain to religious or moral beliefs and 12th
house deals with other world i.e. Moksha.

Long and short ascension

Because the Earth's axis is tilted relative to the ecliptic (see axial tilt), the twelve signs do not take the same amount
of time to cross the eastern horizon. At the equator, there is very little difference (Pisces, Aries, Virgo and Libra take
slightly less time than the other signs) but as one moves from the equator, larger and larger differences emerge.

In the northern hemisphere, the signs of Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus and Gemini take much less time
than the theoretical two hours to cross the eastern horizon, whilst the signs of Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and
Sagittarius take much longer than two hours to do so. For example, at the latitude of Paris, France:
Pisces and Aries take only one hour to cross the eastern horizon (this is referred to as the length of ascension or
simply as the sign's ascension)

Aquarius and Taurus have ascension of one hour and fifteen minutes
Capricorn and Gemini have ascension of one hour and fifty minutes
Cancer and Sagittarius have ascension of two hours and thirty minutes
Leo and Scorpio have ascension of two hours and forty minutes
Virgo and Libra have ascension of two hours and forty-five minutes

At higher latitudes, these differences become even more marked. At the latitude of St. Petersburg, Russia:

Pisces and Aries have ascension of thirty-five minutes

Aquarius and Taurus have ascension of forty-five minutes
Capricorn and Gemini have ascension of one hour and twenty-five minutes
Cancer and Sagittarius have ascension of two hours and forty minutes
Leo and Scorpio have ascension of three hours and fifteen minutes
Virgo and Libra have ascension of three hours and twenty minutes

Astrologers consider the differences between the rates at which the signs ascend to be of importance. In many house
systems, houses can become very large when they cover Aquarius, Pisces, Aries and Taurus because these signs are
seen to be much smaller from the perspective of a northern hemisphere observer.

Some astrologers, such as Richard Nolle, consider the preponderance of Ascendants in signs from Cancer through
Sagittarius (known as the western signs) to be symbolic of the highly relationship-oriented character inherent in a
complex or civilized society as found today in the northern hemisphere but never developed in equatorial or south
temperate latitudes where eastern (Capricorn through Gemini), individual-oriented Ascendants are equally or more
common. [6]

In the southern hemisphere, long and short ascension are reversed. For instance, at the latitude of Concepción, Chile:

Pisces and Aries ascend in two hours and thirty minutes

Aquarius and Taurus ascend in two hours and twenty-five minutes
Capricorn and Gemini ascend in two hours and fifteen minutes
Sagittarius and Cancer ascend in two hours
Scorpio and Leo ascend in one hour and thirty-five minutes
Libra and Virgo ascend in one hour and fifteen minutes

Effects of Polar Astrology

At the Arctic and Antarctic circles, at roughly 66½° North and South latitude respectively, a degree of the ecliptic
becomes circumpolar. If the sun for example occupies that degree, it will neither rise nor set, but will lie upon the
horizon for 24 hours. As we move into higher latitudes, more and more degrees of the ecliptic will neither rise nor
set, until at the north pole half of the ecliptic degrees will not rise above the horizon and can never become the
ascendant. Therefore, the omission of extreme latitudes from most house tables due to the added complexity of
calculating the ascendant implies that there is no ascendant at these latitudes. This is of course untrue, yet there is a
limitation on the degrees that can ascend at extreme latitudes and a further restriction on degrees that can form
house cusps in time-based house systems. The simpler and earlier ecliptic-based house systems can form house
cusps at extreme latitudes based on the available ascendant and Midheaven degrees. [7]
Effects of the Ascendant

There are a couple of factors that influence how strong or weak a force in the chart the ascendant may be. [8]

Firstly, it is generally believed that the closer towards the beginning of the sign the ascendant falls, the stronger it
will be. This is because most of the first house will fall into that sign. If the ascendant falls late in a sign, most of the
first house will fall into the following sign, and thus weaken the effect of the ascendant's power.
The ascendant is thought to be stronger in influence when the sun is in a weak position in the chart. For example, it
is traditionally believed that the sun is in a weaker position when it is placed at the bottom of the chart, near the
Imum Coeli or IC. This is because the sun was literally on the other side of the earth when the subject was born,
hidden from view.

According to some, the sun may also be weaker in influence if it is unaspected, in other words if it forms no major
aspects (conjunction, opposition, trine, square, or sextile) to the other planets. According to other astrological
observations, unaspected suns and planets show greater than usual effect and are freer.

The sun in a sign that is intercepted, meaning it does not have a house cusp, may also be weaker and put more
emphasis on the ascendant and house cusp of the solar house in such a chart.

Another factor concerning the effect of the ascendant is the theory that people become more like their sun sign after
around 29 years old, as they grow older and more confident, as the sun embodies essential ego energy and self-
esteem, and thus perhaps have less of a need to present a public face to others. It is also theorised that when the
progressed ascendant moves into the following sign, it weakens the influence of the natal ascendant.

As per Parashara:

1. Ascendant, 5th and 9th lords are auspicious for all Ascendants.
2. Benefics owing Kendra’s tend to lose their benefic qualities but they don’t behave exactly like a malefic, till they
are associated with other malefic houses or their lords.
3. Malefic owing Kendra houses tend to lose their malefic tendency but they don’t behave like a complete auspicious
planet unless they are associated with benefic houses or their lords.
4. Lord of 11th, 6th and 3rd houses are most malefic in decreasing order.
5. Lord of 2nd, 8th and 12th house acts as neutral.
6. Lord of 2nd, 8th and 12th houses when simultaneously lords over 3rd, 6th and 12th, then they acts as the most
malefic planet for that Ascendant.

For example, Mars rules over 3rd & 8th house for Virgo Ascendant and is termed as most malefic planets for Virgo

Same way Saturn rules over 2nd and 3rd house for Sagittarius Ascendant and acts as a malefic planet for them
For Scorpio ascendants, Mercury rules over 8th and 11th houses and acts as a most malefic planet.

7. For a planet to act as a benefic or auspicious, its mooltrikona sign should fall on 1st, 5th or 9th house.

For example, in the case of Gemini Ascendant Saturn though rules over 8th and 9t house but Saturn’s mooltrikona
signs falls on 9th house which is a trine hence Saturn acts as a benefic for Gemini Ascendant natives.
Though in such cases where a planet simultaneously lords over benefic and malefic house, it’s important that planet
should be strong so that it can protect the signification of its ownership.

In the case of Cancer ascendant Jupiter rules over the 6th and 9th house but Jupiter’s mooltrikona signs falls in 6th
house which is an evil house as per Parashara.

Now here if Jupiter is weak i.e. debilitated, combust, in evil houses and lacks required shadbala. Then Jupiter will act
more like a malefic and will give negative results to native because due to weakness in strength, Jupiter won’t be
able to protect its significations and its evil nature due to lordship over the 6th house will be more pronounced.

8. As per Parashara a planet acts as a Yogakaraka if it rules over a trine and quadrant simultaneously.
Saturn rules over 9th & 10th house in Taurus Ascendant & For Libra Ascendant it rules over 4th and 5th hence acts as
a Yogakaraka for them.

Same way Mars is Yogakaraka for Cancer & Leo ascendant.

Venus is Yogakaraka for Capricorn and Aquarius Ascendant natives.

On practical ground its is found that Natural malefic when Yogakaraka gives better results than natural benefices
which are Yogakaraka.

It’s because as per Parashara, natural malefic when lords over quadrant lose their malefic tendencies and when
simultaneously they rule over trine house, they tend to produces very beneficial results during their periods.

9. As per Parashara Sun and Moon can’t be termed as malefic when they rules over 8th for Sagittarius and Capricorn
ascendants. This statement holds true only when Sun & Moon are strong and are not associated with lords of 3rd,
6th and 11th.

As per Parashara 8th house is a neutral house whereas Sun & Moon rules over only one zodiac therefore he didn’t
pronounced negative results to their 8th house lordship.

But readers should not take Parashara’s verdict as final in this regard and should see that he already have mentioned
that association of 8th lord with 3rd, 6th and 11th makes a planet evil giver in its Dasha.

Under section of Astrology Coach, I have explained in a detailed way how rules of astrology should be interpreted
and lots of analysis should be done by astrologer where holistic approach is much needed since nothing in astrology
scriptures is plain and simple and we can’t pick and apply rules straight way.
Since we talked about lordship of planets over 8th house I want to direct attention of readers over Role of Mars for
Aries Ascendant natives.

There is wide a confusion over role of Mars for Aries Ascendant where Mars simultaneously is ruling over a trine and
so called dusthana house i.e. 8th house.

As per many Mars is a neutral planet for Aries Ascendant native and even malefic as per some. I didn’t find any logic
behind this and its shows lack of research on their part.

As per Parashara when mooltrikona sign of planets falls over 1st, 5th and 9th house then such planet behaves as
benefic, check rule no 7.

Same time as per Parashara 8th house lord acts as neutral unless it rules over 3rd, 6th and 11th simultaneously,
check rule no 5, 6 and 9 as stated above.
Readers should judge this by themselves that Aries sign is falling on 1st house which is a mooltrikona sign of Mars
and Scorpio is falling on 8th house which is a neutral house and there is no-lordship of 3rd, 6th and 11th involved
here. Does it make any sense to declare Mars as malefic or even neutral for Aries ascendant?

Does it make any sense to declare Mars as malefic or even neutral for Aries ascendant?

This bogus statement came from those who didn’t care to read what seers have said about lordships of planets and
also due to general conception regarding 8th house & its lord where most of people think 8th house and its lord is
the most malefic in astrology but they lack the knowledge that 8th house lord is most feared only when same planet
have lordship over 3rd, 6th or 11th house simultaneously.

Like Mars in Virgo and Venus for Pisces ascendant. On its own 8th house is a neutral house that’s why as per sages
for Sagittarius and Capricorn ascendants, planet Moon and Sun acts as neutral despite being lord of 8th.
The reason is simple Sun and Moon don’t have any other ownership apart from Cancer and Leo signs and hence are
not connected to any other house especially 3rd, 6th and 11th.

Coming back to the main topic, sages have classified planets as natural benefic and malefic. These Significations are
the core of astrology and is very much required to classify thousands of signification under only 9 planets.

These natural Significations came from Kalapurusha zodiac scheme.

As per sages planet Jupiter and Venus are first rate natural benefic planets.

Moon is benefic when it is in waxing phase and have sufficient paksha bala i.e. moon should be at least 4 house away
from Sun.

Mercury is of dual nature and usually changes its nature due to its association. When associated with benefics like
Venus and Jupiter, Mercury acts as benefic. While with Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu and Sun it acts as malefic.
Sun is a mild malefic in nature.

Saturn, Mars, Rahu and Ketu are dire malefic planets when categorized naturally.

Keeping all these points stated above I am listing down the role of planets for different ascendants.

As a matter of fact, not many of us would know that as per astrology, every single ascendant has some planets that
even though maybe benefit in nature, may become malefic for them.

This means that planets like Jupiter, Moon, and Venus which, although, are considered natural benefic planets may
become malefic planets for a particular ascendant.

Likewise, the Sun, Mars, and Saturn which are otherwise malefic, can bring some positive results for a particular
ascendant. On the other hand, planets like Rahu and Ketu are always functional malefic for all the ascendants.

Let’s take a look at the functional benefit, functional malefic and neutral planets for all ascendants.
Lagan Badhak
Benefic Planets Malefic Planets Planet Neutral Planets
Moo Mercur Rah Saturn
Aries Mars Sun Jupiter n y u Ketu     Venus  
Mercur Rah Saturn
Taurus y Venus     Moon u Ketu Mars Jupiter Sun  
Moo Jupiter
Gemini Venus Saturn     Rahu Ketu n Mars   Sun Mercury
Rah Mercur Venus
Cancer Moon Mars     Jupiter u Ketu Saturn y Sun  
Jupite Rah Mercur Mars
Leo Sun r     Moon u Ketu y Venus Saturn  
Rah Jupiter
Virgo Venus       Sun u Ketu Mars Saturn Moon Mercury
Mercur Rah Sun
Libra Venus Saturn     y u Ketu Mars Jupiter Moon  
Rah Mercur Moon
Scorpio Jupiter Sun     Venus u Ketu y   Saturn Mars
Sagittariu Rah Mercury
s Jupiter Mars Sun   Moon u Ketu Venus   Saturn  
Mercur Rah Mars Jupite
Capricorn Venus Saturn y   Sun u Ketu Moon   r  
Rah Venus
Aquarius Saturn       Moon u Ketu Mars Jupiter Sun Mercury
Rah Mercury Jupite
Pisces Moon Mars     Sun u Ketu Saturn Venus r  

Badhakas Planet
Badhakas is a block or obstruction and represents planets that block your personal growth. It is like Rahu with a
shadow influence that runs your life but it hard to understand or unblock because it is invisible. They can be good
planets but they have hidden shadow influences that are difficult to understand and may run your unconscious life.
In a sense they become a very core hidden area that we cannot get a handle on.

Because Vedic astrology is like reading strands of DNA, the planets involved, the signs that are involved, the
placement of the blocking planet, the constellations involved and the influences of malefics and benefics involved all
play a part and create many colorations. Sometimes the influence is minor and sometimes it can represent the
deepest karmic influence in the chart.

If you are a moveable or cardinal ascendant (Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn), the hidden block is connected to the
11th house ruler and it creates problems with friends and income and groups. This is house is connected to hearing
so there is a tendency to hear what is only convenient. If you have a block here, you may feel blocked around
earning an income or if even if you have a good one, you may not feel it is enough. They may have blocks with elder
siblings that are very complex. This may lead to feeling unsupported by others or in groups.
If you are a fixed sign ( Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius), the 9th house ruler creates a block and this often manifests
as hidden problems with Gurus, your father, spirituality or religion. This block may manifest in not being able to take
the right advice from one’s father or Guru. As fixed signs, one may have trouble with change and this creates a
problem when life throws one a curve ball. This house is connected to touch and feeling and when this gets shut
down either there is a lack of sensitivity or a tendency for having ones feelings betrayed. People with this influence
often see religion or spirituality as a limitation particularly for Taurus rising with Capricorn owning the 9th house.
This one is an odd case because the 9th house brings good look and good fortune which many manifest on a material
level but it will also bring hidden karma with it and create suffering. I often think that people who are stuck in
fundamentalist religion or spiritual by-pass have this hidden block.

If you are a dual sign (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces) then the 7th house and its ruler is the block and this
manifests with problems in relationship or business relationship. Often a spouse will block one’s spiritual growth
and with this baggage, there is a tendency to want to change relationships often to try to get through the blocks.
There are emotional blocks that prevent one from seeing clearly in relationships. This house is connected to sight
and so they have trouble shifting perspective or seeing other people’s viewpoints. These people often see details
and orderliness as a place to get stuck. Because the 7th house is also a maraka or death or disease inflicting planet, it
may cause hidden illness for person that is hard to diagnose. Because it is connected to the 7th house, it may be a
bi-product of relationship problems which when they do not work make you sick or sometimes even kill you. I often
say that if a relationship does not work it kills you.

There are levels of problems and they are more acute if the badhak planet is connected to malefics or Gulika, the
shadowy son of Saturn or the lord of the 22nd Drekkana which is the lord of the 8th house in the D-3 chart. In some
cases if the blocking planet is very afflicted or connected with the 6th, 8th, or 12th houses or its owners, then very
extreme karma and “curses” are present and they can create extreme psychological abnormalities and disturbances.
Abnormal psychologists would have a field day with this material for understanding the challenges of their most
difficult patients.

What is very revealing is that planets which are 12 houses from the blocking planet or bhakesh show you the past
karma that you have inherited and need to work on. So if the Sun is 12 houses from your blocking planet, then you
have misused power in past lives or have major issues with your father to work out.

The combination of signs, planets and aspects and influences always create a myriad of colorations. In my chart,
Scorpio rising with 9th lord the moon being the bhadaka planet in the 1st house and aspected by Mars, it has lead to
a fascinating combination. It is also connected to Mercury in Jyestha nakshatra which is the 22nd Drekkana lord. I
have always had difficult receiving touch like massage or sexual pleasure. The debilitated moon has created
emotional trauma that has led me to seeking solace in religion and spirituality. It has created a spiritual by-pass
situation where I have run to Gurus and meditation rather than heal the emotional scars of my mom not being
present or touching me or holding me enough when I was young. I am only now getting in touch with the need to
heal these issues to become more whole.

The various combination of Bhadaka and your hidden “curses” or blocks are very individual based on rising sign,
placements and aspects.

In Sanskrit, Badha (बाधा) means obstruction. Look at the thesaurus and the other synonyms are – impediment,
handicap, hindrance, holdback etc. A Badhak planet creates a hindrance to the good results shown for a sign and the
house in which the sign falls. There is a concept of baadhaksthana, the house that causes the hindrance and badhak,
the lord of the badhak-sthana, which is the planet that causes the hindrance.

The concept is explained in Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra, where baadhaksthana is defined as – 11th house in a
horoscope for movable signs, 9th house for fixed signs and 7th house for dual natured signs. The signs are considered
as occupying the house based on the ascendant. E.g. if Ascendant in a Kundali is Aries, then ascendant is called
“movable” and so on.

For the 12 rashi, the badhak-sthanas are as follows:

Rashi Type Badhak House Badhak Rashi Badhakas

Aries (मे ष) Movable 11th Aquarius (कुम्भ) Saturn
Taurus (वृ षभ) Fixed 9th Capricorn (मकर) Saturn
Gemini (मिथु न) Dual 7th Sagittarius (धनु ) Jupiter
Cancer (कर्क ) Movable 11th Taurus (वृ षभ) Venus
Leo (सिं ह) Fixed 9th Aries (मे ष) Mars
Virgo (कन्या) Dual 7th Pisces (मीन) Jupiter
Libra (तु ला) Movable 11th Leo (सिं ह) Sun
Scorpio Fixed 9th Cancer (कर्क ) Moon
(वृ श्चिक)
Sagittarius (धनु ) Dual 7th Gemini (मिथु न) Mercury
Capricorn (मकर) Movable 11th Scorpio Mars
(वृ श्चिक)
Aquarius (कुम्भ) Fixed 9th Libra (तु ला) Venus
Pisces (मीन) Dual 7th Virgo Mercury

Badhakas is supposed to be the one who denotes obstacles and hindrances and therefore needs to be treated like a
functional malefic. The results will show up during the dasha/bhukti of the Badhakas. Similarly, planets placed in the
badhak houses will show malefic results.

There are two interesting pairs here – Jupiter and Mercury. Ascendants Gemini & Virgo and Sagittarius & Pisces. Both
being dual natured have their badhak-sthanas as 7th house. This is a kendra and the lord of Kendra will
automatically be tagged as having kendradhipati dosha also. Thus the corresponding planet – Jupiter or Mercury
carries additional blemish of being badhak as well as Kendradhipati dosha. Interestingly, kendradhipati dosha is
corrected and relief obtained if the planet is placed in Trine. However, the planet acting like a badhak will indeed
harm the trine house. This becomes too complicated for a budding astrologer to comprehend. Therefore, we should
use these rules
1. Bodhaka in any house harms the prospects of the house and provides malefic results corresponding to the house it
is located in.

2. Planets located in baadhaksthana harm the prospects of the house they own.

3. Modify the logic for Kendradhipati dosha for Gemini and Virgo ascendant for Jupiter. If placed in Trine, i.e. 1st, 5th
and 9th house in a horoscope, it is good for these houses.

4. Otherwise, it carries dual (and more powerful blemish) if located there in other houses, e.g. 10th, 4th, 2nd house
in a horoscope.

5. What trait of life will be affected should be looked at by the house, sign and planet in question.

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