Interview Questions

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Write an email to the principal requesting for more sport events.

Dear Principal,

How are you? My name is Gordon Wang and I am writing to you about having more sporting events in
our school.

Best Regards,

Gordon Wang

Warm Up Questions:

1. Please introduce yourself:

Good morning, my name is Gordon Wang. I am 12 years old and I am studying at International
College of Hong Kong.
2. Where do you live?
I live in Shatin, Hong Kong
3. How many people are there in your family?
There are three people in my family, my mother and I. We live in Hong Kong. My father lives in
4. Why do you want to go to Harrow International School Hong Kong?
I want to go to Harrow because I think school is very organized and I heard that there are many
sports event at the school. And I play a lot of sports in my spare time and I would like to join the
school team in football.
Harrow has very nice football pitches and I would be able to contribute and win matches.
Apart from this, Harrow’s student has very good school results and I would like to make more
friends with similar interests.
5. What is your favourite subject and why?
My favourite subject is PE because I enjoy sports very much and I want to be an athlete when I
grow up.
6. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
I am an honest person because I never cheat. I believe that you need to win and achieve things
properly and it is more satisfying if you work hard and achieve something on your own. For
example, I love playing football and I train very hard to win matches. Football is a team sport so I
also learn other good things such as teamwork, helping others and understanding that there are
common goals to work towards.

My weaknesses are: I am sometimes careless when it comes to my homework. However, I

always try my best to double check my homework and try my best to ask for help, when I get
stuck. For example, in our group project in Human Technology, we learn how to collaborate, and
the teacher will let us do some teamwork together achieve a goal and we always make some
arguments when we complete the teamwork challenge. So every time we get better because we
find new ways to solve the problem. I feel that we also get better because we always remind
each other to check out work to find all the mistakes before handing the work to the teacher.

7. What will you miss most about your current school?

I will my teachers and students because they are kind and helpful. They will always help me. Last
time, I injured myself in a football match. At that time, everyone was focusing on the game, but
when they saw me fall, my teammate told the referee to stop the match right away. After that
they all came over to see if I was okay. This showed that our team did not only care about
winning, but we are here to show support for each other.

8. Who is your favourite teacher and why?

My favourite teacher is my PE teacher. He always tells us to be a warrior, so every time when
are doing a training about our strengths like running. We always get tired and we want to give
up. He will always encourage us to keep on running and not give up. What I learnt from him is
that when you face a challenge, you must overcome it and don’t give up.

9. Who is your best friend?

My best friend is called Seemon. He is my best friend because when we face some challenges,
we always help each other, and we always play together and work together.

10. What do you look forward most in a new school?

I always want to meet new people and make friends because that would make me happy and
not lonely. For example, before I lived in Shanghai and I had a lot of new friends but when I
came to hong kong I had no friends and I felt very lonely. So wherever I go, I will try to make
friends and my friends can call help me and we can always play together and enjoy our time

Proper interview questions:

1. What do you think makes a good leader?

I think that you need to listen to others’ suggestions because then you have more ideas and
then you can help the group to become better. For example, before in Shanghai, I was a leader
of a House. Why I became the leader, it was because I always listened to their suggestions and
respected them. That made me a good leader when I listened to someone, they will also respect
me in return.
You also need to communicate with others. It is important because when someone has a
different idea from you, you can persuade them and let them listen to you. It also makes it fair,
because everyone has a chance to speak. For example, last time the teacher would let us to
make a group project and they chose me to be the leader. First, I listened to their suggestions
and ideas and I also used their ideas to do the project. And when their ideas don’t work, then I
told them “how about let’s try my idea”.

2. What are some of the difficulties that you foresee in coming to Harrow?
Every time when I come to a new school, I will meet new people including classmates and
teachers. Many of these students have already been at Harrow for a long time. They will already
have their friendship groups and activities that they have done together. But I feel that as long
as I try my best to be friendly, positive and open, they will also learn to like me and I will be able
to make friends with them. For example, if I see them playing football, I will just saying “hi may I
join you?” in a friendly way.

3. What is your weakest subject and how will you improve in it?
My weakest subject is History because before when I came to Hong Kong, I never learned it
before, and it is a new subject for me. Therefore, there was a lot of information, date, facts that
I had to learn, and it took some time to understand how to write history essays. So, to improve, I
will read more books about history such as the Industrial Revolution. This helped me because
when I am having the class, I will have more knowledge and understand what the teacher is
saying and do more work in class.

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