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Diet Cookbook
A Simple Step-by-Step 2-Week Ketogenic Diet Meal Plan

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form or by any means, including scanning, photocopying, or otherwise
without prior written permission of the copyright holder. Copyright © 2014
Table of Contents
Over Eating in the World
What is a Ketogenic Diet
History of the Ketogenic Diet
Benefits of the Ketogenic Diet
Before You Start the Ketogenic Diet
Why Do the Ketogenic Diet
How it works?
Food to Eat
Keeping to the Diet Over Time
Recipes for the Ketogenic Diet
Exercise and the Diet
Number on the Scale

Thank you for downloading this book, “Ketogenic Diet Cookbook: A Simple Step by Step
2 Week Ketogenic Diet Meal Plan”.
A ketogenic diet can provide a person with numerous health and medical benefits. One of
the best things to keep in mind is why you’re doing this. Are you looking to get healthier
in general or do you have a specific medical need? With this in mind, you can start to
develop a healthier lifestyle, a healthier diet plan, and a healthier you overall.
This diet isn’t about deprivation, it’s about changing unhealthy patterns and creating a
new, healthier lifestyle. Food should provide you with essential building blocks that are
needed for making you have a healthier approach on life.
This is one of the easiest diets out there to start and to maintain.
A ketogenic diet is able to provide you with a lot more nutrients than what you would
consider with any other diet, and it involves a lot less work.
All you need is two weeks to get into a normal routine and then you’re able to create great
eating habits.
Good luck on this journey and we hope that you find our information useful and helpful
on the journey you’re going on.
Over Eating and the World

The present world is facing a wide range of problems. One of the biggest problems is over
eating and American obesity. Studies have shown that not only is overeating a problem,
combined that with genetics and medical issues and it becomes a major issue. Most people
that have had their share of weight problems will research different methods of losing
weight. However, there are many type of diets out there. Some too extreme, some
ineffective, some unhealthy, and some are downright deadly. Some diets are the latest
trend, and others involve extreme exercise routines, pills, shakes, and more. Although
those diets may be effective, there may be a danger or risk to your health that was not been
Overeating is a huge factor in the obesity epidemic. Some professionals even compare
overeating to an addiction. Instead of drugs, you are addictedto food. Even if you don’t
overeat and maintain a healthy lifestyle, the prevalence of junk food is on the rise. In this
fast-paced world complete with greasy fast food, most people have found themselves
stopping for something quick to eat. Those fast food menus are quick, easy, and cheap!
Stopping for gas gets us assailed with advertisements for 99 cent sodas or 2-for-1 candy.
You may also be the kind of person that forgets to eat during the day and then over does it
at dinnertime. This is also something that is not good for the body or for your health.
Some people deny that obesity is a problem. However, carrying those extra pounds is
something that can ruin your overall health.
Your doctor may have told you more regarding the diets that you should try, or you may
be looking for more information on your own. With all the information out there, it can be
hard to pick just one option.
Whatever the reason is for using the ketogenic diet and the recipes in this book, make sure
that you check with your doctor first. We want to ensure that you are making the right
choices for your health. We can give you the tools to make this diet a success, but giving
your doctor notice is also important.
It is time to get on the right track and eat healthier. We can help you get those results. We
can help you feel full, eat great food, and make sure that you stay on track. All you have to
do is make sure to follow along on this journey so that you’re able to see the wonderful
results in the end - that’s it!
What is a Ketogenic Diet?

A ketogenic diet is not one of the popular dietthat you’ve heard of. Ketogenic diet
considered one of the easiest diets to stick to and helps boost the way you feel.
The diet consists of high fat, medium protein and low carbohydrates. It is the way to make
your body burn fat instead of the carbohydrates. This causes it to have more fuel to burn
throughout the day so you’re able to have more energy than before. It is also one of the
best ways to shed the fat and lose the pounds.
The fat in the body is converted into fatty acids that are used within the liver. They are
then passed through the body as ketones that can be used as glucose sugar, instead of
artificial sugars.
This helps the body grow and repair itself easily. It is also something that provides the
body with enough calories to burn throughout the day without going over them.
One of the biggest things that you have to understand about this diet is more about how
ketosis works. Ketosis is the essence of the diet.
When the body is in a ketosis state, it means that it is going to start breaking down the
body’s fat in order to provide it with the energy that it needs. It also means that the body is
providing itself with a way to use the fats that you eat as the food source, instead of the
carbohydrates that would normally be found throughout the food.
History of Ketogenic Diet

Originally, the Ketogenic diet was designed in 1920 for children with epilepsy. It was
believed that when the ketone passed through the brain and replaced sugar as energy, it
would reduce the amount of seizures a child would have.
It was considered a therapeutic diet that was specialized for children with pediatric
epilepsy. It provided enough protein for the body to grow and repair itself, but only
enough so they were meeting the milestones in their growth for their age. The main point
of the diet is to eat foods that are high in fat but low in carbohydrates.
As more drugs came out to control epilepsy, the ketogenic diet decreased in popularity.
The first time that the public heard about it was in the 1990’s when a celebrity had a child
with severe epilepsy that was controlled by this diet.
Since the inception of this diet, studies have shown that almost half the people that have
tried this diet has had seizures reduce by at least half. Even after the diet ends, the seizures
do not come back.
Since the 1990’s, the diet has become mainstream. After scientists realized that this diet
did not only benefit children, but adults as well, the ketogenic diet has become something
that most people are familiar with.
Benefits of Ketogenic Diet

When the body is in a state of ketosis, you’re able to utilize the fats that you put in

as fuel. If those fats go unused, they lead to an increase in weight. The use of fats
provide the body with the energy that is needed when it comes to burning something
other than carbohydrates. The body is more efficient at burning fats instead of
carbohydrates, providing it with more energy.
Ketones are also something that can be excreted through waste when they are no

longer needed. This means that the body is not storing them as fat throughout the
body, causing you to gain more weight.
Ketones will spare the protein in the body, allowing you to hold onto it and use it

wisely. It is also something that can be used when it comes to using the ketones
instead of the glucose that the body would normally have to use.
One of the biggest and best benefits that people find when on this diet is that the

ketones seem to keep people fuller than the other diets that they have tried in the past.
Hormones that can be stunted throughout the body are released more when it comes

to being in a state of ketosis. This allows the body to better utilize the ketones and not
have to worry about being too high in the glucose levels that cause diabetes in some
By being in a ketone state, it actually turns off your need to eat, thus effectively

killing your appetite. This reduction is automatic and although you do not have
appetite, it does not mean that you do not eat at all. When it is just protein and fat that
you are eating, it makes you fuller quicker.
Placing your body in a ketone state has been shown to be one of the most effective

ways to lose weight as you no longer retain as much water. Because of the loss in
water weight you become later, combined with the ketone diet, it is very effective for
up to half a year before you start to gain weight again. However, most of the weight
gained again is because you have changed your diet to something less healthy.
Once you start the ketone diet, you will realize it becomes your lifestyle. A healthier

and better lifestyle without giving up most of the foods that you enjoy eating.
• With this diet, you will notice that most of the fat that is being reduced will come from your abdomen area. As most people tend to have the
most amount of issues with losing weight in the tummy region, it comes as an added bonus with the ketogenic diet. The abdominal region is
also the home of many harmful fats. By using this diet, it will help eliminate those harmful fats and reduce heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

• The ketogenic diet will also increase your good cholesterol. This will also help in reducing the chances of heart disease.

• Both blood pressure and sugar levels go down. This leads to a positive change in diabetes and lowers the risk of kidney failure. As this diet
requires a lesser amount of carbohydrates, it also removes the issues associated with eating them.

• A great benefit is that you lose your sugar cravings and your body will only tell you hungry when it is really hungry and not merely craving
for something unhealthy.

When you start the diet, you will find that your body will adjust to it. It will be able to
provide you with the energy sources that you need, and ensure that you do not overeat.
When you’re able to follow along with this diet, you’re then able to better your overall
health. This is one of the easiest diets out there.
Before You Start the Ketogenic Diet

Before you start the diet, there are some key factors that you should keep in mind.
When it comes to figuring out how many carbohydrates you should have during the day, it
all depends on how big you are, male or female, and whether or not you’re active
throughout the day. This is because you want to make sure that you’re getting enough
carbohydrates and not going over or under. Too much can cause the body to become too
overloaded with fat, while too few can cause you to be sluggish and slow throughout the
day. You will not have enough calories to burn throughout the day with the normal
activities that you choose to do.
This chart is merely a recommendation of what is the suggested amount. It is by no means
the definitive right or wrong and there is no harm in going a little over or a little under as
long as you are aware of your limitations. Often times, diets are more lenient than what is
advertised. With the ketogenic diet, the calories are what can be adjusted based on your
needs. The main point is to ensure you are not skipping the fats and replacing it with
Why Do the Ketogenic Diet?
Here are just some of the reasons why people have chosen the ketogenic diet:
• You want to become generally healthier & have more energy
• You want an easy to follow, rewarding healthy diet to follow
You have epilepsy or your child does, and this was the diet that was recommended

by the doctor
You want to control other health conditions that you might have through a change of

• You want to lose weight in an easy way
• You want to be able to reduce the risk of heart, kidney, and liver disease
• You want to be able to help your family embark on a simpler way of eating
• You want a better understanding of diets that are actually effective
• You want to lose weight without doing large amounts of exercise
• You want to lose the weight in a healthy manner and be able to keep the weight off
You want to understand what diets are out there that may or may not be harmful to

your health prior to choosing one that is suitable for you
You want to be able to do a diet that has leniency and also does not require too

much effort
You want to be able to lose weight without giving up some of your most favorite

You want to be able to eat like a normal person when you are with your friends and

family, nor do you want to make it difficult for them to adjust to your dietary needs.
How it Works

The ketogenic diet works by keeping your body running off the fats that you eat
throughout the day. It uses less carbohydrates that are generally used for energy. This
means that you have to choose certain foods that are going to provide you with this
balance of nutrition that is required.
Once you find this healthy balance between the right food and your body, you will be able
to start seeing the benefits it has on your body. The more fat you can burn, the better, since
carbohydrates are no longer needed. Though carbohydrates are in almost everything that
you eat, you can reduce the amount that you take in, forcing your body to use the fat to run
This provides a way to boost your energy and to boost how you feel. Diets do not have to
be difficult. It is important though, to be able to read the dietary facts on the foods that you
eat. It is there that you are going to find out more about the carbohydrates and fats
In order to be successful, you also have to make sure that you stick to the diet. All you
need is two weeks changing how your system works and have your body do the burning
that you want it to do.
It is important to remember that once you start, stick to it! There are no cheat days as there
is no extreme deprivation of food in this diet. It is also proven that when people see the
change in their body, they tend to relax more and start eating unhealthily, hence the gain in
weight again.
This diet was basically made for people in mind. It is a diet that is easy to do and ensures
that you’re getting the right nutrition throughout it. Certain people may experience a lack
of vitamins and minerals; so supplements may be needed to give your body an extra boost.
Should you decide to take supplements, please consult your physician to see if the
supplements are compatible with the diet.

Foods To Eat

The diet is mostly about training your body to enter a ketosis state. With the training, you
are able to make the most out of the diet and use it to your advantage. As part of your
planning, consider these foods as a general guideline as to what you will need to have on
hand in order to stick to this diet plan.
One of the biggest things to keep in mind is to check the fat and carbohydrates
percentages that are on the package. Foods that are suitable for this diet have a high fat
percentage and little to no carbohydrates within it. Many people think that the fats are
something that is bad for your body, but this is not necessarily true. The worst fats for the
body are trans fats, but there are good fats such as omega-3 that will benefit our health
An importance in a ketogenic diet is having enough fats and saturated oils in your body.
Since this diet is eliminating more of the carbohydrates, you are still able to cook may
different meals. Mix up your food and learn to create great meals that are carbohydrate
free but also filling and satisfying! A list of healthy fatty foods are as follows:


Macadamia Nuts

Coconut Oil

Sunflower oil

Peanut oil



Most fish (Salmon, Tuna, Trout, Herring, Sardines)

Tofu soymilk

Peanut butter


Sesame oil

Most nuts (Almonds, Macadamia, Hazelnuts, Pecans, Cashews)

Egg Whites

Frozen Yogurt

White Meat (Chicken and Turkey)

• Seeds (Pumpkin, sunflower, Sesame)

• Vegetables
• Beans

• Guacamole

• Cheese

• Dark Chocolate

• Bacon

You’re able to add these to your meals throughout the days. Try cooking with butter; it
offers a richness that you may not get with other meals while still maintaining your health.
Another option is to try using a heavy cream in coffee. The cream is filling and also leaves
you feeling like your appetite is reduced, which will be just enough to tide you over until
the next meal.
As always, the recommendation is to try for organic food. Whether it is meat or vegetable,
it is always better to know that your food is chemical free and grass fed. It also ensures
that you are not getting any unnecessary fat or additional additives in your diet.
Meat is a large part of this diet as they provide you with the necessary protein. They are
the building blocks of your health and a way to jumpstart this diet. To get the best results,
ensure you are always eating a mix of proteins and fat. Too much or too little of each will
bring effects that may not necessarily be good for your health.
Vegetables are always a healthy option. In addition to giving you your daily vitamins, it
also gives you a healthy amount of fiber and water to keep you hydrated. With the
ketogenic diet, make sure that the vegetables are organic and not full of sugar. Pick raw
vegetables that are not processed. This means anything generally dark and leafy and from
the ground are beneficial to your diet.

Keeping to the Diet Over Time

There are many ways to keep to a diet plan. Although many people give up over time, it is
because their diets require them to give up foods they really enjoy. The ketogenic diet
does not require you to give you most of the foods that you like; just mostly the
carbohydrates. This makes the diet a lot easier to maintain and keep going already.
However, here are some useful tips to ensure your health is optimal and maintaining the
diet long term.

Find someone to keep you accountable. Having someone to report to and is
supportive of your progress will go a long way. Find someone to be there for you
Take supplements and vitamins should you need them. After consulting your
physician, if you have a certain deficiency, consider taking a supplement.
Find lots of recipes that you would be interested in trying that are within the
guidelines of your diet. When you have different foods to sample and taste, you will
find it easier to keep to your diet as the food you eat is unpredictable and not
considered boring.
Experiment and create your own recipes. Using the foods you are able to eat, try
making your own recipes. Being able to experiment and play around will keep you
interested in the food you eat.
Set a goal to achieve. Having a goal will keep you motivated to ensure you meet it.
Drink lots of water. Not only will the water be able to flush out the toxins in your
body and keep you hydrated, it will also be able to distract you from a craving you
may be experiencing.
Ensure you are getting enough sleep. Studies have shown that you tend to eat more
when you are tired or sleep deprived. It produces a hormone that tricks your mind
into thinking you are hungry.
Eat more fruits and vegetables for snacks. When you are hungry between meals,
consider eating some nuts, fruits or vegetables as a snack. These are healthy and
nutritious options to replace the cookie or cupcake.
Make sure you do not get too hungry. Often times, when you are starving, you will
want to eat carbohydrate heavy food to fill you up. It will also cause you to make a
poor judgment call that may not be beneficial to your diet.
Recipes for a Ketogenic Diet

Although, there are less restrictions on the diet and types of food you can eat, here are a
few recommended recipes that would be beneficial to incorporate into your diet.

Blueberry Sour Cream Muffin

You Will Need:

2 cups Almond Flour
½ baking soda
Pinch of salt
1 cup sour cream
2 eggs
1/8 square butter (melted)

How to Do:

1. Oven preheat to 350F
2. Whisk together all dry ingredients
3. In another bowl, lightly beat eggs
4. Mix in sour cream and butter with the eggs until smooth
5. Mix both bowls until smooth
6. Add blueberries
7. Pour muffin tin about half full
8. Bake for 20 minutes
Breakfast Muffin

You Will Need:

2 cups Almond Flour
½ tsp dried thyme
½ baking soda
Pinch of salt
1 cup sour cream
2 eggs
1/8 square butter (melted)

½ cup cheddar
½ cup mozarella

How to Do:

1. Oven preheat to 400F
2. Whisk together all dry ingredients
3. In another bowl, lightly beat eggs
4. Mix in sour cream and butter with the eggs until smooth
5. Mix both bowls until smooth
6. Add cheese
7. Pour muffin tin about half fun
8. Bake for 15 minutes
Breakfast Quiche

You Will Need:

6 cups shredded cheddar cheese
1 red onion
12 eggs
2 cups cream (heavy)
1 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoon thyme

How to Do:

1. Oven preheat to 350F
2. Using butter, sauté onions , cool when cooked
3. Butter quiche pan
4. Place two cups of shredded cheese
5. Add half of onions into each quiche pan
6. Whisk eggs, cream and spices together until bubbly
7. Our over cheese and onions
8. Bake about 25 minutes
Savory Salmon Spread

You Will Need:

8oz Cream Cheese
½ sour cream
1 tablespoon lemon juice
½ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon ground black pepper
¼ pound salmon (minced)

How to Do:

1. With electric mixer, cream cheese, sour cream, lemon juice, salt and pepper
2. Add smoked salmon
3. Fold until mixed well
4. Chill and serve with crackers
Kebab Chicken

You Will Need:

Almonds (handful)
6 jalapeno peppers (chopped and seeded)
8 cloves of garlic
1 cup fresh cilantro (chopped)
Pinch of salt
Juice of one lemon
½ cup heavy cream
2 pounds chicken breast (skinless & boneless)

How to Do:

1. Cut chicken breast into 1½ inch pieces
2. Blend almond, pepper, garlic and cilantro until smooth
3. Blend cream
4. Coat chicken in mixer
5. Preheat grill for high heat
6. Skewer meat (4 per skewer)
7. Season eat skewer accordingly
8. Brush butter onto skewer
9. Cook chicken on medium heat until done
Stuffed Chicken

You Will Need:

4 boneless and skinless chicken breast
½ bottle garlic and herb marinade
Fresh basil leaves
2 tomatoes (sliced)
4 slices mozzarella cheese
12 slices bacon

How to Do:

1. Slice chicken breast horizontally
2. Pour marinade over chicken with breasts opened
3. Let it sit for 30 minutes
4. Preheat oven to 400F
5. Place chicken into pan
6. Cover chicken with enough tomatoes
7. Place cheese on chicken
8. Fold chicken over and hold with toothpick
9. Wrap 3 slices bacon around each breast
10. Cook for 20 minutes
11. Turn and cook chicken for 15 more minutes
You Will Need:

1 egg yolk
¾ teaspoon Dijon mustard
1 teaspoon lemon juice
½ cup bacon (cooked)

How to Do:

1. Blend everything in large bowl
2. If mayo too thick, add a little water to thin it
3. Add seasoning accordingly
Garlicky Cilantro
You Will Need:

4 cups cilantro leaves
5 cloves garlic (diced)
½ cup olive oil
2/3 cup cashew
4 oz mozzarella cheese

How to Do:

1. Put everything until it is smooth
2. Add salt and pepper accordingly
3. Use with food
Lemon Cheesecake
You Will Need:

8 oz cream cheese
2 oz heavy cream
1 teaspoon sugar
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 cup sour cream
3 dashes vanilla extract

How to Do:

1. Mix everything together
2. Refrigerate until set
White Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake
You Will Need:

8 oz cream cheese
2 oz heavy cream
1 teaspoon raspberry (mulched)
1 tablespoon chocolate syrup
Chocolate shavings

How to Do:

1. Mix everything until smooth
2. Refrigerate until set
3. Add chocolate shavings prior to serving
Spinach & Cream
You Will Need:

1 bundle spinach
1 red onion
1 clove garlic minced
2 tablespoon butter
½ cup heavy cream

How to Do:

9. Melt butter on skillet
10. Add onion and garlic
11. Add spinach
12. Sauté on medium heat
13. Let mixture steam for five minutes
14. Add cream, salt and pepper
15. Cook another 5 minutes
Ginger Chicken
You Will Need:

2 chicken breast
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 red onion (diced)
1 clove of garlic (diced)
1 slice ginger root

How to Do:

16. Cut chicken into strips 1½ inch thick
17. Place oil in skillet over high heat
18. Place chicken into skillet
19. Reduce heat
20. Cook for 5 minutes
21. Add onion and garlic
22. Add ginger, salt and pepper
23. Over and simmer for 5 minutes
Exercise and the Diet
It has always been said that dieting is an effective way to lose weight. However, to keep
the weight off, exercise is required.
Many studies have shown that exercising while dieting is actually the best way to lose
weight. Firstly, the diet becomes more effective and you lose weight faster if you exercise.
But it also gets you in the habit of continuing your exercise when your diet is complete.
The exercise expected is not something that is not achievable either. Even with just forty
five minutes of exercise each day, can increase your weight loss by over ten percent!
Anything that can get your heartbeat pulsing higher and faster than normal is considered
Often times, dieting will make you lose weight in many parts that you don’t want to lose
weight in, such as curvaceous or softening lines. Studies have shown that combined with
exercise, dieting can help reduce your body mass index, waist circumference, and
percentage of body fat.
Another concern is that with dieting, often times you appear lighter because your muscle
and bone density is reduced. That is not a healthy lifestyle in the long term. Exercising
will stimulate the growth of your muscles and have your body burn the fat instead of your
metabolic tissues.
It is also important to understand that the idea behind dieting is that most people want to
look skinnier and overall better. However, lean is what will make you look best. Being
lean will highlight your figure and keep your body healthy and toned. Skinny means that
you have lost a lot of muscle density and water retention. In the long run, it can affect your
calcium, iron, and zinc levels in your body.
Number on the Scale

Many people own scales at home and enjoy stepping on them. However, not many people
understand what the numbers actually mean.
More often than not, scales that are at home are not calibrated perfectly. There is a
variance in what the scale displays and what you truly weigh. Your “true weight” is
something you may spend your entire life trying to find. It is something that only exists in
another universe as there are many factors that can cause every single scale you find on
earth as inaccurate.
As scales were made to be as accurate as they can be, there are many reasons as to why we
may seem heavier today in comparison to yesterday.
One of the main reasons is the amount of carbohydrates you have consumed today.
Carbohydrates are made up of glycogens, for the amount of glycogens that are in your
body, it will store up to three times the amount of water. This means the more
carbohydrates consumed, the more water retained.
Another factor that needs to be considered in your weight is the amount of sodium you are
consuming. The higher the sodium intake, the higher amount of water is kept in the body.
Dehydration is another reason why your body may seem heavier. With the lack of water,
your body will influence your subconscious to eat more. This is so your body can take the
water from the foods you eat and use it to keep your organs running. The lack of water
also causes problems such as constipation, which will store an excess amount of garbage
in your system waiting to be expelled out. All of this can factor into the numbers that
display on your scale.
To find your true weight, you would have to take all those factors into consideration. As
there would never be a perfect world, it would be nearly impossible to find your true
weight. However, the point is to be aware that slight changes to the weight you gain or
lose every day is acceptable. It is when you are suddenly losing or gaining large amounts
of weight that you should be concerned.

The Ketogenic Diet is a great one for beginners. As it is easy to do and requires much less
dedication and understanding of what kind of food should be going into your body. It does
not stop you from eating most of the foods that you enjoy and can lead you to a better
Although there is no specific steps as to what is expected on a daily basis while on this
diet, as long as you follow most of the recommendations in this book you will achieve
A Ketogenic diet is really person dependent. Paired along with your supplementary daily
needs, there is no exact right or wrong in how you go about this diet. The way to measure
how well you are doing on this diet is based on your energy levels, cravings, and weight
This diet is a great way to live and eat long term and is easy to do. Remember that in order
for this diet to be very effective, small amounts of exercise is recommended.
Thank you for purchasing this book. We hope you have found something of value. It is our
aim to bring to you the most value we can. This book is designed to be a used as a
guideline or reference to the Ketogenic diet and is no means the one and only way to go
about this diet. We hope that by reading this book, you have become more knowledgeable
in determining the best diet for you.
Best of luck.

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