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Aker Powergas Pvt. Ltd.


Client : IOCL VADODARA Rev. Prep. By Date Chkd. By Date

Project : RU & MS/HSD QIP (DCU) 0 BJD ### TD ###

Subject Calculations for sizing of
Pump foundations.

F O U N D A T I O N F O R PUMP - 2095-P-11 A/B

Codes, Standards, Books & References :
a) IS : 2974 (Part I to V) - Design & Construction of Machine Foundation - Code of Practice
b) Hand book of Machine Foundations by P.Srinivasulu and C.V. Vaidyanathan
c) Design Specification for Foundation, Doc. No. A-6235-110-006, Rev. 1
d) Design Specification for Concrete Construction, Doc. No. A-6235-110-002, Rev. 1
e) Vendor Drg. No. GA81203408-R0

1.0 Geometrical Properties of Base Area ( in contact with soil )


No. m. m. m 2 xi (m) yi (m) SELF SELF
1 3.600 2.100 7.560 1.800 1.050 8.16 2.78
Total 7.560 8.16 2.78

C.G. of Base area : X bar = 1.800 Y bar = 1.050 Iy = 8.16 m 4

Ix = 2.78 m 4
Iz = 10.94 m 4

Top of Pedestal above HPP/FGL 0.300 m

Height of Pedestal : (H) : 1.300 m

Depth of Foundation below HPP/FGL ### m

Soil Properties (From Soil report )

Coefficient of Elastic uniform compression : (Cz) 0.860 kg/cm3 => 860.0 t/m3

Coefficient of Elastic non-uniform compression ( Rocking mode)

1.490 : (C
kg/cm3 )
q=>1490.0 t/m3

Coefficient of Elastic non-uniform shear ( Twisting mode) : (CYkg/cm

0.645 ) 3
=> 645.0 t/m3

Coefficient of Elastic uniform shear ( Horizontal Translatory mode)

0.430 : (C
kg/cm 3 )
t 430.0 t/m3

Unit Weight of Soil 1.800 t/m3

Safe Bearing Capacity of Soil 3.0 t/m2

Gross Bearing Capacity of Soil ### t/m2

3.0 Common Centre of Gravity of Machine and Foundation

Concrete Density = ### T/m3

Foundation Block

1 of 39
Aker Powergas Pvt. Ltd. 6235-PEIN08-2095

Client : IOCL VADODARA Rev. Prep. By Date Chkd. By Date

Project : RU & MS/HSD QIP (DCU) 0 BJD ### TD ###

Subject Calculations for sizing of
Pump foundations.

No. m. m. m. t. t.sec /m
2 xi yi zi mi*xi mi*yi mi*zi
1 Foundation3.600 2.100 1.300 24.570 2.505 1.800 1.050 0.650 4.508 2.630 1.628
2 Pump Skid - - - 5.340 0.544 2.170 0.901 2.355 1.181 0.490 1.282
TOTAL 29.910 3.049 5.689 3.120 2.910

a) Xc = 1.866 m b) Yc = 1.023 m c) Zc = 0.954 m

Eccentricity of Centre of gravity of foundation and machinery system from the centroid of the foundation base area :
ex = 1.835 % Within the permissiable limit of 5.0 %
ey = 1.267 % Within the permissiable limit of 5.0 %

4.0 Mass moments of inertia of Machine and Foundation

Sr.No. Moment of Inertia of foundation element @ XXoi=Xc-Xi Yoi=Yc-Yi Zoi=Zc-Zi Xxi Yyi Zzi
through C.G of the element
Q'x Q'y Q'z
1 1.273 3.058 3.625 Q'x = 0.066 0.027 0.304 0.234 0.243 0.013
2 ### ### ### sigma (Lyi2+Lzi2)*mi/12
0.304 0.122 1.401 1.076 1.118 0.058

Q'y =
sigma (Lxi2+Lzi2)*mi/12

Q'z =
sigma (Lyi2+Lxi2)*mi/12

TOTAL ### ### ### 0.370 0.149 1.705 1.310 1.361 0.071

6.0 Design

Refer Vendor Drg. No. LK-0939, LK-0940 & LK-0940 for Foundation Loading Data

Total Unbalanced forces in X Direction =Px 0.000 t

Total Unbalanced forces in Z Direction =Pz 0.000 t

Total Unbalanced forces in Y Direction =Py 1.080 t

Total Unbalanced Primary Moment about x =Mx Kg-m = 0.000 tm

Total Unbalanced Secondary Moment about x =Mx Kg-m = 0.000 tm

Total Unbalanced Primary Moment about Y =My Kg-m = 0.000 tm

Total Unbalanced Secondary Moment about Y =My Kg-m = 0.000 tm

Total Unbalanced Primary Moment about Z =Mz Kg-m = 0.000 tm

Total Unbalanced Secondary Moment about Z =Mz Kg-m = 0.000 tm

Operating frequence of Pump (fm) ### RPM 49.500 cps

Operating circular frequency of Compressor (w ### sec-1

Operating frequence of Motor (fm) ### RPM 49.500 cps

Operating circular frequency of Motor (w2m) ### sec-1

7.0 Vibration in X-Z plane ( Rocking & Lateral Translation )

The moment of inertia (Iy) of the base area

about the axis passing through its centre
of gravity & perpendicular to the plane
of vibration : 8.16 m 4

2 of 39
Aker Powergas Pvt. Ltd. 6235-PEIN08-2095

Client : IOCL VADODARA Rev. Prep. By Date Chkd. By Date

Project : RU & MS/HSD QIP (DCU) 0 BJD ### TD ###

Subject Calculations for sizing of
Pump foundations.
The mass moment of inertia (Qy) of the whole
system @the y axis passing through the common
centre of gravity & perpendicular to the plane
of vibration (Q'y + sigmaYyi) : ### t.m.sec 2

The mass moment of inertia (Qoy) @ the axis passing

through the centroid of the base area & perpandicular
to the plane of vibration (Qy + M*Zc*Zc) : ### t.m.sec 2

The ratio ay = Qy/Qoy : ###

Limiting frequencies

a) wqy2 = (Cq*Iy - W*Zc)/Qoy : ### sec-2

b) w2x = Ct*Af/m : ### sec-2
a) + b) : ### sec-2
4 * ay * a) * b) : ### sec-4

Coupled natural frequencies

wn 4 - (wqy 2 + wx 2)*wn 2 / ay + wqy2*wx2/ay = 0

Substituting the values and solving the roots w2n1 & w2n2

w2n1 = 0.5*(wqy2 + wx 2 + sqrt((wqy 2 + wx2 ) 2 - 4*ay*wqy2 *wx : ### sec-2

w2n2 = 0.5*(wqy2 + wx 2 - sqrt((wqy 2 + wx 2) 2 - 4*ay*wqy2 *wx : ### sec-2

Corresponding natural frequencies are

fn1 = ### cps

fn2 = ### cps

As per IS: 2974 Part IV - 1979 clause 5.3

fn / f oper shall be < 0.8 or > 1.20

fn1 /f operating(comp.) = ### ###

fn2/f operating (comp.) = ### ###

fn1 /f operating (motor) = ### ###

fn2/f operating (motor) = ### ###

Frequency shall be checked for double RPM for Secondary unbalanced forces & moment

fn1 /f operating(comp.) = ### ###

fn2/f operating (comp.) = ### ###

fn1 /f operating (motor) = ### ###

fn2/f operating (motor) = ### ###


As per Vendor Drg. No. LK-0940 (Compressor Foundation)

Permissible Amplitude = 25.000 mm

Check for Allowable Amplitudes for Compressor :

The coefficient f (w2m ) = m*Qy*(w2n1 -w2m 2)*(w2n2 - w2m ) = ###

Horizontal Amplitude ax = ((Cq*Iy-W*S+Ct*Af*S 2 -Qy*w2m )*Px+Ct*Af*S*My)/f(w

### mm.

3 of 39
Aker Powergas Pvt. Ltd. 6235-PEIN08-2095

Client : IOCL VADODARA Rev. Prep. By Date Chkd. By Date

Project : RU & MS/HSD QIP (DCU) 0 BJD ### TD ###

Subject Calculations for sizing of
Pump foundations.
Rotational Amplitude (aqy)

aqy = Ct*Af*S*Px/f(w2m ) + (Ct*Af-mw2m)*My/f(w2m) = ###

Where, S = Zc
Net amplitude at the foundation base level (Ab) = ax-S*aqy = ### mm. ###

Net amplitude at the top of foundation (At) = a x+(H-S)*aqy = ### mm. ###

Check for Allowable Amplitudes for Motor :

The coefficient f (w2m ) = m*Qy*(w2n1 -w2m 2)*(w2n2 - w2m ) = ###

Horizontal Amplitude ax = ((Cq*Iy-W*S+Ct*Af*S 2 -Qy*w2m )*Px+Ct*Af*S*My)/f(w

### mm.

Rotational Amplitude (aqy)

aqy = Ct*Af*S*Px/f(w2m ) + (Ct*Af-mw2m)*My/f(w2m) = ###

Net amplitude at the foundation base level (Ab) = ax-S*aqy = ### mm. ###

Net amplitude at the top of foundation (At) = a x+(H-S)*aqy = ### mm. ###

Dynamic forces For Machine

Horizontal force (Pd) considering fatigue factor as 3.0

Pd = 3.0 * Ct * Af * Ab
Pd = ### t.

Dynamic moment (Md) considering fatigue factor as 3.0

Md = 3.0 * Cq * Iy * aqy
Md = ### t.m

8.0 Vibration in Y-Z plane(Rocking & Lateral Translation )

The moment of inertia (Ix) of the base area

about the axis passing through its centre
of gravity & perpendicular to the plane
of vibration : 2.778 m 4

The mass moment of inertia (Qx) of the whole

system @the x axis passing through the common
centre of gravity & perpendicular to the plane
of vibration (Q'x + sigmaXxi) : ### t.m.sec 2

The mass moment of inertia (Qox) @ the axis passing

through the centroid of the base area & perpandicular
to the plane of vibration (Qx + M*Zc*Zc) : ### t.m.sec 2

The ratio ax = Qx/Qox : ###

Limiting frequencies

a) w2qx = (Cq*Ix - WT*Zc)/Qox : ### sec-2

b) wy 2 = Ct*Af/m : ### sec-2
a) + b) : ### sec-2
4 * ax * a) * b) : ### sec-4

Coupled natural frequencies

wn 4 - (wqx 2 + wy 2)*wn 2 / ax + wqx2*wy2/ax = 0

Substituting the values and solving the roots w2n1 & w2n2

w2n1 = 0.5*(wqx2 + wy 2 + sqrt((wqx 2 + wy2 ) 2 - 4*ax*wqx2 *wy : ### sec-2

w2n2 = 0.5*(wqy2 + wx 2 - sqrt((wqx 2 + wy 2) 2 - 4*ax*wqx2 *wy : ### sec-2

4 of 39
Aker Powergas Pvt. Ltd. 6235-PEIN08-2095

Client : IOCL VADODARA Rev. Prep. By Date Chkd. By Date

Project : RU & MS/HSD QIP (DCU) 0 BJD ### TD ###

Subject Calculations for sizing of
Pump foundations.
Corresponding natural frequencies are

fn1 = ### cps

fn2 = ### cps

As per IS: 2974 Part IV - 1979 clause 5.3

fn / f oper shall be < 0.8 or > 1.20

fn1 /f operating (comp.) ### ###

fn2 /f operating (comp.) ### ###

fn1 /f operating (motor) = ### ###

fn2/f operating (motor) = ### ###

Frequency shall be checked for double RPM for Secondary unbalanced forces & moment

fn1 /f operating(comp.) = ### ###

fn2/f operating (comp.) = ### ###

fn1 /f operating (motor) = ### ###

fn2/f operating (motor) = ### ###


Permissible Amplitude = 25.000 mm

Check for Allowable Amplitudes for Compressor :

The coefficient f(w2m ) = m*Qx*(w2n1 -w2m 2)*(w2n 2 - w = ###

Horizontal Amplitude Ay = ((Cq*Ix-W*S+Ct*Af*S 2 -Qx*w2m )*Py+Ct*Af*S*Mx)/f(w

### mm.

Rotational Amplitude (aqx)

aqx = Ct*Af*S*Py/f(w2m ) + (Ct*Af-m*w2m )*Mx/f(w"m 2) = ###

Where, S = Zc
Net amplitude at the foundation base level (Ab) = Ay-S*aqx = ### mm. ###

Net amplitude at the top of foundation (At) = Ay+(H-S)*aqx = ### mm. ###

Check for Allowable Amplitudes for Motor :

The coefficient f(w2m ) = m*Qx*(w2n1 -w2m 2)*(w2n 2 - w = ###

Horizontal Amplitude Ay = ((Cq*Ix-W*S+Ct*Af*S 2 -Qx*w2m )*Py+Ct*Af*S*Mx)/f(w

### mm.

Rotational Amplitude (aqx)

aqx = Ct*Af*S*Py/f(w2m ) + (Ct*Af-m*w2m )*Mx/f(w"m 2) = ###

Net amplitude at the foundation base level (Ab) = Ay-S*aqx = ### mm. ###

Net amplitude at the top of foundation (At) = Ay+(H-S)*Aqx = ### mm. ###

Dynamic forces for Machine

Horizontal force (Pd) considering fatigue factor as 3.0

Pd = 3.0 * Ct * Af * Ab
Pd = ### t.
Dynamic moment (Md) considering fatigue factor as 3.0
Md = 3.0 * Cq * Ix * aqx
Md = ### t.m

5 of 39
Aker Powergas Pvt. Ltd. 6235-PEIN08-2095

Client : IOCL VADODARA Rev. Prep. By Date Chkd. By Date

Project : RU & MS/HSD QIP (DCU) 0 BJD ### TD ###

Subject Calculations for sizing of
Pump foundations.

9.0 Vibration in X-Y plane : (Yawing or Twisting Motion about Z-axis) (Uncoupled)

Natural frequency for twisting mode : ### sec -1

w = Sqrt(Cj*Iz/Qz) i.e. ### r.p.m.

fn = ### cps

As per IS: 2974 Part IV - 1979 clause 5.3

fn / f oper shall be < 0.8 or > 1.20

fn / f operating (comp) = ### => 0.800 Since, difference is very less & amplitude is within limits. Hence, O.K.

fn / f operating (motor) = ### ###

Frequency shall be checked for double RPM for Secondary unbalanced forces & moment

fn / f operating (comp) = ### ###

fn / f operating (motor) = ### ###


Permissible Amplitude = 25.000 mm

Check for Allowable Amplitudes for Compressor :

Amplitude Az : =(1/(w2-w"m2))*To*To/Qz = mm
### ###

Check for Allowable Amplitudes for Motor :

Amplitude Az : =(1/(w2-w"m2))*To*To/Qz
= ###

9.0 Check for Soil Stress

Since the eccentricity of the centre of gravity of the machine and foundation with respect to centroid of base area is small,
the soil reaction due to the dead loads is assumed to be uniform.

Static weight of machine and foundation = 29.910 t

Dynamic Moment Md XZ = ### tm

Dynamic Moment Md YZ = ### tm

Maximum and minimum soil stress are given by

Max. / Min. soil stress = (P/A ) +/- (Md XZ /Zyy) +/- (MdYZ/Zxx)

= 29.910 +/- ### +/- ###

7.560 8.165 2.778

= 3.956 +/- ### +/- ###

Maximum soil stress = ### t/m2 < 4.800 t/m2 ###

Minimum soil stress = ### t/m2 No Tension

As per TOYO Specification Doc. No. A-6235-110-006 Rev. 1 Clause 3.3 & IS:2974 - Part I Clause Soil Stress below foundation under
Dead Loads shall not exceed 80% of the allowable Soil Bearing Capacity.
Soil Stress under Dead Lo 3.956 t/m2
80% of the allowable bearing Capac 3.840 t/m2 > 3.956 t/m2

10.0 Reinforcement

Since this is a rigid block foundation, minimum reinforcement is provided as per IS 2974(Part 1)
Provide 12f Tor at 200c/c peripheral steel in both horizontal and vertical directions,
Provide shrinkage steel of 12f Tor at 200 c/c in all three directions.

6 of 39
Job No. PEIN08
Doc. No.
Revision 0
F O U N D A T I O N F O R PUMP - 2095-P-10 A/B 23rd October 2008
Codes, Standards, Books & References :
a) IS : 2974 (Part I to V) - Design & Construction of Machine Foundation - Code of Practice
b) Hand book of Machine Foundations by P.Srinivasulu and C.V. Vaidyanathan
c) Design Specification for Foundation, Doc. No. A-6235-110-006, Rev. 1
d) Design Specification for Concrete Construction, Doc. No. A-6235-110-002, Rev. 1
e) Vendor Drg. No. GA81203407-R0

1.0 Geometrical Properties of Base Area ( in contact with soil )


No. m. m. m 2 xi (m) yi (m) SELF SELF
1 3.400 1.445 4.913 1.700 0.723 4.73 0.85
Total 4.913 4.73 0.85

C.G. of Base area : X bar = 1.700 Y bar = 0.723 Iy = 4.73 m 4

Ix = 0.85 m 4
Iz = 5.59 m 4

Top of Pedestal above HPP/FGL 0.300 m

Height of Pedestal : (H) : 1.300 m

Depth of Foundation below HPP/FGL 1.000 m

Soil Properties (From Soil report )

Coefficient of Elastic uniform compression : (Cz) 0.860 kg/cm3 => 860.0 t/m3

Coefficient of Elastic non-uniform compression ( Rocking mode)1.490

: (Cq )kg/cm3 => 1490.0 t/m3

Coefficient of Elastic non-uniform shear ( Twisting mode) : (CY )0.645 kg/cm3 => 645.0 t/m3

Coefficient of Elastic uniform shear ( Horizontal Translatory mode) : (Ctkg/cm

0.430 ) 3
=> 430.0 t/m3

Unit Weight of Soil 1.800 t/m3

Safe Bearing Capacity of Soil 3.0 t/m2

Gross Bearing Capacity of Soil 4.800 t/m2

3.0 Common Centre of Gravity of Machine and Foundation

Concrete Density = 2.500 T/m3

Foundation Block


No. m. m. m. t. t.sec2/m xi yi zi mi*xi mi*yi mi*zi
1 Foundation 3.400 1.445 1.300 15.967 1.628 1.700 0.723 0.650 2.767 1.176 1.058
2 Pump Skid - - - 5.080 0.518 2.084 0.723 2.045 1.079 0.374 1.059
TOTAL 21.047 2.145 3.846 1.550 2.117

a) Xc 1.793 m b) Yc = 0.723 m c) Zc = 0.987 m

Eccentricity of Centre of gravity of foundation and machinery system from the centroid of the foundation base area :
ex = 2.726 % Within the permissiable limit of 5.0 %
ey = 0.000 % Within the permissiable limit of 5.0 %

7 of 39
Job No. PEIN08
Doc. No.
Revision 0
23rd October 2008
4.0 Mass moments of inertia of Machine and Foundation

Sr.No. Moment of Inertia of foundation element @ X/Y/Z axes Xoi=Xc-Xi Yoi=Yc-Yi Zoi=Zc-Zi Xxi Yyi Zzi
through C.G of the element
Q'x Q'y Q'z
1 0.512 1.797 1.851 Q'x = 0.093 0.000 0.337 0.185 0.199 0.014
2 #VALUE! ### #VALUE!sigma (Lyi2+Lzi2)*mi/12 0.291 0.000 1.058 0.580 0.624 0.044

Q'y =
sigma (Lxi2+Lzi2)*mi/12

Q'z =
sigma (Lyi2+Lxi2)*mi/12

TOTAL #VALUE! ### #VALUE! 0.384 0.000 1.395 0.765 0.822 0.058

6.0 Design

Refer Vendor Drg. No. LK-0939, LK-0940 & LK-0940 for Foundation Loading Data

Total Unbalanced forces in X Direction =Px 0.000 t

Total Unbalanced forces in Z Direction =Pz 0.000 t

Total Unbalanced forces in Y Direction =Py 0.240 t

Total Unbalanced Primary Moment about x =Mx Kg-m => 0.000 tm

Total Unbalanced Secondary Moment about x =Mx Kg-m => 0.000 tm

Total Unbalanced Primary Moment about Y =My Kg-m => 0.000 tm

Total Unbalanced Secondary Moment about Y =My Kg-m => 0.000 tm

Total Unbalanced Primary Moment about Z =Mz Kg-m => 0.000 tm

Total Unbalanced Secondary Moment about Z =Mz Kg-m => 0.000 tm

Operating frequence of Pump (fm) 2968.000 RPM 49.467 cps

Operating circular frequency of Compressor (w2m) 310.808 sec-1

Operating frequence of Motor (fm) 2968.000 RPM 49.467 cps

Operating circular frequency of Motor (w2m) 310.808 sec-1

7.0 Vibration in X-Z plane ( Rocking & Lateral Translation )

The moment of inertia (Iy) of the base area

about the axis passing through its centre
of gravity & perpendicular to the plane
of vibration : 4.73 m 4

The mass moment of inertia (Qy) of the whole

system @the y axis passing through the common
centre of gravity & perpendicular to the plane
of vibration (Q'y + sigmaYyi) : #VALUE! t.m.sec 2

The mass moment of inertia (Qoy) @ the axis passing

through the centroid of the base area & perpandicular
to the plane of vibration (Qy + M*Zc*Zc) : #VALUE! t.m.sec 2

The ratio a y = Qy/Qoy : #VALUE!

Limiting frequencies

a) wq y2 = (Cq*Iy - W*Zc)/Qoy : #VALUE! sec-2

b) w2x = Ct*Af/m : 984.666 sec-2
a) + b) : #VALUE! sec-2
4 * ay * a) * b) : #VALUE! sec-4

Coupled natural frequencies

wn 4 - (wqy 2 + wx 2)*wn 2 / ay + wqy2*wx2/ay = 0

Substituting the values and solving the roots w2n1 & w2n2

w2n1 = 0.5*(wqy2 + wx 2 + sqrt((wqy 2 + wx2 ) 2 - 4*ay*wqy2 *wx2)/ ay : #VALUE! sec-2

w2n2 = 0.5*(wqy2 + wx 2 - sqrt((wqy 2 + wx 2) 2 - 4*ay*wqy2 *wx 2)/ay : #VALUE! sec-2

Corresponding natural frequencies are

fn1 = #VALUE! cps

fn2 = #VALUE! cps

8 of 39
Job No. PEIN08
Doc. No.
As per IS: 2974 Part IV - 1979 clause 5.3 Revision 0
23rd October 2008
fn / f oper shall be < 0.8 or > 1.20

fn1 /f operating(comp.) = #VALUE! #VALUE!

fn2/f operating (comp.) = #VALUE! #VALUE!

9 of 39
Job No. PEIN08
Doc. No.
Revision 0
fn1 /f operating (motor) = #VALUE! #VALUE! 23rd October 2008
fn2/f operating (motor) = #VALUE! #VALUE!

Frequency shall be checked for double RPM for Secondary unbalanced forces & moment

fn1 /f operating(comp.) = #VALUE! #VALUE!

fn2/f operating (comp.) = #VALUE! #VALUE!

fn1 /f operating (motor) = #VALUE! #VALUE!

fn2/f operating (motor) = #VALUE! #VALUE!


As per Vendor Drg. No. LK-0940 (Compressor Foundation)

Permissible Amplitude = 25.000 mm

Check for Allowable Amplitudes for Compressor :

The coefficient f (w2m ) = m*Qy*(w2n1 -w2m 2)*(w2n2 - w2m ) = #VALUE!

Horizontal Amplitude ax = ((Cq*Iy-W*S+Ct *Af*S 2 -Qy*w2m )*Px+Ct*Af*S*My)/f(w #VALUE! mm.

Rotational Amplitude (aqy)

aqy = Ct*Af*S*Px/f(w2m ) + (Ct*Af-mw2m)*My/f(w2m) = #VALUE!

Where, S = Zc
Net amplitude at the foundation base level (Ab) = ax-S*aqy = #VALUE! mm. #VALUE!

Net amplitude at the top of foundation (At) = ax+(H-S)*aqy = #VALUE! mm. #VALUE!

Check for Allowable Amplitudes for Motor :

The coefficient f (w2m ) = m*Qy*(w2n1 -w2m 2)*(w2n2 - w2m ) = #VALUE!

Horizontal Amplitude ax = ((Cq*Iy-W*S+Ct*Af*S 2 -Qy*w2m )*Px+Ct*Af*S*My)/f(w #VALUE! mm.

Rotational Amplitude (aqy)

aqy = Ct*Af*S*Px/f(w2m ) + (Ct*Af-mw2m)*My/f(w2m) = #VALUE!

Net amplitude at the foundation base level (Ab) = ax-S*aqy = #VALUE! mm. #VALUE!

Net amplitude at the top of foundation (At) = ax+(H-S)*aqy = #VALUE! mm. #VALUE!

Dynamic forces For Machine

Horizontal force (Pd) considering fatigue factor as 3.0

Pd = 3.0 * Ct * Af * Ab
Pd = #VALUE! t.

Dynamic moment (Md) considering fatigue factor as 3.0

Md = 3.0 * Cq * Iy * aqy
Md = #VALUE! t.m

8.0 Vibration in Y-Z plane(Rocking & Lateral Translation )

The moment of inertia (Ix) of the base area

about the axis passing through its centre
of gravity & perpendicular to the plane
of vibration : 0.855 m 4

The mass moment of inertia (Qx) of the whole

system @the x axis passing through the common
centre of gravity & perpendicular to the plane
of vibration (Q'x + sigmaXxi) : #VALUE! t.m.sec 2

The mass moment of inertia (Qox) @ the axis passing

through the centroid of the base area & perpandicular
to the plane of vibration (Qx + M*Zc*Zc) : #VALUE! t.m.sec 2

The ratio ax = Qx/Qox : #VALUE!

Limiting frequencies

a) w2qx = (Cq*Ix - WT*Zc)/Qox : #VALUE! sec-2

b) wy 2 = Ct*Af/m : 984.666 sec-2
a) + b) : #VALUE! sec-2
4 * ax * a) * b) : #VALUE! sec-4

10 of 39
Job No. PEIN08
Doc. No.
Coupled natural frequencies Revision 0
23rd October 2008

wn 4 - (wqx 2 + wy 2)*wn 2 / ax + wqx2*wy2/ax = 0

Substituting the values and solving the roots w2n1 & w2n2

w2n1 = 0.5*(wqx2 + wy 2 + sqrt((wqx 2 + wy2 ) 2 - 4*ax*wqx2 *wy2)/ ax : #VALUE! sec-2

w2n2 = 0.5*(wqy2 + wx 2 - sqrt((wqx 2 + wy 2) 2 - 4*ax*wqx2 *wy 2)/ax : #VALUE! sec-2

Corresponding natural frequencies are

fn1 = #VALUE! cps

fn2 = #VALUE! cps

As per IS: 2974 Part IV - 1979 clause 5.3

fn / f oper shall be < 0.8 or > 1.20

fn1 /f operating (comp.) = #VALUE! #VALUE!

fn2 /f operating (comp.) = #VALUE! #VALUE!

fn1 /f operating (motor) = #VALUE! #VALUE!

fn2/f operating (motor) = #VALUE! #VALUE!

Frequency shall be checked for double RPM for Secondary unbalanced forces & moment

fn1 /f operating(comp.) = #VALUE! #VALUE!

fn2/f operating (comp.) = #VALUE! #VALUE!

fn1 /f operating (motor) = #VALUE! #VALUE!

fn2/f operating (motor) = #VALUE! #VALUE!


Permissible Amplitude = 25.000 mm

Check for Allowable Amplitudes for Compressor :

The coefficient f(w2m ) = m*Qx*(w2n1 -w2m 2)*(w2n 2 - w2m ) = #VALUE!

Horizontal Amplitude Ay = ((Cq*Ix-W*S+Ct*Af*S 2 -Qx*w2m )*Py+Ct*Af*S*Mx)/f(w#VALUE! mm.

Rotational Amplitude (aqx)

aqx = Ct*Af*S*Py/f(w2m ) + (Ct*Af-m*w2m )*Mx/f(w"m 2) = #VALUE!

Where, S = Zc
Net amplitude at the foundation base level (Ab) = Ay-S*aqx = #VALUE! mm. #VALUE!

Net amplitude at the top of foundation (At) = Ay+(H-S)*aqx = #VALUE! mm. #VALUE!

Check for Allowable Amplitudes for Motor :

The coefficient f(w2m ) = m*Qx*(w2n1 -w2m 2)*(w2n 2 - w2m ) = #VALUE!

Horizontal Amplitude Ay = ((Cq*Ix-W*S+Ct*Af*S 2 -Qx*w2m )*Py+Ct*Af*S*Mx)/f(w#VALUE! mm.

Rotational Amplitude (aqx)

aqx = Ct*Af*S*Py/f(w2m ) + (Ct*Af-m*w2m )*Mx/f(w"m 2) = #VALUE!

Net amplitude at the foundation base level (Ab) = Ay-S*aqx = #VALUE! mm. #VALUE!

Net amplitude at the top of foundation (At) = Ay+(H-S)*Aqx = #VALUE! mm. #VALUE!

Dynamic forces for Machine

Horizontal force (Pd) considering fatigue factor as 3.0

Pd = 3.0 * Ct * Af * Ab
Pd = #VALUE! t.
Dynamic moment (Md) considering fatigue factor as 3.0
Md = 3.0 * Cq * Ix * aqx
Md = #VALUE! t.m

9.0 Vibration in X-Y plane : (Yawing or Twisting Motion about Z-axis) (Uncoupled)

Natural frequency for twisting mode : w = Sqrt(Cj *Iz/Qz)#VALUE! sec -1 i.e. #VALUE! r.p.m.

fn = #VALUE! cps

As per IS: 2974 Part IV - 1979 clause 5.3

fn / f oper shall be < 0.8 or > 1.20

fn / f operating (comp) = #VALUE! => 0.800 Since, difference is very less & amplitude is within limits. Hence, O.K.

fn / f operating (motor) = #VALUE! #VALUE!

11 of 39
Job No. PEIN08
Doc. No.
Frequency shall be checked for double RPM for Secondary unbalanced forces & moment Revision 0
23rd October 2008
fn / f operating (comp) = #VALUE! #VALUE!

fn / f operating (motor) = #VALUE! #VALUE!


Permissible Amplitude = 25.000 mm

Check for Allowable Amplitudes for Compressor :

Amplitude Az : =(1/(w2-w"m2))*To*To/Qz = mm #VALUE!

Check for Allowable Amplitudes for Motor :

Amplitude Az : =(1/(w2-w"m2))*To*To/Qz = #VALUE! #VALUE!

9.0 Check for Soil Stress

Since the eccentricity of the centre of gravity of the machine and foundation with respect to centroid of base area is small,
the soil reaction due to the dead loads is assumed to be uniform.

Static weight of machine and foundation = 21.047 t

Dynamic Moment Md XZ = #VALUE! tm

Dynamic Moment Md YZ = #VALUE! tm

Maximum and minimum soil stress are given by

Max. / Min. soil stress = (P/A ) +/- (Md XZ /Zyy) +/- (MdYZ/Zxx)

= 21.047 +/- #VALUE! +/- #VALUE!

4.913 4.733 0.855

= 4.284 +/- #VALUE! +/- #VALUE!

Maximum soil stress = #VALUE! t/m2 < 4.800 t/m2 ###

Minimum soil stress = #VALUE! t/m2 No Tension

As per TOYO Specification Doc. No. A-6235-110-006 Rev. 1 Clause 3.3 & IS:2974 - Part I Clause Soil Stress below foundation under Dead Loads
shall not exceed 80% of the allowable Soil Bearing Capacity.
Soil Stress under Dead Loa 4.284 t/m2
80% of the allowable bearing Capacity 3.840 t/m2 > 4.284 t/m2

10.0 Reinforcement

Since this is a rigid block foundation, minimum reinforcement is provided as per IS 2974(Part 1)
Provide 12f Tor at 200c/c peripheral steel in both horizontal and vertical directions,
Provide shrinkage steel of 12f T o r at 200 c/c in all three directions.

12 of 39
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Client : IOCL VADODARA Rev. Prep. By Date Chkd. By Date

Project RU & MS/HSD QIP (DCU) 0 BJD ### TD ###

Subject Calculations for design of 1 BJD ### TD ###
Pump foundations.

F O U N D A T I O N F O R PUMP - 2095-P-32 A/B

Codes, Standards, Books & References :
a) IS : 2974 (Part I to V)Design & Construction of Machine Foundation - Code of Practice
b) Hand book of Machine Foundations by P.Srinivasulu and C.V. Vaidyanathan
c) Design Specification for Foundation, Doc. No. A-6235-110-006, Rev. 1
d) Design Specification for Concrete Construction, Doc. No. A-6235-110-002, Rev. 1
e) Vendor Drg. No.C421-9531/1

1.0 Geometrical Properties of Base Area ( in contact with soil )


No. m. m. m 2 xi (m) yi (m) SELF SELF
1 1.700 0.600 1.020 0.850 0.300 0.25 0.03
Total 1.020 0.25 0.03

C.G. of Base area : X bar = 0.9 Y bar = 0.3 Iy = 0.2 m 4

Ix = 0.0 m 4
Iz = 0.3 m 4
Top of Pedestal above HPP/FGL 0.300 m

Height of Pedestal : (H) : 1.300 m

Depth of Foundation below HPP/FGL 1.0 m (Note:1m CNS filling below foundation.)

Soil Properties (From Soil report )

Coefficient of Elastic uniform compression : (Cz) 0.860 kg/cm3 => 860.0 t/m3

Coefficient of Elastic non-uniform compression ( Rocking

1.490 mode)
kg/cm3: =>(Cq ) 1490.0 t/m3

Coefficient of Elastic non-uniform shear ( Twisting mode)

0.645 :kg/cm
(CY )3 => 645.0 t/m3

Coefficient of Elastic uniform shear ( Horizontal Translatory mode)

0.430 kg/cm 3 : (Ct ) 430.0 t/m3

Unit Weight of Soil 1.800 t/m3

Safe Bearing Capacity of Soil 2.0 t/m2

Gross Bearing Capacity of Soil 5.6 t/m2

3.0 Common Centre of Gravity of Machine and Foundation

Concrete Densi = 2.500 T/m3

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Client : IOCL VADODARA Rev. Prep. By Date Chkd. By Date

Project RU & MS/HSD QIP (DCU) 0 BJD ### TD ###

Subject Calculations for design of 1 BJD ### TD ###
Pump foundations.
Foundation Block

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Project RU & MS/HSD QIP (DCU) 0 BJD ### TD ###

Subject Calculations for design of 1 BJD ### TD ###
Pump foundations.



No. m. m. m. t. t.sec2/m xi yi zi mi*xi mi*yi mi*zi

1 Foundation1.700 0.600 1.300 3.315 0.338 0.850 0.300 0.650 0.287 0.101 0.220
2 Pump Skid - - - 0.500 0.051 0.850 0.300 1.650 0.043 0.015 0.084
TOTAL 3.815 0.389 0.331 0.117 0.304

a) Xc 0.850 m b) Yc 0.300 m c) Zc 0.781 m

Eccentricity of Centre of gravity of foundation and machinery system from the centroid of the foundation base area :

ex = 0.000 % Within the permissiable limit of 5.0 %

ey = 0.000 % Within the permissiable limit of 5.0 %

4.0 Mass moments of inertia of Machine and Foundation

Sr.No. Moment of Inertia of foundation element @Xoi=Xc-Xi Yoi=Yc-Yi Zoi=Zc-Zi Xxi Yyi Zzi
through C.G of the element
Q'x Q'y Q'z
1 0.058 0.129 0.092 Q'x = 0.000 0.000 0.131 0.006 0.006 0.000
2 ### ### ###sigma (Lyi2+Lzi2)*mi/12
0.000 0.000 0.869 0.038 0.038 0.000

Q'y =
sigma (Lxi2+Lzi2)*mi/12

Q'z =
sigma (Lyi2+Lxi2)*mi/12

TOTAL ### ### ### 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.044 0.044 0.000

6.0 Design

Refer Vendor Drg. No. LK-0939, LK-0940 & LK-0940 for Foundation Loading Data
Total Unbalanced forces in X Direction =Px 0.000 t
Total Unbalanced forces in Z Direction =Pz 0.000 t
Total Unbalanced forces in Y Direction =Py 1.000 t

Total Unbalanced Primary Moment about x =Mx Kg-m = 0.000 tm

Total Unbalanced Secondary Moment about x =M Kg-m = 0.000 tm

Total Unbalanced Primary Moment about Y =My Kg-m = 0.000 tm

Total Unbalanced Secondary Moment about Y =MKg-m = 0.000 tm

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Client : IOCL VADODARA Rev. Prep. By Date Chkd. By Date

Project RU & MS/HSD QIP (DCU) 0 BJD ### TD ###

Subject Calculations for design of 1 BJD ### TD ###
Pump foundations.

Total Unbalanced Primary Moment about Z =Mz Kg-m = 0.000 tm

Total Unbalanced Secondary Moment about Z =MKg-m = 0.000 tm

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Client : IOCL VADODARA Rev. Prep. By Date Chkd. By Date

Project RU & MS/HSD QIP (DCU) 0 BJD ### TD ###

Subject Calculations for design of 1 BJD ### TD ###
Pump foundations.

Operating frequence of Pump (fm) 1450.000 RPM 24.167 cps

Operating circular frequency of Compressor
(w2m) sec-1

Operating frequence of Motor (fm) 1450.000 RPM 24.167 cps

Operating circular frequency of Motor (w2151.844
m) sec-1

7.0 Vibration in X-Z plane ( Rocking & Lateral Translation )

The moment of inertia (Iy) of the base area

about the axis passing through its centre
of gravity & perpendicular to the plane
of vibration : 0.25 m 4

The mass moment of inertia (Qy) of the whole

system @the y axis passing through the common
centre of gravity & perpendicular to the plane
of vibration (Q'y + sigmaYyi) : #VALUE! t.m.sec 2

The mass moment of inertia (Qoy) @ the axis passing

through the centroid of the base area & perpandicular
to the plane of vibration (Qy + M*Zc*Zc) : #VALUE! t.m.sec 2

The ratio a y = Qy/Qoy : #VALUE!

Limiting frequencies

a) wq y2 = (Cq*Iy - W*Zc)/Qoy : #VALUE! sec-2

b) w2x = Ct*Af/m : ### sec-2
a) + b) : #VALUE! sec-2
4 * ay * a) * b) : #VALUE! sec-4

Coupled natural frequencies

wn 4 - (wqy 2 + wx 2)*wn 2 / ay + wqy2*wx2/ay = 0

Substituting the values and solving the roots w2n1 & w2n2

w2n1 = 0.5*(wqy2 + wx 2 + sqrt((wqy 2 + wx2 ) 2 - 4*ay*wqy2 *wx2)/ ay: #VALUE! sec-2

w2n2 = 0.5*(wqy2 + wx 2 - sqrt((wqy 2 + wx 2) 2 - 4*ay*wqy2 *wx 2)/ay: #VALUE! sec-2

Corresponding natural frequencies are

fn1 = ### cps

fn2 = ### cps

As per IS: 2974 Part IV - 1979 clause 5.3

fn / f oper shall be < 0.8 or > 1.20

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Aker Powergas Pvt. Ltd. 6235-PEIN08-2095

Client : IOCL VADODARA Rev. Prep. By Date Chkd. By Date

Project RU & MS/HSD QIP (DCU) 0 BJD ### TD ###

Subject Calculations for design of 1 BJD ### TD ###
Pump foundations.
fn1 /f operating(comp.) ### #VALUE!
fn2/f operating (comp. ### #VALUE!

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Aker Powergas Pvt. Ltd. 6235-PEIN08-2095

Client : IOCL VADODARA Rev. Prep. By Date Chkd. By Date

Project RU & MS/HSD QIP (DCU) 0 BJD ### TD ###

Subject Calculations for design of 1 BJD ### TD ###
Pump foundations.

fn1 /f operating (motor ### #VALUE!

fn2/f operating (motor ### #VALUE!

Frequency shall be checked for double RPM for Secondary unbalanced forces & moment

fn1 /f operating(comp.) ### #VALUE!

fn2/f operating (comp. ### #VALUE!

fn1 /f operating (motor ### #VALUE!

fn2/f operating (motor ### #VALUE!


Permissible Amplitude ### mm

Check for Allowable Amplitudes for Compressor :

The coefficient f (w2m ) = m*Qy*(w2n1 -w2m 2)*(w2n2 - w2m ) = #VALUE!

Horizontal Amplitude ax = ((Cq*Iy-W*S+Ct *Af*S 2 -Qy*w2m )*Px+Ct*Af*S*My)/f(w

m )mm.

Rotational Amplitude (aqy)

aqy = Ct*Af*S*Px/f(w2m ) + (Ct*Af-mw2m)*My/f(w2m) = #VALUE!

Where, S = Zc
Net amplitude at the foundation base level (Ab) = a x-S*aqy #VALUE!
= mm. ###

Net amplitude at the top of foundation (At) = a x+(H-S)*aqy =

#VALUE! mm. ###

Check for Allowable Amplitudes for Motor :

The coefficient f (w2m ) = m*Qy*(w2n1 -w2m 2)*(w2n2 - w2m ) = #VALUE!

Horizontal Amplitude ax = ((Cq*Iy-W*S+Ct*Af*S 2 -Qy*w2m )*Px+Ct*Af*S*My)/f(w

m )mm.

Rotational Amplitude (aqy)

aqy = Ct*Af*S*Px/f(w2m ) + (Ct*Af-mw2m)*My/f(w2m) = #VALUE!

Net amplitude at the foundation base level (Ab) = a x-S*aqy #VALUE!

= mm. ###

Net amplitude at the top of foundation (At) = a x+(H-S)*aqy =

#VALUE! mm. ###

Dynamic forces For Machine

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Aker Powergas Pvt. Ltd. 6235-PEIN08-2095

Client : IOCL VADODARA Rev. Prep. By Date Chkd. By Date

Project RU & MS/HSD QIP (DCU) 0 BJD ### TD ###

Subject Calculations for design of 1 BJD ### TD ###
Pump foundations.
Horizontal force (Pd) considering fatigue factor as 3.0
Pd = 3.0 * Ct * Af * Ab
Pd = #VALUE! t.

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Aker Powergas Pvt. Ltd. 6235-PEIN08-2095

Client : IOCL VADODARA Rev. Prep. By Date Chkd. By Date

Project RU & MS/HSD QIP (DCU) 0 BJD ### TD ###

Subject Calculations for design of 1 BJD ### TD ###
Pump foundations.

Dynamic moment (Md) considering fatigue factor as 3.0

Md = 3.0 * Cq * Iy * aqy
Md = #VALUE! t.m

8.0 Vibration in Y-Z plane(Rocking & Lateral Translation )

The moment of inertia (Ix) of the base area

about the axis passing through its centre
of gravity & perpendicular to the plane
of vibration : 0.031 m 4

The mass moment of inertia (Qx) of the whole

system @the x axis passing through the common
centre of gravity & perpendicular to the plane
of vibration (Q'x + sigmaXxi) : #VALUE! t.m.sec 2

The mass moment of inertia (Qox) @ the axis passing

through the centroid of the base area & perpandicular
to the plane of vibration (Qx + M*Zc*Zc) : #VALUE! t.m.sec 2

The ratio ax = Qx/Qox : #VALUE!

Limiting frequencies

a) w2qx = (Cq*Ix - WT*Zc)/Qox : #VALUE! sec-2

b) wy 2 = Ct*Af/m : ### sec-2
a) + b) : #VALUE! sec-2
4 * ax * a) * b) : #VALUE! sec-4

Coupled natural frequencies

wn 4 - (wqx 2 + wy 2)*wn 2 / ax + wqx2*wy2/ax = 0

Substituting the values and solving the roots w2n1 & w2n2

w2n1 = 0.5*(wqx2 + wy 2 + sqrt((wqx 2 + wy2 ) 2 - 4*ax*wqx2 *wy2)/ ax: #VALUE! sec-2

w2n2 = 0.5*(wqy2 + wx 2 - sqrt((wqx 2 + wy 2) 2 - 4*ax*wqx2 *wy 2)/ax: #VALUE! sec-2

Corresponding natural frequencies are

fn1 = ### cps

fn2 = ### cps

As per IS: 2974 Part IV - 1979 clause 5.3

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Client : IOCL VADODARA Rev. Prep. By Date Chkd. By Date

Project RU & MS/HSD QIP (DCU) 0 BJD ### TD ###

Subject Calculations for design of 1 BJD ### TD ###
Pump foundations.

fn / f oper shall be < 0.8 or > 1.20

01+000Page 22
Aker Powergas Pvt. Ltd. 6235-PEIN08-2095

Client : IOCL VADODARA Rev. Prep. By Date Chkd. By Date

Project RU & MS/HSD QIP (DCU) 0 BJD ### TD ###

Subject Calculations for design of 1 BJD ### TD ###
Pump foundations.

fn1 /f operating (comp ### #VALUE!

fn2 /f operating (comp. ### #VALUE!

fn1 /f operating (motor ### #VALUE!

fn2/f operating (motor ### #VALUE!

Frequency shall be checked for double RPM for Secondary unbalanced forces & moment

fn1 /f operating(comp.) = ### #VALUE!

fn2/f operating (comp.) = ### #VALUE!

fn1 /f operating (motor) = ### #VALUE!

fn2/f operating (motor) = ### #VALUE!


Permissible Amplitude ### mm

Check for Allowable Amplitudes for Compressor :

The coefficient f(w2m ) =m*Qx*(w2n1 -w2m 2)*(w2n 2 - w=2m ) #VALUE!

Horizontal Amplitude A ((Cq*Ix-W*S+Ct*Af*S 2 -Qx*w2m )*Py+Ct*Af*S*Mx)/f(w

#VALUE! 2mm.

Rotational Amplitude (aqx)

aqx = Ct*Af*S*Py/f(w2m ) + (Ct*Af-m*w2m )*Mx/f(w"m 2) = #VALUE!

Where, S = Zc
Net amplitude at the foundation base level (Ab) = Ay-S*aqx#VALUE!
= mm. ###

Net amplitude at the top of foundation (At) = Ay+(H-S)*aqx = mm. ###

Check for Allowable Amplitudes for Motor :

The coefficient f(w2m ) =m*Qx*(w2n1 -w2m 2)*(w2n 2 - w=2m ) #VALUE!

Horizontal Amplitude A ((Cq*Ix-W*S+Ct*Af*S 2 -Qx*w2m )*Py+Ct*Af*S*Mx)/f(w

#VALUE! 2mm.

Rotational Amplitude (aqx)

aqx = Ct*Af*S*Py/f(w2m ) + (Ct*Af-m*w2m )*Mx/f(w"m 2) = #VALUE!

Net amplitude at the foundation base level (Ab) = Ay-S*aqx#VALUE!

= mm. ###

Net amplitude at the top of foundation (At) = Ay+(H-S)*Aqx = mm. ###

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Aker Powergas Pvt. Ltd. 6235-PEIN08-2095

Client : IOCL VADODARA Rev. Prep. By Date Chkd. By Date

Project RU & MS/HSD QIP (DCU) 0 BJD ### TD ###

Subject Calculations for design of 1 BJD ### TD ###
Pump foundations.

Dynamic forces for Machine

Horizontal force (Pd) considering fatigue factor as 3.0
Pd = 3.0 * Ct * Af * Ab
Pd = #VALUE! t.

01+000Page 24
Aker Powergas Pvt. Ltd. 6235-PEIN08-2095

Client : IOCL VADODARA Rev. Prep. By Date Chkd. By Date

Project RU & MS/HSD QIP (DCU) 0 BJD ### TD ###

Subject Calculations for design of 1 BJD ### TD ###
Pump foundations.
Dynamic moment (Md) considering fatigue factor as 3.0
Md = 3.0 * Cq * Ix * aqx
Md = #VALUE! t.m

9.0 Vibration in X-Y plane : (Yawing or Twisting Motion about Z-axis) (Uncoupled)

Natural frequency for twisting mode : w = Sqrt(Cj### sec -1

*Iz/Qz) i.e. #VALUE! r.p.m.

fn = ### cps

As per IS: 2974 Part IV - 1979 clause 5.3

fn / f oper shall be < 0.8 or > 1.20

fn / f operating (comp) ### => 0.800 Since, difference is very less & amplitude is within limits. Hence, O.K.
fn / f operating (motor ### #VALUE!

Frequency shall be checked for double RPM for Secondary unbalanced forces & moment

fn / f operating (comp) ### #VALUE!

fn / f operating (motor ### #VALUE!

Permissible Amplitude ### mm

Check for Allowable Amplitudes for Compressor :

Amplitude Az : =(1/(w2-w"m2))*To*To/Qz
### mm= ###

Check for Allowable Amplitudes for Motor :

Amplitude Az : =(1/(w2-w"m2))*To*To/Qz = ###

9.0 Check for Soil Stress

Since the eccentricity of the centre of gravity of the machine and foundation with respect to centroid of base area is small,
the soil reaction due to the dead loads is assumed to be uniform.

Weight of water displaced (for buoyancy) = 1.326 t

Static weight of machine and foundation = 3.815 t
Static weight of machine and foundation (for buoy 2.489 t

Dynamic Moment Md XZ = ### tm

Dynamic Moment Md YZ = ### tm

Maximum and minimum soil stress are given by
Max. / Min. soil stress =(P/A ) +/- (Md XZ /Zyy) +/- (MdYZ/Zxx)
= 3.815 +/- #VALUE! +/- #VALUE!
1.020 0.246 0.031

= 3.740 +/- #VALUE! +/- #VALUE!

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Aker Powergas Pvt. Ltd. 6235-PEIN08-2095

Client : IOCL VADODARA Rev. Prep. By Date Chkd. By Date

Project RU & MS/HSD QIP (DCU) 0 BJD ### TD ###

Subject Calculations for design of 1 BJD ### TD ###
Pump foundations.
Maximum soil stress = ### t/m2 < 5.600 t/m2 #VALUE!
Maximum soil stress (buoyancy) ### t/m2 < 5.600 t/m2
Minimum soil stress = ### t/m2 > 0.000 t/m2 No Tension
Minimum soil stress (buoyancy) ### t/m2 > 0.000 t/m2

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Aker Powergas Pvt. Ltd. 6235-PEIN08-2095

Client : IOCL VADODARA Rev. Prep. By Date Chkd. By Date

Project RU & MS/HSD QIP (DCU) 0 BJD ### TD ###

Subject Calculations for design of 1 BJD ### TD ###
Pump foundations.

As per TOYO Specification Doc. No. A-6235-110-006 Rev. 1 Clause 3.3 & IS:2974 - Part I Clause Soil Stress below foundatio
shall not exceed 80% of the allowable Soil Bearing Capacity.

Soil Stress under Dead 3.740 t/m2

Soil Stress under Dead Loads (for buo 2.440 t/m2
80% of the allowable bearing C 4.480 t/m2 > 3.740 t/m2
80% of the allowable bearing Capacity 4.480 t/m2 2.440 t/m2

10.0 Reinforcement

Since this is a rigid block foundation, minimum reinforcement is provided as per IS 2974(Part 1)
Provide 12f Tor at 200c/c peripheral steel in both horizontal and vertical directions,
Provide shrinkage steel of 12f To r at 200 c/c in all three directions.

Reinforcement calculations
Weight of reinforcement required in the footing block 33.150 kg
Vertical Rebars :
Dia. of bar to be used as vertical reinforcement = Y12 Cl.3.3
Maximum spacing on each face of the block = 200 mm c/c A-6235-110-006-R01
Weight of bar per running meter length 0.889 kg/m
Length of Bar required 37.300 RM
Cover on top and bottom = 75.000 mm
Cover on side faces = 50.000 mm
Lap length provided on each face = 2 x Ld 0.967 1.000 m
No. of bars on longer face 9.000 Nos.
No. of bars on shorter face = 3.000 Nos.
Length of each 'U shaped' bar on longer face 2.500 m
Length of each 'U shaped' bar on shorter face 3.600 m
Total length of bars = 33.300 RM
Weight of vertical steel provided in the foundation block 29.600 kg
Horizontal Rebars :
Balance steel to be provided by horizontal links 3.550 kg
Dia. Of bar to be used as horiz reinforcement = Y12
Above vertical rebars shall be tied by Y12 links with spaci 200 mm
Weight of bar per running meter length 0.889 kg/m
Length of Bar required 4.000 RM
Length of one ring 4.200 RM
No. of rings required 7.000 Nos.
Weight of horizontal steel provided in the foundation block 26.140 kg
Weight of intermediate mesh steel provided in the foundati 3.53 kg
(Y12 @ 600 c/c => 2.66 kg/m3 )
Total weight of steel provided in the foundation block 59.270 OK OK
Provided reinforcement is sufficient. Kg

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Client : IOCL VADODARA Rev. Prep. By Date Chkd. By Date

Project RU & MS/HSD QIP (DCU) 0 BJD ### TD ###

Subject Calculations for design of 1 BJD ### TD ###
Pump foundations.

01+000Page 28


1.0 General Design Information


Depth of Foundation below FFL 1.950 m

Footing Thickness 2.750 m

Top of Footing Elevation Level (Heighest) EL101.25 m

Center line of Compreesor/Motor from FFL 1.080 m

Unit Weight of Concrete 2.400 T/m3

Design Compressive Strength of Concrete, fck 30 Mpa

Reinforcement Yield Strength 414 Mpa

4.0 Soil Properties

Poissoin Ratio (ν) 0.3

Shear wave velocity Vs 660.500 m/sec (Refer 2f)
Dynamic Shear Modulus (G) = (unit wt os soil/g)*Vs2 80047.8 t/m2 (Refer 2f)

Elastic Coefficient (Es) => 2G(1+ν) : 208124.2 t/m2

(Refer Appendix-table 3.2 ,

Factor, α 1.060 Srinivasulu)

Coefficient of Elastic uniform compression : (Cz) 32.444 kg/cm3 => 32444.1 t/m3 (Ref Eq. 3.7 Srinivasulu)
[α Es / (1-v2) x 1 / sqrt(Base Area)]
Coefficient of Elastic non-uniform compression ( Rocking mode):(C 64.888 kg/cm3 => 64888.1 t/m3 (Ref Eq. 3.11a Srinivasulu)
[2 Cz]
Coefficient of Elastic non-uniform shear ( Twisting mode) : (CY) 24.333 kg/cm3 => 24333.0 t/m3 (Ref Eq. 3.11b Srinivasulu)
[0.75 Cz]
Coefficient of Elastic uniform shear ( Horizontal Translatory mode):(C16.222 kg/cm3 => 16222.0 t/m3 (Ref Eq. 3.11c Srinivasulu)
[0.5 Cz]
Unit Weight of Soil 1.800 t/m3

Bearing Capacity of Soil below 1.5M 25.0 t/m2 (Refer Soil Report)

Gross Bearing Capacity of Soil 25 + 1.8 x 1.5 = 27.7 t/m2

2.0 Machine Data for Foundation Design


a. Nominal Speed fm (RPM) 495 497

b. Rated Power (kW) 759 880

Input from vendor
c. Mass Moment of Inertia (Kg-m2) 200 3302

d. Rated Torque (kNm) 14.64 16.91

e. Unbalanced vertical force (kN) 38.87

f. Unbalanced moment (kNm) 74.07


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3.0 Geometrical Properties of Base Area ( in contact with soil )

4.0 Calculation of CG and Moment of Inertia of foundation

PORTION Lxi Lyi AREA CENTER OF GRAVITY Iy i A*(Xbar-Xi)2 Ix i A*(Ybar-Yi)2

MKD. m. m. m2 xi (m) yi (m) SELF(m4) m4 SELF(m4) m4
1 2.875 6.400 18.400 1.438 3.200 12.67 129.44 62.81 1.83
2 2.110 2.050 4.326 4.300 7.425 1.60 0.19 1.51 66.11
3 2.850 1.400 3.990 4.300 5.700 2.70 0.18 0.65 19.04
4 0.625 1.600 1.000 3.188 4.200 0.03 0.81 0.21 0.47
5 0.510 1.600 0.816 4.300 4.200 0.02 0.04 0.17 0.38
5A 0.315 1.600 0.504 3.658 4.200 0.0042 0.09 0.11 0.24
5AA 0.230 1.600 0.043 3.892 4.200 0.0010 0.0017 0.0004 0.02
5BB 0.230 1.600 0.043 4.708 4.200 0.0010 0.0163 0.0004 0.02
5B 0.315 1.600 0.504 4.943 4.200 0.0042 0.3665 0.11 0.24
6 0.625 1.600 1.000 5.413 4.200 0.03 1.75 0.21 0.47
7 2.850 3.400 9.690 4.300 1.700 6.56 0.43 9.33 31.94
8 2.425 6.400 15.520 6.938 3.200 7.61 125.86 52.97 1.55
Total 55.835 31.24 128.10

C.G. of Base: X bar = 4.09 m Y bar = 3.52 m

Moment of inertia about Y-axis Iy = 290.4 m 4

Moment of inertia about X-axis Ix = 250.4 m 4
Moment of inertia about Z-axis Iz = 540.8 m 4


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5.0 Common Centre of Gravity of Machine and Foundation



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No. m. m. m. MT MT.sec /m 2 xi yi zi mi*xi mi*yi mi*zi
1 1 2.875 6.400 2.750 121.440 12.383 1.438 3.200 1.375 17.801 39.626 17.027
2 2 2.110 2.050 1.950 20.243 2.064 4.300 7.425 0.975 8.876 15.326 2.013
3 3 2.850 1.400 1.950 18.673 1.904 4.300 5.700 0.975 8.187 10.853 1.856
4 4 0.625 1.600 2.100 5.040 0.514 3.188 4.200 1.050 1.638 2.158 0.540
5 5 0.510 1.600 2.400 4.700 0.479 4.300 4.200 1.200 2.061 2.013 0.575
6 5A 0.315 1.600 2.770 3.351 0.342 3.658 4.200 1.385 1.250 1.435 0.473
7 5AA 0.230 1.600 2.770 2.446 0.249 3.968 4.200 2.523 0.990 1.048 0.629
8 5BB 0.230 1.600 2.770 2.446 0.249 4.708 4.200 2.523 1.175 1.048 0.629
9 5B 0.315 1.600 2.770 3.351 0.342 4.943 4.200 1.385 1.689 1.435 0.473
10 6 0.625 1.600 2.100 5.040 0.514 5.413 4.200 1.050 2.782 2.158 0.540
11 7 2.850 3.400 2.100 48.838 4.980 4.300 1.700 1.050 21.413 8.466 5.229
12 8 2.425 6.400 2.750 102.432 10.445 6.938 3.200 1.375 72.461 33.423 14.362
13 Compress - - - 17.000 1.733 4.300 4.200 3.030 7.454 7.281 5.252
or G1
14 Motor G2 - - - 12.000 1.224 4.300 7.050 3.030 5.262 8.626 3.708
15 Oil Unit G3 - - - 2.500 0.255 4.280 1.825 3.030 1.091 0.465 0.772
16 Damper G4 - - - 1.660 0.169 6.700 5.200 3.030 1.134 0.880 0.513
17 Damper G4 - - - 1.660 0.169 6.700 3.200 3.030 1.134 0.542 0.513
18 Damper G5 - - - 0.900 0.092 2.275 3.594 3.030 0.209 0.330 0.278
19 Damper G6 - - - 0.900 0.092 2.275 4.806 3.030 0.209 0.441 0.278
20 Damper G7 - - - 1.500 0.153 1.175 4.735 3.030 0.180 0.724 0.463
21 Damper G7 - - - 1.500 0.153 1.175 3.185 3.030 0.180 0.487 0.463
TOTAL 377.620 38.505 ### 138.766 56.587

a) XC = 4.082 m b) YC = 3.604 m c) ZC = 1.470 m

6.0 Preliminary Design

6.1 Check of Foundation Mass :

Foundation Mass, Mf : 34.465 MT.sec2/m

Machine Mass, Mm : 4.040 MT.sec2/m
Mf / Mm : 8.531 >=5….Hence, OK

6.2 Check for Eccentricity :

Eccentricity of common Centre of gravity of foundation and machinery system from the centroid of the foundation base area,
In X & Y direction respectively.
ex = 0.097 % Within the permissible limit of 5.0 %
ey = 1.043 % Within the permissible limit of 5.0 %


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6.3 Stability against Overturning (based on maximum speed of compressor or motor):

Torque: (Power in J / sec) x (Ref Appendix B.2.6.6, BS- CP2012)

60 (2π * = 16916.787
(in N-m) speed in RPM)

Full Load Torque = 16.917 kNm

Overturning Torque = 13 x Full Load Torq (Ref Appendix B.2.6.6, BS- CP2012)
Overturning Torque 13xFull Load Torque 219.92 kNm
Stabilizing Torque = mg x foundation widt 15095.659 kNm

FOS against Overturning : 68.64 >1.5, Hence, SAFE

7.0 Mass moment of inertia of Machine and Foundation

Sr.No. Moment of Inertia of foundation element @ X/Y/Z axes Xoi=Xc-Xi Yoi=Yc-Yi Zoi=Zc-Zi Xxi Yyi Zzi
through C.G of the element
Q'x Q'y Q'z
1 50.071 16.333 50.797 Q'x = 2.644 0.404 0.095 2.130 86.701 88.609
2 1.377 1.420 1.489 Σ (Lyi2+Lzi2)*mi/12 0.218 3.821 0.495 30.645 0.603 30.238
3 0.914 1.892 1.600 0.218 2.096 0.495 8.832 0.556 8.457
4 0.299 0.206 0.126 Q'y = 0.894 0.596 0.420 0.273 0.502 0.594
5 0.332 0.240 0.113 Σ (Lxi2+Lzi2)*mi/12 0.218 0.596 0.270 0.205 0.058 0.193
6 0.291 0.221 0.076 0.424 0.596 0.085 0.124 0.064 0.183
7 0.213 0.161 0.054 Q'z = 0.114 0.596 1.054 0.366 0.280 0.092
8 0.213 0.161 0.054 Σ (Lyi2+Lxi2)*mi/12 0.626 0.596 1.054 0.366 0.375 0.187
9 0.291 0.221 0.076 0.861 0.596 0.085 0.124 0.256 0.374
10 0.299 0.206 0.126 1.331 0.596 0.420 0.273 1.000 1.093
11 6.627 5.201 8.168 0.218 1.904 0.420 18.926 1.114 18.287
12 42.234 11.701 40.770 2.856 0.404 0.095 1.797 85.267 86.877
13 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.218 0.596 1.560 4.837 4.303 0.699
14 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.218 3.446 1.560 17.511 3.038 14.590
15 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.198 1.779 1.560 1.427 0.631 0.817
16 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.618 1.596 1.560 0.843 1.572 1.592
17 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.618 0.404 1.560 0.440 1.572 1.188
18 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.807 0.010 1.560 0.223 0.523 0.300
19 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.807 1.202 1.560 0.356 0.523 0.432
20 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.907 1.131 1.560 0.568 1.665 1.488
21 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.907 0.419 1.560 0.399 1.665 1.319
TOTAL 103.161 37.963 103.449 23.014 22.966 17.467 90.267 ### 256.288

8.0 Dynamic Design

To work out unbalanced forces:

Unbalanced Force = Kg
Unbalanced Couples = Kg-m

For Primary Forces & Couples,

Perm. Amplitude 200 µm (CL 6.2.2 Ref Design basis)

For Secondary Forces & Couples,

Perm. Amplitude 200 µm

Type of Machine: Reciprocating (2 cranks, vertical type, crank angle between 1 and 2 = 180 degree)

Radius of crank 'r' = 105.0 mm

Spacing of cranks 'a2' or 'D'= 750.0 mm Input from vendor (Ref 2e)
Length of connecting rod 'l'= 550.0 mm

Primary Inertial force P1 = 0.0000284 * W * r * (fm)2 = 12.421 MT-m/sec2 (Ref Eq. 4.53a, Srinivasulu)
Secondary Inertial force P2 = P1 * r / l = 2.371 MT-m/sec2 (Ref Eq. 4.53a, Srinivasulu)

Total Unbalanced Primary Forces in X Direction = P 0.000 Kg => 0.000 MT

Total Unbalanced Secondary forces in X Direction = 0.000 Kg => 0.000 MT

Total Unbalanced Primary Forces in Z Direction =Pz 0.000 Kg => 0.000 MT

Total Unbalanced Secondary Forces in Z Direction = 4742.677 Kg => 4.743 MT

P'z = 2*P2
Total Unbalanced Primary Forces in Y Direction =Py 0.000 Kg => 0.000 MT

Total Unbalanced Secondary Forces in Y Direction = 0.000 Kg => 0.000 MT

Total Unbalanced Primary Moment about x =Mx 9315.973 Kg-m => 9.316 MT-m
Mx = P1 + a2
Total Unbalanced Secondary Moment about x =M'x 0.000 Kg-m => 0.000 MT-m
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Total Unbalanced Primary Moment about Y =My 0.000 Kg-m => 0.000 MT-m

Total Unbalanced Secondary Moment about Y =M'y 0.000 Kg-m => 0.000 MT-m

Total Unbalanced Primary Moment about Z =Mz 0.000 Kg-m => 0.000 MT-m

Total Unbalanced Secondary Moment about Z =M'z 0.000 Kg-m => 0.000 MT-m

For Primary Forces & Couples, operating frequency of compressor has been considered (Ref Cl 6.2.2 of 2d)
Operating frequence of Compressor (fm) 495 RPM 8.250 cps (Ref 2e)
Operating circular frequency of Compressor (wm) 51.836 sec-1

For Secondary Forces & Couples, double of operating frequency of compressor has been considered (Ref Cl 6.2.2 of 2d)
Operating frequence of Compressor (fm) 990.000 RPM 16.500 cps
Operating circular frequency of Compressor (wm) 103.673 sec-1

For Primary Forces & Couples, operating frequency of motor has been considered (Ref Cl 6.2.2 of 2d)
Operating frequence of Motor (fm) 497.000 RPM 8.283 cps (Ref 2e)
Operating circular frequency of Motor (wm) 52.046 sec-1

For Secondary Forces & Couples, double of operating frequency of motor has been considered (Ref Cl 6.2.2 of 2d)
Operating frequence of Motor (fm) 994.000 RPM 16.567 cps
Operating circular frequency of Motor (wm) 104.091 sec-1

9.0 Vibration in X-Z plane ( Rocking & Lateral Translation )

The moment of inertia (Iy) of the base area

about the axis passing through its centre
of gravity & perpendicular to the plane
of vibration = 290.41 m4

The mass moment of inertia (Qy) of the whole

system @the y axis passing through the common
centre of gravity & perpendicular to the plane
of vibration (Q'y + sigmaYyi) = 228.565 t.m.sec2

The mass moment of inertia (Qoy) @ the axis passing

through the centroid of the base area & perpandicular
to the plane of vibration (Qy + M*Zc*Zc) = 311.725 t.m.sec 2

The ratio ay = Qy/Qoy = 0.733

Limiting frequencies

a) w2qy = (Cq*Iy - W*Zc)/Qoy = 60448.918 sec-2

b) w2x = Ct*Af/m = 23522.820 sec-2
a) + b) = 83971.738 sec-2
4 * ay * a) * b) = 4.17E+09 sec-4

Coupled natural frequencies

wn 4 - (w2qy + w2x)*wn 2 / ay + w2qy2*w2x/ay = 0

Substituting the values and solving the roots w2n1 & w2n2

w2n1 = 0.5*(w2qy + w2x + sqrt((w2qy + w2x ) 2 - 4*ay*w2qy *w2x)/ ay = 93862.676 sec-2

w2n2 = 0.5*(w2qy + w2x - sqrt((w2qy + w2x ) 2 - 4*ay*w2qy *w2x)/ ay = 20660.755 sec-2

Corresponding natural frequencies are

fn1 = √w2n1/2*pi 48.752 cps

fn2 = √w2n2/2*pi 22.873 cps

As per BS: CP-2012 clause 3.4.2

f / fn oper shall be < 0.5 or > 2.0

f/fn1 operating(comp.) = 0.169 foper/fn1>2.0 or <0.5 no possibility of resonance

f/fn2 operating(comp.) = 0.361 foper/fn2>2.0 or <0.5 no possibility of resonance

f/fn1 operating(motor) = 0.170 foper/fn1>2.0 or <0.5 no possibility of resonance

f/fn2 operating(motor) = 0.362 foper/fn2>2.0 or <0.5 no possibility of resonance

Frequency shall be checked for Secondary unbalanced forces & moment

f/fn1 operating(comp.) = 0.338 foper/fn1>2.0 or <0.5 no possibility of resonance

f/fn2 operating(comp.) = 0.721 foper/fn2<2.0 & >0.5 resonance occurs check amplitude


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f/fn1 operating(motor) = 0.340 foper/fn1>2.0 or <0.5 no possibility of resonance

f/fn2 operating(motor) = 0.724 foper/fn2<2.0 & >0.5 resonance occurs check amplitude


(i) Permissible Amplitude = 200 µm (For Primary Forces & Couples)

Check for Allowable Amplitudes for Compressor :

The coefficient f (w2m ) = m*Qy*(w2n1 -w2m)*(w2n2 - w2m) = 1.44E+13

Horizontal Amplitude ax = ((Cq*Iy-W*S+Ct*Af*S 2 -Qy*w2m)*Px+Ct*Af*S*My)/f(w2m ) = 0 mm

Rotational Amplitude (aqy)

aqy = Ct*Af*S*Px/f(w2m ) + (Ct*Af-mw2m)*My/f(w2m) = 0

Where, S = Zc
Net amplitude at the foundation base level (Ab) = ax-S*aqy = 0 mm. Within permisible limit . O.K.

Net amplitude at the top of foundation (At) = ax+(H-S)*aqy = 0 mm. Within permisible limit . O.K.

Check for Allowable Amplitudes for Motor :

The coefficient f (w2m ) = m*Qy*(w2n1 -w2m)*(w2n2 - w2m) = 1.44E+13

Horizontal Amplitude ax = ((Cq*Iy-W*S+Ct*Af*S 2 -Qy*w2m)*Px+Ct*Af*S*My)/f(w2m ) = 0 mm.

Rotational Amplitude (aqy)

aqy = Ct*Af*S*Px/f(w2m ) + (Ct*Af-mw2m)*My/f(w2m) = 0

Net amplitude at the foundation base level (Ab) = ax-S*aqy = 0 mm. Within permisible limit . O.K.

Net amplitude at the top of foundation (At) = ax+(H-S)*aqy = 0 mm. Within permisible limit . O.K.

(ii) Permissible Amplitude 200 µm (For Secondary Forces & Couples)

Check for Allowable Amplitudes for Compressor :

The coefficient f (w2m ) = m*Qy*(w2n1 -w2m)*(w2n2 - w2m) = 7.25E+12

Horizontal Amplitude ax = ((Cq*Iy-W*S+Ct*Af*S 2 -Qy*w2m)*P'x+Ct*Af*S*M'y)/f(w2m ) = 0 mm.

Rotational Amplitude (aqy)

aqy = Ct*Af*S*P'x/f(w2m ) + (Ct*Af-mw2m)*M'y/f(w2m) = 0

Where, S = Zc
Net amplitude at the foundation base level (Ab) = ax-S*aqy = 0 mm. Within permisible limit . O.K.

Net amplitude at the top of foundation (At) = ax+(H-S)*aqy = 0 mm. Within permisible limit . O.K.

Check for Allowable Amplitudes for Motor :

The coefficient f (w2m ) = m*Qy*(w2n1 -w2m)*(w2n2 - w2m) = 7.18E+12

Horizontal Amplitude ax = ((Cq*Iy-W*S+Ct*Af*S 2 -Qy*w2m)*P'x+Ct*Af*S*M'y)/f(w2m ) = 0 mm.

Rotational Amplitude (aqy)

aqy = Ct*Af*S*P'x/f(w2m ) + (Ct*Af-mw2m)*M'y/f(w2m) = 0

Net amplitude at the foundation base level (Ab) = ax-S*aqy = 0 mm. Within permisible limit . O.K.

Net amplitude at the top of foundation (At) = ax+(H-S)*aqy = 0 mm. Within permisible limit . O.K.

Dynamic forces For Machine

Horizontal force (Pd) considering fatigue factor as 3.0 (Ref Cl 4.4.5, Srinivasulu)
Pd = 3.0 * Ct * Af * Ab
Pd = 0.000 t.


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Dynamic moment (Md) considering fatigue factor as 3.0

Md = 3.0 * Cq * Iy * aqy
Md = 0.000 t.m

10.0 Vibration in Y-Z plane (Pitching & Longitudinal Translation )

The moment of inertia (Ix) of the base area

about the axis passing through its centre
of gravity & perpendicular to the plane
of vibration : 250.397 m 4

The mass moment of inertia (Qx) of the whole

system @the x axis passing through the common
centre of gravity & perpendicular to the plane
of vibration (Q'x + sigmaXxi) : 193.428 t.m.sec 2

The mass moment of inertia (Qox) @ the axis passing

through the centroid of the base area & perpandicular
to the plane of vibration (Qx + M*Zc*Zc) : 276.588 t.m.sec 2

The ratio ax = Qx/Qox : 0.699

Limiting frequencies
a) w2qx = (Cq*Ix - W*Zc)/Qox : 58741.681 sec-2
b) wy 2 = Ct*Af/m : 12020.169 sec-2
a) + b) : 70761.851 sec-2
4 * ax * a) * b) : 1.98E+09 sec-4

Coupled natural frequencies

wn 4 - (wqx 2 + wy 2)*wn 2 / ax + wqx2*wy2/ax = 0

Substituting the values and solving the roots w2n1 & w2n2

w2n1 = 0.5*(wqx2 + wy 2 + sqrt((wqx 2 + wy2 ) 2 - 4*ax*wqx2 *wy2)/ ax : 89960.940 sec-2

w2n2 = 0.5*(wqy2 + wx 2 - sqrt((wqx 2 + wy 2) 2 - 4*ax*wqx2 *wy 2)/ax : 11223.186 sec-2

Corresponding natural frequencies are

fn1 = 47.728 cps

fn2 = 16.858 cps

As per BS: CP-2012 clause 3.4.2

f / fn oper shall be < 0.5 or > 2.0

f/fn1 operating(comp.) = 0.173 foper/fn1>2.0 or <0.5 no possibility of resonance

f/fn2 operating(comp.) = 0.489 foper/fn2>2.0 or <0.5 no possibility of resonance

f/fn1 operating(motor) = 0.174 foper/fn1>2.0 or <0.5 no possibility of resonance

f/fn2 operating(motor) = 0.491 foper/fn2>2.0 or <0.5 no possibility of resonance

Frequency shall be checked for Secondary unbalanced forces & moment

f/fn1 operating(comp.) = 0.346 foper/fn1>2.0 or <0.5 no possibility of resonance

f/fn2 operating(comp.) = 0.979 foper/fn2<2.0 & >0.5 resonance occurs check amplitude

f/fn1 operating(motor) = 0.347 foper/fn1>2.0 or <0.5 no possibility of resonance

f/fn2 operating(motor) = 0.983 foper/fn2<2.0 & >0.5 resonance occurs check amplitude


(i) Permissible Amplitude = 200 µm (For Primary Forces & Couples)

Check for Allowable Amplitudes for Compressor :

The coefficient f(w2m ) = m*Qx*(w2n1 -w2m)*(w2n 2 - w2m ) = 5.5E+12

Horizontal Amplitude Ay = ((Cq*Ix-W*S+Ct*Af*S 2 -Qx*w2m )*Py+Ct*Af*S*Mx)/f(w2m ) = ### mm.

Rotational Amplitude (aqx)

aqx = Ct*Af*S*Py/f(w2m ) + (Ct*Af-m*w2m )*Mx/f(w"m 2) = = ###

Where, S = Zc
Net amplitude at the foundation base level (Ab) = Ay-S*aqx = ### mm. Within permisible limit . O.K.

Net amplitude at the top of foundation (At) = Ay+(H-S)*aqx = ### mm. Within permisible limit . O.K.

Velocity = natural frequency x Maximum amplitude 0.068 mm/sec < 1.5 mm/sec Ref 2e
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Check for Allowable Amplitudes for Motor :

The coefficient f(w2m ) = m*Qx*(w2n1 -w2m)*(w2n 2 - w2m ) = 5.5E+12

Horizontal Amplitude Ay = ((Cq*Ix-W*S+Ct*Af*S 2 -Qx*w2m )*Py+Ct*Af*S*Mx)/f(w2m ) = ### mm.

Rotational Amplitude (aqx)

aqx = Ct*Af*S*Py/f(w2m ) + (Ct*Af-m*w2m )*Mx/f(w"m 2) = ###

Net amplitude at the foundation base level (Ab) = Ay-S*aqx = ### mm. Within permisible limit . O.K.

Net amplitude at the top of foundation (At) = Ay+(H-S)*Aqx = ### mm. Within permisible limit . O.K.

(ii) Since, Secondary Forces & Couples in Pitching & Longitudinal Modes are Zero, the value of Amplitude will be Zero. Hence, not checked.

Velocity = natural frequency x Maximum amplitude 0.056 mm/sec < 1.5 mm/sec Ref 2e

Dynamic forces for Machine

Horizontal force (Pd) considering fatigue factor as 3.0
Pd = 3.0 * Ct * Af * Ab
Pd = 0.354 t.

Dynamic moment (Md) considering fatigue factor as 3.0

Md = 3.0 * Cq * Ix * aqx
Md = 29.411 t.m

11.0 Vibration in Vertical Mode :

Pz = 0 Therefore, no vibration occurs in this mode

12.0 Vibration in X-Y plane : (Yawing or Twisting Motion about Z-axis) (Uncoupled)

Natural frequency for twisting mode : w = Sqrt(Cj*Iz/Qz) 191.261 sec -1 i.e. ### r.p.m.

fn = 30.440 cps

As per BS: CP-2012 clause 3.4.2

f / fn oper shall be < 0.5 or > 2.0

f/fn operating(comp.) = 0.271 => foper/fn>2.0 or <0.5 no possibility of resonance

f/fn operating(motor) = 0.272 foper/fn>2.0 or <0.5 no possibility of resonance

Frequency shall be checked for Secondary unbalanced forces & moment

f/fn operating(comp.) = 0.542 foper/fn<2.0 & >0.5 resonance occurs check amplitude

f/fn operating(motor) = 0.544 foper/fn<2.0 & >0.5 resonance occurs check amplitude


(i) Permissible Amplitude = 200 µm (For Primary Forces & Couples)

Check for Allowable Amplitudes for Compressor :

Amplitude aθz : =(1/(w2-w"m2))*Mz/Qz = 0.0000

Maximum Horz. Displacements at two ends of foundation block, AL & AR

AL : Yc aθz 0.00000 mm Within permisible limit . O.K.

AR : (b-Yc) aθz 0.00000 mm Within permisible limit . O.K.

Check for Allowable Amplitudes for Motor :

Amplitude aθz : =(1/(w2-w"m2))*Mz/Qz = 0.0000

Maximum Horz. Displacements at two ends of foundation block, AL & AR

AL : Yc aθz 0.00000 mm Within permisible limit . O.K.

AR : (b-Yc) aθz 0.00000 mm Within permisible limit . O.K.

(ii) Permissible Amplitude 200 µm (For Secondary Forces & Couples)

Check for Allowable Amplitudes for Compressor :

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Amplitude aθz : =(1/(w2-w"m2))*M'z/Qz 0.00000

Maximum Horz. Displacements at two ends of foundation block, AL & AR

AL : Yc aθz 0.000000 mm Within permisible limit . O.K.

AR : (b-Yc) aθz 0.000000 mm Within permisible limit . O.K.

Check for Allowable Amplitudes for Motor :

Amplitude aθz : =(1/(w2-w"m2))*M'z/Qz =0.0000
Maximum Horz. Displacements at two ends of foundation block, AL & AR

AL : Yc aθz 0.000000 mm Within permisible limit . O.K.

AR : (b-Yc) aθz 0.000000 mm Within permisible limit . O.K.

13.0 Check for Soil Stress

Since the eccentricity of the centre of gravity of the machine and foundation with respect to centroid of base area is small,
the soil reaction due to the dead loads is assumed to be uniform.
Static weight of machine and foundation = 377.620 t

Dynamic Moment Md XZ = 0.000 tm

Dynamic Moment Md YZ = 29.411 tm

Maximum and minimum soil stress are given by

Max. / Min. soil stress = (P/A ) +/- (Md XZ /Zyy) +/- (MdYZ/Zxx)

= 377.620 +/- 0.000 +/- -105.991

55.835 290.407 250.397

= 6.763 +/- 0.000 +/- 0.423

Maximum soil stress = 7.186 t/m2 < 20.775 t/m2 Max. Soil Stress is less than 75% of Gross AllowablePr., Hence, Safe

Minimum soil stress = 6.340 t/m2 > 0 t/m2 No Tension. Hence, Safe

Soil Pressure below foundation

under Dead Loads shall bearing Pressure not exceed 50% of the allowable Soil Bearing Capacity.
Soil bearing pressures under Dead Loads 6.763 t/m2
50% of the allowable bearing Capacity = 13.850 t/m2 > 6.763 t/m2 Hence, Safe

14.0 Reinforcement
Since this is a rigid block foundation, minimum reinforcement is provided as per BS CP2012(Part 1).
Provided Y20 reinf @ 150c/c top & bottom in both directions.
Provided Y20 reinf @ 150c/c in vertical direction on side face & Y16 @ 150 in horizontal direction on side face.
Provide shrinkage/temp reinf of Y16 reinf @ 600 c/c in all three directions.


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1. Typical Values of Internal Damping in Soils

Type of Soil Equivalent Reference

Dry Sand & Gravel 0.03~0.07
Weissmann & White (1961)

Dry & Saturated Sand 0.01~0.03 Hall & Richart (1963)

Dry Sand 0.03 Whitman (1963)

Dry & Saturated Sands & Gravels0.05~0.06 Barkan (1962)

Clay 0.02~0.05 Barkan (1962)

Silty Sand 0.03~0.10 Stevens (1966)

Dry Sand 0.01~0.03 Hardin (1965)

2. Typical Values for Low-Strain_Amplitude Shear Modulus (Design of Strucures and Foundations for Vibrating Machine, Suresh C. Arya, Michael W. O'Neill, George Pincus, 1979, P.69)
Type of Soil Shear Modulus (psi)

Soft Clay 3000~5000

Stiff Clay 10000~20000

Very Stiff to Hard Clay ≥20000

Medium Dense Sand* 5000~15000

Dense Sand* 10000~20000

Medium Dense Gravel* 15000~25000

Dense Gravel* 20000~40000

*For Shallow Depths

3. Typical Values for Poisson's Ratio

Type of Soil Poisson's Ratio

Saturated Clay 0.45~0.50

Partially Saturated Clay 0.35~0.45

Dense Sand or Gravel 0.40~0.50
Medium Dense Sand or Gravel 0.30~0.40
Silt 0.30~0.40

4. Factor α for Rectangular Foundation

(After Barkan, 1962)

L/B α

1 1.06

1.5 1.07

2 1.09
3 1.13

5 1.22
10 1.41

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