SESSION-2017-18 Periodic Assessment - 3 Class-Ix M.M - 80 Subject - English Time - 3hrs

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SESSION- 2017-18

1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow : 4
We talked two hours. I told him everything I know than he began to ask questions and I told
him the rest. All I asked of was to give me a chance. If I couldn’t make a hit with the lady, I’d
clear out and not bother anymore.
a) Who are ‘we’ in the above extract?
b) Who is the lady mentioned here?
c) How did the colonel entertain John A.Pescud?
d) Who is the narrator in the above lines?
2. Write the meaning of following words: 10
Law abiding ; Oblivion ; Velocity ; Veered
3. Write the poetic devices in the lines given below: 10
a) All the world’s stage.
b) Creeping like snail.
c) Sweety sticky food.
d) I am beautiful pearl.
e) Oh, I wish I’d looked after me teeth.
4. Identify the chapter or poem and also write the name of poet or writer in lines given below : 10
a) And between them I am a messenger of mercy.
b) My conscience gets horribly pricked.
c) Is seemed childishness and mere oblivion.
d) A voice interrupted ,”Two thousand, four hundred and forty feet per second.”
e) His powerful brain was plainly busy.
5. Who says to whom? Write the names: 10
a) “How about the money?”
b) “What about a song, chaps?”
c) “but these kind of love stories are rank on the level.”
d) “You are quite a distance from here.”
e) “You give this lecture.”
6. Answer the following questions: 20
a) Who and where had Pescud met his wife Jaisse?
b) What is similarity between the earthly life and the rain?
c) How does the Rain define itself?
d) Who is Ishtar?
e) Why is the poet so regretful? What does the word ‘choppers’ means?
f) What is the sixth stage and second stage of mens life?
g) “Sans teeth, Sans eyes, Sans taste, Sans everything.” Explain it.
h) Why was Private Quelch given the nickname?
i) Write character sketch of Harold or Mr. Bramble.
j) What relationship does the rain has with the field and clouds?
7. Answer any two of the following questions: 16
a) Why was Harold considered a prodigy?
b) Write a note on the element of irony in the story,”The Best Seller”.
c) How is the rain a “sigh of the sea”, “the laughter of the field”, “the tears of heaven”?

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