Modeling Torque Transmissibility For Automotive Dry Clutch Engagement

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Modeling torque transmissibility for automotive dry clutch engagement

Conference Paper  in  Proceedings of the American Control Conference · July 2008

DOI: 10.1109/ACC.2008.4586508 · Source: IEEE Xplore


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4 authors, including:

Francesco Vasca Luigi Iannelli

Università degli Studi del Sannio Università degli Studi del Sannio


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Modeling Torque Transmissibility
for Automotive Dry Clutch Engagement
Maurizio Taglialatela Scafati, Francesco Vasca, Luigi Iannelli, Adolfo Senatore

Abstract— A “good” model of the nonlinear characteristic of

the torque transmitted by a dry clutch vs. throwout bearing
position is fundamental for designing robust control strategies
for automated dry clutch engagement. The torque characteristic
is highly dependent on operating conditions such as wear, tem-
perature, slip speed, engagement velocity and on the dynamic
state of elastic components such as the Belleville washer spring,
the flat spring and the torsional damper springs. The paper tries
to point out the main aspects to be considered for the clutch
characteristic modeling and presents a model of the torque
transmissibility that takes into account the geometry of the
friction surfaces. The model can be viewed as a generalization
of existing models, can be integrated into a driveline dynamic
model and is suitable to be extended for considering also flat Fig. 1. Automotive dry clutch system (closed)
springs and thermic effects.

Dry clutches in cars and trucks are used to gradually
engage the engine to the drivetrain avoiding undesired jerks,
shocks and excessive wear, while in modern hybrid electric
vehicles are typically used as a reconfiguration element [1],
[2], [3]. They consists essentially of a steel disk covered with
a high friction material and a lever or an electro-hydraulic
mechanism which, exerting a force on the so-called pressure
plate by means of the leverage action carried out by the
diaphragm or Belleville washer spring, presses it against the
flywheel (clutch closed or engaged) or keeps it apart (clutch
open or disengaged), see Fig. 1 and Fig. 2. The washer spring Fig. 2. Main components of a clutch system: a) Belleville washer spring;
is basically a metal truncated cone used as an axial spring. b) clutch disk with the friction pad; c) throwout bearing
Along the internal diameter several wide cuts are made; the
resulting fingers are used as a leverage for loosening the
spring and thus control the opening or closing of the clutch. respectively generates the clutch torque, then transmitted
from the engine to the drivetrain. After a limited amount
The clutch external structure, the washer spring and the of time (engagement time) the two speeds become equal,
pressure plate are clamped on the flywheel (crankshaft side the plates stick and the engine is directly connected to the
in Fig. 1), while the clutch disk is placed at the end of the drivetrain.
gearbox primary shaft (mainshaft side in Fig. 1). During a Between the disk friction pads is placed a thin steel disk
typical closing engagement manoeuvre, the axial throwout (flat spring), with a circumferentially corrugated surface,
bearing slides over the transmission input shaft and moves designed with different radial stiffness in order to ensure the
back from Belleville spring; the direction of the release desired smoothness of engagement. The disk itself presents
force is swapped through the Belleville spring and so the torsional dampers springs, i.e. coil springs which damp out
clutch disk is forced against the flywheel, having a different torsional vibrations and harshness, see b in Fig. 2.
speed: the friction between the external pads on each side
of the clutch disk and the flywheel and the pressure plate A. Dry Clutches in AMT
Dry clutches are often used in Automated Manual Trans-
Maurizio Taglialatela Scafati and Adolfo Senatore are with the
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Università degli Studi di missions (AMTs), which present many advantages with
Salerno, Via Ponte Don Melillo 1, 84084 Fisciano, Salerno, Italy, respect to other automatic transmissions in terms of improve-
mtaglialatela, ment of safety, comfort, reliability, shifting quality and driv-
Francesco Vasca and Luigi Iannelli are with the Department of Engineer-
ing, Università degli Studi del Sannio, Piazza Roma 21, 82100 Benevento, ing performance together with reduction of fuel consumption
Italy, vasca, and pollutant emissions. In particular, AMTs during last

years won a large slice of large-series and ecological cars highly nonlinear with very high derivative, i.e. high equiv-
markets, thanks to their lower weight and higher efficiency alent gain in correspondence of the xto values of interest
with respect to other typologies of automatic transmissions, for the engagement. Therefore also small uncertainties in
but also generally lower development and production costs the characteristic cause a drastic change in the closed loop
since they are essentially derived from manual transmission behavior and robust closed loop controllers are difficult to
with the integration of servo-actuators into existing devices. be designed without having a good model of the torque
An overall strategy aiming at improving the gearshift transmissibility.
quality should include the reduction of shifting time, the Experimental studies have been conducted, mainly devoted
minimization of mean vehicle deceleration due to traction to the development of dedicated test rigs and design of
loss and the minimization of vehicle and driveline oscilla- test methodologies allowing the measurement of the torque
tions due to the variation of transmitted torque and, on the transmitted by a dry clutch with Belleville spring [11]. This
other hand, small friction losses and wear. paper provides a contribution to the definition of a more
Several gearshift and clutch engagement control strategies detailed torque transmission model, that also includes the
have been proposed in literature, see among others [4]- influence of geometry, Belleville washer spring and damper
[10]. In those contributions the clutch and gearbox actuator springs characteristics. The model is also suitable to be
dynamics have been described by simple models or have extended for considering flat spring and thermic effects.
been neglected. Nevertheless, modeling transmitted torque
simply as a stick-slip friction phenomenon means neglecting II. D RIVELINE M ODEL
the dynamics of clutch components which can considerably When the engine flywheel and the clutch disk are in
affect shifting performances, mainly when fast or comfort slipping operating conditions, a simplified model of the
maneuvers are required. driveline, useful for capturing the main dynamics and de-
tailed enough for control strategies, can be written as (J are
B. Why a Clutch Torque Model inertias, ω angular velocities, T torques and θ angles) [4],
A typical control scheme for AMT with dry clutch is
reported in Fig. 3 [4]. The throwout bearing position xto Je ω̇e = Te (ωe ) − Tf (xto ) (1a)
determines the pressure between the flywheel disk and the Jc ω̇c = Tf (xto ) − Tds (θc − θm ) (1b)
clutch disk and therefore the transmitted torque during the
Jeq (ig , id ) ω̇m = Tds (θc − θm ) − T̃m (ig , id , ∆θmw , ωm , ωw )
slipping phases. The nonlinear characteristic Tf (xto ) relates
the throwout bearing position xto to the torque transmitted
by the clutch. Jw ω̇w = ig id T̃m (ig , id , ∆θmw , ωm , ωw ) − TL (ωw )
The knowledge of the clutch torque transmissibility and (1d)
especially the capability of forecasting its evolution during θ̇c = ωc (1e)
the clutch life, is one of the most notable problem for the
θ̇m = ωm (1f)
design of the servo-assisted AMTs controller, also because ωm
it is usually impossible to introduce torque sensors into the ∆θ̇mw = − ωw (1g)
ig id
clutch structure for providing a feedback signal for the clutch
servo-assisted controller. where xto is the throwout bearing position; the subscripts
e, c, m, w indicate engine, clutch, mainshaft and wheels,
respectively. The gear ratio is ig , whilst id is the differential
ratio and
1 Jt
Jeq (ig , id ) = Jm + 2 Js1 + Js2 + 2 (2a)
ig id
1 ωm
T̃m = kmw ∆θmw + βmw − ωw
ig id ig id
Fig. 3. Typical AMT dry clutch control scheme.
being Js1 and Js2 the inertias of the two disks connected
to the synchronizer and Jm the mainshaft inertia; TL is
The clutch wear drastically influences such characteristic the load torque; k indicates elastic stiffness coefficients and
and thus the torque transmission. Moreover the clutch char- β denotes viscous damping coefficients; Tf is the friction
acteristic is also influenced by the dependence of the friction clutch torque transmitted during slipping phase. As the
behavior on temperature, slip speed and actuation velocity, friction pads is usually in contact with different materials
so modeling in detail the clutch torque transmissibility rep- (flywheel on engine side and pressure plate on gearbox
resents one of the key issues for the design and evaluation of side), the friction torque should be considered as the sum of
engagement and gearshift control strategies. Such a need is torque transmitted by the two (or more) pads. For the same
also motivated by the fact that the characteristic Tf (xto ) is reasons, a more detailed modeling of clutch system should

also include the angular speeds of friction pads. Thus ωc or by inverting (3b):
represents the clutch angular velocity after the engagement  
phase, or when the clutch structure can be considered rigid ˆ c + 1 T̂L
T̂f (xto ) = Jv (ig , id ) ω̇
. (6)
with respect to torsional dynamics. ig id ig id
The variable Tds represents the torque transmitted through Such types of estimators are easy to be implemented on
the damper spring. The presence of torsional damper spring electronic control units but suffer for noise and uncertainties
is due to the well known demand to filter out the torque in the computation of the needed variables. Indeed in both
spikes and aciclicity generated by the engine [12]; even cases one need to estimate accelerations, of the engine for (5)
though their effects is substantial during steady-state con- and of the mainshaft for (6) and torques, of the engine for (5)
ditions, it is reasonable that also during the engagement the and of the load for (6). In order to reduce such problems one
influence of their dynamics may be significant. A typical can use (5) when the engine speed is constant (the clutch
damper spring characteristic is reported in Fig. 4. torque will be equal to the engine torque). The relation (6) is
instead usually used when the clutch is locked–up in order to
estimate the part of engine torque transmitted by the clutch
(clutch efficiency), by using a suitable estimation of load
torque TL , which should also take into account the effects
of wheels rolling drag and the air resistance [12].
In this section, also through a comparison with existing
methods, the novel approach for clutch transmission model
based on the estimation of a contact pressure distribution will
be presented.
A. Maximum Transmissible Torque
Fig. 4. Typical damper spring characteristic.
So as described above the torque transmitted by a dry
clutch is mainly due to the friction phenomenon between
When the clutch is engaged the engine speed ωe and the the friction pads on the clutch disk and the flywheel and
clutch disk speed ωc are equal. The corresponding engaged pressure plate. In order to avoid slipping when the clutch
model can be obtained by adding (1a) and (1b) with the is locked–up, the torque produced by the engine must be
assumption ωe ≡ ωc . always lower than the maximum transmissible torque
It is possible to carry out a reduction of the driveline
model (1), by considering the driveshaft to be rigid. By Tf M = µs Rm Fn0 (7)
assuming ωc = ωm = ig id ωw , by reporting the vehicle
inertia to the mainshaft and by adding (1b)-(1d) one obtains µs being the static friction coefficient, Rm the medium be-
the following model: tween the internal and external radii of clutch disk and Fn0 is
the pressure plate pre-charge corresponding to the operating
condition in which the clutch is locked–up. Equation (7) is
Je ω̇e = Te (ωe ) − Tf (xto ) (3a) also used at the design stage in order to fix the pre-charge
value Fn0 : given the maximum engine torque, say Temax , the
1 ωc
Jv (ig , id ) ω̇c = Tf (xto ) − TL (3b) value of Fn0 can be chosen as
ig id ig id
where Temax
Fn0 = δ (8)
1 µs Rm
Jv (ig , id ) = Jc + Jeq (ig , id ) + 2 2 Jw . (4) where δ is a safety coefficient typically chosen between 1.2
ig id
and 1.5, depending on the vehicle type and on the operating
The model (3) is simple enough for the design of control conditions. So, if the torque Te is larger than Tf M the clutch
strategies for AMT. On the other hand, if one want to use disk will start slipping with respect to the flywheel.
either the model (1) or (3) for control design purposes, a During the clutch engagement, by neglecting axial dy-
good knowledge of the nonlinear characteristic Tf (xto ) is namic phenomena, one can estimate the torque transmitted
needed. by the clutch by means of an expression similar to (7):
A possible way for the computation of the torque trans-
mitted by the clutch consists of using dynamic model in-
Tf (xto ) = µRm Fn (xto ) (9)
version [4]. For simplicity let us consider the reduced order
model (3). In order to obtain the clutch torque Tf one could where µ is the dynamic friction coefficient and the pressure
invert (3a): plate load Fn is now a function of the varying throwout
bearing position xto . In other words, with such modeling
ˆ e + T̂e (ωe )
T̂f (xto ) = −Je ω̇ (5) approach the transmitted torque Tf is thought as due to

contact with the flywheel, mainly because the clutch hub
easily moves along the gearbox primary shaft and conse-
quently the clutch disk and the pressure plate cannot be in
such a contact to transmit a significant torque. In particular,
we define Fen (xto ) as the pressure plate load causing non
zero transmitted torque which can be expressed as

Fn (xto ) xto < x̄to
Fn (xto , x̄to ) =
e (11)
0 xto > x̄to
where x̄to is the smallest position of throwout stroke for
which the transmitted torque is zero.
Fig. 5. A typical Belleville characteristic; the characteristic depends on the Therefore (9) can be substituted by
type of manoeuvre (opening or closing), showing an hysteretic behavior.
Tf (xto , x̄to ) = µRm Fen (xto , x̄to ). (12)
For the sake of simplicity in the sequel we omit the depen-
friction and is modulated by means of the throwout bearing
dence on xto and x̄to .
position that determines the normal force Fn (xto ) applied to
the clutch disk. C. Contact Pressure Based Model

B. Clamp Load The proposed model of the clutch torque transmission

takes into account also aspects related to the clutch geometry.
In order to have a good estimation of the clutch torque it is The friction torque transmitted by a single friction pad
then important to model the clamp load at the pressure plate depends on Fen which can be written as
Fn (xto ). On the other hand it is much easier to measure
Z 2π Z R2
the load at the throwout bearing, say Fto (xto ). Such load
is well known also in manual transmission system because Fen = σ ρ dρ dϕ (13)
0 R1
it directly corresponds to the load that a driver feels at the
clutch pedal. The relationship between the clamp load at the where ρ and ϕ are the radial and angular geometric variables
pressure plate and the load at the throwout bearing is not of the friction pad surface (ρ = 0 at the center of the clutch
immediate to deduce; in the following we assume such a disk); the parameters R1 and R2 are the inner and outer radii
relation being obtainable by means of a load-constant lever of clutch friction pads; and σ = σ(ρ, ϕ, Fen ) is the pressure
ratio, say ρB : distribution on friction pads.
Within the above geometric framework the friction torque
can be written as
Fn (xto ) = Fn0 − ρB Fto (xto ). (10) Z 2π Z R2
A typical nonlinear stiffness relation between the throwout Tf = τ (ρ, ϕ, Fen ) ρ2 dρ dϕ (14)
0 R1
bearing position xto and the load at the throwout Fto is
reported in Fig. 5 [13]. A clever choice of the shape of this where τ (ρ, ϕ, Fen ) is the distribution of tangential stress along
characteristic, set by the dimensions of the washer spring and the friction surfaces of clutch. By defining
matched by a corresponding flat spring, allows to strongly R 2π R R2
reduce the force needed to fully open the clutch. Indeed, τ ρ2 dρ dϕ
such a characteristic presents an initial section rising in a Rµ = R02π RRR1 1 (15)
0 R1
σ ρ dρ dϕ
practically linear manner, related to the deformation of the
disk internal fingers and an intermediate section with a neg- and by using (13), the expression (14) can be rewritten as
ative slope, which makes the Belleville particularly suitable
to be used in regulation process and to assure progressive Tf = Rµ Fen . (16)
transmission of engine torque, during the gearshift and the
In order to obtain an expression for Tf one must now
start from standstill, contributing to the driver comfort.
detail the tangential stress τ and the normal pressure σ. To
Let assume that the clutch is locked–up. Then in order
this aim a typical assumption made in friction mechanics is
to avoid slipping Te < Tf M where Tf M is given by (7). As
opening phase starts and xto increases, Fn (xto given by (10)
τ (ρ, ϕ, Fen ) = µ(ρωsl ) σ(ρ, ϕ, Fen ) (17)
decreases. When Te becomes larger than Tf given by (7) with
µ = µs , a slipping phase starts and the torque transmitted where µ(v) is the friction coefficient, v being the tangential
by the clutch becomes equal to (9). By increasing xto the velocity. Since v = ρωsl , the friction coefficient is a function
pressure plate is moved away form the clutch disk. Then also of the slip speed ωsl , i.e. the difference of angular speeds
the contact between the clutch disk and the flywheel reduces. between engine ωe and clutch disk ωc during the engagement
Supported by experimental evidence, we assume that the and it is different for each radius of clutch disk. Different
clutch torque is transmitted only when the clutch disk is in models for the function µ(v) have been proposed in the

literature [14], [15], [16]. Mainly one could say that the
function is assumed to be a signum function of the velocity,
i.e. Coulomb friction, or a smooth approximation of such
Je 0.2 [kgm2 ] Jc 0.1 [kgm2 ]
behavior usually introduced to avoid the numerical problems Jeq 0.670 [kgm2 ] Jw 133 [kgm2 ]
associated with the simulation of discontinuities in Coulomb kds 60 [Nm/rad] kmw 6200 [Nm/rad]
friction at zero velocity. It is important to point out that ig 3.08 id 3.94
assuming a smooth function for µ(v) = µ(ρωsl ) makes a βmw 295 [Nms/rad] βe 0.03 [Nms/rad]
µ = µs 0.28 ρB 1.1
relevant difference for the computation of the integral (15). TL 40 [Nm] Fn0 3000 [N]
By considering µ(ρωsl ) = signum(ρωsl ) and ωsl positive, R1 74 [mm] R2 108 [mm]
µ will not depend on ρ thus simplifying the computation
of (15).
By using (17) and µ constant in (15), the only function
to be defined will be the pressure distribution σ. If we have
uniform contact pressure distribution on contact surface σ is Tf = µ R2 + ri (Fen ) Fen . (22)
constant and (15) becomes 2
Other expressions for the clutch torque characteristic can
2 R3 − R13 be obtained by assuming different expressions for the pres-
Rµ = µ 22 (18)
3 R2 − R12 sure distribution. A pressure distribution on the friction pads
and (16) reduces to the classical expression used for the has been supposed taking into account the same aspects
friction torque [17]. Under similar assumptions but with which are in common with many other surface contacts
uniform wear of pad during contacts, σ will be proportional (Hertzian elastic theory of contact). The dependence of σ
to the inverse of ρ and (15) becomes on the ϕ variable is neglected (the pressure distribution is
considered unvaryingly distributed along a generic circum-
1 ference). Therefore the pressure distribution can be written
Rµ = µ(R1 + R2 ) (19)
2 as
which leads for (16) to another known form for the friction
torque [17]. During the closing phase of the clutch engage- 
e(ρ, Fen ) ri ≤ ρ ≤ R2
ment, the contact between the clutch disk and the flywheel is σ(ρ, ϕ, Fen ) = σ(ρ, Fen ) =
0 R1 ≤ ρ ≤ ri
designed to begin at the outer sector of the flywheel and to (23)
continue towards the inner area, with a consequent increase
e being a continuous function with the boundary conditions:
of the contact surface area, i.e. the contact is assumed to
occur for ρ ∈ [ri (Fen ), R2 ]. The behavior of the internal
radius ri of the contact surface with respect to the pressure σ
e(ri ) = 0, σ
e(R2 ) = 0.
plate load can be modeled as a function of Fen , subject to
the following constraints: A possible expression for σ̃ is

e(ρ, F̃n ) = k(Fen )(R2 − ρ)(ρ − ri (Fen )).

σ (24)
ri (0) = R2 , (20a)
ri (Fen (x̄to )) = R0 , (20b) The value k(Fen ) can be directly derived by means of the
equilibrium condition (13), which is always acceptable for
ri (Fen (xto )) = R1 , for xto ≤ x̂to (20c)
each Fen assumed during contact history of engagement.
with R1 ≤ R0 < R2 parameter to be designed and x̂to ≤ x̄to
is the value of the throwout bearing position for which the IV. N UMERICAL R ESULTS
entire surface of the friction pads is in contact with the
flywheel and pressure plate. By assuming a load dependent In order to show the effectiveness of the proposed model-
internal radius of the region of contact, if the pressure ing approach, some numerical results have been obtained by
distribution is assumed to be constant the expression of Rµ implementing a closing engagement process in the Matlab
will be (18) with ri (Fen ) replacing R1 and the torque (16) environment. Note that in common approach, the clutch
can be expressed as transmitted torques usually considered are those obtained by
using the (19) or (18) into the (16), while the novel approach
2 R23 − ri (Fen )3 e proposed in this paper is based on the estimation of the
Tf = µ Fn . (21) evolution of contact surface between the clutch disk and the
3 R22 − ri (Fen )2
washer spring based on the relation F̃n (xto ).
If the pressure distribution is assumed to be proportional The simulations will be carried out by using the parameters
to the inverse of ρ the expression of Rµ will be (19) with reported in Table I. We assumed Tds (θc − θm ) = kds (θc −
ri (Fen ) replacing R1 and the torque (16) can be expressed θm ), the parameter ig is chosen as the one for the first gear
as and −βe ωe represent the friction losses of the engine.

A. Static Simulations On the other hand, when compared with torque evaluated
At the beginning of closing manouver and when xto < with the hypothesis of a constant pressure distribution, the
x̄to , so that transmission torque is different from zero, the relative percentage difference of uniform wear torque is at
parameter R0 is assumed to define a first contact surface the most about 2 per cent.
between the pressure plate and the clutch disk of about 10
per cent of the total surface area π(R22 − R12 ).
The values Fen are extracted from Belleville washer spring
in correspondence with the the throwout bearing position xto
assuring a non-zero torque transmitted and by multiplying
them for the lever ratio discussed in the previous section.
As to the expression defining the relation ri (Fen ), two
possible cubic functions differing from concavity and a linear
behaviour have been analyzed, see Fig. 6.

Fig. 8. Torque transmitted in relation with throwout bearing position:

(··) uniform contact pressure distribution, (*) uniform wear, (-) linear, (- -)
convex, (- ·) concave evolution of inner radius.

Fig. 6. Inner radius evolution with the clamp load F˜n : (-) linear, (- -)
convex, (- ·) concave.

Fig. 7 clearly shows that values of the coefficient k(F˜n )

defined in the (24) depend from the assumed evolution of
internal radius with F˜n , achieving higher values in corre-
spondence of a slower increasing of contact surface.
Fig. 9. Relative percentage difference in relation with throwout bearing
position between torque estimated with hypothesis of (-) linear, (- -) convex,
(- ·) concave evolution of inner radius with respect to torque computed with
hypothesis of uniform wear.

Such a sensitivity analysis could be conducted also with

respect to other parameters influencing the torque transmit-
ted, for example the radius R0 defining the first contact sur-
face at the beginning of an engagement closing manoeuvre.
The simulations results are reported in Fig. 10, where it is
evident that uncertainties on evolution of surface contact at
the beginning of closing engagement could severely affect
the evaluation of torque transmitted with respect to those
Fig. 7. Coefficient k [N/m4 ] of (24): inner radius with a linear (-), convex estimated with uniform wear or uniform contact pressure
(- -), concave (- ·) evolution.

The numerical results of the torque transmitted related B. Dynamic Simulations

with the corresponding throwout bearing position are re- In order to simulate and analyze a realistic clutch engage-
ported in Fig. 8, where the different curves seems almost ment and design an adequate controller for smooth clutch
to coincide. Indeed it should be noted that the relative per- engagement, the model of transmissibility torque has been
centage difference between the transmitted torque evaluated integrated within a classical control architecture simulating
by using (16) with (15), (17) and (24) and assuming one of the driveline model (1). The controller output signals are
the previous behaviour for ri (F˜n ) and the torque estimated the reference engine torque Teref and the reference throwout
with the assumption of unform wear, i.e. (16) with (19), may bearing position xref
to and are generated by two PI controllers
assume significantly high values, as confirmed by the Fig. 9. designed by applying the classical single-input single-output

Fig. 10. Relative percentage difference in relation with throwout bearing Fig. 11. Engine and clutch speeds with the decoupling controller for
position between torque estimated for different initial inner radius R0 : (-) nominal and uncertain clutch characteristics.
(R2 − R0 ) = 0.1 · (R2 − R1 ), (- -) (R2 − R0 ) = 0.25 · (R2 − R1 ), (- ·)
(R2 − R0 ) = 0.40 · (R2 − R1 ).

essentially as a friction torque and taking into account the

presence of Belleville washer spring and the evolution of
linear controller techniques on the basis of the reference contact surface between the pressure plate and the clutch
speeds ωeref and ωcref . The reference signal xref
to is actuated disk during an engagement manoeuvre. A sensitivity analysis
by the closed-loop electrohydraulic actuator approximated by is conducted on the influence of geometric and operating
a first-order system while xto is converted to the transmitted parameters upon the clutch transmitted torque with the
torque Tf through the static clutch characteristic estimated results that the relative percentage difference between the
with the friction model presented in the previous section. A torque evaluated with a more accurate friction model and
feedback loop on the clutch velocity provides the reference the torque evaluated with the hypothesis of uniform wear
clutch torque Tcref , whereas the loop on the engine speed or uniform contact pressure distribution could be significant.
provides the desired difference between the engine torque The analysis conducted in this paper is the first step the
and the clutch torque. By adding to this signal the trans- authors have made within an ambitious project aiming at
mitted torque, the reference engine torque is obtained, so modeling the transmissible torque taking into account all
reproducing a decoupling controller, previously used in [7] uncertainties and to design a robust control strategy able
and exploited also in [10]. to compensate them. Next steps towards this goal will be
Numerical simulations at vehicle start–up have been con- to include into the proposed model the flat spring dynamic
ducted in order to capture the effect of uncertainties of clutch effects, a more detailed model for the relationship between
torque characteristic upon all so far proposed clutch control the load at the throwout and the load at the pressure plate
strategies in terms of engine and clutch speeds behavior, and the thermic effects.
engine and clutch torques, throwout bearing positions.
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