Latihan Soal Pat Bing KLS X

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ING 2020


A long time ago, the sky was close to the earth. When you stood up and stretched your
arms, you could touch it.
One day, a farmer brought some coconuts for his wife. His wife wanted to drink the juice
inside. She knocked on of the coconuts against a rock to break open the shell
“That’s not the way to do it, “her husband said. “You should cut it open with a knife”
He gave her his bolo or jungle-knife
His wife raised the knife to cut the coconut shell. “crack !”. As she lifted the knife about her head
it split open the sky and there was heavy rain.
The woman told the sky, “Will you please go a little higher? I can’t raise my knife high enough
to cut this coconut shell”
She raised the knife over her shoulder the second time. Once again, it hit the sky and there was
thunder and lightening
“You are still too low,” the woman said to the sky. “Please go higher.”
She raised the bolo a third time. It still cracked the sky. There was a typhoon, and the woman’s
house was almost blown away by the fierce wind.
“What are you doing?” cried her husband, “Can’t you even try to open a coconut shell without
causing a typhoon?”
“It’s not me,” his wife answered. “It’s the sky which is too low”. I need more room to use the
Finally, the woman became very angry. She looked up and shouted at sky. “You’d better
do as I told. Otherwise I shall cut you to pieces.”
The clouds rose and rose and the sky went up higher and higher. That’s why it is now so high.

1. What is the type of the text above?

a. narrative
b. descriptive
c. report
e. news items

2. What is the social function of the text?

a. To describe about coconut shells
b. To entertain the readers with fairy legend
c. To inform readers about coconut shells
d. To describe how the farmers open the coconut shells
e. To explain to readers why it’s hard to open coconut shells

3. Based on the text above, what made the woman get angry?
a. The sky went up too high
b. He husband didn’t want to help her
c. She couldn’t cut the sky into pieces
d. Her husband forbade her to crack the coconut shell open
e. The sky gave her rain, thunder, lightening, and typhoon

4. Which one of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the text?
a. A bolo is a jungle knife
b. The woman tore the sky for several times.
c. A very long time ago, the sky was very low
d. The farmer broke the coconut with the knife for his wife
e. The farmer’s wife wanted to drink some coconut water
The following text is for the questions number 1 – 8
“Once upon a time a hawk feel in love with a hen. The hawk flew down from the sky and asked
the hen, “Won,t you marry me?”
            The hen loved the brave, strong hawk and wishes to marry him.But she said,”I cannot fly
as high as you can. If you give me time, I may learn to fly as high as you. Then, we can fly
            The hawk agreed. Before he went away, he gave the hen a ring. “This is to show that you
have promised to marry me,”said the hawk.
            So it happened that the hen had already promised to marry a rooster. So, when the rooster
saw the ring, he became very angry. “Throw that ring away at once! Didn ,t you tell the hawk that
you,d already promised to marry me?” shouted the rooster .The hen was so frightened at the
rooster anger that she threw away  the ring immediately.
            When the hawk came the next day, the hen told him the truth. The hawk was so furious
that he cursed the hen. “Why didn,t you tell me earlier? Now, You,ll always be scratching the
earth, and I,ll always be flying above you to catch your children,”said the hawk.
            The curse seems to have come true.

1. What is the genre of the text?

a. Descriptive
b. Narrative
c. News item
d. Recount
e. Procedure

2. Why couldn,t the hen say “yes” right away?

            a. because she did not love the hawk
            b. because she had no ring to exchange
            c. because it would make the roaster angry
            d. because the hawk was too brave  and strong
            e. because she had to learn how to fly as high as the hawk

3. What is the story about?

            a. A hen and a rooster
            b. A hawk and his wife
            c. A hen and her children
            d. A rooster ang his fiancé
            e. A hawk, a hen and a rooster

4. The hawk flew down from the sky and asked the hen,”won,t you marry me?” (1
      What does the underlined utterance mean?
            a. The hen wanted to marry the hawk
            b. The hen refused to marry the hawk
            c. The hen agreed to be the hawk,s wife
            d. The hawk proposed the hen to be his wife
            e. The hawk wanted to marry the hen at the sky

5. Why was the rooster angry when he saw the ring?

            a. The hen had betrayed him
            b. The hen had stolen his ring
            c. The hen didn,t wear her own ring
            d. The ring was not good for the hen
            e. The ring was to small for the hen

6. What can we learn from the story? We have to ….

            a. take care of our children
            b. keep our promise
            c. love one another
            d. listen to other
            e. marry soon
7. The hen loved the brave ….(paragraph 2)
      This part of text called ….
a. Resolution
b. Event
c. Orientation
d. Step
e. Major complication

8. When the hawk came ….(paragraph 5)

      This part of the text called
a. Resolution
c. Event
e. Orientation
b. Step
d. Major complication

The following text is for the questions number 9 – 14

In Melani’s house the weather is very hot, on that day.

Ani : Wow the weather is very hot, do you have any idea?”
Melani : “How about making avocado juice.”
Ani :”Okay, what do we need to make avocado juice?”
Melani : “Simple, two avocadoes, sugar, 250 cc water, ice cubes, milk.”
Ani :”Do you know how to make it?”
Melani :”First, spoon out avocado pulp and place in blender in blender.”
Ani :”Then, what else?”
Melani :”Add 250 cc water, enough sugar, and milk, ice cubes.”
Ani :”After that.”
Melani :”Blend it for 4-5 minutes, pour the juice in a tall glass.”
Ani :”Finally the avocado juice is ready to serve.”
Melani :”That is right.”

9. What will they make?

a. Orange juice
b. Apple juice
c. Blueberry juice
d. Avocado juice
e. Tomato Juice

10. What is the weather that day?

a. Bright and Sunny
b. Cloudy
c. Rain heavily
d. Windy
e. b and c correct

11. What is the text type above?

a. Narrative
b. Descriptive
c. Procedure
d. Recount
e. Report
12. How person are talking in the dialogue above?
a. 3 persons
b. 2 persons
a. 6 persons
c. 4 persons
d. 5 persons
13. How mauch water do they need?
a. 205 cc
b. 520 cc
c. 350 cc
d. 502 cc
e. 250 cc

14. How long do they blend avocado?

a. 10-15 minutes
b. 4-5 minutes
c. 5-6 minutes
d. 8-10 minutes
e. 5-10 minutes

5. “She knocked one of the coconuts against a rock to break open the shell” (paragraph 2).
The underlined word can be replaced by__ .
a. cut
b. stroke
c. opened
d. kicked
e. threw
1. Wayan : have you got your report?
Made : yes, I have.
Wayan : may I see it ?
Made : yes of course.
Wayan : oh It’s very good…………… for you.
A. Congratulation
B. Sure
C. Certainly
D. Sympathy
E. News

2. Lisa : what is your hobby ?

Lina : my hobby is swimming
Lisa : when did you begin your hobby ?
Lina : I began my hobby . . . .
A. tomorrow morning D. two days later
B. a year ago E. next Sunday
C. next week

The Legend of Minos, King of Crete

Once upon a time there lived a very famous king, named the King of Crete. He had a
stepson which was half bull and half man. He ordered Daedalus, a craftsman from Athens, to
build a labyrinth in order to house the monster. When Daedalus finished his work, he wanted to
leave Crete. But the king would not let him go.
Daedalus finally escaped through the air by using wings fixed to his body with wax. He also
made wings for his son, Icarus and made him fly behind himself. But the son was so glad and
excited that he soon went too high. As he flew nearer to the sun, it got warmer and warmer until
at last the wax melted and his body fell down into the sea near Troy. The sea is now called the
Icarian Sea.
3. Who was built a labyrinth ?
A. The Monster D. Icarus
B. King of Crete E. The stepson
C. Daedalus

Soraya : Hello, Adam. How are you getting on?

Adam : Fine, thanks How are you
Soraya : I’m very well. Thank you.
Adam : Have you ……(4) your lunch?
Soraya : Yes, I have. I’d better be going, or I’ll be late at my office, Goodbye Adam.
Adam : Goodbye, Soraya. See you tomorrow.

4. A. Finish D. Are finish

B. Finishing E. Been finishing
C. Finished

5. Which one is the good ways to expressing happiness ?

A. I don’t think the trip was very interesting.
B. How unexciting!
C. That’s a real shame/pity.
D. I’m fed up with all your grumbling!
E. It’s an interesting experience.

Text : 6 - 7
Have you ever eaten a cheese omelet? Do you know how to make a Cheese Omelet? No?
Would you like me to tell it for you? Okay. This is the way. Listen to me.
To make a Cheese Omelet, you should prepare ingredients such as one egg, 50 grams of cheese,
uhm... ¼ cups of milk, three tablespoons of cooking oil, uhm...what else ....? Oh, yeah, a pinch of
salt and don’t forget some pepper.
Now, to make a Cheese Omelet, you will need some kitchen utensils like a frying pan, a
fork, a whisk, a spatula, uhm..... a cheese grater ...and a bowl and of course ....a plate. Okay? Are
you following me? Right! Let me tell you how to make it.
First, crack an egg into a bowl like this. Then whisk the egg with a fork until it is smooth.
After that, add some milk and whisk well. Grate the cheese into the bowl and stir. Next, heat the
oil in a frying pan, and pour the mixture into the frying pan. Then, turn the omelet with a spatula
when it browns. See, like this. Okay, next cook both sides. After the omelet is done, place it on a
plate, don’t forget to season it with salt and pepper and you can eat it while warm. It’s easy, isn’t
6. The bowl words above are called…..?
A. Noun
B. Adjective
C. Sentence connector
D. Complication
E. Active voice

7. What is the purpose of the text ?

A. To Describe a place
B. To tell you about a great place
C. To tell you about past event
D. To tell how to make something
E. To tell you a story
Text : 8 - 9
Five years ago i had a girlfriend. We had been dating for years since we were high school
students. We love each other. Unfortunately, her parents never approved of our relationship
from the beginning. My family, however, didn’t really mind. At first, I thought my girlfriend had
the power defend our love. But then, she surrendered. She loved me and her family. Then she
said to me, “ I’ll be happy if my family is happy “. It meant she had to get approval from her
8. What is the end of the story ?
A. Happy ending
B. They got married
C. Happy life
D. They end their relationship
E. Their family agree with their relationship
9. What is the synonym of surrender ?
A. Go on
B. Lose
C. Give up
D. Go away
E. Continue

10. Alex : There are some motorcycles under the tree……………..

Andri : the green one.
A. is the motorcycle yours ? D. what color is the motorcycle?
B. which one is your motorcycle ? E. how is the motorcycle ?
C. where is your motorcycle ?

Text : 11 – 13
When you are working with a computer, you can listen to music from CD.
Follow this instructions to play music CDs on the computer.
1. Turn on the computer, out the music CD, with the label side up, in the CD ROM drive,
Close the drive.
2. If the CD does not start playing automatically, click the start menu. Choose program, then
Accessories, and then entertainment.
3. Click CD player.
4. Click the play button on the CD player Windows
5. Use the pause, Stop, Skip to Next Track, and Go Back to Last Track buttons to control
what you listen to.
6. Choose Edit Playlist from the Disc menu to program a particular sequence of the tracks.
7. Minimize the CD Player windows if you plan to listen the entire CD while working.
11. The communicative purpose of the text is……
A. To persuade the readers to play music CDs on computer
B. To introduce music CDs to the readers on computer
C. To criticize the readers to play music CDs on computer
D. To describe how to play music CDs on computer
E. To entertain the readers by play music CDs on computer
12. The form of the text above is….
A. a report
B. a recount
C. a description
D. an explanation
E. a procedure

13. Santos : ”I am hungry’’

Ica : What did he say ?
Sani : He said that………….
A. He is hungry D. he isn’t hungry
B. He was hungry E. he is being hungry
C. He wasn’t hungry

Text : 14 -17
When we buy a mobile phone, we have to think about the advantages as well as
disadvantages. Doing so, we will be able to make a wise decision.
If we decide to buy a mobile phone, we can start asking ourselves the usefulness of the
equipment. We may ask ” do we want it for our prestige or for it usefulness.
After we decide to use a mobile phone, we should make a choice on the type of mobile
phone. With the various choice in the market, we should decide the ones that meets our needs.
We must know what we need.
As the consequences of its high operational costs, we have to pay a mobile phone
compared to a fixed telephone. That is why we have to think carefully before we decide to use it.
Therefore, we only use the mobile phone for important tasks. It will not be wise if we use it for a
chat with a friend.
With all the consequences of the mobile phone, we indeed should give serious
considerations before using it. There are :
1. Ask yourself, ”do I really need it at the moment ?”
2. Buy the mobile phone that suits your budget,
3. Prioritize the function of the mobile phone for you, rather that its feature that may
interest you.
4. Use the mobile phone for important talks.
14. This text mainly focuses on…………….
A. Mobile phone D. The operational of mobile phone
B. The useful of mobile phone E. The disadvantages of mobile phone
C. Type of mobile phone

15. If we decide to buy a mobile phone…………..

A. We should make a choice on the type of mobile phone
B. We must know what we need
C. We can start asking ourselves the usefulness of it
D. We should know its high operational costs
E. We must use it for important talks

16. What is the communicative purpose of the text ?

A. To criticize the readers to use mobile phone
B. To describe the advantages of mobile phone
C. To entertain the readers using mobile phone
D. To persuade the readers using mobile phone
E. To persuade the readers to have fixed consideration before buying mobile phone

17. The main idea of paragraph 4 is………..

A. It will not be wise if we use mobile phone for chatting with a friend
B. The operation costs phone is high
C. Don’t use the mobile phone just for chatting
D. We only use the mobile phone for important tasks
E. We have to think carefully before using mobile phone

The text below is for question number 6 – 10

Kendari SAR Team Found 3 More Victims

KENDARI, Southeast Sulawesi, on Thursday a searching and rescue team found three
more victims from a ship that sank in Banda Sea, who had been missing since the incident
occurred on Friday last week. They were Aris Triono, the captain of Amami cargo Ship, Takub,
a crewman, and Suharto, a passenger.
They were found on Thursday floating in waters close to Menui Island, Central Sulawesi
Province. The province is adjacent to South East Sulawesi Province, within those territory lies
the Banda Sea. Two other victims were earlier saved by SAR team in the Banda Sea on Saturday
last week only a day after the ship sank due to the bad weather.
The SAR team is still searching for 10 crew members and a passenger still missing from
the incident, said Rocky Asikin, the head of Kendari SAR Team.

6.The communicative purpose of the text is ___ .

a. to retell past experience
b. to describe particular thing
c. to explain about SAR team’s work
d. to persuade readers to help victims inform readers about an important event

7.Why did the ship sink to the sea? It happened because ______
a. the weather was bad
b. the ship was broken
c. the ship was over loaded
d. there was a leak in the ship
e. the ship crashed another ship

8. How many crew members and passengers included in the accident?

a. two
b. three
c. five
d. sixteen
e. more than sixteen

9.Who is the source of the news?

a.SAR team
b.Yakub, a crewman
c.Suharto, passenger
d.Aris Triono, the captain
e.Rocky Asikin, the head of SAR team

10.SAR team found three more victims.

The underlined word means ___ .
a.a passenger of a ship
b.a person who join the SAR team
c.a person who cures the sick people
d.a person who helps the injured people.
e.a person that is injured or killed in an accident

The text below is for question number 11 – 14

Della and Jim Young, newly married, were poor. Jim’s wage was enough to rent only a very
small apartment. But there were two things of which each was extremely proud. Della had the
longest and most beautiful hair in all New York, thought Jim, as he watched her combing it; and
Jim possessed a magnificent gold pocket watch, given by his father.
Christmas was drawing near, and Jim and Della began to think what present they could
afford to give each other. Della always noticed sadly, when Jim looked at his watch (which he
did whenever he had an excuse to), that it was fixed to the button-hole of his coat by common
old leather strap. He really needed a gold chain. And Jim often thought, as he looked at Della
doing her long hair, how well it would looked if only he could buy her jeweled comb to hold it in
place. But a gold watch-chain or jeweled hair-comb would have cost far more money than either
of them possessed.
Now it was Christmas Eve. With tearful eyes Della had counted the money she had saved
for Jim’s Christmas present for the tenth time 87 cents. “If only I knew ...” she thought. Then
suddenly she had a wonderful idea. She hurriedly putting on her old hat and coat, she ran down
the street to the shop with the notice “Hair bought”. She entered and an hour later walked out of
the shop richer by 15 dollars, but without her chair! On the way home she stopped at every
watchmaker’s shop until at last she found exactly the right chain to suit Jim’s watch.
Returning home, with one dollar and 87 cents left in her pocket, she had just enough time
before Jim arrived home from work to wrap the precious gift. She also curled her remaining hair.
When Jim saw it, he was speechless. “Oh Jim, don’t look at me like that. It will grow again”,
Della cried. “And I had to do it. Here. She gave the parcel to Jim,” you see, “I had to sell my hair
to get money for your present! Merry Christmas, dear”.
When Jim opened it, he collapsed on a chair. “I think we’d better put our presents away
for a while,” he said gently at last, “You see, I’ve sold my watch to but this comb for your hair”.
He gave the package to Della.
Nodding while tears rose in her eyes too, Della gave Jim a brave smile and said, “Our
gifts are the best presents in the world, you know?”

11.What did Della do to get the money to buy her husband a Christmas present after she counted
that her saved money wasn’t enough?
a.she didn’t want to spend the money she had saved
b.she couldn’t think what to buy for 87 cents money
c.she did not understand why she had such little money
d.she thought Jim hadn’t saved any money
e.She sold his long and beautiful hair

12.Della thought theirs were “the best Christmas present in the world” because they ___ .
a.had cost a lot of money
b.would be useful for a long time I could get some more money
d.spent really a great deal of time
e.showed how much they loved each other

13.Which one is TRUE according to the text?

a.Della and Jim were a well-to-do family
b.Della and Jim could give each other a Christmas gift
c.Della didn’t want to sell her long and beautiful hair
d.Jim finally gave his magnificent gold pocket watch to his wife as a Christmas present
e.Della and Jim couldn’t celebrate the Christmas since they didn’t have enough money.

14.She hurriedly putting on her old hat and coat (paragraph 3).
The word “putting on” means ___ .

The text below is for question number 15 – 17

Denpasar, Bali; Environmental Organization Fauna Conservation for Life (EOFCFL)
claimed that Bali is the biggest site of turtle trading in the country.
In the period between May through to August 1999, it was reported, some 9,400 of the
protected animals had been traded.
According to Putu Lisa Kusuma Mustika, a reptile expert from the Indonesian World
Wildlife Fund (WWF), tortoises have long been killed in several of Indonesia, with the highest
number in Bali.
“Most of them are consumed as food while some of them are used for traditional
ceremonies,” Putu told Antara.
Besides its meat, Putu said, tortoise shells are also used as souvenirs for tourists.

15.The communicative purpose of this text is ___ .

a.To describe the threatened turtle in Bali
b.To tell the readers that turtles are threaten to extinct
c.To inform about important and newsworthy events
d.To explain the important of protecting turtles
e.To describe the way how to preserve turtles

16.What is the main information of the article above?

a.Turtle trading
b.A reptile expert
c.The protected animals
d.Fauna Conservation for life
e.Souvenirs from tortoise shells

17.It can be concluded form the text that ___ .

a.Turtles are not protected animals
b.Turtles are mostly traded in Bali
c.Turtles mainly traded for souvenirs
d.Traditional ceremonies always require turtle
e.Because they are not preserved, turtles are threatened to extinct

The text below is for question number 18 – 20

The sugar glider is a marsupial, just like the other Australia animals – the Kangaroo, the koala
and the wombat for instant. The sugar glider is a possum – very similar to the tupai in Indonesia.
It basically lives in trees. It eats leaves and fruit. However, the Australia sugar glider has a very
special skill. It can jump from tree to tree like a tupai but it can also ‘sort of fly’ as well. In fact,
it glides or terbang laying in Bahasa Indonesia. When it jumps from one tree to another it spreads
its four legs out wide; and its extra skin also spreads out and function like a parachute.

18.What does the text mainly tell us about?

a.The Koala.
b.The sugar glider.
c.The Kangaroo.
d.The wombat.
e.Australia animals

19.Why can sugar glider jump from tree to tree?

a.It eats leaves and fruit.
b.It basically lives in trees.
c.It has a very special skill
d.It can spread its legs and skin out wide.
e.It is very similar to the tupai in Indonesia.

20.“ … it spreads its four legs out wide … “

The underlined word means …

The text below is for question number 21 –24

Young Stars
The finalists of “Akademi Fantasi Indonesia 1” (AFI) are wonderful young people.
Mawar who was born on 26 February 1985 is a cute girl. She has straight, short hair. Her bright
skin, chubby cheeks and lovely smile make her look very marvelous. She is not very tall.
However, her weight which is 40 kgs matches her body well and makes her look cute.
Unlike Mawar, Ve looks tall. She is 1.69 meters tall. She looks quiet slim. She weighs 45
kgs. Compared to Mawar, Ve looks darker. The 22-yeas-old girl has black, straight hair.
Another finalist is Ismail who is better known as Smile. The young man who was born on
16 September 1983 looks much bigger and taller than his two female friends. He is tall and
muscular. His complexion is fair and his hair is short and straight.
21.What is the main information of the text?
a.Ve AFI
b.Mawar AFI
c.Ismail AFI
d.The finalist of AFI
e.The characteristics of AFI

22.What is the organization of the text above?

a.general statement – description
b.general classification – description
c.identification – description
d.orientation – event – resolution
e.orientation – complication – resolution

23Which one is true about Mawar?

a.She is taller than Ve.
b.She is heavier than Ve.
c.Her skin is darker than Ve’s
dShe taller than smile
e.She is younger than Smile.

24 “Her bright skin, chubby cheeks.“ (Paragraph 2)

The underlined word can mean …

The text below is for question number 25 – 27

The students of IA have just finished doing an experiment in the laboratory. It is nine
fifteen. It is time for them to have a break now. Etvia and her friends are in his canteen. The
canteen is big and clean. There is a washing table with the sentence “wash your hands before and
after eating” above it. There are bowls of side-dishes and drinks sold in the canteen. All the
students queue up to buy their food. Discipline and obedience help to make sure every body
follows the canteen rules. The rules are to queue up to buy food and not to split on the floor. If
the students are cooperative, the canteen will be clean and safe.

25.Where are the students now?

a.In the laboratory
b.In the library
c.In the canteen
d.In the classroom
e.In the office

26.What are the canteen rules?

a.Discipline and obedience.
b.Don’t be noisy in the canteen
c.Work together to prepare food.
d.Wash your hands before and after eating.
e.Queue up to buy food and not to spit on the floor.

27.“There is a washing table with the sentence ‘wash your hands before and after eating’ above
The word ‘it’ refers to …
a.The washing table
b.The sentence
c.The canteen
d.The hand
e.The rule

The text below is for question number 28 – 31


Our company-one the biggest national pharmaceutical trading company (pharmaceutical raw
materials including food; feed; cosmetics)is offering a challenging position.


Right candidate should possess a degree from reputable University either abroad/ local with at
least 10 years experience in company with similar activities. Being a team leader you are
expected to be dynamic; innovation with a strong capacity to perform in a multicultural
environment. Sharp with a strong initiative; self motivated and hardworking. For the right
candidate we are willing to offer competitive and benefit package which will suit to your needs
for your long term career development. Please forward your application letter with your CV
covering details of your previous employment records professional achievement plus a recent
photograph and contact phone number to

PO. BOX 199 JKP 10019

Application should reach us by 10 the October 2008 and will be treated with the strictest
confidence. Only applicant who meets our requirements will be contacted for selections and on

28.Which one is not requirement needed?

a.good at operating computer
b.a degree from reputable university
c.innovative, self motivated and hard working least 10 years experience in a company
e.dynamic and innovative to be the team leader

29.“Please forward your application letter with your CV....”, Line 1

The underlined word stands for…
a.Cultural variety
b.Curriculum vitae
c.Company vacancy
d.Competence and vita
e.Creativity and validity

30.The text above is a kind of functional text in the form of ____


31.What position is the company offering?

a.A team leader
b.A challenging position
c.A career opportunity
d.An operational director
e.A marketing manager

Text below is for questions number 21 - 25

How to make a Ballon Powered Rocket
You will need a ballon, sticky tape, sensors, string, a plastic drinking straw.
1.Thread the string carefully through the drinking straw.
2.The one end of the string to an object (tree, door handle, post, and so on)
3.The other end of the string to something ten meters away making sure that the string is tight.
4.Cut two pieces of sticky tape.
5.Gently blow a little air into the ballon.
6.Hold the end of the ballon tightly so the air does not escape.
7.Tape the ballon firmly to the straw.
8.Blow more air into the ballon and again hold the end tighly.
9.Quickly release the end of the ballon and watch it travel along the string.

21.What is the genre of the text?

a. Procedure
b. exposition
c. spoof
d. report
e. narrative

22.What is the communicative purpose of the text?

a. To tell the story of a ballon
b. To retell the event
c. To explain the steps how to make a ballon power rocket
d. To describe the ballon
e. To inform the reader how to do something

23. What is the goal of the text?

a. Telling about the ballon powered rocket
b. Making a ballon powered rocket
c. Making a rocket power ballon
d. Powered rocket with ballon
e. Powered rocket is a ballon

24. “You will need a ballon, sticky tape, sensors, string, a plastick drinking, straw.”
What do we call this part of the text?
a. Goal
b. Event
c. Materials
d. Steps
e. Coda

25. How many materials are needed to make a ballon powered rocket ….
a. 3
b. 2
c. 4
d. 5
e. 6

How To Use A Public Telephone

26. First,……the phone receiver.
a. put of
b. c.take
c. e.push
d. b.lift
e. pull

27. Then, ……..the coin (s)

a. enter
b. move
c. deliver
d. throw
e. change

28. Next,……the number you want.

a. dial
b. dial
c. read
e. hit

29. wait for the dial …….

a. instaled
b. c.connecting
c. connected
d. relate
e. relating

30. finally,put the ….. back after you finish the call.
a. caller
b. button
c. cable
d. stick
e. receiver

31. David : “Hi….how do you do?”

Martin : “………”
a. How do you do.
b. I’m fine, and you?
c. a and b are correct
d. Nice to meet you
e. not bad

32. pete: “How about having dinner with me tonight?

Kate : “Thanks you, I’d love to.
From the dialogue above we conclude that …..
a. kate declines the the invitation
b. d. pete invites kate to have dinner
c. pete want to hve dinner together
d. pete make a date with kate
e. kate love pete

33. The boy : “……, madam.Would you mind if I sit beside you?”
The old lady : “ By all means.”
a. Hi
b. Hello
c. Nice to meet you
d. Excuse me
e. How do you do
34. April : “ my brother has got a scholarship to continue his study in one of prominent
university in America.”
Ivone : “ ……………..”
a. I’m glad to hear that
b. it’s common
c. I’m not satisfied
d. I’m sorry to know that
e. I’m not surprise

35. Cavin : “You know Rita’s father is hospitalized for his serious illness.”
Barbara : “…………….”
a. She must be very sad
b. d. It’s borring
c. She must be very happy
d. it’s good idea
e. Excuse me

36. Directure : “Type and report the meeting conclusion immediately!”

Secretary : “ All right, sir!”
The underlined words express ……..
a. demand
b. instruction
c. comment
d. request
e. command

The text below is for question number 32 – 34


Brand new luxury 1 and 2 bedroom apartments. At Heatherdowns and Green Street. Convenient
to Southgate Shopping Center. Close to bus route 22.

Rentals from $250 include the following utilities: heat, air, shag carpet, appliances, dishwasher,
patio, laundry, room, pool, 1 year lease and security deposit.

One- preschool-aged child considered in 2 bedrooms.

Absolutely no pets.

Model open weekdays 1-6, Sun. 1-5 by appointment 241-7721. Managed by Sands Corporation.

An equal housing opportunity.

32.Which of the following statement is TRUE according to the text?

a.There is no lease required.
b.Open only in weekend
c.The bus route is far away.
d.The rent includes some utilities.
e.Only one-bedroom apartment are available.

33.Which of the following families would be able to rent an apartment according to the
a.A man with a small cat
b.A woman and her twelve-year-old child.
c.A husband, wife and their preschool child.
d.Under five-year-old baby and his pet
e.A husband, wife and two small pets

34.“Rentals from $250 include heat, air, shag carpet, appliances … “

The underlined word means ..…

23 October
Mr Tatsuya Honda
CEO Taka Corporation
Nagoya Japan

Dear Mr Honda,
I was very pleased to read the Asiaweek Magazine report entitled “The Giants of Asia”
and find you named among the top executives leading the best companies in Asia’s New
Economy. It is always gratifitying to follow the successful careers of University of Tokyo
alumni, particularly when they are as stellar as you have been. Your accomplishments as
chairman of Taka corporation – as well as the reputation you have earned as an innovator,
visionary and role model for new genereations – are quite remarkable.
Congratulations on making the Asiaweek Magazine list of Asian leaders at the forefront
of change. Your impressive achievements honour the University of Tokyo and especially the
school of business administration.

Sincerely yours,
Graham Lambert
President University of Tokyo

1. What is the purpose of the letter?

A. To congratulate Mr. Honda on a promotion.
B. To congratulate Mr. Honda on his business success.
C. To congratulate Mr. Honda on a successful invention.
D. To congratulate Mr. Honda on being a top executive in Asia.
E. To congratulate the corporation and the Asiaweek Magazine
2. Why did the achievement of Mr Tatsuya Honda also honour the university of Tokyo?
A. He graduated from the University of Tokyo.
B. Taka Corporation supports the University of Tokyo.
C. He is a friend of the University of Tokyo’s President.
D. Taka Corporation had good cooperation with the University of Tokyo.
E. He is the founder of University of Tokyo’s School of Business Administration.

3. What is TRUE about Mr Tatsuya Honda?

A. Mr Tatsuya Honda leads Asiaweek Magazine.
B. Mr Tatsuya Honda Founded the Univesity of Tokyo.
C. Mr Tatsuya Honda is a lecturer in the University of Tokyo.
D. Mr Tatsuya Honda is one of the top leaders in Asia’s New Economy.
E. Mr Tatsuya Honda tightened the cooperation between Taka Corporation and Asiaweek

The following text is for questions 13 to 15

Dear Mr John Brian,
Based on our discussion on Thursday, my business partners and I reviewed and discussed
the situation. We have agreed to purchase your business, Twice Over. We will pay your
requested purschase price of $20,000 which includes the business and the equipment necessary
to operate it.
We would like to meet with you next Tuesday, 26th May, for the final agreement. We
inteed to bring all the necessary paperwork snd the tender payment. At that meeting, we will also
wish to set a date, which will not exceed thirty days, when we will take over the operation.
Yours sincerely,
Jonas Kerr
4. What is the letter about?
A. Intention to take over the company.
B. Arrangement for a meeting.
C. The price of the company.
D. An operational procedure.
E. A cooperation agreement.

5. What will happen on 26th May?

A. They will sign the agreement.
B. John Brian will consider the proposal.
C. Jonas Kerr will take over the operation.
D. They will work together to operate the company.
E. Jonas Kerr will supply the equipment to operate the company.

6. “...and we have agreed to purschace your business ....” (paragaraph 1)

What does the underlined word mean?
A. Join.
B. Buy.
C. Invest.
D. Support.
E. Cooperate.
The following text is a for question 16 to 20.
De Arca Statue Museum is the first and the biggest statue museum in Indonesia, The
museum was officially inaugurated in December 2014. It is situated next to De Mata Trick Eye
Museum. As the name suggests, this museum is home to a collection of statues of famous
figures, built in 1:1 scale. Like Madam Tussad’s Wax Museum, the statues, created by a
renowned Jogja artist, Dunadi, were made to resemble the original figures, with similar costumes
and gestures. These statues are not made of wax, but of resin (the sap produced by certain plants)
to adapt to the climate condition in Jogja.
The museum consists of three zones: national figures, world presidents, and world
figures. Entering the museum, we arrive at the zone of national figures and are welcomed by
several was heroes. Cut Nyak Dien, R. A. Kartini, General Soedirman, and several other heroes,
seen sitting or standing comfortably. Meanwhile, at the end of the zone of national figures, the
painting maestro, Affandi, also appeared as much at ease as the others. Wearing a red T-shirt and
sarong, he sits holding his smoking pipe. He seems as if he’s paying attention to every activity
hqppening in the room.
Leaving the zone of national figures, visitors will enjoy a big Spiderman statue. The
statue is unique and different from the rest. Instead of posing, ensnaring his enemy with his
spiderweb, this Spiderman merely sits, crossing his legs on top of a globe that appears to be
lumpy due to the heavy load it holds up. Interestingly, he wears a blangkon (Javanese traditional
headdress for men) complete with batik cloth covering his legs. The statue of the Javanese
version of Spiderman is the one leading us to the zone of world presidents. In this zone, there are
several well-known Head of Statue, such as Megawati, B. J. Habibie, Queen Elizabeth II, and
even Obama, seen standing gallantly.
After taking photograph with the presidents, the zone of world figures has been waiting
behind Mas Javanese Spiderman. In the zone, there are several statues of famous film characters,
such as Hulk, Captain America, Thor, and several other famous figures who been talked about
around the world , such as Chirstiano Ronaldo, Jackie Chan, Michael Jackson, Hitler, and even
Dalai Lama and Mother Theresa. This zone looks different from the previous ones. In addition to
the wider room, the fountain in the center and the decoratic white maple leaves are what made
this zone more comfortable.
Visiting De Arca is really enjoyable. The statue are not alive, but they can at least help people,
especially children, to know a bit closer the great figures behind past extraordinary events. This
museum also allows many people to meet their idols.
7. Where is De Arca Statue Museum located?
A. next to Madam Tussaud’s Wax Museum
B. nest to De Mata Trick Eye
C. near Dunadi’s Museum
D. in National Museum
E. in Hollywood

8. From the passage, we can infer that. . . . . . .

A. The museum consists of three zones: natonal figures, a comfort zone, and private zone
B. We can find national figures, world presidents, and world figures.
C. The statues are not made of the sap that is produced by plants.
D. The statues shown in the museum are mannequins.
E. The statues are of Indonesian art figures.

9. De Arca Statue Museum is the first and the biggest statue museum in Indonesia, The museum
was officially inaugurated in December 2014. (paragraph 1)
The underlined word is closest in meaning to . . . .
A. Collaborated
B. Incorporate
C. Launched
D. Opened
E. Closed

10. What does the text tell us about Spidermsn statue in this museum?
A. Spiderman is posed, ensnaring has enemy with his spider web.
B. Spiderman was between Megawati and B.J.Habibie.
C. Spiderman leads us to the zone of national figures.
D. Spiderman wears Javanese costumes.
E. Spiderman is in the spider’s web

11. “...on top of a globe that appeared to be lumpy due to the heavy load it holds up.” (paragraph
what does the underlined pronoun refer to?
A. Spiderman
B. Spiderweb
C. Blangkon
D. Globe
E. Zone
The following text is for questions 21 to 26
Strolling through the Megalithic Village of Bena
Bena Village is a megalithic village in Bajawa, in Ngada regency. Thousands of tourists come tp
visit the village. It is 2245 meter above sea level. It is believed that Bena people have resided in
the village since 1,200 years ago or might be longer. Despite its age, Bena’s traditional houses
are still preserved in their original form.
In the area, there are 49 houses where nine clans live. Each clan has two main houses. One
house, called saka puu, is for female elders. They place a figure, called bhaga on the top of saka
puu. The other house is built for the males. It is called saka lobo. On its roof, people placed a
statue that holds a machete and a spear. Each main house is accompanied by a plain house that
has no symbols, called kaka.
The houses are made from bamboo and wood from the foorests that surround Bena village. The
houses are decorate with pictures of animals. Each represents a particular aspect of life. A horse
symbolizes energy and reminds the Bena people to do their work with horse power. Chickens
remind them to go farming as early as possible. When the men go farming, the women spend
their time weaving. They display the woven fabrics in front of the house to let tourists buy them
as souvenirs.
Visiting Bena village will really give you an unforgettable experience. You will feel how people
live in harmony with nature.
12. What does the text tell us about Bena Village?
A. It is in Bajawa regency.
B. It is a megalithic village.
C. It consists of 1,200 houses.
D. It was built 2,245 years ago
E. It is situated along the shoreline.

13. It is believe that Bena people have resided in the village since 1,200 years ago or perhaps
longer. The underlines word is closest in meaning to ....
A. gather
B. leave
C. build
D. keep
E. live

14. Houses for female elders and males are called....

A. Saka puu and Bhaga
B. Bhaga and Saka Lobo.
C. Saka puu and Saka Lobo.
D. Saka Lobo and Kaka.
E. Bhaga and Kaka.

15. Why did Bena people decorate their house with picture of a house? Because . . . .
A. It aims to remaind people to go farming as early as possible.
B. It symblolizes how people do their work with the strength of horses.
C. It displays the souvenirs made by the women.
D. It reminds women to do weaving.
E. They breed horses.

16. What statement is TRUE according to the next?

A. Bena people used stone tools.
B. No one ever visits Bena village.
C. Bena people can keep their traditions.
D. Bena village earn a living from weaving.
E. Bena people of different clans live in the same house.
17. “Chicken remind them ...” (paragraph 3)
What does the underlined pronoun refer to?
A. Men.
B. Women.
C. Chickens.
D. Souvenirs.
E. Bena people.
The following text is for questions 27 to 29
Security would like to notify that students should be responsible for any items left in the lockers.
If you lose anything from your locker, we regret that we will not to be able to assists you in any
way. Therefore, it is important that you ensure that your locker is kept locked. For security
reasons, we do not keep a record of members’ locker combination codes, so it is vital taht you
remember the combination you choose. We also remind you always to bring your students card.
18. Where would this announcement be posted?
A. In the assembly room
B. In the changing room.
C. In the fitting room.
D. In the restoroom.
E. In the classroom.

19. What do students need to open their lockers?

A. A series of numbers.
B. A student card.
C. A security lock.
D. Coins.
E. A key.

20. Why do you think this notice was posted?

A. The lockers are out of date.
B. There are new security personnel.
C. The school has bought new lockers.
D. The school has suffered thefts recently.
E. The school has just moved to a new location.

The text below is for question number 35 – 36

Breakfast is provided free of charge. We also have special discount on food and drinks at our
restaurant for all registered guests. On top of that, there’s a fifty percent discount for children
below 12 at our restaurant. We are located close to the apple garden and butterfly farm. You can
also see the sunset and sunrise from our room. Children would also be entitled to free horse
riding lessons every morning.

Rp.430, 000 per night


Reservation : (0341) 7689980
Email :

35.Which is free of charge in the hotel?

a.Having food and drinks in the restaurant.
b.Having breakfast and horse riding lesson.
c.Entering the apple garden.
d.Staying for nights.
e.Registered guest

36. “On top of that, there’s a fifty percent discount for children below 12 at our restaurant.”
The underlined word means …
d.above the age of

The text below is for question number 37 – 38

Koes Plus was well known as pop music group in the seventies until the eighties. At that time
most Indonesia people were ____(37) about their songs because they were nice and simple.
Every radio station broadcasted these songs and always put them in the top of pop music. Their
music shows were always full of _______ (38).

37 a. fanatical
b. dissatisfied
c. crazy
d. disappointed
e. boring

38. a. followers
b. spectators
c. participants
d. speakers
e. members

The text below is for question number 39 – 41

A tiger once caught a fox while hunting for food. The fox was very bold. “I am the king of the
forest,” he said. But the tiger grew ____ (89) and said that he would eat the fox at once. “If you
don’t believe me, come for a walk with me, “answered the fox quite calmly. “You’ll soon see
whether all the other animals are afraid of me or not. “Tiger agreed to go with the fox. _____
(90) all the animals saw them coming ____ (91) ran away as fast as they could. The tiger never
found out that animals were really frightened of him and the fox.

39. a. righten
b. quite friendly
c. very angry
d. rather sad
e. very strong

40. a. if
b. so
c. because
d. before
e. when

41. a. he
b. she
c. it
d. they
e. their

42.Desi : Ali, I’ve got good news for you. Roy, the crazy guy, has got the personal manager job.
Ali : What?
What does Ali’s expression mean?
a. An agreement
b. A surprise
c. A question
d. A refusal
e. An objection

43.Mr. Joy : How is your final Exam, Indra?

Indra : I passed with flying colors, I got 95 for the test.
Mr. Joy : ___ .
a.I agree with you
b.I’m very proud of you
c.I don’t believe it
d.I’m disappointed with you
e.You are very great
44.Ariel : Do you know the result of the game?
Sunu : Not yet. The announcement __ twice.
b.will be postponed
c.was postponed
d.have been postponed
e.was being postponed

18. Is not easy to differences …….. Ana and Ani

A. Between D. To
B. Trough E. With
C. For

19. The price of bicycle A is Rp. 400.000,-

The price of bicycle B is Rp. 500.000,-
The price of bicycle C is Rp. 300.000,-
bicycle A is . . . than bicycle C
A. more expensive D. cheaper
B. bigger E. smaller
C. as same as

20. A friendly waiter taught a few words of Italian. The underlined word means..
A. mempelajari D. pelajar
B. belajar E. pelajaran
C. mengajarkan

This text is for question number 21 – 23

RI sends medics to China BEIJING (Antara): The government sent a team of 20 doctors
to China on Thursday to help care for earthquake victims in Lanzhao, Gansu province.
“The dispatch is part of Jakarta's solidarity with the Chinese government, especially with
the quake victims in the province of Gansu," Indonesian Embassy spokesperson Rosmalawati
Khalid said Friday.
She said lndonesia had originally planned to send 63 doctors to China but only 20 of
them were sent in accordance with the Chinese government's request.
"The Gansu provincial administration .has been receiving assistance 'from Indonesia and
Pakistani medical teams who are posted at different locations.
" Based on a proposal from the Gansu provincial disaster mitigation center, Rosmalawati
said, the Indonesian medics were to be posted to Wenxian, Wudu district, while the Pakistan
team are posted at Longnan city.
Wenxian is an area in Gansu province which bore the brunt of the powerful earthquake
devastating the area on May 12, killing at least 208 people and injuring more than 4,000.
One person was killed and more than 100 others were injured when an aftershock
measuring 6 on the Richter scale hit the same area in Wenxian on May 25.(*)

21.The news mostly reports that.........

A. Indonesia assisted China's victims
B. Earthquake happened many times in China
C. Earthquake caused many killing
D. Killing was more than injuring
E. Relation between two countries
22.Howmany Indonesian doctors went to China?
A. 63 D. 83
B. 43 E. 208
C. 20

23. How many counties helped China?

A. One D. Four
B. Two E. five
C. Three

This text is for question number 24 – 26

" Gregory is my beautiful gray Persian cat. He walks with pride and grace, performing a
dance of disdain as he slowly lifts and lowers each paw with the delicacy of a ballet dancer. His
pride, however, does not extend to his appearance, for he spends most of his time indoors
watching television and growing fat.
He enjoys TV commercials, especially those for Meow Mix and 9 Lives. His familiarity
with cat food commercials has led him to reject generic brands of cat food in favor of only the
most expensive brands.
Gregory is as finicky about visitors as he is about what he eats, befriending some and
repelling others. He may snuggle up against your ankle, begging to be petted, or he may imitate a
skunk and stain your favorite trousers. Gregory does not do this to establish his territory, as
many cat experts think but to humiliate me because he is jealous of my friends.
After my guests have fled, I look at the old fleabag snoozing and smiling to himself in
front of the television set, and I have to forgive him for his obnoxious, but endearing, habits.

24. The text is about .......

A. Gregory, the owner of the cat
B. Programs on TV commercials
C. The guest of Gregory
D. The writer's cat
E. Habits of the cat's owner

25. Petted means .......

A. Fed D. Chased
B. Cared E. played
C. Cleaned
26. Where does the cat mostly like living?
A. In the house
B. Around the house
C. Near the guests
D. In the house yard
E. In the her friend's house
This text is for questions 27- 30
The polar bear is a very big white bear. We call it the polar bear because it lives inside the
Arctic Circle near the North Pole. There are no polar bears at the South Pole. The polar bears live
at the North Pole. There is only snow, ice, and water. There is not any land. These bears are three
meters long, and weigh 450 kilos. They can stand up on their back legs because they have very
wide feet. They can use their front legs like arms. The polar bears can swim very well. They can
swim 120 kilometers out into the water. They catch fish and sea animals for food. They go into
the sea when they are afraid.
People like to kill the polar bears for their beautiful white coats. The governments of
Canada, the United States, and Russia say that no one can kill polar bears now. They do not want
all of these beautiful animals to die.

27. What does the passage mainly discuss?

A. The size of polar bears.
B. Where polar bears live
C. The habitat of polar bears.
D. Why people hunt polar bears.
E. A brief description of polar bears.

28. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

A. Polar bears are very big animals
B. The polar bears are tame animals
C. Polar bears live at the North Pole
D. There are no polar bears at the South Pole
E. Polar bears are hunted because of their beautiful white coats

29. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about a polar bear?
A. A polar bear weighs 450 kilos.
B. A polar bear is three meters long.
C. A polar bear catches fish for food.
D. A polar bear goes into the sea when it is angry.
E. A polar bear can swim 120 kilometers out into the water.

30. A polar be; goes into the sea when it is afraid. The underlined word is closest ii meaning to ...
A. shy D. furious
B. angry E. shocked
C. scared

This text is for question number 31 -32

Thu, November 25,201012:35:41 PM

<keogh.robert.k@edumail.vic. gov. au>
From: "Keogh, Robert K"

View Contact
To: I Nyoman Budiasa

Dear Nyoman,
It is good to hear from you. I have forwarded your letter to the staff of MSC. I hope that
you get many replies which you can pass on to your staff.

We are in the final weeks of our school year, so I hope that you will understand that
teachers here are very busy finishing their teaching and writing reports - and looking
forward to the summer holidays!

We may need to develop the correspondence between staff next year; our school year will
begin in February.
I would like our staff and students to see the projects - can you give me some details
to access this.
For the moment,

Best regards,

31. What can Nyoman give to his staff

A. Report D; Replies
B. Projects E. Details
C. Writing

32. " Looking forward to" means .......

A. seeing D. searching
B. moving E. expecting
C. trying

33. Ina : Why are you sleepy in class?

Ines : Do I look sleepy, Na? I am not sleepy, but I have a painful stomachache.
Ina : You should go to the doctor. Come on I’ll accompany you.

The underlined words express ...

A. disagreement
B. satisfaction
C. obligation
D. offering
E. advice
34. "Watch the TV tonight. My daughter is on TV channel
5 at eight. She always makes me happy."
"Sure, I will."
From the underlined words we know that the first speaker feels ... her daughter.
A. proud of D. disappointed at
B. angry with E. doubtful about
C. worried about
35. "What a beautiful voice. She is a talented singer,"
"She ......... since she was a child.'
A. sang D. had been singing
B. sings E. has been singing
C. is singing

This text Is for questions 36 - 38

At present, aero planes are playing a very important role to ... (36) one place to another. People
can go round the world just in a two day flight by the world's first supersonic airliner, Concorde,
which ... (37) at a height of over 18.0000 metres and ... (38) a speed of over 2000 km per hour.

36. A. disjoin D. separate

B. part E. divide
C. connect

37. A. goes D. drives

B. flies E. comes
C. jumps

38. A. cuts D. reaches

B. continues E. limits
C. moves

This text Is for questions 39 – 40

Uday and Qusay are killed and the delighted British and American governments suggest
that Iraq will be a safer place. Yes, the Iraqis may well feel safer. And - with the dictator's brutal
sons out of the way forever more confident about continuing the resistance against the American
Shortly before their deaths were announced, Richard Gephardt, Democrat presidential
hopeful, delivered a blistering attack oh Bush's foreign policy which was driven, he said, by
"machismo" and "arrogant unilateralism". Bush, he continued, had treated U.S. allies "like so
many flies on America's windshield". He added: "Foreign policy isn't a John Wayne movie.
" The attack on the villa where Saddam's sons were hiding might be seen as driving home
the point; Instead, the announcement that they had been killed by the U.S. troops in a shoot-out is
welcomed by Tony Blair as "great news".

39. The text mainly discusses about ...

A. Udai and Qusay who killed U.S. troops
B. Uday and Qusay who are killed by U.S. troops
C. Richard Gephardt who attacked Bush's domestic policy
D. the attack on the villa where Saddam Husein was hide.
E. Tony Blair who is welcome by Saddam's sons, Uday and Qusay

40. The main idea of paragraph 3 is that ...

A. U.S. troops killed Saddam in the attack on the villa.
B. Uday and Qusay had killed U.S. troops and Tony Blair.
C. Tony Blair attacked the villa where Saddam's sons were hiding.
D. Saddam was killed by Tony Blair and U.S. in Saddam's sons' villa.
E. The announcement of Saddam's son's death is welcomed by Tony Blair.

45.Dona : Where did you buy this new dress?

Dini : I bought it in “Matahari” department store. Why?
Dona : It seems very beautiful and suit on you.
Dini : ________.
a.Don’t be silly
b.Are you sure
c.Thank you
d.I don’t believe it
e.You are very kind to me

46. Isna : What’s wrong with you? You didn’t come to my wedding party yesterday.
Atik : I’m sorry. I have to accompany my husband to the dentist
From the dialogue we can conclude that__ .
a.Isna invited Atik to her wedding party
b.Isna didn’t invite Atik to her wedding party
c.Isna will invite Atik to her wedding party
d.Atik didn’t know it so she didn’t come
e.Atik came to the party with her husband.

47. Manager : Why was Yoga absent yesterday?

Jack : What did the manager want to know, Tari?
Tari : He wanted to know ___ .
a. if Yoga was absent
b. why Yoga was absent
c. why was Yoga absent
d. whether Yoga has been absent
e. why Yoga had been absent

48. Yusuf : Do you feel like coming to my birthday party next weekend?
Septi : I’d love to but I’m afraid I can’t. I have to take my parents to my brother’s
house in Jakarta
What does Septi mean with her statement?
a. She declines the invitation
b. She wants to come to the party
c. She approves of the invitation
d. She doesn’t like the party
e. She object to the invitation

49. Mother : Have you washed the dishes?

Rini : Sorry, I can’t hear you Mom?
Mother: I asked you ____ the dishes.
a. have you washed
b. had you washed
c. if you had washed
d. whether you can wash
e. whether you have washed

50. Amir : “Has Mother finally decided what to buy for herself?”
Riko : “I don’t know, let’s ask her what ___.”
a. does she want to buy
b. did she want to buy
c. will she buy
d. does she buy
e. she wants to buy

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